Modern Gymnast - July/August 1964

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Transcript of Modern Gymnast - July/August 1964




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Santa Monica, Calif.

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Volume VI JULY-AUGUST, 1964 No. 6

CONTENTS GUEST EDITORIAL ___ __ ______ ___________ ______ _____ ___ Charlie Pond 5 CHALK TALK ___ __ ______ ______ _______ _____ ______ _____________________________ 6 RESEARCH AND FITNESS _______ _______ ____ __ Dr. James Bosco 7 USGF DIRECTORS REPORT ____________________________ Frank Bare 8 GYMNASTIC GIMMICKS ____ _______ ___ __ ______________ __ Bud Beyer 10 NA T'L. AAPHER CONVENTION __ ___ __ ________ ________ _____________ 12 GYMNASTICS IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION

A. B. Fredericks 13 RHYTHMIC EXERCISES ________________ ____ Barbara Saltzsieder 16 FINAL JAPANESE OLYMPIC TRIALS _________ .Jim Tanaka 17 U.S.A. OLYMPIC QUALIFYING TEST __ ____ ____ ___ ______ _____ ____ 17 BALLET FOR GYMNASTS _________________ _______ Grace Kaywell 22 HELPFUL HINTS __________ ________ _____ ____________________ .J im Farkas 23 GYM FITNESS _______________ __________ ___________ Margaret Korondi 24 WHAT'S THE SCORE~ ____ __________ ____ _____________ .Jerry Wright 26 TRAM POll N I NG ___ ___ ________ _____ ______ ______ _____ __ Jess Robinson 32 GYMNASTIC CLASSIC ____________________________ A. B. Frederick 34 BOOK REVI EW __ _____ ___ _______ ______ ________ ___ ______ A. B. Frederick 35 QUESTIONS AND POINTERS ____________________ Art Shurlock 36

COV ER : Summertime and triple flyaway ime at Santa M onica Beach Playg round,

Ca l iforni a.

MAX J_ RUDERIAN - Publi sher GLENN SUNDBY - Editor

A. BRUCE FREDERICK Education Editor

DR _ JAMES S. BOSCO Research Editor


41 0 IlROAOW A,Y ~"'NI'" M O N ICA ( A W O IINI ...

THE M OD ERN GYMNA ST is pulJl l ~hcd hy AlllCrlCo n Ph ysica l Fitness Rcsrorch' Inst itut e, Inc. , 410 Broodway. 50 llta Moni co , Ca llf o rnio. Se cund cl a~s pos ta ge paid at SOlllo M Ullica, Ca l if. Pub l ish ed m Ollthl y e xcept JUIlC, Aug u st a nd Oc tober wb lch a le co m/lined wllh the prev iou s m o nth 's issue . Pri ce $ 4.50 pe r year , SOc s ingle COP Y. Suh~cr lplio ll COrl CSpu ll<icncc , THE MODERN GYMNA ST, P . O. Box 6 11 , ~onta MOll ica, Co lol " "" o. C<>p y r igh! 1964 b y AMFRICAN PHYSICAL FITNE SS RESEARCH INST ITUTE . INC ., 4 10 onJu dwoy, SO llia M Olli c a , Callf o rrllD. All pICtures and mallu scr l p l ~ :-.uh milled hcctlll w the p rnpc rl y n l IIIE M ODERN GYMNAST 1I111c s~ a return rcquco:.l olli l , .• dl ll It' rll p ' I'"> I <Hll' ( 1/, ' II " I ... I. -d

I :;c



EST ED IN TH E FUTURE OF GYMNASTICS. The MODERN GYM-NAST . . . "our magazine," . .. " our research evidence," and " our source of knowledge, pictoria l and editorial" COULD BE LOST TO US THROUGH " OCR" acceptance of " let Glenn do it, he always has and I guess he always will" . Yes, " good ole Glenn" has contin­ued to keep the MC rolling through personal dedication and sacri­

'fice. I don' t see how Glenn can continue indefinitel y under these conditions so I am sure future planning on his part must include the possible termination of our " bible of Gymnastics". Good will, best wishes and praise he has by the file full , but this is not enough. What he needs is finan cia l support to match the praise for his ability to put this wonderful pub lication together. HOW MANY OF YOU WILL Ji\S( -RE THE H iTURE SUCCESS OF THE MODER!\ _ GYMNAST AS T SH ALL NOT O\fLY ATTEMPT, BUT DO!!

On walking into hi s office July 2, 1964, I observed him hard at work assembling his next editi on giving unselfishl y of his time and energy working late into the nights in order to get the new editi on to press . Tn asking him for a round figure as to number of subscripti ons thinking to myse lf that around 20,000 would be given as an answer , it was a PHOFOLTND SHO CK to hear him say, " oh, about 4,500". J n looking at my own state, Illinois, there were 442 subscriptions. Tn a state with the , trongest system (personal opinion) and number of gymnasts in the nati on (around 10,000 ) my shock and disbelief of thi s fa ct on ly faced the question of just how and why could this occur. With high school -leaders like Joe Gia llom­bardo , Gay Hughes, R~ n Walden. Bill I\ oetzheim, Vic Lesch, Bi ll Ba 1lester and the some 60 odd other coaches, how is such a thing possible ? I am perhaps more guilt y than my fellow coaches in that complacenc y and neglect and the knowledge " good ole Glenn will always go on as before" lulls me to other chores like coaching a Team to beat Michigan , Iowa, Colorado, Ari zona, Hal Frey of Calif., \Vettstone of Penn State, and a sma II school in southern Illinois who has the president of the I inited States Gymnastics Federation as it 's Ath leti c Director.

HOW ABOl-T THESE f ACTS : California with 768 leads the na­tion foll owed by !\ew York with 452, and Illinois with 442 a poor third in the nati on when it should lead by at least two thousand. The li st goes on and on with poor results in every state to practicallv i\O-SHOW in some states like Mississippi , Arkansas. and Alaska with onl y two sub,criptions each.

Talk, praise, and adu lation of The Modern Cymnast is great and fine, but some type of action must be taken and in order to IN­Sl lHE TI-lE ITTniF PlBLlCATIOi\ A:\D HELEASE OF THE BEST GOLD Ai\GED GYI\lJi\A STI CS MAGAlli\E Ti\ THF~ WORLD , I am going to guarantee Glenn 100 (one hund red ) subscriptions for 1964. Every member of my team shall subscribe and private groups of gy mnasts in the area wi ll fill out MY QlTOTA quickl y and easil y. I personall y am goi ng to attempt such assistance of my associates and fell ow coaches as is necessary for Illinoi s not only to lead the (I. S. in subsc riptions but to ha ve more knoweldge of gym­nasti cs in our country and the world as a result of the wri ters and the resea rch they have done to provide us with a SPORTS PUB­UCATIOi\ SECO:\D TO i\ Oi\ E.

WHAT AIU: YOl CO !'\C TO DO ??? BELlEVE ME IT IS NEEDED i\OW'!! TOMOHHOW MAY BE TOO LATE . Let's show Glenn Sundb y that we appreciate his efforts these many years. Act now ' . . . coaches visit your librarian and request at least one wee subsc ripti on for use of students. Do you realize sub­scription problems wou ld be elim inated if just one subscription came in from every high sch ool and university in the U.S.A. having gym­nastics programs . . . . Charlie IJond, G)rmnastics Coach , Uni. 0/ Ill .

A TRIBUTE T he world oi h ealth and Jjhysical iil­lIess has lost 'olle oi it 's fin est persoll­alill:es with the passillg oj o/!r 10llg till/(' irielld, Ray Van Clee/ all .I'lay 26, /964. Jri e express ollr dee pesl sy-lnpathies 10 his wiie Virginia alld his /amily.

Ray was past Olympic traill er ior th e weight Ii/ling team alld owned and op­erated Ihe " Gale way 10 H ealth" Gy m ill Sail Jose, Cali/orllia. Th rough th e years R ay has beell a proli/ic alld all thora­lali ve writer all healih , slrong mell alld ieals of slrellglh Ihrollghollt th e world. H e lVas also a cllrrelll call tributor alld I'a sl associale edilor oi Sirellgih all d Health magazille.



The San Francisco. S tate Gi rls Im'ita­li l,lIl al Mee t was held ~a turda y, April 25t h , a t San Franc isco. S tate Callege. The m ee l was div ided int o. beg inner , intermediate_ and ad vanced levels in Junior High Scha aL Senia r Hi gh Schaal, a nd Callege 'fevel wo m: en.

Friday night befar e the campetiti a n the judges and caach es attended a judgin g cl inic held a t Ihe Uni ve rsity of Califarnia in Be rk eley. The di sc uss ion was led by .In ez Caon whil e Kalhy S he ll y shawed film s a f "'ve ral ruulin es a t va ri ous skill leve k

The judges di sc ussed Ihe majo r paint " lu luok far in a " ten poinl" routine, viewed

the fil ms of each rouline, sco red, r e-evalu­ated the m, and re-viewed the f ilm . Thi" re inforced the judges in what to look for in the e ight evpnt s to be judged the follow­in g day,

The main theme of the session was that judg ing sh ould be conducted on a wa rld­wide cantinuulll . This way, each campe­til or has a p lace a n the contin uum a nd kn aws h aw far she has to go. t o. rpach O lym­pic ca libe r. Thraw n ou t was the un reali sti c view of ~ i v in g a beg inn er a sco re in the 70's 0. 1' 80's, when trul y the sca re belan~s in the 30', . Also. thi s m ethad eliminat es the hea rtbreak af the competit ar rece ivin g an 80 in easy ca m petit ian and a 30 scare in ma re d i ff ic ult cam petition . I t was fe lt tha t if a competita r were accurately judged ac­co rdin~ to olympi c campe titi a n. she cauld more eas il y slat e her improvem ent from mee t 10 meet and year to. year.

Afl er Ihe mee t Sa turday, the judges un an ima usly agreed Ihat us ing thi s m e thod of a wa rld w id e canti.nuum gave them a clea rer pe rs pec ti ve of the ir r ole as judges and m ore con fi dp nce and ease in judgin g th e meet.

S'outhern Illinois Uni vers it y student s have chosen as the ir " Mos t P opular F ac ult y _\{e m be r," Wi lli a m lVl eade, head gymnasti cs coac h.

In seven years at Sauthern . lVl eade ha s direc led Saluk i teams to 59 vic to ri es in 81 dual mee ts aga ins t t he toughest com pe tili a n in the _Vlid west. Under hi s guida nce, S lTJ ha5 beco lll t" a nation a l gymnasti cs p OWf'f

pl acin~ secand in NC AA ch a mpionshi p ca m­pelilion for three yea rs in a r aw. prior to wInnIn g; th e 1964 ch a mpia nship. a t L", A n g; el f'~ .

Meade. born in Delroit , !V[i ch. , is a g rad­ual e a t P enn S tate whe re he was a calleg iat e lumbl e r. He rece ived a masters degree f ro m Ihe Un ive rs it y of North Cara lina where 11<' ('"ached "Tar H eel" gymnasti cs tea ms frulII 1949 10 1956, winnin g 22 and los in g 19 prio r 10 comi ng to S [U .

1 n A pril , 1963, ]vleade was elec ted fir st pres id ent of th e n ewly-fo rmed a ti ona l A ,;-

George Hery, First World's Pro fess ional' Trampoline Champion

Bill Meade

sac iat ian of Calleg iate Gym n asti c Caaches. in Pitt s burgh.

Fo ll owing hi s g raduation from P enn S tate. Y[('ade se rved three years in the Navy. H e married the farmer J aan l'vlartin . T he couple has an ll-yea r-old son . W illiam Martin.



Eight contestonts v ied f o r the championship title in a double elim ination, man-aga inst-man scoring arrangement. Each contestant had t o lose two motches in order t o be eliminated. Each pair o f conte~ l anls offered a sequence of lO-to-12 optio nal t r icks and maneuver s in each ma tch. The sequences were judged on five factors: J ) degree o f difficulty; 2) f orm ; 3) contro l ; 4 ) he igh t; and 5) o r igina l ity .

THE CONTESTANTS: Ronnie Munn of Johannesburg, South Africa,

now an Amer ican resident serving in the U.S. Army. 23 years o ld. Former Worl d's Amateur Trampo line Champion and 1959 Pan-American Games T rampoline Champio n.

Joe Tim o f Amarill o,· Texas (Amer·ican-born o f Chinese extrac t ion). 28 y ears old. Runner-Up in the 1959 NCAA Trampo l ine Champ ionsh ips. An All-American Trampol ine and Gymnastics Star. Now runs Q karate and judo inst ruction schoo l. Wears the coveted karate " blac k be lt " .

Steve Johnson o f Denver, Colorado, 24 years o ld. NCAA National Ama teur Champion in J 962. Also a skilled tumb ler and g y mnast . N ow employed as 0 high school teacher.

Larry Martin o f Ottawa, Canada , 21 years o ld . Heads the Canadian Amateur T rampo li ne Associat ion. Employed as a pro fess iona l d iver.

George Hery o f Los Angeles, Ca~ iforn ia and Iowa C it y Iowa. 28 yea r s o ld. Runner - Up in b ~th the 1964 NCAA Not ional Championships and the National Federa tion Trampoline Cham­pionsh ips. Recently t ou red Germany as a mem­be r o f a special United Sta tes Trampo l ine Team. Just graduated from Iowa Universi t y.

Pat Winkle o f Lo ndon , Eng land. 27 years o ld . British Trampo l ine Champion 1960. Em­ployed by the Nissen T rampoline Company to give exhibit io ns in schoo ls.

Richard McFarland o f Amarilla , Texas, 21 yea r s ol d. Fo rmer Junior National Trampol ine Champion. Now t ours with the Har lem Globe Trot ters giving trampo line exhibit ions between hal v es of basketball games.

Jerry Luschak of T oronto, Canada, 28 y ears old. Fo rmer Canadian Nat io nal Trampo line Champ ion. N ow emp loyed as a ph ysical edu ­cation instruct o r , YMHA in T oronto.

Th e entire competition was filmed by CBS TV for showing o n "Sport s Spectacular".

COMPET ITION RESULTS First place was won by' George Hery who was

presented with a new Fo rd "Mustang " au t o­mobil e. He was undefeated with 4 wins and no losses.

Second Place: Steve Johnso n; Third Pl ace: Ronny Munn; Fou rth Place: Jerry Luschak; Fifth Place: Richard McFar land; Six th Place: Pat Winkle; Seventh Pl ace: Joe T im; Seven th Place: Joe Tim; Eighth Place: Larry Martin .•


by James S. Bosco, San J ose State College

This is the Jourth oj a senes oj ar· ticles dealing with gJ'lIuwstics and m otor Jitn ess . Six articles in this area have planned. These will be Jollowed bJ' a series oj articles in the area of cardiovascular Jitness. Readers are urged to submit reports or comments directlJ' to the Research and Fitn ess editor .

Carl W. Landiss "Influences of Physica l Ed ucation Activities on Motor Ab ilit y a nd Ph ysica l Fitness of Ma le Fresh· men" . Th e Research QuartlJ', 26 :295·307, October, 1955.

PL"RPOSE The purpose of the stud y was to

compare eight selected physical educa · ti on activties in their development of ph ysica l fitn ess and motor ab ilit y in the students participating in th ose ac· tivities . iVIETHOD

The author measured 103 1 ma le co llege freshmen with the Tra inin ~ Ph ys'ica l Fitness Test of the Army Air Force 1300 ya rd shuttl e run ; pull ups; sit up > I and the Larson Test of motor ability (baseball throw fo r dis· ta nce; pull ups; vertica l jump ; ba r snap I.

Ana lysis of data indica ted tha t im· proved physical fitness rating was equall y we ll atta ined b y th ose students who pa rti cipated in conditioning and by th ose participating in tumbling. gym nastics; whereas swimming, tennis a nd box ing a re least apt to increase the student" s score on the Physical Fit· ness Test. I t was furth er found that the g roups pa rticipa tin g in wrestlin g a nd tumbling·gy mnas tics macle the most signifi ca nt gai ns on the Larson test o f motor abi lity. The least im· provement aga in was in the tennis, swimming and box ing groups. T um· bling:gy mnastics ranked equa l to ca n· d itioning in development of Physica l Fitness a nd equal to wrestlin g in m o· lor.ab ility; lI·hile IIrestlin g a nd condi· ti on ing each ranked high on onl y one o f th e two tests .

The tumb I ing.gymnastics the on ly one evidencing ga in be tween initial and

(T roup was ~i gnifi cant

post test

mea ns for each of the ind ividual test items of both measures used. The other 7 gro ups fail ed to record a significant gain between the pre-test and the post­test means in a t least two or more a f the test items.

The results would seem to indicate

that the course using combined acti vi­ties of tumbling and gymnasti cs best developed a ll phases of fitn ess and motor ab ility tested. The da ta a lso indi ca ted that tennis, swimming a nd boxing least tended to develop" those abilities.



Ac tivity Physical Fitness Test Larson Motor Abi lity Test He an S.D. Gai n C.R. Mean S.D. Gain C. R.

Wres tling ... . . . .. ..• . • .... • 58 29.50 3. 16 3.97 3.61 594 . 31 46 . 0 1 45.86 5 . 47

Conditioning . • . .•.•• . • .. •. • so 29.56 3. 88 5.86 7.10 588 .60 44.53 27 . 00 3.18

Tennis . • . ..•... . .. . . •.. .. •. 51 30 .16 3 . 57 2 .29 2 . 53 605.00 54 . 12 22.35 2 .06

Volleyball • • ••. •• •• •••• • ••• 63 29 .60 3.71 3 .57 4 . 46 596.75 54.38 24.92 2.72

Swimming •. • • •• •• • • ••• •• • .• . 52 28.85 3 . 19 0.63 0.89 597.31 50.08 12.50 1 . 25

We ight training • •• . • • • • . •• . 47 29.75 3.53 4.09 5.10 609.47 43 . 01 26.66 2.63

Tumbling-gymnastics . ••• ••• • 60 29 . 88 3 . 4~ 5 . 80 4. 98 598 . 17 49.82 43.66 4.97

Boxing •• . . • ••• • ••••••••.• • • 51 29.94 3.56 3 . 12 4.79 601.47 46.73 13 . 33 1. 37



Activity Baseball Throw for Dis tance Pull - ups Mean S . D. Gain C.R. Hean S.D . Gain C.R .

Wres tling •••••• . • •• •• • ••.• • 58 177 .94 24.82 7.08 1.56 6.86 2 .45 1.55 3.88

Conditioning • • ••••• •• •• ••• • so 179.30 27 . 23 2.40 0.45 6.82 2.44 0.70 1. 43

Tennis • .• • ••••••••• • ••• •• • • 51 177 . 00 33.87 3.04 0.50 7.41 3 . 00 0 . 31 0.61

Vol1eyba 11 ••• ••••••• • ••• •• • 63 178 . 83 24.65 6 . 42 1.52 6.90 2 . 46 0 . 51 1.13

Swinlnlng •• • ••• .••• • •. • • • • •• 52 176.13 23.29 - 0 . 19 0.04 7.23 1.90 0.00 0 . 00

We i gh t training . •• • • • • • •••• 47 184.10 20 . 07 5.67 1. 34 7.51 2 . 25 0.96 2 . 09

Tumbl1ng-gymnas tics ••• • ••• • 60 174 . 92 20.52 8 . 41 2 .33 7.70 2.27 1. 30 2 .17

Boxing •• ••••• • • • ••••• • •• • • • 51 176.80 28.99 4 .51 0 . 82 7.55 2 . 61 -0 . 28 0.67



Activity Vertical J\mlp Bar Snap Hean S.D . Gain C.R. Hean S . D. Ga i n C. R.

Wrestl i ng • •• • • • •••••.•••• •••• 58 20 . 04 2.17 0 . 60 1.36 54 . 28 4.77 5.63 4.73

Conditioning • • •• •• • •••• • •• ••• so 19 . 36 4.20 1.11 1. 61 53.64 2.09 3 . 52 6.13

Tennis • • •• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• • ••• 51 20.66 2.60 1.11 2.41 55.76 2.43 3 . 12 2.42

Vo lleyba 11 ••••• •• ••• • •• • • • • •• 63 20 . 43 2 .10 1.20 3 . 24 54 . 83 8 . 71 2 . 73 1.86

SwiIImlng •• •••••••••••• •••• •• • 52 20 . 17 1 . 92 0.98 2 .51 53 .94 8.07 3 . 14 2 . 00

We ight training • • • .•• •• •••••• 47 20.74 2.79 0.62 1.19 54 . 87 7 . 14 0 . 39 0.27

Tumb ling-gymna s tics • •• ••• • ••• 60 19.78 2.13 1.64 4.10 54. 08 7 . 77 5 . 70 3 . 58

Boxing • • •• ••• •• • •• • • • ••••••. • 51 20.16 2 . 05 1.04 2.89 54.33 6.31 2.98 2 .01



Act i vity 300- Ya r d Shuttle Run Sit-ups Hean S . D. Gain C. R. Hean S . D. Gain C. R.

Wrestling • •• •••• • •• • •• • •• . . • 58 53. 88 2 . 21 1.35 3 . 38 51.66 14 . 97 13.96 4.26

Cond i t i oning ••••• • ••• •• • . •.• 50 53 . 48 1.90 1.62 4.50 51.70 13 . 73 22 . 16 6 .66

Tennis .• . • • •••• . • • • • •• ••• • . • 51 53 . 67 2 . 25 -0 . 06 0 . 85 53 . 92 18 . 27 12.10 3 . 13

Volleybal l • ••• .• • ••••• • ••... 63 53.33 2.08 1.14 3.08 51.60 13.89 11. 19 3.64

SW1lmning •. ••• •••• • •••.• • • • • • 52 53.48 2.12 -0 .40 0.88 49 .56 19 .23 7 . 34 1.78

We i gh t training .. . .......... . 47 52.81 2.03 0.19 0.46 51.15 13 . 85 5.28 1.76

Tumbling-gymnas tics • •. • • •• . . 60 53.81 2.10 1.36 3.40 53.50 15.58 18 . 75 5.14

Boxing •• •• •• •••• •• ••• • • • ••.. 51 53 . 61 2 . 66 0 . 85 1.81 53.67 15.77 7.37 2.30


"Ge 0"."0' ~ cwo, '0'. ~ Z'i'tee,to'td- 1< epo'tC' THE UNITED STATES GYMNASTICS FEDERATION

THE U.S.C.F. PRESS, began operating m late May and the May-June USCF Newsletter was the first item off the presses. Since that time we have completed the first portion of an examination for gymnastics officials. The examination is designed to help stimulate the training of gymnastics officials and also offer area or local organizations the equiva lent of an "open book" examination for new or po­tential judges. In time we will be conducting official ex­ami nations to qualify judges for area or national cha~1pi on ­ships. Registration blanks (for membership in the 1 SC F) are also now available if clinic directors or meet mana~e r s wish to make use of them at gymnastic events.

.,.:. : .::. .;:- -::- -::.

THE 1964. F'AHRBACH-SCHUSTER TRAMPOLINE CHAMPIO NSH[PS will again be hosted in Salzgitter-Leb­enstedt. Cermany, thi s coming September 19th. This year, on ly the highest class of tramp olinists will be competing for the coveted FAHHBACH-SCHLTSTER CloP which was won last Fa ll b y Danny lVI illman representing the CS.G.F. We've been invited to send a team aga in thi s yea r and we hope to send more than one representative to this ~reat a n­nual event h osted by our fri ends in Germany.

