monthly newsletterConsiliului Director CEESA, Turneul CEESA de Softball, Ex-poziția de Artă a...

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Transcript of monthly newsletterConsiliului Director CEESA, Turneul CEESA de Softball, Ex-poziția de Artă a...

Volume 4 // Issue 10 // May 2018

monthly newsletter

2 | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 2017-2018

Thu. August 31, 2017Thur. May 31, 2018

Dear Parents,

As mentioned in earlier newsletters, we are excited to say that the construction company for the Secondary School extension is still on track to finish the project for our Au-gust start. But, as always, whilst being optimistic, we will not remove the ‘temporary’ classrooms until we have secured the deadline! If everything goes according to plan, we will permit only limited access to the campus over the summer months to give our workers, and those of the construction company, space to move safely around the buildings.

As the academic year draws to a close, the next few weeks will be just as lively and buzzing as in previous years; on Friday May 25th we held the Graduation Ceremony for our Seniors, preceded by the High School Awards Ceremony on Thursday, May 24th. The Senior Processional in Central Park is one of the highlights of the year that affords everyone an opportunity to see our graduating students off, to congratu-late them and to wish them every success in what lies ahead in their exciting futures. As I reflect on the events of the past month, I continue to be proud of our vibrant community and am impressed with the multitude of eclectic events our school hosts, as a matter of routine. For example, our annual International Day Festival, the Music Club Concerts, a Char-ity Concert for Autism, hosting of the Spring CEESA Execu-tives and Board meeting, the CEESA Softball tournament, the Middle School Art exhibition in the atrium, the Grade 5 Exhibition and the Grade 4 portfolio conferences, a visit from the Dutch universities, the Third Millennium - student leadership training, and the Design exhibition in the atrium, to name but a few of the many activities.

At the end of April, we were visited by two representatives from the Council of International Schools as part of the pre-liminary evaluation of our school prior to our re-accredita-tion in a few years time. The purpose of the visit is to evalu-ate the school on a multitude of domains and standards to ensure alignment with the expectations of the Council of International Schools and the International Baccalaureate in maintaining our status as an IB World School accredited by CIS and NEASC. The visit offers us a chance to measure the

monthly newsletter

director’s message

Dragi părinți,

Așa cum vă scriam și revistele anterioare, suntem încân-tați să vă anunțăm că firma de construcții care se ocupă de extensia școlii secundare sunt la zi conform planului de a termina proiectul la timp pentru începutul școlii în august. Cu toate acestea, deși suntem optimiști, nu vom desființa sălile de clasă „temporare” până când nu suntem siguri că termenul-limită va fi respectat exact! Dacă totul decurge conform planului, pe durata lunilor de vară accesul va fi lim-itat în campus, pentru a permite lucrătorilor noștri și ai celor de la firma de construcții să se desfășoare liber între clădiri.

Cum anul școlar se apropie de încheiere, următoarele săptămâni vor fi la fel de ocupate și pline de viață cum v-am obișnuit în anii anteriori. Vineri, pe 25 mai am organizat Cer-emonia de Absolvire pentru elevii clasei a 12-a, precedată de Ceremonia de Decernare a Premiilor pentru Liceu, joi, pe 24 mai. Parada Absolvenților din Parcul Central este unul dintre evenimentele-cheie ale anului, care ne dă tuturor oc-azia să îi felicităm pe elevii absolvenți și să le dorim succes în tot ceea ce își doresc să îndeplinească.Gândindu-mă la evenimentele din ultima lună, nu pot decât să continui să fiu mândru de comunitatea noastră vibrantă și sunt sunt impresionat de multitudinea de evenimente eclectice pe care le găzduiește în mod obișnuit. Spre exem-plu, sărbătorirea anuală a Festivalului Zilei Internaționale, Concertele Clubului de Muzică, Concertul Caritabil pentru Autism, găzduirea întâlnirii de primăvară a Executivului și Consiliului Director CEESA, Turneul CEESA de Softball, Ex-poziția de Artă a Școlii Gimnaziale, Epoziția clasei a 5-a și Conferințele de portofoliu ale clasei a 4-a, vizita universi-tăților din Olanda, training de leadership Third Millennium și Expoziția de design din Atrium sunt doar câteva exemple dintre multele activități organizate în școală.

