Modified Structured Cam Clay: A generalised critical state model for destructured, naturally...

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Computers and Geotechnics 37 (2010) 956–968

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Computers and Geotechnics

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Modified Structured Cam Clay: A generalised critical state modelfor destructured, naturally structured and artificially structured clays

Jirayut Suebsuk a, Suksun Horpibulsuk b,⇑, Martin D. Liu c

a School of Civil Engineering, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon-Ratchasima, Thailandb School of Civil Engineering, Construction Technology Research Unit, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon-Ratchasima, Thailandc Faculty of Engineering, The University of Wollongong, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history:Received 9 April 2010Received in revised form 4 August 2010Accepted 5 August 2010

Keywords:Structured clayConstitutive equationSoil structurePlasticityDestructuringStructured Cam Clay model

0266-352X/$ - see front matter � 2010 Elsevier Ltd.doi:10.1016/j.compgeo.2010.08.002

⇑ Corresponding author. Address: School of Civil Ensity of Technology, 111 University Avenue, Muang30000, Thailand. Tel.: +66 44 22 4322/89 767 5759; f

E-mail addresses:,, (S. Horpibu(M.D. Liu).

This paper presents a generalised constitutive model for destructured, naturally structured and artifi-cially structured clays that extends the Structured Cam Clay (SCC) model. This model is designated as‘‘Modified Structured Cam Clay (MSCC) model”. The influence of structure and destructuring on themechanical behaviour of clay can be explained by the change in the modified effective stress, which isthe sum of the current mean effective stress and the additional mean effective stress due to structure(structure strength). The presence of structure increases the modified mean effective stress and yield sur-face, enhancing the cohesion, peak strength and stiffness. The destructuring begins when the stress stateis on the virgin yield surface. After the failure (peak strength) state, the abrupt destructuring occurs as thesoil–cementation structure is crushed; hence the strain softening. The soil structure is completelyremoved at the critical state when the yield surface becomes identical to the destructured surface. Thedestructuring law is proposed based on this premise. In the MSCC model, the yield function is the sameshape as that of the Modified Cam Clay (MCC) model. A plastic potential is introduced so as to account forthe influence of structure on the plastic strain direction for both hardening and softening behaviours. Therequired model parameters are divided into those describing destructured properties and those describ-ing structured properties. All the parameters have physical meaning and can be simply determined fromthe conventional triaxial tests. Thus, the MSCC model is a useful tool for geotechnical practitioners. Thecapability of the model is verified by the test results of destructured, natural structured and artificiallystructured clays.

� 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

The inherent nature and diversity of the geotechnical processinvolved in soil formation are responsible for the wide variationin soil structure. Natural clay can be designated as ‘‘structuredclay” [31,32,45,55]. The term ‘‘soil structure” is determined by boththe particle associations and arrangements (fabric) and inter-parti-cle forces (soil–cementation or bonding). The resistance of soilstructure is responsible for the difference in the engineeringbehaviour of natural soils between the structured and destructured(remoulded) states [32,16,33,34,45,55,22]. The development of soilstructure during the depositional and post-depositional processeshas been reported by many researchers [41,44,53].

All rights reserved.

gineering, Suranaree Univer-District, Nakhon-Ratchasimaax: +66 44 22 (J. Suebsuk),lsuk),

To improve soft ground with a chemical admixture such as thein situ deep mixing technique, the natural clay is disturbed by mix-ing wings and mixed with cement or lime. The natural structure isdestroyed and taken over by the cementation structure. The ce-ment- or lime-admixed clay is thus designated as ‘‘artificiallystructured clay”. The mechanical properties of artificially struc-tured clay have been investigated extensively [61,9,58,17,46,48,24,18,20].

In recent years, the rapid advances in computer hardware andthe associated reduction in cost have resulted in a marked increasein the use of numerical methods to analyse geotechnical problems.The ability of such methods to provide realistic predictions de-pends on the accuracy of the constitutive model used to representthe mechanical behaviour of the soil. There has been great progressin constitutive modelling of the behaviour of soil with naturalstructure, such as those proposed by Gens and Nova [15] andVatsala et al. [59]. Some frontier research in understanding andmodelling the degradation of soil structure includes a kinematichardening model [27,52,4]. Most of the previous constitutivemodels are, however, generally complicated and their model


b destructuring index due to volumetric deformationCSL critical state linedev volumetric strain incrementdee

v elastic volumetric strain incrementdep

v plastic volumetric strain incrementded deviatoric strain incrementdee

d elastic deviatoric strain incrementdep

d plastic deviatoric strain incrementDe additional voids ratio sustained by soil structureDei additional voids ratio sustained by soil structure at the

initial virgin yieldinge voids ratioe�IC voids ratio at a reference pressure (1 kPa) of the ICLG0 shear modulus in terms of effective stressICL intrinsic compression line (of destructured soil)K0 bulk modulus in terms of effective stressn destructuring index due to shear deformationj gradient of unloading or swelling line of structured clay

k� gradient of isotropic compression line of destructuredclay

M gradient of critical state line in the q–p0 planeg stress ratio, q/p0�g modified stress ratio, q=ðp0 þ p0bÞl0 Poisson ratio in terms of effective stressp0 mean effective stress�p0 modified mean effective stressp0b mean effective stress increasing due to structure or

structure strengthp00 stress history or isotropic yield stressp0b0 initial structure strength in the q–p0 planep0p parameter for describing the size of plastic potentialp0y;i initial yield stressq deviatoric stressw parameter defining shape of the plastic potentialr0c effective confining pressureh Lode angle

J. Suebsuk et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 37 (2010) 956–968 957

parameters are difficult to identify in practice and do not take intoaccount the key features of artificially structured clay, especiallythe crushing of soil–cementation structure [19].

