Minutes November 2010

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General Meeting mins November 2010

Transcript of Minutes November 2010

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Minutes of the Meeting of Tasburgh Parish Council held on Monday 15th

November 2010 at 8pm in Tasburgh Village Hall, Small Hall.

Present: Brian Hill

Geoff Merchant

Dave Moore

John Mann

Deborah Sacks

Tony Lacey

Keith Read

Lenny Thompson

Don Proudfoot

Julie King, Clerk

Also present: 13 members of the public including Alison Thomas, County


1. Apologies None.

2. Declaration of interest for items on the agenda

Personal Interests

Brian Hill – item 9d – payment to himself

Dave Moore – item 9e – payment to himself

Brian Hill – item 14a – the land of the previously suggested location belonged to a

personal friend.

Prejudicial Interests

John Mann – item 11a – the applicant is a personal friend

Item 13c – Councillors made declarations in response to specific plots as detailed

below, as they were near to their own properties:

Dave Moore – plots 511, 512, 513, 982

Tony Lacey – plots 245, 949

Deborah Sacks – plot 936

Brian Hill – plots 936, 404

John Mann – plots 404, 901

Geoff Merchant – plot 518

3. Minutes of the meeting held on 18th October 2010

These were agreed as a true record of proceedings with no amendments,

proposed by Brian Hill, seconded by Lennie Thompson, all in favour.

4. Minutes of the planning meeting held on 2nd November 2010

The minutes were then agreed as a true record of proceedings with no

amendments, proposed by John Mann, seconded by Keith Read, all in favour.

Dave Moore said that following the Planning Meeting, he had asked Michelle

Monck, District Councillor to a meeting to discuss the concerns Councillors had.

The meeting had taken place and Dave Moore, John Mann, Don Proudfoot and the

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Clerk had been present. They discussed the procedural arrangements at South

Norfolk Council, which had lead Members to vote against advice that had been

given to the owners of Church View Barn by a Planning Officer.

5. Urgent Items to the raised through the Chair

Councillors asked the Clerk to report damaged bridge rails on Low Road and pot

holes outside Holly Tree Cottage to Highways. It was noted that the pot holes at the

top of Church Hill had already been reported.

The Clerk was also asked to report the dumping of garden rubbish in the play area at

the end of Everson Road.



6. Update on Matters Arising from Previous Minutes

Freedom of Information Request

The Clerk reported that following Mr Youngman’s Freedom of Information request,

she had received payment.

Greenacres Farm

The Clerk had passed on to South Norfolk Council, the information relating to the

welfare of the animals at Greenacres Farm.

7. Correspondence

Request for Information

Following the Planning Meeting on 2nd November, the Clerk had received a

telephone call and follow up e-mail from Mrs Knight, owner of Church View Barn.

Copies of the correspondence Keith Read had received from Gavin Smith of Old

Hall Farm had been requested along with the Code of Conduct and guidelines for

Councillors in making declarations of interest. The information requested had been


Parking Outside the School

Dave Moore had received correspondence from the owners of 11 Henry Preston

Road who were concerned that on occasions they were unable to exit their drive due

to parked cars. Dave Moore had already suggested that they make contact with the

school and it was agreed that the Clerk would forward on the concerns to the School

and the Police.

Land Registry

Land Registry had written to the Parish Council inviting them to register any land

that they owned at a reduced rate. It was agreed that the Parish Council did not own

any land.

Greenest Community Competition

South Norfolk Council had launched South Norfolk’s Greenest Community

Competition, giving community groups in South Norfolk the opportunity to apply

for a share of £65,000. Details had been posted on the notice boards.

Race to Infinity

BT were inviting rural communities to vote to have their exchanges upgraded to

increase broadband speeds, details would appear in the Quarterly.



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Safer Neighbourhood Action Panel (SNAP) Meetings

Following a response from the Chair of the Tas-Valley SNAP Meeting it was noted

that the meetings would be changing, more details were given under item 10.

New Gates on Low Road

A Parishioner had written to ask if planning permission had been granted for the

recent removal of hedge and erection of new gates on Low Road. The letter had

been forwarded on to Planning Enforcement at South Norfolk Council.

Crime Statistics

In October there had been no crimes in Tasburgh.

Norfolk County Council Budget Consultation

Following the Comprehensive Spending Review and the anticipated spending

reductions for Local Government, Norfolk County Council would be consulting on

their proposals for balancing their budget, details would be available on their

website and the consultation would close on 10th January.

Norfolk County Council Minerals and Waste Local Development Framework

The consultation on the Core Strategy and Minerals and Waste Development

management Policies 2010 – 2026 would run until 17th December. Deborah Sacks

agreed to look at the documents and, if she felt that it was necessary for the Council

to respond, would make recommendations to be considered at the Planning Meeting

on 7th December.


The following publications had been received and would be circulated:

- Countryside Voice

- Norfolk Age UK – In the Loop

- Clerks and Councils Direct.


8. Reports on Meetings Attended

John Mann had attended a conference organised by the Norfolk Association of

Local Councils entitled ‘Think Green…There is no Planet B’. He said that amongst

the issues discussed were cheaper forms of domestic heating such as heat pumps and

a lift share scheme which, from small beginnings, had become a global initiative. He

said he would circulate the papers gathered.

Deborah Sacks had attended the Norfolk Waste Partnership Conference; over the

years it had become a national event and attracted key speakers.








It was resolved to pay the following:

Julie King Salary/Expenses(£386.21/£4.99) £391.20

Norfolk Pension Fund Pension Contribution £105.25

Sky Link Events Cutting of Burrfeld Park £120.00

Brian Hill Travelling Expenses £8.50

Dave Moore Travelling Expenses £10.00

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Second Quarter Accounts

Don Proudfoot said he had examined the accounts and had found everything to be in

order, it was agreed to approve the accounts, proposed by Lennie Thompson,

seconded by Deborah Sacks, all in favour.


Public Participation and Exchange of Information

The meeting was suspended to allow the public and those Councillors with a

prejudicial interest to speak.

Alison Thomas, County Councillor spoke about:

• Play builder funding – although this had been reduced it had been shared out

amongst the original successful applicants and provided a good kick start for


• SNAP meetings – it had become clear that these were not working and that

the Police had found that they were better able to engage with the public

during events held outside supermarkets etc.

• Kings Lynn incinerator – Norfolk County Council had appointed a preferred

bidder who would be engaging in a public consultation. She encouraged

people to become involved in the consultation.

• Big Conversation – Norfolk County Council, in order to reduce the money

spent on service provision, were having to look at the way they managed

their services. Once again, she encouraged people to become involved in the

consultation – correspondence would be circulated.

• South Norfolk Council’s Joint Core Strategy, the inquiry was ongoing and it

was currently being examined by a Planning Inspector.

Alison Thomas was asked about money tied up in the Icelandic banks. A small

amount of the money had been received back and Norfolk County Council had

launched a legal challenge to the priority given to the creditors of the remainder.

Alison Thomas was asked about reports in the press regarding money that would

have to be paid to the incinerator contractor should the scheme not go ahead. Alison

said that it was standard procedure with projects of that size.

A member of the public said that they supported views expressed by two

Councillors at the previous meeting that Burrfeld Park wasn’t very tidy and that it

should be maintained purely by volunteers. He questioned the need to renew the

maintenance contract and the timing of the cutting of the meadow. He also

suggested that if additional houses were to be built in the village that a tax should be

put on each one to finance a footpath at the bottom of Grove Lane.

A member of the public spoke about the letter they had sent the Parish Council

regarding the removal of hedge and erection of gates on Low Road, it was noted that

this had been forwarded on to South Norfolk Council’s Planning Enforcement.

The Council was asked about the payment on the agenda to Norfolk Pension Fund,

it was noted that it was a monthly payment made for the Clerk’s pension.

