Modern C++ Lunch and Learn

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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What's new with C++ since, oh, before the dot-com bubble? Learn more in this Lunch and Learn, with a refresher of C++ basics, C++/CLI for C# developers, and the new features of C++11/14 and possibly C++17.

Transcript of Modern C++ Lunch and Learn

Modern C++Lunch and Learn From an Amateur

By Paul Irwin

Ancient History

• C created by Dennis Ritchie, 1972 [9]

• “C with Classes” created by Bjarne Stroustrup, 1979 [9]

• Renamed to C++, 1983 [9]

• The C++ Programming Language, 1985 [9]

• The C++ Programming Language 2nd Ed. and C++ 2.0, 1989 [9]

• ISO Standardization as C++98, 1998 [9]

• Minor ISO revision in C++03, 2003 [9,4]

C++ is “C with Classes”

• Often, C can be used in C++ [1]

• C is fast, portable, and versatile [1]• Therefore so is C++

• C has only structs to define composite types• Passed by-value unless with a pointer• No inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation• So not object-oriented

• C++ adds classes that bring OO to C

• But, knowing C is not a prerequisite for learning C++ [1]

C++ invalidates some C approaches

• Macros are almost never necessary [1]

• Don’t use malloc() [1]

• Avoid void*, pointer arithmetic, unions, and casts [1]

• Minimize use of arrays and C-style strings [1]

• C does not provide a native Boolean type [2]

When Should I C++?

• For Performance• Raw algorithms• C++/CLI code called from C#

• For Interop• Got a native lib on your hands? Create a C++/CLI interop DLL.

• For Portability• C++ can run on just about any device, any platform, any CPU that matters

• For Resource Optimization• With nearly identical simple demo apps in C++ and C#, C++ used ~90% less memory

• Instant memory cleanup – all objects are “IDisposable“ [4]• Important for embedded devices, mobile, certain server applications

C-style Code

Problems:• What if string is > 99 chars?• What if \0 is in middle of string?• What if char* is dangerous?• What if you forget to null-terminate?

C++ Standard Library std::string

• Anytime you see “using namespace std” or “std::”,that is the C++ standard library

• #include <string>

C++ Classes Primer

C# developers go “HOLD ON A DAMN SECOND!”

“Where’s the new keyword?”

Stack vs Heap

• Person p(123, “Paul”);• Calls ctor Person(int id, string name)• Allocates on local function stack• No pointer!• Destroyed at end of scope – no memory management! – thanks “}”

• Person* p = new Person(123, “Paul”);• Calls ctor Person(int id, string name)• Allocates on free heap space• Notice that little asterisk (grumble grumble)• Yes, it’s a damn pointer.• Not destroyed at end of scope – whoops, memory leak!• Remember: C++ does not have garbage collection!• We’ll come back to this…

.NET vs C++

• .NET Struct ~== C++ class on stack• C#: var kvp = new KeyValuePair<int, string>(123, “Paul”);• C++: KeyValuePair<int, string> kvp(123, “Paul”);

• .NET Class ~== C++ class on heap• C#: Person p = new Person(123, “Paul”);• C++: Person* p = new Person(123, “Paul”);

• .NET Interface ~== C++ … well …• Pure virtual functions (virtual void foo() = 0;)• Macros• Non-Virtual-Interfaces (NVI)• … and down the rabbit hole you go

Pointer Primer

C++ Templates Primer

• vector<int> better than int[]

• Looks like a generic type – kinda is, kinda isn’t

• Created at compile time

C++/CLI Primer

Notice:• CLR namespaces like C++ namespaces• ^ means CLR type• gcnew means allocate in CLR heap,

garbage collected (hence “gc”)• C-style string to String^• -> operator for dereference call:

rx is a .NET reference type• :: scope operator for static


C++/CLI Primer: Classes

Notice:• ref keyword means CLR type• No need for Int32^• property keyword for CLR properties• Mix-and-match C++/CLI and C++

Modern History

• After C++03…

• C++0x draft – expected to be released before 2010

• C++0x -> C++11 – a wee bit late• First major release of C++ since C++98 – 13 years!

