More Vocabra 10 Your company information. deteriorate Because she was afraid her husband’s...

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Transcript of More Vocabra 10 Your company information. deteriorate Because she was afraid her husband’s...

More Vocabra 10Your company information


• Because she was afraid her husband’s condition would deteriorate before the ambulance could arrive, Mrs. Pablo took him to the hospital herself.

• The cabin had deteriorated so much in 12 years that Charles didn’t even recognize it.

• Definition: to get worse


• Karl was lost in an immense forest and he didn’t think he would ever find his way out.

• Your back yard might seem small to you but to a ladybug, it is immense.

• Definition: very large


• Mrs. Henderson believed that children should be taught to behave at solemn occasions like funerals.

• The judge looked very solemn as he addressed the court.

• Definition: serious or formal


• If you like subways, tall buildings and lots of people, you would probably enjoy living in an urban area.

• Jake and Laura decided not to get married since he wanted to live on a farm and she wanted to live somewhere more urban.

• Definition: having to do with the city


• Since the teacher’s instructions for the test were so vague, the students in the class had no idea what they were supposed to do.

• Because the description of the bank robber was so vague, the police didn’t think they would ever find him.

• Definition: not clear or precise


• Devony lives in a rural part of Colorado where she sees wildlife every day and bright stars every night.

• Walter lives in a rural area of only 500 people.

• Definition: having to do with the country, not the city


• Theodore was afraid to pick up his 17-year-old cat since she was so thin and frail.

• Jessica looks frail, but she’s actually so strong that she has run in two marathons.

• Definition: physically weak or delicate


• Since the movie was rated “R”, juveniles couldn’t see it unless they were with their parents.

• Vivian works with juveniles in trouble with the law, hoping to help them so that they don’t end up becoming part of the adult prison population.

• Definition: a child or young person


• Polly thought her teacher’s rules were rather trivial. That’s why she had to stay after school so often for detention.

• “I know you may think this is trivial,” Bart said, “but I just want to point out that you got 25 pieces of popcorn and I only got 23.”

• Definition: unimportant


• Beverly forgot to water her roses and they quickly began to wither.

• Dawn hates winter because everything that was beautiful in the summer has withered.

• Definition: to dry up or decay


• The twins have very different taste in blue jeans. Maggie likes hers to be a faded, very light blue. Heidi likes hers to be a deep indigo.

• Sometimes the sky at night is blue, and sometimes it is black. But sometimes it’s a really pretty shade of indigo.

• Definition: a deep violet or blue color


• Mary’s vibrant smile lights up a room.

• As soon as the Spears moved into their new home, they painted over the boring beige walls with a more vibrant lemon color.

• Definition: lively, sparkling, radiant


