Motherboard Msi g41m-p25 g41m-s02

Post on 03-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Motherboard Msi g41m-p25 g41m-s02

  • 8/12/2019 Motherboard Msi g41m-p25 g41m-s02


    G 4 1 M P 2 5 / G 4 1 M S 0 2m D T H E R B D R R D

    MODEL N O. MS 7592

    U S E R G U I E

  • 8/12/2019 Motherboard Msi g41m-p25 g41m-s02


    m s i

    TOP QUALITY STABILITY Most Stable Components with Top Quality

    OTP Sensor rea Tantalum Core luminum Core

    5 * f t^ DrMOS II Hl-C CAP SFC w So lid CAP 1

    (Next-Gen OMOS) (8X Longer Uhdme) (* Higher Power) (10 . Yean IMH one uf .

    All Military Class III components have passed the following MIL-STD-810G tests- Low Pressure Test - High Temperature Test

    - Low Temperature Test - Temperature Shock Test- Humidity Test - Vibration Test- Shock Test

    Military Class III Levels More Stars for Higher Ranks

    Military Class III Level I Sol id CAP SFC Hi-c CAP [ DrMO S II

    5 Stars * * * * *

    4 Stars * * * *

    3 Stars * * *

    w w w . m s i . c o r

  • 8/12/2019 Motherboard Msi g41m-p25 g41m-s02




    part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed

    N1996This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designedto provide reasonable pro-tection against harmful in-terference in a residentialinstallation. This equipmentgenerates, uses and canradiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance withthe instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.

    However, there is no guarantee that interference will occur in a particular instal-lation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or televisionreception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the useris encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the measureslisted below.

    Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to

    which the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for

    help.Notice 1The changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible forcompliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.

    Notice 2Shielded interface cables and AC power cord, if any, must be used in order tocomply with the emission limits.


    F icro-Star InternationalMS-7592This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to thefollowing two conditions:

    1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that

    may cause undesired operation.

    PART NUMBERG52-75921XG-Q13

  • 8/12/2019 Motherboard Msi g41m-p25 g41m-s02



    The material in this document is the intellectual property of MICRO-STAR IN-TERNATIONAL. We take every care in the preparation of this document, but noguarantee is given as to the correctness of its contents. Our products are undercontinual improvement and we reserve the right to make changes without notice.


    All trademarks are the properties of their respective owners.

    MSI is register ed trade ma rk of Micro- Star Int'l Co.,Ltd.

    NVIDIA is registered trademark of NVIDIA Corporation.

    ATI is registered trademark of ATI Technologies, Inc.

    AMD is registered trademarks of AMD Corpo ration.

    Intel is registe red tradema rks of Intel Corpora tion.

    Windows is registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

    AMI is registered trademark of Advan ced M icro Devices, Inc.

    Award is a registered trademark of Phoenix Technologies Ltd.

    Sound Blaster is registered trademark of Creative Technology Ltd.

    Realtek is registered trademark of Realtek Semiconductor Corporation.

    JMicron is registered trademark of JMicron Technology Corporation.

    Netware is a registered tradema rk of Nove ll, Inc.


    1 Revision Revision History Date

    V6.0 For PCB 6.x February 2010

    V6.1 For G41M-S03 April 2010

    V6.2 For G41M -P23 April 2010

    V6.3 For G41M-P25/ G41M-P23/

    G41M-S02/ G41M-S03

    April 2010

    V6.4 Update JSP1 forG 41M -P23 July 2010

    V6.5 Update JSP1 for G41M -S03 July 2010

    V6.6 Update JSP1 for G41M -P25/G41M-S02

    July 2010

  • 8/12/2019 Motherboard Msi g41m-p25 g41m-s02



    SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Alway s read the safety instructions carefully. Keep this User Manual for future reference. Keep this equipment away from humidity. Lay this equipm ent on a reliable flat surface before setting it up. The openings on the enclosure are for air convection hence protects the

    equipment from overheating. Do not cover the openings. Make sure the voltage of the power source and adjust properly 110/220V

    before connecting the equ ipment to the power inlet. Place the power cord such a way that people can not step on it. Do not placeanything over the power cord.

    Always U nplug the Power Cord before inserting any add-on card or module. All cautions and warnings on the equipment should be noted. Never pour any liquid into the opening that could damage or cause electri-

    cal shock. If any of the following situations arises, get the equipment che cked by service

    personnel: The power cord or plug is damage d, Liquid has penetrated into the equipment, The equipment has been exposed to moisture.

