Mobile and-future-presentation

Post on 17-May-2015

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Transcript of Mobile and-future-presentation

Mobile and the Future of News

AJ Barrett

Briggs Ch 1-5, insights or in-sites

Self Quiz We know that a technology has become effective when

we start __________________________. Every college journalist should have a ______. _____________ focuses community power on a specific

project. Examples include finding instances of voting problems or mapping potholes on city streets.

Everyone is a _________________. _________ is the most popular microblogging service. Today's journalist simply packs a ____________.

Alphabet soup

Chapter 1

Technology has become effective when we start TAKING IT FOR GRANTED

Consider how browsers work... Request to server, returns page Info is cached for easy retrieval Plugins and extensions enhance

More soup

RSS My yahoo Google news, alerts Other apps, like Flipboard

FTP Hidden from you now, in CMS or file managers It's what you do when you upload a pic to FB

More soup

HTML Content


Why know it? Customize WordPress, etc.

CSS Presentation

CSS ZenGarden

XML Data based, semantic web

Bits, bytes


Tera, peta, yotta = gotta mean BIG DATA Larger files in our future

Cell plan limits vs. retinal displays APIs

The open sourcing of the Web

A Byte more Tech-info

Internet is the biggie Web, email, FTP, etc. are all parts of the biggie

Servers feed the browsers URL = web address IP = a numeric and unique identifier

Surpassed IP and moved to IP2 etc. (growth)


Chapter 2

Every college journalist should have a BLOG Develop community Facilitate conversation

Find credible sources

LINK LINK LINK Blogs are hard work

24-7, frequently update, etc.


Posts = news Headline Body Comment area

Pages = Static info Contact, policies, etc.

Sidebars, headers, footers Timeless or timely RSS, etc.

To think about...

Find a niche Go hyperlocal Make it personal (unique voice) Online style

READ blogs to write blogs Worthy examples

Techcrunch, HuffPo, Mashable etc.

Traffic surpasses Front Page in desirability

Elements of a post

Killer lede Nut graf Walkoff Links Pullouts

Fact boxes Summaries Lists


Permalink Trackback Blogroll

Loads of good info at the end of the chapter A blog, like any website, shows the user

immediately what it's about Tagline, site description, etc

PPPPPPs Post, participate, promote (pin), personality, pull

(RSS) Write scan-able Link, summarize and analyze



Jrnl 396 - WordPress Take your own photos

Or learn about copyright Electronic Freedom Forum

Screenshots (cmd + shift + 4) Open clipart library

Collaborative Publishing

Chapter 3

CROWDSOURCING focuses community power on a specific project such as voting problems or mapping potholes.

Google Fusion A tool to bring a spreadsheet into map or table

formats Public Insight Network

Database of sources


Spot.US Deserves a look

Open Source Reporting

Transparency Going public with story ideas early and inviting

readers to help Aids credibility Builds relationships Builds brand loyalty

Downsides Mass amateurization

Rumor milling

More terms

Beat blogging Link and other forms of Editor Curation

Drudge Storify

Pro-Am journalism iReport

Everyone is a MEDIA OUTLET

Citizen Journalism Neighborhoods, schools = Events, Print $$$


Chapter 4

Breaking news What's happening NOW

In 140 characters or less Mobile distribution and consumption

Popular! TWITTER is the most popular microblogging

service Social media is a core competency

Examples abound

Crowdsourcing and citizen journalists Brought us

Arab Spring Mumbai bombings Twitpics like Sully's plane on the Hudson

“Face of” an organization Colonel Trib Branding

Discussion points

Does twitter have a place in the courtroom? Autopilot tweeting

Like “Shovelware” no no no BE HUMAN

Follow Retweet Beware of spambots

BE RELEVANT, TIMELY Inform, instruct, interact, LINK!

80-20 RULE


DM RT @ # Bitly or other tiny url helpers


Present Shock Good read on Politico


Reacting inhibits us from getting anything done?

