Modeling the impact of natural resource-based poverty...

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“Modeling the impact of natural resource-based povertytraps on food security in Kenya: The Crops, Livestockand Soils in Smallholder Economic Systems(CLASSES) model”

Emma C. Stephens & Charles F. Nicholson &

Douglas R. Brown & David Parsons &

Christopher B. Barrett & Johannes Lehmann &

David Mbugua & Solomon Ngoze & Alice N. Pell &Susan J. Riha

Received: 2 January 2012 /Accepted: 24 February 2012 /Published online: 4 April 2012

This work was supported by the Coupled Natural and Human SystemsProgram of the Biocomplexity Initiative of the National ScienceFoundation, through grant BCS – 0215890, with additional supportfrom the USAID BASIS CRSP project on Rural Markets, NaturalCapital and Dynamic Poverty Traps in East Africa. The RockefellerFoundation is providing key financial support for many of the Kenyandoctoral students involved in the project.

E. C. Stephens (*)Pitzer College,1050 N. Mills Avenue,Claremont, CA 91711, USAe-mail:

C. F. NicholsonCal Poly San Luis Obispo, Dept. of Agribusiness,San Luis Obispo, CA 93407, USA

D. R. BrownWorld Vision International,1 World Drive,Mississauga, Ontario L5T 2Y4, Canada

D. ParsonsUniversity of Tasmania, Agricultural Science,Private Bag 54,Hobart, Tasmania 7001, Australia

C. B. BarrettCornell University, Applied Economics and Management,315 Warren Hall,Ithaca, NY 14853, USA

J. LehmannCornell University, Crop and Soil Sciences,909 Bradfield Hall,Ithaca, NY 14853, USA

D. MbuguaWorld Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF),P.O. Box 30677, 00100 GPO, Nairobi, Kenya

S. Ngoze : S. J. RihaCornell University, Earth and Atmospheric Science,Bradfield Hall,Ithaca, NY 14853, USA

A. N. PellCornell University, Animal Science,149 Morrison Hall,Ithaca, NY 14853, USA

Food Sec. (2012) 4:423–439DOI 10.1007/s12571-012-0176-1

# Springer Science+Business Media B.V. & International Society for Plant Pathology 2012

Abstract We investigate the interactions between naturalresource-based poverty traps and food security for small-holder farms in highland Kenya using a recently developedsystem dynamics bio-economic model. This approach

permits examination of the complex interactions and feed-back between farm household economic decision-makingand long-term soil fertility dynamics that characterize per-sistent poverty and food insecurity among smallholders in

rural highland Kenya. We examine the effects of changinginitial endowments of land and stocks of soil organic matteron smallholders’ well being, as reflected in several differentindicators. We show that larger and higher quality landendowments permit accumulation of cash and livestockresources and conservation of soil organic matter relativeto smaller or more degraded farms. This suggests the exis-tence of asset thresholds that divide food secure householdsfrom food insecure ones.

Keywords Poverty traps . Kenya . Food security .

Bio-economic modeling . System dynamics


Recent empirical studies using longitudinal data find that adisturbingly large share of the world’s poor suffer chronicrather than transitory poverty (Barrett et al. 2007; Baulchand Hoddinott 2000; Chronic Poverty Research Centre2004). Many households appear trapped in a state of per-petual food insecurity and vulnerability due to poor assetendowments and factor market failures that preclude theirefficient investment in or use of productive assets. More-over, those caught in such a poverty trap have strong incen-tives to deplete natural capital in order to sustain humancapital (Perrings 1989). Partly as a consequence, nearly two-fifths of the world’s agricultural land is seriously degradedand the figure is highest and growing in the poorest areas ofCentral America and Sub-Saharan Africa (World Bank2000; WRI 2000). The resulting degradation of the localecosystem thus lowers agricultural labour and land produc-tivity, which can discourage capital-poor farmers frominvesting in maintaining the natural resource base or in highproductivity agricultural technologies associated with suffi-cient food production, like fertilizer and high yield varietyseeds (Carter and May 1999; Cleaver and Schreiber 1994;Marenya and Barrett 2009a, b; Reardon and Vosti 1995;Shepherd and Soule 1998).

In Kenya, large proportions of the population still residein rural areas and rely on agriculture as their main source ofincome (IFAD 2007; Thurlow et al. 2007). Low agriculturalproductivity plagues most of Sub-Saharan Africa (WorldBank 2008) and ensuring adequate advances in productivitywith a view towards improving overall food security hasbecome a policy priority in Kenya (Kibaara et al. 2008).Increased fertilizer usage and adoption of high yield varietyseeds have been associated with recently observed (but stilllimited) gains and most government-supported food securityinitiatives aim to support more widespread adoption ofsimilar on-farm investments in more productive technologyand inputs (Kibaara et al. 2008). But other recent work inKenya has documented that such on-farm investments are

conditioned on the state of the natural resource base andfarmers with highly degraded soils are not expected torespond as strongly to traditional economic incentives likeaccess to credit to finance fertilizer use (Marenya and Barrett2009a, b).

The dynamic relationship between the state of the naturalresource base and optimal investment decisions thus has thepotential to be a highly non-linear one characterized byeither multiple dynamic equilibria or extended periods ofdisequilibrium. Farmers with good soils should respond togovernment efforts and market incentives to increase on-farm investment, leading to higher agricultural yields andincomes as well as the financial resources to continue toinvest in maintaining good soils on the farm. In contrast,farmers with highly degraded soils may not find it optimal toinvest in soil maintenance, despite easing of potential eco-nomic constraints offered by government or NGO programs.Due to lower fertilizer use efficiency and returns to fertilizeruse on highly degraded (low Soil Organic Matter (SOM))soils (Marenya and Barrett 2009a, b), households may stillexperience falling yields and persistent poverty and foodinsecurity even in the presence of these programs. Fullycapturing these non-linear dynamic relationships is exceed-ingly difficult with traditional econometric techniques becausesoil dynamics and welfare dynamics operate on different timescales and longitudinal data spanning the necessary variablesare rarely collected. In addition, we lack clear theoreticalfoundations to indicate how precisely soil quality or otherbiophysical data affect farmer choices, which would be re-quired by more standard dynamic optimization models.

These challenges have prompted a growing literature onbio-economic modeling, especially in the context of naturalresource management in developing country agriculture(Antle and Capalbo 2001; Brown 2000; Janssen and vanIttersum 2007). These techniques allow implementation ofsimulation models for complex bio-economic systems,avoiding some of the more unreasonable simplifications ofthese relationships previously imposed for tractability inmore traditional econometric or mathematical programmingmethods. For example, it is possible to relax highly unreal-istic assumptions of perfect farmer foresight and informa-tion about biophysical stocks and flows. Such models alsopermit out-of-sample simulation to explore states not yetobserved and the exploration of multiple research questions,rather than just a single optimal or average decision ruleinvolving a limited number of state variables.

