Model-based Solid Texture Synthesis for Anatomic Volume ... · Model-based Solid Texture Synthesis...

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Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (2010)Dirk Bartz, Charl Botha, Joachim Hornegger and Raghu Machiraju (Editors)

Model-based Solid Texture Synthesisfor Anatomic Volume Illustration

Ilknur Kabul1, Derek Merck1, Julian Rosenman 1,2 and Stephen M. Pizer1

1 Department of Computer Science, UNC Chapel Hill, USA 2 Department of Radiation Oncology, UNC Chapel Hill, USA

AbstractMedical illustrations can make powerful use of texture synthesis to convey information about anatomic structuresin an attractive, effective and understandable way. Current visualization methods are not capable of conveyingdetailed information about the orientation, internal structure, and other local properties of the anatomical objectsfor a particular patient because imaging modalities such as CT or MRI do not capture this information. In this pa-per, a new anatomical rendering method that utilizes model-based synthesis of 3D textures is proposed in order todistinguish and illustrate different structures inside the model. The goal of our volume illustration approach is tovisualize structural information by considering directions and layers in synthesizing high-quality, high-resolutionsolid textures. Our method uses medial coordinates of 3D models and 2D exemplar textures to generate solidtextures that change progressively in orientation and material according to the local orientation and transitioninformation implicit in the anatomic region.Discrete medial 3D anatomical models ("m-reps") provide the orien-tation field and texture variation maps inside image regions. In our paper, we demonstrate the robustness of ourmethod with a variety of textures applied to different anatomical structures, such as muscles, and mandible.

1. Introduction

The main goal of medical visualization is to create under-standing of the information present in the given data. Suchillustrations play a major role in many different areas suchas medical education, surgical training, and procedure plan-ning. Textbook illustrations of different anatomical struc-tures are commonly used in medical education. These illus-trations are effective in explaining the structural properties(e.g., shape, size, appearance, etc.) of the organs and the spa-tial relations between them. Many of these illustrations usetextures both as a means to distinguish structures from oneanother by appearance, as well as to convey local structuraldetail such as orientation and scale. For example, Fig. ??shows an illustration of head and neck region and a corre-sponding computed tomography (CT) image obtained usingvolume rendering. In this figure, the textures help to visual-ize details of the organs.

Many anatomical objects have slowly changing varia-tions in local material properties, such as material type,scale and orientation, over the surface of the model and in-side the model. In hand-drawn medical illustrations com-monly used for anatomy reference, many anatomical struc-

Figure 1: A scientific illustration [?] shows more generalinformation than the correspondingtures are shown with appearances that suggest features ar-ranged along, across and around the object, and inside theobject. For example, the layered muscle linings of the duo-denum and the stomach have respective directional compo-nents along and around the object. In addition, the represen-tation of the layers inside the object should be consideredin the visualization of anatomical organs. For example, bonehas hard exterior, soft interior, and soft marrow interior re-gions.

In order to provide this behavior (such as the ones in med-ical textbooks) for the illustrative visualization of patientdata sets in a 3D environment, we present a method for syn-

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Kabul, Merck, Rosenman & Pizer / Model-based Solid Texture Synthesis for Anatomic Volume Illustration

thesizing patient specific progressively variant solid texturesfor segmented patient data. Our method produces solid tex-tures that are constrained by a 3D vector field, as well asby material information specific to the patient’s anatomicalstructures. To capture model-based directions, material tran-sitions and depth of layer information consistently inside themodel for the segmented patient data, our texture synthesisapproach utilizes a model-based coordinate system.

There are two main contributions of our approach:

1. We propose a consistent 3D volume vector field computa-tion approach using model-based coordinate systems. Us-ing these vector fields, we can synthesize orientationallyappropriate model-based surface and solid textures in or-der to visualize the appearance of models such as muscle.In this paper, the focus is on solid textures. This includescreating depth-varying regionally appropriate solid tex-tures inside the object for the anatomical structures suchas bone, which have distinct exterior and interior appear-ances.

