Monitoring, Reporting and Verification System (MRV) in Bangladesh Md. Abdul Latif Mia 17 September...

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Transcript of Monitoring, Reporting and Verification System (MRV) in Bangladesh Md. Abdul Latif Mia 17 September...

Monitoring, Reporting and Verification System (MRV) in Bangladesh

Md. Abdul Latif Mia17 September 2014

Basic Facts

Population: 160 MPopulation Density: 1015 per sq KMPer capita GDP: 838 USDArea: 147,570 Sq KMForest Area: 2.6 M HectresGDP Growth Rate: 6%Total Emission: 59,608 GgEmission from LUCF: 18,026 Gg

MRV context of the Country

National Forest Inventory (NFI): the previous NFI has not covered some forest type (the sampling strategy did not covered some forest types)

Forest Monitoring System (FMS): one national forest cover assessment was performed (coarse resolution), and several sub-national land cover assessment (not compatible between each other)

Green House Gas Inventory (GHG-I): mainly performed by contracting external resources

Emission Factors

There is no regular national forest inventory to provide emission factors

1. General aspects of the monitoring system

Types of Carbon pool Tier Level

Aboveground biomass Tier 3

Underground biomass Tier 3Litter Tier 3Dead wood Tier 3

Soil Tier 3Comments: These carbon pools were only calculated for Sundarban Reserved Forest and other 6 protected areas under a project but for the other forest areas no such estimation is available

Emission Factors – Methodology use for current estimation

Source: NFA 2007

Experience at National Level

National Forest Inventory (NFI): •NFI conducted for the first time in 2005-06•NFI has not covered some forest type (the sampling strategy did not covered some forest types)

• Inventory of the Hill Forests (1958-60, 1984-85, 1996-97)• Inventory of the Plain land Sal Forests (1984-85, 1999-2001)• Inventory of the Sundarban Reserved Forests (1958-60, 1984-85,

1996-97)• Inventory of the Coastal Afforestation (1996-97)

Experience at Sub-national Level

Detailed inventories were conducted in different forest types in different year under different project using different methodologies. They are:

During the 1st and 2nd National Communication, Approach 1 (total area of each land category estimated, but area of conversions not provided, and non-spatial) was used for GHG reporting

Activity data

Forest Monitoring System:•Project based monitoring •one national forest cover assessment was performed using the Landsat of 2004-05 •several sub-national assessment conducted under different project using different methodology in different time

• Mid to very high resolution satellite imageries was used for the assessment of the forest areas in different times

Experience at sub-national Level in Sundarban

• SRF assessment and mapping was done using aerial photo of 1960, 1981, 1995 and IKONOS imagery of 2012

• No accuracy assessment was done

• Assessment of the Hill Forests (part)(1958-60, 1998, 2013) (Aerial photo, SPOT 4, IKONOS and Rapid eye)

• Assessment of the Plain land Sal Forests (1984-85, 2013) (Aerial photo and IKONOS)

• Assessment of the Sundarban Reserved Forests (1960, 1985, 1998, 2013) (Aerial photo and IKONOS)

• Assessment of the Coastal Afforestation (1992, 1997, 2013 ) (Aerial photo and Rapid eye)

• Several other assessment was done for the protected areas using satellite imagery (Landsat, SPOT, LISIII, LISSIV, Geoeye)

Other experiences at Sub-national Level

Assessment was done in different forest types using aerial photographs and satellite imageries in different year under different project. They are:

Future Plan - Successful implementation of the Readiness Preparation Proposal (R-PP)

Component 3: Reference emission levels and reference levels developed

Output16. Capacities for the development of Reference Emission Level strengthened.

Output17. National circumstances considered for RELs/RLs. Output18. National forest monitoring systems established Component 4: National forest monitoring system and safeguards information system developed

Output19. Capacities to implement the GHG inventory for the forest sector strengthened

Output20. National Satellite Forest Monitoring System established; Output21. National Forest Inventory Designed and established. Output22. Scientific research on key issues enhanced. Output23. MRV Implementation Support Output24. Integrated forest information system developed Output25. Information systems for measuring multiple-benefits,

other impacts, governance and safeguards established

• Three national multi-stakeholder workshops

• Five regional multi-stakeholder workshops

• Village-level consultations

• National ‘way forward’ workshop

• About 700 individuals directly involved in consultations

prior to R-PP development

R-PP Approved by the Policy Board of UN-REDD Programme in December 2013

R-PP included all the activities related to development of Emission factors and monitoring system

R-PP is used to develop the projects

One project has been designed for the calculation of emission factor and generation of activity data with the help of Silva Carbon & FAO, is supposed to be started during the end of 2014

Parallel Implementation of National Programme under UN-REDD Programme, is supposed to be started in October 2014

capacity building for field inventory and geospatial data processing is on going activity under a project

sustainable support for the capacity building

flow of funding

Exchange of knowledge, views and experiences for the development of a operational MRV system

2. Way forward for the development and implementation of MRV & monitoring