* * * * * ~~

TH E 1964. COLORADO HIGH SCHOOL CHAMPION­SHIPS . .. were hosted by Aurora Central High School and host coach DO\' ROBI NSON won the State H. S. Cymnas tics Championsh ips for 1964-. The meet (which T was in ­vited to see) was a great one! The conduct of the meet "was exce llent. ' The Colorado Coaches Association must evi­dently stress form anel appearance because the meet was marked wi th clean, nea r-perfect performances in virtuall y eve ry event. It was m y pleasure to visit again with Com­missioner of the Colorado H. S. Activities Association , MR. GLENN WILSON. NIr . Wilson, also a member of the U.S.C. F. GO\"erning Counci l (representing the r\a ti onal Federat ion of H.s.'s) was justifiably proud of the per­forman ces he witnessed.

* * * * * THE 1964 LOS ANCELES CITY CHAMPIONSHIP, hosted by San Fernando Va lley State College. It was m y good for­tune to be'able to witness thi s excellent meet and a hats off to Coach BILL V INCENT who used the bea utiful fac ili ­ties of S. F.V.S.C. to the best possible advantage " in host­ing thi s meet for the L.A. High Schools. Coach John Muir of L.A. High School won the hotly contested championship


Los Angeles City High School Commissione.r Guy Wrinkle pre­senting winning trophy to the Los Ange les High <;choo l T eam.

that was marked by great performances in every. event. City High School Commissioner GUY WRINKLE was pre­sent to watch his program reach its seasons highlight.

THE l -NIVERSITY OF NEVADA, and host Coach and Director of Athletics "Art" Broten worked hard to conduct the Western Regional Women 's Championship (USFC) and drew entries from California and Nevada. Thirty five fine yo ung performers in two divisions, one of which util­ized the 1964 Olympic Compul so ries for women. It was a pleasure to see this group at work and teachers and coaches representing colleges, high schools, recreation departments and YMCA's all pitched in to make the event an exception­all y fine experience for the youthful performers.

~~ ~~ * * * MISSOUIU . . . is now forming up the IVI TSSOCHI CYM­NASTICS ASSOCIATION . .. and by ea rly October we'll try to give you names, add resses and other information concerning this newly formed associat ion which has as it's express goal the promotion of gymnastics . . . especially with respect to making the activi ty avai lable to large num· ryers of youngsters. They have no immediate plans for com­petitions . . . but wi ll begin with basic gy mnastic clinics and coaches sessions. We're happ y to hea r they have that specific goal and even happier to have them in existence.

~~ ~~ * * ~~ i~

MRS. CRACF: KA YWF:LL . .. indica tes she is planning to conduct a "BALLET for Gymnasts" special session in West Palm Reach. Florida late this Summer. For further infor­mation writ~ , MHS. CHACE KAYWELL, ;) Tanglewood Court, West Palm Beach, Fla. Grace was kind enough to teach thi s class fo r us at last years Western Clinic and she is abso lutely great. She also was invited to Norman, Oklahoma for the D.C.W.S. :\ati ona l Institute on Cirls Sports where she was the hit of the program ... and as our C S.C.F . Rallet Consultan t she is el oing a grea t job. If yo u can make this session " . . we guarantee it will be worth eve ry min­ute of your time an el every oun ce of yo ur effort.

r _::_" .,.:. •• _:-:_ _::_

SPECIAL l\OTE: " LOST"' ... in the L S. Mails: FILM: (lOO fee t of co lor of the 1964 Michigan High

School Gymnastics Meet, cond ucted at Hillsdale H.S. in Hillsdale, Michigan. If fo und please write to : James R. Inman ... Director of Athletics, Hillsdale HS, Hillsdale, Mich.


Above: Co lorado All-Around Champ from Thomas Jefferson High School, Bob Fi scher.

Coach Don Robinson with his 1"64 Colorado Team Champs from Aurora High School.

Scenes from lJSGF 's Western Women's Regiona l Championship 01 Univers ity of Nevada




By E. F. " Bud " Beye r

Direc tor of P ro motion and Adve rti sin g fo r the N isse n Corporation, 930-27th Avenue

S. W., Cedar Rapids, Iowa 11\ ft c r Septe mber I , Assoc iate Professo r of Phy,; ica l Educa tiun in the De partment of Ph y" ica l Education , Health & Recrea tion witlt th l" S tat e Uni ve rsit y of jew York Col lege a t P latt sburgh , Pl att s bu r "h, Ne w Y"rk I

.Vlany of 1I ~ in our teaching career have ""I had 11ll" pl,'as ure of d ea ling with peopl ,' who a n' a lI'eadl' high school cham pions or dea lin g with onl y small numbe rs of highl v " IH>c ia li zed ~ymn as t s . It is fo r these people tha t t h i" a rt iclp Ita" been writt en. Th~ prohl " 1ll i" how to handle lar!!e numher" (If yo un g~ t e r~ whf' 11 man y of them are ready for t Iw bac k handspring all at one tim e.

The first a ssumption is that you are cog­"i za nt of th .. nec,'ss it y for buildin g up th p entire musculature and the spec ial orienta­tion , that go with the learn in g of the head­~ prin g, carlwlH'el, roundoff, front handsprin g. ,'1. ·. 'VI' will abo as"lllne the yo ungster has iea rn "d th p donkey ki ck or snap d own and that th .. a hdominal muscula ture. leg lllU S­

c ul a tun·. a nd arm musculature, a n ' equ a l to t 111' ta"k pused hy tlIP back ha ndsprin g skill.

\V.' will now move step by ste p: F. In F illustration we see one of the most

important things we must cons ide r. We must consid er the fl exibilit y of the people who are !-, oing to k a rn th .. back ha ndsprin g. H ere. 11'" noti e,' a vas t diffe rence in bod y type uf the young man and the youn g lady in the photograph . The girl , as you can eas il y see , ('a n p(, rfor lll th~ g~n e ral arc of the back ha nds pring with e a s~ . The boy should be g ive n fl e y exe rcises so tha t he can lIl a nipul a tf' hi , a rms with greate r ease tha n i ~ ~ how n in thi s pho tograph.

S uffi c ient fJ.' xibilit y in thi ; Iw nding the na h position should be obt a ined 'so tha t the hands a re directl y under the shoulders with the knees bent at a bout the a ngle the young lady has th em bent. The boy, as YO li

"".' . has hi s arms at any a ngli and hi s wri sts a re there fore bent at a rathe r da nger­ous a ng le. This then is ste p number one. lh, c(' rtain that you obtain fl exibi lit y through till' s tre tchin g exercises s uch as was shown in pas t articl f's of Modern Gymn ast in my column, Gy mnastics Gimmicks.


Now yo u lake the ent ire g roup, a long one !·d!!" of t he ma t as shown in G and teach 11 lt' 1ll how to s it properl y uff ba la nce su th a t th t'y mU Ft fa ll hac k wa rds if they do not j ump.

In H illustra tion , we sec they have com­pl etf' d th e jump and that they ha ve moved backwa rd - a long the ma t. Notice that the " il' l on the extreme far ri CF ht has allo wed hl'r hod y tn droo p forwa rd a~d has not taken off properl y. Th e facl that she s ti cks out like a sore thumb is a mpl e proof that we ('a n t!'ach la rl!e numbers and see errors vl-' ry qui ckl y in a large group.

In illustra ti on T we see the proper pos i­ti on 'with perfect posture to begin the back ha ndspring. H ere, of course, we ge t into a ll so rt s of a rguments because many peo ple wo uld like tn s tart with the a rms at the s ide . The nnl y r eason [ pre fe r the arms up in front is tha t I fee l it is a good looking , tart for a sing le stunt and secondl y I be­li ev~ that the arm s can be dro pped from thi s pos iti on to l,!e t the backwa rd swing and the re forf' we a re more like ly to ha ve the r e­la xed shoulde r tha t wi ll produce the kind of f1 f' xibilit y th at we see is necessary for the handspring and which is illustra ted by 1111' i( irl in illustra ti on F.

I,; illustra ti on J we se,' the me thod for " potting the pe rformer. No te tha t the near ann of the performer goes entirely around the waist with the fin ge rs ac tu a ll y grasping the waist. This does two thin gs. It teaches tlw spotter to s pot on the arm instead of out on th ~ palm of the hand which is a far e: reat ~ r work load , It a lso all ows the spotter io have be tt er control of the performer be­Ca lb., yo u can pull 'I performer into the proper s itting pos ition with thi s partic ular , putting methud , The second hand is down on thl' lower po~ti(Jn of the thi gh.

K . Illustra ti on K shows the first part of a s low motion rendition of the back hand­spring. The performer sit s down slowly and care full y with the two s potte rs taking the entire we ight on the ir near arm. The pe rson who is se lected as the performer , 11<I uld have the ir head up chest up and reta in perfect torso upright posture through­out thi s pa rt of the movement. It is at this point that the beg inner usually bows for­wa rd whi eh is an extremely bad fault. Note that til(' performer has not been allowed to s it very dee ply and also that the knees a re over the fee t and the shoulders are over t he hips. This is a true off balance sittin g pos ition. The arms are back ready for the

E . F. "Bud" Beyer

throw a nd the head will go with the arm,;. A lso note tha t the back knee o f the s po tte r is the one u pon which the spott er kneels. T hi s prevent s the pe rformer from hitting the knee of either one of the s pott ers.

In L we see the go ing into the back bend po r t ion of the fli p-flop. At fi rs t we d o not a ll ow the pe rforme r to do much jumplJlg. We ius t ease them into the back bend pos i­t ion so they know how to look for the ma t and ho lY to reach for the mat well in unde r the body. This a ut omaticPoll y will bring us tn the next pos ition .

M. In illustration M we see tha t the hallll " hal'f' come in unde r the head and shoulder" a nd tha t the ang!.> of th e wrist is a sa f,· a ngle hecause the perfurmer has thrown tl} t' a l"l1\ o' we ll in unde r the cente r of grav it y of the body. Pl ease note that the pe rform ­e rs head is up. The chin is a wa y fl" om the che" t. It is from this pos ition th a t tlw sna p down or donkey ki ck is pe rformed and. it is r e rfectl y possible to drill the entire ~ r(lup on thi s particular part of the move­ment just as we drill ed them in illustra ti on G a nd H in the proper s itting procedure a nd jumping procedure.

It can easily be seen that we can then di vide a ll our people up into threes. As in and 0 we can keep at least six sq uads of three or eighteen people busy a t one tim e on the back handspring. The coach can have them a ll go at one time and if he s ta nds back fa r enough it is amazing hn lV ade pt we can become at picking out those who are doin g the movement incorrectly. Another method is to walk quickly from one end of the mat to the other having each group go through the flip-flop . They then , of course , will change around so that Oll e

o f the s pott ers becomes a performer and th ~ ma ne uve r is re peated with the coach walk­ing down the line criti cizin g each pe r­former.

The yo ungs ters pick up this idea ve r y quickl y and if yo u keep it goin g a t a fast pace, yo u will be surprised how ra pid Iy they will ge t back into pos ition r eady fo!" yo u to look a t the movement aga in if yo u wa nt it re pea ted.

This has been used successfull y. I t d OL" ta ke a g rea t deal of obser ving powe r on the pa rt of a coach but it is a feasible method of teachin g the back handsprin g to la rge numbers of yo ungster s at the same tim e. Yo u are, of course, al so teaching spotting to a la rge number of youngster s at the same time, These yo un gster s will be yo ur futur"



leade rs '0 tha t yo u have a n eas ie r ti me o f it later In case your class tTe ts even la rul' r th a n it is a t present. . e r

I would we lcome criti cisms a nd sugges­t ions re~ard in g thi s me thod . If yo u a re a douht er a nd you.have so me questions, wo ul d yo u pl ease drop me a line and I ' ll be hap py




[0 anSWf' r yo ur q uestions. P lease do not th row thi s as ide as an ine ffecti ve method un less you try it a nd d iscover the probl ems an d writ e to me regardin g the problems.

This me thod ca n be and has been success­full y used to teach yo ungste rs down to the age o f a bout 8 ·years. I t wo rks fa r bett er




from 11 yea rs up de pendin g on the coordin ­atio n an d sense of r espons ibility of the ~ roups of yo ungste rs with which you are wo rkin g. A ll groups differ a nd yo u must. o f course , be the judge of whi ch group can be tau ght in thi s manner.


1964 NATIONAL AAPHER Convention, Washington, D.C.

Upper left: Gymnastic coaches on hand for the convention. Scenes from the ex': hibitar 's hall and final banquet with guest speaker Stan Musia l pictured direct­ly above.



79th A nni ve rsary Con vention of the A meri can Assoc ia ti on for H ealth , Phy­s ical Ed uca tion a nd Recreat ion Wash­in gton , D,C. I1Iay 1964 The AA HPER Convention , held for the

first time in Washing ton , was_ as usual. ve ry broad in sco pe with many new kind ~ of sessions takin g place. You r ed itor was fort unat e enough to be able to attend and parti cipat e in a few of the sess ions devo ted to gym nastics a nd othe r meetin gs of sec· ti ons with a close r elationship to our spe· cialt y.

Winter Sports Section - Division oi ,Hen's Athletics (Gymn astics) ,

At leas t 400 attended thi s mee tin g. It is inter es tinp: to note that a good number o f the'e were women. Partic ipant s were asked to make 200 cop ies of the ir handout s and th e~e , promp tl y di sappeared.

Georp:e Szypula was I he program modera , tor and made p:ood hi s prom ise to kee p th e s peake rs wi thin the ir all ott ed t ime lim ­it s. H e had a sli p:ht probl em on hi s ha nd, , ince each of the s peakers had top ics whi ch mi p: ht eas il y ha ve used up the hour or more allotted.

Promotion oi an Invitational High School Gymnastic ,'Heet

By Robe rl S tout In the fa ll of 1961, a clinic was held at

th e P e nnsy lvania S ta te Uni versit y. One of the top ics d iscussed by gy mnas tics teach­e rs of Ihe s la te was " a S ta te Championship _\Iee t". A t tha t time there was much di s· a!!reement as to the even ts to be co nducted (~ol1le wa nt ed swing rin gsl some want ed rope c limb, trampol ine, e tc. J • .'.Iany of u s fe ll a l the time that we would he movin g backwa rd if we we re tu hold the m ee t and give in to the whims of ever y sec tion of the s tal e. We felt that \'ve needed a littl e time to propagandize the Int ernational Even ts and the F.J.G. code of poin ts . So the idea incubated. In the s prin g of 1962 , Gene Wett stone, coach at P enn S tate Un iv. be­p:an aga in to probe the possibilities of hold­ing the mee t. H e announced the mee t and bel!an to develop a mailin g Ji st. E ve ryone was asked to send in names of off icials. coaches, and schooh who had an int eres t in the acti vity· of gy mnas ti cs .

Grad uall y, the li st g rew . .'.[r. Wettstone th en di vid ed the s ta te into four sections. a nd asked th at names from each sec ti on be placed in nomination for m embership on an executi ve co mmittee. A n election was conducted by mail and an executi ve com­mitt ee was chosen. This co mmitt ee de ter­min ed policy, and IIII'. W e tt stone se rved as a n Executi ve Secretary coordin a ting the deve lopment of the m ee t and hand lin g the thousand s of details.

The Executi ve Committ ee decided to hold Ol ympi c event s onl y a nd t o dete rmi ne tea m sco rin p: according to N .C.A.A. scorin g. Also ta ken int o cons ide ra tion was the contribu·

t ion each team made to th e m ee t; such as, at tendance, ~He paration , and behavior.

J\ Ii interested part ies we re k e pt inform ed periodica ll y by ma il as to the d evelop ment o f rules and policies. A t the sa me time a program of educa ti on was conducted through th e newslett ers. These newsle tt ers se t the tone of the entire mee t by e mphas izing par· t icipa t ion, costume, s portsmanship , com par­in p: s ta ndards. lea rning internationa l rul es, and safety. A fina l newsletter gave up-to­dat e inform a tion on eve ry d etail of the mee t.

I n th e meantime, the Executi ve Com­mitt ee dec ided that compulso ry exercises, w ith the option of repeating as permitted by the F.r.G. , would tend to slow up the meet and to di scourage participation. At thi s st,we :10 one kn ew how many contes­tan ts th ere wou ld be. In order to promote safBt )' and encourage outstandin g form and execution .'.Ir. Wettstone prepared a film se llin p: forth " sample" exe rcises . Thi s film emphasized form and execution and is in it se lf a valuable teachin g sa id. This film made the rounds from clinic to clinic. and from school to school. It is diffi c ult to meas ure the learn ing that took III ace as a r es ult of viewing th e film.

As the entry li st gr ew time beca me a ·proble m. The mee t could not be he ld in the morninp: as many of th e co nt es tant " li ved s ix hours or more away. The m ee t could not ex tend into the evening beca use the fin als of the Easte rn int e rco lleg iate Cha mpionships were to be held at' that l ime, a nd th e parti c ipant s in the I-li !!h School mee t we re to !!ain admi ss ion - tn the evenin g mee t -as part ' o f the edu ca tiona l va lu e of th e whole weekend .

_\fr. We tt s tone mo ved the '; tart in!! ti me up to noon and used a ll availab l ~ fl oo r space. With s ix boys' event s and fou r I!ir l,, ' even ts. he dec ided to run fi ve evenl s at a time. H e utilized three sets of men jud!!:e, for men's event s and two se ts of wo n; e n judp:es fo r the wo men 's event s . F.l.G. rul e,; were .fo llowed (four judp:es a nd a su periu r j ud!!e. and th e two middle sco res -were k e pt within the presc ribed range I' . In order that no t im ~ wo uld be wasted li rompte rs we re busy !!elt in g contes ta nt s r eady to compete '0 that no tim e wo uld be los t wa iling for cont es tant s to chalk hand s and a p proach the a pparatus . in the eve nt a cont es tant was not suffi cient Iy r es ted hi s nam e wa, placed down Ihe li s t about s ix place;- . This did not affect hi s sco re as the ord e r of cO lllpetition was de termin ed by d ra w,

At the conclus ion of the fir st fi ve event s . awa rd s we re .,nade to the fir st fil 'e place winners in each event. A band was present a nd the ce remony was carried out bea uti· full y. Tlw same procedure took place at the conclus ion of the mee t. Th e a ll-around awa rds were al so made at thi s tim e, but the tea m awards were made in the (, I'enine: a t the s tart of the Eas lern Jnte rcoll eg ia t'c final.. A t that tim e, with the e ip:ht j;iece Pe,nn "y lva ni a 5 ta te Blue l3and playing, th e

runn er-up coaches we re presented followed by the winnin g tea m in uniform a nd their coach. Th ey were presented to a n ove rfl ow c rowd of 5500 s pec ta tors. Thu s, a fittin p: recognition was paid n ot only to the win· ners but a lso th e fi ve hundred sixt y con­tes-iant s who ca lll e from a ll part s of ,the , la te . Each cont estant r ece ived a commem­orati vC' badf!e. a souvenir program. and fr ee admi ss ion to the Ea"te rn Finak

We we re su rpri sed that 33:; boys drri w d . but were shocked to see 225 p: irb. The s port is grow ilw for !!irl s at a fa ster rat e then fo r bo)'s . Th~ re al~e plans unde r way now to have some d istri ct "c reenin!! in the future in order to kee p th e mee t ~t a s ize whic h can be ha ndled more eas il y.

As one looks back. it seen'" tbat the fol· low in i( prin c ipl es played an important part in makin !! the mee t a success .

1. Plan" de mocrati ca ll y ( Executi ve COIll­citt ee)

2. Have res pons ibility cent e red In one person (Executive Secretary )

3. Deve lop an ex tensive mailin g li st 4. K eep' the comlllunications comin g peri·

odica ll y for informalion a nd Illoti va ­t ion (Newslett ers)

5. Ha ve a cl os ine: dat e for entri es 6. Get enoll!!h q~;a1ifi e d offic ial s 7. Use fillll s and oth e r teachin i( aids to

edu ca te and mot ivat e 8. Have appropriate recognition for a ll

parti cipant s and awa rd s for out stan d ­ing ones

9. S tress e xecuti on and perfec t form

Appliciltion 0/ FIG R ules ill J lldging High School G),lnllastics

The head coach of p:ymnast ics at Te nwl e ni vers it y. Ca rl Patterson, chall enged th e

aud ience 10 use a sys tem of judg ing base r! on the HG requirements but mod ified in such a way to suit th e needs of gymnas t s of the hi p: h school leve l. W e hope that .'.Ir. Patt erson will elaborat e a bit on his SUg!!es ­ti on a t some lat er date in the 'H.G. S~m e of the bas ic cons id erati ons o f hi s presenta· t ions . we re :

1. Hip:h school gy mn asts should not be requil'ed generall y to includ e a "e" part in the ir exe rcises .

2. S in ce the hi?:h scbool part ieipant will ha ve p:enerall y less strength a nd en­duran ce th an an older performer, hi s to tal number of r equired part s should be cut down .

3. Emphasis in th e high school perform, an ce should be placed on form and e x­ecution with diffi cult y added as it is mastered.

4. Proposed number o f pa rt , for a ll event s a. Ei p: ht part exercise b. S ix parts (A); two part s (B ) c. All othe r r equire me nt s a s outlin ed

in th e FIG rules wo uld be re tain ed and d ismount s wo uld be judged in rela1ion to the diffi cult y of t he modifi cat ions.

d. No mudifi ca tion of long horse va ult­in o' rules

e. U~der thi s system Ihe hi gh schoo l gymnast ma y potenti ally sco re a ten. This would be unlikely were the re!!­ular FIG rules r e ta ined.

5. Diffic ulty shoul d not be inserted until it is mastered. Seve re deduction s should be mad e for the p:),mnast w ho "works over hi s head ."

All Elelllentary Tumbling Program,

Belty l\I eyer of the Chicago Public School s condu cted thi s sess ion which was definite ly one of th ose which wo uld have r etained the audience's attenti on for a much !!:reater pe riod of time. There is not space a ~ailabl e at this time to cove r all of Betty's material


but we thought we might follow -through on just one 0 f the things covered . . . the for­ward roll.

Almost every n ovice is introduced to the forward roll during the very early stages of training. It is also very interesting to note the similarity of method used by the master teacher in action. The forward roll in many of its various forms is also used in Olym­pic free cal isthenics. For example, in the T okyo free calisthenic exercise compul sory for men, the forward roll or a evry close rela tive is required. Two rolls are found in the women 's complllsory.

By mentionin g the forward roll the reader should in no way interpret thi s to mean that it should preceed the introduction of the backward roll. As a matter of fact many master teachers present very strong argu­ments for the backward roll to be taught a head of the forward roll or in many in­s tances the two stunts have been taught co incid entally.

Here's on e progression for your notebook . . . the forward roll by Johnny Gymnast. ( umbers refer to those under " Johnny" on the opposite page.)

1. How many ways can you roll ? If at the beginnin g of a session where roll s of various types are to be taught, thi s s impl e ques tion can evoke numerous physical responses from any novice group. In one class of elementary children, a t leas t twent y different kinds of rolling movements were noted.

2. (Fig. 1 to Fig. IB ; Fig. 1 to Fig. 3 ) On command group goes from l y in~ position to sitting tuck or pike.

3. I Fig. lA) Simple rolling .. on back ... forward and backward

4. I Fig. 2 to Fig. 2B ) A ft e r teachin g proper hand placement, g roup attempt s to roll back to " pretzle bend " I Fig. 2B). Using the " buddy" system at thi s point and applyin g lift at the point in Fig. 2B indi cated by the ar­row, one partner may assist another back to the knees. Actually many chilo · ren will find that they can r oll back­ward to the knees unassisted, hen c~ the remark above about fir st intro­ducing the backward roll.

5. I Fig. 2 to Fig. 2B to Fig. 5 and back to Fig. 1, Fig. 2 or Fig. IB). The ex· tension shown in Fig. 5 is a skill which should be introdu ced ve ry early in th e gy mn as ti c program. It will he a key movement in many s tunl s learned late r. NOTE: It should be cl ea r to the read ­

er by now that the number (Jf- com­binations of " Johnny" fi gures shown are limitless. Why not cut them out a nd place them on indi vidual card s. The chall enge of att empt in!! a va­ri ety of combina tions will be wel­come by children of all ages and ability.

6. I Fig. 3 to Fig. lA and back to Fig. 3 ). This parti cular movement has many rh ythmic ada ptations. For example the children might sing one of their fav­orite songs as a group whil e go ing back and forth.

7. I Fi!!. 6 to Fig. 1A and back to Fig. 6). Particular note should be made of the chiJd 's abilit y to regain hi s fee t with­(J ut pushin g off the mat with the hand s. This will depend on the child 's being able to ge t into a ti ght tuck thereby in creas ing the momentum.

8 . I Partner holds ' '' buddy'' in a wheel harrow position ... Fig. 7) Prior to usin g thi s s tunt the in stru ctor should carefull y note those of hi s class who cannot walk in the wheel barrow po-


sition at least the length ot a mat. If they cannot, thi s will indicate that supportin g strength is. lacking and the continuation of thi s progress ion might be dan gerous for the weaker children. We have seen children who' ha ve been told to attempt a standard forward roll , suddenly collapse thus bringing their weight to bear on the head or neck. .' •

While holding the legs .of hi s part­ner and standing between them, he pushes the performer slightl y forward. The " roll er" then ducks the head as shown and fl exes the elbows and roll " to the mat fini shing in anyone of sev­eral positions.

9. (Fig. 8 to Fig. lOB to a fini sh posi· tion ) . Note that this is the first time the child actually does a roll forward from feet to fee t. The legs are strad­dled as far as possible. Then by fl exing the arms the center of gravity is moved forward causing him to tumbl e for ­ward to the back. The arrows in Figs. 8 and 8A show where lift might be applied to supplement a " power fail ­ure." Aft er thi s is mastered the tra­ditional forward roll may be done. Please remember that many children will not need to go through all of these steps and may actually be capable of good forward rolls from the firs t.

10. Fig. 9 to Fig. lOB to fini sh) . If the instructor has been workin g on the handstand pos ition, children may now be able to roll out. The " buddy" sys­tem is used again until confidence is gained. The spott er s imply stands to on e side grasping the legs and then provides a lifting action whi le the head is duckin g. Actually the back extension roll may be lea rned by simpl y putting together Fig. 2B to Fi g. 5 to Fig. 9 with the help of 11

spott er who is standing in along the side of the performer. We call thi " kind of a move ment an " Instant Hand ­stand."

11. I Fig. 10, lOA and lOB). This is a di v­ing for\vard roll. In thi s stunt the body will be momentarily free of any sup­port.

12. Forward roll fini shing with legs strad­dled (Fig. 8)

13. F orward roll with straight legs and legs j o in ed fini shin g as in Fig. 11.

14. Di ve roll pass ing through "swan " po­sition. I Fi!!. 121. There a re two va ri ­a tions of tl~i s roll in the men's Olympic com pulsory for floor exercises.

15. By usin g the " lohnny" fi gures in var­ious other combination s, the r eader will discover scores of orig inal rolling combinations. We recommend that thi s creati ve approach be used with classes whenever the opportunit y presents it ­self.

Creative Techniques and Multiple Use oj the Trampoline

M.G. Education Editor, A.B. Frederi ck spoke and <i emonstrated on the subject of c rell ti vity. Tn particular he mentioned a technique which led a group to di scover l11ulti"l" uses of the trampoline. Some of these have already been reported in the M.G. ("Brainstorming the Trampoline" Modem Gymnast Oct. 1963) .

On additional use of the trampoline was demonstrat ed in connection with the rapid learnin g of a front somersault di smount from the parall el bars. The equipment for learning the stunt is arranged as shown below. The height of the parall el bars is approximately one foot above the bed of the trampoline.

0; ! ~ ___ . .. C .L.. • . _ ! (., "\ - : '

1. ,- , -. , : ' '''AT

Top Vi ew

! \

1. Gymnast should have a good swin g In support.

2. On a backward swing, gymnast pushes to side toward s mat duckin g head to land on the mat on top of the tramp.

3. Same as (2) b'ut with an a tt empt to land in a seat drop.

4. Sam e as (3) but with an a tt empt to regrasp.

5. Swin g backward and off to the sid e and attempt to do a front somersault to a squat sta/ld on the bed.

6. Take away the trampolin e. Gymnast should now be able to perform the stunt to a mat on the fl oor. On the fir st few att empts, a spotter stands on the s id e of the paralle l bars and to the rea r of the spot where th e gym­nast will di smount. The spott er in thi s position simpl y takes the hips of the perform er as he comes off and !!uid es him to the ma t. .

7. In a short period of time, t he gymn as t should develop a nice hi~ h piked somersault.

8. If progress with out the · trampolin e is retarded due to fault y technique. fea r. e tc .. the whole process usin g the tram­poline should be re pea ted.

Pilol. Sectioll 011 Kin esiology Two of th e g iants of phys ical educa tion

combined to make thi s session one of the most interes ting on the con vention program. Dr. Thomas Cureton spoke on the topic, " Mechanical Analysis of Motor Skill s" while Dr. Pe ter Karpovich spoke on the topic, ".Vl e thods in Kines iological Research." The former s peaker teaches at the Uni versity of Illinois and the la tt er is engaged in r e­,ca rch at S pringfi eld College.

S in ce some of the original cinema torgra­phic studies were done in the gymnast ic area, the progress of thi s section should be welcomed by teachers of gymnasti cs . M .G. Resea rch Editor, lim Bosco, studied unde r both of these men. We hope tha t many of the recent s tudies in gymnasti c cin emat ogra­phy will be analyzed for practi cal a pplica­tions for M.G. readers. For example, Abi e Grossfeld did a . cinematogra phic analysis of th e und er bar so mersault on the par­all e l bars at the Unive rsity of Illinois. Both the U. of Illinois and S prin gfi e ld College have se t the pace in this branch of re­sea rch.

We have al so learned from Dr. 10hn M. Coope r of the University of Southern Cali­fornia that he has been developing some revolutionary techniques in c inema togra phy which we will report on later.

Cin ematograph y is a name applied to stud­ies of sequence photos in an attempt to an­anl yze ce rtain specific movements found in athletics and phys ical education. A very recent practi cal method of evalua tin g hu­man performance, and by the way which is now utili zed by the M odern Gymllast, is th e GRAPH-CHECK S EQUE NCE CAM ER A whi ch uses o rdin a ry P olaroid film. S in ce the result s are availabl e immedia tely through the use of this camera , it should be of tre­mendous value to coaches and teachers.

Th e Teaching 0/ Nenrolll.nscnlar Relaxation J . E. Norris and A. Steinhaus

We mention the presentation of thi s paper for several reasons. First , we predict that due to the fa ct tha t modern livin g is a great producer of many kinds of tension, that there will be in the ve ry near future a grea t deal of emphasis on the teaching of relaxat ion by all physical educators.

Secondl y, as of thi s date, the M.G. staff, Th e Amel'ican P hysical Fitness Research Institute and the Foundation for Scientifi c Relaxation are combinin g effort s to produce a practi cal chart on the techniques of ten· sian control.

Dr. Steinhaus has been wo rking in cl ose coo peration with the Foundation for Scien­tifi c Rela xation in Chicago as has your M.G. Educator Editor. Miss Bernardine Luf­kin of the Foundation is currently prepar­ing a report on the direc t values of ten­sion control in gymnastics.

Most of the r esearch done in thi s fi eld can be traced back to Dr. Edmund Jacobson who has s tudied the tension disorders of people for fift y years_ He is the author of at least three major books on the subj ect and has contributed countless articles to almost every major professional medical journal. We are proud to be associated in some small way with Dr. Jacobson.

Meeting of the National lnstinte on Girl's Sports

Mrs. Sara J ernigan pres ided over this meeting and r eported many promising de­velopments as a result of the National In­stitute on Girl 's Sports wh ich was held last November at the University of Okla­homa. (For the most complete report ava il­able see Th e i\llodern Gymnast, January 1964) .

Mrs. J ernigan announced that AAHPER will publish proceedings of the Institute and that they should be available in the Fall of 1964.

Thelma Bi shop, Instiute Implementation Chairman , showed the group the initial ed ition of the Institute J ournal. The cover picture is of Ernes tine Russell Carter per­forming a handstand on the balance beam. The J ournal contains repor ts from individua l states and other " How We Did It" types of material. F or those who have a fur ther interest in the J ournal writ e :

Dr. Thelma Bishop, Womens' G~mnasium , Michigan State Uni versity, East Lansin g, lVlichigan.

Workshops and clinics have grown out of the Institute. Mrs. J ernigan re port s th at there ha ve been 56 in the gymnasti c area. 65 in the track and fi eld ar.ea and 27 in which elements of both track and fi eld and gy mnasti cs were presented.

Future Institute plans include additional editions of the Institute J ournal as well as a.nother Institut e sess ion . As plans are de­veloped as to the time and place of the Second National Institute on Girl's Sport s, we will report on them in the M.G.

"Stan The Man" Gym.nast (Also played a little baseball with the Cards !)

Stan Musia l, Special Consultant to the Pres ident on Physical Fitness, spoke at the final general session of the AAHPER con­ven tion. By now, Stan 's early training in gymnasti cs is well known but the fact that he has repeatedly mentioned it will do much for the current revival of gymnastic train­in g in public schools throughout the Un ited States.

In a recent issue of Boy's Li/e (April 19641 Stan says, " Gymnasti cs and cali s­thenics provide the systematic body-build­ing that games don 't. They do more for <:0-


~l - y ~- --


"J ohnny"

ord ination, too, in my opinion , but I'll sti ck to what I know ... the strength a nd stam ­ina I fortun ately acquired earl y because of turnverein training in my boyhood."

" Take tumbling, Abi lity to abso rb a fall and bounce up uninjured is a great asse t to an athlete. Curiously, in my entire pro-

fess ional baseball career , coverin g a quarter of a century, I was hurt really only once leaving my fee t, and that time, late in the 1940 season at Daytona Beach, Fla., my spikes ca ught in the outfield grass so that 1 landed unnaturall y on the point of my le ft should er. "


RHYTHMIC EXER CISES Barhara A. Saltzs ieder


The first two articles of this seri es in· volved the use of light hand apparatus in the performance of th~ exercises. It is true tha t ball s and ropes are fun but it must be stressed tha t the import ant part of any ex erc is~ program is movement and its e f· feet upon the s tudent. This se t of exercises, then, is to be performed without equipment.

The fundam entals of rhythmic exercises ha ve been di scussed in earlier articles o f this series. Without an understand ing of purposes and techniques the following mao te rial will be of little value, so it is sug· gested tha t the reader return to those a r· ticl es appear ing in the April , 1964 and May·June, 1964 issues of The Modern GYIn' nast before proceeding further.

For thi s se t of exercises, the author has se lected an overture from a Broadway show for accompan iment. The va ri ety of musical p ieces se t together without stops allows grea t freedom . in the selection of types of move· ments. The music is the Overture from Irma La Douce as it appears in the Columbia Maste rworks album, OL 5560. I t is a lso avai lable on Stereo OS 2029.

There is a four count introduction for which there is no exercise.

Exercise 1. Music: Dis·done, " A" theme; 32 counts.

Purpose : Warm up ; exercise feet, ankles, and legs; general body control.

Desc ription: Two quick, light, relaxed jumps 1, jump to stride to standin g, arms stretched downward, and hold 2. Repea t fift een times, 3·4, 5·6 ... 15·16; 1·2, 3-4 .. ' 15·16.

Teaching hints: Count " on p and two and .. . ". Em phasize maximum relaxat ion duro ing li ght jumping. Arms, head and shoulders should be loose. The held position should show l ~lax imum s tretching of the trunk up· ward and the arms and shoulders down· ward. There should be marked contrast between the stretching and the relaxation.


Exerclse 2. Music: Dis·donc, "B" theme and repea t of "A" theme; 24 counts, plus 2 count ending.

Purpose : Freedom of- movement and r eo laxation in shoulder .

Description : Swi ng the arms forward and backward in opposition three times starting with the le ft arm swinging forward 1·3, pushing from the floor, reach forward with the left arm 4, repeat on opposite side 5·8. Repeat entire exerci se two times 1·8, 1·8. End by lowering arms to sides, two counts.

T eaching hints : The arms should swing freely rather than be lowered and rai sed . Aim fo r a free r elaxed type of movement. T ension can be noted if the studen t fai ls to let her hands pass close to the body as they swing. In order to avoid hunching and tension in the shoulder when swinging back· ward , rotate the back arm so that the palm faces outward, ( i. e. away from the nody). Swing the arms to shoulder height in back as well as in front. The back arm should swing directly backward and not s ideways. ... .-Transition. Music: Introduction to Our Language of Love; 8 counts.

Purpose : Stretch throughout entire body. Description: Circle both arms by s tre tch ·

ing slowly foi'ward , upward , backward , downward and end with arms in forward reaching position.

Exercise 3. Music : Our Language of Love -"A" theme; 32 counts.

Purpose : F lexibility and relaxa tion in neck and back.

Description: Sw ing the arms backward and forward while relax ing the neck and up· per back (high relaxed bobbin g I 1·2, r eo peat lettin g the entire back rela x so that the trunk fall s forward , downward and the hands brush near the fl oo r as they swing backward (deep relaxed bobbin g) 3·4. Re· peat entire exercise 5·8. Repea t entire se· 'lu en r.e from the beg inning 1·8, 1·8. End with arms reachin g forward, h ands at shoulder height.

T eaching hints : In bobbing there should be maximum relaxation. "G ive" in the knees. Sw ing the a rms free ly usin g the m to help the trunk drop downward and swin g up. Le t the total movement be conti,nllous so

that the end of one movement becomes the be/Z inni ng of the nex t one. Le t the head and neck rema in loose. Practi ce lettin g the trunk fall forward , downward without the arm swin /Z until the class can give in to grav it y without fear of fallin g over. Then add the a rm swing graduall y, encourag in g develop· me)ll o f a large, free movement.

E.xercise 4. JVl us ic : Our Language of Love - " 13 " theme ; 16 counts.

Purpose : Trunk twisting and , ide ·bend· in ~.

Descri pt ion: Twist the' trunk to the le ft whil e swin ging the le ft arm backward 1. re turn to starting position by swing ing the le ft a rm forward 2, holding the arms for· ward with palms facing one another, bend trunk sideways, left two times 3·4, repea t to oppos ite side 5·8. Repeat entire exe rc ise 1·8.

Teach in /Z hint s: During the trunk t wistin g wa tch the rea r arm and try to turn the trunk so tha t the shoulders change direction by nin ety degrees. Always swing arms to shoulder he ight. K eep the fee t toge the r and f ac in g forwa rd . W hen bending sideways the hands wi ll assume a position in which one hand is a b'ove the other. Try to bend far enou/Zh S9 that thi s change of position of the hands is a result of the bend and not o f hunchin g th e shoulder or of moving the arm s.

Exercise 5. Music : Our Language of Love Repea t of "A" theme; 16 counts, plus a short interlude; 4 counts. (20 counts)

Purpose: Shoulder and upper back s treng th and fl ex ib-ility; s ide bendin g.

De cription: Circle arms slowly down· ward , backward and upward until they are ex tended d irectl y overhead 1·4, bend s id e, ways le ft and rai se up aga in 5·6, bend side· ways ri ght and rai se up again 7·8. Continu e slow circl in g of arms forward , downward , hackward and upward until they are over· head 1·8, bend sideways le ft and raise u p aga in 1·2, bend sideways right and rai se up aga in 3·4.

T eachin g hints : When the arms are stretched overhead the upper arms should be close to the ears. Aim for m ax imum s tre tch. W hen circling, let the whole body


take part in the action. Look back and wa tch for the hand s to appear from behind. " Give" in the kn ees and push out of the fl oor. Bl end a ll the parts together into one continuous movement rather than hav in g sharp acti ons.

Tran sition. Music : In troduction to The \V reck of a Mec ; first 10 counts.

Purpose : Chan ge position. Descripti on: Drop the arms downward

1-2. Come to hook sittin g position with t he arm s a round the legs and the head and neck relax ed 3-10.

Teaching hints : Let the a rlll S g ive in compl ete ly and suddenly to the pull of grav· ity. Show sharp- contrast between the ~ tre t ched position and complete rel axa tion. Find a grace ful , s imple way of coming to a ~ ittin g position - and have the entire c lass move toge ther.

Tran sition. i\ [usic : Introduction to The \Vreck of a Mec; last 4 counts.

Purpose : Preparation for beginnin g of exercise 6.

Descripti on: Rock back until the fee t come off the floor ,and a balan ced, relaxed pos it ion is assumed .

Exercise 6. Music : The Wreck of a Mec; 16 co unts.

Purpose : Abdominal s trength Descr iption: Stre tch left a rm and leg di· agonally sideways, forward , upward 1, r eo pea t with the right arm and leg 2, hold 3, return to sta rtin g position 4, holdin g tuck position, roll onto back and return tll sUirting pos ition 5-6, hold and relax 7·8. Re l}eat-· entire exercise 1-8.

Teaching hints : Leave the Jeft arm and leg ex tencled while stretching the right a rm and leg. Kee p the back flat and the head up whil e s tretching the legs out. Clas p ' the ha nds over the legs while in the tuck pos i­tion .'1'0 relax , simpl y lean back while ma in · taining the grasp.

Tran sition. Music: Int erlude; 5 counts. Purpose : Preparation for exercise 7. Description: Kee ping the fee t fl a t on the

fl oo r, slide the fee t forward away from the hips until the knees are at about a nine ty degree an gle. Place the right hand on the outside of the le ft knee and raise the le ft a rm forward.

Exercise 7. Music : Di s-done, di s-done; 38 co unt s.

Purpose : Upper tr unk twisting. Description: Twist the trunk lef t whil e

swinging the left arm backward 1, r eturn to s tartin g position by swinging the arm forward 2, repeat twice 3-4, 5-6, relax for­ward over the knees 7-8 , r epeat on opposite side 1-8. R epeat entire exercise 1-8, 1-8. Twist and swing once to the left 1-2, once to the right 3-4, circle both arms downward , backwa rd and upward and let them fall downward to relax over the knees 5-6.

Teaching hints : Start the first swing on the las t loud note as the interlude hlends with the melody. Sit tall. Focus on the hand thorughout the arm swings. Although thi s exercise may seem, at fir st glance, to be a repea t of exercise 4, notice the sharp limita tion placed upon the range of moti on when the s tud ent is placed in the s itting pos ition. The trunk twisting is localized in th e upper trunk. Be sure that the student s rea ll y twist through the trunk and do n ot merely swing the arm back and forth. The should ers should rotate ninety degrees from the sta rting position. In order to avo id hunchin g the shc4.Ilder , rotate the a rm so tha t the palm faces away from the body.

These exercises are avail a ble for r ental on 8 mm black and white film. Rental: $2.00. Address r equests to Barbara A. Saltz­s ieder, H earst Gymnasium. Un iversity of California , Berkeley 4, Cal ifornia.


TRIALS Report by Jam es Tallai.-a

The final Olympic try-out for the Japanese Olympic squad was held at the T okyo Gym­nasium on June 27 th and 28th , 1964. Com· petition was very keen among themselves. Several major breaks by veterans cost them a position on the team. AIHARA - \ Gold Medal winner in the 1960 Games) did not make the squad, the team is that good! HA Y ADA is the man to watch (new mem­ber ). His Rin g work is great. E NDO - is better than ever and will be makin g an all out effort 'to win the All·Around ( he has a very good chan ce) Veteran , ONO - js losing to his teammates, he isn 't ge tting weaker , but the team members are gettin g bett er. TSURMI - is out to beat his team­mate EN DO, a very consistant gy mnast (never saw him break). MITSUKURI -solid worker , on any given day Mitsukuri , Tsurumi , H ayada or Yamashita could be second to Endo. YAMASHITA - like Ha­yada was not a member of the 1960 team. If it were not for hi s break on the Side Horse he could ha ve moved up to 3rd , a very smooth worker.

The Japanese team will be makin g an all out effort to win. They are flawl ess in the execution of the comjlulsori es. The top G gy mnasts have no weak event. The judges were hard and mos t criti ca l and the mee t

Endo , Yukio

was conducted in the way it will be durin g the Games. The final team consists of 9 members for both men and women includ ­ing 3 back ups in case of injury.

Some in teres tin g points of note amon ~ th e mens' competition was - Tsurumi 's full twi sting hecht from the Horizontal bar , man y used a back off with a full twist on the Pa r· all e l bars, a lso stre ili cut catch on the P ba rs and a high cast mount to immediate Stalder shoo t on the Hi Bar.

Tn the Japanese woman 's final s, Ke i IKEDA placed firs t, Toshiko A TH AR A second , Ki yuko ONO third; Kinko CHIBA fourth , Hiroko T SUJI fifth and Taniko I i\ . K AMUR A sixth.


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Endo , Yukio 57.70 I 9.70 9 .05 9 .80 9.55 9. 80 9 .80 57 .70 115.40 114.50 229 .90 1

T surumi , .Shuji 57.30 2 9.50 9. 55 9.70 9 .50 9 .65 9 .65 5 7.55 114 .85 1 t 4.05 228 .90 2 Hayada , T. 57.15 5 9 .50 9 .60 9.80 9.55 9.70 9.60 57.75 114 .90 114.00 228 .90 2

Mitsukuri , T. 57.30 2 9 .40 9.70 9.40 9.5 5 9.60 9 .60 57 .25 114.55 114.15 228.70 4

Yamashita , H. 57.25 4 9 .60 8.95 9.55 9.80 9.60 9 .70 57.20 114.45 113.50 227.95 5

Ono , Takashi 57. 10 6 9 .50 9:50 9.50 9.50 9 .60 9. 70 57 .20 114.30 113.45 227.75 6

7. Aiba , Yohihiro-226.80; 8 . Aihara , Nobuyuk--225. 75; 9 . Kato, Takeshi-224.70; 10. Nokayoma,

Shoki-224 .30; 11. Nagasawa , Ysuo- 223.70; 12. Watana be . Masa yuki- 222.30.


These Gt.mnasts have q uatified fo r the finat t riat s to be hetd in New Yo rk in tate August. Pictured te ft to right : M. Sakamoto; G. Weiss; A. Vega; G. Bohrmann; M. Cohn; D. Tonry; A. Lascari ; A. Grossfetd; J . Werner ; J. Beckner ; M. Jacobson; A. Shurlock; F. Orlo fsky; G. Buckner; T. Seward; R. Mit chell ; ' R. Barak; S. Co h n; S. Sakamo to; (no t pictured L. Banner ). Photo by John Cr,?sby.



