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Transcript of MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, NATURAL RESOURCES, LIVESTOCK AND ... · Ole seed farm (9.2ha) is a...









Contact: P.O.BOX 159, MaruhubiNyangumi House Zanzibar Tel:+255-24-2233320 Fax:+255-24-2238512


Abbreviated Resettlement Action Plan for Ole Government Rice Seed Farm, Pemba

Island 2018


TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................... i

LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................................................... iv

LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................................. iv

LIST OF ANNEXES ................................................................................................................................. v

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................................. vi

DEFINITION OF TERMS ...................................................................................................................... vii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................................................................... viii

CHAPTER ONE ......................................................................................................................................... 1

1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Subproject Description .............................................................................................................. 1

1.1.1 Location ....................................................................................................................................... 1

1.1.2 Impact .......................................................................................................................................... 1

1.1.3 Socio-economic Profile ............................................................................................................. 2

1.2 Scope of work to prepare RAP ................................................................................................. 2

1.3 Principles governing ARAP ..................................................................................................... 3

1.4 Study Methodology and Process .............................................................................................. 3

1.4.1 Review of relevant background reports and documentation ................................................ 3

1.4.2 Relevancy to the project ............................................................................................................ 4

1.4.3 Meetings with key personnel and organizations; ................................................................... 4

1.4.4 Compilation and analysis of data and elaboration of the RAP document. ......................... 4

1.5 The main components ............................................................................................................... 4

1.6 RAP team .................................................................................................................................... 4

1.7 Preparation of the RAP tools .................................................................................................... 4

1.8 Study Limitations ....................................................................................................................... 4

1.9 The topographical survey .......................................................................................................... 5

1.10 Project Briefing from the client ................................................................................................ 5

1.11 Dissemination of information to various stakeholders.......................................................... 5

1.12 Site visits and field observations .............................................................................................. 5


Abbreviated Resettlement Action Plan for Ole Government Rice Seed Farm, Pemba

Island 2018

CHAPTER TWO ........................................................................................................................................ 6

2.0 PROJECT PROFILE AND POTENTIAL IMPACT .................................................................... 6

2.1.3Socio economic Survey and Census ............................................................................................... 7 ..................................................................................................................................... 8 of Members in the Households...................................................................................... 8 of Education of Household Members ............................................................................... 8 of Income of Household ............................................................................................. 9 of the Heads of Households .......................................................................................... 10 Groups ....................................................................................................................... 10 Tenure System .................................................................................................................... 11 Size Owned ......................................................................................................................... 11 Use of Cultivated Crops ...................................................................................................... 12 of Income ....................................................................................................................... 12 Average Income Per Annum................................................................................. 12

2.2 Potential Impacts .............................................................................................................................. 13

2.2.1 Identification of potential farmers ......................................................................................... 13

2.2.2 Definition of land acquisition ................................................................................................. 13

2.2.3 Land ownership ........................................................................................................................ 14

2.2.4 Procedure for land redistribution/reallocation ...................................................................... 14

2.2.5 Contract between farmers and the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources,

Livestock and Fisheries ........................................................................................................... 14

2.2.6 Reallocation of land ................................................................................................................. 14

2.2.7 Eligibility determination of farmers within the seed farms ................................................ 15

2.2.8 Consultation .............................................................................................................................. 15

2.2.9 Gender Based Violence ........................................................................................................... 15

2.2.10 Construction induced impact .................................................................................................. 15

2.2.11 Labour ........................................................................................................................................ 16

CHAPTER THREE.................................................................................................................................. 17

3.0 MITIGATION PLAN ...................................................................................................................... 17


Abbreviated Resettlement Action Plan for Ole Government Rice Seed Farm, Pemba

Island 2018

3.1 Definition of land acquisition ......................................................................................................... 17

3.2 Procedures for Land distribution............................................................................................ 17

3.3 Process of land reallocation .................................................................................................... 18

3.4 Participation of farmers in land reallocation ........................................................................ 18

3.5 Labour compliance – laws, labour influx ............................................................................. 18

CHAPTER FOUR .................................................................................................................................... 20

4.0 INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK .............................................................................................. 20

4.1 Organization and Responsibility .................................................................................................... 20

