Modern city brasilia

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Modern city brasilia

Brasilia is the federal

capital of Brazil and seat of government of

the Federal District. The city is located atop

the Brazilian highlands in the country's center-

western region. It was founded on April 21, 1960,

to serve as the new national capital. Brasília and

its metro had a population of 2,556,149 in 2011,

making it the 4th most populous city in Brazil

Among major Latin American cities, Brasília has

the highest GDP per capita

at R$61,915 (US$36,175).

From 1763 until 1960, Rio de Janeiro was the capital of Brazil . Brasília's geographically central location fostered a more regionally neutral federal capital. An article of the country's first republican constitution dating back to 1891 stated that the capital should be moved from Rio de Janeiro to a place close to the center of the country.

The plan was originally conceived in 1827 by José Bonifácio, an advisor to Emperor Pedro I. He presented a plan to the General Assembly of Brazil for a new city called Brasília, with the idea of moving the capital westward from the heavily populated southeastern corridor

Juscelino Kubitschek, President of Brazil from

1956 to 1961, ordered the construction of Brasília

Building Brasília was part of Juscelino's "fifty

years of prosperity in five" plan. Lúcio Costa won

a contest and was the main urban planner in

1957. Oscar Niemeyer, a close friend, was the

chief architect of most public buildings

and Roberto Burle Marx was the landscape

designer. Brasília was built in 41 months, from

1956 to April 21, 1960, when it was officially


Paranoá Lake is a large artificial lake built to

increase the amount of water available and the

humidity of the region. It has the second largest

marina in Brazil, and hosts wakeboarders and

windsurfers. Diving can also be practiced and one

of the main attractions is Vila Amaury, an old

village that is submerged in the lake. This is

where the first construction workers of Brasília

used to live

For new development

To relieve the pressure of overpopulated from the

old capital Rio De Janerio

In the 1960 census there were almost 140

thousand residents in the new Federal District

The city of Brasília proper was planned for only

about 500 thousand inhabitants, but its

metropolitan area has grown past this figure

Brasília would be a city for government

authorities and staff. However, during the

construction period, Brazilians from all over

the country migrated to Brasília, seeking

public and private jobs

At the close of the 20th century, Brasília held

the distinction of being the largest city in the

world which had not existed at the beginning

of the century

Brasília has one of the highest population

growth rates in Brazil, with annual growth of

2.82%, mostly due to internal migration.

The city's design divides it into numbered blocks as well as sectors for specified activities, such as the Hotel Sector, the Banking Sector and the Embassy Sector. Brasília was chosen as a UNESCO World Heritage Site due to its modernist architecture and uniquely artistic urban planning. The centers of all three branches of the federal government of Brazil are in Brasília, including the Congress, President, and Supreme Court. The city also hosts 124 foreign embassies Brasília International Airport connects the capital to all major Brazilian cities and many international destinations, and is the third busiest airport in Brazil

The major roles of construction and of services (government, communications, banking , finance, food production, entertainment, and legal services) in Brasília's economy reflect the city's status as a governmental rather than an industrial center. Industries connected with construction, food processing, and furnishings are important, as are those associated with publishing, printing, and computer software. GDP is divided in Public Administration 54.8%, Services 28.7%, Industry 10.2%, Commerce 6.1%, Agribusiness 0.2%

Brasília has a tropical savanna climate according

to the Köppen system, with two distinct seasons:

the rainy season, from October to April, and a dry

season, from May to September. The average

temperature is 20.6 °C (69.1 °F). September, at

the end of the dry season. January is the month

with the highest rainfall of the year, while June is

the lowest, with only 8.7 mm