Mountain gorillas - Jade

Post on 27-Aug-2014

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Transcript of Mountain gorillas - Jade

The Effects Of Deforestation On Mountain Gorillas

By: Jade Howgate


• What is deforestation?• Trees and Statistics • Mountain gorilla

• Effects of deforestation and habitat loss• Threats to Mountain Gorillas

Deforestation And Forests

• Covering the earth

• Remaining forests

• Amazon rainforest

• Animal and plant species

Trees absorb pollutants like carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and carbon


Trees remove this air pollution by lowering air

temperature through respiration and by

retaining particles.

Trees Are Important

Interesting Facts

Approximately 14 000 trees are cut down every minute

214 000 every day2.4 acres every second

3-6 000 000 000 per year.

Mountain Gorilla

• The Mountain Gorilla is mostly a herbivore. Their diet consists of leaves, shoots and stems.

This makes up 85.8% of their diet.

Adult males can eat up to 34kgs of vegetation per day and females can eat up to 18ks.

Mountain Gorillas are one of the many animals effected by deforestation.

The Mountain Gorilla inhabits mostly the

Virunga Mountains and Virunga National Park.

Mountain Gorillas

Mountain Gorillas were discovered in the Virunga Mountains on the 17th of October 1902 by a German explorer named Robert Van Beringe.

• Habitat loss and its effect on Mountain Gorillas

• Clearing for agricultural means and other reasons.

Habitat loss

Deforestation in the amazon

• Other issues

• Disease

• Civil unrest

• Poaching


• Ebola Haemorrhagic Fever

• Transmission

Civil unrest War in Rwanda in the early 1990’s.

Because of this, Virunga National Park is listed in the World Heritage Danger List.


• Why are they are killed?


In summary, my research project highlights threats to Mountain Gorillas. The threats from

disease and poaching I believe have a direct link back to deforestation. Deforestation for logging,

mining or agriculture has reduced Gorilla habitat, plus it has bought humans into gorilla territory, to transfer disease and to have easier

access for poaching.

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