MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MONTHLY AND ANNUAL … Meeting... · County of Livingston Milo I. Turner ......

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Transcript of MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MONTHLY AND ANNUAL … Meeting... · County of Livingston Milo I. Turner ......






October 4, 2012

A. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum The meeting was called to order by Chairman James Redmond who determined that a quorum

was present.

Present on Roll Call:

County of Monroe Scott Adair = 4 votes

County of Monroe Stephen Carl = 4 votes

County of Monroe James H. Redmond = 4 votes

County of Monroe Robert Fischer = 4 votes

City of Rochester Thomas R. Argust = 2 votes

City of Rochester Barbara Jones = 2 votes

City of Rochester Karen Pryor = 2 votes

County of Genesee Paul Battaglia = 2 votes

County of Livingston Milo I. Turner = 2 votes

County of Orleans Henry Smith = 1 vote

County of Seneca Edward W. White = 1 vote

County of Wayne Michael P. Jankowski = 3 votes

County of Wyoming Frank Vitagliano = 1 vote

Amalgamated Transit Union Francis Falzone = 0 votes

Total Votes Possible 32

Total Votes Present 25

Votes Needed for Quorum 17

B. Adoption of the Agenda

On motion of Commissioner Adair, seconded by Commissioner Carl, the Agenda was

unanimously adopted.

C. Approval of Minutes

On motion of Commissioner Argust, seconded by Commissioner Smith, the following minutes

were approved.

Governance Meeting Minutes, September 6, 2012

Regular Meeting Minutes of September 6, 2012


D. CEO Report

Bill Carpenter, Chief Executive Officer, presented the monthly CEO Report as reflected in the

power point presentation, a copy of which shall be attached to these Minutes.

In response to a question from Commissioner Jankowski, Randy Weaver responded that we determine the number of additional seats by taking the number of buses that are out there on the road times the number of days. Commissioner Jankowski also asked if the additional cost would just be hours for running the bus and Mr. Weaver responded yes.

In response to a question from Commissioner Jones, Randy Weaver responded that the only mechanism we have to measure if it’s a new customer or not would be with our market research and we have that broken down by route. Commissioner Jones also asked if we know how long a customer has been riding the bus. Mr. Weaver responded that yes we ask this question on the survey.

In response to a question from Commissioner Argust, Randy Weaver responded that in order to meet the 3% goal we would need to have around 1 million or Six hundred thousand.

In response to a question from Commissioner Adair, Randy Weaver responded that our target for the holiday service to the malls is our existing customer base. The media campaign I am sure will bring a few new customers as well.

On motion of Commissioner Adair, seconded by Commissioner Smith, the following minutes

were approved.

E. Financial Report

Chris Dobson, VP of Finance, presented the financial report, a copy of which shall be attached to

these Minutes.

In response to a question from Commissioner Adair, Chris Dobson responded that the sole change to the salary number this month was the investment in making the Ridership Initiative and putting more hours out on the street.

On motion of Commissioner Jankowski, seconded by Commissioner Adair, the Financial Report was

accepted by unanimous vote.

F. Proposed Resolutions

Resolution Establishing the Guaranteed Maximum Price for the Design Build Contract and Authorizing a Contract Amendment with The Pike Company for

the Renaissance Square Transit Center Project, RGRTA 68-2012

In response to a question from Commissioner White, Mark Ballerstein responded that with time and material we essentially are controlling and knowing exactly how much is being spent. If we were to put this to bid a contractor is going to guess and he will guess on the


safe-side for himself. Mr. Ballerstein stated that in his experience he has found this to be a cost savings.

In response to a question from Commissioner Pryor, Mark Ballerstein responded that yes the $1.9 million is our best estimate of the scope and the effort and it’s based on 5,000 tons of damaged soil and certain quantities for the structure itself.

In response to a question from Commissioner Smith, Mark Ballerstein responded to a question about the 5% contingency stating that yes that is the standard that is incorporated in the design build contract.

In response to a question from Commissioner Adair, Mr. Ballerstein responded that a justified order on a new construction you typically know exactly what it is. Commissioner Adair has also requested a document regarding the project budget for the Transit Center.

In response to a question from Commissioner White, Mark Ballerstein responded that the funds for security and trailer set up were not previously approved but are part of the proposal by The Pike Company back in Spring and August of last year.