In this paper we describe a recently developed simulationmodel (the Crops, Livestock and Soils in Smallholder Eco-nomic Systems (CLASSES) model) of the feedback be-tween the key economic and biophysical systems thataffect the overall welfare trajectory for small farming house-holds in highland Kenya. The model uses system dynamicsmethods; its structure and parameterization are informed by

424 E.C. Stephens et al.

recent data collected in Kenya from a variety of farm typesby a multidisciplinary team. The data include longitudinalsurvey information on household characteristics, behavioursand welfare, livelihoods, key livestock variables, such asanimal health and nutrition indicators, productivity and herdsize dynamics, as well as laboratory and experimental dataon soil nutrient dynamics under a variety of farming sys-tems, and crop growth response to a range of differentinterventions. Conventional econometric or mathematicalprogramming methods would not permit ready integrationof these rich data sources across different agro-ecologicalsubsystems, nor would it be possible to explicitly model thelinkages and feedback effects between components of thesystem being modelled. Hence our use of the system dy-namics simulation modeling approach.

Unlike most bio-economic models, ours is a closelycoupled model wherein biological processes and economicdecisions are dynamically and recursively linked.1 TheCLASSES model is also distinct from other existing bio-economic household models in that it treats household con-sumption and production decisions as non-separable,reflecting (sometimes household-specific) market failuresthat heavily influence behaviour (Singh et al. 1986). Themodel was constructed to explore the possibility of naturalresource based poverty traps, in which initial natural re-source conditions on farm shape the path dynamics oflonger-run household productivity and well being measures.A natural resource-based poverty trap would imply theexistence of a threshold level of both biophysical and eco-nomic assets that defines divergent dynamics for householdson either side of the threshold, with asset poor householdsunable to accumulate biophysical or economic assets suffi-cient to sustainably lift themselves out of poverty. Asset-based poverty traps have been explored in depth for a widerange of possible candidate explanations for chronic povertyamong small farm households (Adato et al. 2006; Barrett2007; Dercon 1998; Mookherjee and Ray 2002). Recentwork on relationships between poverty and agricultural pro-duction systems in Sub-Saharan Africa indicate a verystrong linkage between rural poverty and food insecurityin the region (Barrett 2010) and improved food production,lower overall poverty and improved food security (Minten andBarrett 2008). Therefore, understanding the role of the naturalresource base in driving persistent poverty is likely to yieldinsights into overall drivers of food insecurity as well.

Except in cases where long-term panel data sets exist, ithas historically been difficult to analyze poverty traps andparticularly the transition into and out of low-income equi-librium states. This is because very often in practice, out-comes of interest (income, asset levels) are observed most

frequently in the neighbourhood of low-level and high-levelstates, but with very few observations of households intransition (Barrett 2007). The CLASSES model, in contrast,models the key inflow, outflow and feedback processes thatdetermine the level of biophysical and economic stock var-iables at each point in time and does not rely on standardequilibrium concepts. By using parameterized stock-flowand feedback relationships based on experimental and ob-servational data from the same locations and periods, it ispossible to simulate the foundations of households’ agricul-tural productivity, income, and biophysical assets and toobserve the factors that influence the household’s dynamicpath towards either a high or low level of overall welfare.

In this paper, we use the CLASSES model to examine thedifferential impact of initial farm productive assets (approx-imated by varying the initial farm size in hectares) onpoverty and food security, as well as how farm size interactswith other factors often associated with rural food insecuritylike soil degradation, and shocks to food market transactionscosts that affect market participation and returns to agricul-ture. In addition to being associated with better food securitythrough increased household food production, the greaterinitial stock of biophysical assets associated with largerfarms and/or more fertile soils is hypothesized to mitigateother shocks that lead to food insecurity, by providinggreater income generation and opportunities for investmentin more stable and higher return economic activities that canhelp households maintain adequate consumption levels.This approach provides a useful method to explore thecoupled dynamics of smallholder welfare and the naturalresource base on which they depend, in an environmentwhere resource degradation and persistent poverty and foodinsecurity are first-order concerns for both researchers andpolicymakers.

System dynamics modeling methods

System dynamics (SD) is well suited to the analysis of thecomplex interactions between smallholder economicdecision-making and the dynamics of the natural resourcebase upon which their livelihoods depend. SD is a process-based modeling technique2 that builds upon an observeddynamic reference mode ‘problem’ behaviour by using thefact that there are limited numbers of possible dynamicphenomena (behavioral modes) each generated by an under-lying structure of stock (state) variables, flow variables andfeedback loops (Ford 1999; Sterman 2000). The interactionsbetween these structural elements move the entire system

1 There are several other examples, such as Crissman et al. (1998),Brown (2008). Brown (2000) offers a more complete survey.

2 System dynamics models are systems of (typically nonlinear) differ-ential equations solved by numerical integration. Additional informa-tion and resources on system dynamics can be found on the SystemDynamics Society webpage:

Modeling the impact of natural resource-based poverty traps on food security in Kenya 425

forward in time by describing how the current state of thesystem influences future states. Moreover, SD facilitates theincorporation of information from diverse disciplines, andfacilitates identification of the most essential informationfrom each.

For farm households in Kenya, two fundamental behav-ioural modes are probable, conditioned on initial assets(especially the natural resource endowments) and idiosyn-cratic shocks (crop failure, loss of household labor). House-holds with initial assets above an asset threshold and who donot suffer significant or repeated shocks will experiencelogistic (s-shaped, goal-seeking) growth in incomes andasset accumulation. For households with sufficient initialendowments of productive assets, income growth over timewill lift households out of poverty and mitigate food inse-curity through both increased availability and access tofood. Households with initial assets below a threshold, orwho experience significant or repeated idiosyncratic shocks,will experience exponential decay in incomes and assets,including degradation of the natural resource base. Theselatter households thus experience natural-resource-basedpoverty traps resulting in persistent poverty and food inse-curity. This bifurcation of behavioral modes suggests aregion of increasing returns to household assets as well asthe existence of asset thresholds, below which the incomedynamics are not expected to result in much improvement infood security for farm households.

Another key feature of SD models is that they permit pathdependency to emerge endogenously and need not assumeglobal optimization behaviour (which may make unrealisticassumptions about the information and control available todecision makers). In our case, where we wish to investigatethe feedback between economic and biophysical systems, itis critical to have a modeling technique that allows forfarmers to respond period-by-period to changing environ-mental and economic conditions. System dynamics is thusvery useful for creating a descriptive or predictive model ofthese complex interactions and farmer behaviour, rather thana prescriptive model, which outlines an optimal course ofaction based on current state variables conditional on themodel’s assumptions. This also allows for the introductionof different economic and biophysical shocks to examine arange of farm household outcomes, which would be difficultto include in a multi-period optimization model.

Data and model

The CLASSESmodel describes conditions for a typical small-holder farm household in highland Kenya. These householdsfollow a mixed livelihood strategy, growing some combina-tion of annual food crops, perennial cash crops and perennialfodder crops, maintaining small livestock herds, engaging in

either unskilled or – if the household has adequate educationalattainment – skilled wage labour, and receiving income trans-fers (often from family members residing elsewhere). Al-though smallholder farming systems are diverse, werepresent each of these elements of the livelihood strategywith the dominant activity observed in highland Kenya(Brown et al. 2006). Thus maize represents the dominantannual food crop in the region, Napier grass represents theprimary fodder crop, tea represents a common perennial cashcrop, and livestock are represented by crossbred dairy cattle.Wage labour is represented by opportunities for skilled andunskilled off-farm employment, and income transfers are rep-resented by remittance payments. The model has three prima-ry modules that interact with each other over the course of 100quarters (25 years). A crop and soil module describes thedifferent cropping choices (how much land to be allocated tomaize, Napier grass and tea each quarter) and subsequent yieldand soil nutrient dynamics on the farm (in terms of soil organicmatter, soil nitrogen and phosphorus stocks). A livestockmodule describes the livestock herd dynamics, tracking thenumber, physiological state and productivity of individualdairy cattle and their feed requirements. An economic modulelinks farmer decision making on resource (land, labour andfertilizer) allocation to these activities each quarter and to theobserved outcomes from each of the above activities, whichcan be complemented by off-farm skilled and unskilled em-ployment opportunities.

