Missouri FFA and Agriculture Education · Web viewBasic Plant Science: Plant Parts, Structures, and...

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Transcript of Missouri FFA and Agriculture Education · Web viewBasic Plant Science: Plant Parts, Structures, and...

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Basic Plant Science BPS4 Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions









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----------------------------------------------------Summary of Main

-----------------------------------------Notes--------------------------------------Plant Cells:


NotesBasic Plant Science: Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

Basic Plant Science BPS4 Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions









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Organelles (cont):

Cell Boundaries:

----------------------------------------------------Summary of Main


NotesBasic Plant Science: Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

Basic Plant Science BPS4 Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions









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Monocots & Dicots:

----------------------------------------------------Summary of Main


NotesBasic Plant Science: Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

Basic Plant Science BPS4 Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

NotesBasic Plant Science: Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions









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Parts of a Seed:

Parts of a Plant:


----------------------------------------------------Summary of Main


Basic Plant Science BPS4 Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

NotesBasic Plant Science: Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions









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----------------------------------------------------Summary of Main


Cell Structure Chart and Diagram

This chart and diagram will serve as guided notes when learning the parts of a plant cell.

Cells – Basic Units of LifeNucleus: Cytoplasm:

Organelle Classification Organelle FunctionNucleus






Basic Plant Science BPS4 Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

BPS4.1Basic Plant Science: Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

Endoplasmic Reticulum

Golgi Apparatus



Cell Wall

Cell Membrane

Basic Plant Science BPS4 Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

BPS4.1Basic Plant Science: Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

Cell Structure Chart and Diagram

This chart and diagram will serve as guided notes when learning the parts of a plant cell.

Cells – Basic Units of LifeNucleus: Large membrane enclosed structure;

contains DNA; controls the cellCytoplasm: Fluid portion of the cell outside the nucleus

Organelle Classification Organelle FunctionCellular Control Center Nucleus Contains DNA; Controls Cell

Store, Clean-up, Support Vacuoles Store Materials

Store, Clean-up, Support Vesicles Store and move materials between cells.

Store, Clean-up, Support Lysosomes Break down and recycle macromolecules; rare

in plants

Store, Clean-up, Support Cytoskeleton Maintains cell shape; moves cell parts; helps

cells move

Build Proteins Ribosomes Synthesize proteins

Basic Plant Science BPS4 Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions


Basic Plant Science: Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

Build Proteins Endoplasmic Reticulum Assembles proteins and lipids

Build Proteins Golgi Apparatus Modifies, sorts, and packages proteins and lipids for storage or transport out of the

cellCapture and Release

EnergyChloroplasts Convert solar energy to

chemical energy stored in food

Capture and Release Energy

Mitochondria Convert chemical energy in food to usable


Cellular Boundaries Cell Wall Shapes, supports, and protects the cell.

Cellular Boundaries Cell Membrane Regulates materials entering and leaving

cell; protects and supports cell

Basic Plant Science BPS4 Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions


Basic Plant Science: Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

Cell Analogies

With a partner, complete and give a presentation together on one of the options below. Each partner should take equal responsibility in the creation and presentation of the project.

A. Field Trip: You are a travel agent planning a trip for a customer who is taking an international trip to Cell City (a generic cell that contains ALL parts). It is your responsibility to come up with an itinerary for how they will spend their days visiting the organelles within Cell City on the trip. The order of “locations” (aka – organelles) that they visit should indicate the relationship between these locations (i.e. why visit this organelle before this one?) For each stop on the itinerary, you will provide an explanation of what they will be doing at that stop. (This is how you will show your understanding of what the cell uses that organelle for)

B. Amusement Park: Similar to the maps, you pick up at an amusement park – you will create a brochure type map (on a poster or paper) that would guide visitors through a day trip to the cell. The order of attractions that the guests visit should indicate a relationship between the attractions (structures). Included in the map should be a description of what will be experienced at each attraction (cell part). This portion will indicate that you understand what the cell uses that organelle for.

C. Board Game: Thinking of games that have to follow a specific path (Candy Land, Chutes & Ladders) design your own board game that includes all the cell parts as stops on their way through the game. Included in the game you should, somehow, incorporate the functions of each organelle and consider their order/relationship in the layout of the game.

D. Sports team: You will choose a part of the sports team and tell how it relates to one of the 12 organelles listed below. In addition, you will incorporate relationships among parts of the team, so you can see which organelles work together. Do this for EACH of the organelles. (Example: The cell membrane is like a goalie on the soccer field because it regulates what enters the cell, much like the goalie attempts to regulate what enters the goal. The goalie works closely with the fullbacks because they also regulate what enters the area of the goal.)

