MITC Annual Report 2013

Post on 14-Feb-2017

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Transcript of MITC Annual Report 2013






OVER £2,000,000 RAISED SO FAR!


MISSIONThe Moto in the Community Trust is committed to making a difference in the communities around Moto Service Areas.


Through our network of 63 locations and 4,000 staff, the Moto in the Community Trust encourages Moto sites to establish relationships with small charities and community organisations with whom they believe they can make a notable difference. The majority of the Trust’s income comes from fundraising at Moto sites. Moto people continue to amaze with their enthusiasm and commitment to their charity and this is reflected in the amount raised year on year by the Trust. 2013 saw us raise a record-breaking £478,000 for our charities and good causes.

Every year the Trust partners with another charity chosen by Moto people. This charity benefits from the opportunity to raise their profile sitting alongside the Moto in the Community Trust and receives a proportion of the overall funds raised by the Trust. For 2013 Moto People chose to continue supporting Help for Heroes for a second year as their favourite Charity of the Year.

Moto sites are a part of their communities and as such the Trust is continually looking for opportunities to make a difference to these communities. Each Moto site is given the opportunity to adopt a local community partner and offer them continuing support throughout the year through financial grants, volunteers for projects and opportunities to raise the profile of their organisation at their local Moto site. In addition we are able to focus some of our resources in adding value to community schools through our adopted schools programme. We work closely with Head Teachers to identify where our support will be valued most.

The Trust continues to explore opportunities to educate staff, customers and the wider community on road safety both on the motorway and in the community. The Trust is also expanding its support of environmental initiatives through projects and campaigns in schools and in communities. We encourage Moto sites and staff to be more environmentally friendly and help organisations not only by providing financial assistance but also help in the early stages with creating campaigns and helping environmentally focused good causes.

The Trust has its own employee voluntary scheme. The scheme focuses on supporting staff who would like to give something back to their community by volunteering to support community projects or provide support to a community organisation.

The Trust has its own benevolent fund in order to support Moto People and their families through times of hardship. During 2013, nine benevolent grants were awarded to help Moto People facing short-term hardship or illness.






OVER £2,000,000 RAISED SO FAR!


Moto in the Community TrustCHAIRMAN’s STATEMENTfor Financial Year End 2013

Welcome to the Moto in the Community Trust 2013 Annual and Charity Report.

I am delighted to report an outstanding year for Moto in the Community for 2013. We have had our strongest fundraising year since our charity started in 2005, reaching our milestone target of £2M at the end of September 2013.

We have continued to grow and develop our community partnerships in the communites around our Moto sites and enjoyed a second year working with our National Charity of the Year – Help for Heroes.

Moto in the Community has now completed eight years of fundraising and support for local and national partners. We are very grateful for the staunch support of Moto Hospitality staff and their customers who continue to demonstrate their commitment to our charity every day by giving generously to our causes. The strength of our brand continues to increase and awareness of our work and objectives spreads further with each passing year.

During 2013 we have raised £478,000. This is a truly exceptional achievement for Moto in the Community. The Trustees and I are very proud and grateful to Moto staff fundraisers, Moto suppliers and of course Moto’s customers who have helped us achieve this.

Throughout 2013 Moto in the Community has supported Help for Heroes as our National Charity of the Year. This partnership began in January 2012 and has been our most successful Charity of the Year partnership to date. We have also continued to grow our family of community partners – we currently

have 38 community partners, all of whom have developed a relationship with their local Moto site, and 49 adopted community schools around the UK.

The majority of our charitable giving through financial grants has been made up of the MITC Community Grant Scheme and our donation to our national charity of the year. The aim of our grant scheme is to help our local community partners with monetary grants to support specific projects. Moto has sites across the UK from Kinross in Scotland to Exeter in the south of England. There are 4,000 people who work at Moto sites and the Community Grant scheme was established in order to give something back to these communities, of which Moto is such a big part. This year, £22,472 has been given to our local community partners.