A stylized representation of some of the key relationshipsin the CLASSES model (Fig. 1) indicates how the stock-flow-feedback structure can generate the hypothesizedbehavioural modes. Variables in bold italics are initial assetendowments, and bold red variables are those for whichgraphical results are reported subsequently. Consistent withSD diagramming conventions, boxes represent stocks and keyflows are indicated with double arrows with valves. Singlearrows indicate causal linkages and the direction (sign) of thelinkages are indicated with “+” for positive linkages and“-”for negative linkages.

The crop and soils module describes the dynamics ofbiomass (crop yield as well as crop residues) and nutrients(in particular, soil organic matter, soil nitrogen and phos-phorus) over time as they are cycled between the farm’snaturally occurring soil stocks, agricultural biomass, andcrop residues.3 This module also describes the relationshipbetween changing soil nutrient stocks and crop yields,which are harvested and consumed or sold by the householdat crop-specific intervals during the simulation.

3 For simplicity, the perennial cash crop (tea) and the perennial foddercrop (Napier) are omitted from the diagram. However, the stocks,flows and feedbacks are similar to that for the annual food crop(maize).

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There are different ‘reinforcing’ (R) and ‘balancing’ (B)processes that determine the overall level of on-farm soilnutrients based on the current level of soil nutrient stocksand the behaviour of these stocks over time in response tohousehold decisions regarding crop choice and agriculturalinputs. This is illustrated in simplified form for the relation-ship between soil organic matter, maize yields and cropresidues (See Fig. 1). A reinforcing process exists betweensoil organic matter (SOM, a stock), maize crop harvests andthe application of crop residues4 (depicted by green arrows).Larger SOM stocks lead to larger maize crop harvest andmore crop residues available for reincorporation into thesoil, which adds to SOM. When livestock are present, theirmanure also can contribute to SOM as a reinforcing process.

A balancing feedback process exists between SOM andSOM outflows. Larger SOM stocks leads to greater out-flows due to processes like mineralization.

The household’s ability to maintain adequate soil stocksand thus availabilty and access to food (e.g., grain) is there-fore determined by the relative dominance of the differentreinforcing and balancing processes in the model. For ex-ample, farms with already degraded soil (a smaller initialSOM stock) are less productive, meaning that there is lesscapacity to reincorporate sufficient nutrients (either throughcrop residues or purchased fertilizer obtained from cropsales) to reinforce on-farm soil stocks to counteract theoutflows associated with mineralization (balancing). Suchhouseholds are more likely to fall into the hypothesizednatural resource based poverty trap than ones that are ableto generate increasing returns to on-farm activities due tohaving better initial stocks of assets.

The livestock module describes the size, overall condi-tion, input requirements and productive outputs of thehousehold’s stock of dairy cattle (if present), allowing for

Soil OrganicMatter Stock

Maize CropHarvest

Maize GrainYield

Maize GrainCash Value

Maize ResidueYield

Residue Applicationto Land

Residue FedLivestock

Manure fromLivesock

Manure Applicationto Land

Additions toSOM Stock

Outflows fromSOM Stock






















Milk CashValue




Value ofGrain



Value of MinimumGrain Consumption+

Valueof GrainConsumption






SOM Buildup (R)

Cash Accumulation (R)

Initial SOM Stock

Land Area(Farm Size)



Consumption (B)

Fig. 1 A simplified representation of key stocks and flows, linkages, balancing (B) and reinforcing (R) loops, along with examples of potentialfeedback processes that determine dynamic behaviour in the CLASSES model. A colour version of this figure may be found in the online version

4 Note that this process only applies because biomass is accumulatedthrough photosynthesis. For other nutrients (N in most cases and P),external applications are required because there will be nutrient losseswith each harvest cycle.

Modeling the impact of natural resource-based poverty traps on food security in Kenya 427

varying herd sizes and productivity depending upon chang-ing feed availability and financial constraints. The livestockmodule represents dairy cattle in different stages of lacta-tion, as well as their detailed nutrient requirements and therelationship between feed requirements and on-farm fodderproduction. As with the soils module, farmer decisions onoverall livelihood activities (for example, the choice of farmarea dedicated to animal fodder versus food crops) andresource allocation decisions (for example, cash allocationtowards purchasing additional animals) determine the levelsof stocks in the livestock module.

There are several important reinforcing feedback process-es linking the crop and livestock modules, which determinedynamic behaviour (Fig. 1). One important reinforcing pro-cess (indicated by red arrows) is that larger maize cropharvests lead to greater cash accumulation (through in-creased maize grain values), which facilitates the acquisitionof livestock assets (and more crop residues to feed them).More livestock also results in more milk production, whichincreases household cash available (in addition to foodavailability). The crop and soils module plus the livestockmodule comprise the model’s biophysical system.

The economic module describes how the householdchanges its allocation of labour, land and cash resourcesamong several important livelihood activities, includingfood, forage and cash crops, milk production and (skilledor unskilled) off-farm labour. Over the simulation horizon ofthe model, households observe deterministically5 changingreturns to agricultural activities on their farms.6 Thesereturns are characterized by the average value product oflabour (AVPL, measured in Kenyan Shillings (KSh) per day)and evolve over time due to the dynamics in the underlyingbiophysical resources that determine agricultural produc-tion. The household makes choices to allocate its land,labour and cash resources over time, based on the changingreturns (AVPL) of different activities each quarter. Activitiesthat earn the highest average value product get priority interms of resource allocation, as long as the household hassufficient land, labor and/or cash resources. For example,the returns to labour in livestock are often quite high, but thehousehold is not always able to engage in this activity due toinsufficient cash availabile to purchase cattle.7 In thiscase, household land and labour resources would be allocat-ed to the activity with the next highest return to labour.

Consumption of grain and livestock purchases representoutflows from the household’s available cash, and serve asa balancing process on cash accumulation. When insuffi-cient cash is available to allow the minimum required valueof grain consumption, the magnitude of the shortfall in valueterms suggests the severity of food insecurity. A more de-tailed (but still simplified) representation of the combinedmodules is provided in Appendix 1.8

Model simulations

The CLASSES model can be used to examine both the short-and long-run impacts of various factors associated with pov-erty and food insecurity on both the economic and biophysicalsystems on farms. It also allows more detailed study of poten-tial leverage points to address these shocks than do modelsthat do not include extensive interactions and feedback rela-tionships among economic and biophysical processes. In ourapplication of the model, we focus on the role of endogenousbiophysical and economic decision processes in generatingfood insecurity, and therefore our scenarios do not includeremittances or more highly remunerated off-farm incomeopportunities.

