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Transcript of Moodle_Configuration

SNJB's KBJ College of Engineering, Chandwad 1

Moodle Installation and Configuration

Prepared ByNausheen KureshiDarshan BagrechaManish BoobJunaid Shaikh

SNJB's KBJ College of Engineering, Chandwad, Dist. Nashik, Maharashtra, India

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Motivation What is LMS? What is Moodle ? Why Moodle ? Features of Moodle Benefits of Moodle to Instructor and Students. Advantages of Moodle Applications of Moodle How to Configure Moodle on Server ?

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This idea is given by Dr. Mahesh Sanghavi, Associate Professor while conducting his lecture on our class at SNJB’s KBJ College of Engineering, to make the life of a student as well as teacher simpler. As per his opinion and our study :

Deployment of the assignment and submitting the same should be online which will reduce huge stationary and also the system will be transparent.

Teacher and students must be connected 24x7. Teacher can upload their study material on the same platform

and students can have access it any time. Student can also ask doubt to the teachers which will be open

for all the students too. Even students can also contribute to share the answers.

Grading / Marking system will also be online. Sharing of Study Material will be easy and will reduce time as

well as money.

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What is Learning Management System ?

LMSs are web applications. Moodle server is probably located in your department, but it

can be anywhere in the world. Teachers and students can access the system from any place with

an Internet connection. LMSs give educators tools to create a course web site and provide

access control so only enrolled students can view it. They provide an easy way to upload and share materials, hold

online discussions and chats, give quizzes and surveys, gather and review assignments, and record grades.

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What is Moodle ?

Moodle is an open source web application used to create interactive online learning sites.

Moodle that is the acronym for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning

Environment It's an online Learning Management System (LMS). Moodle is a free. Moodle’s extremely customisable core comes with

many standard features. The first version of Moodle was released on 20 August


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Why Moodle

It runs on almost all platform like Windows, Linux and MAC OS etc.

It is available in 127 languages! It is used all over the world by teachers and educators

and it's probably the best E-Learning tool in the net! It is developed by Martin Dougiamas at Curtin

University in Australia. The entire code of Moodle is written in PHP i.e.

Hypertext Preprocessor.

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Features of Moodle

Navigation Forum Chat Calendar Quizzes and Tests Upcoming Events Online Users

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Features of Moodle

Plugins There are over 1,000 plugins available for Moodle with

over 7 million downloads. Themes

Graphical themes for Moodle can be installed to change the look and functionality of a Moodle site or of an individual course.

Mobile Many Moodle themes, based on Responsive web

design, allow Moodle to be used on mobile devices It is available on Google Play Store and Apple’s App


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Benefits of Moodle to Teacher

Create online courses Open forums Divide students into classes Upload files and lessons Create online tests and examinations Chat sessions

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Benefits of Moodle to Students

Follow the lessons Upload their Assignment and test Chat sessions Take part into forums

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Advantages of Moodle

Using Moodle teachers can easily construct richly textured web based courses.

Lessons consist of a number of lessons, with each lesson including reading resource and activities.

Learning resources are available to students anywhere.

Educators create an online component to their traditional classroom setting.

Moodle can save educators time and enhance the learning process for students while taking advantage of Multimedia.

Video, Text, Animation, Sound, and Graphics Less papers to bring home to grade – assessment is


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Applications of Moodle

Assessment Quizzes, submit assignment, projects

Collaboration Wiki, groups, cross-subject courses

Communication Forums, messaging, homework feedback

Student Wikis or forums, journals

Offer downloads Subject course or handouts

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Basic Requirements for Moodle

Web Server: Apache Database: MySQL, MariaDB etc. Moodle requires a number of PHP extensions.

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System Requirements for Moodle

Disk space: 250MB for the Moodle code, plus as much as you need to store content. 5GB is probably a realistic minimum.

Processor: 1GHz (min), 2GHz dual core or more recommended.

Memory: 512MB (min), 1GB or more is recommended.

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How to Install and Configure Moodle on

Server OS

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Moodle Installation

Download the Moodle from ( Extract the Moodle Package to Home Directory. Open Terminal and Run the Following commands. $ sudo apt-get -y install apache2 mysql-client mysql-

server php5 $ sudo apt-get install tasksel $ sudo tasksel $ sudo apt-get install graphviz aspell php5-pspell

php5-curl php5-gd php5-intl php5-mysql php5-xmlrpc php5-ldap clamav

$ sudo mv moodle /var/www/ $ sudo chown -R root /var/www/moodle $ sudo chmod -R 0755 /var/www/moodle

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Moodle Installation (Continued)

$ sudo find /var/www/moodle -type f -exec chmod 0644 {} \;

$ mysql -u root -p mysql> CREATE DATABASE moodle DEFAULT

CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci; mysql> GRANT


$ sudo mkdir /var/moodledata $ sudo chmod 0777 /var/moodledata/ $ sudo vim /var/www/moodle/config.php

CFG->wwwroot = 'http://<localhost/IP_Address>/moodle';

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User Creation

How to Add Users (Manager/Course creator/Teacher/Students)

How to Upload User’s Profile Picture. How to Enroll Users to Courses. How to set Users Role and Responsibility.

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Course Creation

How to Create a Course U.G.

Computer Engineering (COMP) Second Year (S.E.) Third Year (T.E.)

Fifth Sem Sixth Sem

Principles of Concurrent and Distributed Programming

Embedded Operating Systems Computer Networks Software Engineering Digital Signal Processing and

Applications Final Year (B.E.)

Grand Parent Category Parent Category

Sub Category

Child Category


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Upload Assignments

File submissions (students submit a file for assessment)

Online text (students can type their responses directly in Moodle)

Submission comments Offline Assignments

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Workshop Phases Setup phase Submission phase Assessment phase Grading evaluation phase Closed

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Moodle Editors

Moodle Editors Moodle Text Editors Atto HTML Editor Equation Editor TinyMCE Editor File Picker

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Chat, Messaging and Forums

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Quizzes and Question Banks

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Prepared By: Junaid S. Shaikh, Seat No.:T120414250 26

Thank You!!