RGRTA 68-2012: On motion of Commissioner Argust, seconded by Commissioner Pryor, the

aforementioned Resolution, a copy of which shall be attached to these Minutes, was unanimously


Resolution Authorizing the Award of a Contract for a Fare Collection System for Regional

Transit Service, RGRTA 69-2012

In response to a question from Commissioner White, Brock Bafford responded that the other two bidders came in at $6.4 million and the other slightly higher than that. The other two vendors also had an elongated schedule.

In response to a question from Commissioner Jones, Mr. Bafford responded that in terms of training it will be for the drivers, also mechanics and for customer training we have approached customer service.

In response to a question from Commissioner Argust, Mr. Bafford responded that the current fare system we have is 20 years old and we anticipate this new system to also last 20 years. In response to a question on probing the fare boxes, Brock Bafford responded that the fare box is secure in and of itself and it tracks the money coming into the fare box throughout the day.

In response to a question from Commissioner Jones, Bill Carpenter responded that it is very much in our interest to move toward Smart Cards and other type of fare media. The time line has not been established.

In response to a question from Commissioner Pryor, Brock Bafford responded that maintenance from the vendor is part of the project cost.

In response to a question from Commissioner Adair, Brock Bafford responded that the new financial system and the new fare boxes are able to communicate with each other.

In response to a question from Commissioner Smith about maintenance of the new fare boxes, Brock Bafford responded that there is less maintenance than our current system.

RGRTA 69-2012: On motion of Commissioner Adair, seconded by Commissioner Smith, the

aforementioned Resolution, a copy of which shall be attached to these Minutes, was unanimously




Resolution Authorizing the Declaration of Vehicle Radios as Surplus, RGRTA 70-2012

RGRTA 70-2012: On motion of Commissioner Adair, seconded by Commissioner Carl, the

aforementioned Resolution, a copy of which shall be attached to these Minutes, was unanimously


Resolution Authorizing the Award of a Contract for Financial System Replacement Consulting Services, RGRTA 71-2012

RGRTA 71-2012: On motion of Commissioner Adair, seconded by Commissioner Jones, the

aforementioned Resolution, a copy of which shall be attached to these Minutes, was unanimously


Resolution Authorizing the Award of a Contract for Office Furniture for Phase I of the Campus Improvement Project, RGRTA 72-2012

In response to a question from Commissioner Adair, Mark Ballerstein responded that this

is so defined, resulting in the lowered contingency.

RGRTA 72-2012: On motion of Commissioner Argust, seconded by Commissioner Smith, the

aforementioned Resolution, a copy of which shall be attached to these Minutes, was unanimously


G. Calendar

The Calendar was reviewed and a change was noted for October to add a Governance meeting

before or after the Board Meeting on October 4th

should there be issues that cannot be resolved

by email.

H. Adjournment

There being no further matters on the adopted Agenda, the meeting was adjourned on motion of

Commissioner Carl, seconded by Commissioner Pryor.

CEO Report

Presented by: Bill Carpenter

Ridership Highlight

Project Highlight


Chief Executive Officer Report

Ridership Highlight

Presented by: Bill Carpenter

Two Related Goals for 2012-13

Increase Ridership by 3%

Balanced Budget

Budget called for $850k appropriation from available unrestricted net assets

Financial RGRTA - Consolidated Budget Status Report - FY 2012-2013

As of 8/31/12 - (In Thousands)

Budget FYTD Projected Budget

Revenues 2012-13 8/31/2012 3/31/2013 Variance

Total Locally Generated 28,718$ 11,714$ 29,654$ 936$

Total Government Subsidies 43,244$ 17,870$ 43,280$ 36$

Mortgage Tax 6,850$ 3,292$ 7,420$ 570$

Grand Total Revenue 78,812$ 32,876$ 80,354$ 1,542$



Salary & Wages 35,797$ 14,578$ 36,445$ (648)$

Fringe Benefits 22,161$ 9,009$ 21,940$ 221$

Total Personnel 57,958$ 23,587$ 58,385$ (427)$


Services 4,356$ 2,217$ 4,216$ 140$

Fuel/Lubricants 7,570$ 3,065$ 7,871$ (301)$

Parts 3,178$ 1,109$ 2,798$ 380$

Other 6,600$ 2,360$ 6,482$ 118$

Total Non-Personnel 21,704$ 8,751$ 21,367$ 337$

Grand Total Expenses 79,662$ 32,339$ 79,751$ (89)$

Net Income/Deficit From Operations & Subsidies (850)$ 538$ 602$ 1,452$


6,928,575 6,890,750












FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13



Ridership: April thru August

Some Pilots in 2012

Route 10/15 Overhaul the routes in Greece

Tiger East End Express Added full weekend and evening schedule

Special Events Rock the Lakes in June: Community event with subsidy Spirit of America: Fourth of July, used extra capacity