Simulation 1: The effect of farm size on long-run householdwelfare9

We first examine behaviours for several measures of pro-ductivity and farmer welfare for farms with different landareas. Land pressure and population growth are both con-tributing to shrinking farm sizes in Kenya (Kibaara et al.2008). One direct result is smaller subsistence farms, lessfood crop production and greater reliance on non-farmsources of income to purchase daily food requirements.Smaller farms are thus expected to have lower overall agri-cultural output than larger farms, as well as a potentiallydifferent net marketing position, with smaller farms operat-ing mainly as net buyers (Barrett 2008). This creates atten-dant risks to food security inherent in greater reliance onthin food markets. Past studies have found smaller farmsexperiencing soil degradation and worsening agriculturalproductivity alongside larger farms maintaining soil fertilityand standards of living (Shepherd and Soule 1998).

Two scenarios are simulated to explore the effect of theinitial land endowment on long-term household welfare,measured by cash available. One scenario assumes a farmsize equal to that of the 25th percentile in the survey area

5 At this stage in model development, we do not model stochasticoutcomes from agricultural production. However, the model is struc-tured in such as way as to facilitate the incorporation of risk in laterversions6 The households also compare on-farm returns to off-farmopportunities.7 Although it would be quite feasible to do so, the current version ofCLASSES does not include credit access that could facilitate assetacquisition when insufficient cash is available.

8 The full model and accompanying documentation are available at Summaries of the parameterization of all simulations are included inthe appendix.

428 E.C. Stephens et al.

(0.5 hectares) and another the median farm size (1 hectare).A household of three adults and two dependents is assumedto manage 10 equally-sized plots on the farm and can switchcrops each quarter in response to changing returns to labourin different crop activities.10 For each simulation run, thehousehold starts with all 10 plots in maize and median soilquality, but each quarter can choose to switch one plot at atime to Napier or tea if the returns to labour are higher.11

Figures 2a–d show the effects of differing farm size on thehousehold’s level of total cash resources from agriculturalreceipts, total maize harvests, the average level of soil Nacross all plots (which determines crop yields) and the sizeof the household’s herd of livestock (in terms of TropicalLivestock Units (TLU)12).

The simulation results suggest that initial land allocationhas a large impact on welfare outcomes and householdactivities, and are consistent with our initial hypothesesregarding different behavioural modes. Total cash availableis larger and grows markedly over time for the 1 hectarefarm (Fig. 2a). Growth in cash available for the larger farmis due to the larger maize harvests13 (Fig. 2b), which makesmaize grain available for sale and facilitates an investmentin livestock (Fig. 2d).14 As noted above, livestock representan initial reduction in cash available but generate increasedincome from milk sales. The last two figures show theinteraction between the farm size, soil N stocks and live-stock investment. The qualitative differences in dynamicsbased solely on initial farm size are striking. They stronglysuggest a threshold farm size, conditional on other farmattributes, above which Kenyan smallholders can maintain

productivity and the soil fertility on which agricultural live-lihoods depend, and accumulate livestock and cash resour-ces, but below which, resource conservation and assetaccumulation appear infeasible. In additional simulations,the threshold farm size appears to be approximately 0.7 ha(results not shown but available upon request).

Farm size also has an impact on the household’s ability tosecure a minimum level of food consumption. As farm sizesshrink, the cash value of crops falls, due to the fact thatoverall agricultural harvests are smaller for these farms. Thislimits the household’s ability to accumulate cash to invest inhigher return activities, like livestock and/or cash crops.Figure 3 shows the impact of lower initial farm size on thehousehold’s level of consumption of the main staple crop(maize) by comparing two farm sizes (1 hectare and 0.25hectares). Negative values indicate the amount by which thevalue of household consumption has fallen below a mini-mum consumption level defined as the monetary cost (in KSh)of 100 kg of maize per person per quarter. The 1 hectare farmis able to maintain subsistence consumption.15 However, the0.25 ha farm experiences repeated consumption shortfallsdriven partly by smaller and declining maize harvests as thenatural resource base on the farm gradually deteriorates.

The overall implication of these results is that initial con-ditions matter for long-term welfare and food security out-comes. Those households with larger initial farms are able togenerate sufficient accumulated savings over time to have thecapacity to invest in higher return activities, like livestock.Holding initial soil quality constant, small farms are neverable to take advantage of these opportunities, as their smallerharvests do not bring in sufficient income to enable invest-ment in future periods. The ability to invest in livestockspecifically as a livelihood activity is also an important driverof these results, as this activity both generates sufficient levelsof income through sales of milk, heifers and calves, but alsoimports significant levels of nutrients (soil N and phosphorus)to the farm system,16 allowing continued high agriculturalyields for longer periods than is the case without live-stock. The larger cash availability generated by highercrop yields and livestock is sufficient to avoid consumptionshortfalls and food insecurity, as households can always pur-chase food even if on-farm production falls short of subsis-tence levels.

10 The dependents add to household consumption levels but do notcontribute to the level of available labor on the farm.11 The levels of soil nutrients and other farm parameters for eachsimulation are included in tables in Appendix 2. ‘Median soil qualityin our simulations is soil that begins the simulation with half of theinitial level of soil nutrient stocks available after the land has beenconverted from primary forest into agricultural farmland. The stocks,flows and returns related to each plot are modelled individually so as tobe able to understand how, for example, soil fertility on each part of thefarm evolves over time.12 Tropical Livestock Units index livestock quantities across speciesbased on feed intake. The baseline compares all animals to the intakerequirements for camels (1 TLU). In our model, cows are also 1 TLU,heifers are 0.7 TLU and calves are 0.3 TLU reflecting differences inintake requirements for male and female cattle as well as adults versusyounger animals.13 Although the model is deterministic, we have included regularseasonal variation in agricultural yields, with short rains harvestssystematically smaller than long rains harvests.14 The previous discussion about behavioural modes hypothesizedlogistic growth or exponential decay based on the simplified feedbackstructure depicted in Fig. 1. The simulation model results incorporate anumber of additional processes (e.g., expenditures for livestock orseasonal crop production) and therefore have additional variation.However, the results are broadly consistent with a bifurcation ofbehavioural modes—growth for the larger farm and exponential decayand stagnation for the smaller farm.

15 The 0.5 ha farm is also able to maintain subsistence consumptioneven though it becomes a net buyer of maize around t030 in thesimulation (not shown).16 Nutrient imports to the farm system resulting from livestock own-ership are due primarily to purchased feeds (e.g., maize bran), whichare commonly used in the Kenyan highlands, and collection of otherfeed resources not produced on the farm (such as gathering roadsidegrasses or weeds). Note that manure per se typically does not representa source of imported nutrients in this system. Rather, it is one compo-nent of nutrient cycling in the farm system.

Modeling the impact of natural resource-based poverty traps on food security in Kenya 429

Simulation 2: The effects of degraded soil organicmatter stocks

Recent research on agricultural livelihood strategies in eastAfrica indicates that households that are able to engage in aportfolio of different agricultural activities, particularlythose that involve livestock, typically enjoy higher overallwelfare and also earn higher returns for non-livestock

activities (Brown et al. 2006; Dercon 1998). The maindynamic is that of gradual asset accumulation, where house-holds with larger initial asset endowments in terms of land,labour or off-farm income resources are able to make lumpyinvestments in livestock, whereas poorly endowed house-holds remain trapped in low-return activities. The CLAS-SES model allows us to examine asset thresholds thatinclude natural capital, such as soil nutrients. If initialhousehold biophysical resources are insufficient, then thismay also be an important endowment that is often over-looked and one that may also be instrumental in determiningfarming outcomes.