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Don Proudfoot said that some hedges on Church Road were overhanging the

pavement. Dave Moore agreed to establish the locations so that the Clerk to write to

the owners.

It was noted that one of the bus stops on Church Road had been erected between

numbers 8 and 10, which was not the location recommended by the Parish Council.

As John Mann had declared a prejudicial interest in item 11a, he spoke during this

time in support of the application. He said he had known and had been a customer of

Mr Stevenson for over 20 years and that he supported him moving his business from

its current location in Morningthorpe to Ipswich Road, Tasburgh.

The meeting was reconvened.







John Mann left the meeting.

2010/1773 – Foundary Nursery, Ipswich Road

Change of use of part of the site for the sale of plants and incidental fertilizers and

garden hand tools.

Dave Moore, Keith Read, Brian Hill and the Clerk had conducted a site visit. It was

noted that Mr Stevenson was happy to provide additional screening and landscaping

as was felt necessary. Any concerns over traffic had been covered at length in the

application and it was felt that this was something that Highways would address. It

was agreed to recommend approval, proposed by Brian Hill, seconded by

Lennie Thompson, all in favour. John Mann rejoined the meeting

Planning Decisions

2010/1474, 3 Harvey Close, bedroom extension to rear of property – approved.

2010/1538, Greenacres Farm, Ipswich Road, retrospective application for change of

use to dog breeding kennels – approved.

Next Planning Meeting

It was agreed that the next planning meeting would be on Tuesday 7th December

Councillors available: John Mann, Don Proudfoot, Keith Read and Dave Moore.

Don Proudfoot would be the Councillor responsible for receiving the plans prior to

the meeting.





Advisory Committees

Traffic Solutions

Geoff Merchant said that the committee had not met but it was hoped that it would

meet before the next meeting. Alison Thomas, County Councillor had followed up

the questions in relation to the bends at the bottom of Grove Lane. Since Councillors

had met with Highways the financial situation had changed, a scheme for Tasburgh

was a long way down the priority list and therefore the chances of it being funded

was very slim, for this reason the cost of undertaking another survey could not be

justified. Highways has suggested two possible solutions, one was for a footpath

across the field from Low Road to the Village Hall – the Parish Council would be

pushing for this in their response to South Norfolk Council’s Site Specific

consultation, the other was for access to a footpath at the end of Harvey Close, it

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was felt that this was an unlikely option.


The Procedural Advisory Committee had not met but would do so before the next


Development / Parish Plan

John Mann, Deborah Sacks, Geoff Merchant, Dave Moore and the Clerk had met

with a Tim Horspole, Planning and Housing Policy Manager, South Norfolk

Council, to discuss the Parish Council’s response. He had been very complimentary

of the way in which the Council had approached the consultation and the draft

response produced.

A public consultation had been held on 6th November, 19 people had attended and of

those who had made comment all were in support of the Parish Council’s draft


Those Councillors with a prejudicial interest left the room (Dave Moore, Geoff

Merchant, John Mann, Deborah Sacks, Brian Hill and Tony Lacey).

It was agreed that the final response should be unchanged from that agreed at

the previous meeting, proposed by Lennie Thompson, seconded by Don

Proudfoot, all in favour.

Councillors rejoined the meeting.


It was agreed that a meeting would be called to discuss the new remit of “To further

sustainability within the Parish” which had been added at the last meeting.

Burrfeld Park

A volunteer day had taken place on the morning of 7th November, large areas had

been cleared and the cuttings had been taken away. In addition a small amount of

planting had been done. Volunteer days were scheduled for 5th December, 9


January and 6th February, 10am to 12noon.

The Development Advisory Committee had met to discuss the renewal of the

Burrfeld Park maintenance contract. They recommended that the contract should be

renewed; the specification should be the same as the current year with the addition

of occasional strimming and those contractors who had quoted for the current year

should be asked to re-quote.

