Mitchell Aerospace and Engineering Mitchell Community College February 13, 2011 Individual Subsystem...

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Transcript of Mitchell Aerospace and Engineering Mitchell Community College February 13, 2011 Individual Subsystem...

Mitchell Aerospace and Engineering Mitchell Community CollegeFebruary 13, 2011

Individual Subsystem Testing


Mission OverviewMission Overview

Functional Block DiagramsFunctional Block Diagrams

Changes from CDRChanges from CDR

Project Management and Team UpdatesProject Management and Team Updates

Subsystem OverviewSubsystem Overview

Outline of Presentation Outline of Presentation

Lessons LearnedLessons Learned


Mission OverviewNathan Keller

Mission OverviewMission OverviewGoal Statement:

Our goal is to design and implement various transducers to

passively collect energy for possible use for space based

instrumentation. We expect to harvest energy from the flight

of the rocket, solar and magnetic sources.

Mission OverviewMission Overview

Mission Requirements: For each transducer, voltage across a known resistor will

be measured and data will be stored.

○ Some transducers may require amplification of voltage.

The power used by a customized-in-house (CIH) sensing

package will be measured and stored.

Measurable data from the CIH sensing package will be


Expected ResultsExpected Results

Subsystem Overview- Block Subsystem Overview- Block DiagramDiagram











CIH SensingBoard


OpenlogPower on fromWallops


----- Power----- Data

----- Serial Data

Op Amp


Subsystem Overview- Block Subsystem Overview- Block Diagram Diagram The signal from each transducer will travel through an op amp(if

necessary) and then a resistor of a known value.

The signal will then input into the Arduino where the voltage will be measured.

Upon receiving power-on from Wallops, the Arduino will begin tracking the time from power on to a predetermined stopping time.

The Arduino will also send a digital signal to the CIH board to bring it out of its idle state.

Both the Arduino and CIH sensing package will store data to an OpenLog data logger.

Changes from CDRMechanical

Gary Staggers

Mechanical Changes Mechanical Changes

Makrolon Plates & standoffs:

○ Increased the thickness of the plates.

Originally planned to use 1/8” plates, but modified to use 3/16” for added


○ 5/16” Aluminum Hex standoffs tapped to 8-32 have replaced

the original cylindrical standoffs.


Mechanical Changes Mechanical Changes

Transducer Changes:


Changed tube ID from 3/4” to 5/8”.

Magnet size updated from 3/4” to 5/8”.

Changed springs from stainless steel to copper beryllium.

Changes were made to reduce weight, after testing reveals

the smaller size is just as effective.

Mechanical Changes Mechanical Changes

Transducer Changes:

EM Pendulum

Magnet lengthened to a 1 inch overall length mounted in

a ball joint mechanism.

Bowl design has been modified to 4 coils perpendicular to

the aluminum cylindrical base.

These changes were implemented because the original

design was not effective in producing voltage.

Mechanical Changes Mechanical Changes

Transducer Changes:


Construction altered from aluminum to ABS plastic.

Magnet is a spherical 5/8” neodymium magnet.

These changes were implemented to accommodate the 3-D

printer at the college.

Mechanical Changes Mechanical Changes

Transducer Changes:


Dimensions have been adjusted to fit comfortably on the

second shelf facing the optical port.

Mechanical Changes Mechanical Changes

Transducer Changes:


Crusher has been downsized since CDR, due to

considerations of weight, cost and space. 

Originally Crusher was designed to be 1” x 1” x 1.5”, and

the current design is 2” x 2” x 0.2”.  This reduced volume

from 1.5 cubic inches to 0.8 cubic inches, which results in

a proportional decrease in weight and cost of production.

Mechanical Changes Mechanical Changes

Transducer Changes:


Still in development.

Current condenser needs further testing to prove its

viability for the project.

Mechanical Changes Mechanical Changes

Transducer Changes:

Diving Board

The cantilever has been changed from aluminum to


Tensile yield strength of Lexan is higher than 6061


Maximum yield strength of Lexan is 65.8 Mpa, 9543 PSI.

Maximum yield strength of 6061 Aluminum is 55.2 Mpa,

8007 PSI.

Mechanical Changes Mechanical Changes

Transducer Changes:

Grow Hot

No changes since CDR.

Changes from CDRElectrical/Software

Dylan Stobbe

Electrical Changes Electrical Changes

The I2C (inter-integrated circuit), the main protocol for

communications between the two microcontrollers, is no

longer necessary.

The second Arduino Microcontroller has been removed.

The main Arduino will control the power to the CIH

sensing board.

Further testing needs to be done to see which

transducers need rectification; Crusher, Aubade, Elvis

and GrowHot do not need rectification.

Electrical Changes Electrical Changes Sensing Package:

The scope of the project has been broadened somewhat

by the switch from an OTS sensing package to a CIH


The CIH package will represent the power consumption

of a comparable.

In addition to serving as a power comparison, the sensing

board will provide useful data regarding the flight profile of

the rocket.

Changes from CDRTest

Erin Wilson

Test Changes Test Changes

No changes since CDR

Changes from CDRSafetyErin Wilson

Safety Updates Safety Updates

Safety presentation given followed by a written test.

All students passed with an 80% or better.