Figures 4a-f compare the outcomes for a householdendowed initially with soils typical of those observed afterone generation of continuous cultivation after an initialforest conversion (‘median soils’), to an identical householdthat is farming on soils whose nutrient and organic matterstocks are initially one half of this level (‘degraded soils’).The figures on the left show results for the small (0.5 ha)farm, while those on the rightshow equivalent results for themedian (1.0 ha) farm such that for median soil quality, thedisplayed results replicate those in Figs. 2a to d to facilitate







ld C








0 20 40 60 80 100

Time (Quarter)

1 ha median soil 0.5 ha median soil






ly M






s D





a b

c d

20 40 60 80 100

Time (Quarter)

1 ha median soil 0.5 ha median soil








m N




0 20 40 60 80 100

Time (Quarter)

1 ha median soil 0.5 ha median soil






ld H






in T


0 20 40 60 80 100

Time (Quarter)

1 ha median soil 0.5 ha median soil

Fig. 2 a Household Available Cash resources, 1 ha vs. 0.5 ha farms (inKenyan Shillings KSh). b Quarterly Maize Grain Harvests, 1 ha vs.0.5 ha farms (tonnes dry matter (DM)/Quarter). c Average Farm

Available Soil N Stocks, 1 ha vs. 0.5 ha farms (kg N/ha). d Size ofthe Household Livestock Herd, 1 ha vs. 0.5 ha farms (animals)











n S







0 20 40 60 80 100

Time (Quarter)

1 ha 0.25 ha

Fig. 3 Consumption shortfalls below subsistence consumption as afunction of farm size (KSh/Quarter)

430 E.C. Stephens et al.

comparison. In order to calibrate the model with data on soilstock levels over the time frame of the model (25 years), themultidisciplinary team collected soil nutrient stocks datafrom farms in the survey area that had been converted fromforest for varying lengths of time, starting with the oldestconversions from 1900 and then sampling progressivelynewer conversions in approximately 20 year intervals upto the newest conversions from 2000. This sampling proce-dure along a ‘chronosequence’ of farm ages allowed us toapproximate the dynamic path of soil nutrient stocks versusthe amount of time the land has been in agricultural use overtime frames relevant for the CLASSES model (see Marenyaand Barrett (2009b) for further descriptive details).

The cash availability comparison in Figs. 4a and b indi-cate that the total cash earned from agricultural activities islower for both farm sizes when each begins with moredegraded soil stocks. Further, they are also less able toaccumulate enough cash to purchase livestock, so the maizeharvest patterns are quite different for farms with initiallydegraded soils (Figs. 4c and d). For example, the 1 ha farmswith degraded initial soils have smaller and less variableharvests because they do not get additional fertility fromincorporation of livestock manure, but they also do notswitch out of maize as often and do not experience the samekinds of harvest shortfalls as farms with good soils thatpursue a mixed strategy with both maize and Napier cropsand livestock. For the 0.5 ha farm, maize harvests are largeron degraded soils, but this is because the household is alsounable to afford to switch into Napier grass, which has ahigher return to farm labour. Neither farm with degradedsoils is able to purchase livestock (not shown).

Finally, there are dramatic differences in the farm stock ofsoil N. For the small farm with median quality soils, theaverage on farm availability of soil N per hectare is initiallyhigher, but eventually falls to the same low level of farms withdegraded initial soil quality (Fig. 4e). By contrast, the largerfarm with the median quality soils has generally higher levelsof soil N stocks. These stocks also do not appear to deteriorateas rapidly as is the case with the same size farm with badlydegraded initial soil stocks (Fig. 4f).

In terms of subsistence food consumption, a combinationof deteriorating soil quality and shrinking farm size resultsin greater food insecurity. A very small farm will experiencegreater food insecurity as initial soil stocks decline. Figure 5shows the impact on a 0.25 ha farm of diminishing soilstocks by comparing the results for median initial qualitysoils (at 50% of the level immediately after a conversion offorested land to farm land) and poor soils (25% of the valueimmediately after forest conversion). As can be seen, theconsumption shortfalls begin earlier and are more prevalentfor the very small farm with poor initial soils. The 1 ha and0.5 ha farms have sufficient on-farm resources to maintainsubsistence consumption even as soil quality deteriorates,

primarily because they are both able to afford to plant moreNapier grass on their farms and sell it to purchase food (notshown). Napier grass is not as extractive as maize, and helpsthe farm to maintain productivity even when soil stocks arelow.

These scenarios demonstrate that farm size is not suffi-cient to escape a natural resource based poverty trap, al-though it does seem to mitigate food insecurity problems.Larger 1 ha farms with degraded soils have much loweraccumulated cash surpluses, which limits their ability toinvest in higher return activities. The value of the yieldson these farms is still sufficient to guarantee food security,but they are limited in their ability to maintain on-farmnatural capital for long periods of time. It is likely thateventually even the larger farms will start to experienceconsumption shortfalls as the natural capital base deterio-rates further without additional resources generated by live-stock investment.

Simulation 3: Biophysical assets and resilience to shocks

Given the interactions between livelihood choices and theunderlying dynamics of the biophysical resource, farminghouseholds in Kenya can respond in a variety of ways todifferent biophysical and economic shocks, with longer-termconsequences for both welfare and the condition of the farm’snatural capital. As can be seen above, apparent thresholds existin the household’s stock of natural capital that separate house-holds that are able to achieve subsistence consumption fromthose which are food insecure. Shocks to either the biophysicalsystem or economic returns from farming may alter the loca-tion of these thresholds and the ultimate welfare trajectory forhouseholds that have not experienced such shocks.

Simulation 3a: Agricultural yield shocks

In order to explore this hypothesis, we subjected the modelhousehold to a 50% decline in food crop yields starting at t010 and lasting for 1 year and examined the impact comparedto the baseline with no shock on the household’s ability tomanage the natural resource base, invest in higher returnactivities and maintain subsistence consumption (Figs. 6through 8). We imposed this shock on a 0.7 ha farm withmedian initial soil quality (Yield Shock), as in previoussimulations; this represents a threshold farm size belowwhich households are not able to maintain soil stocks, investin livestock (a high return activity that also helps to maintainon-farm soil nutrients) and accumulate cash resources. Wealso imposed the same shock on a slightly larger farm(0.8 ha) to examine whether larger initial assets can mitigatethe shock (Larger Farm), as well as on a 0.7 ha farm withbetter initial soil quality (at 100% of the value after forestconversion; Better Soils).

Modeling the impact of natural resource-based poverty traps on food security in Kenya 431

Figure 6 shows dramatic differences in the total cashresources for each of these simulations. The yield shockby itself modestly reduces the available cash resources forthe 0.7 ha farm. But the larger farm size or better initial soilstocks more than compensate for the impact of the yield shockon cash resources.

