Modularizing Flink Programs to Enable Stream Analytics in ... · Modularizing Flink Programs to...

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Modularizing Flink Programsto Enable Stream Analyticsin IoT Mashup Tools

Federico Fernández

Master’s Thesis Defense

19th July 2018

Supervisor: Prof. (Chang’an Univ.) PD Dr. habil. Christian Prehofer

Advisors: Tanmaya Mahapatra, M.Sc., Dr. Ilias Gerostathopoulos


Source: IDC, Intel, United Nations


Big Data

Source: IDC, Intel, United Nations


Big Data



Source: IDC, Intel, United Nations




Big Data



Source: IDC, Intel, United Nations




Big Data




Source: IDC, Intel, United Nations




Big Data





Source: IDC, Intel, United Nations




Big Data





Source: IDC, Intel, United Nations

Informatics 4 – Chair of Software and Systems EngineeringDepartment of Informatics

Technical University of MunichOutline

1. Introduction & Demo

2. Objectives & Methodology

3. Related Work

4. Conceptual Approach

5. Implementation

6. Evaluation1. The SmartSantander Project

2. Evaluation Scenario

3. Results

7. Conclusions

Federico Fernández — Modularizing Flink Programs to Enable Stream Analytics in IoT Mashup Tools 3 of 20

Informatics 4 – Chair of Software and Systems EngineeringDepartment of Informatics

Technical University of MunichObjectives & Methodology

Federico Fernández — Modularizing Flink Programs to Enable Stream Analytics in IoT Mashup Tools 4 of 20

• Research questions:

Which abstractions are necessary to modularize Flink programs so that they

can be created from flow-based, graphical mashup tools?

How can end users get support during the process of creating Flink

programs graphically?

Informatics 4 – Chair of Software and Systems EngineeringDepartment of Informatics

Technical University of MunichObjectives & Methodology

Federico Fernández — Modularizing Flink Programs to Enable Stream Analytics in IoT Mashup Tools 5 of 20

• Research questions revisited:

How can end users get support during the process of creating Flink programs

graphically so that they place visual components in the right order?

Which abstractions are necessary to modularize Flink streaming programs

so that they can be created from flow-based, graphical mashup tools?

Informatics 4 – Chair of Software and Systems EngineeringDepartment of Informatics

Technical University of MunichObjectives & Methodology

Federico Fernández — Modularizing Flink Programs to Enable Stream Analytics in IoT Mashup Tools 5 of 20

• Research questions revisited:

• Methodology

1. Literature review

2. Design

• Analyze mashup tools (aFlux) and Flink

• Outcome: mashup components that allow the creation of Flink jobs

3. Implementation

• Java code generation + packaging of final job

• Continuous validation to support users

4. Evaluation → SmartSantander

How can end users get support during the process of creating Flink programs

graphically so that they place visual components in the right order?

Which abstractions are necessary to modularize Flink streaming programs

so that they can be created from flow-based, graphical mashup tools?

Informatics 4 – Chair of Software and Systems EngineeringDepartment of Informatics

Technical University of MunichRelated Work

• Nussknacker• Open-source solution

• Architecture

• Engine

• User Interface

• Integrations

• Other tools• IBM SPSS Modeler

• Microsoft Azure Stream Analytics

Federico Fernández — Modularizing Flink Programs to Enable Stream Analytics in IoT Mashup Tools 6 of 20


Informatics 4 – Chair of Software and Systems EngineeringDepartment of Informatics

Technical University of MunichConceptual Approach

Federico Fernández — Modularizing Flink Programs to Enable Stream Analytics in IoT Mashup Tools 7 of 20

Model 1: Translator

Enable the creation of programs for Stream Analytics graphically.

Model 2: End-User Continuous Support

Continuously assess the end-user flow composition for semantic validity and provide feedback about it.

Informatics 4 – Chair of Software and Systems EngineeringDepartment of Informatics

Technical University of MunichConceptual Approach

Federico Fernández — Modularizing Flink Programs to Enable Stream Analytics in IoT Mashup Tools 8 of 20

Model 1: Translator

Enable the creation of programs for Stream Analytics graphically.

Model 2: End-User Continuous Support

Continuously assess the end-user flow composition for semantic validity and provide feedback about it.

