Minor Alterations to Front Dwelling including New Carport - Lot 58 … · • New rear patio...

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Transcript of Minor Alterations to Front Dwelling including New Carport - Lot 58 … · • New rear patio...

Ordinary Meeting of Council 02 March 2016


Ward: (Midland/Guildford Ward) (Statutory Planning)

Disclosure of Interest: Nil

Authorised Officer: (Executive Manager Planning and Development)


• The application is for minor alterations, including a new carport, to an existing dwelling in Woodbridge. The dwelling is not on the City’s heritage list but is within the Woodbridge Conservation Precinct and is an original weatherboard cottage.

• The majority of the proposed alterations are not contentious. However, the proposed carport in the front setback does not meet the 'deemed-to-comply' requirements in the City’s Local Planning Policy for Woodbridge Conservation Precincts. Specifically, these require that (i) a new carport should be set behind the front building line of the house if possible; and (ii) additions should follow the established front and side setbacks in the street.

• The carport is proposed to be built in front of the dwelling, up to the street boundary. There are no other buildings or carports in the street which go up to the street boundary.

• The proposal was advertised to neighbours for comment. Two objections were received. The objections stated that the proposed carport (and cars parked within it) would detract from the streetscape and obstruct views of the dwelling; that viable alternatives were available; and that a steel flat roofed carport is not in keeping with the style and age of the associated dwelling, or the heritage architecture of the precinct.

• The proposed carport is considered to meet the relevant Performance criteria of the policy, in that the slimline design of the carport will not inhibit views between the dwelling and street. It is not considered to detract from the existing streetscape, as its design has minimal bulk and will be mostly screened from view by a large existing verge tree. The carport style, materials and colours are considered to meet the requirements of the policy, as they will not visually dominate the dwelling, and the colours will match those used in the associated house. The policy does not preclude steel carports.

It is recommended that the alterations, including the new carport, on Lot 58 (No.5) Quebec Road, Woodbridge be approved as proposed subject to conditions.

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Ordinary Meeting of Council 02 March 2016


The Council may approve (with or without conditions) or refuse to approve the proposed development. If the applicant is aggrieved with the decision of the Council, a right of appeal may exist in accordance with Part 5 of the Planning and Development Act 2005.


Applicant: Sid Thoo Architect Owner: Advantage Nominees Pty Ltd (Directors: Andrew Craig

Harper and Dorothy Alexandra Harper) Zoning: LPS17 - Residential R20/50 MRS - Urban Strategy/Policy: Local Planning Policy, Woodbridge Conservation

Precincts (“Woodbridge Guidelines”) Development Scheme: NA Existing Land Use: Single House (Note a second dwelling has been

approved at the rear of the lot) Lot Size: 1012m2 Use Class: Single House (incidental development) “P”


The application proposes a number of minor alterations / additions to the front dwelling, comprising:

• New carport in front setback area, extending between the house and the street boundary. The existing porch is proposed to be cut back to the supporting poles, to achieve a width of 5.5m. The carport is proposed to have a flat roof, 2.20m high, and be constructed of colorbond (Shale Grey) and posts in a medium grey (Pure Zeal).

• New rear patio structure over existing timber deck, at the rear of the dwelling.

• New awnings on the north and street front elevations to match original style.

• New doors and windows to north and west elevations, style / heights to match existing.

• Replace existing asbestos cladding on house with new weatherboard cladding.

• Replace existing zincalume roofing with custom orb colorbond, in colour “Shale Grey".

• New colour scheme. Existing dwelling is light blue with salmon pink or white window frames and doors. The new cladding is proposed to be white, with detailing (windows, gutters, sills, downpipes, gables) in a medium grey colour “Pure Zeal”.

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The site is a regularly shaped, fairly level lot, surrounded by other residential lots of generally the same size or similar. Some battle-axe lots have been created nearby to allow infill subdivision. The lot is near the southern end of Quebec Road, a cul-de-sac. At the end of the cul-de-sac is a stream which flows into the Helena River.