2. We present a method for synthesizing model-based pro-gressively variant solid textures. Our method considersorientation, and material information for guiding the tex-ture synthesis.

We demonstrate the results of our approach on sev-eral examples including thyroid, sternocleidomastoid mus-cle (scm), and mandible. The method has been shown towork for the anatomical organs in head and neck region.However, our method is extensible to different instances ofmany organs, such as muscles. The goal of our approach iseventually be able to fill a space with synthesized solid tex-tures to create an illustrated look for a particular patient. Inour method, adding texture on top of standard volume or sur-face rendering helps to restore the information lost by theimaging device.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In Section?? we discuss related work in solid texture synthesis, guidedsolid texture synthesis and texture synthesis for anatomic il-lustration. In Section ?? we present the overview of our ap-proach. In Section ?? we give a brief overview of the partic-ular model-based coordinate system we use to compute the3D vector field and regions at certain depths. We describeour solid texture synthesis approach in detail in Section ??.We present our results and possible applications of our ap-proach in Section ??.

2. Background

In this section we give a brief overview of prior work inexemplar-based solid texture synthesis, guided solid texturesynthesis and texture synthesis for medical illustrations.

2.1. Solid Texture Synthesis

Exemplar-based solid texture synthesis has been the subjectof considerable interest in the recent years. It denotes the

process of constructing a large 3D volume texture from asmall 2D or 3D sample texture by considering the contentinside the sample. The first work in this direction was pre-sented by [?]. The key idea in this method is to consider a2D exemplar texture for each orthogonal direction (basicallyx, y and z directions) in neighborhood search to find the bestmatch and using local optimization to converge to the bestcolor. The main problems in this approach are blurring andartifacts in synthesizing solid textures that have high struc-tural information. Later [?] presented a stereology-basedtechnique for the textures that are composed by models fordifferent particle shapes. This approach produces good re-sults, but it is restricted to the solid textures that have parti-cle shapes. In the method presented in [?] a volumetric tex-ture is synthesized using Basic Gray Level Aura Matrices(BGLAMs), which capture the input texture’s co-occurrenceprobability distributions of gray levels. The main drawbackof this approach is that it only works for greyscale images.

[?] extended the method presented in [?] for synthesizinghomogeneous solid textures from 2D exemplars by textureoptimization and histogram matching techniques. Althoughthis approach produces good results for isotropic cubic solidtextures, it does not handle anisotropy and spatial variationof textures inside the model.

2.2. Guided Solid Texture Synthesis

The purpose of progressively variant solid textures is to il-lustrate models in 3D using their material and shape prop-erties. In order to synthesize these textures, the approachneeds to be guided by the characteristics that are specific to amodel. The approach presented by [?] provides a way to cre-ate quasi-solid textures for illustrating object interiors. Thisapproach utilizes user input to synthesize 2D textures on thecross section every time the model is cut, leading to incon-sistency among different cross-sections. In [?] a method thatbuilds progressively changing oriented solid textures by re-peatedly pasting 3D texture exemplars within a tetrahedralmesh is presented.In both of these approaches the user inter-face that they provide allows a user to manually input quasi-medial coordinates to identify the regions inside the model.In our approach, we get this information from model basedcoordinate systems.

There are also some methods proposed for synthesizingoriented solid textures. [?] proposed a method for visualiza-tion of muscle based on diffusion tensor images (DTI) usingoriented solid texture. They utilized a vector field computedfrom the DTI data as a guide to synthesize solid textures.

In order to synthesize oriented solid textures, which de-picts the essential shape characteristics of the model, weneed to have a 3D volumetric vector field. [?] proposessketch-based approaches for generating volumetric vectorfield. In this approach, the user specifies the strokes and thelayers by utilizing a user interface, which makes this method

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unsuitable for our target problem of patient-specific synthe-sis. Therefore, our paper includes a method for computingsuch 3D vector fields and layers automatically.