4.2 The Project Implementation Team (IPT) will be responsible for: ............................................. 20

CHAPTER FIVE ...................................................................................................................................... 21

5.0 PUBLIC CONSULTATIONS WITH FARMERS .............................................................. 21

5.1 Objectives of Public consultations ......................................................................................... 21

5.2 Concerns and views of the PAPs on the Government Seed Farms ................................... 22

5.3 Consultation on RAP Implementation .................................................................................. 23

CHAPTER SIX......................................................................................................................................... 25



6.1 Definition and scope ................................................................................................................ 25

6.2 Channels to make complaints ................................................................................................. 25

6.3 Confidentiality and conflict of interest ................................................................................. 26

6.4 Descriptions on process of registering and addressing grievances.................................... 26

6.5 Sorting/categorization complaints or suggestion ................................................................. 28

6.6 Grievance Handling Process ................................................................................................... 28

6.7 Grievance Response................................................................................................................. 29

6.8 Descriptions on the mechanism for appeal ........................................................................... 29

6.9 The GRM operationalization .................................................................................................. 29

6.10 Budget for ARAP Implementation ........................................................................................ 30

CHAPTER SEVEN.................................................................................................................................. 31

7.0 IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES ...................................................... 31


Abbreviated Resettlement Action Plan for Ole Government Rice Seed Farm, Pemba

Island 2018

CHAPTER EIGHT .................................................................................................................................. 32

8.0 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT PLAN ..................................................................................... 32

8.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 32

8.2 Level of Engagement ............................................................................................................... 32

8.3 Community engagement plan matrix .................................................................................... 32

CHAPTWER NINE ................................................................................................................................. 36

9.0 MONITORING ................................................................................................................................ 36

9.1 Internal Monitoring .................................................................................................................. 36

9.2 External Monitoring................................................................................................................. 36

9.3 Monitoring Indicators .............................................................................................................. 36

CHAPTER TEN ....................................................................................................................................... 38

10.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................ 38

10.0 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ....................................................................................................... 39


Table 1: Designed Pipe System for Ole Irrigation Scheme ............................................................ 6

Table 2: Vulnerable Groups .......................................................................................................... 10

Table 3: Land Tenure System ....................................................................................................... 11

Table 4: List of Farmers (PAPs) farming at Ole government seed farm, Pemba Island .............. 11

Table 5: Scheme land use distribution .......................................................................................... 17

Table 6: Concerns of Project Affected people (Beneficiaries) Ole seed farm .............................. 22

Table 7: ARAP implementation schedule..................................................................................... 31

Table 8: Matrix showing Community Engagement Plan for the Rehabilitation of Irrigation

Infrastructures ................................................................................................................ 33

Table 9: Monitoring Indicators for Socio-Economic Changes. During Rap and Post Project

Implementation ................................................................................................................ 37


Figure 1: Number of Members in the Households......................................................................... 8

Figure 2: Level of Education of Household Members.................................................................... 9

Figure 3: Frequency of Income of Household .............................................................................. 10

Figure 4: Gender of the Heads of Households .............................................................................. 10

Figure 6: Household Average Income Per Annum ...................................................................... 13


Abbreviated Resettlement Action Plan for Ole Government Rice Seed Farm, Pemba

Island 2018


Annex 1:Design layout map of Ole Seed Farm Irrigation Scheme, Chake-Chake, Pemba Island 40

Annex 2: Mapping of PAPs farm plots at Ole Seed Farm- Pemba ............................................... 41

Annex 3: Proposed PAPs Census Database Data Collection Form .............................................. 42

Annex 4: Minutes of the consultative meeting with PAPs of Ole Rice Seed farm ...................... 43

Annex 5: Form A - Grievance/Inquiry Record Form (Complaints Log Form) ............................ 45

Annex 6: Form B – Notification Form ......................................................................................... 46

Annex 7: Form C: Grievance/Inquiry Response Log Form.......................................................... 46

Annex 8: Grievance Redress Process ........................................................................................... 49