The existing house on the site is an older fibro cottage, similar in style to the house immediately next door (possibly from the 1920's or 1930's). The cottage is fairly intact, at least externally. The rear of the lot has been cleared, ready for building a new dwelling at the rear.

The street is located within the Woodbridge Heritage Precinct, and many houses in the street are from earlier eras, with similar cottage-style form. There are many mature street trees lining the street.


SB028-2013 - Subdivision (2 Lots) - Approved by WAPC (WAPC No. 147671), 17/6/2013 Although a green title subdivision, the design proposes a common driveway, which may be achieved through an access easement. The approved subdivision plan shows such an easement.

DA991-2014 - Grouped Dwellings (2) - Approved by Council, 10/06/2015 Proposed retention of the existing house at the front and a new dwelling at the rear.

DA650-2013 - Part Demolition of, and Extension to Existing Single House and Proposed Carport - Approved under Delegated Authority, 3/1/2014 It is noted that the City previously approved this application, which included a double carport within the front setback, near the southern boundary of the property, set back 0.5m from the street boundary. The plans submitted incorrectly showed the area in front of the house as being around 7.0m, but it has since been established that the width is only around 5.0m to the edge of the existing porch.


“The proposed carport is very similar in structure to a previously approved development application for the lot, being also situated within the front setback area. This approval was originally issued on the 3rd January 2014; please see DA 650-2013 for further details. [Note: this carport was proposed in front of the house, close to the southern boundary].

It is our view that the amended carport location creates an improved design outcome by reducing the extent of trafficable paving required to the front setback area, which in turn maximises opportunities for soft landscaping. It also facilitates safer pedestrian access by minimising the need for pedestrians to cross behind a reversing vehicle.

Regarding the width of the proposed carport, we are not aware of any specific planning policies that prohibit a wider carport. As the structure is already situated within the front setback area, it seems appropriate to maximise the width of this structure, providing additional cover when moving between the carport and front entry. Designing the carport structure using minimal structural members and a flat roof minimises its visual impact, and allows the existing front façade to take precedence, in keeping with the heritage nature of the precinct.”

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The application was advertised to neighbours within Quebec Road, and to the Woodbridge Residents Inc., for a period of 14 days. Two submissions were received, both objections. These were from an adjoining neighbour, and a neighbour diagonally opposite the subject property.


The application was referred to the City’s Heritage Consultant for advice. Her response is discussed below.



The proposed development comprises alterations / additions to an existing single house, which is a 'P' use in the Residential zone under the City’s Local Planning Scheme No.17 (LPS17).


The proposal was assessed against the requirements of the Local Planning Policy for Woodbridge Conservation Precinct (hereafter, the “Woodbridge Guidelines”) and the Residential Design Codes (hereafter, the “R-Codes”).

The proposed new patio at the rear of the dwelling, the new awnings, doors and windows, new weatherboard cladding, and new colorbond roof meet the 'deemed-to-comply' requirements of the R-Codes (in regard to the patio) and the Woodbridge Guidelines. The new colour scheme of white and grey is considered to meet the relevant performance criteria (i.e. colour schemes according with those commonly used in the period when the building was originally built) and is supported by the City’s Heritage Consultant as being “relatively neutral colours that will not detract from the heritage significance of the place or the streetscape”.

The only contentious element is the proposed carport. Clause 5.3 “Siting” of the Woodbridge Guidelines notes that:

"Garages and carports can have a negative visual impact on the streetscape and they must be planned carefully to avoid this."

The Guidelines’ 'deemed-to-comply' provisions for the siting of carports are as follows:

5.3.2.(a) General Siting Notwithstanding the minimum setback requirements for the relevant residential density code specified under column 8 of Table 1 of the Residential Design Codes (the Codes), new buildings, and additions to existing buildings, shall be located parallel to and fronting the street and follow the established front and side setbacks in the street.

