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Transcript of Module6

Jordan CornW200 sect. 5656

Paula MageeJune 23,2010


Students with Autism using

Video Modeling

Slides 3-5

Direct Teaching for Students with

Special NeedsSlides 6-8

Special Education Programs and Mainstream Classroom

Slides 9-11

Conclusion Slide 12

Reference Slide 13

Teaching Students with Autism using Video ModelingThe first article I read was written by

Mary McDonald and she focuses on teaching students with autism. Seeing as how I hope to minor in special education I feel this article has very good examples of how to teach students with disabilities. “Video modeling is a teaching method that has been shown to be effective in teaching a variety of skills to students with autism spectrum disorders.” (McDonald)

One big thing in the article that caught my attention was that when teaching verbal skills to a student with autism a prompt is usually used.

A-ha momentsVideo modeling is used to help with

both verbal and non verbal skills. Shorter clips of the same task are

replayed to help the student remember what he/she is doing.

McDonald says that “video modeling should be more widely used to teach a variety of skills”. But that got me thinking what if a child does not learn like that how would you teach them?


I found this article to be full of useful information. Although there was one thing that I disagreed with in my a-ha section, I feel that she gave good examples of what she was saying. I think this will be a good article to refer back to in the future when I have my own classroom.

Direct Teaching for Students with Special NeedsI feel that this article written by Sue

Watson, is a very direct to the point article. "Well I taught it, I don't know why they don't get it”. (Watson) This quote caught my attention as soon as I read it. I know this is true because I have been in classrooms where I have heard students say it. By going to this article teachers have the chance to see questions that students should be answering after a lesson is taught to them.

For the teacher it list ways that we can check to make sure the students understand what they are doing and make sure they know how to do it.

I like that it breaks down the topics and shows what we need to be doing to better the child.

“The emphasis needs to shift from teaching to learning, when this shift happens, the result is improved student learning.” (Waston) I have never heard this term before but feel that it makes perfect sense for teachers to go by.


Overall this site can be very helpful to teachers of any age. Everyone has there own way of teaching but this gets straight to the point of what the teachers needs to do to help the student learn more. Another site which could be used when I enter into the schools for the first time.

Special Education Programs and the Mainstream ClassroomThis final article is by far my

favorite I think. Andrea Logan does such a fantastic job of explaining why special needs children should be in the regular classroom. The examples that she describes about collaborating with other teachers is a great idea. If all schools would allow the students to be mixed together I think it would benefit everyone.

One topic I learned about that I didn’t know was that some student bodies are already mixed together.

I really liked the paragraphs on inclusion in Special Education Programs. I feel as if I’m more educated about being a special needs teacher.

Along with the inclusion paragraphs there were a few on universal design classroom strategies. This is all very useful information that I have found.


“Special needs education in a general education classroom is not only a rewarding experience for the teacher, but the entire student body as well.” (Logan). This again is another useful website that I plan to bookmark and keep in my notes to use in the future. The information that is given to us to read is very well put together and very interesting.


As I was reading these three articles I found many interesting tips to help me in the future. I like how I know have a site to go and read about how to teach autistic children, I like the fact that I can get answers to most of my questions through these articles. Overall this project opened up my way of researching topics. Most times I just google what I’m looking for but now I can do more research than just that and find similar answers to questions if not better ones.


For slides 3,4,5

McDonald,M. (2010). Teaching students with autism using video modeling. Retrieved from

For slides 6,7,8

Watson, S. (2010). Direct teaching for students with special needs . Retrieved from

For slides 9,10,11

Logan, A. (2010). Special education programs and the mainstream classroom. Retrieved from