Mov Elizabeth

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Transcript of Mov Elizabeth

Elizabeth I and the Politics of the Elizabethan Era

Patrick Lim 2I108

Loh Zheng Yi 2I109

Aldric Bek 2I108

Ng Boon Hian 2I112

Jarrett Toh 2I122

Who was Elizabeth I?

Elizabeth I was the queen of England from 1558 to 1603. She became queen at the age of 25. She died on 24 March 1603 (aged 69) .


She was a Protestant.Her strong belief in the religion Protestant has given her much trouble with other countries.

The queen

When she was the queen, she had more power than a modern day president or prime minister. She often disagreed with the Parliament. She ruled England from Whitehall in London.

Her family

Elizabeth was the daughter of King Henry VIII and his second wife, Anne Boleyn.

Her marriage

She never married.

Parliament wanted her to get married so that she would have children and that the king or queen would remain protestant.

Elizabeth and LiteratureLike other rich people at that time, she was a patroness of poetry, drama, music and the crafts. She was a very gifted scholar who was an accomplished linguist with the ability to speak several languages Hence there was a widespread increase in literacy and great achievements in the arts, and many great poets and playwrights emerged during her reign.

International relations do not come easily…

There are always the pros…

And the conflicts…

Elizabethan Politics

•So we will embark on this mini tour

•To learn of Elizabeth’s England’s politics…

•And Elizabeth’s England’s allies…

•And its foes…

Elizabethan Politics



England forged alliance with Netherlands (an ally)

August 14, 1585 - Queen Elizabeth issues a declaration taking the Netherlands under her protection

December 8, 1585 - Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of Leicester (close friend of Elizabeth) leads the English army to fight the Spanish forces who are occupying the Netherlands

In return, Netherlands helped fight the Spanish Armanda when the English fleet was in peril

Netherlands and England

Scene 3—Dutch assisted England to fend off the Spanish Armanda invasion





Differences in religion between Protestant England and Catholic Spain

The triumph of the England’s new Protestant church angered the King of Spain, Philip II

Competition in trade Anglo-Spanish War from 1585-1604

Elizabeth refused Philip II’s hand in marriage and caused a terrible shock to his personal pride

The sturdy independence of the English people was a severe blow to his pride of country.

SpainActions that caused/resulted from conflicts

England privateers/pirates plundered from Spain’s treasure ships who protested and demanded restitution. Elizabeth refused.

King Philip II’s hatred turned into determination to conquer England. He started on his preparation for war against England

1588, August 8-The amazing and renowned Spanish Armada of 132 ships was defeated by the English fleet of  34 ships and 163 armed merchant vessels with the help of Dutch army who helped to ward off Spanish reinforcements.



Religious reasons---Protestant England and Catholic Scotland could not get along


Actions linked to Conflicts

Elizabeth cancelled a meeting with Mary, Queen of Scots because of Mary’s continued attacks of French Protestants (in fact they never met)

The Catholic Mary Queen of Scots was imprisoned by Elizabeth I


Actions linked to Conflicts

Many protestants wanted to replace Queen Elizabeth with Queen Mary whom they think should be the rightful heir to the throne of England.

Babington Plot:

Sir Francis Walsingham discovered Anthony Babington’s plot to assassinate Queen Elizabeth and replace her with Mary Queen of Scots, leading to the execution of Queen Mary on 8 February 1587

Ireland (9 Years War)

AKA Tyrone’s Rebellion

Irish and Spain against Elizabeth I’s England

Conflict between Hugh O’Neill’s ambitions to control Ireland and England’s advance on Ireland

Ireland’s previous religion was Catholic.

Strength was about 14000 vs 17000 men


War ended with Irish defeat on March 1603

O’Neill and other Irish commanders received good terms from the new King, James I

They were given full control of their estates and granted full pardons, but they must remain loyal to England from then.

Elizabeth I had died a week before the surrender.

Roman Catholic Church


It is obvious that religious conflicts occurred between Roman Catholic Church and Protestant England

During the English Reformation, many monasteries and churches were dissolved or destroyed.