    The equipment does not work well or you can not get it work accordingto User Manual,

    The equipment has dropped and damag ed, The equipment has obvious sign of breakage.

    Do not leave this equipment in an environmen t unconditioned, storage tem-perature above 60C (140F), it may damage the equipment.


    Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the sameor equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer.

    , { , wmwm ,, +

    For better environmental protection, waste batteries should be col-lected separately for recycling or special disposal.E

  • 8/12/2019 Motherboard Msi g41m-p25 g41m-s02



    ENGLISHTo protect the global environment and as an environmentalist, MSImust remind you that...Under the European Union ( EU ) Directive on Waste Electrical andElectronic Equipment, Directive 2002/96/EC, which takes effect onAugust 13, 2005, products of electrical and electronic equipmentcannot be discarded as municipal waste anymore and manufacturers of coveredelectronic equipment will be obligated to take back such products at the end of

    their useful life. MSI will comply with the product take back requirements at theend of life of MSI-branded products that are sold into the EU. You can returnthese products to local collection points.

    DELTTSCHHinweis von MSI zur Erhaltung und Schutz unserer UmweltGemal der Richtlinie 2002/96/EG uber Elektro- und Elektronik-Altgerate diir-fen Elektro- und Elektronik-Altgerate nicht mehr als kommunale Abfalle entsorgtwerden. MSI hat europaweit verschiedene Sammel- und Recyclingunternehmenbeauftragt, die in die Europaische Union in Verkehr gebrachten Produkte, amEnde seines Lebenszyklus zuriickzunehmen. Bitte entsorgen Sie dieses Produktzum gegebenen Zeitpunkt ausschliesslich an einer lokalen Altgeratesammel-stelle in Ihrer Nahe.


    En tant qu'ecologiste et afin de proteger I'environnement, MSI tient a rappelerceci...Au sujet de la directive europeenne (EU) relative aux dchets des equipementelectriques et lectroniques, directive 2002/96/E C, prenant effet le 13 aoiit 2005,que les produits electriques et electroniques ne peuvent etre deposes dans lesdecharges ou tout simplement mis a la poubelle. Les fabricants de ces equipe-ments seront obliges de recuperer certains produits en fin de vie. MSI prendraen compte cette exigence relative au retour des p roduits en fin de vie au sein dela communaute europeenne. Par consequent vous pouvez retourner localementces materiels dans les points de collecte.

    MSI , , .... () ( WEEE 2002/96/), 13 2005 , , , , . MSI , MSI , . .


  • 8/12/2019 Motherboard Msi g41m-p25 g41m-s02



    ESPAflOLMSI como empresa comprometida eon la proteccin del medio ambiente,recomienda:Bajo la directive 2002/96/EC de la Union Europea en materia de desechos y/oequipos electrnicos, con fecha de rigor desde el 13 de agosto de 2005, losproductos clasificados como "electricos equipos electrnicos no pueden serdepositados en los contenedores habituales de su municipio, los fabricantes deequipos electrnicos, estan obligados a hacerse cargo de dichos productos altermino de su periodo de vida. MSI estara comprometido eon los terminos de

    recogida de sus productos vendidos en la Unin Europea al final de su periodode vida. Usted debe depositar estos productos en el punto limpio establecidopor el ayuntamiento de su localidad o entregar a una empresa autorizada parala recogida de estos residuos.

    NEDERLANDSOm het milieu te beschermen, wil MSI u eraan herinneren dat ...De richtlijn van de Europese Unie (EU) met betrekking tot Vervuiling van Elec-trische en Electronische producten (2002/96/EC), die op 13 Augustus 2005 inzal gaan kunnen niet meer beschouwd worden als vervuiling. Fabrikanten vandit soort producten worden verplicht om produ cten retour te nemen aan het eindvan hun levenscyclus. M SI zal overeenkomstig de richtlijn handelen voor de pro-ducten die de merknaam MSI dragen en verkocht zijn in de EU. Deze goederenkunnen geretourneerd worden op lokale inzamelingspunten.