Core Routes Added buses to the 3, 5, and 8

Update: Route 10/15

Board and Community approved changes in April

Service Launch June 25th

Greece Wal-Mart on Dewey opened in August

Goal was to increase ridership while keeping the net service cost neutral

Route 10/15 Results: July & August 2012

Total Ridership: 297,000

Ridership is up 18% verses the same period 2011 Cash up 23% verses the same period 2011 Financial Impact

o Added operating cost: $3,800/month o Added Farebox cash: $10,540/month

Next Steps

Continue to monitor both routes

Make further adjustments as needed for demand and timing into the Holidays

“Multiply” the successes here across the system over the next 5 years

This project was substantial and took almost 18 months of planning

Part of the Multiyear Service Plan initiative

Ridership Highlight

Project Highlight


Chief Executive Officer Report


P r e s e n t ed B y : R a n d y W e a v er

Project Highlight

The Problem

Our Goal:

3% ridership increase

Achieve financial budget

At Mid-year our projections show that we will:

Exceed our financial objective

Miss our ridership objective


Ridership Increase Strategy

Utilize positive budget variance to add capacity

Take advantage of upcoming holiday season

Experiment with “destination” products

Experiment with promotion

Fall 2012

We will add 151,500 seated capacity (September 8 – January 5)

Net Cost: $147,00


Four New Experimental Products

Route 3 Express to Greece Ridge Mall

Route 4 Express to Wal-Mart

Route 10 Weekend Expansion

Route 24 Express to Jefferson Road/Mall

Target existing customers and their needs

New promotion strategy

Route 3, 4, 24 – Holiday Express

Route 3 Express to Greece Ridge Mall

Route 4 Limited to Hudson Ave Wal-Mart

Route 24 Express to Jefferson Road / Marketplace

39,520 seats of new capacity on each route

Average cost per route: $36,792

Dates of Service: 11/19 – 1/6

Route 10 Weekend Expansion

Record ridership

Wal-Mart, Holiday season

32,832 additional seats

Cost: $36,735

Dates of Service: 9/8 – 1/6

Other Key Information

Fare will be $1 per boarding

Projected ridership increase: 100,000 by 12/31

Reprinting schedules, full promotional plan

Fully integrated with customer technology

Total projected cost: $147,000

Next steps: Evaluate and monitor performance

Maintain what works and carry over into January

Use lessons learned in the Multi-year Service Plan

January Service Ideas

Promotional efforts for current routes with connections to popular destinations

Neighborhood circulator

Cross town service

Route “extensions” (headways or geography or capacity)

Ridership Highlight

Project Highlight


Chief Executive Officer Report


Chief Executive


Chief Operating


Chief Financial


Chief People Officer

Chief Information


Chief Marketing


In-House Counsel

Executive Management Team


Attended the 110th ATU Gala

Met with Assemblyman Hawley and Senators Maziarz, Gallivan and Ranzenhofer who represent RGRTA’s

Western Counties

Attended the Ground Breaking for ‘The Reserve’ on Erie Canal

Participated in Greentopia EcoFest at High Falls

Customer Town Meeting

Attended the NYPTA Board Meeting

Met with MCC CFO Heze Simmons to discuss service at the Brighton Campus

Presided as President at the ABBG Conference in Vancouver

APTA Board Meeting

Attended and Participated as a speaker at the APTA Conference in Seattle, WA

RGRTA - Consolidated Budget Status Report - FY 2012-2013

As of 8/31/12 - (In Thousands)