The level of available cash affects the farm’s ability toinvest in livestock (Fig. 7). For the 0.7 ha farm with mediansoil quality, the shock is severe enough to ensure that thisfarm will never invest in livestock (final cash availability is25% smaller at the end of the simulation after the yieldshock in comparison to the baseline). In contrast, the shock

Small Farm (0.5 ha) Median Farm (1 ha)





ld C








0 20 40 60 80 100

Time (Quarter)

0.5 ha median soil 0.5 ha degraded soil







ld C








0 20 40 60 80 100

Time (Quarter)

1 ha median soil 1 ha degraded soil






ly M






s D




0 20 40 60 80 100

Time (Quarter)

1 ha median soil 1 ha degraded soil






ly M






s D




0 20 40 60 80 100

Time (Quarter)

0.5 ha median soil 0.5 ha degraded soil








m N




0 20 40 60 80 100

Time (Quarter)

1 ha median soil 1 ha degraded soil








m N





a b



20 40 60 80 100

Time (Quarter)

0.5 ha median soil 0.5 ha degraded soil

Fig. 4 a Effect of poor soils on cash resources, 0.5 ha farms (KSh). bEffect of poor soils on cash resources, 1 ha farms (KSh).c Effect of poorsoils on on maize harvest, 0.5 ha farms (tonnes DM/Quarter). d Effect of

poor soils on maize harvest, 1 ha farms (tonnes DM/Quarter). e Effect ofpoor soils on average farm available soil N stocks, 0.5 ha farms (kg N/ha). fEffect of poor soils on average farm available soil N, 1 ha farms (kg N/ha)

432 E.C. Stephens et al.

does little to alter the investment decisions of the larger farmand the 0.7 ha farm with better soils, although without theshock, both of these farms would have invested in evenmore livestock (not shown).

The long-term impact of a temporary yield shockbecomes clearer when we examine the consequences foron-farm available soil N stocks (Fig. 8). Initially, the0.7 ha farm without the yield shock is able to invest inlivestock at t067 because it has accumulated sufficient cashresources to be able to purchase a first animal at that time(which costs 120,000 KSh in the region of study); the largerfarm and the farm with the higher soil quality are able tomake this investment earlier. However the 0.7 ha farm withthe yield shock falls short of the level of cash necessary tomake this purchase at t067.

As was shown in Simulation 1, the presence of livestockon the farm leads to larger on-farm nutrient stocks, like soilN. So, without the ability to invest in livestock due to theyield shock, on-farm soil nutrients deteriorate, leading tolower yields and less cash accumulation to such an extentthat it is never possible for the household to purchaselivestock. For the larger farm and the farm with higher soilquality, the yield shock does not have a similar impact oninvestments, with the longer-term consequence that soilstocks, crop yields and cash resources are maintained and

growing after the initial investment in livestock, despite thetemporary shortfall in agricultural receipts.

In terms of subsistence consumption, despite the shock,the different households in this simulation are able to main-tain subsistence consumption (not shown). Shortfalls insubsistence consumption for the 0.7 ha farm are only seenafter a much larger (100%) and more sustained (5 years)yield shock. For smaller yield shocks and/or of shorterduration, the household uses the high levels of accumulatedsurplus earned from earlier agricultural activities to purchasefood in the market. The size of the farm helps the householdto build up this buffer stock of savings to successfullyprotect it against yield shocks in all but the most extremecases.

Simulation 3b: Market access shocks

Market frictions are pervasive in Kenya and elsewhere inSub-Saharan Africa. The high costs associated with markettransactions can greatly impact the dynamic processes ofasset accumulation to maintain both economic wellbeingand the natural resource base. To further examine the roleof market access costs on farm household dynamics, wesubject the same threshold household (0.7 ha with mediansoil fertility) to a positive and negative shock to transactions












n S







0 20 40 60 80 100

Time (Quarter)

25% 50%

Fig. 5 Consumption shortfalls for varying levels of initial soil nutrientstocks (25% vs. 50%) for very small farms (0.25 ha)









ld C








0 20 40 60 80 100

Time (Quarter)

Baseline Yield Shock

Larger Farm Better Soils

Fig. 6 Impact of a 1-year, 50% decrease in maize yields at t010 oncash available for different farm types







0 20 40 60 80 100

Time (Quarter)

Baseline Yield Shock

Larger Farm Better Soils

Fig. 7 Impact of 50% yield shock on investment in livestock forseveral farm types








m N




0 20 40 60 80 100

Time (Quarter)

Baseline Yield Shock

Larger Farm Better Soils

Fig. 8 Impact of 50% yield shock on nitrogen available for severalfarm types

Modeling the impact of natural resource-based poverty traps on food security in Kenya 433

costs associated with selling maize in the market and com-pare these to the baseline outcomes. The positive shockexamines the impact of eliminating all transactions costs ina ‘best-case’ type scenario (No Transactions Costs), whilethe negative shock doubles transactions costs (DoubleTransactions Costs).17 We also compare the relative impactof shocks to transactions costs with the same yield shock asdescribed in simulation 3a (Yield Shock No TransactionsCosts).

These shocks to the market environment have long-termconsequences for farmer welfare, the level of on-farm natu-ral capital and the ability to meet subsistence consumption.Figure 9 shows the impact of these transactions costs shockson the total cash resources available to the household. Pre-dictably, eliminating transactions costs allows the householdto accumulate cash resources more rapidly, while increasingthem diminishes cash resources. Interestingly, the impact ofeliminating transactions costs is sufficiently large to essen-tially eliminate the impact of the yield shock on this house-hold’s cash resources. Low-cost market access enables thehousehold to overcome the temporary adverse effects of ayield shock.

The difference in accumulated cash resources also leadsto differences in ability to invest in livestock and subsequentmaintenance of on-farm soil nutrients (not shown), in amanner similar to the impact of the yield shock describedearlier. In the ‘best-case’ no transactions cost scenario (withor without the yield shock), the household invests in live-stock earlier (at t030 instead of t067), while in the case ofdoubled transactions costs, the household never invests inlivestock. Consequently, soil N stocks are the lowest anddeteriorate the most in the high transactions cost scenario,and are highest in the no transaction cost scenario. Marketaccess can thus directly affect the biophysical dynamics offarming systems.

In the absence of transactions costs, the threshold (0.7 ha)household is always able to meet its subsistence consump-tion requirements. For smaller farms that are more foodinsecure, removing the transactions costs seems to minimizeconsumption shortfalls. Figure 10 shows the impact of re-moving transactions costs on the 0.25 ha farm. The resultssuggest that the farm with better market access can accumu-late more cash resources to resolve occasional consumptionshortfalls, although the small size of the farm makes ensur-ing a consistent consumption level difficult no matter theease of access to output markets.

Raising transactions costs forces the farm into self-sufficiency in maize production. Given the soil quality dataused to parameterize the model, self-sufficient farms cansustain minimum food consumption for periods longer than

the one generation time frame of interest in this paper, but atthe cost of eliminating all household cash resources andability to invest in any other activity besides food produc-tion (not shown).


Using a system dynamics bio-economic model of farminghouseholds in Kenya, we examine the interactions amongthe farm’s biophysical (crop, livestock and soil nutrient)assets and their economic well being as well as identifyimportant asset thresholds that characterize households thatare unable to escape from poverty and associated foodinsecurity. We show that the natural resource base has stronginfluence on poverty, livelihood choices and consumptionand that economic phenomena, such as the transactionscosts of market access, likewise affect biophysical phenom-ena. Natural resource base degradation or insufficient levelsof initial natural capital are associated with low levels ofaccumulated surplus and growing insecurity in consumptionof staple grains.