There are no other examples within the street where a carport (or other building) is built right up to the primary street boundary. The only other example of a carport in the front setback area is the carport for the property opposite (2 Quebec Road), which is set back 1.35m from the street boundary.

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(c)(ii) Vehicle Access and Parking Car parking shall be incorporated into the design of a new house as unobtrusively as possible

(c)(iii) A new garage or carport should be set behind the front building line of the house if possible

A single carport could alternatively be accommodated beside or behind the existing house. While approval has been issued for a 2-lot subdivision of the property, this subdivision has not yet been completed, and the owner can adjust the proposed easements over the driveway leg if necessary to allow a covered parking area beside and/or behind the house.

(f) Carports Carports should allow for an unobstructed view between the dwelling and the street.

A small portion of the façade would be obscured by the proposed carport.

The proposal was referred to neighbours and the Heritage Consultant for their comments, in regard to the above variations to the policy.

Two objections were received from neighbours (next door and diagonally opposite from the subject property). The objections cited the following relevant concerns:

• The proposed carport would severely detract from the streetscape, and the heritage precinct.

• The applicants have other options available to them to comply with the Woodbridge Heritage Guidelines.

• There is no similar structure in Quebec Road or the surrounding neighbourhood.

• A steel framed, flat roofed carport is not in keeping with the heritage architecture of the existing dwelling, the street and the locality.

• The carport would obstruct the view of the dwelling. Cars parked within the carport would further obstruct the view.

The Heritage Consultant supports the proposed design of the carport. However, she recommends that the carport is reduced in width, and set back from the street boundary, as well as being separated from the porch. She notes, however, that “this may be a compromise that the City is willing to accept in light of the retention and conservation of the house, the simplicity of the carport and the lower ground level of the carport.”

Reducing the width of the carport would require it to become clearly a single carport, rather than a double carport. The carport is narrow for a double carport, but there is just sufficient room for two standard size cars to manoeuvre, according to the City’s turning template.


Where a proposal does not meet the 'deemed-to-comply' provisions, it is assessed against the relevant Performance criteria. The relevant Performance criteria require:

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Ordinary Meeting of Council 02 March 2016


5.3.1 (b) The proportion of the lot frontage and dwelling façade occupied by or obscured by garages and carports shall be limited so as not to detract from the streetscape

(c) Garages and carports shall be set back so as not to detract from the streetscape or appearance of dwellings, or obstruct views of dwellings from the street and vice versa

It is considered that the proposed flat-roof carport is a simple, unobtrusive design which maintains a clear view between the street and the dwelling as far as possible. The carport occupies a relatively small proportion of the lot frontage (5.5m of an overall 20.12m). It therefore meets the relevant performance criteria in that it does not detract from the view of the dwelling, or inhibit views between the dwelling and the street. The Heritage Consultant generally supports the proposed design of the carport, as its simple lines and lower ground level do not significantly obscure the façade of the house. It would be unreasonable to refuse a carport based on the additional (minor) visual impact of cars parked in the carport, as there is nothing to prevent cars from parking in the front setback area now.

The existing streetscape includes several houses dating from c. the early 1900’s, as well as some newer houses from various eras. The subject house is an original weatherboard cottage. In the existing streetscape, there are no other examples of a carport directly in front of a dwelling. The only similar example is the house opposite, 2 Quebec Road, where the carport is in the front setback area, but set to one side of the dwelling, rather than directly in front. This carport is set back from the street boundary by 1.35m.

It is considered that the proposed carport, of very simple design, does not detract from the streetscape. It basically comprises 3 slim poles on the street boundary, in line with the existing fence, and a slimline roof, which will be largely obscured from view by a large existing verge tree. It is significantly different in style from the carport on the property opposite, which has a peaked roof and presents a much bulkier appearance to the street. In that case, it is appropriate for the carport to be set back from the street boundary, to reduce the impact of its bulk.

