Miss Fleming’s Amazingly Brilliant Biology Quiz That You Have To Learn For Your Exam!

Post on 18-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Miss Fleming’s Amazingly Brilliant Biology Quiz That You Have To Learn For Your Exam!

Miss Fleming’sAmazingly Brilliant Biology Quiz That You Have To Learn For Your Exam!

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InstructionsSelect a number, and try to answer the question that appears on the screen. Try to learn as many as you can for your exam! Keep re-capping each question till you can answer all questions correctly. Make sure your sound is turned up! To exit the PowerPoint, you may have to press escape on your computer a few times… good luck!

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1. What is the name of the hormone that controls blood sugar levels?

Insulin Glucagon

2. What does the lens do?

Carry nerve impulses

Focus light rays

3. What does the optic nerve do?

Carry nerve impulses

React to light

4. What does the retina do?

Focus the light

React to light

5. Why is it important for the eye to adjust to bright light?

To prevent damage to the retina

To react to light and


6.How does the eye accommodate?

lens changes shape using circulatory muscles/ suspensory ligamentsto focus on objects at different distances

lens changes shape using the corneato focus on objects at different distances

7. Why is poor eye accommodation a problem?

Cannot judge depth so may cause a

person to fall over due to lack of

binocular vision

cannot adjust focus quickly from close to distant objectsbecause of weak muscles/stiff ligaments

8. How do you treat a blocked coronary artery?

Bypass surgery

Artificial replacement

9. How do you treat damaged heart valves?

pacemaker Artificial replacement

10. How does the pacemaker control the heartbeat?

SAN sends or generates impulses causing atria to contract

The pacemaker sends messages of electrical current through the heart

11. What are the two types of pacemaker cells which control heart rate called?


12. How does sweating cool the body?

Vapourisation (requires kinetic/ energy)

evaporation (requires heat / energy)

13. What word describes keeping the body temperature constant?

homeostasis insulation

14. Breathing and heart rate remain high after exercise to...?

Pump blood full of oxygen

around the body to

oxidise the muscles

Break down lactic acid

after anaerobic respiration

15. Sweat glands help to control the temperature of the body by…?

Releasing more sweat which evaporates taking heat from skin

Releasing liquid/ plasma as part of a negative feedback


16.Which part of the kidney regulates salt levels?

A: ascending loop of henle

C: glomerulus



17.Which area of the body controls the heart beat?

hypothalamus pacemaker

18. What hormone can alter heart rate?

adrenaline testosterone

19. What are the air sacs in the lungs called?

villi alveoli

20. How does oxygen enter the body?

Diffusion from a high concentration to a low concentration

Diffusion from a low concentration to a high concentration

21. Why are alveoli thin?

Short diffusion distance

High concentration


22. How do you know B and C are arteries?

They carry blood towards the heart

They carry blood away from the heart

23. Why do ventricles have thicker walls than atria?

Greater force needed/ higher

pressure needed

Less force needed/ smaller

pressure needed

24. What happens if valves don’t work?

Backflow is prevented

Backflow is not prevented

25. Why is it an advantage to have two ventricles (instead of one like fish)?

Higher pressure is possible and better flow rate to tissues

Higher pressure is possible and oxygenated and deoxygenated blood is separated

26. What type of nerve takes signals to the muscles?

Motor neurone

Relay neurone

27. What type of nerve takes signals away from the skin?

Sensible neurone

Sensory neurone

28.Why must people be careful with prosthetic (artificial) limbs?

They have no nerves so

can’t feel pain

They have too many nerves

so are in constant pain

29. What is diffusion?

Particles concentrating so they can move through a net

Net movement of particles from a high concentration to a low concentration

30. What is the name of the condition when a person’s internal body temperature drops too low?

hypothermia hyperthermia

31.Why do people look red in the face when they get hot?

Vasodilation of capillaries

Vasoconstriction of capillaries

32. What part of the brain monitors body temperature?

hypothalamus hyperthermia

33. How does vasodilation cool the body?

It doesn’t, vasoconstriction cools the body- this is a trick question

Brings blood to the surface of the skin so heat can escape

34. How is a villus in the small intestine adapted for diffusion of food particles?

Thin wall, large surface


Small, good blood supply

35. Capillaries are better than arteries for diffusion because…?

They are faster at

diffusion and carry more


They are thinner and

there are lots of them

36. You work out BMI using the following calculation…?

Mass in kg divided by height in metres squared

Height in metres squared divided by

mass in kg

37.If your BMI is 26, you are?

overweight Just right

38. Your daily recommended protein intake is known as your?


39. Why doesn’t everyone eat animals like chickens etc?

They might choke on the fur or beak

Religion or ethical reasons

40. What does the cornea do?

Refracts light Reflects light

41. What is the iris for?

To look nice and colourful

Adjust levels of light

reaching the retina

42. Why do some people need a lens replacement?

So the focused image lands correctly on their retina

The lenses on their glasses are too dirty

to see through

43.One way of curing short sight is?

Laser surgery A convex lens

44. What causes colour blindness?

Genetic/ hereditory

Not being able to tell

the difference between reds

and greens

45.Name one simple sugar?

starch glucose

46. What food group do sugars belong to?



47. Where does glucose enter the blood stream?

Cilia in the colon

Small intestine

48. What does insulin do?

Converts glucose to glycogen

Converts glucagon to glycogen

49.Where does insulin work?

Mostly the liver and muscles

Mostly the pancreas and liver

50. Insulin…?

Converts glucose to glycogen

Breaks down glucose to glycogen