E. Parts of a car: You will choose a part of the car and tell how it relates to one of the 12 organelles listed below. In addition, you will incorporate relationships among parts of the car, so you can see which organelles work together. Do this for EACH of the organelles. (Example: The cell wall is like the sheet metal of the car because it makes the car look shiny and beautiful, like the cell wall makes the cell look shiny and beautiful for the organism to show off. The sheet metal works closely with the glass of the windows…etc.)

F. Positions/parts within a school: You will choose a part of the school and tell how it relates to one of the 12 organelles listed below. In addition, you will incorporate relationships among parts of the school, so you can see which organelles work together. Do this for EACH of the organelles. (Example: The lysosome is like the mascot because

Basic Plant Science BPS4 Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

BPS4.2 Basic Plant Science: Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

it goes around cheering on the parts of a cell much like the mascot cheers on the players. The mascot works closely with the students because…)

Structures/organelles to include: Cell wall Cell membrane Chloroplast Cytoplasm Golgi apparatus Lysosome

Mitochondria Nucleus Ribosome Endoplasmic reticulum Vacuole Vesicle

Requirement Points Earned Grade Notes

Are all 12 cell structures included: (1 point per organelle)

/12 points

Description of what happens at each location/attraction or how the part of the cell relates to the analogy component: (1 point per organelle)

/12 points

Description of the order of events/relationship between organelles. (Each organelle should have a relationship with at least one other organelle)

/6 points

Grammar: (-1 for each error, up to 3 points maximum)

/3 points

Neatness & attractiveness (Was color used, is the text easy to read, etc.)

/3 points

Participation: (Did you participate equally with your partner?)

/5 points

Presentation: (Is it smoothly delivered with obvious preparation?)

/5 points

TOTAL: /46 points

Basic Plant Science BPS4 Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

BPS4.2 Basic Plant Science: Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

Monocots vs. Dicots

Use the information you received in to class complete the Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting monocots and dicots. Give an example of everyday plants that fall under each category.

Basic Plant Science BPS4 Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

Monocots DicotsSimilarities

BPS4.3Basic Plant Science: Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

Monocots vs. Dicots

Use the information you received in to class complete the Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting monocots and dicots. Give an example of everyday plants that fall under each category.

Basic Plant Science BPS4 Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

Monocots DicotsSimilarities

One cotyledon

Parallel veins

Vascular bundles scattered

Flower parts: multiples of three

Two cotyledon

Branched veins

Vascular bundles in circular pattern

Flower parts: multiples of four or five

Have cotyledons

Have roots, stems, leaves and flowers

Have xylem, phloem, and apical meristem


Basic Plant Science: Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

Plant Parts Diagram Work Book


Plant Parts

Basic Plant Science BPS4 Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

BPS4.4 Basic Plant Science: Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

Parts of the Root

Internal Parts of the Root

Types of Roots

Basic Plant Science BPS4 Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

BPS4.4 Basic Plant Science: Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

Parts of the Stem

Basic Plant Science BPS4 Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

BPS4.4 Basic Plant Science: Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

Internal Parts of Monocot and Dicot Stems

Internal Parts of Woody Dicot Stems

Basic Plant Science BPS4 Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

BPS4.4 Basic Plant Science: Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

Parts of a Leaf

Types of Leaf Structure

Basic Plant Science BPS4 Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

BPS4.4 Basic Plant Science: Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

Internal Parts of a Leaf

Parts of a Complete Flower

Basic Plant Science BPS4 Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

BPS4.4 Basic Plant Science: Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

Plant Scavenger Hunt

In small groups, find parts of the plant that represent the words below. Take pictures of your group identifying the part and create a PowerPoint presentation. The group who finds and correctly identifies the most plant parts in the given time frame is the winner.

Roots Monocots DicotsFlower Stem LeafRoot hairs Primary root Secondary rootXylem Root cap PhloemFibrous root Apical meristem Root systemAerial roots Tap root Adventitious rootsNode Aquatic roots Absorptive air rootsTerminal bud Internode BudBud scale scar Axillary/lateral bud Bud scaleCambium Leaf scar LenticelsSapwood Pith HeartwoodMidrib Petiole BladeBase Veins MarginLeaf arrangement Apex Venation patternGuard cells Epidermis StomataCompound leaf Chlorophyll Simple leafSolitary flower Leaflets InflorescenceReceptacle Peduncle PedicelPistil Sepals PetalsOvary Stigma StyleAnther Stamen FilamentCalyx Pollen OvulesDioecious Corolla MonoeciousMargin shapes (label) Apex shapes (label) Base shapes (label)Leaf shapes (label)

Basic Plant Science BPS4 Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

BPS4.5 Basic Plant Science: Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

Plant Cartography Evaluation

Students will create a "map" of plant systems parts. This can be done on poster board, large paper or using an online mind mapping account. Students will label the different structures including representations of the functions for both monocots and dicots.