Abbreviated Resettlement Action Plan for Ole Government Rice Seed Farm, Pemba

Island 2018


ARAP - Abbreviated Resettlement Action Plan

ERPP - Expanding Rice Production Project

ESMP - Environmental and Social Management Plan

ESMF - Environmental and Social Management Framework

ESSF - Environmental and Social Screening Form

GRM - Grievance Redress Mechanism

HIV/AIDS - Human Immuno-Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

IMP - Integrated Pest Management

M&E - Monitoring & Evaluation

PAP - Project Affected Person

PIT - Project Implementation Team

RAP - Resettlement Action Plan

SPSS - Statistical Package for Social scientist

TZS - Tanzanian Shilling (Currency)

ZARI - Zanzibar Agricultural Research Institute


Abbreviated Resettlement Action Plan for Ole Government Rice Seed Farm, Pemba

Island 2018


Project Affected Person (PAP): A Project Affected Person (PAP) is one who, as a consequence

of the project, sustains losses as a result of impact on a) land, b) structure, c) immovable asset

and/or d) livelihood/incomes. The PAPs have been identified through census survey that forms

the bases for this RAP.

PAP’s under this project may broadly be classified under the following categories.

Those suffering from: reduced size of land for agriculture purposes due to land redistribution as a

result of irrigation infrastructure development.

Eligibility: Definition of displaced persons and criteria for determining their eligibility for

compensation and other resettlement assistance, including relevant cut-off dates.

Grievance procedures: Affordable and accessible procedures for settlement of disputes arising

from resettlement, including by third party; such grievance mechanisms should take into account

the availability of judicial recourse, community and traditional dispute settlement mechanisms.

Implementation schedule: An implementation schedule covering all resettlement activities

from preparation through implementation, including target dates for the achievement of expected

benefits to resettlers and terminating the various forms of assistance. The schedule should

indicate how the resettlement activities are linked to the implementation of the overall project.

Costs and Budget: the implementation of ARAP activities estimated to about TZS 5 million and

will include cost of supervision and addressing GRM.


Abbreviated Resettlement Action Plan for Ole Government Rice Seed Farm, Pemba

Island 2018


We would like to sincerely acknowledge all the Government Ministerial offices and officers for

their cooperation. The ministry of agriculture particularly the principle secretary, he was

friendly and supportive throughout the assignment, moreover, entire administrative framework

that received us cordially and for availing their time to talk to us.

We also wish to acknowledge various organizations such as RRP Head Office – Zanzibar and

in the project sites that assisted us with valuable information about worthwhile services offered

to the communities.

Lastly, we express our heartfelt gratitude to local farmers who are key stakeholders in this

project and with whom much appreciated cooperation this study has been a success at all levels.




The Expanding Rice Production Project (ERPP) will support small irrigation scheme for rice

seed farming at Ole. The sub-project is an irrigation scheme that will shift the cultivation from

rain-fed agriculture to irrigated farm in order to increase local rice seed supply. The social and

environmental screening was carried out to identify potential negative and positive environment

and social impacts that may arise due to implementation of the sub-project activities. Based on

the screening exercise, subproject was classified as C category based on the World Bank

Environmental and Social Safeguards Policy Framework. According to the ERPP Environmental

and Social Management Framework (ESMP) and Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF), an

Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) and RAP is required. Twenty four farmers

who are dependent on the land owned by the government will directly impacted by the sub-

project development. The investment will necessitate the re-allocation of land to the farmers. The

ARAP was therefore prepared to fully comply with environmental legislations, policies and

procedures in Zanzibar and in line with the RPF of the project.

1.1 Subproject Description

The investment in the irrigation scheme will be to construct new irrigation infrastructure using

pipeline system or network to irrigate 9.2 acres of land. Out of which 3.0 ha will be set aside for

seed farming by the seed section of the Department of Agriculture, 1.0 ha for demonstration and

research purpose to be conducted by Zanzibar Agriculture Research Institute (ZARI) and 4 ha for

re-allocation to the 24 farmers.

1.1.1 Location

Ole seed farm (9.2ha) is a government farm land managed by the Ministry of Agriculture Natural

Resources Livestock and Fisheries for rice seed production. This is the only scheme on rice seed

farming, located at Ole Shehia, of Chake-Chake Town Council in Pemba South Region in Pemba

Island. The scheme extends between latitude 5o11’27” S and longitude 39o48’46” E.

