MongoDB & Drupal

Post on 12-May-2015

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Transcript of MongoDB & Drupal


1.MySQL as standard.

2. Problems MySQL

3. Reply by MongoDB. Structure

4. Plus and Cons Mongo

5. Mongo and Drupal. Let's be friends

6. Work with users. Custom Module

7. Aggregation Framework


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MySQL as standard

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MySQL as standard

1. It is a reliable product

2. It is easy and convenient

3.A description of 90% of all possible data

storage structures *

4. It is used by millions of people *

* rough estimates

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node_load – SLOW

user_load – SLOW



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The choice between a set of tables or columns empty

1.Slow selection

2.Waste of memory

MySQL - hard structuring

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Reply by MongoDB

1.Very fast insert

2.No joins => Fast select

3. Power Update

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Structure MySQL

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Structure Mongo

{ name: "Jhon", address:[ {city: "Sevastopol", country: "Ukraine"}, {city: "New York", country: "USA"} ], friends:[ {id: 3}, {id: 13} ], email: "", phone: "+380123456789"}

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Mongo Plus

1. Flexibility

2. Scalability

3. Atomicity

4. Support for various

types of data

5. Object Query Language

6. Map/Reduce

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Mongo Minuses

1. Enough young product

2. Max object size - 4 Mb

3. Max DB size - 2 GB

4. Typing

5. No transaction

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Mongo and PHP

Installing from a Pecl repORDownload the library from Githab and make

Detailed documentation on and living examples in the test folder inside the library

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Mongo and Drupal.Let's be friends

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#MongoDB $conf['mongodb_connections'] = array( 'default' => array( // Connection name/alias 'host' => 'localhost', // Omit USER:PASS@

'db' => 'drup_conf' // Database name. ), );$conf['field_storage_default'] = 'mongodb_field_storage';

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function dc_mongodb_update($collection_name, $keys, $object, $upsert = TRUE) {

// Select collection $collection = mongodb_collection($collection_name);

if (!$collection || !$keys || !$object) { return FALSE; }

$result = $collection->update($keys, $object, array('upsert' => $upsert)); return $result;}


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function dc_mongodb_select($collection_name, $query = array(), $fields = array(), $sort = array(), $limit = 0) {

// Select collection $collection = mongodb_collection($collection_name); // Set query $mongo_result = $collection->find($query, $fields); $mongo_result->sort($sort); // Set limit if defined if ($limit > 0) { $mongo_result->limit($limit); } $result = array(); while($item = $mongo_result->getNext()) { $result[] = $item; }return $result;}

Description task

Each user can be:- name- surname- gender- post- any number of addresses- Friends List

First and last name - required Another fields - optional

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Structure - alone

Users{ "uid" : 5, "first_name" : "Jon", "last_name" : "Smit", "gender " : "male", "post" : "manager", }

Friends{ "users" : [ { "uid" : 1 }, { "uid" : 7 } ]}

Address{ "uid" : 5, "address" : [ { "country" : "USA", "city" : "New York", "address" : "st Jimmy street 4 " }, { "country" : "Great Brithan", "city" : "London", "address" : "Queen palace" } ]}

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The structure - all-inclusiveUsers{ "uid" : 5, "first_name" : "Jon", "last_name" : "Smit", “gender" : "male", "post" : "manager", "address" : [ { "country" : "USA", ... } ] "friends" : [ { "first_name" : "Jon", "last_name" : "Smit", “gender " : "male", "post" : "manager", "address" : [ { ... } ] }]}

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Structure - mixed

{ "uid" : 5, "profile" : { "first_name" : "Jon", "last_name" : "Smit", "gender" : "male", "post" : "manager", "address" : [ {…}, {…} ] }, "friends" : [

{ "uid" : 1, "name" : "Bobby”},

{ "uid" : 7, "name" : "Jynu“ } ]}

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function dc_mongodb_user_user_update(&$edit, $account, $category){ $keys = array('uid' => (int) $account->uid); //Get user data from mongodb $data = dc_mongodb_select_one('users', $keys); $userOldName = $data['profile']['first_name'] ; //Set update data $data['uid'] = (int) $account->uid; $data['profile']['first_name'] = $edit['first_name'];//Update user collection dc_mongodb_update('users', $keys, $data); if ($userOldName != $edit['first_name']) { dc_mongodb_update('users', array('friends.uid' => $data['uid'] ),

array('$set' => array('friends.$.name' => $edit['first_name'])), FALSE); }}

Aggregation Framework

1. Means to calculate aggregated values without having to use map-reduce

2. Provides similar functionality to GROUP BY and related SQL operators

3. Add computed fields

4. Create new virtual sub-objects

5. Extract sub-fields into the top-level of results

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Aggregation wrapper/** * Mongo aggregate */function dc_mongodb_aggregate($collection_name, $opt) { // Select collection $collection = mongodb_collection($collection_name); if (!$collection) { return FALSE; } $result = $collection->aggregate($opt); unset($collection);

return $result;}

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Extract sub-fields

$top_users = dc_mongodb_aggregate(

‘users’, array( array('$unwind' => '$friends'), array( '$project' => array( 'uid' => 1, '_id' => 0, 'friend_uid' => '$friends.uid', 'friend_name' => '$', ) ));

{ "uid" : 1, "friend_name" : “Bob", "frined_id" : 5},...{ "uid" : 1, "friend_name" : “Alex", "frined_id" : 12}

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Add virtual field

array( '$project' => array(

... 'count' => array( '$add' => 1 ) ))

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{ "uid" : 1, "friend_name" : “Bob", "frined_id" : 5, "count " : 1},...{ "uid" : 1, "friend_name" : “Alex", "frined_id" : 12, "count" : 1}


array( '$group' => array( '_id' => array( 'user_name' => '$friend_name', 'user_id' => '$friend_uid', ), 'count' => array( '$sum' => '$count' ) ) ),

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{ "_id " : { "user_name " : “Bob", "user_id " : 5 }, "count " : 3},...{ "_id " : { "user_name " : “Alex", "user_id " : 2 }, "count " : 12}

Add sort and limit

array( '$sort' => array(

'count' => -1 ) ), array( $limit' => 1 )

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{ "_id " : { "user_name " : “Alex", "user_id " : 2 }, "count " : 12}

Questions ?

Contact:E-mail: pavel.gorbach@volcanoideas.comSkype: rgnrok

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