La sfârșitul lunii aprilie am fost vizitați de 2 reprezentanți ai Consiliului Școlilor Internaționale, ca parte din evaluar-ea preliminară a școlii în vederea reacreditării în anii viitori. Scopul acestei vizite a fost evaluarea școlii într-o multitu-dine de arii și cu privire la anumite standarde, pentru a asig-ura aliniera la așteptările Consiliului Școlilor Internaționale

3 | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 2017-2018

Thur. May 31 2018 monthly newsletter

health of our school and make adjustments in our practices, if necessary, to ensure we meet the expected standards. The preparatory visit was very positive and successful for AISB; we are effectively meeting the vast majority of the assess-ment standards and have identified areas for improvement where we are taking appropriate measures for growth. I will briefly talk about this report in the next PTO General Meet-ing of the year and in the meantime, I invite you to visit the Secondary School Library to peruse a copy of the full report when your time permits.

In May we also held our Annual General Meeting (AGM) where the Board of Trustees again presented details from the Annual Report. Even though the attendance was higher than last year, I would have been delighted if we had to hold such a meeting in the theater, due to parental demand. I much prefer lively discussion and answer sessions to a Pow-erPoint presentation. As iterated before, a strong commu-nity is based on trust and transparency – an AGM plays a critical part in this dynamic to guarantee that a dialogue can be sparked between parents and those who are tasked with the school’s strategies, general finances and plans for the future. It is our hope that next year and beyond, more of parents join us for these key meetings and engage in con-structive conversations with our school’s decision-makers.

I am happy to report that 520 parents completed the AISB Annual Survey - that is 48 more than last year. The Leader-ship Team has already received the raw results and over the summer we will read it thoroughly and present to you the findings during the first PTO meeting of the next school year. Thank you for your feedback which helps us constant-ly improve.

Lastly, I would like to extend a huge thank you to all those involved in International Day; one of the signature events of the year, where we celebrate our cultural diversity and come together as a community. This is a truly great day in the life of our school and it is always a pleasure to see our international community represented by the hundreds on this special day.

Best Regards,Robert Brindley

și ale Organizației Bacalaureatului Internațional în vederea menținerii statutului nostru de IB World School acreditată de CIS și NEASC. Această vizită ne oferă șansa de a măsura nivelul școlii noastre și de a ajusta practicile din școală, în măsura în care este necesar, pentru a ne asigua că atingem obiectivele setate. Vizita preparatorie a fost de mare suc-ces pentru AISB; standardele pentru majoritatea criteriilor de evaluare au fost atinse și am mai identificat zone unde aplicăm toate măsurile necesare pentru a progresa.Voi adresa pe scurt acest raport la ultima Întâlnire Generală a PTO pe anul acesta, iar între timp, vă invit la Biblioteca Școlii Secundare pentru a consulta o copie a raportului complet, dacă doriți.

În luna mai am organizat și Adunarea Generală Anuală (AGM), unde membrii Consiliului Director au prezentat de-talii din Raportul Anual. Deși prezența a fost în număr mai mare decât anul trecut, aș fi fost încântat dacă am fi fost nevoiți să ținem ședința în Teatru din cauza numărului de părinți. Prefer discuțiile și sesiunile de întrebări și răspunsuri prezentărilor Powerpoint. Așa cum am mai subliniat, o co-munitate strânsă este bazată pe încredere și transparență – iar Adunarea Generală joacă un rol vital în această dinamică, garantând faptul că există un dialog deschis între părinți și persoanele care se ocupă de strategiile, finanțele și planuri-le de viitor ale școlii. Sperăm că în viitor ni se vor alătura din ce în ce mai mulți părinți pentru a continua aceste discuții constructive cu Consiliul Director.

