Motivating or organizing Groups Dr. J. V. Worstell April 11, 2011 Adapted from Fulbright Lectures...

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Transcript of Motivating or organizing Groups Dr. J. V. Worstell April 11, 2011 Adapted from Fulbright Lectures...

Motivating or organizing

GroupsDr. J. V. Worstell

April 11, 2011Adapted from Fulbright Lectures

Given in Melitopol Ukraine in January 2010

Just a few teams I’ve helped build. Working

with these teams has taught me everything I

know about social motivation. You will only

really learn social motivation if you go out and work with your own


Emergent phenomena.

What is water?

Can you predict what water is from its components?

Hydrogen oxygenwater

Whole is greater than sum of parts.

The magic of self-organizing groups.Ever been in a group which was communicating so quickly you have no idea were the ideas are coming from?

How do you do it?

“The good leader talks little,And when his work is done,

the people say,‘Amazing, we did it,

all by ourselves.’”

The letter of the law kills, the spirit of the law gives life.

If any one of you thinks he is wise, he should become a 'fool' so that he may become wise.

one trial learning, fear, punishment,self-esteem

Group dynamics,



,depression attribution

cognitive dissonance

hierarchy of needs

curiosity & altruism drives



learning communities

Selfish motivation We all enter this world selfish. We cry as loud as

we can when we are hungry. We demand whatever will satisfy our desires. Sometimes, in every culture, people never get out of this mode. They are called gangsters, oligarchs.

Sometimes an entire culture can become entranced with the value and glory of the individual. Then, everyone wants to be the star. The one who conquers all. The individual is glorified. Chiefs run the show, slapping down anyone who might challenge them.

In fact, for most of our species existence, we followed these basic survival instincts and our lives were short and brutal.

Being selfish, our first use of language is to get things for ourselves. Language is a tool we use for our own natural, selfish ends. So we lie. So, just as selfishness is natural, so is lying natural to young children.

We have to learn to use language to express truth and not just to use it to get what we want. However, higher motivation is also natural if the society permits.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

One of few things US MBA students remember: 1.Physiological. Survival needs. Examples: Food,

drink, health. 2.Safety. Physical and emotional security. Such as

clothing, shelter, protection against attack (unemployment benefits, old age pension).

3.Affection needs. Affection and the need to belong. Examples: Family unit, other small groups such as work groups.

4.Esteem needs. For self‑respect, for accomplishment, for achievement. The achievement must be recognised and appreciated by someone else.

5.Self‑fulfilment needs. To utilise one's potential to the maximum working with and for one's fellow beings

Once primary needs are satisfied they cease to act as drives and are replaced by needs of a higher order. So that higher order needs are predominant when primary needs are satisfied.

Curiosity, Altruism and Cooperation alter Maslow

Hierarchy mostly true, partially not.

Curiosity. If bored enough, you’ll do anything for stimulation. Give up food.

Altruism. You’ll give up food to save a neighbor pain.

Cooperation. Children naturally cooperate without reward.

Altruism is an innate instinct

Rhesus monkeys were given a lever which dispensed food but at the same time as dispensing food, it gave the monkey in the next cage an electrical shock.

The monkeys with access to the 'shocking' food levers would not pull the lever, foregoing food for many days, rather than give the monkey next door a shock.

Helping is innate

Experiment 1. Experimenters performed simple tasks like dropping a clothes peg out of reach while hanging clothes on a line, or mis-stacking a pile of books.

Nearly all of the group of 24 18-month-olds helped by picking up the peg or the book, usually in the first 10 seconds of the experiment.

They only did this if they believed the researcher needed the object to complete the task - if it was thrown on the ground deliberately, they didn't pick it up.

Experiment 2. A box with a flap on it. Children shown the flap. When the scientists accidentally dropped a spoon inside, and pretended they did not know about the flap, the children helped retrieve it. They only did this if they believed the spoon had not been dropped deliberately.

Chimpanzees helped in finding lost object but not in the more complex box experiment.

From ape cooperation to human cooperation

—Leavens et al. (e.g. Leavens & Hopkins 1998) documented that for a human, many captive chimpanzees point reliably to food they cannot reach, so that humans will retrieve it for them, even though they never point for conspecifics.

