Moodle 2.3 and 2.4 some of the improvements since moodle 2.2

Post on 06-May-2015

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Moodle 2.3 and 2.4 - Some of the improvements since Moodle 2.2

Transcript of Moodle 2.3 and 2.4 some of the improvements since moodle 2.2

Some of the improvements since Moodle 2.2

» Major performance improvements

» Navigation

» Added layers of Caching

» Optimised the navigation widget

» Improved statistics performance

» Improved IE 8-10 performance

» New icons for Moodle

» Warning will be displayed if trying to navigate away from a form with content edited

» Can use built-in browser spell check

» One section per page

» Easily navigate between sections

» Conditional access now works for a course section as well as activities

» Activities and topics can be restricted according to user profile fields

» Remove/Add sections from course page

» Stream your external calendars into Moodle's calendar

» Edit the name of any activity or resource directly on the course page

» Drag and drop blocks

» Ajax editing on by default

» Activity Chooser

» Drag files into course sections

» Cohorts can now be synchronised to course groups

» New Looking file picker, easier to navigate

» Server Files easier to navigate

» Thumbnails for images, Icons for file types

» Drag and drop enabled!

» File info editable

» Can display file size / type on course page

» Aliases to files


» Now in core


» New graph report

» Drag SCORM into the course page to add

» SCORM correctly report activity completion

» Completely rewritten

» Easier to configure

» Submission statement

» Submission date extensions

» Blind marking

» Offline marking

» Group assignments

» Deadline shown in calendar

» Automatic phase switching after deadline – option

» Teachers can assess submissions in grading evaluation phase

» Alternate grading methods

» Improved pagination, and filtering on group submissions

» Admin notified by email if update available for core code and any contributed plugins

» Can now update a plugin through interface if out of date

» Users can set the order and number of courses displayed on their My home page.

Gavin Henrick


T: @ghenrick