Am plăcerea de a vă anunța că 520 de părinți au completat Chestionarul Anual AISB – cu 48 mai mulți decât anul tre-cut. Echipa de conducere a școlii a primit deja rezultatele neprocesate, pe care le vor citi cu atenție și interpreta pe parcursul verii, pentru a vi le prezenta la prima întâlnire PTO a anului școlar următor. Vă mulțumim pentru feedback-ul dumneavoastră, care ne ajută să evoluăm constant.

În ultimul rând, aș dori să le mulțumesc tuturor celor impli-cați în organizarea Zilei Internaționale, care este unul dintre evenimentele-cheie din viața școlii, unde sărbătorim diver-sitatea noastră culturală și ne întâlnim cu toții, ca o comuni-tate. Este o zi minunată în viața școlii noastre și este întot-deauna o plăcere pentru mine să văd comunitatea noastră internațională reprezentată de sute de persoane într-o zi specială.

Toate cele bune,Robert Brindley

4 | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 2017-2018

Thur. May 31, 2018 monthly newsletter

monthly newsletter

school wide news


An AISB alumna, has reached out to us looking to invite talented aspiring actors for an audition for an American movie shot in Ro-mania at the end of June-middle of July. If your child is interested in trying out for a role, please email

Parents will receive more information regarding the movie prior to their child's audition.


On May 2nd, 9 secondary students planned and led an after-noon for students from The National College in Calarasi. In No-vember 2017, our students were hosted at the college and so this event has been an exchange, a way to meet new friends, exchange ideas and break down cultural boundaries. The stu-dents organised lunch for our guests, team building games as well as an information system on how the IB works at our school. Kate Sorrell, the teacher facilitator of the Third Millennium leadership program, commented on how proud she was of the team, who had, 'planned and led everything themselves. They now have the confidence to take ownership of projects, and each time the experience allows them to learn more about themselves, systems and the most efficient ways to take on and execute leadership roles'.

Watch this space, as the Third Millennium leadership training and projects continue next academic year!


Let’s say THANK YOU to a teacher, staff member or a special-ist! Let them know they make a difference every day. Appre-ciation days will be May 29, 30 and 31, on one (or even more!) of these days please take the time to say thanks. There are many ways to do this: have your child make a card, send a flower or other small personal gifts, or any other idea you have. It doesn’t have to be anything big, just heartfelt.

Are you a volunteer at school? Are you a classroom represen-tative, country liason or have volunteered for the school this year? Please stop by for a THANK YOU with food on Tuesday, June 5, 2018 in CR13 13:00-15:00.


The end of the year is approaching and the AISB library staff are preparing for summer.

Be sure to read through these important dates and infor-mation for the end-of-the-year procedures and details about how to checkout books for the summer holidays.

Dates to remember:

May 31: last day of regular checkouts for the school yearJune 4 - 8: all books returned and no new checkoutsJune 11 - 21: checkouts for summer only

5 | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 2017-2018

Thur. May 31 2018 monthly newsletter

What's New at The Bite

As you've probably noticed, AISB's Journalism stu-dents have been working on marketing projects to grow our readership and social media presence. This has included a “Teacher Takeover” on Snapchat, raffle prizes to get more newsletter subscribers, and even an Activities page, full of games and puzzles.

In addition to marketing, the students have managed to write some pretty amazing articles. Head over to to have a look/read.

Everything You Need to Know About the Personal Projectby Tea D. | May 22, 2018

Personal Project: two words that evoke fear in any IB student. But what is it that really causes this

anxiety, and what can we do to ease this stress?

According to the IB website “The MYP Personal Project is a student-centered and age-appropriate practical explora-tion in which students consolidate their learning through-out the programme.” It’s supposed to be a unique chance to express yourself within the school community by focus-ing on your passion. It is an independent learning experi-ence of approximately 25 hours (probably much more) in which you will be assessed on all of the ATL skills.To find out more about Personal Project, The Bite inter-viewed Andrew Pontius, the MYP coordinator, who knows all the details. READ MORE

Following Your Passion: Why Is It Important?by Ioana D. | May 11, 2018

What are the things that make you happy? What is that one thing you can see yourself doing your whole life?

Be it painting, reading, writing, helping someone, cooking, singing, playing an instrument, or any other passion you have, philosophers have reflected on the power of follow-ing your passion, how it can bring you happiness, moti-vation, but how it can also help you bring some creativity into the world.

