Modeling the Block Verification Time of Zcash

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Transcript of Modeling the Block Verification Time of Zcash

Modeling the Block Verification Time of Zcash

Fabian StiehleTechnische Universitat

Erik DanielTechnische Universitat Berlin

Florian TschorschTechnische Universitat

Abstract—An important aspect of the propagation delay inblockchain networks is the block verification time, which isalso responsible for the so-called verifier’s dilemma. Modelsfor the block verification time can help to understand andimprove the verification process. Moreover, modeling theverification time is necessary for blockchain network simula-tions. In this paper, we present JOIST, a new model for theblock verification time of Zcash. We identify computationallycomplex operations in the verification process of Zcash,and derive our model based on characteristic transactionfeatures. We evaluate JOIST and show that the modelis consistently more accurate than existing models, whichconsider the block size only.

Index Terms—Blockchain, Simulation, Zcash

1. Introduction

The independent verification of blocks is a core princi-ple of a permissionless blockchain. While the verificationof a block header is simple, the verification of transactionsin a block can become much more time consuming. Thelarge number of transactions and the complexity of trans-actions drives the required verification time. This leads toa fundamental design flaw, which is captured by the so-called verifier’s dilemma [1]. It describes the conflict of aminer between verifying a block for the “common good”and skipping expensive verifications altogether. In eitherway, the consequences are unfavorable as the network andin particular miners become susceptible to attacks.

Understanding the verification of blocks and trans-actions is therefore crucial to analyze and improve themechanics of blockchain networks. For example, the ver-ification time plays a role in the block distribution [2,3, 4], blockchain simulations [5], as well as topologyinference [6]. Today’s models estimating the block verifi-cation time mainly rely only on the block size as a roughapproximation. The verification time, however, dependson the complexity of included transactions and thereforecan differ between blocks of the same size.

Zcash [7] is a prime example for complex transactionscripting, where an accurate model of the verification timeis highly relevant. Zcash uses various transaction typesand zero-knowledge proofs, which are more complex thanBitcoin’s transaction scripting [8]. While in Bitcoin thetransfer time seems to be the dominating factor of blockpropagation [9], the verification time in Zcash can beexpected to have a higher impact on system properties asthe network is smaller and block propagation delays areshorter [6]. Thus, more sophisticated models are required.

In this paper, we present JOIST, a novel—yet delib-erately simple—model for the block verification time of

Zcash. Our model considers different transaction featuresto predict the block verification time. We evaluate JOISTbased on a benchmark of real-world Zcash block verifica-tion time samples. Our model has a lower error comparedto block size-based models, yielding a mean absolute errorof 3ms compared to approximately 11ms. In addition,JOIST captures extreme values better, which have a higherimpact on the overall block propagation. Our results alsoprovide general insights, i.e., varying transaction complex-ity of transactions not specific to Zcash render block size-based models inaccurate even beyond Zcash.

Our main contributions are (i) a model for the blockverification time of Zcash based on transaction featuresand (ii) a benchmark of the Zcash client’s block verifica-tion process and its employed cryptographic primitives tosupport and evaluate our model.

The remainder is structured as follows. After re-viewing related work in Section 2, we introduce JOISTin Section 3. In Section 4, we show the benchmark andevaluation of our model. Section 5 concludes the paper.

2. Related Work

Block propagation is an important aspect of analyzingand modeling blockchain networks. Some approaches tryto reduce the impact of block verification [10, 11, 12, 13],which is orthogonal to our work.

Blockchain simulation models need to consider veri-fication time or need to implement the verification pro-cedure. Simulations and analytical models abstract theBitcoin logic [2, 3, 4, 5]. These approaches assume a linearblock size-based verification time. Block verification canalso be a measurement based delay [14, 15].

Research directly related to Zcash’s verification timealso exists: The Zerocash paper [16] approximates verifi-cation time for a transactions with a constant of 10ms.Another block size-based model fitted for Zcash considersverification time differences of different nodes [6]. Tothe best of our knowledge, we present the first blockverification model independent of block size for Zcash.