Informatics 4 – Chair of Software and Systems EngineeringDepartment of Informatics

Technical University of MunichConceptual Approach

Federico Fernández — Modularizing Flink Programs to Enable Stream Analytics in IoT Mashup Tools 8 of 20

Model 1: Translator

Enable the creation of programs for Stream Analytics graphically.

Model 2: End-User Continuous Support

Continuously assess the end-user flow composition for semantic validity and provide feedback about it.

• Graphical Parser• Create internal model from GUI

• Instantiate actors

• Actor System & Actors• Specific Flink functionality

• Parameterized, generic structure of Flink statements

• Exchange messages → Specific Tree-Like Data Structure (STDS)

• Code Generator

• Mapping of the actual Flink API

• User-defined properties

• Generates, compiles, packages

Informatics 4 – Chair of Software and Systems EngineeringDepartment of Informatics

Technical University of MunichConceptual Approach

Federico Fernández — Modularizing Flink Programs to Enable Stream Analytics in IoT Mashup Tools 8 of 20

Model 1: Translator

Enable the creation of programs for Stream Analytics graphically.

Model 2: End-User Continuous Support

Continuously assess the end-user flow composition for semantic validity and provide feedback about it.

Informatics 4 – Chair of Software and Systems EngineeringDepartment of Informatics

Technical University of MunichConceptual Approach

Federico Fernández — Modularizing Flink Programs to Enable Stream Analytics in IoT Mashup Tools 9 of 20

Model 1: Translator

Enable the creation of programs for Stream Analytics graphically.

Model 2: End-User Continuous Support

Continuously assess the end-user flow composition for semantic validity and provide feedback about it.

Visual Component Ashould



afterVisual Component B


visual component


visual componentisPrecedentisConsecutiveisMandatory

• Semantics between nodes

• Checked every time two mashup components are wired together

Informatics 4 – Chair of Software and Systems EngineeringDepartment of Informatics

Technical University of MunichImplementation: Translator

• Graphical parser → embedded into aFlux

• Actors• Exchange FlinkFlowMessage → Contains a STDS

• 12 actors that map Flink’s DataStream API and CEP Library

• Code generator• Java source code generation → JavaPoet library

• FlinkAPIMapper → based on the JavaParser library

• Generates Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) from Flink sources

• Singleton design pattern to boost performance

• Package final job → MavenInvoker

Federico Fernández — Modularizing Flink Programs to Enable Stream Analytics in IoT Mashup Tools 10 of 20

Informatics 4 – Chair of Software and Systems EngineeringDepartment of Informatics

Technical University of MunichImplementation: Translator

Federico Fernández — Modularizing Flink Programs to Enable Stream Analytics in IoT Mashup Tools 11 of 20

Informatics 4 – Chair of Software and Systems EngineeringDepartment of Informatics

Technical University of MunichImplementation: End-User Support

• Visual Components → aFlux Mashup


• Conditions implemented in ToolSemanticsCondition

• An array can be defined when developing a new mashup


• Errors are shown to the user when creating

the flow• Component becomes red

• Component name gets an asterisk (“*”)

• Details are shown in the right-hand panel

• Available to all mashup components in aFlux

Federico Fernández — Modularizing Flink Programs to Enable Stream Analytics in IoT Mashup Tools 12 of 20

Informatics 4 – Chair of Software and Systems EngineeringDepartment of Informatics

Technical University of MunichImplementation: End-User Support

Federico Fernández — Modularizing Flink Programs to Enable Stream Analytics in IoT Mashup Tools 13 of 20

Informatics 4 – Chair of Software and Systems EngineeringDepartment of Informatics

Technical University of MunichEvaluation: The SmartSantander Project

• City-scale experimental research facility• 3000 IEEE 802.15.4 devices

• 200 GPRS modules

• Static locations + on-board of mobile vehicles

• Here focusing on:

• Traffic Intensity Monitoring

• Environmental Monitoring

• Flink extension to retrieve live data• Independent of aFlux! → Can be contributed to the community

Federico Fernández — Modularizing Flink Programs to Enable Stream Analytics in IoT Mashup Tools 14 of 20

Informatics 4 – Chair of Software and Systems EngineeringDepartment of Informatics