The feedback and interactions between economic decision-making and the dynamics of the natural resource base alsosuggest that policies to address poverty and food insecurity in

17 The baseline transaction cost in the model is 250 KSh/1,000 kg sackof maize, and the baseline price is 1,000 KSh/sack.








ld C








0 20 40 60 80 100

Time (Quarter)

No T.C.Baseline

Yield ShockDouble T.C

Yield Shock/No T.C.

Fig. 9 Impact of either zero or doubled transactions costs on cashavailability under different scenarios











n S







0 20 40 60 80 100

Time (Quarter)

0.25 ha 0.25 ha no t.c.

Fig. 10 The impact of eliminating transactions costs on consumptionlevels for a 0.25 ha farm

434 E.C. Stephens et al.

either an economic or biophysical capacity may reinforce oneanother. For example, initiatives to remove market frictionsmay counteract the impacts of biophysical yield shocks; sim-ilarly, improving on-farm yields may have long-term conse-quences for maintenance of the natural resource base and forhouseholds’ accumulation of cash reserves. However, withoutany kind of intervention, negative biophysical and economicshocks can have long-term negative consequences for botheconomic well-being and the natural resource base, both di-rectly and by reducing incentives for important investments inhigh return activities, like livestock, that can have reinforcingfeedback on the accumulation of both cash resources and soilnutrient stocks.

In terms of food insecurity, our findings underscore howcritical shortfalls in both the quantity and quality of naturalcapital assets generate conditions where households cannotmaintain subsistence consumption. Given the observed lowlevels of investment in soil quality in Kenya (Duflo et al.2008; Marenya and Barrett 2009a, b), and predicted contin-ued reduction in farm size due to high fertility and Kenya’sinheritance institutions (Shreffler and Nii-Amoo Dodoo

2009), it seems likely that food insecurity will continue to bea pressing issue in rural Kenya without intervention on eitherthe land quantity or quality side.

The simulation modeling approach used for the CLASSESmodel allows for the exploration of several possible leveragepoints to address food security issues. Furthermore, it alsoillustrates the inextricable linkages between biophysical andeconomic phenomena in such settings, which can help iden-tify potential unintended consequences (positive or negative)to policy interventions. For example, a policy to reduce staplegrain market transactions costs, according to our simulationresults, appears to not only help resolve more immediate foodinsecurity problems for smaller farms, but also encouragesinvestment in livestock which in turn helps maintain on-farmbiophysical resources into future periods. Such conclusionswould be harder to reach with a more conventional economet-ric approach to market participation and household food se-curity, for example. Given the limited resources available toaddress food security issues, a model like CLASSES can beused to search for similar complementarities and spillovers tomaximize the impact of government policy.

HouseholdCash Available

Soil NutrientStocks (SOM,

N, P)


Value of GrainConsumption

Value of MinimumGrain Consumption

Value of GrainConsumption




HH LabourAvailability


Labour Allocated toOff-Farm Employment

Income Transfers(Remittances)



Crops CashValue

LabourAllocated to

Crops AVPLCrops

Milk CashValue

Labour Allocatedto Livestock



Purchase orBirth

Sale orDeath

Nutrient OutflowsNutrientInflows



Land Allocated toCrops

Initial SoilNutrient Stocks









AVPL Off-Farm

Off-Farm LabourEarnings


Crop ResiduesApplied to



ManureApplied to


Crop ResiduesProduction







PurchasedFeeds Cost +

Cash InflowsCash Outflows
























+ ++


+ AVPL determines allocationof land to three crops or

livestock, subject to cash andlabour constraints


Fig. 11 Diagrammatic representation of key relationships in CLASSES, emphasizing the linkages among the crops, soils, livestock and economicdecision making components. A colour version of this figure may be found in the online version

Modeling the impact of natural resource-based poverty traps on food security in Kenya 435

Appendix 1: CLASSES Basic Model Assumptionsand Diagrammatic Representation

1. Basic Model Assumptions

& Initialization: household has 10 patches with eitherfood, cash or Napier grass, has some or no livestock(model will be initialized with different startingconditions to explore poverty traps).

& On-farm averages are used to calculate expectedaverage value product of labor in: food crops, cashcrops (tea), Napier, livestock

& At time 0: Crop starts to grow, animals are fed,household cash is spent on soil amendments, labor

& At time0decision point (each quarter): any fullygrown food crops are harvested (Napier and tea havecontinuous harvesting once established), nutrientsextracted from soil, farmer sells output.

& After each decision point: farmer updates theexpected average value product of labor in each live-lihood activity, reallocates land into highest returnactivity, invests or disinvests in livestock (based alsoon expected feed availability, cash constraints andanimal health)

& After each decision point: new soil quality deter-mines crop growth at time 1 and cycle begins again

2. Causal Loop Diagram RepresentationAppendix Fig. 11 indicates in more detail the main

feedback relationships in CLASSES. As in the figure inthe text, this follows SD diagramming conventions: boxesare stocks, flows are indicated by double arrows andvalves, and causal linkages are shown by arrows that alsoindicate the sign of the relationship. Bold italicized vari-ables indicate initial asset endowments (land, labour andsoil nutrients). Italicized variables (not bold) indicate im-portant exogenous values. Red bold variables indicate keyoutcomes of interest discussed in the text. Pink arrows andvariables describe key resource allocation decisions madeby the household each planting season (land allocated tothree crops: maize, Napier grass, or tea).

This structure is capable of generating the hypothe-sized fundamental behaviours. However, because themodel contains numerous interacting feedback processes,a diagrammatic representation alone is inadequate to de-termine likely system behaviours (Sterman 2000). Thus,parameterization and simulation are essential to determinelikely behaviours for different plausible sets of initial asset

endowments. In order to observe a natural resource basedpoverty trap consistent with food insecurity, there must bea region of increasing economic returns to the farm’schosen livelihood activities. Households that fall belowan identifiable asset threshold, either because of biophys-ical resource degradation, or economic and/or biophysicalshocks, will experience gradually deteriorating welfareoutcomes on the farm.

Appendix 2: Selected Model Simulation Parameters

Table 1 Simulation #1 on varying farm sizes

Initial assets Small farm Median farm

Farm Size (ha) 0.5 1

Initial Crop Labour (people) 3 3

Initial HouseholdDependents (people)a

2 2

Initial Accumulated Surplus (Ksh) 0 0

Initial Crop Allocation 100% Maize 100% Maize

Initial Soil Stocks Average Average

Free SOM (kg DOM/ha)b 1000 1000

Intra-aggregate SOM(kg DOM/ha)

316.5 316.5

Organo-Mineral SOM(kg DOM/ha)

31666.5 31666.5

a These household members do not contribute to on-farm labour, but doconsume household food resources.b SOM soil organic matter; DOM dry organic matter

Table 2 Simulation #2 on varying soil organic matter stocks

Initial assets Small farm Median farm

Farm Size (ha) 0.5 1

Initial Crop Labour (people) 3 3

Initial HouseholdDependents (people)

2 2

Initial Accumulated Surplus (Ksh) 0 0

Initial Crop Allocation 100% Maize 100% Maize

Initial Soil Stocks Low Low

Free SOM (kg DOM/ha) 500 500

Intra-aggregate SOM(kg DOM/ha)

158.3 158.3

Organo-Mineral SOM(kg DOM/ha)

15833.5 15833.5

SOM soil organic matter; DOM dry organic matter

436 E.C. Stephens et al.


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Modeling the impact of natural resource-based poverty traps on food security in Kenya 437

Emma Stephens is an AssistantProfessor of Economics at PitzerCollege in Claremont, Califor-nia. She earned her MS andPhD degrees in Economics fromCornell University in 2007. Cur-rently her research focuses onagricultural market participationand spatial market integrationprimarily in sub-Saharan Africa.She is also interested in the ap-plication of simulation modelingto agricultural systems.

