molecular genetics

Post on 04-Jul-2015

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Dna structure, transcription and translation

Transcript of molecular genetics

DNA is a polymer of nucleotides.

That means it is a complex molecule composed of nucleotides.

These nucleotides form chemical interactions as such:

There are four types of nucleotides in DNA: Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine and Thymine.

Nucleotides match to form base pairs.

Adenine pairs with thymine and cytosine pairs with guanine.

DNA works like a set of instructions which makes proteins. These proteins are necessary for your body to function correctly.

Different proteins which have the same function imply different phenotypes.

The instructions are found in the DNA´s sequence of nucleotides, present in all cells of living organisms.

The process follows this sequence:

DNA RNA proteins

In eukaryotic cells information travels from the nucleus to the cytoplasm where ribosomes are present.

Not all genetic information is needed at all times in all cells.

• The process involves transcribing and passing information from the DNA to a RNA molecule which sends the information to the cytoplasm.

• Meaning: the code of nucleotides is read in groups of three, which forms a code of amino acids

Biotechnology groups all methods of analysing living organisms with some practical methods of analysing human beings. Important: methods of manipulating the genetic code are included

Biotechnology produces therapeutic substances such as hormones (insulin for example) or vaccines.

It produces food

It produces energy such as methane or ethanol through fermentation.

A combination of methods which modify an organism´s DNA.

One or more genes are transfered.

Transgenetic organisms are produced.

In order to obtain the new DNA, enzymes (proteins) break the DNA´s chain in specific places (restriction enzymes) and other enzymes bind these fragments (elastic enzymes) together.


•Obtaining pharmaceuticals such as insulin.

•Obtaining better crops and livestock. Transgenetic products.

•Therapeutic genes: substituting faulty genes by healthy ones to cure illnesses.

Gene therapy: for example, treating immunodeficiency disorder (SCID).