Recently, there have been many models for structured claydeveloped based on the Modified Cam Clay (MCC) model due toits simple pattern recognition. Chai et al. [8] have introduced theinfluence of structure on the compression behaviour and thenmodified the equation to predict plastic volumetric strain of theMCC model. Their model can simulate the volumetric deformationbehaviour of naturally structured clay well. Liu and Carter [37] andCarter and Liu [7] introduced a simple predictive model, the Struc-tured Cam Clay (SCC) model, for naturally structured clay. It hasbeen formulated elegantly by introducing the influence of struc-ture on the volumetric deformation behaviour and the plasticstrain direction into the MCC model. The influence of structureon volumetric deformation is taken into account by the additionalvoids ratio that is sustained by the soil structure (De). The destruc-turing law due to volumetric deformation has been proposed as adecreasing function of the De. The concept of the development ofthe non-associated flow rule adopted in the SCC model is similarto that made by McDowell and Hau [43] for hard clay and sand,and by Horpibulsuk et al. [19] for artificially structured clay. Boththe SCC model and the model proposed by Chai et al. [8] havenot considered the influence of structure on strength characteris-tics (especially cohesion) and softening behaviour when stressstates are on virgin yielding state. Cohesion is significant especiallyfor stiff naturally structured clays [6] and artificially structuredclays [61,9]. To explain the influence of structure on strength char-acteristics, Gens and Nova [15], Kasama et al. [26] and Lee et al.[30] have introduced the modified effective stress concept. Basedon this concept and the critical state framework, Kasama et al.[26] have introduced a model that can predict the strength charac-teristics for artificially structured clay in normally and lightly over-consolidated states well. However, their model cannot describe thestrain softening in virgin yielding state, which is generally ob-served as the soil–cementation structure is crushed [46,48,59,20,21]. In the models proposed by Chai et al. [8], Kasama et al.[26] and Lee et al. [30], the associated flow rule was adopted. Thus,those models cannot explain the influence of structure on theplastic strain direction, unlike the SCC model.

To form a model suitable for structured clay based on the crit-ical state framework, the influence of structure and destructuringon the yield function, hardening rule and plastic potential mustbe incorporated. Recently, Horpibulsuk et al. [19] have summarisedthe main features of cemented clay behaviour and introduced theSCC model for cemented clay. In the model, the effective stressconcept, yield function, hardening rule and plastic potential havebeen developed to take into account the effect of structure. Theirmodel can simulate shear behaviour for both normally and lightlyover-consolidated states. Some modifications are needed, however,to simply and practically implement the model for numerical anal-ysis and to better capture the main features of the artificially struc-tured clay with the model parameters simply obtained from aconventional laboratory.

In this paper, attempts are made to develop a generalised con-stitutive model based on the critical state framework for destruc-tured, naturally structured and artificially structured clays. Theproposed model, designated as the Modified Structured Cam Clay(MSCC) model, is formulated based on the SCC model for cementedclay [19]. In this paper, based on a quantitative examination of testdata describing the behaviour of cemented soils, the application ofthe modified effective stress concept to describe the compressionand shear behaviour of structured clays is illustrated, and the yieldfunction, hardening rule and plastic potential are developed basedon the modified effective stress concept. A new plastic potentialthat reliably describes the effect of soil structure is introduced. Anew general destructuring law that describes the degradationand crushing of the structure is also proposed. In this law, thedestructuring is assumed to depend on the plastic distortionalstrain. Both new plastic potential and destructuring law better ex-plain and simulate the structured clay behaviour than those of theoriginal models [37,19]. The MSCC model is verified by simulatingthe undrained and drained shear behaviour of destructured, natu-rally structured and artificially structured clays under a wide rangeof pre-shear consolidation pressure (both in normally and over-consolidated states). The naturally structured clays are Osaka clay[1] and Marl clay [2], and the artificially structured clays are ce-mented Araike clay [17,20] and cemented Bangkok clay [58]. Thesimulated shear behaviour of the same clay in both destructuredand structured states using the same destructured model parameters

958 J. Suebsuk et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 37 (2010) 956–968

is illustrated by the test results of destructured and artificiallystructured Ariake clay. This shows an advantage of the MSCCmodel using the destructured state as a reference.

