Modern/Contemporary 1900-Present. Defining Characteristics The arts use experimental techniques....

Post on 18-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Modern/Contemporary 1900-Present. Defining Characteristics The arts use experimental techniques....



Defining Characteristics

The arts use experimental techniques. Styles reflect the diversity of society and a

blending of cultures. The arts break or redefine conventions of

the past.

Pablo Picasso

Cubism-Objects are reduced to lines, angles, and geometric shapes

Abstract vs. Non-Representational

Salvador Dali

Surrealism—hand-painted dream photographs

Open to various interpretations

Salvador Dali, oil on canvas “Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man” 1948.

Andy Warhol

Pop Art—Imagery drawn from popular cultural products (consumer products)

Georgia O’Keeffe

She transformed organic shapes-flowers, skeletons, landscapes- into abstract forms

Frank Lloyd Wright

Most famous American architect who incorporated his buildings with their


Jacob Lawerence

Harlem Renaissance—dynamic group of African-American artists, musicians, actors,

and writers

Create an artwork utilizing the style of one of the modern artists. Artworks should be completed in colored pencil or marker.

Artworks are due Thursday.