May 7 -9, 1964 ALL-AROUND

FI. Sd. H. Pller . H. Place Name Ex. Horse Rings VII. Ba rs Bars Total

I Sakamoto, M. 18.90 18.60 18.85 18.65 18.80 }9.15 112.95 2 Weiss, G. 18.35 19.00 18.90 18.75 19. 15 18.55 11 -2.70 3 Vega , A. 18.75 17.25 19.10 19.00 19.30 18.55 111. 95 4 Grossfe ld, A. 18.65 16.05 19.05 18.40 18.59 19.10 109.80 5 Shu rl oc k, A. 18.50 18. 15 18.35 18.05 17.40 18.95 109.40 6 Tonr y, D. 17.80 17.90 17.95 18.50 18.90 18.30 109.35 7 Mitchell , R. 18 .55 17.50 18.75 18.80 18 .40 17.05 109.05 8 Seward , T. 18.40 18.20 18.85 17.70 18.80 17 .05 109.00 9 Barak, R. 18.25 15.70 18.45 18.45 18.80 19.25 108.90

10 Werner , J. 17.75 17.70 17.60 18.15 18.45 17.95 107 .60 11 Or lo fsk y, F. 16.45 17.25 18.70 17.70 18.15 i7.70 105.95

'12 Beckner 13 Lascar i, A. 16.95 17.00 17.05 18 .05 18.85 17.25 105.1 5 14 Cohn , M. 16.35 18.45 16.75 17.60 18.05 17.45 104.65 15 Cohn , S. 17.20 17.20 18.10 16.95 17.70 16.80 103.95

'16 17 Buckner 17.75 14.05 18.00 17.85 17.50 18 .05 103.20 18 Jacobson 17.80 16.70 16.95 18.15 16.90 16.55 103.05 19 Sakamoto, S. 18.50 15.85 17.95 18.30 16.75 15.60 102.95 20 Bohrmann, G. 17 .60 15. 80 17.55 18.35 16.95 15.75 102.00 21 Amerine, J. 16.90 14.20 17.95 16.20 17.10 17.15 99.50 , Name and score missing from results recei ved at M.G. office .

FI NAL SCORE SHEET M en's Indiv idual Cha m pionship Events

Pa rall e l Ba rs : A. Vega , Qua lify, 9.65, Final , 19. 15; G. We iss, 9.575 , 19.075; A. Lascari , 9.425 , 19.075; R. Ba rak , 9.40 , 18.90; D. Tanry, 9.45 , 18.85; T. Seward, 9.40 , 16.40.

Side Horse : R. Mill s, Qualify, 9.725 , Fina l, 19.675; G. Weiss, 9.50, 19.10; A. Shurlock , 9.075 , 18.725; T. Seward , ·9.10, 18.35; Wm . Buck , 9.025; 17.975; M. Cohn , 9.225 , 15.725.

Sti ll Rin gs : A. Vega , Qualify , 9.55, Final, 19.20; A. Gross feld , 9.525, 19.125; R. Mitchell , 9.375; 19.025; G. Weiss , 9.450; 18 .85; T. Seward , 9.425; 18.625; F. Orl ofsky, 9.35 , 18.65.

Tra mpolin e : W. Miller , Qualify. 9.80, Finpl , 19.40; J. Younge, 9.45, 18 .90; D. Jacobs, 9.05 , 18 . 10; T. Clarke, 8.95 , 18 .05; J . Longhouser , 8.50, 17 . 10 .

Ho ri zon ta l Bors : R. Barak, Qualify, 9 ,625 , Final , 19.425; A. Shurl ock, 9.475 , 19.175; A. Grossfeld , 9.55 , 19.00; A. Vega, 9.275 , 18.825; G. Weiss, 9.275, 18.775; J. Beckner, 9 . 175.

Lo ng Horse Vaul!: A. Vega , Quai lfy, 9 .50, Final, 19. 17 5; R. Mitchell , 9 .40, 18.95; G. Weiss, 9.375 , 18.700; D. Tonr y, 9.250, 18.500; P. Voas, 9.225, 18 .500; R. Ba rak , 9.225, 18.275.

Floor Exercis2s : R. Pascale , Qua lify , 9.475, Final , 19. 125; A. Vega, 9 .375, 18.925; R. Mitche ll , 9.275, 18.925; A. Grossfeld , 9.325, 18 .775; A. Shu rloc k, 9.25, 18 .65; S. Sakamoto'·, 9.25, 18.55.

Tumbl ing : R. Mitchell , Fi na l, 9 .60; P. Voos, 9.00; K. V·inyard , 8 :80; J . Werner, 8 .25; J. Amerine, 4.00 . • Sam Sokamoto-Mokoto Sakamoto , did not compete in


Wom en/s AIl-AJound

Hrs Pilei Bal FI Place Nome Vlt. Bars Beam Ex. Total

1 Walther, M. 18.75 19.20 18.85 19.15 75:95 2 Grossfeld, M. 17.90 18.95 18.95 19.30 75.IU 3 McClements, D. 18.90 18.85 18 . 15 19.00 74.90 4 Corrigan, K. 18.75 19. 10 18.35 18.55 74.75 5 Tieber , A. 19.05 18 .55 18.15 18 .80 74.55 6 Sontgerath, Gail 18.75 18.45 18 .70 18 .55 74.45 7 Metheny, L. 18.25 19.45 17.75 18.40 73.85 8 Daley, G. 18.70 18 .50 18.20 18.15 73.55 9 Fuchs , D. 18 .50 19.45 16.35 18.85 73.15 9 Speake, J. 18 .80 18.70 17 .20 18.45 73.15

11 Rabun, C. 18.60 18.40 17 .40 17.40 7 1.80 12 Gleason , K. 17.95 18.55 17.45 16.95 70.90 13 Moonis, B. 17.55 18.60 17.00 17.05 70.20 14 Bowers, C. 17.70 17.65 17 .00 17.70 70.05 15 Galleher , B. 18.45 15.90 17.80 17.75 69.90 16 Dunham, J. 18.15 17.50 16.65 17.30 69.60 17 Schaenzer, D. 17.20 18.10 16.70 17.55 69.55 18 Averyt, B. 18.70 17.40 16 .45 16 .15 68.70 18 Nagy, M. 17.00 16.10 17.60 18.00 68.70 21 Camp, C. A. 17.85 17.60 16.75 16.15 68.35 22 Hyland , A. 17.40 17.40 15.90 17 .50 68 .20 23 Willis, J. 18.30 17.40 15.35 16 .50 67.55 24 Babuska , E. 16.25 ! 7.50 17.10 16.50 67.35 25 Russell, B. 17.60 17.20 15 .95 16.45 67.20 26 Davis, M. 16.50 17.25 16.15 16.95 66.85 27 Crist, P. J. 17 .50 16.50 15.40 17.00 66 .40 27 Dunham , J. 16.35 18.35 15.65 16.05 66 .40 29 Klauser, J. 17.30 15.25 16.30 17.10 65.95 30 Valachos, C. 17.45 15.95 16.45 15.80 65.65

Ffnol Score Sheet Wom en's Individual Championship Events

Floo r Exe rc is2s : M. Grossfeld, Qua lify, 9.650, Final , 19.450; M. Walth e r , 9.575 , 19.275; D. McClements, 9.500, 19.200; D. Fuchs, 9.425 , 18.925; A. Tieber , 9.400, 18.750; K. Corrigan , 9.275, 18.675; G. Sontgerath, 9.275, 18.525.

Side Ho rse Vault: A. Tieber, Qualify, 9.525 , Final , 19.275; J. Speake, 9.400, 19.0; D. McClements, 9.450, 18 .95; K. Corrigan, 9 .375, 18.875; M. Walther, 9.375, 18.875; G. Sontgerath, 9 .375, 18.775.

Tumbling : J. Wills, Qualify, 9.25 , Final, 18.55; G. Mc Fadden, 8.55, 16.85; B. Averyt, 8.50, 15.95; J. Speaks, 7.75, 15.65.

Balance Beam: M. Grossfeld, Qua lify, 9.475 , Fina l, 19.125; M. Wa lther, 9.425 , 19.075; G. Sontgerath, 9.350, 18.900; K. Corrigan, 9.175, 18 .575; G. Daley, 9.100, 18.500; A. Tieber , 9.075, 18.475; D. McC lements, 9.075, 18.425.

Unev e n Parallel Bars : D. Fuchs, Qua lify, 9.725, Fina l, 19.525; L. Meth ­eny, 9.725, 19.325; M. Walther, 9.60, 19.30; D. McC lemen ts, 9.425, 18.975; M. Grossfeld, 9.475, 18.825; K. Corrigan, 9.55, 18.75.

Trampoline: J. Wi ll s, 9.55; T. G. Peterson , 9.10; B. Averyt , 8.90; A. Bynum, 8.25.

BALLET for Gymnasts

THE STRADDLE SPLIT It is very important to get the prope r

s tre tch to the muscles involved in the ac­tion. Every gymnastic teacher knows tha t the muscles a ll work antagonisti cally to each other. I n other words, when we have one. muscle stre tchin g or contractin g, we ha ve a r elaxat ion of the anta!!on isti c mus· cle. If in trying to perform a '~ traddle s plit the athle te simply lets both legs go out to the sides without thinking of the muscles in vo lved, yo u can ge t into difficulty. By plac ing the ha nds in front of the body for support , the gymnast often allows the fo ot to turn forward for bett er ba lance. But consider what thi s is rea ll y doing to yo ur stretch. The mll scles on the s ide of the


By Grace Kaywell 3 Tanglewood Court

fT' est Palm Beach. Florida

fuo t are 5tre tcliinp: whi ch procluces pigeon tues . In so doing. the perone us long us i, lens in g to h«ld thi s s Uj)port , thus r e lax in g the sart orius s lightl y, which is the ve ry muscle we want ed to gi ve the max im ulli ;; tre tch, a loli g with the pec tin e us which flexes hip , adduct s a nd rotat es thi gh out ­wa rd. We a lso wa nt to stre tch the grac il b. This muscle fl exes a nd add ucts kn ee a nd add ucts the thi p:11. There fore to ge t tIl(' bes t stre tch fo r a straddl e s plit we ha ve found that ball et ba rre is ve ry helpful. Th e gy mn a.t holds onto the ba r a nd let, ti,e bod y down with legs agains t the wa ll. This is additiona l counter·stretch. The beau­t if ul line o f the fee t ca n be obtain ed. If yo u cannot hold the hips stra ight and int o the wa ll, ge t someone to exe rt ju st a littl e

pressure so tha t th e legs to.uch the wa ll i'l front 01 yo u. E rnes tin e Russe l Cart e r demonstra tes thi s in the photop: ra ph above . No te th e photog ra ph of the men' , c la s;; ta ken a t the W es tern C lini c in Tucson. i\ ri zo na last Chr istm as. F ell ow at hle te i" t'x prt in!! pressure on .the hips whil t' C race Ka yweil in struc ts.

Wlfen th e legs gu out to the s iel e. the tenso r fasc iae la tae con tracts and the au · duc tor longus s tretches. T o ge t the maxi ­mum s tretch va lue in volvin g · the pec tin pu" and psoas magnus (flexes and fo tates thi gh out wa rd : fl exes thi p: h on pelvi ",; abuu cts a nd f1 exe" lumba r s pine I. sit on the floor pu ll yo ur hee ls up the c rotch keepin g th i· soles uf the fee t tog(' the r. Your teache r or fell ow ~y l1lna~ t ca n exert pres~ urt' on your kn ee" and some tim e, ca n press the entin' we ig ht of hi s vr he r body nn tlti", a rea til force the turnout sooner. \Vhen kne," ca n rearh the fl oo r you ha ve a lread y devplo pnl a gud turn ·out from the hips . To s tretch even furth er. lift the hee ls off the fl oo r with both hands. as de monstrat ed hy p a ul a C ri st in the above photo.

Explain the musc le in volve ment to your student s . W hen th t'y und en; tand thi s. Ihey can practi ce s tr (-' t c hin ~ awa y from ti lt' in : stru ctur 's wa tc hful ('ye .

Paula Cris t de mons trat es " the frog s tretch", whi ch is a nothe r way of loosenin g up the muscles in volvin g t he hip joint. al­low in g for grea te r turn ·ou t.

H elpful hints by "Jim" Farka's, Instructor 01 Physical Education, 01 The Milwaukee Turners,



H ow to spot a " Giant Upper-arm Roll Backward" ? The backward Giant Roll on the Parallel Bars is one of

the important basic exercise elemen ts for beginner gym­nasts. Its lea rning provides the key to man y related moves also in other events, yet we find very few beginner gym­nasts who devote time and effort to lea rn this essential skill. The reason ? - Painful discomfort during the lea rning period. Although the sensitivi ty of the upper-a rm disappears within a relatively short time, it is nevertheless present and quite pronounced during the ea rly stages. of learning thus it di stracts concentration fr om technical details. The most severe skin laceration occurs when the hands ~re off the bars and the body is in motion. If the roll is correctly done the release of the bars and the subseq uent regrasp takes place within a short time, during which the legs themselves remain relatively motionless (Fig. 2 &: 3 ) .A beginner, how­ever, will tend to release the bar too ea rly and, being quite lost during the roll , will regrasp the bars too late when the legs have alread y passed the bars on their way down. This causes the painful exposure which forces them to take un­conscious defensive motions thus further spoiling their positions. Here is where spotting can enforce the proper kinesthetic sensations and timing and can almost completely eliminate the painful exposure by controlling the rotation until the performer himself is capable to do so (Fig. 4) .

=.., = .

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HINTS: a) As in all situations. when spotting over the bars is a ttempted ,

stand on an eleva ted platform (vaulting box , etc. ) to avoid possible arm inj uries (Fig. 1).

bl Stand so tha t the performer wo uld roll toward you a nd ass ist him by grasping his thighs. This ass istance should begin as soon as the hips of the performer have progressed above the bars, where con trol becomes more difficult for him. (Fig. 2) .

c) Elevate his thighs until the legs and back reach a verti cal position, at the same time verbally urge the performer not to reo lease hi s grasp too early, ra ther continue pressing down on the bars and keep his chin close to the chest ( thus avoidin g early extension) . (Fig 2).

d) When the body a lmos t reached a vertical position I Depend­ing on speed. Sooner if the speed is grea t ; later when the r oll is slow ) the spotter should s top the motion of the legs and com­mand the performer to complete extension from the hi p-and back· joints. This extension is started by a last pushin g of the arms afte r which the hands release the bar; the head is thrown backward a nd the a rms move sideways forming a rigid axle on which the roll can be completed around the c ircumference of the upper·arm I Fig. 31.

e 1 The roll around the upper· a rm must be compl eted whil e the legs are still high over the bars, and a solid regrasping of the bars must be secured before the descent of the body r eaches the level of the bars. The earlier the regrasp is made the short er is the painful exposure. For thi s reason the spo tt e r should delay ' the descent of the body to g ive more time for the learn er to find t11 e bars aga in (Fig . 4 1. After the bar is regrasped the spott er may re lease hiS control.

W ith this spotting techniq ue, plus a few lead-up exercises, on ly 311 amazi ngly short time is required to teach thi s essential skill. At the same ti;ne prot ec tion can be provided for the beginner aga inst the di scouragin gly uncomfort able earl y experi ences.

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EXERCISI NG is necessary nol only when yo u are overweighl and flabby, bUI even if yo u have a so called perfec t fi gure,

You should be acli ve to kee p yo ur fi gurl' firm ed, Bein!! aclive is also imporlanl for heallh reasons, By lack of adequate phy:, j, ca l act ivity our int ernal org:a n ~ wi]] n ll l fun ction perfectl y, so different di so rde rs mal' occ ur, ( Bad circulation of the blood vessek weak heart, di ssord ers in ner vo us s),s le ilL sliffness and pain es pec ia ll y in Ihe back e tc. 1

F nr good healt h and ni ce appearan ce. be, ~ id e be in g ac ti ve it is. ve ry important 10

have a well balanced di et! H al'" so me fnud t rom each food group.

1. The da iry products. 2 , The meat and fi sh group, 3 , Fruits and vege tabl es , 4. Bread and cereals groups. You must also take wate r by it se lf (,r

in tea. coffee e tc. Of course counl your ca lori es, acrording to how acti ve you - al t'

take 900, 1200, 1500 or 1800 calories Jail v. F ew examples for ca lor ie r equiremenl ; :

Calori e/ hom' S it.ting Sta ndin " Dishwas]ling Clea ning house Writing Walking 2 mph

4 mph Runnin g Cycling 5 mph Dancing GY.\l NASTlCS S wimmin g ( breast and

15 20 60 80·120 20

200 350 800-1000 250 200·400 200·500

back slroke I 300·650 crawl 700·900

Skiin" 200·400 Th~ most effec ti ve diet is a li fe time habit

of intelligent low ca lori e eatin g which be· comes second na ture in far less time than yo u would think!

Low cal ori e rec ipes will fo llow: A. Sa/ad: Green Mo/d. Serves 6. 29 ca l. per ser ving,

1 env. Knox unfla vo red ge lat ine 1 Ibl. s poon sugar 1 teaspoon salt 'Is teas poon pepper 1 '71 e u ps wa te r, di vided 14 cu p vinegar 1 t bl. s poon lemon juice 'I,. cup chopped scal lions 1 (' up shredded raw spinach 1 CUll chopped celery I!J' cup shredded raw carrot s . 1. Mix ge latin e, 5ugar, salt and pe pper

thoroughl y in a small sau ce pan. 2. Add % cup wa ter. Place ove r low

heat and 5tir unlil ge latin e is dissolved. 3 . Remu ve frOI11 he at and s tir in rc main ­

in ~ water. vin ega r and lemon juice. 4. Chill un ti l Flig hlly thi ck ened. 5. Fuld in sca lli ons. , ,,inach. cele ry and

ca rrOls. 6 . Turn into a 3 cup mold or indi vidual

molds and chill unlil firm. 7. Unmold and serve with mayonnai se or

salad dress ing;. Ga rni sh wilh tomatoes and olives. B. Je/lied chick ell loaf. (Se rves 4, 150 ca l. per "cryin g. approx. )


1 pack. asparagus cuts and tips Hollan ­daise style

1 pack. unflavored gela line V, cu p cold water

'71 cup hot wa ter 1 chicken bouillon cube 3 tbl. spoon c1H'pped swee t pickle reli sh Defro st a ~ paragus cut s and tips Hollan·

dai se slyle by boiling 6 minutes accord ing to pack. direc tion. Cool. Sof ten gelatine in cold wa ter apd di sso lve wi th chicken bouil· Ion cube in hot wa ter. Combine with as· parag us H olla nd a ise unci cool until mix­lure be!! ins to thi cken (md se l. F old in chicken '-and pickl e reli sh. P our inl o small mold. rinsed in cIJo l wat er and chill thor­oUl! hl y. Unm old on a bed of wa te rcress. _\lold ma l' Iw dt'curatl'd with bits o f ca rrol and l'l!!! whit e cut 10 re5embl e fl owers.

P rac liCl' th e follow ing exe rcises se par~te l y, la le r connect Ih em smoothl y. and you wi ll ~t'I a nic,' co nlinuo us lilli e rOuline. Doing Ih e exe rci5t's in a sequence i" much more fun . Ihe s"me lilll(' yo u wi ll get more bene­fit out (If I he exe rc is inl!, be~a use you ~vi ll not res l be tween the d iff erenl exerc ise5.

1. S it on Ih t' f1 no r w ilh feC i ext end t'd in fronl of you. bend forward and touch toes 4 times.

2. Roll li n yo ur back, li ft legs and hips, Iry 10 louch Ih e fin a l' Iw hinri YOllr head with fee t. kee p a rms on the fl oo r bes id e body . When doin!!: thc \\'hole ruutin e do Ex.!. and Ex. 2 . alt ernal e ly 4 tim es.

3. \Vlwn doin !! Ex. 2 th e fourth lim e. dn nol f ini sh il in ori !! inal s illing pos i· I ion. bend vo ur lef l kn ee and ste p on il keep in!! ri !!ht Ie!! stra igh l. he l" \\' ilh hand" bes id e yo ur body and fin ­ish Ihe movement in a le fl leg squat pos ilion. r ig ht leg eX lended to Ihe fra n I.

4. Stal'l fro m Ex. 3. fini shin !! pos ition . tak e :- trai p:ht ri ght leg in a eire1£. movement 10 the back. s imultani ous ly Irans ft'r wt' i!!ht In Yo ur han ds whi ch YOU have 10 place' in fronl of you~ bock I Ldl Ie!! squal. ri g ht "I ra i!!hl leg i" eX lended 10 tllP back 1 Bount' t' Iwice. Ih an ,,,i lh a JUIllP change till' posi t ion of th e lel!' . aft e rwa rd hring le ft "Irai !!ht leg to th e fronl. rel ea,,;· wei !!hl frolll hand s.

S. S it ' down. "Irai ght en bOlh fee l. lif: arlllS ove r head. a rch. Ih <'n continue by repea ting the whol e rout ine . Do il severa l tim es wil houl stop!


1. Preparation, First Position , arms in front of chest. 2. Second Position. 3. Third Posi tion , one a rm above head, other at side as in second pos ition . 4. Fourth Position, one arm above head, other io front of chest as in . first position.


Suggested teaching m ethod . A well balanced development of the mU;;'

cles is ve ry important. Do the sam e exe r­cises from several different s ta rting pos i· ti ons. Do it with heels on the fl oo r. on toe" and with ' different speed and rhythm.

S tart to teach all exerc ises on the fl oo r. This i~ the position wit h the best balan ce. and leas t r es istan ce.

Continu e in knee positIOn and la te r in standing position: fir st with support. then free.

All exercises in standin g pos ition should be done first standing on both fee t. lat e r yo u may teach exerc ises done on one leg . Have girl s perform them fir st on flat fee t, then s tanding on toes. Exercises in motion should be taught last.

Instruct the g irl s to be very care ful with stretchin gs. Doing them too vigo rously may lead to accidents. After yo u have pulled or strained a muscle or sinew, yo u have to wa it a long time for perfect recove ry.

For best results repeat the exercise sev· eral tim es and practi ce at h Oljle as home work .

It is advisab le to approach the same muve­ment with different pre paratory I lead up) exercises .

The teachin g should be done through: 1. Explanation. 2. Demons tration.

The explanation and demonstrati on could be don e at the sam e time or foll ow ing each other.

3. Dictation This is m ostly done with already known

movements, and with more ad vanced , ex­perien ced s tudents .

Mus ic is important in thi s tra ining. It makes it easier to und ers tand the exerc ise. The accent can be shown clearly. It is a ],30 more fun , and you will automati call y im· prove if yo u follow the rh ythm and beats.

The first part of Artisti c Gymnasti cs con· tains the

PREPARATORY EXERCISES 1. Correct POSTURE. 2. Ann pos itions, arm exercises . 3. Trunk exercises. (Abdominal. bark

muscle imprQvin g ex. bendin g:. turn· in g and twistin g exercises. )

4. Leg exercises . (Bas ic positions. ~)ar exercises . )

Leg exercises without the bar as : fl exibil it y and strength improvin g ex. simple preparatory ex. for ste p". turns, jumps, leaps. leg and knee li ft­in g. jumps, l eaps and combin a ti on>, .

I. CORRECT POSTURE. Correct posture is most important in a r ·

ti,sti c and modern gymnas tics . even as it i" in eve ry day life.

What is the right way t t) hold yo urse lf ? · F ee t could be held in two different pos i­

tIOn s ( both are considered ri ght) 1. parallel to each other or 2 . heels are buildin o- a 90 ' ang le . The weight should be di stribu'lt'd evenl y along the whole sole. Kn ee", arc ~ traight and turned out a little. Thi gh, a re lensed and pull s the kneeca ps up. The spIne should be af cl ose as possibl e to a ve rtI cal I.line) pos ition. " Tulllmy" has to be fl a t and pu ll ed und er the ribs, shoulde rs down. shoulderblades locked. Neck has to be pu ll ed a little to the back. but w ithout let t ing t he chIn down. .

2. BASIC ARM POSITIONS. · Preparation. Arm s are slightly curved and JJ1 frolll of the body. P a lms facin O" inward . · J .I t positvan. A rms are s li g htl~' curved JJ1 front of yo ur c1~ es t. ( When liftin g YO H!"

arm s from pre paratIOns to 1st position, pre· tend yo u are ho ldin g a ba", ke t between yo ur hands.) Palms fac ing inward.