    SRPSKIDa bi zatitili prirodnu sredinu, i kao preduzee koje vodi rauna o okolini iprirodnoj sredini, MSI mora da vas podesti da...Po Direktivi Evrop ske unije ( EU ) o odba enoj ekek tronskoj i elektricnoj op-remi, Direktiva 2002/96/EC, koja stupa na snagu od 13. Avgusta 2 005, proizvodikoji spadaju pod elektronsku i elektrinu opremu ne mogu vie biti odbaenikao obian otpad i proizvodai ove opreme bie prinudeni da uzmu natrag oveproizvode na kraju njihovog uobiajenog veka trajanja. MSI e potovati zahtevo preuzimanju ovakvih proizvoda kojima je istekao vek trajanja, koji imaju MSIoznaku i koji su prodati u EU. Ove proizvode m oete vratiti na lokalnim mestimaza prikupljanje.

    POLSK]Aby chroni nasze rodowisko naturalne oraz jako firma dbajca o ekologi,MSI przypomina, e...

    Zgodnie z Dyrek tyw Unii Europejskiej ( UE ) dotyczc odpadw produktwelektrycznych i elektronicznych (Dyrektywa 2002/96/EC), ktra wchodzi w ycie13 sierpnia 2005, tzw. produkty oraz wyposa enie elektryczne i elektronic-zne nie mog by traktowane jako mieci komunalne, tak wic producencitych produktw bd zobowizani do odbierania ich w momencie gdy produktjest wycofywany z uycia. MSI wypeni wymagania UE, przyjmujc produkty(sprzedawane na terenie Unii Europejskiej) wycofywane z uycia. Produkty MSIbdzie mona zwraca w wyznaczonych punktach zbiorczych.

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    TORKQEQevreci zelligiyle bilinen MSI dunyada evreyi korumak iin hatirlatir:Avrupa Birligi (AB) Kararnamesi Elektrik ve Elektronik Malzeme Atigi, 2002/96/EC Kararnamesi altinda 13 Agustos 2005 tarihinden itibaren geerli olmakiizere, elektrikli ve elektronik malzemeler diger atiklar gibi pe atilamayacakve bu elektonik cihazlarin ureticileri, cihazlarin kullanim sOreleri bittikten sonraiiriinleri geri toplamakla yukumlti olacaktir. Avrupa Biriigi'ne satilan MSI markalilirunlerin kullanim sureleri bittiginde MSI urunlerin geri alinmas i istegi ile ibirligiierisinde olacaktir. Urunlerinizi yerel toplama noktalarina birakabilirsiniz.

    ESKYZalei nam na ochran zivotniho prostfedi - spolenost MSI upozoruje...Podle smrnice Evropske unie ( EU ) o likvidaci elektrickych a elektronickychvyrobku 2002/96/EC patne od 13. srpna 2005 je zakazano likvidovat elektrickea elektronick vyrobky v bnem kom unalnim odpad u a vyrobci elektronick-ych vyrobku, na ktere se tato smrnice vztahuje, budou povinni odebirat takovevyrobky zpt po skoneni jejich zivotnosti. Spolenost M SI splni pozadavky naodebirani vyrobku znaky MSI, prodavanych v zemich EU, po skoneni jejichzivotnosti. Tyto vyrobky miiete odevzdat v mistnich sbrnach.

    MAGYARAnnak erdekeben, hogy kornyezetunket megvedjuk, illetve kornyezetvedokentfellepve az MSI emlekezteti 6nt, hogy ...Az Eurp ai Uni (EU ) 2005. augusztus 13-an hatalyba lep, az elektromoses elektronikus berendezesek hulladekairl szl 2002/96/EK iranyelve szerint

    az elektromos es elektronikus berendezesek tbbe nem kezelhetek lakossagihulladekkent, es az ilyen elektronikus berend ezesek gyarti ktelesse valnak azilyen termekek visszavetelere azok haszn os elettartama vegen. Az MSI betartjaa termekvisszavetellel kapcsolatos kovetelmenyeket az MSI markanev alatt azEU-n beliil ertekesitett termekek eseteben, azok elettartamanak vegen. Az ilyentermekeket a legkzelebbi gyujthelyre viheti.

