Module 14 - Modern tech - Part 1

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Transcript of Module 14 - Modern tech - Part 1

Module 14

Airline industry – jet engines

Airline Industry - Jets

Automobile industry and interstate highway system(See above section that talk about interstate highway system)

Entertainment and news media industry

2. Greater access to news and other information

CD, VCR, and DVD in most households

1. CD, VCR, and DVD in most households

Exploration of space

Include basic on NASA; Mercury program, Saturn program, bckgrnd on moonshot program

The United States's Apollo 11 was the first manned mission to land on the Moon on July 20, 1969.

The United States space agency NASA achieved the first manned landing on Earth's Moon as part of the Apollo 11 mission commanded by Neil Armstrong. On July 20, 1969, lunar module Eagle landed on the surface of the Moon, carrying Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. Armstrong was the first human to set foot on the Moon and Aldrin the second. Michael Collins orbited above. Armstrong and Aldrin spent a day on the surface of the Moon before returning to Earth. To this day, twelve people have walked across the Moon's terrain.

Landing On The Moon

1st Step onto MoonNeil Armstrong

July 20, 1969

United States – NASA…

Computer industry

Examples: IBM, HP, Lockheed, Apple, Dell, Microsoft, Norton’s, McAfee, Sun Microsystems, Adobe, Google, etc

What are the similarities between these companies???

Introduction of Macintosh Computer

Ipad factory

Iphone factory

Satellite system – telecommunications (pagers, cell phones, television)

Satellites relay the signals of pagers,

cell phones, television .

Satellites send news reports as soon as it happens.


Changing the way people get information;

Internet and World Wide Web…