—Warneken & Tomasello (2006) found that young chimpanzees help human adults to retrieve out of reach objects—but not as often or in as many situations as 1 year old human infants.

These findings suggest that when they are interacting with especially tolerant and helpful partners chimpanzees are able to behave in more cooperative ways, but normal human children are all cooperative by 1 year old.

Object choice task

Adult shows child something desireable (food or toy) is under a box.

Then second situation, adult points to box.

Child always picks right box.Chimp only by chance.But if adult starts to grab box,

chimp picks it.Chimp doesn’t assume

cooperation, child does.

Natural for children to cooperate if domineering and aggressive children are removed.

Cooperative play

Situations were set up in which an adult did things like hold out a basket in which the infant was asked to place a toy.

After the infant complied, in the test for role reversal, the adult placed the basket within the infant’s reach and held up the toy herself.

All 18 month olds and even some of the 12-month-olds spontaneously held out the basket for the adult while at the same time looking to her face, presumably in anticipation of her placing the toy inside.

Chimps never do this.

The team-builder has:

No rigid programs or structure (to select against the

entrepreneur, the innovator)•Starts with a stance,

not a plan•Help them create a vision

•The vision attracts the group•The group creates the plan.

Motivation from within

•First, do nothing

•except look for commitment to an idea•then help build a group around the idea•and fan that flame

Developing a motivated team:

what does the agent do?

The team-builder is:

As passive as a loaded spring no programs

Motivating teams

Depressed, fearful people seldom accomplish much.

Depression: learned helplessness. People learn they will be punished no matter what they do, so they do nothing.

Out of the frying pan into the fire.

To eliminate this attitude: no criticismDo something sillyMake the group laughMake a mistake and don’t worry

about itElicit other motivations than fear:

curiosity, altruism, cooperation.

Open stance;conceptualpluralism



Communicating beyond words




Skills of successful facilitators

Goal: creating lasting (sustainable) rural development

One indicator of success:creation of new locally-owned enterprises

So, How?

one trial learning, fear, punishment,self-esteem

Group dynamics,



s,depression attribution

cognitive dissonance

hierarchy of needs

curiosity & altruism drives



learning communities

You are fanning their motivation.

Finding the spark is key.

You find what they are interested in and encourage it.

Enthusiasm is infectious.

Motivating groups to create new enterprises

Must use both selfish and non-selfish drives

Selfish: get money or won’t be successful enterprise

Non-selfish:CuriosityAltruismCooperationIf don’t develop these impulses,

group never becomes solid.

Motivating group success: labor unions

•Alinsky's Thirteen Rules for Radicals•Very successful with labor organizing, civil rights

•Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have. •Never go outside the experience of your people. It may result in confusion, fear and retreat. •Wherever possible go outside the experience of the enemy. Here you want to cause confusion, fear and retreat. •Make the enemy live up to his/her own book of rules. •Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. •A good tactic is one that your people enjoy. •A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag. •Keep the pressure on, with different tactics and actions and utilize all events of the period for your purpose. •The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself. •The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition. •If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside. •The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative. •Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it.

Obama’s method for organizing groupsHillary Clinton’s Senior Thesis

Make the enemy live up to his/her own book of rules.

All men should have equal rights.

Civil Rights movement.Women should not be second

class citizens:Women’s Right to VoteAll men should be brothers.Anti-apartheid movementDoesn’t work if enemy is

flexible and has allegiance to natural law deeper than rules.

•A community of interest (central business proposition) can be found that is not based on an external enemy, but on an economic opportunity.• This community of interest can be so powerful as to engender sacrifice, commitment, and loyalty to the business cooperative, and help it survive.• The only fear needed in organizational efforts is the fear of missing the opportunity to invest.• The character of leadership counts greatly in evaluating potential for successful cooperative development and equity commitments. The organizing board must consist of individuals who are also trusted by colleagues.• Competitors are not enemies and need not be defeated. Alliances are possible with competitors.• Customers are natural allies and worthy of products that are safe, wholesome, and fairly priced.• Government is neither an enemy nor a friend, but a tool in the conduct of business that is necessary to ensure fair play. It is not responsible for "saving us.”• People make investments for more than economic reasons-they want to be part of a cause.