    ITAL ANOPer proteggere I'ambiente, MSI, da sempre arnica delia natura, ti ricordache.. . .In base alia Direttiva dell'Unione Europea (EU) sullo Smaltimento dei Mate-riali Elettrici ed Elettronici, Direttiva 2002/96/EC in vigore dal 13 Agosto 2005,prodotti appartenenti alia categoria dei Materiali Elettrici ed Elettronici non pos-sono piu essere eliminati come rifiuti municipali: i produttori di detti materialisaranno obbligati a ritirare ogni prodotto alia fine del suo ciclo di vita. MSI si

    adeguera a tale Direttiva ritirando tutti i prodotti marchiati MSI che sono stativenduti all'interno dell'Unione Europea alia fine del loro ciclo di vita. possibileportare i prodotti nel piu vicino punto di raccolta

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    t R < H 2 7A|5f 8f7 | 27Afgf 28


    BIOS tf S 40



    81 81 82 84 84

    BIOS 94101

    ffi^ 101 102

    104- 104

    BIOS 114

  • 8/12/2019 Motherboard Msi g41m-p25 g41m-s02



    120W 122 122BIOS 132

    137ttlTfelC 137

    138I / O A * . 140 - P O i T i z v - 140B i o s r o i s s 150

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    Thank you for choosing the G41M-P25/ G41M-S02 (MS-7592 v6.x) Micro-ATXmainboard. The G41M-P25/ G41M-S02 is based on Intel* G41 & ICH7flCH7Rchipset for optimal system efficiency. Designed to fit the advanced Intel* Core2Quad/ Core2 Duo/ Pentium*/ Celeron* processor in LGA775 package, theG41M-P25/ G41M-S02 delivers a high performance and professional desktopplatform solution.



  • 8/12/2019 Motherboard Msi g41m-p25 g41m-s02



    Processor Intel Core 2 Quad/ Core 2 Duo/ Pentium/ Celeron processor in LGA775

    package Support 4-pin CPU fan pinheader with fan speed control Support FMB 05a@95W

    (For the latest information about CPU, please visit

    Supported FSB Up to 1333 MHz

    Chipset North Bridge: Intel G41 chipset South Bridge: Intel ICH7/ICH 7R chipset

    Memory 2 DDR3 1333(OC )/1066/ 800 DIMM slots (8GB Max)

    (For more information on compatible compon ents, please visithttp://www. msi. com/index.php ?func=testreport)

    LAN Supports LAN 10/100/1000 Fast Ethernet by Realtek 8111DL

    Audio Chip integrated by Realtek ALC 888S VC2/ ALC8 89 Supports 7.1 channels audio out

    Comp liant with Azalia 1.0 Spec

    IDE (optional) 1 IDE port by Intel ICH7/IC H7R

    Suppo rts Ultra DMA 66/100, PIO & Bus Master operation mode


    4 SATA 3Gb/s ports by Intel ICH7/ICH 7R

    RAID (for ICH7R) SA TA 1-4 support RAID 0/1/10 by Intel ICH7R

    Floppy (optional) 1 floppy port Supports 1 FDD with 360KB, 720KB, 1.2MB, 1.44MB and 2.88MB

    Connectors Back Panel I/O

    - 1 PS/2 mouse port- 1 PS/2 keyboard port

    - 1 DVI-D port- 1 VG A port- 4 USB 2.0 ports- 1 LAN jack- 6 flexible audio jacks

    Onboa rd Connectors- 2 USB 2.0 connectors

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    - 1 S/PDIF -Out connector- 1 CD-ln connector (optional)- 1 front audio connector- 1 chassis Intrusion connector- 1 parallel connector (optional)- 1 serial port connecotr (optiobal)- 1 TPM connector- 1 switch (optional)

    Slots 1 PCI Express x16 slot 1 PCI Express x1 slot 1 PCI slot, supports 3.3V/ 5V PCI bus Interface

    Form Factor Micro-ATX (200mm x 244mm)Mounting 6 mounting holes

    If you need to purchase accessories and request the part numbers, you couldsearch the product web page and find details on our web address belowhttp-.Uww w. msi. com /index.php

  • 8/12/2019 Motherboard Msi g41m-p25 g41m-s02


    REAR PANELThe rear panel provides the following connectors:

    Keyboard DVI-D Port VGA Port USB Ports MIC SS-O ut

    HARDWARE SETUPThis section provides instructions on CPU and memory installation, as well asjumper settings on the mainboard. While doing the installation, be careful in hold-ing the components and follow the installation procedures.

    CP U Cooler Installation Procedures for LGA 775When you are installing the CPU, make sure that you install the cooler to preventoverheating. If you do not have the CPU cooler, consult your dealer before turningon the computer.