1.1.2 Impact

The scheme will impact 24 farmers who are currently cultivating paddy under rain fed system.

Prior to the project, the farmers mobilized themselves to form an association at an informal level

to learn about rice production from each other and access facilities such as loan at group level.

For this project, it is not expected that people’s houses will be affected, as there are no people

living in the farms, resident’s areas are located far from farmlands. Therefore, no one will lose

accommodation or business premises, only land will be affected by development irrigation

infrastructure. The affected land belongs to the seed farms owned by the Zanzibar government

under the Ministry of Agriculture. All the farmers said that are not entitled for compensation

because land is not theirs but are expecting to be allocated land to continue with agriculture


activities to sustain their living. The civil works will be done during the off-season, after the

farmers have harvested their crop. There will be no impact on the seasonal crops.

1.1.3 Socio-economic Profile

The project is located in Chake Chake District which is at the centre of Pemba Island. The area

covers 332km² and is situated at latitude 5°20′0″ S and longitude 39°45′0″ E. According to

National Population Census (URT, 2012), the district has total population of 97,249 people; of

which, 46,411 are male and 50,838 are female. The district has an average household size of 5.4

and female headed households account 20.5%. The Household Budget Survey 2009/10 estimates

that 52% of the people live below basic needs poverty line and 23.1% of the people depend their

livelihoods from agriculture and fisheries respectively. Clove is the main cash crop of the

district. The main economic activities of the people include formal employment (in public and

private sectors), informal employment (petty trade, handcraft, small businesses and trade),

transport and transportation, fishing and farming

1.2 Scope of work to prepare RAP

It includes the following key tasks:

1) Review the environmental and social screening form (ESSF)

2) Support Local Team to carry out consultations with various project stakeholders

3) Guide the Local Team to develop the methods for valuing the affected assets.

4) Guide Local Team to develop the resettlement measures

5) Guide the Local Team to design Grievance Redress Mechanisms (GRM) applicable to

local social context

6) Guide local team to prepare (abbreviated) resettlement action plan (ARAP)

7) Lay down the agreed principles that will apply to the land redistribution exercise

8) Identify, as far as possible, those people currently farming in the project area and who

will benefit from the project; describe the legal and institutional framework for dealing

with land redistribution issues;

9) Provide a general socio-economic profile of the farmers who have been farming in the

seed farms.

10) Estimate the nature and magnitude of the impacts positive or negative to farmers;

11) Describe how land redistribution will be delivered, including procedures, responsibilities

and timing;

12) Describe mechanisms for maximizing stakeholder participation and for airing grievances;

13) Design and or prepare questionnaire to capture PAP census survey and socio-economic

study of the Project Affected Persons (PAPs)


1.3 Principles governing ARAP

The following is a list of basic principles which will govern the preparation and implementation

of the resettlement action plan:

A. No displacement of people, property and livelihoods is likely to happen under this

project; to minimize the need to acquire land and to cause as little disturbance and

disruption as possible;

B. All possible means will be used to ensure that no people are harmed in any way by

construction activities and projects outcomes;

C. There will be no resettlement or compensation of properties or crops as land belongs to

the government. The land plots will be redistributed only to all eligible farmers who have

been farming in the seed farms of Ole;

D. There will be no impact on seasonal or perennial crops, as the civil works will be

scheduled in the off-season, after the harvest is over.

E. The PAPs’s will be informed about their options and rights pertaining to about grievances

mechanisms available to them.

1.4 Study Methodology and Process

Preparation of the ARAP commenced in October 2016 and was revised in November 2017 and

February 2018. The methodology and approach applied included:

1.4.1 Review of relevant background reports and documentation

Several reference documents on the project were obtained and reviewed. The most important of

these were relevant Tanzanian policies, legalization and guidelines. These were reviewed to

understand and record their implication for dealing with people who will be impacted positively

by the project. These included: The Land Tenure Act No 12, 1992, The Land Tenure

(Amendment) Act No. 15 of 2003, The Land Tenure Act, No 12 of 1992 (Land Allocations

Regulations 2008), Zanzibar Environmental Management for Sustainable Development Act of

1996, the Tanzania Environmental impact Assessment Guidelines (2002), Zanzibar

Environmental Policy Of 1992, The Environment for Sustainable Management Act No. 2 Of

1996, Zanzibar Agricultural Policy, HIV/AIDS policy Labour relations Act 2004, The District

and Town Councils Act No.4 of 1995, Zanzibar, Local Government Policy, Zanzibar, Plant

Protection Act 1997, Zanzibar, World Bank OP 4.12 was also reviewed and the preparation of

ARAP was also guided by several examples of ARAP prepared recently for WB supported

projects in Tanzania and in other countries. The Resettlement policy framework (RPF) and the

Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) prepared in2014 for this project

were also utilized.


