Moldova Charity Mission Slideshow for Web Site April 2012

Post on 13-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Moldova Charity Mission Slideshow for Web Site April 2012

The Moldova Charity Mission for the Disabled

“Where there is indifference we know we can make a difference”

Moldova lies close to the Black Sea, to the north-east of Romania and south-east of Ukraine

Moldova has been independent of the U.S.S.R. since 1991. Approx. 3.56 million people live in Moldova

Moldova is the poorest country in Europe 80% of the population live below the poverty line

Currency: Moldovan Leu

Ian first met 3 members of the Moldova Charity Mission at a European Disabilities Conference in Bognor in February 2006.

The Moldova Charity Mission for the Disabled is led by Petru and Antonina Chirica

They have 5 children, including an adopted child, Caterina, and Petru-Marius, who has

Downs Syndrome.

Petru and Antonina are supported by Valeriu (social worker), Olesia (massage therapist) and Sergiu (co-founder and


Olesea works as a full time massage therapist. Her salary is around £3,000 per year, but the cost of living

is similar to that in the U.K.

Lilea is their speech therapist and works part-time at the centre. Helping the children to communicate is such an important job!

The Charity Mission is a Christian, non profit and non political organisation. They help poor families and disabled children in whatever way they can…

like Ecaterina, who has cerebral palsy. The Charity Mission used a sponsor’s donation to pay for an operation to improve mobility in her legs.

This is the Day Centre in Straseni where the children play and learn, and where they hold meetings for the parents.

They are currently raising funds for a Sensory Room and Soft Play Room and soon the centre will be open 4 days a week.

This is part of this garden outside the Day Centre which is now being used for growing fruits and vegetables. However, there is

enough space left over for a playground, which would be dream come true for the children.

Here are some of the children the Moldova Charity Mission help…

All of these women have disabled children. There is no schooling or respite care for their children in Moldova, so most of the mothers are

unable to work. Those with the most severely disabled children receive a small allowance from the state.

For this mother disposable nappies were a most welcome gift (they are just so very expensive in Moldova!)

At Christmas the Moldova Charity Mission make sure every child gets a present and they provide Christmas dinner for


The Moldova Charity Mission visit the poorest people in homes like this one. Inside, it’s cold, damp, dirty and depressing.

But this is her home; she has nowhere else to live.

For several years now, the Moldova Charity Mission have been running Summer Camps for adults and children. For many, these have been the first holidays they’ve ever had!

Great fun was had by all in 2008

In 2009, Di and Jenny went to summer camp as volunteers. The smiles say it all!

In 2010 Carole and Beth from Christ the King, Kettering, went to camp with O.T.’s Kimberley and Katie

And in 2011 Carole and Beth returned, this time with Jenny and Jade from Christ the King.

Another team will be going this summer…

The Christian charity, ‘Breadline’, has adopted the Moldova Charity Mission as a Partner, and their representative, Brian Pile, visits them

whenever he is in the country.

We are currently raising money towards a replacement minibus. The one they use is rusty, has no seat belts and is totally

unsuitable. A new minibus will mean the children will continue to be able to go to the Day Centre and to Summer Camp.

Please contact Ian if you would like to offer any financial support for the minibus or day centre.

Hand in hand with the Moldova Charity Mission we can make an enormous difference…

…and bring a huge smile to the faces of Moldova’s disabled children.

For further information, to make a donation or offer prayer support, please contact

UK administrator, Ian Hames- Tel: 01536 515776 E-mail: