Mis dss

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Transcript of Mis dss

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Management Information Systems

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

MIS Model

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Management Information Systems (MIS)

Management information system (MIS)

• An MIS provides managers with information and support for effective decision making, and provides feedback on daily operations

• Output, or reports, are usually generated through accumulation of transaction processing data

• Each MIS is an integrated collection of subsystems, which are typically organized along functional lines within an organization

• A combination of computers and people that is used to provide information to aid in making decisions and managing a firm.

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Managers and Information

Generally, managers at different levels of an organizational hierarchy: Make different types of decisions Control different types of processes Therefore, they have different information needs

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Managers and Information

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

The Traditional Organizational Pyramid

Many organizations follow pyramid model CEO at top Small group of senior managers, one level down Larger number of middle managers, reporting to senior managers Many more lower-level managers who report to middle managers

Clerical and Shop Floor Workers Bottom of organizational pyramid

Operational Management In charge of small groups of front-line workers

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Tactical Management Also called middle managers Make decisions for subordinates, affecting the near

and somewhat more distant future Strategic Management

Decisions affect entire or large parts of the organization; “what to do” decisions

The Traditional Organizational Pyramid

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Characteristics of Information at Different Managerial Levels

Different management levels have different information needs

Information needed by different managerial and operational levels varies in the time span covered, level of detail, source, and other characteristics over a broad spectrum

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Data Range Amount of data from which information is extracted

Time Span How long a period the data covers

Level of Detail Degree to which information is specific

Characteristics of Information at Different Managerial Levels

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Characteristics of Information at Different Managerial Levels

Source: Internal versus External Internal data: collected within the organization External data: collected from outside sources

• Media, newsletters, government agencies, Internet

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

The Nature of Managerial Work

Planning Planning at different levels

• Long-term mission and vision• Strategic goals• Tactical objectives

Most important planning activities• Scheduling• Budgeting• Resource allocation

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

The Nature of Managerial Work

An example of a mission statement, strategic goals, and tactical objectives for an in-line skate manufacturer

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

The Nature of Managerial Work

The main ingredients of planning

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Figure 9.5 Examples of processes used to control projects

The Nature of Managerial Work

Controlling Managers control activities by comparing plans to


ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

The Nature of Managerial Work

Decision Making Both planning and control call for decision making The higher the level of management:

• The less routine the manager’s activities

• The more open the options

• The more decision-making involved

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Sources of Management Information


ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations











Input anderror list

Drill-down reports

Exception reports

Demand reports

Key-indicator reports





ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Outputs of a Management Information System

Scheduled reports• Produced periodically, or on a schedule (daily, weekly,


Key-indicator report• Summarizes the previous day’s critical activities• Typically available at the beginning of each day

Demand report• Gives certain information at a manager’s request

Exception report• Automatically produced when a situation is unusual or

requires management action

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Scheduled Report Example

Daily Sales Detail Report

Prepared: 08/10/xx



Sales Rep ID

ShipDate Quantity Item # Amount

P12453 C89321 CAR 08/12/96 144 P1234 $3,214

P12453 C89321 CAR 08/12/96 288 P3214 $5,660

P12453 C03214 GWA 08/13/96 12 P4902 $1,224

P12455 C52313 SAK 08/12/96 24 P4012 $2,448

P12456 C34123 JMW 08J/13/96 144 P3214 $720

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Key Indicator Report Example

Daily Sales Key Indicator Report




Total Orders Month to Date $1,808 $1,694 $1,014

Forecasted Sales for the Month $2,406 $2,224 $2,608

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Demand Report Example

Daily Sales by Sales Rep Summary Report

Prepared: 08/10/xx

Sales Rep ID Amount

CAR $42,345

GWA $38,950

SAK $22,100

JWN $12,350

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Exception Report Example

Daily Sales Exception Report – ORDERS OVER $10,000

Prepared: 08/10/xx



Sales Rep ID

ShipDate Quantity Item # Amount

P12453 C89321 CAR 08/12/96 144 P1234 $13,214

P12453 C89321 CAR 08/12/96 288 P3214 $15,660

P12453 C03214 GWA 08/13/96 12 P4902 $11,224

… … … … … … …

… … … … … … …

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Outputs of a Management Information System

Earnings by Quarter (Millions)

Actual Forecast Variance

2ND Qtr 1999 $12.6 $11.8 6.8%

1st Qtr 1999 $10.8 $10.7 0.9%

4th Qtr 1998 $14.3 $14.5 -1.4%

3rd Qtr 1998 $12.8 $13.3 -3.0%

Etc. See Figure 9.2

Drill Down ReportsProvide detailed data about a situation.

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Characteristics of a Management Information System

Provides reports with fixed and standard formats Hard-copy and soft-copy reports

Uses internal data stored in the computer system

End users can develop custom reports Requires formal requests from users

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Management Information Systems for Competitive Advantage

Provides support to managers as they work to achieve corporate goals

Enables managers to compare results to established company goals and identify problem areas and opportunities for improvement

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

MIS and Web Technology

Data may be made available from management information systems on a company’s intranet

Employees can use browsers and their PC to gain access to the data

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Functional Aspects

MIS is an integrated collection of functional information systems, each supporting particular functional areas.


ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

An Organization’sMIS







Drill down reports

Exception reports

Demand reports

Key-indicator reports

Scheduled reports











Figure 9.3


ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Financial MIS

Provides financial information to all financial managers within an organization.


ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Financial statements

Uses and managementof funds

Financial statisticsfor control


Databasesof valid

transactionsfor each






Internet orExtranet

Internet orExtranet

Figure 9.3



Databases ofexternal data

Databases ofinternal data






ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Inputs to the Financial Information System

Strategic plan or corporate policies Contains major financial objectives and often projects

financial needs. Transaction processing system (TPS)

Important financial information collected from almost every TPS - payroll, inventory control, order processing, accounts payable, accounts receivable, general ledger.

External sources Annual reports and financial statements of competitors

and general news items.

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Financial MIS Subsystems and Outputs

Financial subsystems Profit/loss and cost systems Auditing Internal auditing External auditing Uses and management of funds

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Decision Support Systems

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Decision Support Systems

Decision support systems (DSS) Offer potential to assist in solving both semi-

structured and unstructured problems

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Decision Making as a Component of Problem Solving








ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Solution Types

Optimization model Finding the best solution

Satisficing model Finding a good -- but not necessarily the best

-- solution to a problem Heuristics

Commonly accepted guidelines or procedures that usually find a good solution

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Problem Solving Factors

Multiple decision objectives Increased alternatives Increased competition The need for creativity Social and political actions International aspects Technology Time compression

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Characteristics of a DSS (1)

Handles large amounts of data from different sources

Provides report and presentation flexibility Offers both textual and graphical


ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Characteristics of a DSS (2)

Supports drill down analysis Performs complex, sophisticated analysis

and comparisons using advanced software packages

Supports optimization, satisficing, and heuristic approaches

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Characteristics of a DSS (3)

Performs different types of analyses “What-if” analysis

• Makes hypothetical changes to problem and observes impact on the results

Simulation• Duplicates features of a real system

Goal-seeking analysis• Determines problem data required for a given result

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Goal Seeking Example

You know the desired result You want to know the required input(s) Example:

Microsoft Excel’s “Goal Seek” and “Solver” functions

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations


ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Capabilities of a DSS (1)

Supports Problem solving phases Different decision frequencies

Frequencylow high

Merge withanother


How many widgets

should I order?

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Capabilities of a DSS (2)

Highly structured problems Straightforward problems, requiring known

facts and relationships.

Semi-structured or unstructured problems Complex problems wherein relationships

among data are not always clear, the data may be in a variety of formats, and are often difficult to manipulate or obtain

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Decision Making Levels

Operational-levelmanagers involved withdaily decisions

Strategic-level managersinvolved with long-term



Decision Frequency




ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Integration ofTPS, MIS, and DSS

In many organizations they are integrated through a common database

Separation of DSS transactions in the database from TPS and MIS transactions may be important for performance reasons

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Web-Based Decision Support Systems

Web-based decision support systems Decision support system software provides

business intelligence through web browser clients that access databases either through the Internet or a corporate intranet

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Components of a DSS

Model management software (MMS) Coordinates the use of models in the DSS

Model base Provides decision makers with access to a

variety of models Dialogue manager

Allows decision makers to easily access and manipulate the DSS

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Database Model base

External databaseaccess

Access to theinternet, networks,and other computersystems

Dialogue manager



ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Model Base

Model Base Provides decision makers with

access to a variety of models and assists them in decision making

Models Financial models Statistical analysis models Graphical models Project management models

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Advantages and Disadvantagesof Modeling

Advantages• Less expensive than custom approaches or real systems.• Faster to construct than real systems• Less risky than real systems• Provides learning experience (trial and error)• Future projections are possible• Can test assumptions

Disadvantages• Assumptions about reality may be incorrect• Accuracy of predications often unreliable• Requires abstract thinking

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Group Decision Support System

Group Decision Support System (GDSS) Contains most of the elements of DSS plus

software to provide effective support in group decision-making settings

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations


Model base GDSS processor GDSS software


External databaseaccess


Access to the internetand corporate intranet,

networks, and othercomputer system


ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Characteristics of a GDSS (1)

Special design Ease of use Flexibility Decision-making support

Delphi approach (decision makers are geographically dispersed)

Brainstorming Group consensus Nominal group technique

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Characteristics of a GDSS (2)

Anonymous input Reduction of negative group behaviour Parallel communication Automated record keeping Cost, control, complexity factors

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Components of a GDSS and GDSS Software

Database Model base Dialogue manager Communication capability Special software (also called GroupWare) E.g., Lotus Notes

people located around the world work on the same project, documents, and files, efficiently and at the same time

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

GDSS Alternatives

Local areadecision network

Wide areadecision network



Location of group members

close distant





n fr



ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Decision Room

Decision Room For decision makers located in the same geographic

area or building Use of computing devices, special software,

networking capabilities, display equipment, and a session leader

Collect, coordinate, and feed back organized information to help a group make a decision

Combines face-to-face verbal interaction with technology-aided formalization

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Wide Area Decision Network

Characteristics Location of group members is distant Decision frequency is high Virtual workgroups

• Groups of workers located around the world working on common problems via a GDSS

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Executive Support System

Characteristics A specialized DSS that

includes all the hardware, software, data, procedures, and people used to assist senior-level executives within the organization

Board of directors


Function areavice presidents

Function areamanagers

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Characteristics of ESSs

Tailored to individual executives Easy to use Drill down capabilities Support the need for external data Help with situations with high degree of

uncertainty Futures orientation (predictions, forecasting) Linked with value-added business processes

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Capabilities of an ESS

Support for defining overall vision strategic planning strategic organizing and staffing strategic control crisis management