Throughout the year Moto and Help for Heroes worked together to hold fundraising events at Moto sites and nationally co-ordinated corporate events for Moto’s loyal supplier supporters. These raised money for Help for Heroes, raised awareness of their brand and enabled Help for Heroes to distribute information about their work to Moto’s customers and suppliers. At the end of the year, Moto in the Community presented Help for Heroes with £200,000, matching our 2012 donation of £200,000.

In addition every Moto site has at least one school that they have adopted and support throughout the year with the many challenges of running a school. We are proud to include in our family of adopted schools a number of special needs schools that support families with children who manage a range of disabilities from Autism through to more severe physical disabilities. These schools receive a wealth of support from the Trust each year. The flagship

OVER £2,000,000 RAISED SO FAR!


event for our adopted schools each year is our Book Programme. The scheme in 2013 was called “Literacy Boost”. Moto in the Community provided a set of books for each of our schools which included texts suitable for every reading level. More than 15,000 books were sent to our adopted schools in 2013.

Overall in 2013 we have helped 31 different organisations and pledged more money than ever before. We have also invested £37,000 in our nationwide projects. The Trustees and I are very proud to have helped so many people in our communities and to see their projects completed with help from the Moto in the Community Trust.

All this has only been possible because of the continued support of our Moto colleagues and the Friends of the Trust. I would like to thank everyone who has shown their dedication to the Trust by providing time, enthusiasm and passion for such a worthwhile cause. We have many exciting plans for 2014 including our new milestone target of £3M to strive for.

Chairman of Trustees, Moto in the Community Trust

Brian Lotts

OVER £2,000,000 RAISED SO FAR!


OVER £2,000,000 RAISED SO FAR!

Moto staff voted to support Help for Heroes for a second year as their Charity of the Year for 2013. Throughout the year Moto in the Community and Help for Heroes have worked together to fundraise for Help for Heroes.

Help for Heroes was founded in 2007 to provide direct, practical support primarily to those wounded in current conflicts. Help for Heroes is non –political. It does not exist to argue the rights and wrongs of war, but believes that if young men and women are prepared to volunteer to serve our country, and are hurt while doing so, then they deserve our support. Help for Heroes wants that support to be the best and be there for life.

• Serving members of the armed forces, both regular and reservists, and their families.

• Veterans and their families.• Those under the command of the armed forces

(eg journalists, Merchant Navy, or others who are injured while under command) on a case by case basis.

Moto sites actively fundraise throughout the year with various campaigns, with a very successful ‘Summer Hero’ event held in the summer of 2013 raising almost £70,000 for Help for Heroes.

Following our year end, Moto in the Community was very proud to present Help for Heroes with a donation of £200,000, matching our donation from 2012. We have now pledged £400,000 to Help for Heroes, and with a third year already underway, we are working extremely hard to make 2014 an even bigger success.

Help for Heroes raises funds and gives grants

• To build capital projects like the £8.5m Rehabilitation Complex at Headley Court, the H4H Wing at Combat Stress, the £1m enhancement of facilities at Blind Veterans UK or the Recovery Centres at Tidworth, Catterick, Colchester and Plymouth.

• To help individuals. Where there is a need, H4H provides immediate support to serving, veterans and families through their Quick Reaction Fund and Individual Recovery Programme Fund. To date, H4H has given £4.2m to help 2,226 individuals.

• Provide grants to other delivery charities, to allow them to deliver their services and support.

• Support Battle Back. Help for Heroes are founder patrons of Battle Back – the MOD Adaptive Sport and Adventurous Training programme.

• Stay in touch. Our Band of Brothers and Band of Sisters allows us to support the wounded, injured and sick and their families. Current membership of the Band of Brothers is 2,603 and Band of Sisters 1294. These figures grow daily.

CHARITY of the YEAR 2013





OVER £2,000,000 RAISED SO FAR!