1.4.2 Relevancy to the project

PAPs were consulted and had the opportunity to participate in planning and implementing

the resettlement program (see minutes of the meetings in annex 5).

1.4.3 Meetings with key personnel and organizations;

Meeting with people who are conversant with the project was arranged this included the project

coordinator and safeguard specialist of this project.

1.4.4 Compilation and analysis of data and elaboration of the RAP document.

Socio economic data of the affected people in the project area were collected and analyzed using

SPSS programme.

1.5 The main components

The main components of the assignment are as follows

(a) Technical and Socio-economic of the Affected People

(b) Legal issues

(c) Land redistribution

1.6 RAP team

The team of ARAP, consisting of the RAP specialist, a Sociologist, and four enumerators

prepared this ARAP in October 2016 and updated in 2017 and February 2018 respectively.

1.7 Preparation of the RAP tools

Two types of questionnaires were prepared as survey tools for RAP preparation. These

questionnaires include the household questionnaires and farm questionnaires. In household

questionnaires, the targeted information was demographic data, income generating activities,

accessibility to social services and wealth indicators. The farm questionnaire targeted questions

regarding the farmers’ production, land tenure system, land size and types of crops grown. The

public consultation was done to inform the stakeholders about the project, find out their

expectations and their contribution to the project.

1.8 Study Limitations

The team did not have many problems during ARAP preparation except in some cases where

PAP’s were not available for interviews. The team had to wait for the PAPs to come for the



1.9 The topographical survey

The area was mapped and layout design map produced (see annex 1). The design map shows the

existing features within the schemes area. The design map of the land was used to determine

where the proposed irrigation infrastructure will go and how the farm plots will be apportioned.

1.10 Project Briefing from the client

The ARAP was initially prepared in October, 2016 and revised in November 2017 & February

2018 respectively during the community consultation and formation of the GRM. The ARAP

team met with the representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, the

Project Coordinator) and the Safeguard Officer) and a briefing was made about the project,

which included locations of Ole Irrigation Scheme. Clarifications on various issues including the

project briefi, location a number of issues were stated, discussed and clarified including the


(a) Timing of the project implementation: It was stated that implementation of the project

was far behind schedule due to contractual procedures to the extent that the project

management and the government were very concern about the project delays.

It was notified that among other things, the Consultant had to start the project as soon as possible

as it is already late. The Government of Zanzibar does not have resettlement Action Plan Policy

(Framework), therefore the World Bank Policy OP 4:12 will be followed.

(a) Regarding land tenure system, it was explained that land belongs to the Government.

However, it was agreed that farmers currently farming at the Ole will continue be given

land to continue farming. Few of the permanent crops such as mangoes within the

scheme are owned by government so there will be no compensation if proposed for cut

during construction of irrigation infrastructure. Generally, the project planned to carry out

construction activities during off season to avoid impact on seasonal crops

1.11 Dissemination of information to various stakeholders

After being briefed by coordination team, the ARAP team visited project area to arrange

meetings with farmers.

1.12 Site visits and field observations

The project team arranged a tour to the subproject in Ole for the ARAP team, to be able to

understand the project environment.




2.1 Project Profile

The land proposed for irrigation development is owned by Revolutionary Government of

Zanzibar under the Ministry of Agriculture Natural Resources Livestock and Fisheries. The

government has allocated the land for rice seeds production. The land was rented to individual

farmer at a fee of about TZS 1,000 per person/plot/ season for the period 1970 to 2012. However,

government stopped this practice in 2012. The farmers are not paying the fee since then. The

land will remain under the government ownership after development. It has been mutually

agreed that the same farmers that are currently cultivating the land will continue to farm within

the subproject area. The sub-project will support irrigation of 9.2 ha of land located in Ole

Shehia. The shift from rain-fed agriculture to irrigated agriculture for seed cultivation will

generate benefit to framers dependent on the farm.

