Monster Descriptions

Post on 26-Jan-2015

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Third grade students practice adding details to their writing by describing "wild things" from their imagination.

Transcript of Monster Descriptions

The beast was as tall as a bear. It was covered in thick red fur. I was amazed that its fur was red. Squinting, I caught the sight of a tail as sharp as a knife. I gasped when I saw its long, sharp fangs. They were about as long as an encyclopedia. I took a deep breath and I smelled the most horrible odor I’ve ever smelled. The smell could fill up two classrooms - it was terrible! It moved as fast as a cheetah after it just had coffee.


By Luke

I couldn’t believe how tiny the beast was. The thing was as tiny as a newborn pup, and it looked like one too. It had a pearly white halo and angel wings with fluffy feathers covering them. I gasped at the sight of sandy colored fur spread like peanut butter all over the amazing thing’s body. Amazed, I stared at its rounded and stunningly white teeth. I couldn’t believe the sight of its eyes, they were as green as freshly polished emeralds.

A comforting smile spread across its glorious face and it would chirp and twitter softly. The creature’s long and silky soft tail would flick gently against the floor. It would stride with its chin up, and it looked tremendously proud of its delicate figure. I couldn’t believe how soft and gentle the enchanting beast was.


By Taylor

The wretched beast smelled like static electricity. It was as big as three skyscrapers. The humongous tail was as large as two or even three generators. The beast’s mouth was as wide as a pick-up truck. Its ancient black scales were made from diamonds, gems, rubies, and crystals. Its eyes were like large boulders and were as red as lava. The noise coming from the creature sounded like an earthquake.

-Brian G.

By Brian G.

I looked closely at the red beady eyes, and the mouth dripping with lava. I could not believe how big it was! It was the size of a rocket! I couldn’t help looking at the red murderous look in its eyes. The monster had razor sharp black teeth and the head had 3 eyes. The beast’s fur was striped black and orange. The toenails were as green as lettuce. Its fingernails were yellow as the sun. I caught glimpses of its fangs. They could slice your hand off in one bite! As I watched it move in a slow way it could lift you up in a second and run away with you before you could blink your eye! The smell of the beast’s breath almost killed my dog. It smelled like garbage with the smell of rotten eggs. The monster’s tail had sharp spikes pointing straight up at the ceiling. The expression on its face was not happy it was furious. It had 6 arms.


By Sophia

The monster was as long as two school buses. The beast had overlapping black scales on the body. The scales on the head, forearms, and its back feet were covered in red scales. I stared hard at the creature’s razor-sharp forearm talons and its first four teeth. The claws looked as if they could slice a suit of armor with one strike. It’s leathery bat like wings had huge claws on them. I shivered when I caught sight of the snarl on the beast’s mouth. The monster’s blood red eyes had a look of anger. When it moved the monster half slithered – half crawled. I caught sight of a razor-ended forked tail. The tail was about 2 ft. in length and width.


By Joey

It was as big as a two-story building with spikes on it’s back and head. Its whole body had plated armor. He had four arms. He had a tail that was three feet long. His teeth were as long as a banana. His eyes were as red as blood. Every time he roared it almost made an earthquake. With each step he took the ground shattered.


By Creighton

The beast had bright yellow beady eyes. Thick double layers of black fur! Super, sharp teeth that hang down all the way to the floor. It was as tall as the Statue of Liberty. The beast had a high-pitched squeaky voice! If it ever wanted to say “roar”, it would only come out as “reek!” The monster would move as slow as a snail! Also, if it wanted to take a step it would be a THUD! It smelled like garbage. Its tail was soft with a ball of spikes on the bottom of it.


By Kayla

I gasped at the sight of the beast darting around like a hyper cheetah that just drank coffee. The creature’s eyes seemed like they were changing colors like purple, pink, yellow and green. I thought that it was pretty cool. It was as big as a skyscraper and it had a HUGE smile across its face. It didn’t have a tail! The beast made a high-pitched squeak, just like a dolphin. The monster had fangs that were as big as a person’s head! The beast had pink feathers for its fur. The thing’s body was the shape of an oval. The monster had huge feet. I looked so close and saw the huge arms and hands.


By Shea

I stared at the wild thing. It has dark blue ears that were the shape of a bouncy ball. The wild thing had eyes black as midnight. He had a tail that looked like a platypus’ tail but it was blue. The thing had feet dark blue as it’s ears. The beast had little tiny balls next to its neck. I smelled fish. It moved very slowly, slow as a snail. It had a light brown nose. Its mouth was slanted like an upside down “V”. Its eyes were next to its nose. It sounded like it said peep. It had a shell on its belly. It had little arms.