Budget FYTD Projected Budget

Revenues 2012-13 8/31/2012 3/31/2013 Variance

Total Locally Generated 28,718$ 11,714$ 29,654$ 936$

Total Government Subsidies 43,244$ 17,870$ 43,280$ 36$

Mortgage Tax 6,850$ 3,292$ 7,420$ 570$

Grand Total Revenue 78,812$ 32,876$ 80,354$ 1,542$



Salary & Wages 35,797$ 14,578$ 36,445$ (648)$

Fringe Benefits 22,161$ 9,009$ 21,940$ 221$

Total Personnel 57,958$ 23,587$ 58,385$ (427)$


Services 4,356$ 2,217$ 4,216$ 140$

Fuel/Lubricants 7,570$ 3,065$ 7,871$ (301)$

Parts 3,178$ 1,109$ 2,798$ 380$

Other 6,600$ 2,360$ 6,482$ 118$

Total Non-Personnel 21,704$ 8,751$ 21,367$ 337$

Grand Total Expenses 79,662$ 32,339$ 79,751$ (89)$

Net Income/Deficit From Operations & Subsidies (850)$ 538$ 602$ 1,452$

Financial Report

Board MeetingDate:

October 4, 2012

Presenter: Mark BallersteinSubject: Establishing the Guaranteed Maximum Price for the Design Build

Contract and Authorizing a Contract Amendment with The PikeCompany for the Renaissance Square Transit Center Project

Background: In November 2011, per RGRTA Resolution 79-2011, the RGRTA Boardauthorized a Design Build Contract with The Pike Company to designand build the Renaissance Square Transit Center project (the “Project”).Per RGRTA Resolutions 84-2011 and 54-2012, the contract wasamended to include site work preparation services and Early BidPackages.

The Authority has acquired all of the real property necessary for theProject and the design and procurement of the balance of theconstruction subcontracts for the Project have been completed.

Guaranteed Maximum PriceIn September 2012, subcontractor bids were opened for the balance ofthe construction subcontracts. LeChase Construction Services, Owner’sRepresentative of the Authority, and The Pike Company performed post-bid interviews to insure that the full scope of work was included in thelow bids. Adjustments were made to correct for missed scope items. Nobids were received for the decorative metal railings. We are assessingwhat adjustments to the design should be made for the railings. Thiswork is not included in this proposed GMP and will be added later.LeChase has reviewed the proposed GMP and has recommendedapproval. The Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) includes a fivepercent construction contingency added to the adjusted bids, allowancesfor project requirements, bonds and insurances.

The proposed GMP value is $33,292,117. The subcontracted work isvalued at $26,950,102 and is $10,075 below the budgeted value. Thebreakdown for the GMP is shown below.


Indeterminate Construction Items

Several work items are unquantifiable at this time and are not included inthe GMP amount. We are requesting to amend the contract with Pikeadding the budgeted cost for this work. These items will be paid for on atime and materials basis. The work will be performed by The PikeCompany and their subcontractors and will be monitored and tracked byLeChase Construction Services.

The work that needs to be completed under this category is as follows:

Asbestos Abatement: Asbestos abatement needs to be performed on theinsulation and soils found in the basement of the RKO Theater, locatedon the 65-71 N. Clinton parcel. After RGRTA acquired the 65-71 NorthClinton Avenue property, work to expose the basement of the RKOTheater and to determine the extent of asbestos materials began.Asbestos was found in three main areas of the structure. One section inthe northwest quadrant is in poor structural condition, such that a portionof the structural slab and its contents need to be removed and disposed ofas asbestos containing materials. The other two sections containdamaged sections of pipe insulation that has fallen on soil that wasplaced inside the structure. Accordingly, both the insulation and soilsneed to be properly abated.

Basement Removal: The concrete basement of the former theater mustbe removed. The basement structure that remains on-site is moreextensive than was previously detected as the full theater seating area isintact. The material used to backfill around the structure contains ash.This material was tested for contaminates and it has been determinedthat the ash laden soil must be disposed of at a Municipal Solid WasteLandfill. We are proposing to crush the concrete material on-site andreuse it as backfill.

Soils Excavation, Reclamation and Backfill: After acquisition of the HHWarner properties, excavations conduced on the recently acquiredproperty identified rubble, concrete foundations and soils that aresuitable for crushing and reuse as backfill. One excavation revealedadditional asbestos containing materials which will require properhandling.

This work will be managed and performed by the Pike Company as partof the Design Build Contract. The construction fee and generalconditions fee approved by the Board as part of the Design BuildContract cover the design and management of this work. No increase toPike’s fees is required.