New Generation Rules for Organizing

Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have. •Wherever possible go outside the experience of the enemy. Here you want to cause confusion, fear and retreat. •Make the enemy live up to his/her own book of rules. •Ridicule is man's most potent weapon.

Having a common enemy can motivate

Curiosity and altruism are stronger

•A community of interest (central business proposition) can be found that is not based on an external enemy, but on an economic opportunity.• This community of interest can be so powerful as to engender sacrifice, commitment, and loyalty to the business cooperative, and help it survive.•Competitors are not enemies and need not be defeated. Alliances are possible with competitors.•People make investments for more than economic reasons-they want to be part of a cause.

Competitors are not always enemies.

We often use metaphor of war in business. But competitors may be your future partners.

Competition can produce a very strong incentive for cooperation, as certain players forge alliances and symbiotic relationships with each other for mutual support. It happens at every level of, and in every kind of, complex adaptive system, from biology, to economics, to politics.

Testing competitive strategies using computer simulations

Testing strategies of cooperation and competition against all possible options. Simple “Tit for Tat” strategy won every time.

“Tit-for-Tat” program started out by cooperating on the first move, and then simply did exactly what the other program had done on the move before.

The program was “nice” in the sense that it would never defect first. It was “tough” in the sense that it would punish uncooperative behavior by competing on the next move.

It was “forgiving” in that it returned to cooperation once the other party demonstrated cooperation. And it was “clear” in the sense that it was very easy for the opposing programs to figure out exactly what it would do next.

Not “nice guys finish last” Instead “nice, tough, forgiving and clear guys

finish first.”

Chaotic systemsWeather

All our computers, we can’t predict.Managed ChaosBrain waves:

normal is irregular firing of neurons Epilepsy: all fire at once

Sleep Brain waves chaotic unless coma

Heart beat on cardiogramHealthy: irregular, wrinkly

appearance – not a smooth, regular tracing.

Heart attack coming: consistency and regularity

All resilient systems are chaotic.

You are a mass of competing impulses

One part wants to listen to this lecture

Another part wants to go out for a walk with that beautiful girl

Another is mad at enemy and wants to punch him

Another wants to help your friend understand English and this lecture

Let each motivation be expressed at proper time

What won in cooperation/competition simulation?

Cooperate if other cooperate, selfish if other selfish.

But very clear about what doing. And don’t hold a grudge. If other becomes cooperative, you do too.

Managed Chaos = Complex adaptive system (CAS) “кас”

Managed Chaos = Complex adaptive system

(CAS) “кас” Chaos is not absence of energy, its

energy pushing in lots of different directions.

Chaotic system of 15-16 yr old: Hormones go wild. Lots of different competing impulses. Lots of potential if can control

Key CAS quality: Multiple competing impulses

Let each out in response to appropriate stimulus.

Facilitator’s фасилитатор:Coordinate group impulses

In traditional facilitation, might explicitly tell group, let’s let specific impulses take over

In facilitation of enterprise groups: have to be more subtle.

Basic idea: Bring right attitude to bear when

needed Maintain all possible responses

GO Green --creativity, alternatives, proposals, what is interesting, and changes.

GO Black -- is the cold-hearted, logical judge. It is a crucial impulse to employ at the right time, but often over-used.

GO White --Ignore arguments and proposals. Just look at the facts, figures and information.”

GO Red --feelings, hunches, intuition. Put forward an intuition without any need to justify it

GO Yellow --logical optimism. How can we make this work?

GO Blue --process control. It looks not at the subject itself but at the 'thinking' about the subject.

Chaos is good, if managed

Resilient systems are chaotic.Facilitator maintains all

motivations for use at the proper time.

Until, eventually, the group knows to use the right motivation themselves.

All living systems have this principle carved into their being.

Skills for facilitators V:communication beyond words

Body language/ Mehrabian kinesics/eye contact BirdwhistleProxemics/ personal space HallTouch MorrisSocial intelligence GardnerEmotional intelligence GolemanDominance/power LorenzInnate releasing Wilson mechanisms Tickbergen

We’ve gone beyond instinctual response to stimuli.