2.3. Solid Texture Synthesis for Medical Visualization

Volume illustrations became popular over the past decadefor its effectiveness in illustrating the material and struc-tural features of a data set while emphasizing important de-tails. One approach is to generate volumetric illustrations bysynthesizing volume data with model-specific textures anddifferent rendering techniques. [?] proposed a method forsynthesizing oriented volumetric solid textures via a patch-based solid texture synthesis algorithm that uses the orien-tation field extracted from the CT and user-provided 3D ex-emplar textures. Later, [?] proposed a method to generateillustrative 3D textures using Wang Cubes. The main disad-vantages of this method are that the textures are not region-appropriate but rather are homogeneous throughout the vol-ume, nor do they reflect scale and orientation information.In addition, obtaining 3D texture samples is not easy to cap-ture, and tiling of the 3D textures leads to repetitive patterns.

3. Overview of Our Method

Our method synthesizes progressively changing solid tex-tures specific to a model of an anatomical object by consid-ering the orientation and variation of the textures inside themodel. The purpose of our method is to obtain illustrativerenderings of patient-specific anatomical structures. The in-put to our system consists of a 3D triangular mesh model, amodel-based coordinate system for the model (in our methodobtained from a medial model of the object), and a prede-termined set of 2D exemplar textures. The output is a solidtextured model. Thus, our model-guided texture synthesis isa post-segmentation process.

Our method consists of two main steps. In the first step weconstruct a 3D vector field using the model-based coordinatesystem to guide the texture and its variation(including depthof layer). In the second step solid textures are synthesizedaccording to this guidance. Fig. ?? shows the pipeline of ourapproach.

In our method the 3D guidance vector field is obtainedfrom a medial representation called ’m-reps’. M-reps nicelyprovide a 3D along-object, across-object, and through-objectparameterization on and within the model. Details of thisapproach are explained in Section ??.

We consider two important features in the texture syn-thesis step: the guidance vector field, and the variation ofthe textures inside the model. Depending on the anatomicalstructure, the texture may vary along the depth of the modelor along the surface and inside of the model(Fig. ??). For ex-ample, the mandible has many tissue types: osseous tissue,marrow, endosteum, and periosteum. Osseous tissue makes

Figure 2: Pipeline of our approachup bone, also called bone tissue, and endosteum and perios-teum line the outside and inside surfaces, respectively, of thebony tissue. This variation information is obtained from themodel-based coordinate system from the first stage and isused to guide the solid texture synthesis.

For some of the anatomical models, the textures look dif-ferent depending on the orientation of the clipping plane. Forexample, the texture on the outside of the sternocleidomas-toid muscles (scm) looks like stream of lines, whereas whenyou cut the scm, you see circular blobs textures. In order toobtain this effect in our visualization, we again use the 3Dmodel based guidance information computed in stage 1.

Figure 3: Sample illustrations from [?]

Notation: In the following sections e denotes the input ex-emplar texture, e f is the feature image (e.g. signed distancefield) of e and et stores transition of the material informa-tion (see Section ?? for explanations of e f and et). Also, srefers to the synthesized solid texture. Three model-basedcoordinates at each position in the object are defined as:along-object (u), around-object (v) and through-object (τ)coordinates. Three special orientations at these positions are:du = ∇u, dv = ∇v, dτ = ∇τ; these three are not necessarilyorthogonal in x,y,z space. The neighborhood of the voxel win the slice perpendicular to the i-th spatial axis (i=x,y,z) isrepresented by sw,i. The neighborhoods for the exemplar tex-ture and for the synthesized solid texture at voxel w are de-noted by ew and sw, respectively. For region based textures,st denotes the 3D transition field inside the model, which iscomputed using model parameterization.