The table below summarizes the Design Build Contract costs:

Guaranteed Maximum PricePike Design Build Services and Fee $ 3,156,000

Project Security and Safety (allowance) $ 250,590Temporary Facilities and Controls(allowance) $ 641,896

Construction Cost $ 26,950,102

Sub-Total $ 30,998,588

Construction Contingency (5%) $ 1,392,129

Sub-Total $ 32,390,717

Bonds and Insurance $ 901,400

Total GMP $ 33,292,117

Indeterminate Construction Items(T&M)RKO Theater asbestos abatement andunsuitable soils disposal $ 1,190,463Concrete and soils reclamation andexcavation and backfill $ 708,493

T&M Items $ 1,898,956

Total Contract Amount $ 35,191,073

Financial Impact: The cost for this work is included in the project capital budget. There isno fee increase to The Pike Company’s design build fees. The GMP forthe project is $33,292,117. The budget for the IndeterminateConstruction Items is $1,898,956. The total contract amount is$35,191,073.

This contract increase is to be funded in the following manner: a)Federal funds – 80%; b) State funds – 10%; and c) RGRTA funds –10%.

Recommendation: That the Design Build Contract with The Pike Company be amended toestablish the GMP at $33,292,117 and increased for IndeterminateConstruction Items by $1,898,956 for the Project, and that the ChiefExecutive Officer be authorized to amend the contract up to $2,000,000for justified orders on contract.




WHEREAS, the Rochester-Genesee Regional Transportation Authority (the “Authority”) has for anumber of years sought to construct a climate-controlled transit center in downtown Rochester,New York, (the “Project”); and

WHEREAS, the Design Build project delivery method has been selected as the best method forimplementing the Project; and

WHEREAS, in November 2011, per RGRTA Resolution 79-2011, the Authority awarded acontract to The Pike Company for Design Build Services in the amount of $2,786,000 to providedesign and construction services in connection with the Project; and

WHEREAS, in December 2011, per RGRTA Resolution 84-2011, the Authority authorized ThePike Company to proceed with early site work preparation services as part of the Design BuildContract in the amount of $482,000; and

WHEREAS, in August 2012, per RGRTA Resolution 54-2012, the Authority authorized The PikeCompany to proceed with Early Bid Packages as part of the Design Build Contract in the amount of$11,880,821; and

WHEREAS, the design and procurement of construction subcontracts by The Pike Company iscomplete and has been reviewed and recommended by the Authority’s Owner’s Representative,LeChase Construction Services; and

WHEREAS, this work will be managed and performed by The Pike Company as part of itscontract for Design Build Services; and

WHEREAS, the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP), inclusive of all previous authorizations setforth above, proposed by The Pike Company and recommended by LeChase Construction Servicesis $33,292,117; and

WHEREAS, during the course of on-site excavations it was discovered that soils and materialsassociated with the basement of the former RKO Theater contained ash and other materials thatnecessitate their disposal in a Municipal Solid Waste Landfill; and

WHEREAS, the basement of the former RKO Theater and other on-site soils and rubble aresuitable for processing and reuse on-site as backfill; and

WHEREAS, the handling and disposal of the contaminated soils, materials processing and on-sitereuse, referred to as “Indeterminate Construction Items”, will be undertaken by The Pike Company


on a time-and-materials basis and the budgeted cost of this work is $1,898,956, for a totalauthorized Design Build Contract amount through this Resolution of $35,191,073; and

WHEREAS, the Authority anticipates these services will be funded in the following manner: a)Federal funds – 80%; b) State funds – 10%; and c) RGRTA funds – 10%.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Design Build Contract with The PikeCompany be amended establishing the Guaranteed Maximum Price at $33,292,117 and increasedfor Indeterminate Construction Items by $1,898,956 for the Project, for a total authorized amount of$35,191,073; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chief Executive Officer and his designee are herebyauthorized to further amend the Design Build Contract with The Pike Company for justified orderson contract up to $2,000,000; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chief Executive Officer and his designee are herebyauthorized, empowered and directed, for and on behalf of the Authority, to perform any and allactions and to execute any and all documents on behalf of the Authority as they may deemnecessary, appropriate or advisable to carry out the intent and purposes of the foregoing resolution.


The undersigned hereby certifies that the above is an excerpt from the Minutes of a RegularMeeting of the Rochester-Genesee Regional Transportation Authority, which was held on October4, 2012, and that the Resolution is still in full force and effect.