Following our donation of £200,000 from our 2012 fundraising year, Help for Heroes were able to use our donation to improve the facilities at their flagship rehabilitation centre Tedworth House in Wiltshire.

Our donation funded a Hero Garden within the grounds of Tedworth House, providing the opportunity for residents to learn how to grow and tend to fruit, vegetables and herbs as part of their rehabilitation. Harvested produce will then be used to prepare food for the residents and visitors of Tedworth House.

The Moto Garden will help residents learn new skills, regain mobility and fine motor skills and develop new interests and independence.

Our donation also funded a family room at Tedworth House with facilities for residents to invite their family to stay with them during their time at Tedworth House.



OVER £2,000,000 RAISED SO FAR!


During 2013 we relaunched our local charity of the year scheme, renaming it our Local Community Partner Scheme. This allowed our sites to reach further into our communities and support not just local charities but smaller community projects and individuals that struggle to secure support locally.

At the close of 2013 we are proud to report that Moto in the Community have 38 established local community partners who can benefit from the support of their local Moto site and of course the opportunity to apply for financial grants from the Moto in the Community Trustees.

Local Community Partnerships offer lots of benefits to both parties. Local Community Partners are able to apply to Moto in the Community for financial grants to help with projects or general fundraising. In addition the partnered Moto site are able to invite their local community partner to their site for a day each year, during which time they can fundraise, hand out information about their projects or recruit volunteers. Moto in the Community will provide banners and posters to help promote our local community partners and, finally, Moto may be able to provide volunteers to help out in the local community.

Since our charity was launched in 2005, Moto sites have been encouraged to form partnerships with local charities or good causes in the communities around Moto’s 63 locations.

More information on our local community partner scheme is available on our website at


OVER £2,000,000 RAISED SO FAR!



OVER £2,000,000 RAISED SO FAR!

Moto staff, customers, suppliers and partners, through their tireless fundraising and donations, continue to make it possible for the Trustees to provide grants to the good causes close to the hearts of all Moto people.

OUR PARTNERSThe Moto in the Community Trust is privileged to have the continued backing of so many supporters.

MOTO HOSPITALITY EVENTSFollowing the success of the 2012 Charity Clay Pigeon Shoot which Moto held in partnership with Maintel, Moto in the Community were very pleased to learn that that the charity shoot is to become an annual event. In June 2013 Moto and Maintel held their second Charity Clay Pigeon Shoot at the E.J.Churchill shooting ground in Buckinghamshire. This proved once again to be immensely popular and the event raised £24,662 for Moto in the Community and Help for Heroes.

2013 also enjoyed a change of venue for the annual Moto Charity Golf Day. In September 2013 the Moto Golf Day was held at the popular Celtic Manor Resort in Wales. The event grows and improves each year and in 2013 raised £34,445 for the Moto in the Community Trust and was supported by many of Moto’s key suppliers.


OVER £2,000,000 RAISED SO FAR!



OVER £2,000,000 RAISED SO FAR!

The Moto in the Community Trust has over 49 adopted schools around the UK, predominantly primary schools with a small number of secondary and special needs schools. Adopted schools are selected by Moto sites on an individual basis, providing a partnership opportunity for both the school and our sites to develop an ongoing link. Our adopted school network supports over 15,000 children and we have a regular dialogue with our schools through our Moto sites and directly from the Trust Office pledging resources across as many different areas of school life as possible.

As a Grant Making Trust, The Moto in the Community Trust Grant Scheme provides the focus for community support. The scheme was set up to provide the mechanic for Moto sites to make a difference to their communities - establishing and maintaining relationships with community projects, charities and good causes. In 2013 £22,472 has been pledged through our grant scheme to local charities and community projects.

We only accept applications for Community Grants from local community partners with an established relationship with a Moto site. This is because Moto people are so enthusiastic about helping raise money for our Trust that we want them to also have an input on where these funds are spent and which organisations we help. Each application is carefully considered by the Trustees at our quarterly board meetings. When deciding whether to grant an application, we take into consideration how the funds will be spent as well as looking at whether there are opportunities for our staff to be involved in the project. Wherever





we can enhance our support with the offer of physical assistance we do - adding a personal touch to the process and creating strong links with our communities.