2.1.1 Project Interventions

In the course of improving the scheme, ERPP project is expected to fund implementation of the

following activities.

Construction of irrigation canals: This activity will involve clearing of vegetation and

excavation of earth canal to provide space for installation of water pipeline which will be

used for irrigation as indicated in table 1 below. The activities is planned to be carried out

during off-farming season to avoid impact on crops including seasonal crops

Table 1: Designed Pipe System for Ole Irrigation Scheme

Item Number Length (m)

Main pipe 1 36

Sub main pipe 2 716

Laterals pipe 14 1,053

Total Pipe Network 17 1,805

Source: Engineering Design Report (2017)

Connection of electricity: Electricity line was connected from nearby power line outside

the scheme area. Installation of electric poles involved cutting of branches of few

mangroves trees that owned by the government and therefore no compensation made.

Also, there were no sensitive vegetation along the electric pole. Generally, the crops such

as cassava were harvested before electrification to avoid impact. The installation of high

tension electrical line was done in September 2019.

Drilling of borehole: This activity was conducted in one of the three identified potential

sites for borehole by the hydrogeological study. The study showed that the maximum

depth of the borehole was estimated to be 80m deep. The drilling was done by specialized


equipment and involved land clearing and digging of mud hole for water circulation. The

land proposed for borehole drilling have cassava owned by Ole Seed Farm Station and

were harvested before drilling exercise to avoid impact on the crops. The drilling

exercises started on 14th January 2019 and expected to complete on two weeks later.

Construction of a pump house and water tank: A pump house will be constructed

within the scheme area to facilitate pumping of water to the water tank to be constructed

after completion of drilling work. The activities planned to be carried out during off-

cropping season to avoid impact on seasonal crops. The tank that the Ole scheme will use

for water storage for irrigation purpose has diameter of 13.4m and the height of 2m with

water storage capacity of 450m3.

The project should ensure that construction work is taking places and be completed during off

season period so that there will be no harm for farmers and farmers will be allowed to harvest

their crops before commencement of civil work. The exercise of identifying PAPs was done in

collaboration with farmers’ leaders and officers from the Ministry of Agriculture especially the

in-charge of the seed farm. The tool used during the identification of PAPs included consultation

with local government authority (Sheha) and farmer’s registrar. Through this process eligible

PAPs were identified and confirmed.

2.1.2 Socio economic profile of the farmers

Social-economic study was conducted for the PAPs in Ole Government Seed Farms from 28th to

30th of October 2016 updated in November 2017 and February 2018. The results of the

socioeconomic study are summarized and presented in this chapter.

To comply with the Tanzanian laws and regulation requirements regarding resettlement plans, as

well as the ESSPF, a census was carried out. The consultation was carried out with the

potentially affected communities during the census to provide details of:

Spatial distribution of the occupants;

Nominative list of the current occupants of the affected area;

Standard characteristics of the listed households: size of the household, gender, age and

occupation of each member, gender of head of household, livelihoods (including if relevant

and possible, production levels and income derived),

Inventory of the affected houses or shelters (distinguishing owners and tenants);

Inventory of the affected assets (lands, fruit-trees all belong to the government).

2.1.3 Socio economic Survey and Census

The project coordinator and Safeguard officer had previously informed farmers of the intended

ARAP activities. Therefore, the ARAP team did not get any problem to carry out discussions

with affected people (beneficiaries of the irrigation scheme). The results of survey exercise were


presented to the project management, thereby providing principal information on the number of

farmland redistribution. The farm layout and plots, (annex 3) will be later be used during

reallocation of farm plots to the PAPs.