In relation to concerns that the materials/style of the carport are inappropriate for the dwelling, it is noted that the Woodbridge Guidelines do not preclude steel carports. The Guidelines state that “new timber or steel-framed buildings are permitted in Woodbridge”. A new carport cannot be regarded as “restoration of a heritage building” requiring materials and colours to match the original. The relevant Performance Criteria require that “materials and colours of additions shall match or be complementary to those used on the associated building”, and “in keeping with or sympathetic to those materials and colours which have been historically prevalent in the area”. The colours of the carport are proposed to match those used in the associated dwelling. In regard to the style of the carport, the relevant performance criteria require that “residential development shall be sympathetic to the predominant historic form of development in the context, and in the case of additions, to the existing building”. The carport is considered to be sympathetic to the existing building, as its simple design would not detract from or visually dominate the existing building. The Heritage Consultant supports the proposed design/colour scheme.

It is considered that the proposed carport will not have a detrimental impact on the streetscape, and accordingly approval of the proposal as is, is recommended. An alternative option is also provided, in which the carport is required to be set back from the front boundary by 1.35m, matching the setback of the carport on the property opposite.

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Ordinary Meeting of Council 02 March 2016


Option 1 Council may resolve to grant approval for the proposed minor alterations and new Carport at Lot 58 (No.5) Quebec Road, Woodbridge, as proposed, subject to standard conditions, on the grounds that the proposal does not detract from the existing heritage streetscape.

Implications The applicant will be able to proceed with the proposed development.

This is the recommended option.

Option 2 Council may resolve to grant approval for the proposed minor alterations and new Carport at Lot 58 (No.5) Quebec Road, Woodbridge, subject to conditions including that the new carport (including poles and roof) be set back a minimum 1.35m from the primary street boundary, consistent with the setback of the carport on the property directly opposite, and thereby reduce the impact on the existing streetscape.

Implications The applicant will be able to proceed with the proposed development, however, the carport at the front will only be capable of accommodating a single car, rather than two (small to medium size) cars. The applicant has the potential in future to apply for an additional single carport at the side of the existing dwelling, if desired.

The owner/applicant would have a right of review to the State Administrative Tribunal if aggrieved by this decision.

This is not the recommended option.

Option 3 Council may resolve to refuse the proposed new Carport at the front of the existing single house, while granting approval for the remaining proposed additions and alterations at Lot 58 (No.5) Quebec Road, Woodbridge, for the following reason:

1) The proposed carport in front of the dwelling is considered to be inconsistent with the Local Planning Policy for Woodbridge Conservation Precinct in that:

o It does not meet Performance criteria 5.3.1(b) and 5.3.1(c) of the Policy, in that it is considered that the proposed carport will have an unacceptably detrimental impact on the streetscape.

Implications The applicant will be able to proceed with the minor alterations and additions to the dwelling (which are considered to be consistent with the Woodbridge Guidelines) but will not be able to proceed with the proposed carport.

The owner/applicant would have a right of review to the State Administrative Tribunal if aggrieved by this decision.

This is not the recommended option.

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Ordinary Meeting of Council 02 March 2016


• The proposal is for minor alterations to an existing dwelling in Woodbridge, including a carport within the front setback area. While other elements of the proposal are considered to meet the 'deemed-to-comply' provisions of the Woodbridge Guidelines, the carport does not, and needs to be assessed against the relevant Performance criteria of the Guidelines.

• The proposal was advertised to neighbours and 2 objections were received, citing detrimental impact on the heritage streetscape; the fact that alternative locations for a carport were available; the style of the proposed carport not being in keeping with the architecture of the existing dwelling, the street or the locality; and the carport obstructing views of the dwelling.

• However, it is considered that the proposed carport meets the relevant Performance criteria of the Woodbridge Guidelines. These require carports to be designed and situated so as not to obstruct views of dwellings; and to be set back so as not to detract from the streetscape or associated dwellings. The very simple flat-roof style of the carport provides minimal obstruction to views between the dwelling and street. The slimline structures (three poles and a flat roof) are not considered to have a detrimental impact on the streetscape, especially as there is a large existing verge tree which effectively screens the carport from the street.