Haven’t we gotten away from the reaction to steatopygia (which

stimulated our cousin the Bushmen) and similar

innate releasing simuli?

Or have we?

Our brain evolved in response to social stimuli. Competition and cooperation within our tribal bands, villages is the source of our human intelligence. One of first of these new brain areas: facial nucleus controls reaction to facial expression.

Genetic control of perception of facial expressions of emotion

Gene which helps produce a neurotransmitter ( serotonin) transporter and maps to chromosome 17, has two alleles (or gene variations) short (S) and a long (L) alleles

S results in increased amygdala and bodily response to facial expressions of emotion—especially anger.

• Dannlowski et al., 2008. Neuropsychopharmacology

So a human gene responds specifically to facial expressions!

Maybe our instincts still control us.

•Amygdala damage from another mutation

results in an inability to recognize fear in people's facial expressions.

•However, they are able to recognize fear if instructed to concentrate attention on a person's eyes. •People with normal brains always looked immediately at the eye region of a face—even more so when the face was fearful.

People with S variant mentioned before are much more responsive to angry faces.

Psychologists diagnosis of social anxiety didn’t predict response to angry faces, S allele did.

Dominance hierarchies hard to specify in humans, but rhesus monkeys with the short allele spent less time gazing at images of the face and eyes of other monkeys and less likely to want to view a picture of a high-status male.

Monkeys were observed while being shown images of high status faces or faces of familiar monkeys. In addition to spending less time looking at faces and eyes, the S/L monkeys also had larger pupil diameters when gazing at photos of high-status male macaques, indicating higher arousal.

S monkeys were less willing to take risks after they were primed with the faces of high-status males. Previous studies have found that inducing fear in human with S gene makes them more risk-averse. Faces of high-status males cause greater fear in the S monkey.

The S monkeys actually had to be paid juice to view the dominant males, while the L monkeys gave up juice for a look at these faces.

Platt et al., 2009 J Psychiatry Neurosci

Single gene for social anxiety

Weeds vs OrchidsSuch an allele would not

survive if it only had bad effects—basic natural selection.

S allele makes more susceptible to social anxiety if have poor maternal attention

S allele makes less susceptible to social anxiety/depression if have good maternal attention as child.

Facilitator needs take nurturing role if group members shy, anxious.

The words we use make up as little as 5% of what we communicate. When you say even the simplest word or statement, the meaning can be reversed depending on the tone of voice you use.

I really love you.

People trust the nonverbal over

the verbal.

Communication beyond words

How much can we perceive from the nonverbal?

Dogs sense fear.Know when someone staring at

you.Know when someone coming

up behind you.Know when danger is present?

Overactive response is possible And see danger everywhere Underactive response and not see


In America, eye contact signifies trust, confidence, and believability. But eye contact can also mean a challenge to dominating people.

Posture (submissive or dominant), a touch on the shoulder, getting up and standing next to a speaker, etc, can defuse power and dominance activities in groups.

Those who seek to dominate groups limit progress of the group. The group can only go as far as permitted by the dominant person's integrative skills.

Six basic nonverbal techniques for facilitators

1. Face people squarely. This says, "I'm available to you;

I choose to be with you."

2. Adopt an open posture. Crossed arms and legs say, "I'm not interested." An open posture

shows your group that you're open to them and what they

have to say.3. Maintain good eye contact.

Have you ever talked to someone whose eyes seemed to be looking at everything in the

room but you?

4. Watch your group. Learn to read their nonverbal behavior: posture, body movements and gestures. Notice frowns, smiles, raised eyebrows and twisted lips.

5. Give nonverbal feedback. Nod. Smile. Raise your eyebrows. These small signals encourage your group to open up even more.

6. The last step in listening is speaking. Restate in your own words what your group members say. That proves you were listening and gives them the opportunity to correct or clarify.

Cross-cultural non-verbal clashes

A pre‑meeting discussion between two members of an advisory board.

They need to unite in order to stop a typical bureaucratic blunder an agency is about to commit. Each is trying to indicate an interest in the issue and be friendly.