“Nothing great in the world has been accomplished with-out passion.” – Georg Hegel, German philosopher


Romania’s First Cereal Cafe: Is it Worth the Hype?by Raquel G. | May 8, 2018

The first cereal cafe in Romania, called Cereal Crunch, recently opened on March 7th. Pictures of the inauguration were posted on

the cafe’s social media, Facebook, and Instagram. The cafe’s small but cozy environment is perfect to have a nice bowl of cereal of your choice with friends and family.

When asked about the inspiration behind the creative idea of making this cafe, the owner said, “A few years ago, I was in New York and saw something similar. Kellogg’s had a cereal bar, but it only had Kellogg’s cereals. That was the moment when I started thinking, why shouldn’t I create something with all types of cereals?”


Big Brother Is Watching You: Why You Need To Know More About Internet Surveillanceby Mehdi M. | May 10, 2018

Our world, and particularly our generation, is constantly be-coming more and more reliant

on technology. There are apps for almost all of our every-day uses; we communicate almost exclusively through text; and everything we say and do goes straight up to the cloud–a thing that barely anyone knows where, or even what, it actually is.

Our digital footprints get bigger and more intimate every day as we share more and more information.

This is exactly why we should be more aware of the capa-bilities of big governments and large corporations. You never know when your personal information might be compromised or used against you. READ MORE

6 | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 2017-2018

Thur. May 31, 2018 monthly newsletter


Dear parents,

We constantly make efforts for our kids to become more active and we strongly believe that a healthy lifestyle starts during childhood. We consider that having an active lifestyle is important for everyone’s well-being, and for liv-ing a healthier life.Moreover, it is part of our responsibility (parents and teachers) to influence, inspire and involve the little ones in sports activities. That is why we should make kids under-stand that sports play an essential role in our lives and hey come with many benefits, such as: greater confidence and self-awareness, more energy, a healthier body. Sports also help us have a better immunity system and get better sleep; they give us more energy in our daily activities.

We want to take the opportunity to announce that we have established a special partnership with World Class Romania, the market leader in the local wellness industry, with a total number of 26 health & fitness clubs in Bucha-rest (23 are active and 3 will be open later this year) serving almost 60.000 members. Starting this month, AISB parents can enjoy World Class Romania’s services, at a spe-cial price, and benefit from their newest campaign - monthly subscription with automatic prolongation. You can log in or sign up in the members area on the World Class website, then select the club and the membership that bets fits your needs, select the “1 Month Rolling” and then pay online with any type of card. GET YOUR Special code from the Admissions office. Remember, the dis-count is avaiable for AISB members ONLY!

More information can be found at




• karate, wushu, gymnastics, dance, ballet and yoga*;

• Free pool access between 9 AM and 6 PM*;

• Swimming classes; • Free playground area.



• Preferential prices; • Free health assessments; • Guest passes for your friends; • Freezing membership; • The offer is valid for all members of

the AISB community plus a friend.

*These classes are available in World Class Militari, Titan, Caro, Otopeni, Atlantis and W Le Club. Valid for kids under 12 years old

**The special benefit applies on all membership levels and membership options - 1, 3 and 12 months.The offer is valid until 31.12.2018.

7 | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 2017-2018

Thur. May 31 2018 monthly newsletter

Migrants. Asylum-seekers. Refugees. When spoken, heard, or read, these terms evoke a wide range of reactions. Un-fortunately, we sometimes fail to recognize that to be a foreign citizen residing in Romania makes you no different than any other one of the country’s 20 million citizens—human. Every day, the NGO ActivRANDOM seeks to integrate such citizens, in particular those finding themselves in difficult economic or social situations, into Romanian society. They do so through vocational and training courses, personal develop-ment courses, and cultural events.Besides these endeavors, the organization hopes to educate Romanian citizens about the importance of promoting cultural diversity. Because World Refugee Day takes place on the 20th of June, the 5-day festival Omfest— Romanian for ‘Hu-manfest’—will fill the city with displays of multiculturalism from the 15th to the 20th of June.