2. Conceptual framework of the MSCC model

The MSCC model is developed by generalising the theoreticalframework of the SCC model [37,7,19]. The major aim of formulat-ing the MSCC model is to provide a constitutive model that is suit-able for the routinely solving boundary value problemsencountered in geotechnical engineering practice. Therefore, it isnecessary to keep the model relatively simple. The model parame-ters can be simply determined from conventional compression andtriaxial tests.

The stress and strain quantities used in the present formulationare defined as follows. r0ij and eij are the Cartesian components ofeffective stress and strain, respectively. The simplified forms forstress and strain conditions in conventional triaxial tests are alsolisted, where r01 (or e1) and r03 (or e3) are the axial effective stress(strain) and the radial effective stress (strain), respectively.

The mean effective stress, p0, deviatoric stress, q, and stress ra-tio, g are given by,

p0 ¼ 13ðr011 þ r022 þ r033Þ; ð1aÞ

¼ 13ðr01 þ 2r03Þ for conventional triaxial tests; ð1bÞ

q¼ ðr011�r022Þ




" #12



¼ r01 � r03 for conventional triaxial tests; ð2bÞ


g ¼ qp0: ð3Þ

Corresponding to the stress parameters, volumetric strain, dev,and deviatoric strain, ded, are defined as follows,

dev ¼ de11 þ de22 þ de33; ð4aÞ

¼ de1 þ 2de3 for conventional triaxial tests; ð4bÞ



3ðde11�de22Þ2þðde22�de33Þ2þðde33�de11Þ2þ6 de2



� �� �12;


¼ 23ðde1 � de3Þ for conventional triaxial tests: ð5bÞ

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of reduction in p0b due to destructuring process.

2.1. Modified effective stress concept and destructuring law

The influence of structure is regarded akin to the effect of an in-crease in the effective stress and yield stress and, therefore, theyield surface [15,26,27,52,17,4,30,19]. For artificially structuredclay, the increase in the yield stress with cement content is clearlyunderstood from the compression and shear test results [46,18,20].Consequently, two samples of artificially structured clay under thesame current stress (pre-shear consolidation pressure) but withdifferent degrees of cementation show different stress–strain andstrength characteristics due to the differences in the structural

state and yield surface. Thus, the modified mean effective stressconcept for structured clay is presented in the form:

�p0 ¼ ðpþ p0bÞ � u; ð6aÞ

�p0 ¼ p0 þ p0b; ð6bÞ

where �p0 is the modified mean effective stress of structured clay orexplicit mean effective stress and p0b is the mean effective stress thatincreases due to structure (structure strength). When no cementa-tion exists, the p0b is null and the �p0 ¼ p0. Thus, the modified stressratio can be expressed as follows:

�g ¼ qp0 þ p0b

: ð7Þ

Due to the p0b caused by structure, the structured clay samplescan stand without applied confining stress. Considering that thestrength envelope moves toward the right, which establishes azero cohesion intercept, the relationship between deviatoric stressand mean effective stress can be proposed as follows,

q ¼ Mðp0 þ p0bÞ; ð8Þ

where M is the gradient of the failure envelope in the q–p0 plane.Due to the destructuring, p0b decreases when the stress state is onthe yield surface.

Based on the isotropic compression behaviour of structuredclays, the SCC model is formulated on the fundamental assumptionthat both hardening and destructuring of natural soils depends onplastic volumetric deformation. It has been demonstrated the mod-el predicts accurate results for natural soil with weak or no cemen-tation [35–37]. However, for stiff structured clay, the destructuringis mainly related to the plastic strain, which depends on two parts:those are from volumetric deformation and shear deformation[27,52,10,4,30,29]. The destructuring mechanism is the process ofreducing the structure strength, p0b, due to the degradation andcrushing of the structure. In this study, the simplified destructur-ing, is assumed to be related directly to the plastic deviatoricstrain, ep

d. The p0b is constant up to the virgin yielding. During virginyielding (when plastic deviatoric strain occurs), the p0b graduallydecreases due to the degradation of structure until the failure state.This failure state is defined as the peak strength state in which thesoil structure begins to be crushed. Thus, beyond this state, a sud-den decrease in p0b occurs and continues to the critical state wherethe soil structure is completely removed (p0b ¼ 0). Fig. 1 explainsthe reduction in p0b due to destructuring as the plastic deviatoricstrain increases. The reduction in p0b due to the degradation ofstructure (pre-failure) and the crushing of soil–cementation struc-

J. Suebsuk et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 37 (2010) 956–968 959

ture (post-failure) is proposed in terms of plastic deviatoric strainas follows,

p0b ¼ p0b0 expð�epdÞ; ð9Þ

for pre-failureðdegradation of soil structureÞ

p0b ¼ p0b;f exp �nðepd � ep

d;f Þh i

; ð10Þ

for post-failureðcrushing of soil structureÞ

where p0b0 is the initial structure strength, p0b;f is the structurestrength at failure (peak strength), ep

d;f is the plastic deviatoric strainat failure and n is the destructuring index due to shear deformation.From Eqs. (9) and (10), it is noted that the change in p0b dependsupon the plastic deviatoric strain, which is governed by the effectivestress path and the plastic potential.