As they talk, the Latino, following his/her cultural rules, moves closer and closer to his/her potential ally.

The Anglo, following his/her class and cultural norms, interprets this as pushiness or even aggression and not only backs away from the close contact, but also shifts his/her eyes away from the Latino's open yet direct eye contact.

The retreating movements of the Anglo shout loudly in a silent language to the Latino and an atmosphere of mistrust evolves.


Ishin Deshin: wordless, yet deep understanding between two people. (Japanese)

Mu: thinking without words, without

categories, without distinctions. (Japanese)

Open stance;conceptualpluralism



Communicating beyond words




Skills of successful facilitators




-->synthesis, complementarit


Soft sytsems, critical systems

Rapid prototypin


TQM, creative destructi


Creativity cycle,

narrative analysis



Benchmarks of successful group


Open stance (Conceptual pluralism)

Systems thinking

Common assumptions

Adopt outcome frame instead of problem-directed

Integrators emerge and are valued

Synthesize new paths

Mokita: Truth everyone knows, but no one admits.

(Kiriwina, New Guinea)

Others are impossible

Some assumptions are easy to change

The true believer thinks he’s got all the answers

But he’s not even on the right track.He can help in dealing with certain

closed systemsbut the open systems characterizing

biology and social groups?No way. He’s lost and just can’t

admit it to himself.

Rural people can’t accomplish anything

Psychology is just rats running in a maze.

Groups are worthless. Camel is horse made by committee

What are your assumptions?They show your basic values.

Planning Projects

People plan and implement projects on the basis of their change models - their implicit theories about how the world works

What about assumption—more detailed plan is better?

Sometimes complex plans are unnecessary and just get in the way.

Especially if you are looking for emergent ideas

No complex plans, just few basic rules Birds flying in a flock. Amazing!

How is it done? Computer simulation called “Boids,”

The simulation consists of a collection of autonomous agents – the boids – in a environment with obstacles.

In addition to the basic laws of physics, each agent follows three simple rules: (1) try to maintain a minimum distance from all other boids and objects; (2) try to match speed with neighboring boids; and, (3) try to move toward the center of mass of the boids in your neighborhood.

When the simulation is run, the boids exhibit the very lifelike behavior of flying in flocks around the objects on the screen.

They fly in a flock just like birds, a complex behavior pattern, even though there is no rule explicitly telling them to do so.

Visa International

$1 trillion annual sales volume and roughly half-billion clients, but few people could tell you where it is headquartered or how it is governed.

It’s founding chief executive officer, Dee Hock describes it as a non-stock, for-profit membership corporation in which members (typically, banks that issue the Visa cards) cooperate intensely

“in a narrow band of activity essential to the success of the whole” (for example, the graphic layout of the card and common clearinghouse operations),

while competing fiercely and innovatively in all else (including going after each other’s customers!).

This blend of minimum specifications in the essential areas of cooperation, and complete freedom for creative energy in all else, has allowed Visa to grow 10,000 percent since 1970, despite the incredibly complex worldwide system of different currencies, customs, legal systems and the like.

Of course if you are totally sure that you are right, then you're stuck in your wicked mess for awhile.

wicked messes“Wickedness occurs when people are totally sure their values and ideology are right and unchangeable.”

"Messes" arise when dynamic complexity is high. Messes cannot be solved by solving component problems in isolation from one another because there are significant couplings between isolated problem symptoms. System may even adapt and change when intervention occurs.

What's the way out of any wicked mess? It begins with identifying and questioning your assumptions.

So a wicked mess arises when polarization on assumptions occurs in extremely dynamic situations.

One of the “wicked messes” facing agriculture is that farmers see themselves as producers of raw commodities and raw commodities are rapidly losing value except as part of vertically integrated value chains.

Meanwhile, many extension agents see their role as being experts in production of particular commodities.