    The surface of LGA 775 CPU

    Remember to apply some thermalpaste on it for better heat dispersion.

    w m I ^Al ignmen t ^Yellow triangle is the Pin 1

    indicator indicator

    Tbe pin-pad side of LGA 775 CPU

    Yellow triangle is the Pin 1

  • 8/12/2019 Motherboard Msi g41m-p25 g41m-s02



    Follow the steps below to install the CP U & cooler correctly. Wrong installation willcause the damage of your CPU & mainboard.

    1. The CPU socket has a plastic cap on it to protectthe contact from damage. Before you install theCPU, always cover it to protect the socket pins.

    2. Remove the cap from the lever hinge side.

    3. The pins of socket reveal.

    4. Open the load lever.

    5. Lift the load lever up and open the load plate.

    6. After confirming the CPU direction for correct mat-ing, put down the C PU in the socket housing fram e.Be sure to grasp on the edge of the CPU base.Note that the alignment keys are matched.

    7. Visually inspect if the CPU is seated well into thesocket. If not, take out the CPU with pure verticalmotion and reinstall.

    8. Cover the load plate onto the package.

    9. Press down the load lever lightly onto the loadplate, and then secure the lever with the hook un-der the retention tab.

    10. Align the holes on the mainbo ard with the heatsink.Push down the cooler until its four clips get w edgedinto the holes of the mainboard.

    11. Press the four hooks down to fasten the cooler.Then rotate the locking switch (refer to the correctdirection marked on it) to lock the hooks.

    12. Turn over the mainboard to confirm that the clip-ends are correctly inserted.

    13. Finally, attach the CPU Fan cable to the CPU fanconnector on the mainboard.


    * Read the CPU status in BIOS.

    Whenever the CPU is not installed, always protect your CPU socket pins withthe plastic cap covered.

    Mainboard photos sho wn in this section are for demonstration of the C PU/coolerinstallation only. The appearance of your mainboard may vary depending on themodel you purchase.


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    Installing Memory Modules1. The mem ory modu le has only one notch on the center and will only fit in the

    right orientation.

    2. Insert the memory mo dule vertically into the DIMM slot. Then push it in untilthe golden finger on the memory module is deeply inserted in the DIMM slot.The plastic clip at each side of the DIMM slot will automatically close wh en thememory module is properly seated. Y ou can barely see the golden linger If thememory m odule Is property Inserted In the D IMM slot

    3. Manually check if the memory module has been locked in place by the DIMMslot clips at the sides.

    * In Dual-Chann el mode, make sure that you install memory mo dules of the sametype and density in different channel DIMM slots.

    To enable successful system boot-up, always insert the mem ory modu les intothe DIMM1 first.

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  • 8/12/2019 Motherboard Msi g41m-p25 g41m-s02


    IDE Connector. IDE1 (optional)This connector supports IDE hard disk drives, optical disk drives and other IDEdevices.


    If you install two IDE devices on the same cable, you must configure the drivesto cable select mode or separately to master / slave mode by setting jumpers.

    Refer to IDE device documen tation supplied by the vendors for jumper settinginstructions.

    Serial ATA Connector. SATA1 - 4This connector is a high-speed Serial ATA interface port. Each connector canconnect to one Serial ATA device.


    Please do not fold the Serial ATA cable into 90-degree angle. Otherwise, data lossmay occur during transmission.

    Fan Power Connectors: CPUFAN1, SYSFAN1, SYSFAN2The fan power connectors support system cooling fan with +12V. When connect-ing the wire to the connectors, always note that the red wire is the positive andshould be connected to the +12V; the black wire is Ground and should be con-nected to GND. If the mainboard has a System Hardware Monitor chipset on-board, you must use a specially designed fan with speed sensor to take advantag eof the CPU fan control.



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    S/PDIF-Out Connector S PDO UT1This connector is used to connect S/PDIF (Sony & Philips Digital InterconnectFormat) interface for digital audio transmission.

    CD-ln Connector JCD1 (optional)

    This connector is provided for external audio input.

    Front Panel Connectors: JFP1, JFP2These connectors are for electrical connection to the front panel switches andLEDs. The JFP1 is compliant with Intel Front Panel I/O Connectivity DesignGuide.

