Mise en scene

Post on 19-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Mise en scene


Done by Eman Shah


High key lighting in films mainly involves the setting being really light . It is

an overall lighting design which uses the fill light and backlight to create low

contrast between brighter and darker areas. It can be used for both daylight and

night scenes. This type of lighting can be used in many different types of shots

and for various purposes. There are usually very few shadows in a scene shot

implementing high key lighting, especially on the principle characters or focus

of the scene. This is an example of high key lighting

used in a film. High key lighting is

always and especially found in romance



Low key lighting is a technique used in films and television to create

mood or set the tone of the scene. Low key lighting are frequently used in

horror films to create suspense or to control how much of the

surrounding scene is revealed. This type of lighting employs very little fill

light, creating contrast between the brightness and darkest parts of a

scene creating strong shadows that obscure parts of the principals

subject. This is an example of low key lighting,

where you can strongly see the shadows

and the dark areas which indicate that this

scene has used low key lighting.


The obvious purpose of costuming is to dress the actor or actress according

to his or hers character. Costuming in films may often emphasise the films

theme. For example in an action film will soldiers, the soldiers would be wearing

army costumes. This is done to show the audience that they are watching an

army/action film. Costumes can also immediately tell the. audience whether the

film is set in the present and what society or culture it will centre around.


The settings and the location plan are important part in films because it

informs time and place apart from costume . Setting creates both a sense

of place and a mood and it may also reflect a character’s emotional state of

mind. The overall design of a setting can significantly shape how we

understand the story. In manipulating a shots setting, the director may

create props. Props may be functional or could become a motif which

could have another meaning assigned to it.

This is an example of Pirates of the Caribbean, as you

can see in the background there are many props like

the skeletons in the background.



Facial expressions provide a clear indicator of how something is feeling,

usually this can come through a close up. For example if someone is

smiling broadly, we will assume they are happy but we may get a different

feeling is the scene is accompanied by scary music. Body language may

indicate also how a character feels towards another character or it could

may reflect the state of their relationship.

These are close ups of these

actresses faces, showing

their facial expressions.


Colour carries certain connotations which may reflect meaning to a

scene for example black which is a dark colour and could reflect danger.

Colour can also give a scene a particular look, feel or mood and colour can

also be used for dramatic effect. Colour is one of the most important

things in scenes because it can make it look completely different. The

colour can be symbolic or suggestive. The colour differences can be used to

suggest brightness or many different things.



Styles in films refer to a manner in which the scene is performed.

At the heart of a film actors have to make sure that their acting is

believable. If performing in the style of realism, then you’re the actors

level of acting must be at a certain point to begin with. It is slightly

exaggerated because if you spoke at exactly the same volume as you

would in a particular situation in everyday life, then the audience may

not hear you.