WhenWhen•The science is uncertain• the truth is unknown• polarization is everywhere

AssumeAssumeAny solution is blocked by restricting assumptions

Look forLook for

A more basicstabilizing assumption

which permits innovation

Roe, 1994

Polarized narratives

Farmers can’t afford expensive

water quality renovations

Environmental regulations will

increase costs and sink huge numbers

of farms

Farmers must unite to defeat environmental


Farms produce most non-point

source pollution

Farmers must change their


Farmers must insure they are not polluting

Require three test wells on each farm

Converging narratives

Farmers can’t afford expensive water

quality renovations

Environmental regulations will

increase costs and sink huge numbers

of farms

Farmers must unite to defeat environmental


Farms produce most non-point

source pollution

Farmers must change their


Farmers must insure they are not polluting

Require three test wells on each farm

Family farms and clean water are

both valuable resources

Farmers who willfully

pollute, and will not

change, do not deserve the support of

other farmers.

Farmers can help design

more practical ways of

increasing water quality

State authority established where

farmers and environmentalists jointly establish

water quality regs

Limiting assumption:

Bioethanol is the wave of the future.

Only Goal: Develop Bioethanol business.

More basic assumption permitting innovation.

Bioethanol should be alternative for farmers.

Goal: Government support for ethanol.

Then: develop ethanol business.

Limiting assumption:There’s nothing wrong with GMOs, barriers to

GMOs should be broken down

More basic assumption permitting innovation:

Just sell ‘em what they want.

Assumption: farmers are

producers of raw commodities

Consultants provide more personal and specialized production


Extension assumes it

should provide

technical assistance in productionRaw commodities

lose value farmers need more

personal attentionrely more on consultants

Conflicting responsibilities of Extension limits level of personal


Larger farmers see less value in Extension


Extension staff in Can’t provide needed help

Diverging narratives

“The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time

and still retain the ability to function.”




-->synthesis, complementarit


Soft sytsems, critical systems

Rapid prototypin


TQM, creative destructi


Creativity cycle,

narrative analysis



Genetics of stress tells us: maternal supportrelaxed confidence

Almost every cell in body has same genes and chromosomes.

As humans and animals grow some genes are activated and others deactivated. So we get fingers where fingers should be and eyes where eyes should be.

If an infant gets the right sort of attention and support (being near mother and licking in rats) in early life, genes causing anxiety in fearful situations are deactivated. Genes which help the infant better handle stress are activated.

Faced with challenges later in life, those receiving normal maternal attention tend to be more confident and less fearful.

In perilous times, mothers increase the stress reactivity of their offspring by licking less. Offspring are less confident and more fearful later in life.

Genetics of stress tells us: maternal supportrelaxed confidenceThis relaxed confidence is a quality of

good facilitator. The opposite is concerned, anxious, purposive action.

Western culture since Socrates has valued this kind of attitude.

Often useful, but can be a mistake. It says: "You’re wasting time playing"

One of best ways to defeat creativity.Many quality ideas result from "play"

time, since a person’s mind is free of its natural defenses during that time and mental locks are less likely to occur.

Ways to stop creativity

1. You’re wasting time playing.2. Looking for the one right answer.

Why also find lost item in last place you looked?

3. That’s not logical.4. Be practical.5. Avoid ambiguity.6. That’s not my area.7. Don’t be foolish.8. Follow the rules.9. I’m not creative

Embrace paradox

A paradox makes no sense according to the prevailing mental models.

Stimulate creativity by asking paradoxical questions:

How can we give direction without giving directives?

How can we lead by serving? How can we maintain authority without

having control? How can we set direction when we don’t

know the future? How can we oppose change by accepting

it? How can we accept change by opposing it?

How can we be both a system and many independent parts?

Can you think of others that are relevant to your context?

Successful groups are purpose-driven at times and playful and creative at other times

Groups need to take six different attitudes depending on what the group needs to accomplish.

Call these the six hats.Some facilitators say: OK, let’s

put on the green hat now, we need to be creative. Or, let’s put on the black hat now, we need to ruthlessly logical.

GO Green --creativity, alternatives, proposals, what is interesting, and changes. GO Black -- is the cold-hearted, logical judge. It is a crucial impulse to employ at the right time, but often over-used. GO White --Ignore arguments and proposals. Just look at the facts, figures and information.” GO Red --feelings, hunches, intuition. Put forward an intuition without any need to justify it

GO Yellow --logical optimism. How can we make this work?GO Blue --process control. It looks not at the subject itself but at the 'thinking' about the subject.