___________________________________James H. Redmond, Chairman

Date: October 4, 2012Rochester, New York

Board Meeting Date: October 4, 2012Presenter: Brock BaffordSubject: Authorizing the Award of a Contract for a Fare Collection System for

Regional Transit ServiceBackground: The Authority desires to replace RTS’ fare collection system which has

been in service for over 20 years, exceeding the normal service life ofsuch a system. The selected contractor shall furnish, deliver and installelectronic validating bus fareboxes, revenue consolidation equipment, areporting system to interface and integrate with existing RGRTAsystems, ancillary equipment, spare parts and services (i.e. training,maintenance, etc.).

A Request for Proposals (RFP) was issued, seventeen (17) sets of theRFP document were distributed to prospective proposers, and three (3)proposals were received on July 6, 2012 from the following firms:

1.) Fare Logistics Corp. Victoria, BC, Canada2.) GFI Genfare (a division of SPX Corp.) Elk Grove Village, IL3.) LECIP Inc. Del Plaines, IL

Based on a thorough evaluation of the proposals, consideringqualifications of each firm’s experience, project approach and cost, theAuthority determined that GFI Genfare submitted the strongest andmost favorable proposal.

Financial Impact: A contract in an amount not to exceed $4,406,434 with an authorizedcontingency of $440,643 for justified orders on contract. Totalauthorization shall be $4,847,077. The anticipated funding sources areFederal - 80%, New York State - 10% and RGRTA - 10%.

Recommendation: That the CEO be granted authority to enter into a contract with GFI forthe replacement of RTS’ fare collection system. The term of thecontract shall be project commencement through project completion.




WHEREAS, the Rochester-Genesee Regional Transportation Authority (the “Authority”) desiresto enlist the services of a contractor to provide and install a replacement fare collection system forRegional Transit Service (“RTS”); and

WHEREAS, the contractor shall furnish, deliver and install electronic validating bus fareboxes,revenue consolidation equipment, a reporting system that integrates with existing Authoritysystems, spare parts and technical services; and

WHEREAS, the Authority sought proposals from qualified firms by issuing a Request forProposals (RFP) and publicly advertising for proposals in the New York State Contract Reporter onMay 11, 2012, the Rochester Business Journal on May 11, 2012 and in Passenger Transport; and

WHEREAS, three (3) proposals were received and opened on July 6, 2012; and

WHEREAS, the Authority conducted a thorough evaluation of the proposals that were receivedand concluded that GFI (a division of SPX Corporation) of Elk Grove Village, IL submitted aproposal that was responsive to the Authority’s specifications and was most favorable to theAuthority; and

WHEREAS, the Authority has determined that GFI is a responsible firm.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chief Executive Officer is authorized to enterinto a contract with GFI for a fare collection system for Regional Transit Service for an amount notto exceed $4,406,434; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chief Executive Officer and his designee are authorizedto increase the value of the contract by up to $440,643 for justified orders on contract resulting in atotal authorized amount of $4,847,077; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the contract duration shall be from contract executionthrough project completion; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chief Executive Officer and his designee are herebyauthorized, empowered and directed, for and on behalf of the Authority, to perform any and allactions and to execute any and all documents on behalf of the Authority as they may deemnecessary, appropriate or advisable to carry out the intent and purposes of the foregoing resolution.



The undersigned hereby certifies that the above is an excerpt from the Minutes of a RegularMeeting of the Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority, which was held on October4, 2012 and that the Resolution is still in full force and effect.

___________________________________James H. Redmond, Chairman

Date: October 4, 2012Rochester, New York

Board Meeting Date: October 4, 2012Presenter: David CookSubject: Resolution Authorizing the Disposal of Various Wyoming

Transit Service (“WYTS”) Vehicle Radios.Background: The Authority periodically retires radio equipment after it

reaches the end of its anticipated service life or becomesobsolete and is no longer suitable or necessary for the provisionof public transportation services operated by the Authority. Theradios listed in Attachment A have been used on WYTS vehiclesand are now deemed to be obsolete due to changes in FCCregulations.

Financial Impact: RGRTA anticipates that these radios will be scrapped.Recommendation: That the CEO be authorized to dispose of the surplus radios

listed on Resolution Attachment A in accordance with theAuthority’s Surplus Property Disposition Policy and Procedures.