3. JOIST Verification Model

We analyzed the Zcash code and identified relevantpredictors for the block verification time. While verifyingthe block header can be considered constant, the verifi-cation steps for transactions differ greatly based on theset of transaction types. More specifically, we considerthe number of JoinSplits, Output descriptions, Inputs, andSpend descriptions in Transactions, i.e., JOIST.








] 2

8 Ju

n 20


3.1. Transaction Complexity

Zcash uses shielded and transparent transactions.While transparent transactions are comparable to Bitcointransactions, shielded transactions use zero knowledgeproofs to hide sender and receiver information as wellas the amount of Zcash coins (ZEC) in a transaction.Since the Sapling network upgrade shielded transactionscontain Spend and Output descriptions instead of so-calledJoinSplit descriptions. In the following, we identify andenumerate expensive computations in the transaction andblock verification process of Zcash. At the same time, westrive to find simple features to predict the complexity.

For transparent transactions, we abstract from thescripting engine and assume P2PKH scripts, which requireone signature check. Therefore, we assume verificationtime scales linearly with the number of transparent inputs.

For shielded transactions, each Spend, Output, andJoinSplit description incurs a separate zk-SNARK proof.Verifying a single zk-SNARK proof can be computedin O(1). We therefore assume a linear relationship be-tween the verification time of zk-SNARK proofs and thenumber of transparent inputs, Spend and Output descrip-tions, and JoinSplits.

In addition, all transaction types require repeated cal-culations of transaction hashes, e.g., to check signatures.One could conclude that the verification time scales lin-early with the number of verification steps. Zcash, how-ever, allows re-use of transaction hashes by caching them.1Therefore, they do not have to be re-computed for multipleverification steps across one transaction, yielding a con-stant complexity per transaction. We similarly model thehash calculations on the block level as constant operation.

Since transparent outputs are referenced by inputs anddo not trigger complex computations on their own, we canignore them in our model.

3.2. Statistical Analysis

We analyze the statistical correlation between differenttransaction properties and verification time. Therefore, wecalculate Pearson’s correlation coefficient r for each se-lected feature in relation to the block verification time (cf.TABLE 1). As a sample we use Zcash blocks from blockheight 715,578 to block height 915,578, which were themost recent blocks at the beginning of our work. Theverification time is determined in a benchmark, describedin detail in Section 4. For each observation i in our sample,i.e., for each observed block height, let xi be our featureand let ti be the verification time. Then

r =

∑ni=1(xi − x)(ti − t)√∑n

i=1(xi − x)2√∑n

i=1(ti − t)2, (1)

where n is the sample size, x is the mean over all featureobservations, and t is the mean block verification time.

We show the results for each selected feature in TA-BLE 1. The results show that the number of JoinSplits,Output descriptions, transparent inputs, and Spend de-scriptions of the transactions exhibit a linear relationship

1. See ZIP: 143, Transaction Signature Validation for Overwinter and ZIP: 243, Transaction Signature Vali-dation for Sapling [Both Accessed: 02-Sep-2020].

TABLE 1: r for the verification time of 200,000 blocks

Feature (number of) r p-Value

Transparent inputs 0.11 < 0.01Transparent outputs 0.04 < 0.01Spend descriptions 0.38 < 0.01Output descriptions 0.53 < 0.01JoinSplit descriptions 0.60 < 0.01

TABLE 2: Benchmark system specification


Cores 2 6Processor Intel Core i5 AMD Ryzen 5 2600XClock rate 2.6GHz 3.60GHzRAM, SWAP 5GB, 2GB 12GB, 2GBDisk WD Elements

USB 3.0SamsungSSD 860 Evo

Disk I/O 100 MB/s 540 MB/s

with respect to the verification time. Outputs have only asmall effect on the verification process, since they are notinvolved in the process.

The analysis further shows that JoinSplits, althoughlegacy, cannot be ignored. We identified many blocksstill containing JoinSplits. Once a JoinSplit is included,verification time increases significantly as it often includesthe verification of two zk-SNARK proofs.

3.3. Model

We consider the number of JoinSplit nj , Output de-scriptions no, transparent Inputs ni, and Spend descrip-tions ns of all transactions in the block as the predictorsof JOIST. We derive our model to estimate the verificationtime t of a given block as

t = βjnj + βono + βini + βsns + k. (2)

The constant k accounts for verification overhead of blockheader, hashing transactions, and possible I/O operations.