Chuck Nicholson is an Associ-ate Professor in the Department ofAgribusiness at Cal Poly San LuisObispo. His research focuses ondevelopment of dynamic modelsto analyze market and policyissues for agricultural systemswith livestock. He previouslyworked at Cornell University andthe International Livestock Re-search Institute. He has PhD andMS degrees in Agricultural Eco-nomics from Cornell Universityand an undergraduate degree inEconomics from UC Davis.

Douglas R. Brown As DirectorAgriculture and Food Security atWorld Vision International(WVI), Doug is responsible forthe development of strategy, pol-icy and practice in the areas ofagriculture and food security.Prior to joining WVI, Dougtaught in the areas of internation-al development and economicsat Glendon College, York Uni-versity and worked for WV Can-ada in va r i ous ro l e s . Hecompleted his Ph.D. in the Eco-nomics of Development at Cor-

nell University in 2004. His research in Cameroon and Kenya focusedon the relationship between household resource management deci-sions, poverty and environmental degradation. Prior to this he workedfor over 10 years at the grass roots level in agricultural and communitydevelopment in the Democratic Republic of Congo. His internationalexperience began through a 4 month cross-cultural exchange to thePhilippines. Doug has a Certificate in Biblical Studies from TyndaleSeminary and a B.Sc. in Agriculture from the University of Guelph.

David Parsons is a research fel-low in agronomy and agriculturalsystems at the University of Tas-mania, Australia. He holds anMSc in forage agronomy and aPh.D. in agricultural systems fromCornell University. David previ-ously worked as a research agron-omist for the Falkland IslandsGovernment, and has worked inAustralia as a commercial agrono-mist and in beef cattle manage-ment. David has conductedresearch in the areas of farmingsystems research, smallholdercrop-livestock systems, wholefarm modelling, systems dynam-ics, crop modelling, forage agron-

omy, and climate change adaptation. Particular research interests includemodelling crop-livestock systems, agricultural systems analysis, forageagronomy, international agricultural research and development. David iscurrently involved in two research projects in Vietnam that focus ondeveloping profitable and sustainable beef cattle production. He alsoteaches in agricultural systems, international agriculture, agronomy, andresearch methodology.

Chris Barrett is the Stephen B.and Janice G. Ashley Professorof Applied Economics and Man-agement and International Pro-fessor of Agriculture in theCharles H. Dyson School of Ap-plied Economics and Manage-ment at Cornell University inIthaca, NY, USA. He holdsdegrees from Princeton, Oxfordand the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Professor Barrett haspublished widely and has beenprincipal investigator on extra-mural research grants from the

National Science Foundation, The Pew Charitable Trusts, theRockefeller Foundation, USAID and other sponsors. He served aseditor of the American Journal of Agricultural Economics from2003–2008, and presently serves on multiple editorial boards, includ-ing for Food Security. Professor Barrett has won several university,national and international awards for teaching, research and publicoutreach, and was elected a Fellow both of the Agricultural andApplied Economics Association and of the African Association ofAgricultural Economists in 2010.

438 E.C. Stephens et al.

Johannes Lehmann associateprofessor of soil biogeochemistryand soil fertility management atCornell University, received hisgraduate degrees in Soil Scienceat the University of Bayreuth, Ger-many. During the past 10 years, hehas focused on nano-scale investi-gations of soil organic matter, thebiogeochemistry of black carbonand sequestration in soil. Dr.Lehmann is member of the steer-ing group of the US National SoilCarbon Network, has testified inthe US congress and briefed the

President’s council of advisors, was part of Workgroup 2 on MonitoringandAssessment of Sustainable LandManagement of UNCCDand is on theeditorial boards of several international journals.

David Mbugua is an internation-al development practitioner withmany years experience in foodsecurity and livelihood-relatedprogramming. Currently, he isthe Senior Sector Specialist inAgriculture and Food Securitywith World Vision Canada. Hehas worked previously with theKenya Agriculture Research In-stitute (KARI) where he servedas Head of the Livestock Re-search Department and DeputyCentre Director at their RegionalResearch Centre in Kisii. During

his tenure, he oversaw several successful research projects supported byDFID, Rockefeller Foundation (RF) and KIT (Netherlands). Between2003 and 2007, Mbugua was the Coordinator of a multimillion dollarNSF-funded project studying the dynamic relationship between povertyand environmental degradation in Africa. He is a Graduate of CornellUniversity from where he received a Ph.D. in Animal Nutrition in 2003.

Solomon Ngoze holds a PhD de-gree (Environmental informationscience/soil science/rural develop-ment) from Cornell Universityand amaster’s degree in Soil chem-istry from Moi University, Kenya.He currently works as an Agricul-tural/Environment Technical expertwith the International Relief andDevelopment organization inWashington DC, giving technicalsupport to more than 20 countries.He previously worked for the Win-rock Ecosystem Services unit onterrestrial greenhouse gases estima-

tions across a range of disciplines, as an agricultural officer with the Kenyanministry of Agriculture, and as postgraduate fellow at the InternationalCentre for research in Agroforestry (ICRAF), working to improve landproductivity and income of smallholder agroecosystems in East Africa.

Alice N. Pell is the Vice Provostfor International Relations at Cor-nell University and Professor inthe Department of Animal Sci-ence. She has served as the Direc-tor of the Cornell InternationalInstitute for Food, Agricultureand Development, a center fo-cused on sustainable rural devel-opment. She earned degrees inarchitectural science and educa-tion from Harvard University andin animal science from the Uni-versity of Vermont. Her researchfocuses on African farming sys-

tems and on the linkages between agriculture and nutrition. She hasworked on research and education projects in Kenya, Ethiopia, Ghana,South Africa, Afghanistan and Zambia.

Susan Riha is a professor in theDept. of Earth and AtmosphericSciences at Cornell University.She received her PhD in SoilScience from Washington StateUniversity in 1980 and shortlyafter joined the Cornell facultyas the Charles L. Pack ResearchProfessor of Forest Soils. Herresearch interests are in soil-plant-atmosphere relations andin dynamic simulation modelingof the impact of the environmenton plants. She works on bothenvironmental and plant produc-

tion problems on the state, national and international levels. She hasserved as co-chair of the Dept. of Earth and Atmospherics Sciences andthe Director for Sponsored Research for the College of Agriculture andLife Sciences. She is currently Director of the New York WaterResources Institute

Modeling the impact of natural resource-based poverty traps on food security in Kenya 439