WHEREAS, the Rochester-Genesee Regional Transportation Authority (the “Authority”) periodicallyretires radio equipment after it reaches the end of its anticipated service life or becomes obsolete and is nolonger suitable for performing services required by the Authority and its subsidiaries; and

WHEREAS, the Authority has determined that the radio equipment previously used on vehicles operatedby Wyoming Transit Service Inc. (“WYTS”) and listed in Attachment A is obsolete as a result of changesin FCC regulations and therefore this equipment is eligible for disposal; and

WHEREAS, the Authority has determined that the radio equipment is no longer suitable or necessary forthe provision of services operated by the Authority and thus is deemed to be surplus; and

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the radio equipment is declared to be surplus; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the radio equipment shall be disposed of in accordance with theAuthority’s Surplus Property Disposition Policy and Procedures; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chief Executive Officer and his designee are hereby authorized,empowered and directed, for and on behalf of the Authority, to perform any and all actions and to executeany and all documents on behalf of the Authority as they may deem necessary, appropriate or advisable tocarry out the intent and purposes of the foregoing resolution.


The undersigned hereby certifies that the above is an excerpt from the Minutes of a Regular Meeting of theRochester-Genesee Regional Transportation Authority, which was held on October 4, 2012, and that theResolution is still in full force and effect.


James H. Redmond, Chairman

Date: October 4, 2012Rochester, New York

Attachment A: Disposal Listing of Surplus Vehicle Radios

RGRTA Board of Commissioners Meeting

October 4, 2012

Serial Number Model Number Manufacturer Property

103TFL4528 AAM25RKC9AA1AN Motorola WYTS

103TGN2801 AAM25SKD9PW2AN Motorola WYTS

103TJGA230 AAM25RKC9AA1AN Motorola WYTS

103TJAB380 AAM25RKC9AA1AN Motorola WYTS

103TFYK913 AAM25RKC9AA1AN Motorola WYTS

103TGN2805 AAM25SKD9PW2AN Motorola WYTS

103TMGB226 AAM25RKC9AA1AN Motorola WYTS

103TJAB376 AAM25RKC9AA1AN Motorola WYTS

103TJAB368 AAM25RKC9AA1AN Motorola WYTS

103TFYK919 AAM25RKC9AA1AN Motorola WYTS

103TFYK915 AAM25RKC9AA1AN Motorola WYTS

103TJAB374 AAM25RKC9AA1AN Motorola WYTS

776tku1941 Maratrac Motorola WYTS

776tuc1489 Maratrac Motorola WYTS

103TGN2787 AAM25SKD9PW2AN Motorola WYTS

103TJAB381 AAM25RKC9AA1AN Motorola WYTS

103TJGA232 AAM25RKC9AA1AN Motorola WYTS

103THY1594 AAM25RKC9AA1AN Motorola WYTS

776TVS1571 T74XXTA74TA7BK Motorola WYTS

Board Meeting Date: October 4, 2012Presenter: Christopher DobsonSubject: Authorizing the Award of a Contract for Financial System Replacement

Consulting ServicesBackground: The Authority wishes to hire a consultant to provide professional

services that will assist the Authority in the requirements gathering,development of a request for proposals, project budgeting and vendorselection for a replacement financial system.

A Request for Proposals (RFP) was issued. Twenty-eight (28) sets ofthe RFP document were distributed to proposers, and five (5) proposalswere received on August 23, 2012.

The following is a summary of proposals received:

1.) Government Finance Officers Association, Chicago, IL2.) Berry, Dunn, McNeil & Parker, LLC, Portland, ME3.) Blue Heron Consulting, Rochester, NY4.) Visionary Integration Professionals, New York, NY5.) Junction Partners, Jericho, NY

Based on a thorough evaluation of the proposals which considered thequalifications of project team, firm experience, work approach and cost,the Authority determined that Government Finance Officers Associationsubmitted the most favorable proposal.

Financial Impact: Contract in an amount not to exceed $100,000 for consulting services.The anticipated funding sources are Federal - 80%, New York State -10% and RGRTA - 10%.

Recommendation: That the CEO be granted authority to enter into a contract withGovernment Finance Officers Association for consulting services. Theterm of contract shall be project commencement through projectcompletion.