A free-of-charge festival dedicated to the world’s 65 million refugees, many of the events will take place in the National Museum of Contemporary Art, Club Fabrica, and Clubul Taranului. They will include an art exhibition showcasing the work and lives of 9 refugees residing in Bucharest, a screening of the doc-umentary “Human”, the results of a social experiment, and the music of Mo-hamad Zatari, an Arab classical musician. Similarly, multiple bands with refu-gee members—ranging from rock, funk, hip-hop, and rap—will travel from all around Romania to perform at Club Fabrica. The final event, “Tastes from Overseas”, will feature 6 culinary ambassadors who will provide samples of their ethnic cuisines. These will be traditional dishes from Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Yemen, and Romania. Romania’s first ever OMfest embodies the importance of appreciating Bucha-

rest’s ever-expanding internationality. It is an initiative that recognizes and honors our social, cultural, and artistic heritage, as a community rather than individuals.

We hope that you will attend the honorable cause. Please find here a video presentation for the event.

If you or your company is interested in being a sponsor at the festival, or for further details, please contact the organization at or visit the ActivRANDOM Facebook page.


FIRST ANNUAL EARTH DAY By: Caleigh P., Grade 11 student

On Monday, April 23, AISB held its first of hopefully many Earth Day celebra-tions. The student lead conference was lead by a fantastic group of students ranging from grade 8 to grade 11; with the help of Ms. Sorrell, and Ms. Moss of course. The group had the opportunity to speak to the sixth graders and lead interactive workshops to get them interested in environmental issues.

The goal of the day was to make learning about Earth Day fun; some of the workshops included hands on paper Mache, making you own plastic cup, and a cryptic clue hunt. For the rest of school there was an electricity free day organized, this meant all teachers and students had to work on paper, and even in the dark! Some classes such as Ms. Hofman’s HL Physics class got very creative and generated their own energy. On behalf of the Earth Day commit-tee, we could not have asked for a greater way to kick off what will hopefully be a new school tradition.

8 | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 2017-2018

Thur. May 31, 2018 monthly newsletterSEASONAL ALLERGIES

Seasonal allergies, also know as "hay fever" or allergic rhinitis, are allergy symptoms that hap-pen during certain times of the year: when outdoor molds release their spores and/or when trees, grasses and weeds release tiny pollen particles into the air.People can be allergic to one or more types of pollen or mold. Seasonal allergies can start at al-most any age, though they usually develop by the time someone is 10 years old and reach their peak in the early twenties, with symptoms often disappearing later in adulthood.


If your child develops a "cold" at the same time every year, seasonal allergies might be to blame. Allergy symptoms, which usual-ly come about suddenly and last as long as a person is exposed to the allergen, can include: sneezing; itchy nose and/or throat; nasal congestion; clear, runny nose; coughing. These symptoms often come with itchy, watery, and/or red eyes, which is called allergic conjunctivitis. Kids who have wheezing and shortness of breath in addition to these symptoms might have allergies that trigger asthma.


Seasonal allergies are fairly easy to identify because the pattern of symptoms returns from year to year following exposure to an allergen.Talk with your doctor if you think your child might have allergies. The doctor will ask about symptoms and when they appear and, based on the answers and a physical exam, should be able to make a diagnosis. Allergy testing is not always necessary or beneficial.


There are many ways to treat seasonal allergies, depending on how severe the symptoms are. Some kids can get relief by reduc-ing or eliminating exposure to allergens that bother them.If certain seasons cause symptoms, keep the windows closed, use air conditioning if possible (make sure to perform periodic maintenance on air conditioners), and stay indoors when pollen/mold/weed counts are high. It's also a good idea for kids with seasonal allergies to wash their hands or shower and change clothing after playing outside. If reducing exposure isn't possible or is ineffective, medicines (decongestants, antihistamines, nasal spray steroids) can help ease allergy symptoms. If symptoms can't be managed with medicines, the doctor may recommend taking your child to an allergist or immunologist.

Thank you for your time and support, Anita Pop | MD. PhD Pediatrician | Health Office Manager | engage prepare inspire | Email |

9 | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 2017-2018

Thur. May 31 2018 monthly newsletterECOSCHOOL UPDATE

This month, we were busy working to reduce the environmental footprint of AISB's International Day.