Mary Queen then reunited the Church of England with the Roman Catholic Church and persecuted protestants

Roman Catholic Church

Elizabeth I then enforced the act of supremacy

Act of supremacy prevented Catholics from getting high positions or being teachers

Elizabeth I tried to eliminate the Catholic Church but Catholics in Ireland resisted her efforts

The main religion was thus changed into Protestant

This is in direct contrast with Spain’s catholic religion and the Roman Catholic Church

Roman Catholic Church

Northumberland plotPlot to overthrow Queen Elizabeth I, but failed

Pope Pius V decided to help the rebels, resulting in even more distrust by Elizabeth I towards the Catholics.

Shakespeare’s Relationship with Queen Elizabeth I


Shakespeare’s Relationship with Queen Elizabeth I

During her reign, Queen Elizabeth I regularly invited Shakespeare and his acting company, The Lord Chamberlain’s Men, later The King’s Men, to perform in her court. Because of this, many people tend to assume that the queen had a very close relationship with Shakespeare. However, this is not true.

There is little historical evidence that Shakespeare talked much to Queen Elizabeth, let alone be close to her.

Shakespeare’s Relationship with Queen Elizabeth I

Elizabeth I very much liked Shakespeare’s plays, and stood against the puritans who wished to close down the theatres. She was an active and generous patron of the theatre. Without her support, the Elizabethan theatres would not have survived.

During Elizabeth’s reign, court performances by acting companies were popularised by her and Shakespeare's company was selected to perform in her court more than any other company.

Shakespeare’s Relationship with Queen Elizabeth I

Indeed, the Queen was very fond of Shakespeare’s plays. According to historical sources, the Lord Chamberlain's Men performed at court thirty-two times, compared to thirty-seven performances by all other companies combined.

One of Shakespeare’s plays that Elizabeth saw was Henry IV, Part One. Apparently, the Queen liked the character of Falstaff so much that she asked Shakespeare to write a play that showed the character in love. At the Queen’s insistence, Shakespeare revived Falstaff in the play The Merry Wives of Winsdor.

Shakespeare’s Relationship with Queen Elizabeth I

However, it appears that Shakepeare worked for the Queen as she demanded but there is no indication that their relationship was closer than that.

In a modern context, their relationship would be similar to a employer- employee relationship. The two had no close relationship with one another and did not know each other personally.

Compare Elizabeth I to Portia: how is Portia’s character a tribute to Elizabeth I?


Portia is the lead female in the Merchant of Venice play

She is also the heroine who saves the day when she finds a fault in the contract given by Shylock and forces Shylock to drop the charges against Antonio.


She is very much like an independent woman who has rose to such high ranks like today’s Michelle Obama or Condolezza Rice.

She is a strong-headed woman.

Queen Elizabeth I

Queen Elizabeth I had the same character as Portia.Perhaps Portia was an inspiration drawn from as well as a tribute paid to Elizabeth I who was a patron of Shakespeare’s works. Queen Elizabeth I had been famous for the defeat of the Spanish ArmadaShe had also created an Elizabethan Era in which English dramas and plays had flourished during this period.

Queen Elizabeth I

She is celebrated as the ruler of a golden age.

Her work on the throne is enormous and helped to give England its own identity.

She was a successful monarch and also another strong woman like Portia. The Pope once commented, "She is only a woman, only mistress of half an island."

Comparing Portia to Queen Elizabeth 1


Dogged survivor, in an age when government was ramshackle and limited and when monarchs in neighbouring countries faced internal problems that jeopardised their thrones.


Portia mentioned this famous quote about mercy." The quality of mercy is not strain'd,It droppeth as the gentle rain from heavenUpon the place beneath. It is twice blest:It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.”

Comparing Portia to Queen Elizabeth 1

Smart, defeated the Spanish Armada during her rule.

Heiress of the England Empire

When Portia wanted to help Antonio, she came up with this Christian moral to let Shylock have a chance to show some mercy first rather than need compulsion to show it.

Heiress of Belmont

References Retrieved 18 May 2009.

The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare edited by Robert Wilks

Elizabeth R by Heather Thomas (M.Phil) 1998-2009 retrieved 19 May 2009.