Mobile Library Development - stuck between a pod and a jar file - Zan Markan - Codemotion Amsterdam...

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Transcript of Mobile Library Development - stuck between a pod and a jar file - Zan Markan - Codemotion Amsterdam...

Mobile Library DevelopmentStuck between a Pod and a Jar file

Zan Markan @zmarkan

AMSTERDAM 16 - 17 MAY 2017

@zmarkanZan Markan @zmarkan

LIBRARY DEVELOPMENTstuck between a pod and a jar file

@zmarkan©Copyright @zmarkan 2017

About MeDeveloper for 8+ years

Mostly Android, mobile


See also: emoji overuser


Developer tools company

Chat API

Hiring in Ldn

Trusted by 150k+ devs | @pusher


Contents of this talk● Libs 101● API Design● Development & Testing● Releasing● Docs

...and more!


We building libs because... Avoid duplicating logic - Best Practice

Sharing == Caring

It’s a great way to enrich your

We want to be paid


Libraries are a collection of classes and methods that encapsulate common, shared functionality.


Libs != AppsLibraries are NOT end products

Smaller, more lightweight than apps

Many x Many apps/lib ratio


All about that Lib...What: Libraries, Frameworks, SDKs

Type: General libs, UI Widgets, Serverside, Testing

Access: Publicly vs Privately accessible

Pricing: FOSS, Free to use vs Commercial

API: DSL, Reactive, n other things...


Product is about the User● Developers (like you and I)● Varied backgrounds, levels of experience● User experience -> Developer experience


the truth about developersLibrary users are Developers…

… developers are very lazy, so...

libraries should enable laziness.




The API is to a library what the



Things I mean by APIEntry points

Interaction points

Data model

Errors & Exceptions


Entry points(where people first interact with your code)

They allow you to instantiate and configure the library

In “Code”: Constructors, Builders, Factories

In UI: Widgets


Construction in CodeiOS: Named Parameters, Optionals

Android: (Overloaded) Constructors, Builders

Both: Sensible defaults >> Customisation

Also in Kotlin on Android!


Builder Poor person’s named args

… and optional args

Ensures constructor is passed correct values, and

validates its state before building the class


Methods & ModelsWhen in doubt - go S.O.L.I.D.

Naming, Naming, Naming!

Don’t surprise your users!(But you can delight them)


(R)X-FactorAysnc as a stream of eventsAllows chaining, and functional operations

Support all the things: RxSwift, RxJava (even PHP!)

More: Paco Estevez makes AWESOME Rx libs/articles/talks


RX in briefeventStream



.subscribe(//handleSuccess, //handleError)

Not shown: one million operators, threading, ...


RX… but

It’s still a power user feature

Callbacks are still often preferred

provide RX adapter as an optional extra?


DSL-o-Matic... 9000Make your own little programming language… inventing a syntax that works for you!

Examples: Hamcrest, Rx, Kotlin Anko

Techniques: Macros, Annotations, Operator overloading, Extension methods, ...


When things go ● Let it crash!● Early● Often

Ensure the error messaging is spot on

Add links in error messages to explanations


Anatomy of a “nice” ErrorType: Illegal Input

Message: Request unsuccessful, reason: malformed auth token


Explain things here!




Performance or Be wary of:

● Library size => App size● Memory leaks● Build times ● Needless dependencies


API should be beautiful.Implementation should

f*****g work.


Testing it & Loving it The easy: Unit Tests

The hard: Integration Tests with an app

The smart: foodingMore in: David Schreiber-Ranner’s talk from Droidcon Vienna 2016


Tracking & AnalysisProblem: No Google Analytics for libraries

Track at the service level?

Listen and talk to users

fooding: Redux

unless you’re Fabric



(Semantic) Versioning 2.0Major[.]Minor[.]Patch

● Major: Breaking changes● Minor: New features● Patch: Hotfixes Shouldn’t ever happen●


Releasing (how not to do it)

● Manually include the builds in your project

(Bad idea in most cases)

● Include project as a Git submodule

(Even worse idea in all cases)


Releasing (the right way)

: Carthage, CocoaPods

Simple, git-based tools with some workspace-gen

: Maven Central, JCenter, Jitpack

Maven-based dependency managers ^^


Releasing (privately)

: Carthage, CocoaPods << Work with private git repos ^^

: Sonatype Nexus, Artifactory Pro, Jitpack ^^ hosted solutions, will cost you

: Maven repo on S3, Artifactory OS ^^ free as in (just add server!)




50 shades of Docs● Quick Start ● Sample apps ● Java/Swift Doc ● Wiki pages ● Yes, even tests! ● Mix & Match!


Quickstart a.k.a.

“Let me copypaste something”


Sample code● Should be small, confined apps● … often alongside libraries in the same repo● Should reflect your libraries’ features● Can go in-depth for more advanced features


JavaDoc & SwiftDoc● Cheap to make● Automagically generated ● (Just add comments!)● Great in IDEs: Android Studio & XCode● Host it alongside your other docs


Libraries enable app developers to be lazy. Docs enable library developers to be lazy.


The takeawaysLibs 101

API design




@zmarkan©Copyright @zmarkan 2017



Twitter: @zmarkan

Github: @zmarkan

Email: zan@[ |]