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Kabul, Merck, Rosenman & Pizer / Model-based Solid Texture Synthesis for Anatomic Volume Illustration

4. Model-based Coordinate System

The problem of guided solid texture synthesis for anatom-ical structures is where to get the guidance. As discussedearlier, many textures on or within anatomical organs areoriented along or across the model, and they vary progres-sively depending on their position with respect to model.Thus, we propose a method for computing the along-object(u), around-object (v) and through-object (τ) coordinates forany point in world space within each region inside the modelin the scene (Fig. ??). These coordinates should provide cor-respondence between different instances of the anatomicalmodels. That is, corresponding points in different instancesof an anatomic object, such as an anatomical structure in dif-ferent patients, should have the same u,v,τ values.

M-reps provide the three desired model-based coordinates(u,v,τ). They can also be used to obtain consistent orienta-tion fields, and region classifications for different instancesof the anatomic objects. So called "’single figure slabular"’m-reps [?] represent 3D objects by a single continuous me-dial sheet and a set of spokes (Fig. 1). The medial sheet isthe skeletal surface of the object, lying midway between op-posing surfaces of the object. The medial sheet, M, of a 3Dobject is parameterized by (u,v), where u and v take on theindex numbers for sample positions along and across M. Ateach (u,v) a spoke extends from each side of the medial sheetto the object boundary. Position through the object is givenby the parameter τ , which is the fraction of the spoke fromthe medial sheet to the boundary. Comparing τ to 1 distin-guishes the inside of an object from the outside. The medialsheet can transfer its coordinates to the object boundary us-ing the fact that the m-rep implies the boundary. The coordi-nates u and v parameterize this boundary.

Figure 4: Left: a single figure m-rep for a kidney and theobject boundary implied by it. Middle: an internal medialatom. Right: a crest atom.

Image segmentation methods that produce m-reps are de-scribed in [?]. [?] describes the power of m-reps in volumevisualization.

4.1. Volumetric Model Coordinate Generation

Each boundary point carries a normal in the direction of thespoke at that position and two linearly independent direc-tions in the tangent plane to the boundary corresponding to

moving in the medial u and v coordinates respectively. Pro-viding the uv coordinates of each vertex on the boundaryallows our algorithm to compute model-based coordinatesinside the model.

The required coordinates from world to object coordinatesystem (X2U map) stores an object coordinate (uvτ) for eachworld-space (xyz) triplet inside the model. This coordinatesystem is precomputed and stored as a lookup table for eachmodel.

In order to compute X2U map for a model, a fast coordi-nate scan-conversion algorithm is used. This method repeat-edly rasterizes a large number of onion skins color-codedwith (uvτ ) coordinates and then clips it to individual planes.By combining these planes into a volume, (uvτ ) coordinatesat every voxel inside the model are obtained and stored asa look up table. The details of this approach can be foundin [?].

4.2. Model-based Guidance Field Computation

Beginning with a segmented model and the model-basedcoordinates, storing the X2U map has great advantagesover other methods which encodes only 3D distance in-formation from boundary, since this approach allows auto-matic computation of 3D model-based orientation informa-tion (du,dv,dτ), and material transition information (st) forillustrative purposes.

Figure 5: Along object volumetric vector fields computed forscm

1. 3D volumetric vector field: In our method, vector fieldsalong, across, and through the object is derived automat-ically from the gradient of the uvτ coordinates. Later, aLaplacian smoothing operation is applied to the vectorfields in order to obtain smooth streamlines for texturingpurposes.

2. 3D material transition field: Depending on the modelbeing considered, a thresholding scheme is applied to thevalues in X2U map. For instance, for the models in whichthe material is changing according to the depth of field(i.e., bone), a thresholding scheme is applied on the depthinformation that is provided by the parameter τ . By us-ing the fact that τ is zero at the medial sheet and 1 onthe boundary, the regions are classified by setting thresh-old values for τ (e.g., 0 < τ < 0.5 is the marrow region,

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Kabul, Merck, Rosenman & Pizer / Model-based Solid Texture Synthesis for Anatomic Volume Illustration

0.5<τ<0.7 is the interior bone region, and 0.7 < τ< 1 isthe exterior bone region). After regions are classified, thisinformation is used to compute a smooth transition field,st, for each voxel inside the model.