Technical University of Munich

Image source: WeMaps

Informatics 4 – Chair of Software and Systems EngineeringDepartment of Informatics

Technical University of MunichEvaluation: Scenario

Goal → prove how easy it is to create Flink jobs from aFlux

Federico Fernández — Modularizing Flink Programs to Enable Stream Analytics in IoT Mashup Tools 15 of 20

UC1: Real Time Data Processing

AggregateFunction, AllWindowedStream, DataStream,

FilterFunction, MapFunction, RichSourceFunction,

SlidingWindow, StreamExecutionEnvironment, TumblingWindow

Code Description

UC1E1Temperature vs. air quality in a certain area in relation with the

average of the city

UC1E2 Air quality vs. traffic charge in the city center

UC1E3 Noise vs. traffic charge in the city center

UC1E4 Max/min monitor

UC2: Pattern Detection

DataStream, Pattern, PatternSelectFunction, PatternStream

Code Description

UC2E1 Traffic increasing in a certain area

UC2E2 Heatwave in the city

Informatics 4 – Chair of Software and Systems EngineeringDepartment of Informatics

Technical University of MunichEvaluation: Results

Federico Fernández — Modularizing Flink Programs to Enable Stream Analytics in IoT Mashup Tools 16 of 20

• Use Case 1, Experiment 1 (Temperature vs. Air Quality)

Tumbling Windows: size=5min Sliding Windows: size=5min, slide=1min

Live data from SmartSantander API @ 9th July 2018.

Informatics 4 – Chair of Software and Systems EngineeringDepartment of Informatics

Technical University of MunichEvaluation: Results

• Use Case 2, Experiment 1 (Traffic Jams Detection)

Federico Fernández — Modularizing Flink Programs to Enable Stream Analytics in IoT Mashup Tools 17 of 20

Live data from SmartSantander API @ 9th July 2018.

AfterMatchSkipStrategy strat = AfterMatchSkipStrategy.noSkip();

Pattern<TrafficObservation, TrafficObservation> myPattern =

Pattern.<TrafficObservation>begin("start", strat)

.where(new SimpleCondition<TrafficObservation>() {


public boolean filter(TrafficObservation trafficObservation) throws Exception {

if (trafficObservation.getCharge() >= 50)

return true;

return false;



.where(new SimpleCondition<TrafficObservation>() {


public boolean filter(TrafficObservation trafficObservation) throws Exception {

if (trafficObservation.getCharge() >= 60)

return true;

return false;



.followedBy("end").where(new SimpleCondition<TrafficObservation>() {


public boolean filter(TrafficObservation trafficObservation) throws Exception {

if (trafficObservation.getCharge() >= 75)

return true;

return false;



PatternStream<TrafficObservation> patternStream = CEP.pattern(filteredTraffic, myPattern);

DataStream<SmartSantanderAlert> alerts =

PatternSelectFunction<TrafficObservation, SmartSantanderAlert>() {


public SmartSantanderAlert select(Map<String,

List<TrafficObservation>> map) throws Exception {

TrafficObservation event = map.get("end").get(0);

return new SmartSantanderAlert("Charge went too high in " + event.toString());



Informatics 4 – Chair of Software and Systems EngineeringDepartment of Informatics

Technical University of MunichConclusions

• Stream Analytics suits the IoT use-case

• IoT mashup tools as enabling technology

• Research Questions1. Abstractions to modularize Flink streaming programs so that they can be created graphically

2. End-user support while creating programs graphically

• Main contributions

1. A new extension for aFlux that allows the creation of Flink jobs

2. Support for semantics validation in aFlux

3. A new extension for Flink that allows the integration of live data from SmartSantander

• Future lines

• Flink APIs

• User Experience

• Unattended mechanism to deploy the jobs

Federico Fernández — Modularizing Flink Programs to Enable Stream Analytics in IoT Mashup Tools 18 of 20

Informatics 4 – Chair of Software and Systems EngineeringDepartment of Informatics

Technical University of MunichBibliography

[1] E. Friedman and K. Tzoumas, Introduction to Apache Flink. O’Reilly, Sep. 2016.

[2] The Apache Software Foundation. (2018). Apache Flink, [Online]. Available:

(visited on 06/2018)

[3] Mark A. Overton. “The IDAR Graph.” In: Queue 15.2 (Apr. 2017), 20:29–20:48. ISSN: 1542-7730. doi: 10.1145/3084693.3089807.

[4] Smart Santander. (2018). Santander Facility, [Online]. Available: (visited on 06/2018)

[5] T. Mahapatra and C. Prehofer, “Service mashups and developer support,” Digital Mobility Platforms and

Ecosystems, p. 48, 2016.

[6] T. Mahapatra, I. Gerostathopoulos, and C. Prehofer, “Towards integration of Big Data analytics in Internet

of Things mashup tools,” in Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on the Web of Things, ser.

WoT ’16, Stuttgart, Germany: ACM, 2016, pp. 11–16, ISBN: 978-1-4503-4874-4. DOI:


Federico Fernández — Modularizing Flink Programs to Enable Stream Analytics in IoT Mashup Tools 19 of 20

Modularizing Flink Programsto Enable Stream Analyticsin IoT Mashup Tools

Federico Fernández

Master’s Thesis Defense

19th July 2018

Supervisor: Prof. (Chang’an Univ.) PD Dr. habil. Christian Prehofer

Advisors: Tanmaya Mahapatra, M.Sc., Dr. Ilias Gerostathopoulos

Informatics 4 – Chair of Software and Systems EngineeringDepartment of Informatics

Technical University of MunichApache Flink

Federico Fernández — Modularizing Flink Programs to Enable Stream Analytics in IoT Mashup Tools 21 of 20


Informatics 4 – Chair of Software and Systems EngineeringDepartment of Informatics

Technical University of MunichApache Flink

Federico Fernández — Modularizing Flink Programs to Enable Stream Analytics in IoT Mashup Tools 22 of 20

Source: E. Friedman and K. Tzoumas

Informatics 4 – Chair of Software and Systems EngineeringDepartment of Informatics

Technical University of MunichStreaming Architecture

Federico Fernández — Modularizing Flink Programs to Enable Stream Analytics in IoT Mashup Tools 23 of 20

Informatics 4 – Chair of Software and Systems EngineeringDepartment of Informatics

Technical University of MunichWindows

Federico Fernández — Modularizing Flink Programs to Enable Stream Analytics in IoT Mashup Tools 24 of 20

Tumbling Windows Sliding Windows Session Windows Global Window

Informatics 4 – Chair of Software and Systems EngineeringDepartment of Informatics

Technical University of MunichStreaming Architecture

Federico Fernández — Modularizing Flink Programs to Enable Stream Analytics in IoT Mashup Tools 25 of 20

Informatics 4 – Chair of Software and Systems EngineeringDepartment of Informatics

Technical University of MunichProgramming Flink

Federico Fernández — Modularizing Flink Programs to Enable Stream Analytics in IoT Mashup Tools 26 of 20

Informatics 4 – Chair of Software and Systems EngineeringDepartment of Informatics

Technical University of MunichProgramming Flink

Federico Fernández — Modularizing Flink Programs to Enable Stream Analytics in IoT Mashup Tools 27 of 20


Informatics 4 – Chair of Software and Systems EngineeringDepartment of Informatics

Technical University of MunichFlink Connector for SmartSantander

Federico Fernández — Modularizing Flink Programs to Enable Stream Analytics in IoT Mashup Tools 28 of 20

Informatics 4 – Chair of Software and Systems EngineeringDepartment of Informatics

Technical University of MunichFlink Connector for SmartSantander

Federico Fernández — Modularizing Flink Programs to Enable Stream Analytics in IoT Mashup Tools 29 of 20

Informatics 4 – Chair of Software and Systems EngineeringDepartment of Informatics

Technical University of MunichaFlux

Federico Fernández — Modularizing Flink Programs to Enable Stream Analytics in IoT Mashup Tools 30 of 20

Informatics 4 – Chair of Software and Systems EngineeringDepartment of Informatics

Technical University of MunichaFlux

Federico Fernández — Modularizing Flink Programs to Enable Stream Analytics in IoT Mashup Tools 31 of 20

Informatics 4 – Chair of Software and Systems EngineeringDepartment of Informatics

Technical University of Munich

Federico Fernández — Modularizing Flink Programs to Enable Stream Analytics in IoT Mashup Tools 32 of 20