Mmg 691 Ca01 Final Presentation

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Transcript of Mmg 691 Ca01 Final Presentation

Management Seminar 1

Final Presentation

Leslie PirtleSubmitted On July 27, 2007To Professor Catherine Seo

MMG 691

Part 1: Emotional


Test Results &Development


My Test Results


Emotional Self-Awareness


Accurate Self-Assessment


Self-Confidence 5


Emotional Self-Control 4.7

Trustworthiness 4.3

Conscientiousness 4.3

Adaptability 5

Optimism 5

Achievement Orientation


Initiative 4.3


Empathy 4.3

Organizational Awareness


Service Orientation 5


Developing Others 4

Influence 4.7

Inspirational Leadership


Communication 5

Change Catalyst 4.3

Conflict Management 4

Building Bonds 4.3

Teamwork & Collaboration


Developing Others

Foster long-term learning or development of others

Focus - developmental intent and effect rather than the formal role of teaching or training.

Spend time helping people find their own way to excellence through specific feedback on current performance.

The person who possesses the competency “Developing Others”—

Offers feedback to improve another person’s performance

Mentors or coaches others Recognizes specific strengths of others

Developing Others, Cont’d

Developmental Tips Talk to individuals about their

aspirations, what the want to do better, and what they’d would like to try out.

Developing Others, More Tips

See Good Will Hunting. • About helping

someone see the opportunities in his future.

Read Developing High Performance People: The Art of Coaching, B. Mink, 1993.

Conflict Management

Handling difficult people or tense situations with tact

Facing conflict rather than avoiding it.

Focus on issues rather than people

Work to de-escalate bad feelings.

Person who possesses this competency• Brings disagreements out in

the open• De-escalate conflicts • Communicates the positions

of all involved

Conflict Management: Developmental Tips

Bring disagreement into the open before it turns into a conflict.

In a heated discussion:• Focus on issues at hand • Leave personal matters aside • Ask yourself: Is what I am saying or doing productive in

trying to resolve this situation?

Conflict Management: More Tips

Read: Conflict Management: The Courage to Confront, Richard J. Mayer, 1995.

Areas I Will Develop

Conscientiousness Achievement Orientation


How I Can Improve Conscientiousness

Tackle the more tedious aspects of my job • Record keeping • Data collection and management

Stop procrastinating• Hospital database• Strategic plan• Competitive scans • Progress reports

How I Can Develop Achievement Orientation

Continue in the direction I'm headed.

Plan better, set higher goals, drive myself harder, work more efficiently to attain them.

Specifically:• Ensure success of

Boston sites• Bring sites to more

suburban areas like Cape Cod

• Bring program to hospitals in VA, TN, CA, NV, FL

Increasing My Initiative

Find new, innovative ways to:• Network• Promote the Health

Care Program• Be more creative

Part 2: ILP


Brainstorming Possible Topics

Idea #1: Justify the Red Cross

This project would refute the statement: “there is no need for the Red Cross to be Congressionally mandated”

Idea #2: Business Plan for a Non-Profit Organization

Establish an international NGO Empower people, primarily women, in

developing nations. Offer alternatives to working as overseas

domestics in countries where basic human rights are often taken by employer.

Idea #3: Develop Disaster Management Degree Concentration

Competitive scan of local and national markets

Develop curriculum

Devise marketing plan

Part 3: My ILP Plan

A Concentration in Disaster


ILP Objective

Determine if this program would be a wise addition to the School of Management

Develop curriculum Make recommendations on

how/where to market this new major

Part 4: “Take-

Aways” from MMG


…It was a Smorgasbord!

Time Management Workshop

Confirmed what I know

3 nights a week and every other weekend: classes.

Up at 5, out the door at 6:30 for a two hr commute each way.

8-12 hr day at work, depending.

And volunteer work

The only way I can Improve my time efficiency??



I have always wanted to do a blog

Finally had an excuse to try it

A great way to organize thoughts

Track progress

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Emotional Intelligence – Reflections

It has helped me to view myself and others more analytically

Some things were confirmed

Some were surprises

Classmates & Teacher

Great exchange of ideas Inspiration Everyone so kind & friendly!

Classmates & Teacher