Project Management Update

Beau Brinkley

Team PhotoTeam Photo

Back Row (left to right): Brad, Dylan, Colin, Tony, Joseph, JohnFront Row (left to right): Doug Knight, Gary, Erin, Michael, Nathan, Clint Halsted

Project ManagementProject Management

Organizational Chart

Dr. DougKnight

Gary StaggersMechanicalManager

Erin WilsonSafety Officer

Beau BrinkleyProject Manager

Dylan StobbeElectrical Manager/

Director ofCommunications and



Test Lead








Clint Halsted

Project ManagementProject Management

Schedule Update Currently on schedule with only a few internal work task changes.

Some of the test components arrived behind schedule therefore,

manufacturing plan detail revisions have been affected.

In effort to meet schedule demands, Test data will be implemented directly

into design revisions rather than formally revising the manufacturing plan.

Subsystem OverviewBrad Hager

SubsystemsSubsystems Jerk

EM Pendulum




Diving Board

Grow Hot

Sensing Board


Winding wire around Jerk.




Winding the Wire



Turning an End Cap




Prototype completed and flight tested.

Based on flight results, design will be updated to maximize

potential output.

EM Pendulum EM Pendulum

EM PendulumEM Pendulum


Prototyping dependent on delivery of final materials.


Threaded Rods



Enameled Copper Wire 30 AWG




Prototype is fully assembled.

Ready for a prototyping rocket flight with fully functional fin

tabs that will simulate rotation.




During the test flight in broad daylight, 6.70 V were


The solar cells are mounted in Lexan sheet.




Testing will be completed this week.

Prototype is complete.




Testing to be completed.

Changes are anticipated moving forward but test results will

dictate route taken.

Biasing of the condenser mic may not follow our pathway of

passive energy harvesting.

Diving BoardDiving Board


Milling Diving Board Pieces

Diving BoardDiving Board

Diving BoardDiving Board

Diving Board Test Diving Board Test ResultsResults

Grow HotGrow Hot

Grow HotGrow Hot


Off the shelf, thermoelectric cooler.

Bench testing started.

Plan for Subsystem Plan for Subsystem IntegrationIntegration

Plan for Subsystem Plan for Subsystem IntegrationIntegration

Plan for Subsystem Plan for Subsystem IntegrationIntegration Make and finalize the physical layout of all transducers.

Place transducers on Makrolon plates and conform to center of

gravity specs.

Optimize wiring layout and pathways.

Change transducer placement as needed within the center of

gravity constraints and New Jersey’s center of gravity


Sensing Board Preliminary Sensing Board Preliminary LayoutsLayouts

Bottom of Sensing Board Top of Sensing Board

Sensing Board Preliminary Sensing Board Preliminary LayoutsLayouts

Test RocketJoseph Edwards

Prototyping Test Rocket Prototyping Test Rocket

Joseph, Clint Halsted, Colin, Doug Knight, Tony, Corbin, Gary, Dylan

Construction of Payload Construction of Payload


Corbin & Dylan


Prelaunch: Rocket assembled in physics lab.

Completed Rocket Completed Rocket

Launch DayLaunch Day

Weather: cloudy, mist

Temp- 43 degrees F

Date:Feb. 10th 2:50 pm- arrived at launch site

Launch Launch

Corbin, Colin, Clint Halsted

Gary, Doug Knight, Colin, Joseph


• Weighed Rocket.

• Began prepping rocket, motor, and nosecone.

• Turned payload on and started timer for payload exit program. T- 24 minutes to datalogging.

Launch Launch


• Rocket taken apart to ensure correct packing of parachute.

• The rocket is angled slightly into the wind to correct trajectory.

• Ematch inserted into motor.

• Group backs up 100 feet from launch pad.

Launch Launch

Gary & Dylan Recording Flight Data


Rocket Launch Test 1Rocket Launch Test 1


4-inch test rocket launched on 02-10-12.

All systems tested (Jerk transducer, data logger and

microcontroller) functioned and contributed to a successful


Launch ResultsLaunch Results• A snapshot of the output from the first rocket testing of jerk.

• The time (in milliseconds), the integer values of each transducer, the time (in minutes and seconds), and the values in terms of voltage can be seen.

• The graph shows the transduced voltage vs. time.




SoftwareSoftwareProgram ran on the first flight of thePrototyping Rocket on 2-10-12



While some previous versions of the software have been more

functional, some iterations have been buggy and produced

unpredictable results.

It was necessary to ensure the reliability of the software for the

test rocket and therefore a simpler version of the planned

software was produced.

Lessons LearnedDylan Stobbe

Lessons LearnedLessons LearnedMechanical

• Always have multiple lines of communication within the group.

• The first try will not produce the precise and polished result needed, so planning for several trials with each project is the best route.

• Quality is better than quantity.

• Always ask questions when unsure and seek out those who are experts on the topic.

Lessons LearnedLessons LearnedElectrical/Software

It is more important to have a functional program than a

fancy one.

If you need it to work, stick to the basics.

What works on the ground isn’t necessarily true during


Cable management is key.

Lessons LearnedLessons LearnedTest

• Always expect something to go wrong, so always allow more time than needed to make changes.

• Plan ahead with check lists and weather conditions before all test flights.

• Use modular designs and Autodesk software to improve the payload.

• Multiple techniques and Autodesk software are needed to create an accurate mass budget of the payload.

Lessons LearnedLessons LearnedTest

Original Payload Payload Revision

ConclusionsNathan Keller

Conclusion Conclusion

• All transducers have been designed; they are in the testing phase except for EM Pendulum.

• Programs have been tested and proved flight worthy and reliable.

• CIH sensing board is on schedule and viable.

• Mass requirements are proving not to be an issue.

• Project is currently on schedule.

• No foreseeable roadblocks in the future.