OVER £2,000,000 RAISED SO FAR!

The Moto in the Community Trust relies heavily on the sheer drive and enthusiasm of Moto staff working in the 63 locations around the UK to continually support our charity. Without the creativity of our colleagues we would not be able to promote our charity objectives to customers visiting Moto sites. This is why the Moto in the Community Trust sets aside a small budget to assist Moto staff and their immediate family through times of hardship. In 2013 we have been able to make a significant difference to 9 members of staff dealing with a range of difficulties including bereavement, long term illness and financial hardships.

Moto People are actively encouraged to ‘get involved’ and make a difference to our communities by offering people power as well as providing financial assistance.

One of the objectives for the Moto in the Community Trust is to promote environmental awareness and to support projects which will be beneficial to the environment. The main ways in which we do this are by supporting community environmental projects, including community gardens, and improving the environment in our adopted schools.

In 2013, linked with our adopted school programme, the Trust ran a competition inviting children to design a road safety poster encouraging drivers to ‘GO 20’ in built up areas. The winning school won high vis PE bags for all the pupils in their school and the opportunity to showcase their winning design at Moto sites.





In 2013 Moto people volunteered in a variety of different organisations around the UK. This has included staff helping at a reading group for people with dementia, staff helping at community youth clubs, and staff who regularly support their schools with various events and with their reading schemes.


OVER £2,000,000 RAISED SO FAR!

During our 2013 book programme, Literacy Boost, we have tried to work individually with each one of our adopted schools to pledge the titles most needed into our network of schools. Head Teachers were able to select from a wide range of titles, both fiction and non fiction, from our wonderful book partner The Oxford University Press. In addition, we ran a short story competition alongside our book scheme, encouraging children to write a story that would capture the imagination of their peers. We enjoyed reading all the stories entered into the competition and awarded three winners in different age ranges with their height in books to recognise their achievement.

Moto sites enjoy presenting their adopted schools with their books personally, meeting their adopted children and learning more about the objectives of their individual schools - often identifying other ways that they can help.

During 2013 Moto sites held numerous events to support MITC and our charity of the year Help for Heroes. The biggest event of the year coincided with the August Bank Holiday period and was entitled our ‘Summer Hero Challenge’. Moto sites held fundraising events over a 2 week period and encouraged donations from customers, raising over £70,000 in total, our biggest single event fundraiser.Other events held throughout the year included Armed Forces Day, when Moto staff again dressed in fancy dress in the name of fundraising, and several other special fundraising days throughout the year. Local school children have visited sites to sing and collect money to help us and Moto staff, as always, put their heart and soul into all that they do and have made 2013 a huge success!

The Poppy Appeal continues to be one of our favourite causes, and once again in 2013 we invited the British Legion to send representatives to Moto sites to collect for this very worthwhile appeal.

Since 2007 we have pledged increasingly more books to our adopted schools each year. To date, we have pledged over 75,000 books into our network of adopted schools representing a value of over £500,000. This is an achievement we are very proud of.






OVER £2,000,000 RAISED SO FAR!

FINANCESCHARITY OF THE YEAR Date Paid to Reason Amount (£)31/01/13 Help for Heroes COTY Donation 200,000