2nd position. Arlll s extended to the s id es . sli ghtl y below the shoulder level Sl ightl y curv" at the elbows.

3rd ,nsition. On e ann is ra ised over the head , the other arm is in second pos ition (to the s id e) E ither arlll may be lifted.

4th position. One arm is oyer head as in thi rd position . oth e r arm is forward in fron t of chest in fir st pos ition. Eith er al"ln may he ove r th e head .

5 ~h position. Both a rm s a re ove r head slig htl y curved. Arms arc framin g the fac(· .

These arm pos it ions are ada pted fr a il! ball e l. bUI because o f the different need in al t 1st IC gym nast ICS ,-vc may 1II 0d ify t helll. Yo u can c han~e the pOSItion of jour palm s. they can face an y direCt ion acco rdin !! to th e prev i o ll ~ or the foll ow in g: movc lll'c nt n'· quire ment.

First learn th e ba!' ic a rm IW!'i ti on!' . then if" throuifh yo ur leg exe rci!'es and just hold your arm" still in th e proper pos ition ac­cordin g to the pt)s ition of yo ur lcg. Fll r mo", t beginn er, il is ha rd to hold the ir an"'" >li ll while work in g with the ir fee t It

is al st) reco lllmended that you hold yo ur thumb in your palm , oth erwise yo u will find your fin ge rs spread out.

F ew exercises to help yo ur grace ful arm movement s wi ll foll ow :

1. Arm '! in 1s t pos ition. pal ill S fac in!! do wnward . Lift le ft wri ", t up . ri ght dowl;. Tn a r elaxed rh ythmical way change the wri st pos ition several tirn e~. Thi s exerc is.(.> will improve th e fl ex ibilit v in Your wri ", t. Do tllP exe rc ise in Sth po", iti on ' too.

2. "fake c ircles with your le ft lower arm. a rm is close in front of the body and r eo laxed all the time. Do the c ircl es \I' ith yo ur r ight a rm t Ot) . (lmproves elbow fl exib ilit y and contra]) .

3 . Lift left arm over head. lead the mov('· lII ent with the elbt)w. H old it for 4 count ", . then relax and drop you r ar m. R epeal it se"e ral times alt ern a tin !! le ft and ri !!hl artlJi". (Tm prov('s ", h o uld ~r fl exib ili tv.) C

4 . S tand with fee t apa rt. bend forwa rd fro m IVa i", !. Turn at th e waist 14 turn. lift lef t a rm and make circles in a horizontal direc ti on. Do 16-32 circles. alt ernat e to th e ri if ht s ide too.

4 5


IIWHAT'S TH E SCORE?" By Jerry W right

San Francisco State College

" WHAT'S THE SCORE" The Olympic team prospects at it glance: Most Consistant: Makato Sakamoto, Greg

Weise, Art Shurlock, Larry Banner, Ar­mando Vega . . . The other spots would ap· pear to be left for a battle between- Abie Grossfeld , Don T onry, Ron Barak, Rusty Mitchell , Tom Seward, Jay Werner and Jack Beckner (if. he is still com peting ) . . . Dark horses-Fred Orlofsky, Mark Cohn, Mike Jacobson, lVlarshal Claus, Gary Buck­ner, Glenn Galis and ??????

OlD YOU K OW THAT: The Long Horse was divided into 9 zones

unti l 1912. when it was changed to 7 zones, remammg thus unti l 1960 when it was changed to the present 5 zones.



The f inest gymnasts in the C. I.F. section of Californ ia were gathered together at Baldwin H igh Schoo l on May 15, 1964 for t he annua l Gymnastic Championships. This outstanding meet was witnessed by a n ove rfl ow crowd o f gymnast ic enthusiasts . T hree p reliminar y meet s were necessary to screen out the top gymnasts from over 60 high schoo l teams.

Baldwin Pork High School successfull y retained t he t eam Championship fo r t he f ourth consecutive yeo r and terminated t he ir season which extended t heir unbeaten st r ing to over 65 stroight v ictories without 0 defeat. Baldwin Park placed in every event . winnina four it1-

d ividual championships and totafing 47 points as compared t o the runner up score of 22 po ints.

Three defending champ ions out of f our re­t ained thei r crown: they were Fred Siebum of EI Rancho oga in won the Side Horse event with a 9.4 overage over Mike Freriks of Pasadena '!Pho posted a 9.3 overage; Richa rd Pasca le of Montebello (current NAAU champion) success­ful ly defended hi s crown from Richard Elkin of Baldwin Park by .3 of a point; Walt Hilleger o f Baldwin Pork comp let ely dominated the Para llel for the second st raight yea r with t he highest overage score of the nigh t 9.6; and Lorry Zamora of Baldwin Pork lost hi s title on the Horizontal to his teammate Jim Chap­man by .3 of a point .

High l ights of t he meet were : Steve Pinedo of EI Roncho edging Lloyd Neisler of BP on the rope with a very fast time of 3. I to Lloyd's 3.2. Bob Teel a sophomore f rom Ba ldwin Pork w inning the ring event by over a point with excellent cross-maltise and giant swings, W a lt H i ll eger performing a Bock somi to · hand t o a Stuetz to hand on Paral le ls, and Fred Sie­bum's ease in performing a very diff icu lt Side Horse routine ending in a Russian moore dismount. Richa rd El ki n of Baldwi n Pork ou t­classed a ll tumb lers w ith his sty le and con­trolled execution.

Fred Siebum's needed a second place vic­t ory on the lost event to win the high point trophy over Elkin and when -the scores were flashed and points tot a led Fred hod won the trophy.

The ca l iber of t he rout ines were excellent os indica t ed by t he judges scores. All wi nning rout ines were in the 9's, ranging from 9.2 t o 9.6 overage. Outstanding judges were Jerry Todd , John Jones, V ince Motola, and Laszl o Sasvary.

MEET RESULTS Tumbling : R. El kin, (BP), 9 .3 ave.; E. Miller,

(ER), 8 .8; G. Greenfie ld, (Mu), 8.8; B. Coulter , (Gan), 8.7; P. Kersey, (M il ), 8.65 ave. Rope : S. Pinedo, (ER), 3.1 sec.; L. Neis ler , (BP), 3.2; J. Kno ll , (BP), 3.3; R. MaGee, (Mu), 3 .4; D. Hooper, (Wil), 3 .5. FX : R. Pascale ,( Mo'nt), 9 .45 ; R. El kin. (BP), 9 .3; D. Burton, (Mu), 9.0; E. Toth, (BP), 8.8; P. Kersey, (Mil) 8.8. LH : G. Wu ll sch loger, (Mu), 9.25; R. Pasca le. (Mont), 9.15; R. Elkin, (BP), 8 .9; P. Parr , (Pas ), 8.9 ; C. Tutt , (Mi l ), 8.85. HOR : J. Chapman, (BP), 9.25; L. Zamora , (BP), 9.1; J. Morr isey, (Wi l), 9.0; M. Ramirez, (Co l), 8.9; S. Pinedo, (ER), 8.8 . SH : F. Siebum, (ER), 9.4; M. Freriks, Pas), 9.3 ; M. Wo lters , (A lh ), 9 . I.; D. Kittre ll , BP), 9 .05 ; c. Yack o (Lak), 8 .85. PB: W . Hilleger, (BP), 9.6; F. Siebum, (ER), 9.15; J . Chapman, (BP), 9.1; A. Ower, (Pas), 8.8; Kersey (Mi l), 8.6. RINGS : B. Teel, (BP), 9 .35; F. Siebum , (ER), 8.7; L. A lfaro, (P), 8B.6; J. Morr isey, (Wi l) 8 .35 ; B. Bettinger , (Pas), 8 .35. . .. . HIGH PO IN T : F. Siebum (ER), 13 p t s.; R. El ­kin , (BP), 11 Y2 pts.; R. Pascale, (Mont), 9 pt s.

TEAM STANDINGS Baldwin Pork, 47; EI Rancho, 22 Y2; Mu ir,

13 Y2; Pasodena, 10; Montebello, 9 ; Wilson , 5Y2; A lhambra , 3; Californ ia , 2; Ganesha , 2; Lakewood , I.


Richard Pasca le o f Mont ebello a senior Stuetz layback to sit, Valdez to handstand,

R.O. FF Full twist , immediate bock walk over, 2 front hondsprinqs to swed ish fo il . turn to

C IF team chomps f rom Baldwin Park : L. To R. ; J. Champman, L. Zamora, B. Teel , W . H ill eger , oJ hn Draghi (coach) and L. A l faro. Fred Siebum f rom Eag le Rock , High Point Winner .

l I

... 3"


splits, stift arm press to handstand, ro ll dQwn , R.O. FF high a rabian roll , leg lift Y2 turn , Ru~ian dive ro l l, Japanese sp l its, bent arm press to hand, R.O. FF Pike Dismount, 9.45 .

TUMBLING 1964 Richard Elkin of Baldwin Pork a senior

I. R.O. FF B, FF Double Twist. 2. Fr hand sp Fr hand sp Fr hand sp Fr. 3. RO FF Full FF Full FF Ful l , 9 .3.

SIDE HORSE 1964 Fred Siebum of EI Rancho a senior

Highs on neck, 3 loops on neck, hop, khere in, russian moore, immediate hop, immediate moore, break t o scissors'3) h ighs, down hi l l f rc mlet, loop, russian moore d ismou nt , 9.4.

PARALLELS 1964 Walt Hilleger of Baldwin Pork a seni or

Cost to fu ll arm support, roll forwa rd, high stradd le cut, swing to handstand, Bock somi to hand. st uetz to hand , stuetz layback, f ront uprise, swing pirouvette, underba r glide, bock cost , swing handstand, bock off, 9.6 .

HORIZONTAL BAR 1964 Jim Chapman of Baldwin Park a senior

Uprise f lange, immediate hop hands, reverse giants, come thru shoot to inverted giants, sta ll bock k ip t urn out, kip to reverse giant , change one hand to m ixed g rip , f lank vau lt , reverse kip german giant, kip to handstond f ront Y2 tw ist dismount', 9 .25.

RINGS 1964 Bob Teel of Baldwin Pork a sophomore Bock lever , pu ll t o cross, pull up to suppor t ,

hollow bock press t o handstand giant to hand­st and, lower down t o ma lt ise, ro ll ou t t o f ront lever, pu ll to cross, pull up, lower down to o lympic cross, tu rn through back lever , snap rise to momentary suppor t, lower back to dis­locate high st radd le dismount , 9.35.

ROPE 1964 Steve Pinedo of EI Rancho a sen ior

8 str ides 3 .1

LONG HORSE 1964 G. Wullsch lager of Muir a sen ior

Giant Handspring in piked pos ition, Straigh t orm handspri ng, 9.25 .


By Bill Vincent Los Ange les H igh School led by Kanati Al­

Ien retained its city championship in gymnos-. tics on June 5, at Son Fernando V olley State College before a crowd o f about 3,000 fans. A l len, t he four event (long horse, free ex­ercise, para ll e l bars, horizontal bar) h igh point man f or L.A. was edged out for high point honors f or the night by Dove Thor of Resedo High School. Al len tota led 16 with a first on high ba r and two seconds on free exercise ond para llel bars. Thor captured th ree fi rst s on free exerci se, side horse , and para ll el bars for 18 po ints. In th ird p loce was Dar Robinson from Po ly High with 11 points . Los Angeles w it h 30 point s was f o ll owed by Poly with 25 5( 6 , Reseda with 25, and Westchester with 20.

The Son Fernando Vo l ley Schools dominated the v ictory stand all night. Allen wos the on ly non-Volley winl'ler on the high bar. 8Qb Skemp (Von N uys) who has been clocked several times previous to t he meet at 3.0 's was slowed to 3.2. He was tied for first place by L. A .'s Greg Williams in what wos p robabl y the up­set of the meet . Williams hod never climbed 3.2 before.

Chri s Teeter of Po ly, overage':: 9.35 on t he long horse f or the fi rst in that event . H is vaults were exceptionally well performed as he edged out thi rd high point man Robinson . Thor tu rned on the fo rm in the side horse . on ly b reaking slight ly once or twice whi le performing a very diff icult routine , to sco re 9.35 f rom the judges. Second went t o Carlos Hernandez of Wi lson at 9.0 .

The top performance o f t he' nigh t was Thor's f ree exercise routine. H igh l ighting t he stunts was a beautiful high Arabian dive roll fo i ­l-wed closely by hiah doubles on the floor. The entire routine was performed wi t h ve -y l ittl e sound on t he hardwood f loor. T he judges reworded him with a 9.5.

It wos Thor aga in on parollel bars followed cl ose ly by A llen. Dove's overbar stutz was high and w it h good f orm, but Kanati fol lowed close ly with some n ice stunts of his own . Sev­eral of the other competitors performed some very difficult stunts (front overbar catch swing to handstand), but they locked the gen­eral poise and form of Thor and A ll en.

On t he high bar it was A l len a ll t he way. Dur ing his inLocate giants, when he was passing

over the top of the bar , h is knees were t ouch­ing his nose. The remainder of the routine was letter perfect for a 9.45 from the judges. Ed Gunny (Westchester), a disappointment on the parallel bars, followed Allen in second place on the high bar. Gunny's dismount (0 bock fl ip from a handstand on t op of the bar after bock giants) was one o f the best of the meet.

Gory Freedman of Pol y Hiqh and Bill Mor­gan o f University H igh tied f or first on rings. Freedman 's rear uprise to a cross L was as solid as you can get , whi le Morgan's toe point and maltese scored points for him they tied at 9. I. Gunny's m ount (straight arm pull to cross pull out) brought the crowd to its feet , but the remainder o f the routine failed to measure up.

Rob inson tumbled neat and clean to capture first with 8.95. Others we re throwing more dif­ficult stunts but foiled t o put on the closs of Rob inson. Sandy Bassist of Westchester attempted a double bock but overspun and hod t o roll out of it.

I t was probably the best Los Angeles city· ' meet yet (except for Sakamoto in 1963) as the general lev el of performance was excep­tionall v high. Many college coaches were in attendance taking note of the top graduates. Most of these performers wi ll certainl y be seen in the college meets of the future.

· There are about 40 high schools in the Los Angeles schad I system that field gymnastic teams or approximate ly 1,200 competing gym­nasts in the LA area (t his does not include the CIF schoo ls, Santa Monica , Beverl y Hill s, Long Beach etc.). The 120 meet finalists qualified thru league el iminations and three separate cit y semi-fina ls to reach the All-City Meet.

WINNING ROUTINES Floor Exercise: Dove Thor-Flip-flop to sp li ts ,

straight arm straight leg press t o handstand, lower to feet straddle · stand, round off f lip fl op Arabian dive ro ll , Swedish fall to Japanese split, straddle " L", press to handstand, step out handspring , handspring to sit , leg circles to high doubles extend to va ldez t o handstand , step ou t roundoff 2 flip f lops to back sam mie.

Side Horse: Dave Thor-Stockli to moore to stockli, hop, khere in, one high double break into scissors, pick up high doubles, tromlet down, one high double, three loops, olympic off.

Parallel Bars : Dave Thor-Peach to " L", straight arm straight leg press to handstand, overbar, stutz, peach layawa.y, front Llprise, moore , cost to upper arm support , straddle cut, swing to handstand, layout bock o ff.

Horizontal Bar: Kanati Allen-Olympic cast to suck-thru, in locate giant, dislocate giant (eagle ), hop-flange, one-and-a-ha lf pi rautte to vault catch , kip to front giant , Takemoto , fl yaway.

Rings: Bill Morgan-bock kip to ma ltese , straight body pull t o back lever , pull out t o cross " hold" , il L" cross hold , press out , hollow­back t o handstand, giant to handstand, lower t o o lympic, straight body pull to bock I.".,er pull t hru to o lympic (in other direction) hold , turn to cross , st raight body pull , dislocate t o full twisting flyaway.

Long Horse: Chris Teeter- Giont bick and a Hetch.

MEET RESULTS Rope: Bob Skemp and Greg Williams, 3 .2;

Scott Mc inty re ; John Ausbon; and Ed Court . Long Horse: Cris Teeter; Dar Rob inson; Ron Lopez; AI Rollins and LaBar Erw in. Side Horse: Dave Thor; Carlos Hernandez; Andy Hommel ; Joel Tepp; and Larry Buss. Floor Exercise: Dave Thor; Kanoti Allen; Br ian McKinney; Garry Diamond and AI Rollins. Parallel Bars : Dove Thor; Konati Allen ; Bill Sales; Chris Teeter; and Rudy Fl ores. Horizontal Bar : Kan·oti Allen ; Ed Gunny; Steve Chatton and Mike Gaf­faney; Gary Diamond. Rings : Bill Morgan and Gary Freedman; Manuel Carrasco and Ed Gun­ny; Ron Lopez. Tumbling: Dar Robinson; Jack Soyster; Ken Dolson and Norm Kussman; Lorry and Sandy Bassist.

TEAM SCORES Los Angeles High, 30; Poly, 25; 5 / 6; Reseda ,

25; Westchester, 20; Gardena, II; Taft, 9; Cleveland, 6 ; University, South Gate and Van Nuys, 5 V2.


by Don A llin , Gymnastics Coach , Berkeley High School

Seventeen high schools from the north Coast , Oakland, and Son-Juoquin Sections of t he CIF qualified more than fifty contestants for thiS two day tournament.

The A ll -Around Championships were held at Aragon High School, Son Mateo on May 13 .. In th is meet Berkeley High School ' s co-captains Paul Mayer and Tom Bruce outdistanced a field of twel ve to capture first and second

Bill Morgan from University High Kanati A ll en, Los Ange les H igh

Scenes f rom L. A. City High Schoo l Championsh ips


Nor t hern California Inv ita t ional Chomps

with 484 and 467 paints , respectivel y. Paul Mayer was de f end ing champion.

In the finals an May 15 at Berkeley High Sch ool , the top twelve contestants from these sect ions vi ed f or t he individual hono rs in eight events. Berkeley' s f ou rsome o f Paul Mayer . Tom Bruce , Jules Bianchi , and Bill Fujimo t o com bined talent s to capture the title for th e f ourth st raight year.

SUMMARY All-Around: Paul Moyer, Berkeley; Tom

Bruce, Berkeley; Steve Pleau , Encino . Long H orse: Paul M a yer , Tom Bruce, Bruce Farley, Pacifica. Paralle l Bars: Paul Moyer, Tom Bruce, tie : Jules Bianchi , Berkeley and Dav e N iemand, Skyline. Horizontal Bar: Jules Bianchi, Berk­eley, Doug Gentry, Encino; Tom Bruce. Free Exercise: Paul Mayer , tie: Tom Bruce and Jim Peterson, Co llege Park. Still Rings: Jim Kep­ley, Carlmant; tie: Stan Houck, Pacifica and Terry McCade, Fremont. Trampoline: Reo An­ders, Co l lege Park ; Doug Gentry, Randy KrGI. Side Horse: Doug Lonnberg, Fremont ; Torn Bruce, tie: Bi ll Fujimo to , Berkeley and Joe Neason, Sky line. Tumbling: Paul Moyer , Tom Bruce, Theron Takaki , Pol o Alto.

TEAM SCORES Berkeley, 160 Y2; Enc ino, 71 Y2; Mt. Diab lo,

30; Hamstead, 29; Pacifico , 26 Y2; Fremont , 24 Y2; Hill sdale, 24Y2; Skyline, 24 ; Co llege Pork , 22Y2; Aragon , 20Y2; Polo Alto, 18 Y2; Ca rl m on t , 18; Mills 13 Y2; Son Mateo, 6 Y2; Ygnacio Volley , 4; Capuchino, 3 ; and Son Carl os, I.

The N orthern California Gymnast ics Offi­cia ls Association prov ided eight excellent judges f or thi s meet. T hey were James Bosco, Roy Dav is, John Gi lmore, Irv Faria , Frank Ho iland, Clai r Jennett , H owa rd Moorman , and Jerr y W right .


Sh owing once again tha t he is one of N orth­ern Ca lifo rnia 's finest gymnasts as well as an excellent fut u re Ol ympic prospect, Berke ley High­Schoo l's Paul Moy er dominated the Chico In­vi tational A p ril 4 at Chico, Cali f ornia.

Paul captured the All-a round with a low 7.8 average (the entire evenings sco res were a b it on the low side as a result of some very strict judging-as well as quite a bi t of questionab le judging) . In addition t o cap­tur ing the all -a round, Paul won gold medals on the Long H o rse and in tumbling and fl oor exerCise.

Roy Hadley showed we l l in winn ino the paral lel ba rs and the high bar and Stanfo rd g raduate studen t s Tom Oster land and Bill lawler emerged vic to rs on the t rampoline and side h o rse respec tfull y.

An added note of congra tulations to Cali -


f ornia ' s Bruce Worsham who did a fine job t o win t he still rings on rings that must have been 25 to 30 feet long and probably felt l ike they were 50 feet.

MEET RESULTS All-Around : Paul Moyer , 47.10; Rich Chew ,

45.72; Lonn ie Kapp , 45.40; Roy Go ldbar , 45.27; Lorry Topping, 42.75.

W ISCONSIN STATE GYMNASTIC TOURNAMENT Granv ille rece ived sterner competiti on this

year but won a second stra ight State Gymnas­t ics Tou r nament title.

The Brav eland Conference school tallied 61 po ints in a ll-day compet ition held at Gran­v ille H igh School on March 14. Runnerup was Madison East with 50 po ints while Milwaukee Boys Tech finished third with 39 poi nts.

There we re 15 sch oo ls-out o f 20 entered­which sco red po ints. Madison West and Mil­waukee Custer deadloc ked for fourth with 37.5 po ints while Milwaukee Bay V iew regis tered 30.5 , Eau Clair e Memor ial 29 and Eau Cla ire N orth 27.

Granville High School Gymnastic squad

INDIVIDU AL TUMBLING RESULTS I. John Stoneman, Granvi ll e; 2. Dennis Smith,

Granvi lle; 3. Ron Simaldl, Milw. Custer. Still Rings .

I. Geo rge Mountcastle, Milw. Boy View; 2. (tie ) Cu r t Johnson, Madison East , and Pete Bradley , Madison West.

Trampoline 1. D . Hanson, Eau Claire Memor ia l ; 2. M.

l osmark , Eau Claire Memoria l ; 3. lorry Smieia, Eo" Cla ire North.

Side Horse I . V. Wilers , Eau Caire Memor ial ; 2 . Chuck

Senn, Granvi lle ; 3. Tom Fern, Eau Claire N orth .

Parallel Bars I. Pete Bradley, Madison West; 2. Rog er

Plekutowski, Milw. Boys Tech ; 3. Craig Hopper , Madison East.

Floor Exerc ise I. Denn is Smi th , Granvi lle; 2. Cur t Johnson ,

Madison East; 3. Ron Simandl , Mi lw. Custer. Hpri zontal Bar

I. Pete Bradley, Madison West ; 2 . Mike Sasich , Milw . BOiS Tech; 3. Curti s Johnson, Madison East.

All-Around I . Curtis Johnson, Madison East ; 2. Pete

Bradley, Madison West; 3. Fred Hanneman, Mi lw. West.


The section 5 championsh ips were held on Saturday, April I I, 1964 at the Rocheste r T urners Gymnasium and we re dominated by Glenn Wilson (where hav e I heard that nome bef o re) of Eastridge.

Wilson captu red ev ery event except the long ho rse whe re Wayne J enerson edged him with a fine piked handspring.

