Most beautiful places to park my mind in my memory

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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Most beautiful places to park my mind in my memory

Transcript of Most beautiful places to park my mind in my memory

Most beautiful places to park my mind in my mem-ory

By Seung J. LeeMusic: San Francisco

Un-Moon-Sa temple and mountain where I took an excursion when I was an elementary school student and located near my hometown.

The Dal-Sung-Gong-Won park (Taegu City) where my elementary school located nearby.

Taegu city where I studied at the Middle School.

Beautiful Kyung-Ju Bul-Guk-Sa temple 중학교 때 이 먼 곳까지 수학여행도 갔지요 .

The High School where I studied for 3 years.

Beautiful Su-Seung-Mot Pond, Small Lake. 이곳까지 단축 마라톤도 했지요 .

The Korea Military Academy (Seoul City) where I was a cadet.

Royal Tomb Tae-Reung and Bul-Am-San mountain

Ranger course training was held at Dong-Bok Ranger Course Hwa-Soon

In cadet period I took most terrible Air-borne Training

Ul-Jin Juk-Byun Port nearby here I served as a platoon commander, 2nd Lieutenant.

Ul-Jin Juk-Byun Port

So-Baek-San Mountain. 연화봉 통신중계소 경비소대장도 했었지요 .

Ul-Jin Pyung-Hae Wol-Song-Jung nearby here I served as a S2/3 in 36XX 108RN 1BN as a Lieutenant. 동해안 경비사령부 .

Dong-Sung-Dong Campus of the Seoul National University where I studied for B.S.

Kwan-Ak-San Campus of the Seoul National University where I worked for M.S.

I went to study abroad to US and arrived first time in LA Santa Monica where my friend Ki-woong bought me Pizza for me. I will never forget.

그 당시 비행기는 GTR 승객에게는 미국을 가려면 일본 하네다 - 하와이 ( 입국신고 I-20)-LA 를 거쳐야 했습니다 .

University at Buffalo SUNY where I studied for PhD

Ellicott Complex at North Campus

Niagara Falls are located near my school. 저녁 식사 후 바람 쇠러도 갔었지요 .


Toronto is close to Buffalo. 여름 방학되면 냉면 먹으러 가끔 갔었지요 .

New York City

New York City, 8 hour drive from Buffalo 여름방학 때는 가끔 갔었지요 .

Washington D. C.Washington DC, 때로는 워싱턴 DC 까지 갔지요 .

L.A.- Las Vegas-Grand Canyon-San Diego학위 마치고 귀국하면서 잠시 들렸었지요 .

Grand Canyon

San Diego

Las Vegas

Princeton University N. J. USA, 다시 Post-Doc 연수를 위해 프린스턴으로 .

Springdale Golf Club, Princeton

International center for theoretical physics Trieste-Miramare castle, Italy

유럽을 처음 방문해 본 기관 , 도시 .

Part II will be continued. END