The values βj , βo, βi, and βs are constant coefficientsused as weights. The coefficients for the model can befound by performing a benchmark on a local client. It iscertainly possible to parametrize the model by using themean or median time of the respective verification opera-tions. For improved accuracy, however, coefficients shouldbe discovered by linear regression. For our evaluation, weuse ordinary least squares to parametrize JOIST.

4. Evaluation

In this section, we evaluate JOIST and compare it toblock size-based models used in literature. In order toparametrize the models, we utilize two benchmarks ontwo different systems.

4.1. Benchmark Setup

We perform the benchmarks utilizing two differentsetups. One benchmark is performed on a low perfor-mance system with an HDD disk, limited RAM, and re-stricted CPU. The other system is a high(er) performance,consumer-grade system with an SSD disk, more RAM,and faster CPU. The specific hardware configurations areshown in TABLE 2. For short, we refer to the two systems

as HDD and SSD, because we believe that the access timesin general will have a major impact on our results. Morespecifically, we use the limited HDD system to show theinfluence of disk access and slower CPU times on theoverall verification process. In contrast, we use the SSDsystem to simulate more realistic client hardware.

For our benchmark, we perform a black box-likebenchmark on both systems, capturing the complete blockverification process. The verification process amounts tothe time the client processes the ProcessNewBlockfunction during synchronization with the network. Fora fine grained analysis, we separately performed bench-marks of singular computational steps, such as verifyingsingular inputs or spends, performed during verification.Our evaluation is based on different sequences startingwith the latest block in our sample at block height915, 578. For improved reproducibility, we compiled andrun the Zcash 3.0 client inside a Docker container. Theused code and data sets are publicly available.2

4.2. Model validation

In order to evaluate JOIST, we consider the mean ab-solute error (MAE) as well as the error mean ratio (EMR),which we define for completeness in Appendix A. In orderto evaluate the general fit of our model, we calculate thecoefficient of determination R2 and the adjusted R2, de-noted as R2. Let n be the sample size (number of blocks),ti be the predicted, ti the observed verification time atblock height i ∈ n, and t be the average verification timeover our complete sample. Therefore, R2 and R2 can becalculated as

R2 = 1−∑n

i=1(ti − ti)2∑ni=1(ti − t)2

and (3)

R2 = 1− (1−R2)n− 1

n− p− 1, (4)

where p is the number of the model’s predictors.For the model validation, we use a sample size of 15k

and 220k blocks. We then uniformly at random choose 5kblocks to fit the model and use the remaining 10k blocksto predict the verification time. For the 220k block sample,we analogously use 20k to fit the model and use theremaining 200k blocks to predict verification times. Weuse ordinary least squares (OLS) to discover coefficientsfor JOIST, which are listed in Appendix B.

In TABLE 3, we summarize the results for the HDDand SSD benchmark. Notably for the SSD benchmarkpredicting 10k blocks, JOIST was able to predict theblock verification time with MAE = 3ms and EMR =23 %. Moreover, our model was able to explain most ofthe variance with R2 = 0.9. For the SSD benchmarkpredicting 200k blocks, where approximately 10 % ofblocks were used for parametrization, JOIST performedexpectedly less accurate. However, JOIST sill achieves anMAE = 7ms, an EMR = 43 %, and R2 = 0.7.

In Fig. 1a, we compare estimated with measured ver-ification time for the SSD benchmark (mind the log scaleon the x axis). While we see some variance for verificationtimes between 10ms and 100ms, we observe a generally


TABLE 3: Model comparison summary

Model n MAE EMR R2 R2




ark JOIST 10k 3.11 ms 23 % 0.91 0.91

200k 7.11 ms 43 % 0.72 0.72

Block size 10k 10.60 ms 78 % 0.25 0.25200k 15.13 ms 92 % 0.14 0.14

Gervais et al. 10k 11.66 ms 86 % 0.01 0.01200k 14.60 ms 89 % 0.04 0.04





k JOIST 10k 22.05 ms 64 % 0.16 0.16200k 30.03 ms 69 % 0.40 0.40

Block size 10k 31.20 ms 91 % 0.09 0.09200k 42.46 ms 98 % 0.12 0.12

Gervais et al. 10k 32.48 ms 95 % -0.03 -0.03200k 41.25 ms 95 % -0.01 -0.01

good fit. Our model is even able to explain most of theoutliers with verification times over 250ms.

As expected, the HDD benchmark is more erratic. Theresults yield an MAE = 22ms and an EMR = 64 %when predicting 10k blocks and an MAE = 30ms andan EMR = 69 % when predicting 200k blocks. For bothbenchmarks, R2 is very close to R2 which suggests thatall our predictors actually contribute to the prediction.

4.3. Model Comparison

Previous models [2, 3, 4, 5, 6] assume a linear rela-tionship between the block size and the block verificationtime. In order to compare this approach to our model, weintroduce a generic block size-based model, predicting theverification time t of a block as

t = βsb + k, (5)

where sb is the block size, β a constant weighting coef-ficient, and k a constant to capture disturbances. In thefollowing, we refer to this model as Block size model.

In addition, we use the model by Gervais et al. [5],which is a block size-based model, assuming a mean blocksize of 458, 263B and mean validation time of 0.174 s.While it is designed for Bitcoin, we include it in ourevaluation due to the prevalent number of transparenttransactions in Zcash, which are identical to Bitcoin.An overview over the distribution of different transactiontypes is provided in Appendix C.

For the comparison, we evaluate MAE, EMR, R2, andR2. We use a sample size of 15k and 220k blocks and uni-formly at random choose 5k and 20k blocks to calculatecoefficients, respectively. The remaining blocks, 10k and200k blocks, are used to predict verification times. Weuse OLS to calculate coefficients for both models, JOISTand block size-based. In Appendix B, we list all fittingparameters for all evaluated models and benchmarks. Asummary of our results is shown in TABLE 3.

For the SSD benchmark predicting 10k blocks, JOISTprovides better estimations than both block sized-basedmodels. Our model was able to predict the verificationtime with an MAE of 3ms, compared to approximately11ms. Even when predicting 200k blocks, using only 20kblocks for fitting the model, our evaluation resulted in anMAE of 7ms, compared to 15ms, an EMR of 43 %,compared to 89 %, and an R2 = 0.7, compared to 0.14.






Verification time [ms]
















R2 score=0.91

(a) JOIST.






Verification time [ms]








ed v



n tim

e [m


R2 score=0.25

(b) Block size.






Verification time [ms]








ed v



n tim

e [m


R2 score=0.01

(c) Gervais et al.

Figure 1: Scatter plots of predicted and measured verification times with regression lines (10k blocks, SSD benchmark,log scaled x-axis).

We compare the fit of the respective models in Fig. 1,where we show the estimated versus the measured verifi-cation time and a fitted regression line. We can observe agood fit for our model. The block size-based models areunable to explain a number of variances, particularly inthe range between 0 and 100ms, which contains most ofour observed blocks. The resulting low R2 score of theblock size-based models suggests that these models makeonly slightly better predictions than the median.

In addition, JOIST performs well for extreme values,which have a higher impact on the overall block distribu-tion time and are therefore important to simulate realisticblock propagation, for example. While the highest predic-tion of JOIST was 1, 700ms, only four blocks (0.02 %)exhibit a higher verification time. In contrast, the maximalprediction of the Block size model was 330ms and ofGervais et al. 71ms. That is, 68 blocks (0.34 %) for theBlock size model and 2,849 blocks (14 %) for Gervaiset al. exhibit a higher measured verification time thanthe prediction. As a result, JOIST exhibits a max errorof 840ms, the Block size model a max error of 1.5 s,and Gervais et al. a max error of 17 s.

4.4. Discussion

While we showed that our model predicts the blockverification time of Zcash more accurately than othermodels proposed in literature, we observe that it performsmuch better for modern systems with faster disk access,more RAM, and more CPU cores. Low RAM forcesthe Zcash client to flush state to disk more frequently,which leads to unpredictable access times. Similarly, theimpact of multi-core, high(er) clock rate CPUs is visi-ble. Delays introduced by a single verification step, e.g.,verifying a single input, is a magnitude faster in theSSD benchmark (βi = 61.411µs) when compared to theHDD benchmark (βi = 246.312µs). By comparing bothbenchmarks and the performance of our model, we canconclude that I/O operations are a negligible factor duringblock verification on modern systems.