Wilson also captured two special events , the high bar and still ri ngs not counting in the team score because this was the first year the two hod been competed in .

Mad ison High School finished on undefeated season by winning the City Interschola stic League Championships and t opped the sectionals by 20 points ove r runner-up East High.

A ll-Around: Wi lson, Eastridge; Jener san , Madison; T ijou, East; Forbes, Madison; M c­Namar, Ea st; Porker , W est.

CLASS B RESU L TS Closs B is f o r teams compet ing on a lim ited

basis and closs A is f o r teams who compete on a league schedule .

Shore and share alike was the sto ry here as Fo x o f Irondequo it and Sauter o f Iron dequoit were the only gymnasts to win more than one event as they won two each. Fox t he Al l -Around and still rings and Souter the high bar and parallel ba r s.

Other Class B champions were Grov es o f Rush on Side H orse, Henry of Greece the Free Exe rc ise, Holmes of Rush the Long Ho rse, and Sp icer o f Haverling the t umbling. A II ~Around: Fo:<, I rondequo it ; Henry, Greece;

Eckwell , Greece; Spicer , Haverling ; Krenzer , Rush ; Ste ffan, Rush.


Girl's Divis ion: Second Presbyter ian Church Team , 122; Idelwild Presbyterian Church Team, 75; T. Walker Lew is Y.M.C.A. T eam, 13.

Boys Di vision: Boy' s Club, 121 ; Stratton Y.M.C.A., 1 19 Y2; Presbyter ian Day Schoo l , 59; Second Presbyterian Church Team, 50Y2; M ason Y.M.C.A., 32; Idlewild Presbyterian Church Team , 10.

Over~A II Team Points: Second Presbyterian Church Team: 186 Y2; Boy' s Club, 127; Stratton Y.M.C.A. ; 119 Y2; Presbyterian Da y School , 6 7; Idlewild Presbyterian Church Team, 95; Mason Y.M.C.A., 63; T. Wa lker Lewis Y.M.C.A. , 13.

12 & under 13-14 IS-Up

All -A round Winners

Boys Dennis El eogral11 Rodger Henry Toni Gantt

Gir ls Babette Ehemann Grav er Deluca L ibby Wilson


Approxima tel y 85 boys and girls represen t ing 18 junior high schoo ls, YMCA's and acrobatic schools from throughout the state competed f or indiv idual honors in 15 different gymnastic even ts a t the University of Connecti cu t in the first sta te gymnastic champ ionships ever held in Connecticut. The championships were jointl y sponso red by the newly organ ized Connec ticut Gymnastic Associa tion and the Deportment of Ph ysica l Education of the University o f Con­nect icu t.

Future state championships a re scheduled f or elementary schoo l boys and girls and senior high schoo l boys and girls.

State Champions in the boys d ivis ion were; Fronk D 'Amico on H orizontal bar; Bill Nicker­son on th e side h orse; John Enck on the long ho rse ; Scott Pennoyer on the parallel ba rs; Paul Leverone in f ree exercise; Rick Crowle in tumbling; and Brad K ing on the trampo line.

State Champions in the gir ls division were : Robin Read in all-around, Vaulting, and tum­bl ing; Joanne Terry on balance beam , and free exerc ise; l es lie Johnson on the trampol ine and " andy" Field on the uneven bars.

An" interesting sidel ight of the meet was produced when Nancy LeFev re o f Leland P. Wilson Junio r High School in Windsor, sus­pec ted ther e was an error mode when she was aworded th e thi rd place medal fo r t he uneven bars. After the meet she report ed the error to her coach who then reported t o the meet di-

rector. W hile i t was unpleasant to separat e her from the m edal , this had t o be done. How­ever , a new aw a r d was crea ted . She wa s' awa rded a go ld medal f o r d em onst rat ing out-st andi ng spor tsmanship. .


The N or t hwest Gym nastic Soc iety was o r ­gan ized in 1909 and has since been fostered an d preserved by the Tu rn er, Soko ls, athlet ic clubs , Y MCA's, and indiv idual s from h igh school s, coll eges and univ ers ities.

The more recent history o f the m eet has been c losel y guided by Dr. Ralph Piper o f the Uni ­v ersit y o f Minnesota.

This years meet , he ld on February 8 , 196 4, w ith some 300 entr ies in 4 di v isio ns , gave every indi cation that the meet is we ll o n it s way to another 50 successful years.

The Senio r " A " class d iv ision was dominated by t he University o f Nebraska and F. Allen and D. Albers a s they w on si x o f t he nine even t s. A l len the a l l-around, parallel bars, and tum­b ling and Albers the fl oo r exeri cse. Trampo l ine, and sj deho rse. T he remaining th ree events were taken by Gleason-H igh bar, Eib ri nk - Long Horse , and Arneson-St ill Ri n gs.

The " A " class Open div ision was high l ighted by the team depth of Mankato State and the fina l a ll-around performance o f A. Curran who, in add i tion to captu ri ng t he all-around, won the Floor Ex ercise, side ho rse, and pa ral lel bars . Aiding the Mankato cau se was K. Kellen w ith a first on the t rampo line, and C. Ox t entko w ith a f irst in tumb li ng. Ot her vi c t ories were recorded by R. Lorenze of LaCrosse on the high ba r ; and J. Nicho las- Unattached-on the still r ings.

In a cl ose race f o r the team title in t h e B Cl ass Open Division, North Dako ta State (led by D . Di l lon) finished just ahead of La­Crosse State 98 to 92 % . Di l lon captured the a l l -around, high bar , and still r ings. T. Beru be o f Bem id ji won t he fl oor ex erc ise and tumb l ing event s, w ith Nicker son- unattached-takin g the T ram poline. Other go ld m eda ls were taken by J. D isher o f N o. Dako ta on th e side horse , and J. Kal amen of LaCrosse on t he Parallel ba rs.

Lou is Rivet led M innapo lis Marshall to a sweeping v ictory in the H igh Schoo l div ision wit h v ic tories in the all-aro und, trampo line, h igh bar , a nd st i ll r ing s. Other impressive sco res were recorded by D. Stende of Roosevelt wit h a fi r st on the parall e l ba r s, M. Soul is o f Roose ­v elt- f i rst place on the side h orse, J. Da tta lo o f Mpls. N orth- w ith a first place in the f loor ex ercise , and M. Howell o f Univers it y High w h o scored a high 9.2 in t he tumbling event.


The Cedar Ra pids Gymnas t ics Club and Cedar Rapi ds Gymnastics team dominated the third a nnual Iowa Champion ship Gy mnastics m eet he ld at Coe Co llege.

A total o f 270 part icipants competed in 740 even ts in the day -l o ng meet

Patty Smith o f Cedar Rap ids Gymnast ics Club a nd Mark W ilco x o f Ames were awarded the a l l a round titles in the sen ior div isio n.

The CRGC won t he senior di v ision w ith 86 Yo po ints. Cedar Rapids Soko l was second wit h 59V2 points. The Cedar Rapids Gymnasts class wi t h 64 V2 point s. CRGC wound up second in the elemenfary and junio r competiti on .

Hank Ryan was the on ly Cedar Rapid s rep­resentat ive to wa l k o f f w it h a f i rst p lace in

Ames Iowa Team

N ew Mexico M eet: Upper left; John Pru it , A l l-Around Champ; above Jean Lee on the Unevens; Upper right : Duane Tatum t op ri ng performer ; Ross Black, Lov ing t on Coach, John Prui t , Cathy Chavez a nd Las Cruces coach Pauline W h ite.

t he senior di v is io n . Ryan , compet ing f or the Cedar Rapids Gymnastic Club, took the tum­b l ing tit le.

Tom Beusch of Cedar Rapi ds was t h e ou t­sta nding per f o rmer in the e lementa ry b racket . Beusch capt ured firsts in the fl oo r ex erc ise, t u mbling and t ra m pol ine ex ercise. H e a lso won the all around title.

Cedar Rapid s' Jeff W a lder won the boys all around ju nior crown . Donna Chalm ers o f Ames took th e sam e h onor in the ju n io r gir ls.

Ren ae Keoppel and Pam Iiten, a couple o f Cedar Rap ids Gymnasts t eam performer s won crowns in the ju nior girls d ivi sion . Renae swept the balance beam. Pam captu red the tumb ling tit le .


The Pruit Bro the rs teamed up t o lead Lov­ington , N ew Mex ico to the New M ex ico State High Schoo l Gymnastics Championsh ip boys d iv ision team tit le.

John cap t u red t he Al l-A round and Trampo­line and Gene cap t ured the Long H orse, Free Exerc ise, and Tumb l ing.

Gene La rd and Bob Smith wer e largel y re­spons ible f o r Fa rming t on 's second pl a ce f inish as Gene captured t he Horizontal Bar and Side Horse a nd finished t hird in the all-around and Bob won the Porallel Bars and f in ished 2nd on t he High Bar and 2nd in the All -Around .

The o ther sta te ti tl e, the Still Rings, was ta k en by Duane Tatum of Lov ing ton.

Th e Girl s division was dominated by Cathy Cha vez a nd the Las Cruces team.

Ca thy captu red the a l l-around, side horse vault ing , fre e exe rc ise , and ba lance beam a nd wa s run nerup in the unev en ba r s and tu mbling, and La s Cruces captu red the team tit le.

Other st a t e champions included Libby Lee o f Lo v ing t o n on t h e unev en ' s; Conn ie Kab ler of Roswell on t he trampo l ine ; and Cynd y Stoabs of Farmington in tumb l ing.



T eam Sta ndin gs: Lov ing ton, (L ) Farmington , (F. ), Las Cruces (L .C.) A ll -Around : John Pru i t , (L. ); Bob Smith, (F.); Gene Lard , (F). Long Ho rse Vaulting : Gene Pru it, (L. ); John Pru it ; J im Wa l­t on. Still Rings: Duane Tatum, (L.); Gene Lard; J . Korchin isk i , (L. C.) . Free Ex erci se: Gene Prui t ; John Pru it; Bil l Ga rrett, (F). Para ll el Bars: Bob Smith; Gene Lard; John Pru i t. Side Horse : Gene Lard; John Pruit ; Bill Garrett . H orizontal Bar : Gene Bard t , (F. ); Bob Smith; John Pru it . Tram­poline: John Prui t; Pat O'Grady, (L ); Doug Jones. (F) . T um bling : Gene Pruit; Bill Garr ett; John Pru lt .


T eam St andings: Los Cruces, Lovington F a r m~ ington . All -Aroun d : Cathy Cha v ez, (LC); Cyn ­th ia Carlton , (L); Mary Lou Haro ld, (L ). Side Horse : Cath y Ch civ ez , Sue Fischer, (LC); Mary­Lou Haro ld . Free Exe rcise: Cathy Chavez. Cvndv

S't oabs, (F); Su e Fi scher; Connie Blacka'rd,' (L ). Balance Bea m: Cathy Chavez, M ary Lou Harold; Dorothy Jackson, A lamogordo. Un even Parall el Ba rs : Libby Lee, (L); Cath y Ch avez, Janice Baker, (L ). 'T rampol ine: Connie Kabl er , Roswell ; Leona Camp, (L); Cyndy St oabs. Tumbl ing: Cyntiy Stoads; Cathy Chavez; Sue Fi scher, (LC).


GYMNAST ICS CH A MPIONSHI P (2 !;O entries) Report by A nd rea Bodo Mol nar

Those college, high 5chool onci junior hig h school students were invi t ed to participa te in an opt iona l meet on Apr il 25 th at San Fran­cisco State Coll ege who competed on Janua r y 17 t h and 18th in t he f i rst North ern Ca l i f orn ia DGWS Gymnastics Compulsory M eet , and placed tn t he top t en in t h eir par ticul ar .,2vent or In a ll -a round, and those studen ts who won intramural or distr ict meets.

Most of the entri es were beginn ing and. in­termed ia te and on ly a few adva nced. Bu t if gymnastics will continue to improve as ra p ­idly as It has in th e last yea rs we will have quite a feW advanced gym na sts in t he near fu~ure. Thi r ty~three schools entered th e op ­tional gymnast Ics m eet.

The new compulso ry ex ercises f o r 1964- 1965 are printed. Those Wish ing t o obt ain copi es of the compulsory rou ti nes of 1964-1965 may write to:

Dr. Benevle Dext er Consu ltant in Ph ysical Ed ucat Ion 8uceau of Health, Physical Educo t ion and

Recrea t ion 721 Capitol Sacra mento, Ca l iforn ia

a nd ask for "Gymnas t ics for Girls and Women 111 Cali forni a Schoo ls," developed f or di stri­bution a t t he 31 st annual conference of t he California AssocIation for ·Health, Physical Educat ion and Rec reation, M arch , 1964 . The compulsory exercises were w r itten by a com ­m ittee of college, high school and tunior hl,9h school teachers and the routines were t ried out and t hey can be we ll used in ou r school situation fo r uni t wo rk. Dates f or competi t ions a nd officiating t rain ing and ratings ar e in­cluded in the pamphlet.

COLL EGE Universi t y of Ca l i f ornia a t Ber keley (UC)

Son Francisco Sta te Co llege (SFSC) A dvan ced: Uneven Pa ral lel Bars: Barba r a

Heath (UC); Sue Conrad (SFSC). Vau l ting : Sue Conrad (SFSC); Barbara H ea t h (UC). Free Ex ­ercISe: Sue Conrad (SFSC). Bal ance Beam : Sue Conrad (SFSC); Barbara Heath (UC). IA II A round : Sue Con rod (SFSCI.

Intermed iate: Uneven Parallel Bars: Ma rc ia Areva lo (SFSC), Cand y Mart in (SFSC). Vaul ting: Candy Mar lin (SFSC); Marclo A reva lo (SFSC ). F,ee Exercise: Condy M ar tin (S FSC). Ba lance Beam: Candy Mart lJ1 (SFSC); Marcia Areva lo (SFSC). All Around: Cand y M art in (SFSC).

Begin ning: Uneven Pa rall el Ba r s: Wendy Ty ­ler (UC); Pamela Berg (SFSC) Vaulting: Penn y Wollen (UC); Carol Douglas (SFSC). Free Ex-


Marcia Areva ls

e,cise: Pat G"eisler (SFSC); Pamela Berg (SFSC) . Balance Beam: Penny Wollan (U C ); Joanne Camilli (SFSC). Tumbling: Penny Wollan (UC) . Trampoline: Rochelle Perucca (S FSC); Marjorie James (SFSCl.

SENIOR HIGH SC HOOL Adva nced: Doris Nishinaka (Leso Health

Farm ) won each event except in tumbling whe re Peggy Wattles (Mt. Vi ew) finished in front.

Senior High Intermedrate Carlmont (C ), S.F . Droke (SFD), EI Cerrito (EC ), Hayward (H ), Novato (N), Redwood (R), San Rafoel (SR), Terra Lindo (TL)

Intermediate: Uneven Paral lel Bars: Byrd Lewis (SFD ); Jill Rushmore (C); Judy Silver (EC ). Va~l tin g: Kri s Larson (TL ); Jean Si.lver (EC); Judy Si lver (EC). Free Exercise : Paula Williams (C ); Barbara Parcker (TL) ; Cheryle B!ane / (N). B'alance Beam: Joy Wurtz (R); Diane Politano (SR); Jean Silver (EC ). Tum­bling: Jean Silver (EC ); Ca thy Ziegler (C); Barb­ara Parcker (TL l. Trampoline: Mary Ramos (H); Sue Sampson (SFD); Judy Silver (EC). All Around: Jean Si lver (EC); Judy Silver (EC).

Senior High Beginning Aragon (A ), Alhambra (A L), Carlmont (C L Clayton Vall ey (CV), DeAnza (DA), Del Vol le (DV), Harry Ells (HE), Mt . D iablo (MD), No­vato (N), Redwood (R), Terra Linda (TL ), S.F . Drake (SFD )

Beginning: Uneven Parallel Bars: Zayna Mach­ado (AL ); Peg Robishaw (CV); Sue Sampson (SF D). Vaulting:' Peg Robishaw (CV); Lindo Branscum (MD); Carol Ta y lor (A) . Free Exercise: Sue Gilmore (A); Kris Larsen (TL ); Diane Camp­agna (A). Balance Beam: Cheryl e Kranse (N); Lauanne Rassett (MD); Peg Robinshaw (CV). Tumblin,,: Charlene St radley (C ); Gardena Hood (DV); Liz Sel lers (MD). Trampoline: Tom­mie Barnes (H E); Lynn Chinsky (DA); Nancy McGee (Rl. All Around : Peg Robinshaw (CV); Linda Branscum (MD); Jady Krul (MD).

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Junior High Intermediate

A. Bankettes (AB), Cupertino (C ), Helms (H ), Redwood (R), B. Ringen (BR)

Intermediate: Uneven Parallel Bars: Ja nice Glass (H); Cindy Stanish (C). Vaul ting: Janice Glms (H ); Jackie Gonzales (C); Cindy Stan­ish (C); Free Exercise: L indo Smith (BR); Janice Glass (H ); A rdythe Hickman (AB). Balance Be~rn: Priscilla Noe (C ); Lo is Chynoweth (C); Cindy Stanish (C ). Tumbling: Robin Purdy (C); Cindy Stanish (C); Ardythe H ickman (AB).

Dori s Nishinaka


Trampoline: Robin Purdy (C); Teany Brice (SF D); Kathryn Carver (LV). All Around : Cindy Stanish (C); Janice Glass (H ).

Junior High Beginning Cuptino (C), Helms (H ), Leggett V alley (LV), Novato (N ), Ralston (R), B. Ringen (BR), S. F. Drake (SFD), J. Smith (JS), West lake (W)

Beginn ing: Uneven Parallel Bars: Patty Pen­ner (H ); Pam. Hall (SFD); Lo is Chynoweth (C ). Vaul ting : Patty Penner (H ); Mindy Miler (Cl; Suzanne Bennet (Wl. Free Exercise: Debbie Hagler (N ); Sondra Scott (C); Linda Langfo rd (C ). Balance Beam: L inda Langford (C); Char­lene LeGrande (W); Ellen Tomek (C). Tumbl ing: Patt y Pen ner (H ); Melodye Hayer (C ); Sand y Paden (R); Joanne DeNardo (BR ). Trampo line : Robin Purdy (C ); Teany Brice (SFD); Kath ry n Carver (LV) . All Around: Linda Langfo rd (C); Mindy Miller (C); Margaret Maker (JS).



WOMEN All-Around: Caro ly n Hatker, Berkeley YMCA;

Joanne Hashimoto, A rden Hill s, Sac.; Ti na Gudge, Vadas, Sacramento. Trampoline : Judi Johnson, Acra; Sandy Astle , Encino Hi ; Judy Abbott , Arcade. Free Exercise : Joanne Hashi ­moto. Arden Hills; Caro lyn Hacker, Berkeley YMCA; T iny Gudge, Vadas. Vault: Carolyn Hocker, BY; Joanne Hashimoto, A rden Hill s, Sac. Tina Gudge, Vadas. Unev~n Bars : Carol yn Hack." BY; Joanne Hashimoto, A.H. ; Mary Hoag, BY; Doris Nishinako, Lesos Farm; Lynn Evans, Encino. Beam: Dori s Nishinaka , Leso; Caro ly n Hacker, BY; Joanne Hashimoto , AH ; Kathy Finch , Arcade; Lynn Evons, Encino. GIRLS 12 to 14

A ll -A round : Nora Truss, Vadas; Karin Gal -101Vay,; W endi Cluff , Aero Long Beach . GIRLS 11 & UNDER AII~Aro und : Marlene Hurst , Arcade ; Bonnie

McBride . Berkeley Y; Lisa Nelson , Acro. BOYS 12 to 14

All-Around champion Mike Sullivan Berkeley YMCA; Ken t Umbarger , Berkeley YMCA; , Kirk Edwards. Berkeley YMCA. BOYS 11 and UNDER

All Around: Clark Johnson , Berkeley YMCA; Steve Berkland, Sacramento Turners; Terry Ab~ bat t . Arcade Club.


ship for 1964 was held at the Un iversity o f Nevada, (Reno) with Dr. Art Broten as the host coach.

The Southern Calif. Acro-Team coached by Bud Marquette took t op in the Team competition with 187 Vada's Ol ympettes from Sacramento second with 143 points.

(SCAT ) honors point s, placed

In the 15 and over competition, Judy Tram­mel (SCAT) was the t op score r in the AII­Around with first places in four events and Joanne Hashimo to o f the Arden Hills team was second with first places in three events .


Free Exercise: Joanne Hashimoto, (AH ); Judy Trammel . (SCAT); Susie Singren , (SCAT). Side Horse : Judy Trammel , (SCAT); Joanne Hashi ­moto; C indy Jones, (AH ) and Cindy McCreary, (USE). Unev en Parallel Bars: Joanne Hashimoto, Judi Trammel , May Haag , (BY) . Balance Beam : Judy Trammel , Joanne Hashimoto, Susie Sing ren. Tumbling : Joanne Hashimoto, Judy Trammel, Susie Sing ren. All-Around: Judy Tram­mel, Joanne Hashimoto, Susie Singren . Tram­poline: Judy Trammel , Susie Singren.

12-14 YEARS Free Exe rcis e: Nora Truss, (Va); Wendy Cluff ,

(SCAT); Karen Galloway, (Va) . Side Horse : Ruth Westall , (USE); Nora Truss, (Va); Betty Smith , (USE). Un even Parall el Bars : Nora Truss , Karen Gallowa y, Wendy Cluff. Balance Beam: Karen Galloway and N ora Truss, Karen Toon , (Va). Tumbling: Wendy Cluff , Karen Galloway, Mar ­lene Hurst , (AGC). All-Around : N ora Truss , Karen Galloway, Wendy Cluff" Trampoline : Wendy Cluff , Beverl y Baxter, (SCAT); Karen Galloway.

Team Scoring : Southern California , Acro­Team (Long Beach ), 187; Vada ' s Olympettes (Socramento), 143; Arden Hills (Sacramento), 70; U.S. ETTES (Sparks ), 46 ; Berkeley YMCA, 27; Reno High School, 25; Arden Gymnast ics Club (Los Ange les ), 23.


Report by W . I. Hutton

The Gymnas tic Committee of the Minnesota Assoc iation sponsored Q state gymnastic cham­pionship meet on April 25th at the Johnson High Schoo l in 51. Paul . Minn. This meet was

Judy Hutton and Sue Eichorn

the beginning of a prog ram set up to help promote and broaden gymnastic activ ities, and was conducted as part of an Olympic Develop­ment program in the state. Following the meet, a cli nic was held where compulsory rou­tines to be used in futu re sta te meets w~re demonstrated.

Prior to this meet , the only gymnastic acti­vity offered on a statewide basis for both boys and girls was floor exercise. In this meet , we expanded the activities to include the follow­ing: balance beam, uneven parallel bars, side horse vaul t ing and floor exercise for gir ls; tumbling and f loor exercise for boys.

In order to encourage part icipation at all levels of abi lity, there were three div is ions f or each event. Tyro for beg inners, N ov ice f or those who had not placed better than fourth place in previous competition, and Elite for those who had placed th jrd or better in previous competition. In addition , there were three age groups for each event; 1 1 years and under , 12 through 14, and 15 and over .

In spite o f the fact that thi s was the first all-a round meet in the state , there were over 100 ent r ies.