The state boundary surface was first proposed by Roscoe et al.[50] for destructured (remoulded) clay. It is a normalised uniquecurve (Roscoe and Hvorslev surfaces) in q=p0e and p0=p0e, where p0eis the equivalent stress. The state boundary surface separatesstates that soils can achieve from states that soils can neverachieve [3]. It is known that this original state boundary surfacecannot describe structured clay behaviour [12,6]. The state bound-ary surface for structured clay can be generated based on the mod-ified effective stress concept as shown in Fig. 2 (test results werefrom Horpibulsuk et al. [20]. The �p0y is the explicit mean effectiveyield stress, which is the sum of p0y and p0b. p0y is the equivalentstress for undrained shearing. During virgin yielding (normallyconsolidated state), �p0y is equal to (p00 þ p0b), where p00 is the pre-shear effective stress or the yield stress in the isotropic compres-sion condition. For the over-consolidated state, �p0y is constant andequal to (p0y;i þ p0b), where p0y;i is the initial mean effective yieldstress obtained from the compression curve. In this figure, p0b is as-sumed to be p0b0 because the reduction in p0b due to the degradationof structure is insignificant in the pre-failure state for cementedclay [19]. The degradation is insignificant because the change inplastic deviatoric strain is usually small in the pre-failure statefor stiff (artificially) structured clay [17,20,19]. It is found thatthe normalised modified effective stress paths for various cementcontents during virgin yielding can be represented by a uniquecurve. This surface can be referred to as the modified Roscoe sur-face. These results show that the undrained stress paths on thestate boundary surface are of the same shape and consistent withone another. Samples inside the state boundary surface, especially�p0=�p0y < 0:7, fail on the same failure line, which designated as themodified Hvorslev surface. The state boundary surface and the

Fig. 2. Test paths in q=�p0y:�p0=�p0y space for an undrained test on artificially structuredclay at 6%, 9%, 12% and 18% cement (data from Horpibulsuk et al. [20]).

modified effective stress concepts are fundamental to the develop-ment of the MSCC model.

2.2. Material idealisation

Structured soils usually possess anisotropic mechanical proper-ties, and destructuring usually leads to the reduction of anisotropy.It is observed that the variation of mechanical properties of someartificially structured clays is basically isotropic [23,51]. To concen-trate on introducing the effect of structure and destructuring andto avoid the unnecessary complexity of mathematical details, onlythe isotropic effects of soil structure are considered in the develop-ment of the MSCC model.

In the MSCC model, structured clay is idealised as an isotropicmaterial with elastic and virgin yielding behaviours. The yield sur-face varies isotropically with plastic volumetric deformation. Soilbehaviour is assumed to be elastic for any stress excursion insidethe current yield surface. Virgin yielding and destructuring occurfor stress variation originating on the yield surface. During virginyielding, the current stress of structured clay stays on the yieldsurface.

Based on an examination of a large body of experimental data,material idealisation for the compression behaviour of structuredclay is introduced in Fig. 3a. Due to the structure, the structuredclay can be stable above the intrinsic state (remoulded compres-sion) line. In other words, the structured clay possesses a highervoids ratio than the destructured clay at the same effective verticalstress [17]. This stable state is defined as meta-stable [45]. Thecompression strain of the structured clay is negligible up to theyield stress, p0y;i. Beyond this yield stress, there is sudden compres-sion with a relatively high magnitude, which is indicated by thesteep slope and caused by the destructuring. For further loading,the difference in the voids ratio between structured and destruc-tured states (De) decreases with stress level and finally diminishesat a very high effective stress. Therefore, the virgin compression

Fig. 3. Material idealisation for the MSCC model.

960 J. Suebsuk et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 37 (2010) 956–968

behaviour during the destructuring process of structured clay canbe expressed by the following equation,

e ¼ e� þ De; ð11Þ

where e is the voids ratio of structured clay and e� is the voids ratioof destructured clay at the same stress state. The ICL of destructuredclay is generally expressed in the form,

e� ¼ e�IC � k� ln p0; ð12Þ

where e�IC is the voids ratio at a reference mean effective stress(1 kPa) of the ICL and k� is the gradient of the ICL.

It has been proved that the compression equation for the addi-tional voids ratio (De) of naturally structured clay proposed by Liuand Carter [35,36] is also applicable for artificially structured clay[19]. The following compression equation for structured clay isproposed:

e ¼ e� þ Dei


� �b

; ð13Þ

where b is the destructuring index due to volumetric deformation,Dei is the additional voids ratio at the isotropic yield stress(Fig. 3a) and p00 is the stress history or isotropic yield stress.