Recycling @ International Day"Change is hard (work) at first, (quite literally) messy in the middle, gorgeous at the end"

The hard workThank you to the Elementary and Secondary School Eco Committees who came together to introduce plastic and glass Recycling @ International Day!The Elementary School Eco Committees (Lunch Clubs) labeled recycling bins and prepared posters & signs to show International Day guests where to deposit their recyclables. Committed students from the Secondary School Service Learning groups helped set up the recycling stations.

'It's (NOT) in the mix' or 'The messy middle'All the effort didn't prevent some amount of mixing in of regular waste with the recyclables. A great opportunity for a hands on waste audit with the Secondary School Eco Committee! Armed with gloves and good spirits we spent a sunny hour going through the recycling bags to remove the unwanted trash.Lesson learned: We'll station student 'Recycling Guides' at the recycling stations next time around. Watch for them at the Terry Fox Run!

Happy EndAISB partnered with recycling company 'Total Waste Management' to provide a dedicated recycling service for the event. Following the waste separation, we were able to provide good quality recycling raw materials and saved many bags full of plastic and glass bottles from going to landfill.

How to RecycleIf you're keen to recycle (or your children are giving you a hard time) but you're not so satisfied with your residential provider, why not make use of Total Waste Management's Sigurec recycling facility at the Baneasa Mall parking lot (all the way down letter 'F') that accepts the following materials and has helpful staff:'Hard' plastic (PET bottles etc)Plastic foilTetrapakPaper/CartonStyrofoamMetal cans and foilElectronics / Bulbs / BatteriesCooking OilIt's easiest and fastest to separate the different materials at home (get the children involved and make it a game!) and just put them in the chutes at the Sigurec facility: takes 2 minutes!

Sigurec even has a pick up service, that picks up your recyclables at your home!For more details check their website available in English and Romanian.They also have a very convenient app to explain their different services and drop off locations.

Reducing Single Use Plastic @ International DayThank you also to the PTO who made it possible to provide the country tables with al-ternatives to single use plastic, such as paper plates and cups and compostable 'plastic' cutlery.

For compostable plastic products check the English and Romanian website of Biodeck:

10 | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 2017-2018

Thu. August 31, 2017Thur. May 31, 2018

Dear AISB parents,

The end of the school year is approaching and you can feel the excitement throughout the school.

International Day on May 12th was a huge success with perfect weather, loads of great food, a beautiful Cultural Fashion show and flag parade and lots of fun for all ages. Thank you so much to everyone who helped out and also to those who attended, we couldn’t have done it without you.

The Class of 2018 enjoyed senior week last week with a breakfast with Alumni, the wonderful procession around Central Park flanked by all the other students, and the graduation ceremony on Friday. Then, on Saturday evening, they were finally able to just kick back and enjoy an evening of fun with their classmates.

We now move into the last month of school and there are many more events to come. Volunteer appreciation, Sports Day for Elementary and Secondary schools, Spring Season awards, Grade 5 promotion ceremony, parent coffees, end of year shows and concerts, the MYP completion cere-mony and so much more. Please check the calendar so you don’t miss anything.

We will hold the final PTO General meeting of the year on Thursday, June 7 at 13:00 in CR13. In addition to the usual end of year wrap-up, Mr. Cain will be giving an update on changes in the Secondary school for next year; this is information you definitely need to hear.

On a personal note, I will be leaving Romania after 5 amazing years and I thank you all for making this an experience I will never forget!

Best regards,

Sian AshendenPresident, AISB PTO

monthly newsletter

pto message

PTO Executive Team






















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11 | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 2017-2018

Thu. August 31, 2017Thur. May 31, 2018

monthly newsletter

bucharest buzz

Green Hours Jazz Fest - Anniversary EditionMay 31 - June 3

The Bucharest jazz club and artistic hub Green Hours will host the tenth edi-tion of the Green Hours Jazz Fest between May 31st and June 3rd.