    Serial Port Connector JCOM1 (optional)This connector is a 16550A high speed communication port that sends/receives16 bytes FIFOs. You can attach a serial device.

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    Front Panel Audio Connector JAUD1This connector allows you to connect the front panel audio and is compliant withIntel Front Panel I/O Connectivity Design Guide.

    Front USB Connector JUSB 1, JUSB2This connector, compliant with Intel I/O Connectivity Design Guide, is ideal forconnecting high-speed USB interface peripherals such as USB HDD, digital cam-

    TPM Module connector JTPM1This connector connects to a TPM (Trusted Platform Module) module. Please re-fer to the TPM security platform manual for more details and usages.

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    M S - 7 5 9 2

    Chassis Intrusion Connector JCI1This connector connects to the chassis intrusion switch cable. If the chassis isopened, the chassis intrusion mechanism wil l be act ivated. The system wil l recordthis s tatus and show a warning message on the screen. To clear the warning, youmust enter the BIOS utility and clear the record.

    Parallel Port Header JLPT1 (optional)This connector is used to connect an optional paral lel port bracket . The paral lelport is a s tandard printer port that supports Enhanced Paral lel Port (EPP) andExtended Capabil i t ies Paral lel Port (ECP) mode.

    Clear CMOS Jumper JBAT1There is a CMOS RAM onboard that has a power supply from an external bat teryto keep the data of system configurat ion. With the CMOS RAM, the system canautomatical ly boot OS every t ime i t is turned on. If you want to clear the systemconfigurat ion, set the jumper to clear d ata.

    J B AT 1

    Keep Data

    | 41

    Clear Data


    You can clear CMOS by shorting 2-3 pin while the system is off. Then return to1-2 pin position. Avoid clearing the CMOS while the system is on; it will damagethe mainboard.



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    Overckx* FSB Switch: OC_SW1 (optional)You can overclock the FSB to increase the processor frequency by changing theswitch. Follow the instructions below to set the FSB.

    O N O N O N O N

    BUB BBB BBB 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

    Default 200-266 MHz 200-333 MHz 266-333 MHz


    ' Make sure that you power off the system before setting the sw itch.

    * When overciocking cause system instability or crash during boot, please set theswitch to default setting.

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    PCI Express SlotThe PCI Express slot supports the PCI Express interface expansion card.

    PCI Express x16 slot.

    PCI Express x1 slot.

    PCI SlotThe PCI slot supports LAN card, SCSI card, USB card, and other add-on cardsthat comply with PCI specifications.


    When adding or removing expansion cards , make sure that you u nplug the powersupply first. Meanw hile, read the documentation for the expansion card to config-ure any necessary hardware or software settings for the expansion card, such asjumpers, sw itches or BIOS configuration.

    PCI Interrupt Request RoutingThe IRQ, acronym of interrupt request line and pronounced l-R-Q, are hardwarelines over which devices c an send interrupt signals to the microprocessor. The P CIIRQ pins are typically connected to the PCI bus pins as follows:


    Slot1 2 3 4



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    BIOS SETUPPower on the computer and the system will start POST (Power On Self Test)process. When the message below appears on the screen, press key toenter Setup.

    Press DEL to enter SETUP

    If the message disappears before you respond and you still wish to enter Setup,restart the system by turning it OFF and On or pressing the RESET button. Youmay also restart the system by simultaneously pressing , , and keys.

    Main Page

    CUB Setup lit 111 tij Ca nr if M () 14IS 2865. iran IVgaliend-.. I n

    Standard MI S Features * Cel l IVini

    Muanced BHIS Features I 1 Flash

    Integrate d Peripherals I I I Fall Safe Defaults

    Powei Haiiaiieneiil Setup Load Op tln i/e d Detail I Is

    H/ll Ibmitar Save Exit Setup

    I (ireenPuwei Exit Uithu ut Saving^

    HII1S Setting PassMord

    tl :lto e Enter Select / / Ualue F10:Saue ESC Exit F1 General HelpF4:CPU Z R:lfeorg Z FHiFail Safe Defaults Fl. llpt iai/ ed Detail

    Configure T and Date. Display Sgstea Iufui Na tion ...

    U02.61 (C>Copyright 20%. ftaerican Ifegatrends. Inc.

    Standard CMOS FeaturesUse this menu for basic system configurations, such as time, date etc.

    Advanced BIOS Features

    Use this menu to setup the items of special enhanced features.