Uneven Parallel Bors: Age 12-14: I st Judy Hutton , 2nd Robyn

Topic, 3rd Kathy Gagne, 4th Carla Hubbard Age 15 and up: I st Sue Eichhorn, 2nd Cand y

Ranall o, 3rd Karen Whitney , 4th Betty Ander­son Side Horse Vaulting

Age 12 t o 14 : I st Judy Hutton , 2nd Terr i Thompson, 3rd Ly ndsay Stahel , 4th Car la H ub­ba rd

Age 15 and up : I st Sue Eichhorn , 2nd Karen Whitney, 3rd Bett y Anderson , 4th Candy Ran­all o Floor Ex ercis e Agge II and under ; I st Lesl ie Hossfeld , 2nd Janette Otterstad, 3rd Dawn Lundgren- C ind i Nelson (tie ), 4th Amy H oldah l

Age 12-14: I st Judy Hutton , 2nd Robyn Topic , 3rd Lyndsay Stahel, 4th Kalhy Gagne

Age 15 and up: I st Candy Ranall o, 2nd Sue Eichhorn. 3rd Betty Anderson , 4th Charlene Reider Balance Beam

Age I I and under: I st Leslie Hossfel d, 2nd Down Lun dgren

Age 12-14: I st Judy Hutton , 2nd Robyn Topic, 3rd Lyndsay Stahel, 4th Carla Hubbard

Age 15 and up : I st Candy Ranal lo, 2nd Bett y Anderson . 3rd Sue Richhorn , 4th Karen Whitney

Girls Age 12-14 Individual AII -A round- Judy Hutton

Girl s Age 15 and up Indiv idual All-Around Champion-Sue Ei chhorn .

Girl s All -Arou nd Team Championsh ip Award­Elite Class-Watson Schoo l , Blue Team


Southern Illinois Women's Gymnastic Club vs. The M idwest Gymnastic Association

All Sta r Team

On May 2, 1964 New Tr ier Township High School, Winnetka , Illinois wa s the site o f the

second dual meet between the Midwest Gymnas­tic Association All Star Team and the Southern Illino is Women's Gymnastic Club. The MGA headed by Bob Bohl, sponsored and organized the return match and Joe Giallombardo, head gymnastic coach for bays at New Trier High School, efficiently acted as meet director and announcer. The proceeds of the meet were used to help defray expenses incurred by top Midwestern gymnasts ottending the Notional Championships at Kings Point, New York.

The MGA All Star Team, coached by Mrs. Jackie Klein Uphues, 1956 Gymnastic Olympian, consisted of: Linda Metheny-Champa ign, I lli­nois , Judy Klauser Lucas-Flint , Michigan, Shar­on Knedle-Milwaukee, Wisconsin , Pam Loren­zen-Mi lwaukee, Wisconsin, Barbara Duerkop­Winnetka , I llinois, Janice Richter-Chicago, Illinois, Lynn Giallombardo-Wilmetle, Illinois, Judy Reed-Blue Mound, Illinois, Donna Lucas -Flint, Michigan

Ttle SI Team, coached by Herb Voge l (who was presented an engraved plaque by Paul Fino representing the MGA-for his outstanding contribution to women 's gymnastics over the past few years), consisted of: Da le McClements -Seatt le , Washington, Gail Daley-Saskatoon, Canada , Donna Schaenzer-Milwaukee, Wis­consin; Janis Dunham-Flint, Michigan, Judy Dunham-Flint , M ichigan

The talented SI Team , led by the All A round Winner Do le McClements, consistently won four ~nd some ti mes five of the f irst six places in each event and piled up 177213 points against 102 \13 f or the MGA Team. Linda Metheny of the MGA Team scored 41 \13 points · al one t o captu re third in the All A round, first in the Fl oor Exerc ise and Unevens, and a tie for first in the vQulting. EVENT RESULTS

Balance Beam: Dale McClements, 19.3; Don­na Schaenzer , 19.1; Gail Daley, 19.0; Janis Dunham, IB.9; Judy Klauser Lucas, IB.7; Shar­on Knedle; IB.6. Unevens: L inda Metheny, 19.(,; Gail Daley, 19.4; Dale McClements, 19.3; Judy Dunham , 19.2; Janis Dunham , lB. 7; Barbara Duerkop, 18,5. Vaulting : Linda Metheny, Dale McClements, ·and Gail Daley, 19.6; Janis Dun­ham and Donna Schaenzer, IB.9; Sharon Knedle , IB.6. Floor Exercise: Linda Metheny, 19.4; Dale McClements, 19.2; Donna Schaenzer and Gail Daley , IB .9; Judy Dunham, IB.6; Janis Dun­ham, IB.2. All -Around: Dale McClements, 77.4 ; Gail Daley , 76.9; L inda Met heny, 76.2; Donna· Schaenzer, 74.9; Janis Dunham, 74.7; Judy Dunham, 72.9; Sharon Knedle, 72.4 ; Judy Klauser Luca s, 71.6; Pam Lorenzen , 71.0.

IOWA OPEN SPACE BALL TOURNAMENT Action was plentiful and competition keen

during the Iowa Open Spaceboll T ou rnament held recently in the Nissen Corporation gym, Cedar Rapids , Iowa.

Robert Bevenour and Basil Harris of Cedar Rapids upset the f ield to take the men's doubles event over Bern ie Malueg and Joe Petit.

Competition was also held in mixed doubles, 16 and undh doubles and 13 and under doubles. The accompanying photos depict some o f the highlights o f the Tournament.

RESUL TS M en's Doubles: Robert Bevenour , Bosil Harris;

Bernie Malueg , Joe Petit ; Tom Freno, Dave Carpenter; Duke Lovel ess , Robert Fisher. M ixed Doubl es: John and Connie Stilions; Pat and Betty Winkle; George and Ronette Hery; Ted Blake, London England and Annie Nissen. 16 and under Doubles : Dove Carpenter , T om Fre­no; Basil Harris , Mike Hauskins; Mike Hirle­man, Mark Ripma; Becky .Logen , T om M~lueg. 13 and Under Doubles : Jeff Walder, Jay Nissen; Jack Schneider, Mark Badger; Craig Roseland, T om Beusch; Joanne Mart in , C indy Current.


N i ssen C o rpo roti o n hos just trons loted and p rinted into Eng li sh th e c omplete, un­obr idged Fed e roti o n Inte rnoti ono l e De Gymno st iq u e ( F I .G') Code of Po ints for men which wi II be u sed in the 1964 O ly":'pic Go m es in T okyo, J apo n .

Thi s com p lete work was spec ial ly trans­lated f o r N issen fro m an o riginal Fre nch version by R icha rd Montpetit , a graduate student at the University o f Michigan and f e rm e r B ig T en A ll-A ro und Champi on. It i s complete in every detail and supe rcedes any earlier vers io n s.

A limited number af cop ies of the n ew Code o f Pa ints i s available for $2.00 pe r c opy . T o orde r , se nd your c h eck o r mon ey e rde r t o Ni sse n Co rporation, 930-27th Avenue S.W., Cedar Rapids, Io wa. Act now befo r e the ir suppl y is exh austed.

Lynn Giollombordo a nd Linda Metheny

Scenes from Iowa Spoceboll Tournament


, , ,

By Jess Robinson

Abe Elliot, director of physical ed ucation and recreation and K enny Staub, superi vso r of physical education-coordinator of rec­rea ti on in the Glendale Unified School Distri ct have done an admirable job o f ge lling trampolines into schools in their di stri ct and o f initiating and maintaining an effecti ve trampoline program_

Abe and Kenn y reali zed the value o f us­ing tr am polines in a physical educa tion program and despite usual vigorous pro­tes ts from those who didn't unders tand the apparatus , purchased one unit on trial bas is for the rec rea tion program . That was ten yea rs ago. T oda y Glendale schools have two travelin g tra mpolines for e lement a ry schools. two in each junior and seni or high school and two at the junior coll ege. a lo la l of 22 unit s.

fn li ght of oppos ition encountered toward purchase of tha t first trampolin e Abe and K enn y decid ed that any teacher sched uled 10 teach trampoline must fir st a ll end a trampoline clinic. This has been ' the rule Ihroughout the yea rs and they fee l because of thi s rul e they can boast a perff'C I sa fet y record. Tn hundreds of thousands of turn s taken in ten yea rs th e closest thin g tu an injury suffered by s tudents has been a so re muscle or possibly an occas ional bruise.

Trampol ine program used in Gl endale over Ihe yea rs chan ged occas ion a ll y as A be and K enn y are cons tantl y looking for newe r methods of teachin g. It was at Abe's r eques t we gave point va lues to fundam ental com­bin at ions. H e found we were us ing point va lued ad,'ance tri cks to train com petitors and felt point va lued fundamental s wou ld enhance their progranl.

Now A be asks th at we outline an easy method of judging fundam ental routin es, one Iha t will allow stud ent s 10 judge olhe r stud ent s.

J UDGI NG RO UTI NES W hat A be asks is no easy task. There

a re several ways to judge com petition but

Starting at lower le ft borderi ng our col­umn th is issue is Wayne Mi ller performing a t riple twist ing double back somersault.

to .find a way for a novice to judge accur­a lely and fairly is something else.

Accepted manner of judg in g throughout the United S tates is according to F.T.G . Tules which sta te judges should allow 3.4 point s for diffi culty, 1.6 points for continuit y, 5.0 for perfect SCOTe_ F our or fi ve judges art· point s for performan ce, a total of 10 points usually empl oyed for the task, high a nd low score eiI'opped and the remaining aver ­aged. S ince d iffi cult y, continuity and per­fonnan ce a re contingent on one another it takes yea rs of practice before a judge ca n watch a routine and come up- with an ac­curate score. E xperts quite often score far apart so the novice co uld hardly be ex ­pec ted to judge accurately follow in g thi , systenl.

Last yea r in the Midwest, in an effurt to s implify the above scoring sys tem, one of four judges judged only difficulty w ilh 3.4 point s and another judged continuity a lone with 1.6 points. The remaining two judged 5.0 apiece for pe rforman ce, their scores then be in g averaged. Results of thi s type of judg ing was report ed to work very well in dual mee ts but in championshi p meets where all competitors co mmanded r equired diffi cult y there seemed to be no advantage ove r the regular judging method.

H owever, thi s breakdown along with addi­tional simplifica tion seems to be the answer 10 our problem. If we specify amount o f point s allowed for stunts and outline what is ex pec ted in the way of continuil y Ihen onl y the performance of a r outin e r emain , to be judged.

DIFFICULTY Simples t meth od of determining diffi cult y

is to use point r a ted fundam ental s (M.C. , Se pt. 1963) . Competitor should writ e out r01lti n e (a s shown beJowl and submit if

FUNDAM ENTAL ROUTINE-This routi ne is thought o f as four stunts: I. Airplane (Y2-t wis t to stomach). 2. Bluch (stomach, lf2- t wist t o stomach-not turnta b le ). 3. Swivel Hips (sea t , Y2 -twis t t o seat ). 4. Cradle (bac k, Y2 -twist to bock ). In order to maintain height in routine these four stunts are separated by Jump-and­tuck and jump-end-pike. Routine is ended feet­full twist-feet. Point value of thi s routine is 1.6 Y2 of a maximum routine allowance of 3.4.

to judge before competition beglll s. Judge wa tches to see if rou tine is perform ed as wr itten and if so, scores it to nearest tenth of a pain!. If competit or fail s to [a llow rou­tine as wr itten point s are allowed to t he e r­ror and all further points are disrega rded.

CONTIN ITY For our purposes the con tinu ity judge

should a llow .2 point for each of the fo l­lowin'"

1. S~at lan d ing; 2. S tomach landing; 3 . Back landing or corpse; 4. Half twist ; 5 . Full twist ; 6. Form tri ck ; 7, Feet landin g: end ing.

The othe r .2 po int should be g ive n for a well balan ced rout ine with a limited amou nt of repetiti ve moves.

The continuity judge should not be influ­enced by · the wri tt en routin e. It is possible for a performer to miss hi s first stunt , there· by rece ivin g no po int s [or diff icul ty, and ye t perform a routin e with a ll moves nee· c"ary for a 1.6 continuity rating:.

PERFORlVIANCE Unfor tunat ely there can be no cu t and

dr ied \\'ay of judg ing a pcrforman ce. For a pe rfect score of J.O the cU lllpet it ur , }lOuld be nea t in appearance, stand a t a tt ention before beg innin g routine, perform with confidence, high and under complete can· trol in cent er of trampol ine, have fla wless form ( part icularl y legs toge ther in a ir and toes poin ted at all times), end routine under control and acknowledge judges · befo re ex­itin g.

For each break in form o r other e rrur t here should be a .1 to .5 point ded u<:ti on .


the amount of dedu ction accord ing to se ri ­ousness of error. In addition , the judge should mentally compare performan ce (dis­rega rd ing 'di[[icult y and con tinuity) before f!ivi ng score.

A PLACE TO START . S tude nts using above method of judg in g

will not find it easy at fir st. It w ill take so me practi ce, trial and er ror, before scores are correct but at leas t it is a place to star!. Good luck.

:lULLER WINS Wayne :I-liller won the trampoline event

a t the A.A.U. nationa ls held reecntl y in New York. Place winn ers were as follow s : 1. W. Miller, Lafaye tte, La. 2. J. Yongue, La-. faye tte, La. 3 . D. J acobs, A mari llo, Tex. 4. T. Clark, (AA U J UNIOR CHAMP) . 5. 1. Longhouser, U.S. :l1. A. 6. K. Vinyard . Amarillo, T ex.

RECORD OF THE MO lTH 51 Hand Bounces-performed by T erry

Wi nkl es, New Trier High School , W innetka , lll . 'Ferry explains it thi s way, "I did a front drop to a front cody to my back to bailout to my hands and bounced fift y-o ne times on my hands." UNUSUAL STUNT OR WILD RO UTl IE

Cody with a Triple Twist- performed at the University of Cali fornia by Tom Fash­inell who is now a ttedin g Rochester j"Iedi­ca l School in New York . T his i s another st un t several performers have accom plished but no one uses in a routine to our knowl­edge. (Millman claims it is twice as hard as a cody with a Ph twist. )