The four-day festival will cover nine concert sessions featuring established and emerging European jazz names. One event, for children, will be held at the Elvire Popesco cinema, at the French Institute.

Check out the full schedule for this event HERE.

The 8th Edition of the Urban Festival "Women on Matasari"June 1, 19:00 - June 3, 23:00

The 8th edition of the three-day urban festival dedicated to women and promoting projects with social impact and relevance brings together artists such as FiRMA, Urma and Lucia.

Check out the full schedule and list of activities HERE.

Tutankhamun's mask on display at an-cient Egypt exhibition in Bucharest

From March 21st to June 21st, visit the National Li-brary near Piata Unirii to see this exceptional exhi-bition. Over 300 pieces, replicas and originals, are present in a mysterious and interactive show. For the first time in Romania, Ancient Egypt's Treasures are being displayed.

For more details, visit:

12 | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 2017-2018

Thur. May 31, 2018 monthly newsletter

Calea Victoriei Opened for Pedes-trians for Weekend Event

June 2-3, 10:00 - 21:00

The 4th edition of "La pas pe Calea Victoriei" (Strolling on Calea Victoriei) will be organized on June 2-3, between 10:00 and 21:00.

On this weekend, traffic will be restricted on the section between George Enescu street and Victoriei Square, where pass-ers-by will be able to enjoy art perfor-mances, workshops, plays and street activities.

See more details about this event HERE.

Bookfest in Bucharest!

May 30 - June 1 at RomexpoWednesday - Friday from 10:00 - 20:00Saturday from 10:00 - 21:00

Program & details linked here

Private Collection of 100-year-old Toys on Display at the "Dino Parc" in Rasnov

Starting June 1

"Dino Parc Rasnov", in central Romania, will host a private collection of old and extremely rare toys belonging to Marian Spatariu, starting with children's day, June 1.

The exhibition includes various pieces, many of which were produced at the turn of the 19th century – beginning of the 20th century. Producers of these toys include renowned brands established in the early 19th century, such as the Schuco and Lehmann German factories.

"Dino Parc Rasnov" is a dinsosaur-themed entertainment park and open-air muse-um, close to the Rasnov Citadel. It hosts 55 scientifically certified lifesize dinosaur models, set in the forest. Moreover, the park has play areas, tree houses, a 9D cinema, an adventure trail, a laser laby-rinth and many more interactive and fun activities.

Check out more details HERE.

June 1 Children's Day activities at the Manasia EstateSpend Children's Day together with your child(ren) - a day filled with play, work-shops and theater on a wonderful estate near Urziceni. More details and registra-tions HERE.

13 | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 2017-2018

Thu. August 31, 2017JUNE 2018

monthly newsletter

the month ahead

Early Learning Center EventsElementary School EventsSecondary School Events

School-Wide Events

EC4 End of Year Show// 08:30-09:10// ELC Gym


19MYP Completion Ceremony//16:00-17:30//Theater



Children's Day - No SchoolJUNE

1SAT //Community Room 13, ES Gym & DC5


2Volunteer Appreciation Day//13:00-15:00 in Community Room 13



Spring Season AwardsJUNE


Elementary School Sports Day// 08:00


6Early Learning Center Sports Day - Superhero Day // 09:00 - 10:30



Secondary School Field Day//13:20-15:10



High School ExamsJUNE


EC2 End of Year Show//08:20-09:00//EC2 Bedroom


12Grade 5 Promotion Ceremony//10:00-12:00//Theater


13ES Parent Coffee Meeting// 08:10-09:40//Community Room 13


14EC3 End of Year Show// 08:30-09:10// ELC Gym



Grade 2 & 3 Concert//14:00 in the Theater


19Grade 1 Concert // 14:00-14:40//Community Room 13



KG End of Year Show// 08:30-09:10// ELC Gym



PYP Report Cards Available to Parents



PTO General Meeting// 13:00-14:30// Community Room 13



Secondary School Group 4 Project




21ELC Farewell Gathering//09:00-10:00 in the ELC Gym


21Last Day of School - Half Day// 12pm Dismissal

Last Day of School for Teachers



Grade 4 Concert//15:00 - 16:00 in the Theater