Based on the state boundary surface for structured clay, theyield loci are of the same shape and consistent with one another.The yield surface of the MSCC model is assumed to be ellipticalfor both structured and destructured clays (anisotropic effect isnot considered). By considering the effect of structure on the yieldsurface, the proposed yield function of the MSCC model in q–p0

plane is given by (Fig. 3b),

f ¼ q2 �M2ðp0 þ p0bÞðp00 � p0Þ ¼ 0: ð14Þ

The MSCC model assumes that the gradient of the failure enve-lope and the critical state line is the same. This concept has beenemployed in the previous works, such as those by Muir Wood[47], Kasama et al. [26], and Lee et al. [30]. The structural anddestructured yield surfaces are thus similar in shape (vide Fig. 3b).

2.3. Stress states inside yield surface

As stated in the material idealisation, only elastic deformationoccurs for stress excursions within the virgin yielding boundary.The elastic response of structured clay obeys Hooke’s law, i.e.,

deev ¼


K 0; ð15aÞ

deed ¼


; ð15bÞ

where K0 is the bulk modulus and G0 is the shear modulus. Whenshear modulus is constant, K0 and Poisson’s ratio, l0, are related top0, G0 and the elastic swelling index, j, as follows:

K 0 ¼ p0ð1þ eÞj

; ð16Þ

Fig. 4. Shape of the plastic potential for the MSCC model.

l0 ¼ 3K 0 � 2G0

6K 0 þ 2G0: ð17Þ

It was observed experimentally that the elastic deformationstiffness, E0 = 3(1 � 2l0)K0, generally increases with structurestrength [23,20]. This is reflected by Eq. (16) where the bulk mod-ulus is linked to j, which depends on structure strength.

2.4. Stress states on yield surface

Destructuring occurs with stress states on the yield surface forboth hardening and softening behaviours. For models in the CamClay family, the plastic strain direction is determined from theplastic potential. Even though the MSCC model employs a yieldsurface with a shape similar to that of the MCC model, the originalplastic potential is not used in the proposed model because theplastic potential of the MCC model generally produces too muchplastic deviatoric strain and therefore leads to overprediction ofthe earth pressure at rest [42,43]. It was also shown that the plasticdeviatoric strain predicted by the original plastic potential is notsuitable for artificially structured clay [19]. The plastic potentialproposed by McDowell and Hau [43] is modified by accountingfor the structure effect. The plastic potential in the MSCC modelis thus introduced as follows;

g ¼ q2 þ M2

1� wp0 þ p0bp0p þ p0b


ðp0p þ p0bÞ2 � ðp0 þ p0bÞ



35 ¼ 0; ð18Þ

where p0p is the parameter that describes the magnitude of the plas-tic potential and w is the parameter that describes the shape of theplastic potential. It should be noted that the critical state strengthM, a parameter widely used in the Critical State Soil Mechanics,may vary with the Lode angle, h, in three dimensional stress spacedepending on the methodology used for model generalisation[28]. A simple and accurate function that represents M in terms ofthe h has been proposed by Sheng et al. [54] as follows:

MðhÞ ¼ Mmax2a4

1þ a4 þ ð1� a4Þ sin 3h

� �1=4

; ð19Þ

where Mmax is the slope of the critical state line under triaxial com-pression (h = �30�) and the parameter a depends on a friction angleof soil at the critical state line, /0, as follows:

a ¼ 3� sin /0

3þ sin /0; ð20Þ

With this generalisation, the plastic potential is applicable forgeneral stress states. The shape of the plastic potential is shownin Fig. 4 for various w-values and p0b ¼ 0:2p0p and M = 1.2. For a com-pletely destructured state (p0b = 0), this plastic potential becomesthat of the MCC model if w = 2 is assumed.

Fig. 6. Parametric study on the parameter n.

Table 1Parameters of the MSCC model for parametric study.


Values Physical meaning

k* 0.16 Intrinsic gradient of compression in the e–ln p0

planej 0.001 Current Gradient of unloding–reloading line in e–ln

p0 planee�IC 2.86 Voids ratio at reference stress (p0 = 1 kPa) of

intrinsic compression lineb 0.3 Destructured index due to volumetric deformationDei 0.75 Additional void ratio at the start of virgin yieldingM 1.10 Critical state ratio in the q–p0 planep0b0 500 Initial of bonding strength in the q–p0 plane (kPa)p0y;i 600 Initial yield stress of isotropic compression line of

cemented soil (kPa)

J. Suebsuk et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 37 (2010) 956–968 961

For stress states on the yield surface and with �g < M (dp00 > 0),both volumetric hardening and destructuring occur. The plasticvolumetric strain increment, dep

v , for the MSCC model is derivedfrom the assumption that the plastic volumetric strain dependson the change in stress history, dp00 and the current shear stress.The plastic volumetric strain increase during hardening is derivedfrom Eq. (13) as follows:

depv ¼ ðk� � jÞ þ bDe

MM � �g

� �dp00

ð1þ eÞp00: ð21Þ

The termM

M � �gis introduced to take into account the effect of cur-

rent shear stress. The derivation of this equation has been providedby Liu and Carter [37,38]. The effect of destructuring on the dep

v isreflected in the parameter b and thus also in the dp00.