    Integrated Peripherals

    Use this menu to specify your se ttings for integrated p eripherals.

    Power Management SetupUse this menu to specify your settings for power management.

    H/W Monitor

    This entry shows the status of your CPU, fan, warning for overall system status.

    Green PowerUse this menu to specify the power phase.


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    BIOS Setting PasswordUse this menu to set BIOS setting Password.

    Cell MenuUse this menu to specify your settings for frequency/voltage control.


    Use this menu to read/ flash the BIOS from USB media device.

    Load Fail-Safe DefaultsUse this menu to load the BIOS default values that are factory settings for systemoperations.

    Load Optimized DefaultsUse this menu to load factory default settings into the BIOS for stable systemperformance operations.Save Exit SetupSave changes to CMOS and exit setup.

    Exit Without SavingAbandon all changes and exit setup.

    Cell Menu

    > c m Sper iTicAtInnsInte l EI SIHdj uut CPU FSB Fl equeifid just CPU Katio(juried CPU Fini(iifi*:i

    IPress Enter I(Enable )

    ) 1

    UtiH Frequency (/) 10

    Uoltdge(U)1 Uli I tdye (U)CPU UTICU)CPU UulU|e

    Current CPU/DRAM Frequency

    It shows the current frequency of CPU/Memory. Read-only.

    CPU SpecificationsPress to enter the submenu, that shows the information of installedCPU.


  • 8/12/2019 Motherboard Msi g41m-p25 g41m-s02


    CPU Technology SupportPress to enter the submenu, that shows the technologies that the in-stal led CPU supported.

    Intel EISTThe Enhanced Intel SpeedStep technology al lows you to set the performancelevel of the microprocessor whether the computer is running on battery or ACpower. This f ield wil l appea r after you instal led the CPU w hich sup port SpeedSteptechnology.

    Adjust CPU FSB Frequency (MHz)This i tem allows you to adjust the CPU FSB frequency.

    Adjust CPU RatioThis i tem is used to adjust C PU clock mult ipl ier (rat io). I t is available only whe n theprocessor supports this function.

    Adjusted CPU Frequency (MHz)

    It shows the adjusted CPU frequency (FSB x Ratio) . Read-only.

    M E M O RY- Z

    Press to enter the submenu.

    DIMM1/2 Memory SPD InformationPress to enter the submenu, that displays the informations of instal ledmemory.Advance DRAM Configuration

    Press to enter the submenu.

    DRAM Timing ModeSelects whether DRAM timing is controlled by the SPD (Serial Presence De-tect) EEPROM on the DRAM module. Sett ing to [Auto By SPD] enables DRAMtimings and the fol lowing related i tems to be determined by BIOS based on theconfigurat ions on the SPD. Select ing [Manual] al lows users to configure theDRAM timings and the fol lowing related i tems manually.

    CAS Latency (CL)When the DRAM Timing Mode sets to [Manual] , the f ield is adjustable. Thiscontrols the CAS latency, which determines the t iming delay ( in clock cycles)before SDRAM starts a read command after receiving i t .

    t R C DWhen the DRAM Timing Mode sets to [Manual] , the f ield is adjustable. WhenDRAM is refreshed, both rows and columns are addressed separately. Thissetup i tem allows you to determine the t iming of the transi t ion from RAS (rowaddress strobe) to CAS (column address strobe). The less the clock cycles, thefaster the DRAM performance.

    tRPWhen the DRAM Timing Mode sets to [Manual] , the f ield is adjustable. Thisi tem controls the number of cycles for Row Address Strobe (RAS) to be al-lowed to precha rge. If insufficient t ime is al lowed for the RA S to accum ulate i tscharge before DRAM refresh, refreshing may be incomplete and DRAM may


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    fail to retain data. This item applies only when synchronous DRAM is installedin the system.

    tRASWhen the DRAM Timing Mode sets to [Manual], the field is adjustable. This set-ting determines the time RAS takes to read from and write to a memory cell.

    tRTPWhen the DRAM Timing Mode sets to [Manual], the field is adjustable. Timeinterval between a read and a precharge command.

    tRFCWhen the DRAM Timing Mode sets to [Manual], the field is adjustable. This set-

    ting determines the time RFC takes to read from and write to a memory cell.

    tWRWhe n the DR AM Tim ing Mode is set to [Manual], the field is adjustable. It speci-fies the amount of delay (in clock cycles) that must elapse after the completionof a valid write operation, before an active bank can be precharged. This delayis required to guarantee that data in the write buffers can be written to thememory cells before precharge occurs.

    tRRDWhen the DRAM Timing Mode sets to [Manual], the field is adjustable. Speci-fies the active-to-active delay of different banks.

    tWTRWhen the DRAM Timing Mode is set to [Manual], the field is adjustable. Thisitem controls the Write Data In to Read Command Delay memory timing. This

    constitutes the minimum number of clock cycles that must occur between thelast valid write operation and the next read command to the same internal bankof the DDR device.