COMMUNITY GRANTS Date Paid to Reason Amount (£)18/03/13 Costa Foundation Donation 1,00003/05/13 Darton College Woolley Edge Adopted School - Grant 1361 75003/05/13 Hanging Heaton School Woolley Edge Adopted School - Grant 1363 60007/05/13 Padbury Preschool Cherwell Valley Adopted School - Grant 1360 1,81807/05/13 SNAP Bridgwater LCOTY - Grant 1359 50007/05/13 Hospice at Home Southwaite/Toddhills LCOTY - Grant 1366 36121/05/13 Two Rivers School Tamworth Adopted School - Grant 1369 50005/06/13 Portmoak Primary School Grant 1368 1,00020/06/13 Dosthill Boy’s Club Grant TBC 1,00010/07/13 Middleton Tyas Moto Scotch LCOTY Memorial Hall Chairs Grant 1374 1,00010/07/13 Burton Morewood Primary School Moto Burton Adopted School Picnic Benches Grant 1375 80010/07/13 Wessington Primary School Moto Washington Adopted School Netball equip Grant 1376 33312/07/13 Kings Heath Concorde Moto Frankley LCOTY Football Kit Grant 1371 87012/07/13 Youth Association Moto Woolley Edge Camping Equipment Grant 1372 80012/07/13 The Adam Appeal Moto Lancaster Defib Equip and Training Grant 1377 1,00015/07/13 Parkwood Infant School Moto Medway Adopted School Outdoor Equipm Grant 1373 30025/07/13 Moto Leigh West Grant 1370 Barbeque Raffle Supplies reimbursement 13328/10/13 South Cumbria Dyslexia Assoc Grant 1381 Burton LCOTY 92528/10/13 The Bewbush Academy Grant 1382 Peast Pottage LCOTY 2,00028/10/13 Hanging Heaton School Grant 1385 Woolley Edge LCOTY 1,20028/10/13 Sherwood Primary School Grant 1388 Hilton Park LCOTY 87328/10/13 Rotary Club of South Cotswolds Grant 1392 Leigh West LCOTY 50028/10/13 Kington St Michael School Grant 1391 Leigh West LCOTY 1,00028/10/13 Red Cross Grant 1394 Exeter LCOTY 1,26028/10/13 Groundwork Caerphilly Grant 1395 Cardiff LCOTY 50028/10/13 Rotary Club of Flitwick Grant 1396 Toddington LCOTY 1,00003/12/13 OUP Grant 1378 Books for Head Office Adopted School 450 22,472

PROJECT COSTS Book Programme 24,189 Charity of the Year Events & Projects 11,808

These summary financial statements are not statutory accounts but a summary of information relating to the statement of financial activities and the balance sheet. Copies of the full financial report are available on request from the Trust Office.

A donation of £6,850 was made to Breast Cancer Care for our partnership the previous year.

In 2013, nine Benevolent Fund grants were awarded to members of Moto staff and their families dealing with times of hardship. These grants remain confidential.


OVER £2,000,000 RAISED SO FAR!

Brian LottsChairman of TrusteesAppointed 2005

Ashleigh LewisTrustee & Co SecretaryAppointed 2006

Chris RogersTrusteeAppointed 2005

Brian LarkinTrusteeAppointed 2005

Helen BuddTrusteeAppointed 2005

Malcom PlowesExternal TrusteeAppointed 2005

Suzanne HollinsheadExternal TrusteeAppointed 2005

Coral BrodieTrusteeAppointed July 2013

Nick BrookesExternal TrusteeAppointed 2011

Ian ThomsonTrusteeAppointed 2005

Sara DaviesTrusteeAppointed 2005

Jon ShoreTrusteeAppointed 2007

Heather RobertsTrusteeAppointed 2005

Ian KernighanTrusteeAppointed 2007

Gene MacDonaldExternal TrusteeAppointed 2011



OVER £2,000,000 RAISED SO FAR!


Moto Hospitality LtdHead OfficePO Box 218ToddingtonBedfordshireLU5 6QG

Moto in the Community Trust(correspondence address)Studio3737 Beaumont RoadFlitwickBedfordshireMK45 1AL

Registered charity in England and Wales 1111147Registered in Scotland SCO41488

Tel: 01525 714467Email: motocharity@talking360.comWeb:




OVER £2,000,000 RAISED SO FAR!




OVER £2,000,000 RAISED SO FAR!


Tel: 01525 714467Email: motocharity@talking360.comWeb: