Moe short upload

Post on 20-Oct-2014

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Transcript of Moe short upload

Our Aims for our learners with Ultranet

Increase use of ICT at School and Home

Back down barriers between Home and School

Personalised learning in action

‘Life long learners’

Students ‘in charge’ of their learning

Enhance communication between home and school

Utilise technology to enhance learning

Promoting collaborative learning environment Promote and develop

a range of learning partnerships.

Link to Stanley Avenue Learner

Sharing and tracking our goals on USPACE

Complete activities in our own time

Blogging is a way of Tracking my progress

Receiving feedback from my teachers and peers helps with my learning.

Home Learning can be continued on the web

Reflect on my learning

Showing learning process as well as finished product

Has Ultranet had a positive impact with the development of our learning community?

•Has contributed to the development of a shared vision throughout the learning community

•Helps with the development of our Stanley Avenue Learner• Strive to Succeed – Goal Setting New Entrant ‘first day’

•Deprivatised our practice• News Centre• Parent Evenings• Classroom planning and assessment tools

•Supported the creation of positive learning partnerships• Robot group - interoperability• Feedback• Between staff

•Promotes learning communities of inquiry• Wikis and forums• Students• Staff

•Engages and involves students in learning•Range of learning needs•Level of interactivity •Blogs

•Provides an authentic medium for students to showcase their learning


•Promotes self worth

•Prepares them for an ever changing learning environment

Has Ultranet had a positive impact with the development of our learning community?