    FSB/DRAM RatioThis item will allow you to adjust the ratio of FSB to memory.

    Adjusted DRAM Frequency (MHz)It shows the adjusted memory frequency. Read-only.

    Adjust PCI-E Frequency (MHz)This item allows you to adjust the PCI-E frequency.

    Auto Disable DRAM/PCI FrequencyWhen set to [Enabled], the system will remove (turn off) clocks from empty DIMMand PCI slots to minimize the electromagnetic interference (EMI).

    DRAM Voltage (V), NB Voltage (V), CPU VTT (V), CPU Voltage (V)These items are used to adjust the voltage of CPU, Memory and chipset.

    Spread SpectrumWhen the motherboard's clock generator pulses, the extreme values (spikes) ofthe pulses create EMI (Electromagnetic Interference). The Spread Spectrum func-tion reduces the EMI generated by modulating the pulses so that the spikes ofthe pulses are reduced to flatter curves. If you do not have any EMI problem,leave the setting at Disabled for optimal system stability and performance. But if


  • 8/12/2019 Motherboard Msi g41m-p25 g41m-s02


    you are plagued by EMI, set to Enabled for EMI reduction. Remember to disableSpread S pectrum if you are overclocking because even a slight jitter can introducea temporary boost in clock speed which may just cause your overclocked proces-sor to lock up.


    * If you do not have any EMI problem, leave the setting at [Disabled] for optimalsystem stab ility and performance. But if you are plagued b y EMI, select thevalue of Spread Spectrum for EMI reduction.

    * The greater the Spread Spectrum value is, the greater the EM I is reduced, andthe system will become less stable. For the most suitable Spread Spectrumvalue, please consult your local EMI regulation.

    * Rem ember to disable Spread S pectrum if you are overclocking because even aslight jitter ca n introduce a temporary boost in clock speed which may just causeyour overclocked processor to lock up.

    Load Optimized DefaultsYou can load the default values provided by the mainboard manufacturer for thestable performance.

    UKIS Setup U tl li tg Copyright 1HIS .. ffcerlcan Itegatiends. Inc.

    Load Optinal Default values for a ll the setup questions.

    02. ()Copyright | . ftaerican Begatrends. Inc.


  • 8/12/2019 Motherboard Msi g41m-p25 g41m-s02


  • 8/12/2019 Motherboard Msi g41m-p25 g41m-s02



    * Please refer to the block diagram below abou t the M-Flash function.

    iSelect B IOS file from the root directory ofUSB/ Storage drive (FAT/FAT32 format only)in Load BIOS source file from field

    Please check USB drive/

    Storage drive/ BIOS filestatus and reboot thesystem manually again.

    Start M-Flash

    I 4 sho rt beeps

    BIOS update successfully

    Boot from the USB drive successfully

    * Due to the special de sign of some graphics cards w ill cause dark screen du ring M -flash operation, and you may refer the beeps from the system to confirm the currentM-flash process.

    == BIOS Data Saving ==

    The following fields are used to read the onboard BIOS ROM data, and save i t to USBdrive/ storage drive.

    Save File to Selected D evicePlease setup a specific folder in specific USB drive/ storage drive to save BIOS filefrom BIO S RO M chip data. Note: i t only supports FAT / FAT32 file system drive.

    Save File Name asPlease setup a specific nam e for the BIOS file, which will be saved into the USB drive/storage drive. Note: we suggest y ou using the official name as the default nam e.

    Save Extend File name asPlease setup a specific extend nam e for the BIOS file, which will be saved into the U SBdrive/ storage drive. Note: we suggest you using [ROM] as default name.

    Start to save filePress "Enter" and select "OK" the system will stare to save the onboard R OM chip datato the selected US B drive/ storage drvie.