PGlir Je rWl51 TO ]fOftA-1)I ~~ ------ ~~~-

51011).-(1-/ h (w/sr 5 TO "1f1-C.H ~7 2 .' I

__ TO ~---~ ~~~

3 5rOMfoctj ~~~- TO FEET


4 r-ee~ ,U(({ TO 1~t=T~ .03

~~~- -----5 1ft!:! PIKE

TO ~E4r ,,2-~~~- ---- -----

6 ~eAr_ Yz.--.L""1J.; 1ST TO Se/~r ~ ,iq ---~

6Eilrr ~nUl5r FEET ,01 7 ---- TO ---- ~~~

8 FEET flL< E TO FEET ,oct ~~--- ------ ~~--- ~~~

9 LEPT_ TO ~AC(Z~ .; 10 ~~~- ~~~

10 tJACI< Ye (WiST TO .B Ac /.( ,30

---~~ ~----- ---- ~~~

13 IU:!. I{ Ve TWI.rT TO FEET .If?;

11 ~~-- ~~--- ---~

r-CCT r:UU TZuJ! r:Eei ,09 12 ~/...o '--.1._ ~~~_ TO



~ .-;;tG:Z--'~~\-:-\i\ \

Gymnastic Ki1/e" iology by William Skars trolll, !\I,D,

A ssoc iate Professor of Phys ical Educa tion '" e ll esley College, W ellesley, 'IIass ,

1 The Second Edition of this cl ass ic was publi shed in 1913 and was di s tribut ed by th t' A me ri can Ph ys ical Edu cation Assoc.)

What are gy mnas tics? What i s the fun· damental purpose for activities of thi s kind " The c lass ic di scussed be low provides for us throu g h it s aut hor a sound philoso phica l view a s he att e mpts to answe r these impor ­tant ques tions. In preparing thi s manual , S kars trom weli t back as far as 'the 1700" a nd h ad as background man y of the essays of th e Frenc h and G erma n doct o rs who we re initi a ll y int e res ted in th e process of IllO Vf' lll e nt .

The tho u i!ht s of S kars trolll , a pionee r author. and lec ture r in th e field uf American kin('" iuluI!Y t th e s tudy of mo ve m ent) , are nul u Uld a ted . W e migh t eve n proj ec t thai had hi s influence been more wi.d e s pread in his day , gy mn as li cs might have received in 191.) Ihe im petus n ecessar y 10 ac hi evc for Ihi s e nlire area th e importance it s h o uld h a ve rece ived in Ihe phys ica l education CUr­ricululll. A", we knuw, there was a gym­I",,,tic d"cl in e ins tead. S ince we are experi­f' ll c in ~ t re lll t:' ndo u ~ growth in gy mnast i c~ to­day. Illu c h of whal S kar" tl"Olll has 10 s a y will thert·fort, have Ill ('a nin l! in Ihe mudern program.

Fllr exa lllpie_ hi s work in l! d ef inililln of ~\'mna:,lic~ is . .. . - "Th e indi vidual 's sati:rla e tion is not d e­pe ndenl lin Ihe acco mpli" hm enl o f some r es ult l'xlerna l to him se lf. bul a n hi s abi l­it y III nlOve Ihe part s of hi s bod y, or hi " body as a whole. in ce rtain rh ythm, through or til ee rlain alti tudes o r pos ili ons. r equir­in l! always prec is ion , of len s peed . occa­"ionally endurance. Som e lim es ex te rnal ob­j ec ls ma y be in volved as in the case of fix ed i!vmna"ti c appartus_ but Ihe perfornlP r's ef­furt" arc n ot direc ted towards these; they "impl y se r ve as points of C' upport or ful cra to influ ence his own l11 ovem enls. to jn cn>a~e Ihe ir "co pe. difficulty, I'a rie ty; enablinl! hi m to c heck. in crt-'ase_ or chan ge th e direc­lilln of hi " nlOnl t' ntunl. 10 d i's lribut e th e wo rk in vary in g propurtion > to d iffe re nt pa ri s o f hi s bod y."

In hi" I'hilo"o ph). gymnas ti c" r epresenl ed tutality in Illovement. Jt was not s impl y a " ix lI'eek unil bUI an int eg ral part or sec­lion uf Ihe (' urri c ulunl o f ,,11I;s ical educa ­li o n , T o :-;ka r"tronl. athklics r e pn'sented 1:1 :-:l'l'lI lldary area (If the curricululll. He :-- a id. ''' GY llllla ::: lie training i:-: preliminary III II,,· ohj('l'ii l'(' ('o nlrol " o f athlt-lir s a nd !.!:c1Jl1l' ~ .

, ~ka r:,lrotll':-: id l'a (If Ihe g:y mn aslic oh· j('ct il'e lI"a" 10 din' c l effor ls loward" equa l-


iza ti on of developmenl a nd format ion of I!ood habi ts of movement ,and carriage . With thi s I!cneral objec ti ve in mind atten­ti on is g iven to weaker Illuscl e groups whi c h ma y be n eglected in Ihe a thl e ti c pro­I! ra m . We of te n hea r people say. ' -H e is built for bask e tball.'·or "Wha t a terrific pit c h e r." These expr ess ions point out t o u s that athlelics are high ly s pec iali zed and as s u ch will not in and of them make up fo r Ih e Iy pe o f contribulion that on e mighl rece ive throu l! h gym nas ti cs. In effect , Ska r­s lro m is say ing Ihat if we place a primary e m phasis o n Ihe gym nas t ic area we are bo und tu clt've lo p be lt er ath le tes o f all kinds as a result o f s uch trainin g .

Skarst rom al so s poke of th e dance a r ea . H e m enlions that dance activiti es are very c lose ly re lat ed to gy m nasti cs s in ce the re is a prim ary emphas is on move m e nt o f all kind s. TIlt' difference h e not es is that w hil e d a nce follows rh yt hlll w ith move men ts less def ined than gymnas tics, the latt e r m ay be rh ylhmic but a1ways wilh chan ging rhy thms wh ich are peculiar to m ove m enl. Thi s defin­ili un s ho uld be n oted by Ihose who are in a pos iti on 10 influence free exe rc ise fo r wo m en . Th e trend towards d a n ce may tend to ne~ate some of the pure gym nasti c Va lll l'~ of thi s event.

T each e rs of gymnas ti cs w ill be inl e res led in one oth e r s tate m ent b y S kars trom. S peak ­in ~ U ll havin g the tota l amo unt of Illlj~(,ll i a r wo rk a s I!H'a t a s poss ibl e h e says . --.. I he se lec t io n a n d prugress io n o f t he e xe r­c ises are s uc h as to make th e m a lways s uf­fi c iently difficult and severe, n o matte r how fa r adva nced Ihe pupil s may be. " Wl' find today th at m Oli vation of thi s kind ma y of len be lacking and that so m e of o ur pu­pil s are bored wi th the " sa m e' old Ihin g ." Na tural break-down s o f abilily w ithin each gy mnas ti c class session are necessary tv in ,; ure that thi s unfortunat e ty pe of pre ­'l' nt ation does n ot take place . In hi s summ ary. th e followin g point s are n o led :

1. The gen e ral ch a rac te r o f gy mnas lic" a . Equalization of growth and dcvelop­

ment iJ. Fa vu rinu correc t anatomica l relation-

ships . c . In crea" inl! fun c tiona l acti vit y o f the

uTea l vit al or (Tans d, ~\ mos l ef fi c i e~,t Hl(ent in m olo r edu -

cali on e. Ca rria l!c and llI anage m t' nl o f hod y

paris in relation to on e anothe r and the body as a whole l"l' la lcci to e x­te rnal forces . III P os ition in s pace I kines thes is) 121 R e lation a nd adjustment to grav-

it y. in e rli a and momc ntum . No te : Sec J an. 1964 .1/ .G.- P. 18.

13) \\' e i!!hl di s lribution and balan ce ( '].1 J)ir~c ti o n , s peed and accuracy

o f m Ol"e m cnt 1.5) Tilllin l( and proper di s tribution

of effo rt f. "It s va lu e as a m l'a n s o f ex press io n.

a fa c lor in th e soc ial r e lation s of life . a nd as a bas is for phys ical e ffi ­c iency is I'ariously es timat ed and on Ihe II-h ole probably und e rrated."

2 . Definilion s of gY lllnas li c e xe rc ise Complex movement s must be ca pable u f s ubdi"i s ion inlu s imple r cle m e n Is, each o f which llI ay be present ed and executed as a cO lllpl e te m OVe l)le nl.

3. Lo cali za ti on of 1lI0VC Ill ent Thl' teach e r sh o uld a lwa ys all e lllpt ttl dclerlllin (' Ihe poin~ aboul whi c h or from which a 1ll0\ L' 1ll t-" nt occ ur!' . Refill t'­ment. as co ncern" associat ed body pari " w ill prucecd from thi s ba" ic kn o wkd ge.

4. Loca liza li on of musc ular contrac li on Know led l(e o f Ih c g ro up ac tiun of IlIU"-

c le. to produce a mo ve m ent is impo r­la nt. Kn owledge o f th e muscles ini· I ia tinl( the movement is necessary to overcome a tendency to mi S- li se a5~o­c iat ed musc le groups . This w ill pro­duce econom y of e ffort.

;,_ Fixation a. P ass ive fixation- This may be ide n­

tifi ed with free fl ow ing m ove m e nt s in whi c h man y muscles take pari and il is \"C ry difficull to identify s pec ifi c o ncs as wh o ll y r es ponsibl e . F or cx­a mpl e_ a frec sw inging a rm will fol ­low a path of least l"es is tance until il i" a t la,,1 r e tarded by the n a tura l res lriction of bone. joint s and mu,,­c le" a ll of w hi c h co n'lbin e 10 provide a ty pe of pass ive fixati on.

b. Act ive fixation- In thi s ty pe. th e in­di vidual e xe rc ises d o minant control to m ai nta in th e body in s pec ifi c ways. :\ n y s tali c h o ld I;\ n "L" for example) is re presentati ve of a cti ve fixati on. Altenlion 10 prope r alil!nmenl and pos t u re is predom inan I.

6. Th e s upporlin g fun c i ion o f musc les S kar,; lrom d esc ribes th e two {unc lions tlf mu~cl es as th e orl!ans o f s uppo rl a nd motion . "The kind of work be"l s uil ed for th e improve m ent of th e mo­lor function of muscles invo lves co m­pl ell' contrac ti on al!ain s t cons id e rable res is lance . a ll l' rnalini! with co mpl e te relaxation." N OTE: The word "re laxa ti o n" brin !!:;

10 mind some mat e ria ls whi ~h art' c urre ntl y in Ihl' pre para­lo ry s tage. Som e of thi s m a­te rial relat es direc tl y to ~ym ­nas tic. and some oth e r to tilt' melhod u f r e laxa lion , "\,Ve pre­diel Ih at the It'achinl! o f r e lax­ali on w ill becom e ~ n e o f th e chief e ff o rt s of ph ys icad e dll­catur~ in Iht' fUlure . A r ece nl book on kines io lol!Y has a chapt e r d evo ted to r e laxal ion. I Scot t I Look for the"" Jna­te rial s in Ih e M.G . in the n ea r future . Jt w ill r e pl"('senl "Ollle of Ihe bes l think inl! in lhi" ne" lect('d area .

U nfo rtllnal e l Y~ S kars lron; did n o t ha vt· Ihe advanta!!c of mud"rn phutoi!,."phic equipme nt. 1;lOdc rn printini! lechn olol!Y ,"' even the C'onvcn iL' ll ce of ~()f) d gym nast ic e quipment. Hi , manual i s r e placed toda y with a number uf exce ll e nl I,' x l". ''Voie es­Iwciall y recu me ncl Ih e foll ow inl!s :

Brun . .\larilln R" Effi cicncr of H lllllall 1/0relll(,lIl. \\I . n, S uu;l'd e rs Co ,, ' Phi lade l­phia. Pa. 1960

SColl, .\1. O l aL y~ . Analysis 0/ Hlllllall .110-lioll . !\ppl e tun-C enlury-Croft;; , Ne w York 1. N .Y. 1960 86.00

Coope r. J ohn .\ 1. and Rulh B. Classow . Kill esiolo,:),. C. V_ .\[os by Co . . ~t. Loui, . _\10. ]963 86.00

,- .r,-

Bool.- RerielV C)"IlIlIaSlics for Girls- A cOlllpelilil;e

A pproach of Teacher alld Coach Edi led b y Eric Hug hes wilh contribulion ,

from: Dorolh y _\lacLea n , Be tt y J ean -"Iay­cuck. _\ 181' 1' SarvP I" , C eorge Lewis and th e Editor. Ro nald Press (New York I 1963 . Pri ce - 55.00.

Those o f you who are teachin g gy mn asti c unil s in Ihe secondary school a s we ll as c lu b in s lruc tors will be ab le to USe Grlllllas­lics for Girls a s a program supplem ~nl Ihe da y yo u receive it.

II " unique fealu re is a se ri es of g raded roul in es for each o f the Ol ympic even Is 3:" we ll as a chapter on side horse vau lt in ~. Roulin es are al so s Ul!ges ted fo r th e t wo

spec ia l event s of tumbling and trampoli ne. We know of at least one school which has purchased two of these books in order that they be di ssected and placed on heavy ca rd· boa rd for use as charts.

Rout ill es a re sUi!i!ested [or the follow· inl! levels :

'1. Beginners ; 2. Low Intermediate; 3. lntenn ediate; 4. Low Advanced; 5. Ad· van ced.

The book is well illustrat ed w ith photo·

I[raph s a nd line drawings. A use ful appen· cil x con ta lll s var ious kind s of form s used in co mpe t iti ve gy mnas ti cs and a check li st for both d ua l mee ts and tournam ent s i" p,·e;"nt ed. . O,lt' final hi stori ca l not e . .. the book '" dated Nove mber, 1963. T his was the very month and year the firs t Na tional In stitut e on Ci rl s' S port s was conduc ted and ont' of the co ntributors to the book. :'I lary Sa rve r. had a vp ry acti ve pa rt in the i!y mn a. ti c " " ',,"c ts of the Institute.

Gnnnastic Apparaill s Exercises ior Girls by Di ane H. Babbitt and W en;er Haas

Rona ld P ress. New Yo rk. 1964. Price-83.75 . '

The European ap proach to gymnasti cs is ve ry ap parent in thi s new book from Ronald Press. Dr, H aas is ori gin all y from A ustria where he received the Ph.D, degree and was a profcss iunal gymnast.

We find for the firs t time in an American bouk a description of various uses o[ the S wed ish va ult ing box and a combin at ion u"c of severa l types of va ult in " dev ices. These had previously been do n~ by the J apane",~ and English as well as many ped· al[og ica l material s de ve loped in Germany. . Sw in ~ inf! rings are used quit e frequentl y '" Germ any for g irl s and women. J\re they dangerous') Yes . , but the a uthors argue for tlwir inclus ion based on the fa ct that ti l(:> !'w ill ~ing rin gs an-' a natura1 form of acti vit y which can be thri lli ng, val ua bl e and >I imulating phys ica l exerc ise. A ll of th e " H,Vement " desc ribed in thi s section are

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of tir e sus pens ion type. The au thors po int out the extreme dange rs o[ su pport wo rk on swin ain O" rin as for crids

Th ere ~ is" al so" a section . on the use of poles, ropes, Swed ish w in dow and stall bars.

We were espec iall y impressed wi th the long legged little sprite (See drawin g) who flit s about tbe book demonstrating m ore than eighty selec ted stunt s. T he introdu c· tory chap te r is also excellent. In thi s sec· ti on the authors have attempted to answer the many ques tions surrounding the g row· ing emphas is o[ school gymnasti cs for g irls.

The · book shoul d be a welcom e additi on to the libraries of wom en who are teach· in g phys ical educa tion and wo uld like to exp lore the many possibilities of a va ri e ty of apparatus as opposed to s impl y u sing Olymp ic s tyled apparatus ,

ED ITOR'S NOTE: For those m ale p hys i· ca l educa tors who are seeking a simil a r book for boys wo rk, yo u might obtain a copy of the English book. A cti vities on P.E. A pparalll S by Edm un son and Garsta ng , Yo u may buy a co py fo r 85 ,00 from S p~;,t sh e lf P ,O. Box 634, New R ochelle. N.Y.

_Wadem Track and Field


'" \ , by J. K enn eth Doherty

Prenti c·H all , Inc., Eng lewood Cliffs, New J e rsey. 1964, (2nd Ed.)

I t is a bit unusual fo r us to venture out · s ide o[ the rea lm o[ gymnasti cs but our in · clus ion o[ this rev iew is d ue to a number o[ rela-tionships w ith the au thor o[ thi s class ic book ,

~: ..... ~ , .. , ".

; \ ~

./ t ._' 11 , ~ . ... . " ." ~

K en Doherty was selected to speak on the subj ec t of tra inin g a t the National Inst i· t u te on Girl's S ports last yea r and he did a c redi table job, H e was heard by spec ial· is ts in gy mnasti cs as well as track and field .

Dohert y's me thod, which is trul y the sum total o[ experi ence he has ga ined bot h here and abroad , has lllany gy mnast ic ap· pli ca tions. In hi s book he has in cl uded cer· ta in aspects of Russ ian trainin g techniques , :'Ilan y of these are ev idence of the high rl'i!a rd the Russ ians have for primary train· in g in gy mn as tics, For exa mple, the g rea t high jumper , Valeriy Brum el , is al so a gY lll ' nast in the of[ season if such reall y exists ill tha t country.

At leas t one of the major track and f ield event s, the po le vault , is credited ,to the German s who int roduced vaulting in thi s country in the late 1800s at the numerous Turn ve re ins which were es tablished, Gym· nas ti c exercises were particularl y noted in the develo pment o[ the pole va ult er.

Ano ther rea sun for mentioning thi s book is due to tir e great emphas is whi ch is placed un re laxat ion during an at hl eti c perfurm­an Ce, S in ce we have predic ted that tens ion con trol wili be a major respunsibility u l ph ys ical edu ca tion in the nea r fut ure , we note Dr. Doherty's enthus iasm iOn tlii " direc­tion .

~/'\ ~ .. ~.~ t'~ ,i' .

Wi thout doubt. ,Hodem Track and Field mu st be ra ted as ' one of the top books in it s fi eld , To do as fin e a job in the deve lo p· ment o[ a book on modern gy mnasti cs wo uld do mu ch to upg rad e performance, There is no curren I P:Ylllnasl ic book lu co mpare with it.

The drawings aboev ore from Nikol i Oso­lin's The Po le Vau l ter (USSR Gov' t print-ing o ffice ) ,

The GYMNAST Official J ournal of the British Amateur Gymnastic Associa· ti o n, is now a full s ize 8 V2 "x 11" Publication , w ith a new p ri ce af : 6 issues fo r $2_00 50¢ a copy, Se nd subscr ipt io ns to




Dear Mr. Shurlock: I'm very interested in the side horse . I

have worked very hard on flanks ( donble leg circles) and loops, blLt I haven't been able to ge t th e hang of it. I'm wondering if you could show me these two movements by using the Graph -Check camera, so f can learn each trick step by step.

Y our Friend, Dick Morimune , Concord; Calif .

Dear Dick . . . Here are the sequen ce photos you reques ted of double leg circles and loops .on the side horse. No te the posi­t ion of the shoulders and hi ps in each phase of these movements. Particularly note the slretched out position of the body as it passes under the left hand on the doubl e leg circles and that of the shoulder lean fo rward on the loops. A.S .

Above : Seq uence ph OTOS o f A rt Shur lock do ing H igh Doub le Leg Ci rcles. Below: A r t do ing Loops. Pho t os taken with GRAPH- CHECK SEQUENCE CA MERA.

Dear IVIr . S hurlock: Th e past seven m onth s I have spent try­

ing to perfect a harder-than-average flo or exercise routine , but I have run across 'a problem that seems impossible to overcome . In learning the split, and all the variations of it often used in good floor exercise work­outs, I seem to be approaching a barrier. Wi th great effor t and patience I work out. alm ost an hour before practice doing lim­bering exercises to stre tch th e legs, but the next two or three days I am so sore I can' t contiJwe practicing. Is 'it tru e that some people jus t aren't mlJde for such extreme flexibility? I have no trolLble doing advanced back bend and oth er stretching movem ents, bu.t the split seem s just too much. WO ldd you advise some way to correct this ?

Very truly yonrs, Robert Fain, N acogdoches, Texas

Dear Robert . . . Your problem, mos t likely is that yo u are doing the stretching exercises incorrectly. There should be no reason for exces;ive soreness and stiffness following fl ex ibility exercises. In general yo u should not jerk or bounce in your limbering 1110vements. Rather , they should be moved into slowly .and held at the ex­treme posi tion for fi ve to ten second s, then moved away slowly. This will allow for th e muscles and ligaments to be stretched out for a longer period of time and will avoid muscle " pulls" or injuri es . Repeat the exercise allowing fOi' a 5 to 10 second relaxation period. In developing the splits, slide yopr legs out slowly to your extreme position , hold for 10 second s without mov­ing, then release tension evenly. Relax for 10 seconds and re peat same procedure fi ve 10 ten times attemptin g to stretch a little fa rther each time. Practi ce thi s exercise eve ry other day. Use thi s lechnique on all your suppleness exercises and you will find yo ur fl ex ibility powers increasing tremend­ously. A.S. Dear Mr. S hurlock,

I am. a rin g enthnsiast and have worked long and hard on th e iron cross eu ver. I ha ve developed it fairly well but I tend to hyperexten d m y arm s, giving th em a bent look even though m y hands and shoulders are even with th e rings. I fi nd that · cross pullouts are very difficult in this ex tended position and am wondering if th ere is an j'­thin g that can be don e to correct it.

Also do you have any sugges tions for de­veloping a straight ann back kip ? I would like to develop this move right into a mal­tese cross as a mOllnt but I never seem to get high enough to ge t into position. J will appreciate . an y suggestions and will en­deavor to follo w th em.

Sin cerely, J im Hillhouse Colorado Springs, Colorado

Dear Jim ... You are writing 'to the right person when asking about hyperex tended arms. My elbow joints are as hyperex tended as any gymnast I have ever seen. There is no t much yo u can do to overcome the hyper­ex tension but you can develop a very nice lookin g cross. The extreme bend at the el­bows does not maller as long as your should­ers are even with your hand s and thi s r e­quires more cross development strength of whi ch much has been written in previoJs issues of the MG.

The strai ght arm back kip from an in­ve rt ed han g requires a dri vin g powerful leg extension along with a force ful ann press against the rin gs. Th e legs should be extended upward at a 60 ° an gle, the arm s should be ke pt perfectl y locked, and should be pressed out sideward away from I he hips to eventually perform the back kip movement to the maltese. A.S.


III t h e April edition of the M. G. r e porting th e Tra mpo line -World Ch ampio ns hips it said "th e n ew m eth od of tra mpoline com­pe titi on was well a ccepted b y b oth the of­fi c ia ls a n d the competitors, even though m a ny h " d preconce ived ideas carri ed over fro m gymnas ti cs, di v ing a nd other s ports ."

' Ve we r e g u es t s of the orga.nize rs , the ve r y fin e orga nize r s b y the way, the E n g ­li s h. They did a r eal fin e job h a ndling thi s event. We h ad n o t b een con s ul ted a bou t t h e way this competitio n wo uld be h a ndled. Th e r e was n o way, time t oo short et c, to c h a nge it. A s a g u es t for thi s first compe ­ti t ion 've accep ted this way of conlpe tition , even soo w e a bsolu tely d o n o t a gree , a nd I am speaking m or e or les s in t h e nam e of th e co n ti n e n ta l E uropean s.

This style o f compe ti t io n h as m a ny in­j us tices. Ju st t a k e y our \vond erful t r a n1-polinist in t h e USA. Each on e of t h e m was bette r t h a n a ny other tra n1polini s t s from t h e oth e r countries, but due t o thi s kind of oo mpe titio n , on e man did n o t m a k e t h e 3r d p lace, 3rd place w hic h h e would h ave a bsolu tely d ese r ved. ( NIa n y s inl il a r cases a lso occured in the lower r a nk ) .

A real r a nking list is imposs ib le. Too ma n y involunta r y t hings can h appe n.

T hi s kind of compet it ion is ok fo r fi g ht­ing ~ p()rts like tenni s, boxing, f en cing , t ea m s po rts etc. B ut f or a s port, w h er e j udges h ave to evalua t e th e lJer fo rnl a nce of t h e athl e t es it is a b solu tely imposs ible .

It w ill have t o ch a n ge to scoring and to a s imila r COlllpet it io n like in g Y111nastics . This is inev ita ble, as o the r w ise , if t h e E uropea n COll1e c loser t o the A nlerican s a nd t h e best a r e closer toge ther a tre ­m e nd o u s cO -lnix ing of th e judges w ill s ta r t.

\~re sa id "yes" in ord e r n o t to in terf er w it h th e or ga nizer s. B u t we \"on 't accept s u c h a way o f compe titio ns in the future a n d I a m s ure the r espo n s ibl es o f the t raillpolin e sports ·a r e a war e of a ll the n eg­a ti ve con sequ e nces of thi s s t y le o f c,om­pe ti t ion w hi c h a r e fa r g r ea t ei· t h a n t h e a d­,·a n Uq:;e, it mig ht off e r.

Kurt B achle r Bern , Switze rl a nd

JOINED THE PARADE Dear M r. S undby :

T h e · State of Connecticut has a t las t jo ined t h e parade' The Gymnas tics' ba nn e r w ill be pro udl y di splayed thro u g hout thi , s tat e with the e ffo rts of a r ecently form ed orga niza ti on-t h e Connec tic u t Gymnas ti c As"oc ia t io n . . (CGA)

The officers are: Execu t ive Director, J Ohl1 L. Brodeur,

Hartford ; Secre tary, J ohn Hic h wa, R ed­ding; T reasure r , Mary A. J a ron c zy k, H a rt-for el. .

Chairmen: East , B ill Sweeney, G uilford ; Sou t h Cen ~

C.G:A. Officers

Eastern Illinois University Gymnastics Exhibition Team

tra l, Dick T erry, Milford ; Nor t h Cen t rai, H ayes K ruger, W est H artford.

Agency Representative: Ray Corbin Consulta nts: D r. J a m es Baley , U niver s ity o f Connec ­

ticu t; D r. D av id Fie ld, U ll iv'er s i ty o f B ridgepo rt ; D r. Al Scholz, Y a le U niver s ity .

In the pas t Connecti c u t gymnas tics has been lax a nd h as been carried on in a low act iv ity level. F o r th e first tirn e a to t a l cf 1500 boys a nd g irl s compe t ed in gym­nast ics thi s yea r in t w o ( 2) e le m enta r y, three (3 ) Junior Hig h, a nd t wo (2 ) Seni or H ig h Sch ool Meet s.

W ith t his n e'" a nd a lnbi t ious or g"aniza ­t io l1, gY111nas ti cs \v ill b e run o n a 811100 the1' a nd w ide scale basis. The r e \v ill b e 111 0 r e c linics fo r both s tudents a nd teach e r s a nd 1l1 0 l'e c0 111p e titi o n too.

Ver y truly yours, Ma r y A. Jaro n c zy k , Treasure r

D ear Gle nn: R eceived the lates t MG-excellent as

u s u a l. A s you kno,," Massa chusetts h as had fo r the pas t s ix year s a dua l compe ti t ive sch edul e as well as a s tate c h a mpions hip. H ow ever due t o our neglect we h a v e n ever sent our r esults to MG. I know it is a late date but could you fit i·n the follow­ing som e pla ce?

Confe r e nce Ch a mpions hips, W e s t e rn Massa chus e-tts w on b y Minnech a u g R e ­g ional Hig h of Wilbraham ; second, Techni­cal o f Springfield . Bay State Con f. 1. W ell­esley; 2. Bra intree; 3. N eedha m. Middle ­sex; Conf. 1. Winc h es t e r; 2. L exing t on ; 3. Melrose. ' N orth Shore Conf. 1. North R eading. Suburba n Conf. 1. Newt o n; 2. W eymouth. .

Indiv idua l Titles : This is a s tate m ee t. All-Around, Reed, Bra intree H S; Floor Ex., Mill s , W e llesley HS; Side Horse , L e ­Clair, New Bedford HS; B;igh B a r , Mill s; Par a ll el Bars, Brow n, Needha m HS. Mass­achusett s was an indiv idual s tate m eet, the n we h ave a tea m champion s hip . T eam s a r e selected by r ecord, t eam s m e t (ca libe r ), pe r centage of \vins, confer e nce ch a nlpi,o ll­s hips . W e u se FIG rules a ll the way even in t eam scoring for a s t a t e titl e . Judge, p oints count for s cor ing. .

Mass . S tate T eam Cha mpio ns hip: 1. An­d over Hig h (3rd stra ig ht y ear); 2. Bra in­tree; 3. Wellesley ; 4. Winches t er ; 5. Need­ham ; 6. Minnechaug. the n w e have a t ea-In chall1pion s hip. T ea lll s

Both s tate mee ts p ack ed ca p ac ity c rowd s . Inc identally I n o ticed in the la t es t lVIG tha t P ennsylvania lays .cla im to h aving t h e fir s t s tate Hig h Sch ool Wome n' s Champions hips. Massachusetts has h a d a s t a t e Hig h School Wome n' s m e et for four y ears (see M G July-Augu s t 1961) . On e of OUr produ c ts is Cathy Corrigan , 4t h in th e All-Around 1964 N AAU. Oh yes, Spring fi e ld College m e t the U ni v. of Mass . wo m e n in a dual m ee t coll egia t e ly . I s this a fir ,t? (Ma r c h 1964) .

R eg a rds, Dic k Aron son Ne\v Eng'l a nd Gy rnnas t ic Fed e rati o n

TOO GOOD Dear Sirs :

I have o nl y on e c0 Your l11aga ­zine is getting t oo good. Som eon e (a n on ­gy mnast ) has wa lked o ff w ith m y co py of t h e April issu e of the M od ern Gymnas t. P lea se send 111 e anot h e r cop y a nd b ill 11le for i t.

E n c losed is a photog r a ph of the E as t e m Illin o is U ni ve r s ity GY 1111U1Sti cs E xhibitio n T ea ll} w hic h r ecently fini s h ed its a nnual Spring t our. This t eam trave ls t o t e n hig h Sch ools Aa c h Spring a nd prov i·d es t h e stu -

d ents of t h ese sch ools with g limpses and a n introduct io n t o a ll phases of gymna s­t ics . For m ost of these s tude n ts it is th e first time t h ey h ave ever seen a n y ty pe of gymnas ti cs. To quot e the progra m:

" The purposes of the E x hibition t eam at Ea,tern are threefold ( 1) it provides a t y pe of physical skill w h ic h is n ot d epend­ent upon th e s ize of the indiv idua l, a nd consequentl y a ln ean s of partic ipatio n w hi ch h o th boys a nd girls m ay enjoy. (2) i t a fford s a n oppo rtunity t o d e m o ns tra t e to hig h sch ool s tude nts a t y p e of a c ti v ity w hic h e n courages the d esira ble d evelop­m ent o f s tre n g th fl ex ibility, co - ordina tio n, co u rage, a nd the art of g raceful move­m ent. (3) the t eam a ls o b y v is iting Illi­n o is hig·h schools ser ves th e r ole of good­w ill a mbassador fron1 E.I.U . and in so do~ ing hopes to sh ow o ne phase o f the ac ­t ivH ies s po ns ored by th e U ni ver s ity."

Th e t ean1 was '1r ganized during the 1951-52 sch oo l yea r a nd thi s yea r brought gymn Rst ics to a n es timated 6000 p eopl e.

Dear Gle nn,

Yours, R oger H elling·a C hicago, Illinoi s



I have a li t tl e s u gges tion to m~ke the IVLJd e l'n GYlunast a little bit 1110 1'8 inte r­es ting . I don ' t know if it is t oo h a rd t o process or t oo expe n s ive-but did you eve r t hink of adding color photogr a phs of som e of t h e bette r gymnas t s (othe r tha n the pic tures o n the Coover a nd the N issen Me ­da rt a d verti sem ent) ? I know I wo uld cer­t a inl y e njoy see ing 'sOln e!

Eli d e Picciootto L os Angeles, Calif.

Ed. It has been a major milestone in the history of the M.G. to bring about 4 color covers in 1964 ... we would like to do more and maybe someday we will be able to. However at the moment the cost is prohibitive. But, if some group, team, or individual would like to have us print a color picture of their favorite gymnast and they would be willing to cover the cost of the color separation and processing a s a tribute to a boy or girl or team pic ­ture of national standing .. .. ·we would be p leased to include it in the M.G. (color separations range from $35.00 to $150.00 depending on the size of the photo when it is pri nted.)

GREAT! Deal' G lenn,

Rece ived t h e MG. in Ro m e . I certainly e njoyed J e rI"Y ' Vright's rev iew of t h e ~CAA f ina ls. It was g r eat.

Hats off to y ou f o r your editoria l. I a gree o n e hund r ed pe r cen t-i t's necessa r y t o ~ tand up for ,vh a t yo u be lieve. I t has ta k en a lon g time in coming but I think we' r e o n our " ra y.

Tha nks for the d eca ls now m y CHr look s n littl e brig h te r.

Since r ely , Dick Flood Spa in, Switzerla nd , e t c . E urop e



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