During the softening process (�g > M and dp00 < 0), the effect ofcurrent shear stress is not significant. The plastic volumetric strainincrement during softening is thus proposed as follows:

depv ¼ ðk� � jÞ þ bDef g dp00

ð1þ eÞp00: ð22Þ

From the plastic potential (Eq. (18)) and the hardening rule(Eqs. (21) and (22)), the hardening and the softening behaviourscan be modelled in the same way as for other models in the CamClay family [47,39,38]. When the stress state is on the yield surfacewith g < M, hardening occurs (the yield surface expands) due tothe positive flow rule. Softening occurs when the stress state ison the yield surface with g > M where the flow rule becomes neg-ative, which causes the yield surface to shrink.

The effect of w and n on the shear behaviour is illustrated inFigs. 5 and 6 using the model parameters listed in Table 1. Theparameter w significantly affects the plastic strain direction and,therefore, the stress–strain–strength relationships. The effect ofw on the stress–strain–strength relationships for a particulardestructuring rate (a particular n of 30) is shown in Fig. 5. It isnoted that as w decreases, the plastic deviatoric strain at failure,ep

d;f , decreases while the strength and stiffness increase. Fig. 6shows the effect of n on the strain-softening behaviour for w witha value of 0.1. As n increases, the p0b at post-failure decreases; thus,the deviatoric stress decreases more rapidly.

Fig. 5. Parametric study on the parameter w.

w 0.1–0.99

Parameter define the volumetric strain duringsoftening

n 1–30 Destructured index due to shear deformationG0 30,000 Shear modulus in terms of effective stress (kPa)r0c 600 Confining pressure (kPa)

3. Application and verification of the MSCC model

In this section, the MSCC model is employed to simulate thecompression and shear behaviour of naturally and artificiallystructured clays. The capability of the MSCC model is evaluatedbased on comparisons between model simulations and experimen-tal data. The following clays are evaluated: a destructured clay(Ariake clay), two naturally structured clays (Osaka and Marl clays)and two artificially structured clays (cemented Ariake and Bangkokclays). Some basic and engineering properties of the natural Osakaand Marl clays and of the destructured Ariake and Bangkok claysare presented in Table 2.

The model parameter values are listed in Tables 3 and 4 for thenaturally and artificially structured clays, respectively. Parameterse�IC , k*, j, p0y;i, b and Dei were determined from the results of isotro-pic compression test and G0 was approximated from the q–ed curve.The parameters denoted by an asterisk were tested from a remoul-ded sample [5]. In the absence of the ICL, parameters e�IC and k* canbe approximated from the intrinsic state line in terms of the liquidlimit voids ratio [49], which was achieved by Horpibulsuk et al.

Table 2Physical properties of the simulated clays.

Properties Osaka clay Marl clay Ariake clay Bangkok clay

Reference Adachi et al. [1] Anagnostopoulos et al. [2] Horpibulsuk et al. [20] Uddin [58]Specific density 2.67–2.703 2.72 2.70 2.67–2.69Apparent pre-consolidation pressure (kPa) 93.1 3250 80 40Compression index (k = Cc/2.303) 0.355 0.065 0.446 0.252Swelling index (j = Cs/2.303) 0.048 0.020 0044 0.056Natural water content 65–72% 20–21% 135–150% 81.60–86.00Liquid limit 69.2–75.1% 24–38% 120% 103%Plasticity index 41.9–50.6% 2.5–12% 63% 60%Liquidity 0.745–1.13 N/A 1.24–1.47 0.62Sensitivity 14.5 N/A N/A 7.3Activity 0.54 0.75–1.25b N/A 0.87Clay fraction 44%a 13–24% 55% 69%Silt fraction 49% 75–87% 44% 28%Sand fraction 7% <12% 1% 3%Confining pressure 20–235 kPa 98–4000 kPa 50–4000 kPa 50–600 kPaInsitu voids ratio 1.67–1.92 0.55–0.60 3.65–4.05 2.20–2.44Strain rate of shearing (mm/min) 0.006 1–0.00632c 0.009c,d 0.0075c, 0.0025d 0.009c, 0.0018d

Remarka Less than 2 lm.b Clay-sized fraction.c Undrained test.d Drained test.

Table 3Parameters of the MSCC model for naturally structured clays.

Model parameters Natural structured clays

Osaka Marl

k* 0.147 0.025j 0.027 0.009e�IC 1.92 0.67b 0.6 0.7Dei 0.62 0.085M 1.15 1.30p0b0 (kPa) 30 300p0y;i (kPa) 100 4150

G0 (kPa) 3000 45,000n 1 1w 2 1.5

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[19]. The values of the strength parameters M and p0b0 were ob-tained by plotting the peak strength in the q–p0 plane. The valuefor w was estimated from the simulation of anisotropic compres-sion test results of structured clay with different g values. Theparameter w is determined as shown in Fig. 7 for the artificiallystructured Bangkok clay. In the absence of the anisotropic com-pression test results, w can be estimated from the stress–strainrelationship. It is found that the w value decreases with the degreeof cementation. The w-value is close to 2.0 for the naturally struc-tured clays as shown in Table 3. It is 2.0 for Osaka and 1.5 for Marl

Table 4Parameters of the MSCC model for artificially structured clays.