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1

Title Title can be read easily and is quite creative.

Title can be read easily and describes content well.

Title is present but slightly difficult to read but describes the content well.

The title is too small and/or does not describe the content of the poster well.


The poster is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness.

The poster is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness.

The poster is acceptably attractive though it may be a bit messy.

The poster is distractingly messy or very poorly designed. It is not attractive.

Graphics - Relevance

All graphics are related to the topic and make it easier to understand. All borrowed graphics have a source citation.

All graphics are related to the topic and most make it easier to understand. All borrowed graphics have a source citation.

All graphics relate to the topic. Most borrowed graphics have a source citation.

Graphics do not relate to the topic OR several borrowed graphics do not have a source citation.

Graphics - Originality

Several of the graphics used on the poster reflect a exceptional degree of student creativity in their creation and/or display.

One or two of the graphics used on the poster reflect student creativity in their creation and/or display.

The graphics are made by the student, but are based on the designs or ideas of others.

No graphics made by the student are included.

Roots All external and internal parts of the root are represented and labeled.

One or two external and internal parts of the root are missing.

Three or four external and internal parts of the root are missing.

Five or more external and internal parts of the root are missing.

Stem All external and internal (monocots and dicots) parts of the stem are represented and labeled.

One or two external and internal (monocots and dicots) parts of the stem are missing.

Three or four external and internal (monocots and dicots) parts of the stem are missing.

Five or more external and internal (monocots and dicots) parts of the stem are missing.

Leaves All external and One or two external Three or four external Five or more external

Basic Plant Science BPS4 Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

BPS4.6Basic Plant Science: Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

internal parts of the leaf are represented and labeled.

and internal parts of the leaf are missing.

and internal parts of the leaf are missing.

and internal parts of the leaf are missing.

Flowers All external and internal parts of the flower are represented and labeled.

One or two external and internal parts of the flower are missing.

Three or four external and internal parts of the flower are missing.

Five or more external and internal parts of the flower are missing.

Functions The functions of the four major plant parts are depicted.

The functions of three of the major plant parts are depicted.

The functions of two of the major plant parts are depicted.

The functions of one of the major plant parts are depicted.

Monocots vs Dicots

Both monocots and dicots are represented and their differences are not just depicted but emphasized.

Both monocots and dicots are represented and their differences are depicted.

Both monocots and dicots are represented.

Only monocots or dicots were represented.

Plant Cells The plant cell is tied into the rest of the map in a way that makes sense and clearly shows and labels the parts of the cell.

The plant cell is tied into the rest of the map in a way that makes sense and clearly shows the parts of the cell but does not label them.

The plant cell is on the map but its placement is random or the parts of the cell are not clear.

The plant cell is on the map but its placement is random and the parts of the cell are not clear.

Basic Plant Science BPS4 Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

BPS4.6Basic Plant Science: Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions Evaluation

1. Chromosomes carrying genetic information are found in the _______________.

2. What does the chloroplast of a cell do?

3. What are two differences between monocots and dicots?

4. What are the four main parts of a plant?

For questions 5-6, choose whether the flower is complete or incomplete and perfect or imperfect.

5. The flower consists of the petals, sepals, pistil, and stamen.

6. The flower consists of the petals, stamen, and pistil.

7. What is the purpose of the apical meristem?

8. Define what the phloem and xylem transport through the plant.

Basic Plant Science BPS4 Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

BPS4.7 Basic Plant Science: Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions

Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions Evaluation

1. Chromosomes carrying genetic information are found in the nucleus.

2. What does the chloroplast of a cell do?

Captures the energy of sunlight and turns it into usable food.

3. What are two differences between monocots and dicots?

Answers vary – Monocots have parallel leaf veins; dicots have branching leaf veins; Monocots have vascular bundles scattered through the stem; dicots have vascular bundles in a circular pattern; Monocots have flowers with parts in threes; Dicots have flowers with parts in fours and fives

4. What are the four main parts of a plant?

Roots, stem, leaves, flowers

For questions 5-6, choose whether the flower is complete or incomplete and perfect or imperfect.

5. The flower consists of the petals, sepals, pistil, and stamen.

Complete and perfect

6. The flower consists of the petals, stamen, and pistil.

Incomplete and perfect

7. What is the purpose of the apical meristem?

To create new cells in order for the plant to grow.

8. Define what the phloem and xylem transport through the plant.

Phloem – food/sugars; Xylem – water and nutrients

Basic Plant Science BPS4 Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions


Basic Plant Science: Plant Parts, Structures, and Functions