5. Solid Texture Synthesis

Given a surface model with its medial representation and2D exemplar textures, our method first computes the modelbased vector fields and region masks, and then it uses themto synthesize model-based progressively changing solid tex-tures inside the models. The 2D input exemplar textures suit-able for synthesizing anatomic structures are taken from il-lustrated sources such as [?] or from specifically designedanatomic texture catalogs.

Our solid texture synthesis method is based on the ba-sic non-parametric exemplar-based techniques used in [?], inwhich uniform cubic solid textures are synthesized from 2Dexemplar textures. The major contribution of our method isproviding an extension to this method to efficiently supportobject-specific progressively changing textures. In addition,we add model-based texture synthesis control to restrict theappearance of the textures for clipping planes that are ro-tated based on the orientation of medial axis. As opposedto the approach presented in [?], control of texture varia-tion and texture orientation is accomplished by generatingthe textures "in-place" for a model in world space instead ofin model space. This approach prevents the possible seamsthat might be caused by bending and twisting a standard tex-ture cube according to a particular model.

5.1. Iterative Solid Texture Synthesis

The approach presented in [?] is a two phase optimizationmethod that tries to minimize the sum of differences underthe Lp norm between each local neighborhood sw,i (i=x,y,z)of a voxel w in the output texture and a corresponding neigh-borhood ew,i (i=x,y,z) in the 2D example texture e. Initiallythe colors are randomly generated for each voxel inside thecube from the 2D examplar textures. Then in the first stagethe matching neighborhood of each voxel is determined byoptimizing the energy function Et :

Et(s;{e}) = ∑w


||sw,i− ew,i||r (1)

In the second stage the best matching neighborhood fromthe exemplar texture is searched for each voxel. The detailsof this approach can be found in [?].

5.2. Vector Guided Solid Texture Synthesis

In order to synthesize solid textures that are oriented alongthe model based vector field, we extend the neighborhoodsearch phase of the synthesis algorithm. In this phase of theapproach, the orthogonal neighborhoods sw,i (i=x,y,z) are ro-tated in 3D space around their center by a rotation matrix Rw,

which is computed by considering the vectors duw, dvw, anddτw at that voxel w.

Rw =

duxw dvx

w dτxw

duyw dvy

w dτyw

duzw dvz

w dτzw

srw,i = Rw ∗ sw,i

Here, the rotated neighborhoods are denoted by srw,i(i=x,y,z). In our case, the pixels in srw,i (i=x,y,z) are resam-pled from that of synthesized texture s.

Algorithm 1 Guided Solid Texture Synthesis

e0w← random neighborhood in e

et0w← random neighborhood in et

Rw←Compute rotation matrix using duw,dvw and dτw

for n = 0 to N dosn+1

w ← arg min Et(sw;enw)

for i = (x,y,z) dosrn+1

w,i ← Rotate sw,i using Rw

strn+1w,i ← Rotate stw,i using Rw

en+1w,i ← Find nearest neighbor of srn+1

w,i in ei

which satisfies ||etn+1w,i − strn+1

w,i ||< thresholdend forif en+1

w = enw then

sw← sn+1w break

end ifend for

Figure 6: (a) Solid textures synthesized for scm (Neighbor-hoods are rotated by considering (left)Only du (right) Bothdu and dv); (b) Comparison of [?]‘s approach with ourmethod: (left) [?]‘s approach (right) our approach

Our approach for synthesizing oriented solid texture isan improvement over the method presented in [?], since weavoid the misalignment of the structural feature of the tex-ture along the vector field by rotating the neighborhoods in3D space using the rotation matrix that is computed by con-sidering both du and dv. Fig. ??.a illustrates that using bothdu and dv in the computation of the rotation matrix improvesthe result. In [?], the neighborhood for each plane is rotatedin 2D space by considering the projection of the orientationvector on that plane (Fig. ??). Using this method, the conti-nuity of the structures cannot be preserved and the structural

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features of texture may not follow the guidance vector field.However, in our approach we can preserve the continuitiessince the neighborhoods are rotated by considering modelbased smooth vector fields. Fig. ??.b illustrates the effectsof our algorithm compared to the approach presented in [?].For both illustrations, same 2D example textures are usedin texture synthesis. For the first illustration, only the alongobject vector duw is considered in texture synthesis for rotat-ing the neighborhoods using the approach presented in [?].In the second illustration, the results are obtained by usingour method.