Accordingly, approval is recommended with conditions.


Aerial photo / location plan (shows all of Quebec Rd)

Site photos (1) Existing front setback; (2) Carport of property opposite, at 2 Quebec Rd

Site plan


Colour / materials schedule


• Local Planning Scheme No. 17 - Objectives for the Residential zone

• POL-C-111 – Woodbridge Conservation Precincts

• State Planning Policy 3.1 – Residential Design Codes


Simple majority

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Ordinary Meeting of Council 02 March 2016


That the Council resolve to:

1) Approve the application for Minor Alterations to Front Dwelling Including New Carport at Lot 58 (No.5) Quebec Road, Woodbridge, subject to the following conditions:

1. This approval is for “Minor Alterations to Single House, including New Carport” as per the plans date stamped received at the City of Swan on 7 October 2015.

2. The porch decking is only permitted to be cut back to the existing verandah poles (as indicated on the approved plan).

3. Colours and materials of the alterations/carport shall be as per the submitted Colours/Materials schedule date stamped received at the City on 14 December 2015, unless otherwise authorised in writing by the Chief Executive Officer.

4. A Notification under Section 70A of the Transfer of Land Act 1893 must be registered over the certificate of title to the land the subject of the proposed development prior to the lodgement of an application for a building permit. The notification shall notify owners and prospective purchasers of the land that the land is affected by aircraft noise.

5. As the development is within the Midland District Drainage Area, a drainage contribution is required to be paid, calculated as $6.35/m2 x the area of the carport roof in m2. This payment shall be waived if the drainage contribution for the property has already been paid to the City in full (as per conditions on previous subdivision approval SB028-13 for 2 lots, and development approval DA 991-14 for two grouped dwellings).

This fee is to contribute towards the upgrade and supply of an adequate drainage service within the area. Payment shall be made prior to the clearance of subdivision conditions or prior to the lodgement of a Building Permit application and prior to any work commencing on the site.

6. The patio at the rear of the dwelling is to have a finished floor level no higher than 0.5m above existing natural ground level, in order to comply with the deemed-to-comply Visual Privacy requirements of the Residential Design Codes.

7. Earthworks, footings and/or structures are not to extend over any lot boundaries.

8. Vehicle access onto the site shall be restricted to that shown on the approved site plan.

9. All pavement on the site must be capable of accepting anticipated loadings (including accessways, parking areas, storage and hardstands). The City will not accept any responsibility for subsequent failure of any pavement.

10. All stormwater produced from this property including subsoil drainage is to be collected and disposed into the City’s drainage system in accordance with the City’s requirements. Invert level at point of connection is 6.60 (A.H.D.).

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11. All crossovers must be built and maintained in accordance with City's specifications.

12. All construction works within the road reserve including crossovers, drainage infrastructure, service adjustment, landscaping and footpath placement or reinstatement, must be built and maintained in accordance with the City's specifications. Failure to do so may result in these works being removed and reinstated by the City at the applicant's expense.

13. At occupancy, the owner is responsible for the maintenance of the crossover, landscaping and reticulation in the verge.

14. The applicant is to ascertain the location and depth of any services that may interfere with this development. Any adjustment to these services required as part of this approval, must be arranged by the applicant prior to works commencing on the site. Any adjustment must be approved by the relevant service authorities and will be at the applicant's expense.


An advice note will be applied, advising the applicant/owner of the need to create an access easement over the driveway, prior to new titles being created, to facilitate use of the proposed carport for the front dwelling, once the lot is subdivided.

Standard advice notes apply otherwise.

2) Advise the applicant / owner of the resolution of Council and relevant advice notes pertaining to the approval.

3) Advise those that lodged a submission of the Council's decision.


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