More than 3000 years ago the Olmecs, Mayans and Aztecs used cocoa for various purposes. The Olmecs...

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Transcript of More than 3000 years ago the Olmecs, Mayans and Aztecs used cocoa for various purposes. The Olmecs...


More than 3000 years ago the Olmecs,

Mayans and Aztecs used cocoa for various

purposes. The Olmecs were

probably the first people who drank cocoa.

The Mayans called it 'the food of the gods'

and they were, probably, the first chocoholics.


The Mayans grew cocoa trees in their gardens and sent their warriors to war with cocoa snacks in their bags. The Mayans also used cocoa in their religious ceremonies and for medicinal purposes. They shared cocoa drink during marriage ceremonies, too. The Mayans and the Aztecs spiced it with vanilla, chili and honey.

Christopher Columbus came to Guanaja in 1502. Somebody offered him cocoa seeds in exchange for his goods. Columbus was confused. Than they offered him the drink. Columbus didn't like it because it was bitter.


Christopher Columbus

Hernan Cortes, Spanish conquistador brought cocoa to Europe. The Europeans didn't like it at first. When they added sugar, cinnamon and vanilla, the kings and aristocrats started to drink cocoa often. Other people rarely had the opportunity to try it. The Spanish kept the secret of producing cocoa to themselves for a very long time.

Hernan Cortes Cocoa powder

In the 1700s people thought chocolate is medicine. The Catholic Church allowed people to drink it during Lent or fasting because they thought it is good for people's health.

During the 17th century, chocolate became known to other parts of Europe. It was fashionable to drink chocolate, but only the rich could afford it.

David Chaillou was the first man in France who was allowed to sell chocolate there. He sold it to the French aristocracy because ordinary people were not allowed to enjoy chocolate.

The first chocolate house in England was opened in 1657. People drank it there, but had to pay the entrance fee first.

 In the 18th century chocolate became available to everyone. The first solid chocolate bar was made in 1847 in Britain by Joseph Fry and it became very popular. Swiss Daniel Peter mixed chocolate with milk for the first time and created the first milk chocolate bar. The Swiss were also the first to mix hazelnuts with chocolate.

Swiss Daniel Peter Joseph Fry

The Aztecs thought cocoa was sacred. They used cocoa beans as money. The enemies they conquered had to pay taxes in cocoa seeds. The Aztec king Montezuma drank 50 cups of cocoa a day.


1 cocoa beans 1 carrot

1 cocoa bean 1 turkey egg

3 cocoa beans 1 avocado

1 cocoa bean 1 large tomato

1 cocoa bean 5 green peppers

30 cocoa beans 1 small rabbit

20 cocoa beans 1 trip for a porter

1 cocoa beans 5 small tomatoes

65 cocoa beans 1 plain white cotton cape


Cocoa tree is also called Theobroma Cacao. It grows only in the hot, rainy areas

around the Equator in South and Central Americas, West Africa and Southeast Asia and Oceania, but the tree originates from South or

Central Americas.

Today there are different kinds of chocolates: milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate, sweet-dark chocolate, etc. 