Discussions took place regarding the need for a contract and whether the

maintenance could be achieved by volunteers, however it was agreed that the

Parish Council would enter into a maintenance contract for 2011, quotes would

be obtained and then the Council would decided which contractor to use,

proposed by John Mann, seconded by Deborah Sacks, six in favour, three

against, carried. It was agreed that the same contractors would be asked to re-

quote and that volunteers would be used to keep the verge outside the park


The idea of re-establishing a separate Advisory Committee for Burrfeld Park was

discussed. It was agreed that Burrfeld Park came under the remit of the

Development Advisory Committee which was made up of Dave Moore, Geoff

Merchant, Deborah Sacks, John Mann, Brian Hill and Lennie Thompson, in

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addition there was always the ability to invite along non Parish Councillors.




Ongoing Projects

Recreation for All

Recreation for All had received confirmation that they had been granted £27,500

from Playbuilder. Quotes had been obtained and a preferred choice was being

established. The equipment would need to be installed and inspected by 31st March


At the same time Recreation for All were drawing up a master plan, which would

include new equipment to replace the toddler area, equipment for the older children

and an adult trim trail.

It was noted that if the Parish Council were to purchase the new equipment, the

VAT could be reclaimed and therefore it may be helpful if the Parish Council were

more involved. It was agreed that Recreation for All would come back to the

Parish Council with a detailed suggestion, which would initially be considered

by the Development Committee.


The Clerk had written to Mr Read, detailing the Council’s understanding of his offer

of land. Mr Read had telephoned the Clerk to confirm the Council’s understanding.

Neighbours of the site on Low Road had been written to; comments already

received were broadly in favour but conditional of off-road parking.

A meeting of potential allotment holders had been called for Tuesday 23rd

November, 8pm at the Village Hall.

The Clerk had written to Mr and Mr West, owners of the land opposite the Village

Hall. Following a telephone call, a meeting had been arranged for 10am on Tuesday

23rd November between Duncan West, the Clerk and a couple of Councillors. It was

agreed that Geoff Merchant and Deborah Sacks would attend on behalf of the









Ongoing Items

Woodland Rise Signage

The Clerk had written to the owner of the land adjacent to the junction, they had

voiced their objection. It was agreed to request a sign to be attached to the end

of the wall belonging to Lennie Thompson, proposed by John Mann, seconded

by Geoff Merchant, all in favour.

Community Emergency Plan

Nothing to report, the Clerk agreed to make contact with Caroline Mansfield.

Supporting of the Less Able

Geoff Merchant spoke of a scheme in operation in Potter Heigham where those in

need of help and those offering assistance were put in touch with each other via a

website. Tony Lacey agreed to investigate and to make a recommendation to the





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Replacement Dog Bin

It was agreed to buy a ‘Fido 25’ at a cost of £84.24 to replace the bin at the

Heritage Site (Church), proposed by Keith Read, seconded by John Mann, six

in favour, one against, two abstentions. It was agreed that it would be green,

five in favour.

Repainting of the Village Sign

Quotes were being obtained.

Playing Field Mowing

Quotes were being obtained.




New Items

Day and Venue for Parish Council Meetings

The Council had met in the small hall for three months and it was felt that the venue

was not working. Other options were discussed.

Deborah Sacks, Tony Lacey, Lennie Thompson and John Mann, as trustees of the

Village Hall Committee, declared a prejudicial interest and left the room.

It was agreed to meet in the main hall on a Tuesday night for the next three

months and then to review, proposed by Brian Hill, seconded by Keith Read,

three in favour, one against, one abstention.

Councillors rejoined the meeting.



Budget and Precept 2011/2012

Reoccurring Expenditure

Due to lack of time this was adjourned to be discussed at a separate meeting,

recommendations would be considered at the next Parish Council meeting.

17. Items for Next Month’s Agenda


18. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting would be Tuesday 21st December 2010.

The meeting closed at 10.02pm.