Mobile Growth Summit 2017 Tenjin data warehouse presentation

Post on 11-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Mobile Growth Summit 2017 Tenjin data warehouse presentation

Data Warehousing Strategies for Effective Lookalike Campaigns

Christopher Farm, Co-Founder & CEO at Tenjin

Who Am I?

@matthausk @tenjinio@tenjinio

User Acquisition Is Like Playing “Battleship”

- Battleships are valuable users

- Ocean is low value users

- Shot is equivalent to a campaign

- Goal is to sink and capture all the ships firing as few shots as possible


Valuable users

Low value users


Running Lookalike Campaigns Allows You To Game The System- Lookalike campaigns don’t

require guess work

- Give you visibility to the rest of the ship instantly


X Saved a shot and made another hit


How Do I Game The System with Lookalikes?- Data warehouses let you find existing valuable users

- Upload your list of valuable users to the ad network you’re using

- Network will acquire more users that look like your valuable users

- Do NOT waste “shots” (campaigns) on low value users

- Rinse and repeat


What Does A Growth Data Warehouse Look Like?

@matthausk @tenjinio

- Capture important user characteristics for acquisition purposes * In-App Actions (milestones, progression events, etc. . .) * Acquisition Source * User Acquisition Cost * User Ad Revenue * In App Purchases / Subscriptions * User demographics (gender, age, etc.)

- Organized to extract valuable cohorts about users


One example:

@matthausk @tenjinio@tenjinio

- Valuable users: LTV >$5 since Jan 1, 2015

Valuable users across networks!

One example:

@matthausk @tenjinio@tenjinio

- Load these users into an ad network

Valuable users across networks!

The Next Step:

@matthausk @tenjinio@tenjinio

Teach machines to do this for you.

The good news: the data will be there when you’re ready.

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