Open stance;conceptualpluralism



Communicating beyond words




Skills of successful facilitators

Skills for facilitators III:learning systems, systems learning

Learning styles Kolb

cognitive styles Miller

Personality, emotion Rogers, Schachter

Attention, perception,

cybernetics Weiner

Game theory von Neumann

Learning and organizing Friere, Horton

Soft systems Checkland, Bawden

Systems thinking Rapaport, Senge

Self-organizing systems Prigogine, Jantsch

Action research Zuber-Skerritt, Whyte

Holistic thinking Mu

The words we use make up as little as 5% of what we communicate. When you say even the simplest word or statement, the meaning can be reversed depending on the tone of voice you use.

People trust the nonverbal over

the verbal.

Communication beyond words

Members of your group will have different learning and thinking styles

No one style is better than others; all are needed for

the group to succeed.

Learning stylesHow do members of your team learn best?

One dimension:


Groups learn best through:

Feeling, thinking, experiencing, creating, acting, designing or


Another dimension:

Concrete ---------------- Abstract

Four stages of learning: the concrete experience, the reflective observation, the abstract conceptualization, and the active experimentation.

Example: concrete experience: burn hand on stove sometimes not others

Reflective obs: stove on--burn hand

Abstract concept: energy running through makes hot

Active experiment: turn on light, see if gets hot

Sometimes yes, sometimes no? Back to concrete experience

Four stages of learning: the concrete experience, the reflective observation, the abstract conceptualization, and the active experimentation.

Over time individuals develop preferences for specific dimension based on their personal experiences, personality differences, environmental factors and prior educational factors.

There are also learning modality preferences such as auditory, visual, or tactile/kinesthetic.

Learning and personality

Attention, processing and acting are all influenced by our personality, some total of experiences and predispositions we were born with

Knowing your personality to make it work for you. Routes to business success, route you take depends on your personality

Most personality researchers agree personality can be described in 4 dimension or 16 types.

Introvert-----Extrovert Introverts think best by themselves

by processing ideas in their own minds. They can be tired out by too much contact with other people. Extroverts, on the other hand, are usually energized by being with other people and often think best if they can discuss their ideas.

Sensing-----Intuition Sensing thinkers take in information

sequentially through their senses and are most interested in the concrete and the here‑and‑now. Intuitive thinkers are interested in theories and possibilities and often make good guesses without going through sequential steps.

Thinking---Feeling People with a Thinking preference

tend to make decisions objectively in a logical and impartial way. People with a Feeling preference tend to make decisions subjectively on the basis of their feelings and perceived effects on other people.

Judging---Perceiving People with a Judging preference

like things to be clear and settled and strive for closure. People with a Perceiving preference like things to be open‑ended as long as possible.

UCLA MBA: No 1 best way4 perspectives on realityeach requires and adopts a different management style

Systems thinking

Linear cause-effect thinking

Complex adaptive systems. Systems which make changes in themselves to adapt to environment. All living systems.

Most scientific analytic techniques have us break a system into smaller bits, study the bits, and, when we believe that we understand the bits, put them all back together again and draw some conclusions about the whole.

Most traditional organizational theory leads us to view organizations as machine-like with replaceable parts, and if each part is doing its job, the organization will run smoothly. These theories assume that stability is the natural state of an organization,

If an organization consists of functions and roles that are carried out by people who are replaceable with little damage to operations and in which results are predicable and replicable, then we do have a machine.

Managing a machine or managing chaos?

Machine or Military metaphor or Complex Adaptive System

The basic problem with machine and military metaphors is that they ignore the individuality of agents and the effects of interaction among agents.

Or worse, they simply assume that all this can be tightly controlled through better (read: more) specification.

While there are many situations for which the machine and military metaphors might be useful – for example, routine surgical processes – there are also many situations for which these metaphors are grossly inadequate.