By Anthony

I stared at the wild thing standing before me. It had a purple head with beady blue eyes. It could shoot fireworks out of its head. His horrifying voice grumbled in the distance. Its mouth spread across its face with a devious smile. I shivered when I caught sight of its two terrible teeth. They were green and shiny. The monster had four yellow wings as powerful as an earthquake. It was enormous, almost as big as a skyscraper. Its chest was covered in blue scales as hard as a rock, and its legs were orange. I gasped at the whistling noise of its breathing. The ground was shaking as it walked slowly toward me.


By Carly

I was amazed when I saw the ferocious beast. Sparks flew when he breathed. The monsters hands could turn into chainsaws. It was as big as a skyscraper. The beast’s tail was as big as a four-story building. The monster’s tail spikes were as big as two grown men. The enormous eyes were as bright as the sun. Its feet had spikes on the bottom, and two giant horns came out of its head


By Braedon

I couldn’t believe the sight of the weird creature standing before me. It was at least as big as an ice cream truck. A small, delicate smell of roses came from the beast. I heard a sound rise from its throat, a cross between a purr and a squeak. The eyes were a burning red. Small, white, razor sharp fangs stuck out of its mouth, and it had a forked tongue that flicked from a devious smile. It burst around, as fast as lightning.

The ferocious beast had claws as sharp as broken glass and the body and head of a horse. That part of its body was the color of sweet honey. The creature had a graceful, cloud-white mane. It slashed at trees with the legs and claws of a panther. The creature’s legs were blue and black, and very long ending in jet-black claws. Finally, the tail was a glowing silver snake, with the snake’s head at the end.


By Maura

The monster looked as silly as a cow. I noticed his teeth were little car batteries. He was the size of a Volkswagen Beetle. I looked closely. It was the silliest thing - he was a car! It had jumper cables and a battery in its trunk. It had hard metal scales. I couldn’t believe its claws were mini tires. His eyes were headlights. The thing had an evil look on its face. It sounded like a loud train. The monster moved like a car on new tar.


By Dylan

It had gigantic wings. They were as black as a grizzly bear’s fur. The beast was medium and its tail was as long as a snake. The monster ran as fast as a jet. Suddenly I heard a squeak like a dolphin. The monster had brown fluffy fur. The beast had red flaming eyes that looked like fire. It had sharp spikes on its head and body. They were as sharp as shark’s teeth. The wild thing had a mouth and a nose the size of a little dot. It had horns that were black and pointy ears. I couldn’t believe the beast’s sharp teeth and spikes. They were as sharp as a sharks tooth. The beast could breath dark orange fire. You wouldn’t believe the giant wings on the creature! It had long fur that was very funny. On the end of the tail it had a pointy triangle.


By Jackie

I stared at the wild thing with huge, blue bulging eyes. It took an hour to take one step. Suddenly it made a noise like a hungry dinosaur. It had ten heads and chain saw hands. There were green spikes on its heads. Each head was rainbow colored and had two teeth as long as an elephant’s tusks. It had a purple tongue and was over 50 feet tall. The scary creature had bare feet. It was green and was wearing ripped up clothing.


By Nate

I gasped at the gooey legs covered in boogers. It had bulging eyes that hung all the way to the floor. The arms were flaming. The creature’s chest was buff and scaly. I was amazed how big the mouth was, it was wide enough to eat a large-mouth bass in one bite! The monster’s head looked just like a fish head. It had a fish tail too. The disgusting beast was at least 10 feet tall.


By Joseph

I saw the monster’s grass-green eyes. It moved as fast as a cheetah. It had razor sharp claws on its four green legs. The blood red wings were sharp enough to cut down a full-grown tree. I stared at its fangs, which were as big as my face. I could hear it grunt as it moved. The beast’s body was stripped with bands of green, orange, and blue. It was as tall as a giant.


By Chase

I gasped at the terrifying thing as his chainsaw hand grumbled while his grabber-claw hand snapped at me. His gigantic venomous fangs were glistening in the light. It had huge green eyes - they were as big as windows. It had gigantic meat tearing, razor sharp teeth and ears that could hear 500,000 miles away. I couldn’t believe my eyes at how big the spikes were on his back. It seemed to have just one wing. The brute had a belt with an axe that was brand new.


By Chris

The beast had two heads with two different colors, one was white the other was black. I shivered when I saw its different colored eyes. One head had blue eyes and the other had red. It had black wings with white claws that were as sharp as knives. The claws were as long as an unsharpened pencil. The creature’s wings were silky and soft. Its tail was a flaming ball of fire. The wild thing had a mane on its back, neck, breast, and ankles. Its red legs were covered in scales. It had a flowing tail that was stripped with red and blue.


By Jennifer