Figure 7: Comparison of neighboorhoods in solid texturesynthesis (a) Orthogonal neighborhoods (b) Neighborhoodsin [?] (c) Neighborhoods computed using our approach

Figure 8: Solid textures synthesized for two different scmmodels.

The synthesis order of the voxels has a significant effecton the output texture‘s quality. Most algorithms such as [?]grow a synthesized patch by selecting the voxels randomlyor sequantially in the search phase. This approach is not ap-propriate in oriented solid texture synthesis since the struc-tural features of the textures may not be preserved along theorientation field. In order to solve this problem, we adaptthe method presented in [?] for solid textures. We first com-pute streamlines from the 3D vector files. Then, the textureis synthesized by considering the individual streamlines indeciding the order of voxels to be considered in the neigh-borhood search. Our algorithm is also consistent for differentinstances of the same model. By using our method, two dif-ferent scm models with the same medial representation aretextured automically(Fig. ??).

5.3. Material Guided Solid Texture Synthesis

Progressively variant solid textures need to be synthesizedfor anatomical organs, such as the mandible and the scm

(Fig. ??). For example, the mandible has different tissuetypes inside which changes along the depth of layer. On theother hand, the scm has homogeneous tissue strands inside itbut attaches to the bone at each end by tendons, which looklike white muscle fibers. In order to imitate these features inour illustrations, the oriented solid texture synthesis methodoutlined above is further extended by considering model spe-cific material constraints in choosing region of the exemplartexture that is going to be used during texture synthesis. Asin [?], we use a 2D exemplar texture that varies in color ormaterial. Each exemplar texture has a feature image e f anda transition image et. The feature image stores the structuralproperties of the textures, such as signed distance field ob-tained from binary mask of the image, and the transition im-age stores the transition of color or material information inthe texture. These textures can be either designed by usingimaging tools or other techniques [?].

In the neighborhood search and optimization phase of thesolid texture synthesis, only the exemplar pixels that satisfythe condition given in ?? are considered for computing thecolor value in voxel w.

||stw,i− etw,i||< threshold (2)

Synthesizing progressively variant textures can be applied tomany organ illustrations. For the illustration of the scm, thereare two different regions along the model. In our illustrationof the mandible, our objective is to obtain an illustration sim-ilar the one in [?] (Fig. ??). In the anatomic illustration of themandible, the texture elements are different for the inner lay-ers (bone tissue) and outer layers (endosteum tissue). Bothof these features are illustrated by synthesizing solid texturesfor a specific patient‘s mandible using our approach (Fig. ??and Fig. ??).

Figure 9: Different textures are synthesized along the modelfor different regions of scm

5.4. Model-based Texture Synthesis Control

In anatomical illustrations such as Fig. ??, the muscle tex-tures look different for different clipping planes. The impor-tant thing here is that the texture looks different based on theorientation of the clipping plane. It is very hard to constrainthe texture on the clipping plane for every possible orienta-tion in texture synthesis, since we have to do neighborhoodsearch for each constrained direction. In anatomical illustra-tions the models are mostly clipped either perpendicular tothe medial axis or along the medial axis. Thus, in texture

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Figure 10: Different textures are synthesized for different re-gions of mandible (left) clipping planes along and throughthe mandible (middle) inputs to solid texture synthesis: tran-sition field for the mandible, exemplar texture with its tran-sition image (right) synthesized solid texture visualized byclipping planessynthesis we constrain our texture synthesis in these direc-tions. To do so, different 2D exemplar textures are pickedas input for different longituadinal vs axial directions, andneighborhoods are rotated in the search phase of the ap-proach as it is done in oriented solid texture synthesis. Theselection of 2D exemplar textures in this method is very im-portant, since they should contain similar colors. Otherwise,the synthesized texture may contain the colors that are not inany of the exemplar textures due to the optimization phasein the method. To solve this problem, we use the approachpresented in [?] to match the colors of the exemplar texturesin texture synthesis. We transfered color from one exemplartexture to the other one. (Fig. ??) illustrates our result forscm.