WHEREAS, the Rochester-Genesee Regional Transportation Authority (the “Authority”) desiresto engage a professional consulting firm to assist with the design and procurement of a replacementfinancial system; and

WHEREAS, professional services under this contract shall include requirements gathering, projectbudgeting, development of a Request for Proposals, evaluation of proposals received and assistancewith contract negotiations for the replacement system; and

WHEREAS, the Authority sought proposals from qualified firms by issuing a Request forProposals (RFP) and publicly advertising for proposals in the New York State Contract Reporter onJuly 16, 2012 and the Rochester Business Journal on July 17, 2012; and

WHEREAS, five (5) proposals were received and opened on August 23, 2012; and

WHEREAS, the Authority conducted a thorough evaluation of the proposals that were receivedand concluded that Government Finance Officers Association of Chicago, Illinois submitted aproposal that was responsive and was the most favorable to the Authority; and

WHEREAS, the Authority has determined that Government Finance Officers Association is aresponsible bidder.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chief Executive Officer is authorized to enterinto a contract with Government Finance Officers Association for Financial System ConsultingServices in an amount not to exceed One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000); and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the contract duration shall be from contract executionthrough project completion; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chief Executive Officer and his designee are herebyauthorized, empowered and directed, for and on behalf of the Authority, to perform any and allactions and to execute any and all documents on behalf of the Authority as they may deemnecessary, appropriate or advisable to carry out the intent and purposes of the foregoing resolution.



The undersigned hereby certifies that the above is an excerpt from the Minutes of a RegularMeeting of the Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority, which was held on October4, 2012 and that the Resolution is still in full force and effect.

___________________________________James H. Redmond, Chairman

Date: October 4, 2012Rochester, New York

Board Meeting Date: October 4, 2012Presenter: Mark BallersteinSubject: Resolution Authorizing the Award of a Contract for Office Furniture for

Phase I of the Campus Improvement ProjectBackground: The New York State Office of General Services (OGS) conducted a

competitive procurement and has awarded a contract for office furnitureto The HON Company. FM Office Products, located in Rochester, is theauthorized dealer of HON products under the OGS contract.

Product pricing is determined by a discount off of the published HONprice list with a quantity discount applied for the volume purchased.RGRTA was able to obtain a very favorable quantity discount from FMOffice Products as a result of the total combined quantity of furniturethat RGRTA anticipated purchasing for the new and renovated sectionsof the Administration Building.

In April 2012, the Board of Commissioners authorized the initialpurchase of furniture for Phase I of the Campus Improvement Project inthe amount of $373,905, per Resolution RGRTA 27-2012. Thisfurniture has been installed in the new addition to the building.

Additional furniture in the amount of $169,334 is required for therenovated portion of the building which is scheduled for completion laterin 2012.

Financial Impact: The estimated cost for this order is $169,334. It is recommended that acontingency of $8,500 be established for justified orders on contract,bringing the total authorization up to $177,834. The anticipated fundingsources are federal (80%), State (10%) and RGRTA (10%).

Recommendation: That the Chief Executive Officer be granted authority to enter into acontract with FM Office Products for the provision of additional officefurniture for Phase I of the Campus Improvement Project.




WHEREAS, Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority (“the Authority”) seeks to purchaseadditional office furniture as part of Phase I of the Campus Improvement Project; and

WHEREAS, this furniture will be installed in the renovated portion of the Administration Building; and

WHEREAS, this furniture order supplements the initial furniture order that was authorized per ResolutionRGRTA 27-2012; and

WHEREAS, the furniture purchased through the initial order was installed in the new addition to theAdministration Building; and

WHEREAS, office furniture is available through the New York State Office of General Services; and

WHEREAS, the New York State Office of General Services conducted a competitive procurement andawarded Contract# PC 63361 to The HON Company; and

WHEREAS, The HON Company has designated FM Office Products as the authorized dealer for HONproducts in the Rochester, New York area; and

WHEREAS, the Authority has determined that The HON Company and FM Office Products areresponsible bidders; and

WHEREAS, The HON Company products, which are available through FM Office Products, areresponsive to the Authority’s requirements.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a contract be awarded to FM Office Products for theprovision of office furniture under the terms of New York State OGS Contract # PC63361 in the maximumamount of $169,334; and

IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chief Executive Officer and his designee are authorized toincrease the value of the contract by up to $8,500 for justified orders on contract resulting in a totalauthorized amount of $177,834; and

IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chief Executive Officer and his designee are hereby authorized,empowered and directed, for and on behalf of the Authority, to perform any and all actions and to executeany and all documents on behalf of the Authority as they may deem necessary, appropriate or advisable tocarry out the intent and purposes of the foregoing resolution.



The undersigned hereby certifies that the above is an excerpt from the Minutes of a Regular Meeting of theRochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority, which was held on October 4, 2012 and that theResolution is still in full force and effect.

__________________________________James H. Redmond, Chairman

Date: October 4, 2012Rochester, New York