• C++14 Working Draft• Minor release, 3 year cadence [4]

• C++17 (expected)• Next major release, 3 year cadence [4]

C++11: move semantics

• Prior to C++11, this code could result in a deep copy of v• v is created on the stack

• We fill v with values

• “return v” copies all values into v2 when called – O(n)

• C++11 now implicitly “moves” v into v2• Much better performance, esp. with large objects – O(1)

• Further reading: std::move [3]

C++11: initializer lists

• From previous slide, now we can do this instead• Calls ctor on vector<int> taking initializer_list<int>

• You can return objects this way too [3]• Neat! But may still want ctors

• You can write methods that take initializer_list<T> [3]

C++11: type inference

• “var” spelled “auto” [4]

C++11: range-based for loop

• Makes the previous slide look bad

C++11: lambda functions (!!!)


So this clearly prints even numbers to the console. And actually, you really should be using range-based for here.But what’s up with that [] syntax?

C++11: lambda functions (cont’d)

• [](int x) { return x + 1; }• Captures no closures [5]

• [y](int x) { return x + y; }• Captures y by value (copy) [5]

• [&](int x) { y += x; }• Capture any referenced variable (y here) by reference [5]

• [=](int x) { return x + y; }• Capture any referenced variable (y here) by value (copy) [5]

• [=, &y](int x) { y += x + z; }• Capture any referenced variable (z here) by value (copy); but capture y by reference [5]

• [this](int x) { return x + _privateFieldY; }• Capture the “this” pointer in the scope of the lambda [5]

C++11: lambda functions (cont’d)

C++11: strongly typed enums

• In C++03, enums are not type safe [6]

• C++11 adds “enum class” for type safety [3]

C++11: std::thread

C++11: std::tuple

C++11: std::regex

C++11: shared_ptr, unique_ptr

• Consider: Person* GetPerson() { … }

• What should be done with the results? [7]• Who owns the pointer?

• If I “delete” it, what will happen downstream?

• Enter std::shared_ptr and std::unique_ptr [7]• shared_ptr: reference-counted ownership of pointer

• unique_ptr: only one unique_ptr object can own at a given time

• unique_ptr deprecates auto_ptr

C++11: std::make_shared

• Forwards arguments to constructor parameters

Notice:• Return types and parameter types

are explicit and clear• -> still used like with raw

pointers• NO DAMN ASTERISKS!• When DealWithPersons’ scope ends

(“}”), no more references, so pointer is cleaned up automatically

• Could also call “return shared_ptr<Person>(new Person(…))” in MakePerson

C++14: std::make_unique

• Oops! std::make_unique was not in the C++11 standard.

• Same usage as make_shared, supported in VS2013

C++14: return type deduction

C++14: binary literals

• 0b10010010

• Also coming to C#!

C++14: generic lambdas

• Use auto to make a generic lambda [8]

C++17?: pattern matching

int eval(Expr& e) // expression evaluator


Expr* a,*b;

int n;

match (e)


case (C<Value>(n)): return n;

case (C<Plus>(a,b)): return eval(*a) + eval(*b);

case (C<Minus>(a,b)): return eval(*a) - eval(*b);

case (C<Times>(a,b)): return eval(*a) * eval(*b);

case (C<Divide>(a,b)): return eval(*a) / eval(*b);



// From [10], possible syntax mine (not indicative of any proposed syntax I’ve seen)

C++17?: async/await

future<void> f(stream str) async


shared_ptr<vector> buf = ...;

int count = await, buf);

return count + 11;


future g() async


stream s = ...;

int pls11 = await f(s);



// Code from [11]

Notice:• future<T> equivalent to Task<T>• async/await very similar to C#• std::future already in the

standard since C++11!

C++17?: modules

// File_1.cpp:

export Lib:

import std;

using namespace std;


namespace N {

struct S {

S() {

cout << “S()\n”;




// File_2.cpp:

import Lib; // no guard needed

int main() {

N::S s;


// Code modified from [12]


1. The C++ Programming Language, Special Edition, B. Stroustrup, 1997

2. Differences Between C and C++,

3. C++11,

4. Modern C++: What You Need To Know [Video],

5. C++11 – Lambda Closures, The Definitive Guide,

6. C++ Enumeration Declarations,

7. Smart Pointers,

8. C++14,

9. C++,

10. C++14 and early thoughts about C++17 [Slides PDF], B. Stroutstrup,

11. Resumable Functions – Async and await – Meeting C++,

12. Modules in C++, D. Vandevoorde,