Model parameters Ariake clay

Aw = 0% Aw = 6% Aw = 9%

k* 0.44 0.44 0.44j 0.08 0.06 0.024e�IC 4.37 4.37 4.37b – 0.15 0.01Dei – 1.50 2.25M 1.58 1.60 1.45p0b0 (kPa) – 50 100p0y;i (kPa) – 50 200

G0 (kPa) 4000 6000 8000n – 10 10w 2.0 1.8 0.5

clays. Because n is a parameter that reflects the rate of strain soft-ening, it is estimated from the stress–strain relationship at post-failure.

Based on the parameters presented in Tables 3 and 4, the isotro-pic compression behaviours of all four structured clays were simu-lated and compared with experimental data as shown in Fig. 8. Thecompression behaviour of both naturally structured and artificiallystructured clays are well represented.

A comparison of the model simulations and experimental datafor isotropically consolidated undrained triaxial (CIU) tests on Osa-ka clay is shown in Fig. 9. A comparison of the model simulationsand experimental data for isotropically consolidated drained triax-ial (CID) tests on Marl clay is shown in Fig. 10. Unlike a completelydestructured clay, natural Osaka clay shows strain softening in the(q–ed) relationship in both normally consolidated states and over-consolidated states. This type of behaviour is frequently found innaturally structured soils [5,7] and has been captured satisfactorilyby the MSCC model. The model simulations and experimental datafor the two sets of tests on natural soils are in very goodagreement.

The capacity of the MSCC model to describe the influence ofcementation is verified by simulating both undrained and drainedshear behaviour of artificially structured Ariake clay and Bangkokclay under different pre-shear consolidated pressures and cementcontents. Comparisons between the test data and model simula-tions are shown in Figs. 11–15 for the destructured and artificially

Bangkok clay

Aw = 18% Aw = 5% Aw = 10% Aw = 15%

0.44 0.26 0.26 0.260.001 0.02 0.01 0.0054.37 2.86 2.86 2.860.001 0.02 0.01 0.012.65 0.55 0.60 0.751.35 1.13 1.13 1.13650 60 400 5001800 150 430 600

40,000 14,000 16,000 30,00030 10 30 300.1 1.5 0.2 0.1

Fig. 7. Determination of the w for artificially structured Bangkok clay (data fromUddin [58]).

Fig. 9. Comparison of experimental and simulated CIU test results of natural Osakaclay.

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structured Ariake clay, and in Figs. 16 and 17 for the artificiallystructured Bangkok clay. It is interesting to note that the samedestructured parameters can be used to simulate the shear behav-iour of clay in destructured and structured states.

The critical state (very large strain) of the structured clay cannotbe measured due to the limitation of the triaxial apparatus. For thesimulation, this state can however be presented where the struc-ture strength (p0b) is completely removed. Overall, the general pat-terns of the behaviour of artificially structured clays, i.e., theincrease in stiffness and peak strength with cementation and therapidness of the reduction in deviatoric stress during strain soften-ing, have been captured. The model simulations cover a wide rangeof cement contents (from 0% to 18% by weight) and a wide range ofpre-shear consolidated pressures (50–3000 kPa) and are madewith the model parameter values that are determined based ontheir physical meanings.

4. Discussion

Based on the modified effective stress concept, yield function,hardening rule and the plastic potential proposed, the methodol-

Fig. 8. Simulation of isotropic compressio

ogy for simulating the stress–strain behaviour of structured clayis simpler and provides better quantitative and qualitative perfor-mance than the MCC model and the original SCC model. As seen inthe comparisons of the simulations shown in Figs. 18 and 19, theperformance of the MSCC model is significantly better than thatof the SCC and MCC models. It is found that the destructuringlaw proposed in terms of plastic deviatoric strain provides a rea-sonably good simulation. The values of model parameters for theMCC and the SCC are given in Tables 5 and 6, respectively.

This model can be simply implemented into a numerical analy-sis. The MSCC model is identical to the MCC model when clay is in adestructured state, i.e., De = 0 and p0b ¼ 0. A study of the micro-structure of some structured clays has shown that some elementsof structure remain in the clay even at very large strains or a

n curves of studied structured clays.

Fig. 10. Comparison of experimental and simulated on CID test results of naturalMarl clay.

Fig. 11. Comparison of experimental and simulated CID test results of destructuredAriake clay.

Fig. 12. Comparison of experimental and simulated CID test results of 6% cementAriake clay.

Fig. 13. Comparison of experimental and simulated CIU test results of 6% cementAriake clay.

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destructured state [11,14]. The MSCC model also follows this pre-mise. Even though the critical state lines in the q–p0 plane are thesame for destructured and structured states, the critical state linesin e–ln p0 plane are not the same.