Skills for facilitators IV:holistic decision making

Holistic Resource Management Savory

Property Management Planning Dept of Primary Industries

Futureprofit Queensland

Farm$mart Victoria

Farming for the Future New South Wales

Farmwi$e Tasmania

Managing chaos Ditto, Schaffer, Westman

Fastthinking, narrative analysis Roe

Agroecosystems analysis Conway

Participatory rural appraisal Chambers

Farming systems research Simmons

Rapid Rural Appraisal Rhoades

Most people don't spend a lot of time thinking about how they make decisions

they simply make their decisions the way humans have since the Stone Age:

based on expert opinion, past experience, research results, peer pressure, intuition, common sense, cost‑effectiveness, profitability, laws and regulations, compromise, sustainability, etc.

And it is this process that is largely responsible for the state of the world in which we now live.

Some 20‑odd past civilizations have failed, and the only thing these civilizations had in common was the way humans made decisions.

Disciplinary blindersDisciplines are sets of solutions

agreed to by people who have similar jobs. They received their positions because these solutions worked in some arena in the past.

These solutions have no necessary link to any crucial current problem.

Dedication to these solutions means members of disciplines redefine any problem so that their solutions can solve it.

To a boy with a hammer, every problem is a nail and he has the solution. For a boy with scissors, cutting solves all problems.

We have solutions in search of problems.

Disciplinary TribalismI am an economist, I

do economics. I am an agronomist, I

do agronomyMuch more effective:

dedication to a region, a community.,

Master disciplinesBecome transdisciplinary

Lower left: logical decisionsUpper left: anarchyMiddle: edge of chaos need to

adapt system

Goal: get from 4 to 5Recognize new patternsFind non-limiting

assumptions/beliefsDiscover deeper causes

Holistic Decision-Making

if you were to learn everything there is to know about oxygen and hydrogen, you would still have no idea of the properties of water

Likewise, we rarely think of a person as a mass of interconnecting parts (arms, legs, organs, etc.) but rather as a whole human being.

This same human can exist within another whole: a family; and this whole exists within another whole: a community; and so on.

Rarely would we refer to a community as a group of "interconnecting parts."

To begin practicing holistic decision-making, however, we need to begin thinking holistically

recognizing that the world only functions in wholes, and that all our decisions impact the ecosystem upon which our very existence depends.

Since land and/or resources cannot be managed in isolation from the humans tied to (and dependent on) these resources,

in holistic management we only manage in "whole" situations (whole farms, whole firms, whole communities, etc.)

which includes the people, their values and desires, the resource base, and the wealth that can be generated from this resource base.

In any group we see regularitiesFrom these we see a patternFeedback to the groupGroup adapts and becomes


Zimbabwe farm given to drop-outs My task, make it successful I saw it was managed by people with good

technical skills but no experience in managing a farm. Hired by non-farm people.

I recommended change to experienced managers

First response: very negative since people who I told this to had hired these bad ones.

Finally they did hire new ones and success.

•Bureaucrats and entrepreneurs mix like oil and water.•The entrepreneurial mindset: innovative, intuitive, quick decisions, accept damage (can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs)•Bureaucratic minset: careful, logical, change slowly, make sure you protect your position, very worried about slight negative perceptions.•So negative response for Zimbabwe from bureaucrats.

Entrepreneurs, not government programs, are the heart of economic development.

But government or other bureaucracy often has resources or permits you need.

So facilitator must see both perspectives and help group see perspective of other.

Final proof: path synthesis or integration

Open stance (Conceptual pluralism)

Systems thinking

Common assumptions

Adopt outcome frame instead of problem-directed

Integrators emerge and are valued

Synthesize new paths

Transformation of Australian Ag Policy

1981: systems agriculture facilitation training begins at

University of Western Sydney-Hawkesbury

Other Australian universities see successful graduates and create facilitation training programs and graduates spread through government, non-profits and industry

1988-1990: commodity supports eliminated.Replacement programs created withgroup facilitation as key component

National Landcare

Property ManagementPlanning Marketing Skills

Program (DPIE)

Research and Development Centres

Environment, Extension, Economic Development, Research

Marketing as part of Holistic Decision-Making

for new Enterprises

1. Marketing Feasibility Analysis

2. Marketing Trends: Normal

3. Marketing Trends: Disruptive

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