
Post on 16-Jun-2015

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Transcript of moti

Manthan Topic: Stepping Stones: Enhancing

The Quality of Primary Education

Model to improve primary education

Moti Rabari

Jignesh Chauhan

Rushabh Patel

Nitesh Sadvani

Pankit Patel

The number of students completing their primary education with

inadequate numeracy and literacy skills is Major concern.

1) Inadequate teacher qualification &support.

In 2008-2009, on average, 45% of Primary teachers had not studied beyond the 12th


Teachers have to teach multiple grades, textbooks are pitched far above the

comprehension level of students, and each classroom has children with different

levels of learning achievements.

2) Low Teacher Motivation and High Absenteeism.

Primary school teachers employed by the government, particularly in rural India, are

required to perform a wide range of duties completely unrelated to imparting

education. These duties -- including administering government programs such as

immunization clinics, assisting with data-collection for the national census, and

staffing polling stations during elections -- in addition to their teaching

responsibilities, place significant demands on teachers‘ time.

The impact of absenteeism is exacerbated by the fact that the average primary school

in India has a workforce of no more than three teachers.

3) Flawed Teaching Methodology:

In India, rote learning has been institutionalized as a teaching


Primary school teachers in rural India often try to educate

students by making them repeat sections of text over and over


Often they do not explain the meaning of the text, which results

in stunted reading comprehension skills over the course of the

children's education.

Proposed Solution for the Inadequate Teacher

Qualification & Support.

Improve Teacher Selection Procedure

Criteria Weightage (in %)

Entrance Exam 40

PTC 40

Additional qualification e.g.Graduation, B.Ed.,PG, Computer knowledge


Entrance exam criteria

Weightage (in %)

Syllabus of primary grades


Reasoning 20

Computer Knowledge 20

General knowledge 10

Training Program During Vacation

1. Pre service Training Criteria:

Behavior on workplace


Lectures by experts related to academy


2. In service Training

Yoga, Meditation

Use of technology in academic field

Administrative Training

Training Introducing new syllabus

Type of Training Duration Trainer

Pre service Training 15 days Experienced Teachers

In service Training 5 days Experts of various fields

Continuous Performance Appraisal Program

Based on the Performance appraisal there should be a Gradingsystem for teachers evaluation and based on that remuneration andtraining should be decided.

Appraisee Appraiser Crieteria

Students Education field Experts & NGOs & Beurocatics

Test of Numeracy & Literacy

Teachers Education field Experts & NGOs & Beurocatics

Innovativeness, eagerness tolearn

Principals Education field Experts & NGOs & Beurocatics


Proposed Solution for the Low Teacher Motivation

and High Absenteeism.

To reduce the work burden of teachers activities unrelated to imparting

education should be reduced.

With the help of Above Awards they may get promotion.

For Reducing actual absenteeism govt. should install finger print machine.

High absenteeism may resulted in the Transfers or Demotion and

Remuneration deduction.

Awards category


Best teacher of taluka

50,000 Rs Based on performance appraisal and low absenteeism.

Best teacher of District

100,000 Rs

Best performer in Winners from All the talukas of district

Proposed Solution for the Teaching Methodology

Teaching should be done through practical way. For example, Realworld examples, Practical demonstration.

Uses of the technology:

Teaching should be done through Projectors Include pictures,videos, animations etc…

Govt. should broadcast some television programs.

Government should Train the Teachers for appreciating Co-curriculum activities.

Impact of the Proposed Solution on Primary Education

This suggestion will helps to increase Skilled labor force.

This will resulted in Higher GDP of the nation.

Higher GDP will helps to improve living standard of the people.

This will resulted in higher HRD Index.

Faces Key Concepts and Implementation Risks

Concept Risks• Government do not see the

viability of funding thismodel.

• Teachers may not showtheir interests in Trainingprograms.

Implementation Challenges• Difficulty in integrating with

government infrastructureand institute.

• Implication of this programneeds massive efforts.

• Biasness in evaluation mayresulted in poor implicationof the program.

Mitigation factors

• Government shouldincrease the educationfund in budget andshould keep watch onEfficiency of the Fundusage.

• Training shold becompulsory for theteachers.

• To stop biasness govt.should implement rotationsystem in inspection.

• Govt. should form theteam of the experts forbetter programimplementation.



The district information system for education

The 2011 Annual status of Education report.

Anurag Behar, CEO, Azim Premji Foundation.

Dhir Jhingran, Indian Administrative Service.

‘Needs Improvement’ : Despite Progress , India’s Primary Education System Has a ways to go