Be wary of clutter


Chapter 5

Today's journalist simply packs a SMART PHONE

The terms mojo and backpacker are falling from use

Nothing so special about that any more History repeats itself

Major news orgs dropping ball on this Just as they dropped the ball on Web Shovelphone – yeesh


Tips Close range shooting works

Orientation landscape for videos

Camera doesn't always get full picture Add words = good reporting still needed

Journalism first Don't tweet every tiny development

Standard for photo is GOOD ENOUGH Immediacy trumps production values

Include users mobile sharing, too


Think like the mobile user Wall of text=death

Headings and other cues

Connect users GPS CoveritLive

Stay basic with information Keep multimedia small file sizes first

Don't freeze my phone or cost me plan $ (give me a choice)


Smart phone A few accessory lenses, tripod

Voice type Add a few apps

Decent list of these in Briggs but they are always changing

Check out sites like Ustream, Qik, Livestream, etc.


Have backup plans Have backup power supply Security Fact check (metadata)

The Future... AJ's crystal ball

On body Wrist is in again

Outlook watch mid 1990s Kapture, a modern audio recorder

Fad or Future? Needs fashion to attract women?

Production vs Consumption Ideal for micro-consumer

Pros-cons of “interruptive” technology (News McNugget)

NY Minute, BBC Instafax Bluetooth dependent vs independent

Not 4G or HD yet – but waterproof Undercover investigative potential

Flipside = privacy

Smart watch and future of digital news

s-and-the-digital-future-of-news/s2/a555625/ Google Glass and journalism

On body

Google glass HuffPo says it's doomed before we even get a

chance to try it (a suppressor of communication) The camera is promising for film and journalism

MORE promising for the porn industry

RELATED, ultimately to developments in CONVERSATIONAL SEARCH

(no keyboard! No mouse!)


Body heat as a charger Breathing as a charger Flexible “sapphire” glass

Apple's solar charging future Fewer devices requiring power?

Less mouse usage Keyboards as rollups, addons

Security or Job Insecurity More new tech

Fingerprint sensors and Touch ID What am I smelling? The beginnings of sixthsense Body enhancement suits VR, augmented reality 3D printing

Robotic replacements? Will Watson write the news stories?

Traditional stories (beginning, middle, end) gone Mashups and endless epics

Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad


Moore's “law” predicted Doubling of transistors every two years Some say that thanks to the doubling

redoubling happens faster and faster At first...

Some predict we must hit saturation points


Moore's “law” predicted Doubling of transistors every two years Some say that thanks to the doubling

redoubling happens faster and faster At first...

Some predict we must hit saturation points

Potential problems

EPIC 2015 WWGD = What will Google do?

Why buy NEST?

Not googlezon but GoogleSung? Yet another alliance to ensure profitability

IMPORTANT VIDEO Filter bubble, Eli Pariser, Ted Talks

“the internet is showing us what it thinks we want to see... but not necessarily what we need to see”


Has technology killed lasting movements? Would MLK tweet today instead of marching? Tea Party vs Occupy

Eyes Everywhere Great for CSIs, bad for privacy

Data by which we are all known My ads were from Bank of America

Leading the way with new insights for the future Does this pair with the article or ME?

Problems of ownership

Net Neutrality The cloud

Who owns what you put there?

Paying for journalism

Disruption = opportunity for entrepreneurship Examples of new revenue sources

Events Services

Examples of conflict in the model Native ads Paid content Popularity payments (AdSense)

Money and change New takes on old institutions

Bitcoin Barter

Who is the next dinosaur? Brick and mortar Universities Utility companies

The News? EPIC predicted news would become a shallow

collection of trivia, rumors, etc., because that's what consumers demanded

Money and change New takes on old institutions

Bitcoin Barter

Who is the next dinosaur? Brick and mortar Universities Utility companies

The News? EPIC predicted news would become a shallow

collection of trivia, rumors, etc., because that's what consumers demanded

Beyond EPIC 2015 The web exacerbates our communication tendencies

People who are talented and passionate should survive Tasks such as video will continue to be easier to do

EPIC attempted to describe us as we are Cheap and easy distribution has opened publishing Remix has challenged copyright Mobile has made news instantaneous

Resources Sites to surf

GigaOm Techcrunch Buzzfeed

Ted Talks: “media with meaning” playlist “our digital lives” playlist “What does the future look like” playlist

Kevin Kelly's “Next 5,000 days of the web” Mark Citron's “And now the real news”

2014 Predictions