movie shots improvements

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of movie shots improvements

Shot Analysis By George Gibbard

Shot 1

WWW: this shot is good as it sets the scene from the start and gives the viewer an idea f where they are.

EBI: This shot could be better if there was a more emphasis on the people talking

Description: This is a shot reverse shot with the next image and it is used to show the conversation between the two boys. By them talking to each other it gives the viewer the idea from the start that they are both good friends and talk to each other.

Shot 2

WWW: this shot is good as it sets the scene from the start and gives the viewer an idea f where they are.

EBI: This shot could be better if there was a more emphasis on the people talking

Description: This is a shot reverse shot with the next image and it is used to show the conversation between the two boys. By them talking to each other it gives the viewer the idea from the start that they are both good friends and talk to each other.

Shot 3

WWW: This was a good shot as the viewer is able to follow the actors as if they are following there story

EBI: This shot would be better if it was clearer than it already is meaning the actors could be seen better

Description: This was a tracking shot of the two boys leaving the classroom and this meant that the viewer is bale to stay with the story and not become confused by them just cutting to them walking out of the classroom.

Shot 4

WWW: This is a good shot as it adds extra emphasis on the change of the setting.

EBI: Zoom out when opening the door to show the people walking out.

Description: this shot is a close up of one of the boys hand opening the door this adds emphasis on the movement around the school of the boys.

Shot 5

WWW: This is a good shot because the clown is blurred out showing that he is unnoticeable to the boy

EBI: If the shot was a lot clearer to the person with the camera as its blurry

Description: this is a shot of the boys taking a picture of the piano and the clown is watching him without him noticing and this show him being unaware by the blurred background.

Shot 6

WWW: it adds good emphasis on the change of location because of the zooming in on his hand

EBI: blurred image meaning that they don’t have enough focus on the camera.

Description: This shot adds strong emphasis on the changing of the scene and this means that they are able to show a difference between people.

Shot 7

WWW: This is a good shot because there is a setting of a scene where the boys are walking to

EBI: if this was a tracking shot following them walking through the school

Description: this was a medium shot of the boys walking through the school and this means that they are able to follow them through what they are doing.

Shot 8

WWW: This is a good shot as it shows the emotion on the actors

EBI: This would be better if he was on a trolley and would be able to follow him out of the toilet.

Description: this is a close up on his face to show the emotion that he has because of his friend disappearing meaning he is going to be sad.

Shot 9

WWW: this is a good shot as shows the distance between the two boys

EBI:if the image zoomed in to show the emotion on the face of the boy who was taken

Description: this is a point of view and a long shot of the boys the perspective of the one who just came out of the toilet and the long shot of the boys who was taken