6. Applying Our Method

Given models, which can be generated automatically usingmethods from image analysis, and given exemplar texturesfrom medical textbooks and other medical illustrations, oursystem is fully automatic and does not require any user in-teraction during either model based part or texture synthesispart. There are several parameters in our system that can beset by the user, such as the thresholds for transition regionsand the size of the neighborhoods.

For improving the understanding of the patient data,we combine our results for scm and thyroid with the CTdata using the Model Guided Rendering (MGR) framework(Fig. ??) [?].

Further Applications: Many medical anatomy textbooks

Figure 11: Texture appearance changes based on the ori-entation of the clipping plane ((top) along object clippingplane (bottom) through object clipping plane)

and atlases use illustration techniques in order to emphasizethe important features of the model or models for a spe-cific purpose. Artists and anatomists have worked for cen-turies on improving 2D anatomical renderings in order toobtain attractive and effective illustrations for making thedata more understandable. They sometimes utilized con-tours, lines, textures, and a variety of lighting and shad-ing techniques in order to achieve that goal. Moreover, theycombine the medical images (such as CT or MRI) with the il-lustrations in order to highlight the model’s material featuresin the real medical data. These illustrations are very impor-tant for many applications, such as education and procedureplanning. In addition, these illustrations are taken in the op-erating room for reference during the surgery. However thereare two huge drawbacks of these illustrations: first, they arenot of this particular surgical patient’s anatomy and second,they are not interactive.

The main importance of our approach is the generationof patient-specific volumetric illustrations by utilizing tex-tures. The methods we are developing are intended to makeanatomical illustrations useful not only as references to "nor-mal" anatomy but for understanding the anatomy of the par-ticular clinical patient being examined, planned, or operatedon. For teaching, these methods could be applied to convertdatabase of teaching CT’s showing various different types ofconditions into Netterly renderings.

Our illustrations can be used to improve the communi-cation between patients and doctors. For example, surgicalprocedures or the change in the shape of the anatomical or-gans due to a disease can be explained to the patient usingour illustrations. Patients can easily see and recognize theorgans inside the CT data using our illustrations. This mayhave a profound positive impact on the patient recovery pe-riod and communication between patients and doctors.

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Figure 12: Solid textures for scm and thyroid in MGR frame-work

These illustrations can be used in image guided clinicaltreatment planning in order to understand the relationshipbetween anatomic features in space. Different solid texturescan be produced for different models using our approach,and they can easily be integrated with the CT image data. Inaddition, our illustrations can be used in order to highlightthe models inside the CT data for surgical planning.

7. Conclusion and Future Work

Our approach has advantages over the other approaches [?]because it can generate consistent and detailed progres-sively changing solid textures from 2D exemplar textures.The drawback, however, is the cost in both computation andmemory, as it explicitly computes and stores a dense 3D ar-ray of voxels covering the entire target model. In the future,we would like to work on these problems. Moreover, in thispaper we used atlas textures for showing a "most likely" ap-pearance of the segmented 3D anatomical models. In the fu-ture, we would like to extend our approach to using more in-formation from the CT data. We would like to illustrate notonly normal but also abnormal and non-atlas structures withtextures appropriate to a target patient’s condition as deter-mined from prior clinical knowledge, statistical estimates oranalysis of the particular patient image. For example, lesionsobvious in the gray image might be rendered to look patho-logical, and regions with clinically identified cancers mightlook cancerous [?].


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