In the MSCC model, the structured soil is treated as an isotropicelastic-virgin yielding material. The two mechanisms are separatedby the current yield surface. The soil shows purely elastic behav-iour when the stress state is inside the yield surface. When the

stress state reaches the yield surface, the plastic behaviour occurs.At this point, there is a sharp change in the stiffness of the soil re-sponse, as shown in the simulated results. Further development toobtain more precise simulation can be easily attained by imple-menting a hardening equation during subloading into the model.The implementation of a simple and predictive hardening equationin the original SCC model has been successfully achieved for natu-ral clay by Suebsuk et al. [56].

Fig. 14. Comparison of experimental and simulated CID test results of 18% cementAriake clay.

Fig. 15. Comparison of experimental and simulated CIU test results of 18% cementAriake clay.

Fig. 16. Comparison of experimental and simulated CID test results of cementedBangkok clay under r03 = 600 kPa (r03 > p0y) for Aw = 5–15%.

Fig. 17. Comparison of experimental and simulated CIU test results of 5% cementBangkok clay.

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It is seen from the shearing test results that there is some dis-crepancy between the model simulations and the experimentaldata in the volumetric deformation (e.g., Figs. 13, 14 and 16). Thisdiscrepancy may be inherited from the Modified Cam Clay model,which does not accurately simulate the behaviour of destructuredAriake clay (Fig. 11). Further study on this topic is needed, perhapswith considering the influence of anisotropy. Some frontier re-search accounting for the influence of anisotropy has been re-

ported in works by Rouainia and Muir Wood [52], Wheeler et al.[60], Dafalias et al. [13] and Taiebat et al. [57]. If the influence ofanisotropy on the yield loci is considered, the destructuring lawshould be extended to include the reduction of anisotropy and isot-ropy during the destructuring process.

The MSCC model is developed based on the simple predictiveSCC model with the purpose to solve some practical geotechnicalproblems. Although the model has 11 parameters, six parameters

Fig. 18. Comparisons of experimental and simulated on CIU test results of natural Osaka clay for different models.

Fig. 19. Comparisons of experimental and simulated on CID test results of cemented Ariake clay for different models.

Table 5MCC model parameter for natural Osaka and cemented Ariake clays.

Model parameters Natural Osaka clay Cemented Ariake claywith 9% cement content

k 0.147 0.44j 0.027 0.024e�IC 1.92 4.37M 1.15 1.45p0y;i (kPa) 100 200

G0 (kPa) 3000 8000

Table 6SCC model parameter for natural Osaka and cemented Ariake clays.

Model parameters Natural Osaka clay Cemented Ariake claywith 9% cement content

k* 0.147 0.44j 0.027 0.024e�IC 1.92 4.37b 0.6 0.01Dei 0.62 2.25M 1.15 1.45p0y;i (kPa) 100 200

G0 (kPa) 3000 8000w 2 0.5

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are the same as those used in the MCC model to describe the basicmechanical properties of soil. The other parameters can be deter-mined or estimated relatively conveniently from conventional lab-oratory tests on structured clay specimens. For practical use, theMSCC model will be used in a numerical analysis to solve geotech-nical boundary value problems in future research. Recently, someimportant works in numerical analysis with constitutive modelsfor structured soils such as those by Zhao et al. [62], Karstunenet al. [25] and Liyanapathirana et al. [40] have been published.

5. Conclusions

In this paper, the MSCC model is developed by extending thesimple predictive SCC model. In the MSCC model, the destructuringlaw due to shearing is proposed to describe the effect of degrada-tion and crushing of the soil–cementation structure on the reduc-tion in p0b. Destructuring begins when the stress state is on thevirgin yielding. p0b gradually decreases due to the degradation ofthe structure until the failure state. It rapidly decreases when thestress state reaches the failure state and is completed removed atthe critical state due to the crushing of the soil–cementation struc-ture. The effect of structure and destructuring is incorporated intothe effective stress concept, yield function, hardening rule andplastic potential to describe the mechanical behaviour of struc-tured clay during strain hardening and softening. The methodologyof modelling the shear behaviour of structured clay is simple, as inother models of the Cam Clay family.

Simulations were performed using the MSCC model for differ-ent clays with both natural and artificial structures under differentpre-shear consolidated pressures, drainage conditions and cementcontents, and these simulations were compared with experimentaldata. Overall, a reasonable description of the influence of varioustypes of soil structures on soil behaviour has been achieved. It isseen that the MSCC model has unified the clay behaviour indestructured, naturally structured and artificially structured statesinto one consistent theoretical framework. Because the MSCC mod-el is simple and the model parameters can be determined fromconventional laboratory tests, the model has the potential to solvegeotechnical engineering problems involving various types ofstructured soils.


The first author would like to acknowledge the Office of theHigher Education Commission, Thailand for financial support dur-ing his Ph.D. study under the Strategic Scholarships Programme forFrontier Research Network. The financial support provided by theOffice of the Higher Education Commission, Thailand and the Thai-land Research Fund (TRF) under contract DIG5180008 is appreci-ated. Profound gratitude is expressed to the Suranaree Universityof Technology for the financial support and facilities. The authorsare grateful to the reviewers for their constructive and useful com-ments, which have improved the quality of this paper.


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