We additionally observe a high variance of verificationtime for blocks containing transparent transactions only.In such scenarios, our modeling approach is not able to

accurately capture this variance. Likely, our abstractionof the scripting system, i.e., our assumption to considerP2PKH scripts only, led to this result. Improving ourmodel towards transparent transactions will require a morein-depth analysis of the scripting system. A major chal-lenge would be to classify and identify relevant opcodeswith the highest impact on the verification time. Extractingthese features, including sample data, would also be sig-nificantly more complex. This direction, however, wouldincrease our model’s applicability for other blockchains.

While we focus on Zcash, we separately evaluatedblocks with transparent transactions only. We observedthat all models perform similarly with a high error yieldingMAE ≈ 4 ms, EMR > 80 %, and R2 = 0. This indicatesa general weakness. That is, models using the block sizeas the only predictor might be unable to predict blockverification times accurately for blockchains such as Bit-coin. Therefore, not only blockchains with complex blockverification procedures such as Zcash or Ethereum [17]require additional modeling efforts, but also blockchainswith a rather simple scripting system.

In general, our model is a trade off between abstrac-tion, complexity, and transparency. We deliberately usebasic, easily acquirable features. Each feature is encodedin the Zcash RPC response and can be easily retrieved.

5. Conclusion

In this paper, we developed JOIST, a new modelbased on transaction features that provides more accurateresults than the prevalent block size-based models. Tothis end, we extracted time-consuming primitives fromZcash’s transaction verification process. JOIST is simpleto parametrize and at the same time able to predict theblock verification time accurately.

Overall, we believe that JOIST is a promising firststep in modeling and predicting the block verification timeof blockchains, which in turn can improve modeling andsimulation efforts of the propagation delay and blockchainsystems in general. Furthermore, the model could helpminers to quantify verification risk and therefore addressthe verifiers dilemma.


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Appendix A.Error Calculation

For completeness, we include the formulas for calcu-lating MAE and EMR. Let n be the sample size, i.e., thenumber of blocks. Let ti be the predicted and ti the realobserved verification time at block height i ∈ n. We definethe error ei as the difference between the real verificationtime ti and the prediction ti, i.e., ei = ti − ti. Moreover,let t be the average verification time over our completesample, i.e., t = 1


∑ni=1 ti. We accordingly define MAE

and EMR as


∑ni=1 |ei|n

and (6)


. (7)

Appendix B.Fitting Parameters

TABLE 4: Model fitting parameters

Model Benchmark Parameters [µs]

JOIST 5k, HDD βj = 10999.119, βo = 9862.146,βi = 246.312, βs = 39760.496,k = 13209.042

5k, SSD βj = 5359.094, βo = 5726.675,βi = 61.411, βs = 16912.591,k = 4468.949

20k, HDD βj = 10784.519, βo = 12607.155,βi = 139.676, βs = 25227.674,k = 21760.549

20k, SSD βj = 5349.659, βo = 5782.956,βi = 40.339, βs = 12067.658,k = 5928.899

Block size 5k, HDD β = 4.345 1B , k = 8784.760

5k, SSD β = 1.717 1B , k = 3584.715

20k, HDD β = 2.232 1B , k = 28445.511

20k, SSD β = 0.910 1B , k = 9647.374

Gervais et al. N/A β = 0.3796 1B , k = 0

Appendix C.Transaction Types

In Fig. 2, we distinguish the different transaction typesover the last 200k blocks in our sample. To this end, weconsider a block as a set of transparent inputs, Spend,Output, and JoinSplit descriptions. We find that blocksconsist on average of 90 % transparent inputs, while Spendan Output descriptions make up 9 %, and JoinSplit de-scriptions remain largely stable at around 1 % per block.

750 800 850 900Block height * 1000





nt /


ck [%


InputsSpends & OutputsJoinSplits

Figure 2: Ratio of transparent inputs, Spend and Outputdescriptions, and JoinSplit descriptions per block (200kblocks).