Most Adventist Churches are financially...

Post on 22-May-2020

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Most Adventist Churches are financially challenged

The highly structured, programmatic forms of ministry that many churches employ today require a significant investment of money, volunteers and energy to sustain.

Church members are giving less percentage-wise

despite good incomes and net worth.

Making generous disciples

Leaders need to shift their focus from programming more ministry to making generous disciples.

From teaching & curriculum to role modelling and experiencing.

Address root issues

“A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit” (Matthew 7:18 ESV).

Many church leaders are fixated on a certain behaviour—the failure to give more money.

The pressures to fund church programming cause pastors to narrow their focus on giving rather than on the deeper issues that are preventing it.

This is a central leadership problem in the church today—we are trying to change behaviours rather than hearts. We are addressing fruit issues rather than root issues.

Whole Life Generosity

Its not just failure to give money.

• uncharitable relationships• stinginess with time• a self-centred view of vocation • a lack of empathy for the hurting

Seeing the whole tree of a person’s life radically changes the leader’s goal from temporarily replacing one bad fruit—boosting giving—to transforming the entire tree by going deeper—cultivating disciples who are generous in all areas of life.

Whole Life Generosity


Whole life generosity qualities

• Views God as the source of all resources (time, skills, money, relationships)

• Desires to give back in response to God’s grace• Expresses daily gratitude to God and others• Looks for those who need encouragement• Cares for widows, orphans and those in need• Welcomes the outsider and practices hospitality• Intentionally seeks ways to serve• Plans generous acts• Creates margin with time and money to respond to others’ needs• Sacrifices for others


Teach offerings as a percentage of income, tithe will follow. Offerings express gratitude. Tithe expresses God’s identity as the owner & provider.

Narrative budgeting. Understand Biblical Storehouse. Appreciate & affirm structure.

Whole Life Generosity

From Business Owner to Loving Father

From Stewarding Resources to Sowing Generously

From an internal focus to an external focus

From increasing giving to unleashing fruit bearers

From obtaining knowledge to practicing faith

From running campaigns to changing culture

Counsels on Stewardship

Gifts from the gentiles

Reflex influence of foreign mission on the local church

Systematic benevolence

Reflex Influence

“To show a liberal, self-denying spirit for the success of foreign missions is a sure way to advance home missionary work; for the prosperity of the home work depends largely, under God, upon the reflex influence of the evangelical work done in countries afar off. …” GW, 465

Reflux Factor

“The Boomers give money to the church, but it comes right back to them to keep them content. They hire the staff to do the ministry they won't do. The money goes to make the buildings more comfortable for them. And then churches begin all kinds of ministries for boomers and their families to keep them happy. Most churches today suffer from Baby Boomer reflux.” Rebecca, 26

(How Millennials View Church Finances - A wise stewardship of funds is desired by today's young adult. Thom S. Rainer and Jess W. Rainer)

Reflux Factor

“I'll never go to that kind of church”…

“That's not New Testament Christianity. That's a religious social club.” Rebecca, 26

“They [Millennials] will be excited about churches that sacrificially give for the cause of missions in their communities and throughout the world.”

(How Millennials View Church Finances - A wise stewardship of funds is desired by today's young adult. Thom S. Rainer and Jess W. Rainer)

(How Millennials View Church Finances - A wise stewardship of funds is desired by today's young adult. Thom S. Rainer and Jess W. Rainer)