A sociologist with a support of four enumerators and one assistant conducted a socioeconomic

survey–PAP profile of the affected households. A census of the affected people (beneficiaries)

was also done. The results of the census and socioeconomic profile are summarized in this

chapter. Cut-off-date

Farmers at Ole scheme were informed on the cut-off dates that was set on October 2016 and after

that no new farmers should come to claim any benefit from this project. The list of farmers was

confirmed during the meeting held on 07 October 2017 whereby it was confirmed that the final

list of the farmers cultivating at Ole scheme is 24 farmers and no new additional farmers will be

added to the existing and current list. Number of Members in the Households

The study revealed that most of the households have 3-5 people counting 30% of the interviewed

farmers. This was followed by those household which reported to have 1-2 members (24%) of

the farmers reported so. However, there are good numbers of families which have more than ten

members (26.5%). 20% of the interviewed farmers reported to more than six people in the

household. This trend is caused by the fact that some household practice extended family way

of living.

Source: Socio- economic Study of the affected farmers 2016

Figure 1: Number of Members in the Households Level of Education of Household Members

Forty four percent of the interviewed farmers reported that their families’ members have reached

standard one to standard seven educations. Only 25% had secondary education while 7% had

gone to college or University level education. Meanwhile, other 25% admitted that they had

never gone to school implying illiteracy level of the respondents. This group composed old


people and children below five years of age. Data collected from the field indicates the low level

of illiteracy rate among farmers in the project area. For details refer to the figure below.

Source: Socio- economic Study of the affected farmers 2016

Figure 2: Level of Education of Household Members Frequency of Income of Household

Forty seven percent of the interviewed farmers reported to experience irregular income while

38% of the farmers said that their income is intermittent but stable. Only 15% reported to have

regular and stable income. It should be noted that, most of the farmers around the project area

depend on farming activities as their main source of income.It should be noted that, most of

the PAPs have multiple sources of income including farming activities as described in

section 5.1.9.


Source: Socio- economic Study of the affected farmers 2016

Figure 3: Frequency of Income of Household Gender of the Heads of Households

The study wanted to know the gender of the head of the household in the project area. This was

important as the head of the household influence the decisions made in the household

particularly issues related to income and expenditure. The result shows that 80% of the farmers

in the project area are headed by male and 16 % is headed by female (mothers) only 5% of the

households interviewed were headed by elder child. This indicates that the decisions made are

dominated by male.

Source: Socio- economic Study of the affected farmers 2016

Figure 4: Gender of the Heads of Households Vulnerable Groups

It was revealed that the only three families have 6 people who are orphans. Only one family

reported to have disabled and two households have three widows. In total, there are 10

vulnerable people in the affected families of farmers. For details refer to the table below. The

farmers with vulnerable family members will be considered to remain in their current farm plots

and the project will ensures that they get first priority in the farmers training program and other


Table 2: Vulnerable Groups

Vulnerable group Number of families Number of


Orphan 3 6

Disabled 1 1

Widow 2 3

Total 6 10 Source: Socio- economic Study of the affected farmers 2016

11 Land Tenure System

The study wanted to know the existing land tenure system outside project area (i.e. beyond ole

seed farm). The interviewed farmers revealed that 9 people got land through government

allocation and have title of ownership, while seven people got land through customary means

and the rest eight people bought land. For details refer to the table 3 below.

Table 3: Land Tenure System

Land ownership Number of


Valid titled land owner 9

customary land owner 7

Bought 8

Total 24 Source: Socio- economic Study of the affected farmers 2016 – UPDATED 2017 Land Size Owned

Almost all the farmers own the farm size between ¼ acre and 1.08 acre (See table 4 below).

However, it should be noted that these farmers have other farms in different locations far from

Ole seed farm. It should be noted that, in Zanzibar it is a common practice for a farmer to have

more than one plots of land used for crops production. The farmers said that since they are

dependent on rain fed agriculture. This situation at least help to his/her food security.

Table 4: List of Farmers (PAPs) farming at Ole government seed farm, Pemba Island











3 SALUM MOH'D HAMAD 0.20 0.1




7 NEEMA MOH'D SAID 0.33 0.1








14 ALI SALIM HAMAD 0.41 0.2



17 ALI RASHID JUMA 0.29 0.1




21 HAMAD OMAR MOH'D 0.18 0.1

22 ALI OMAR MOH'D 0.14 0.1


24 AMOUR JUMA MOH'D 1.08 0.5

TOTAL AREA (Ha) 8.3 4.0 The Use of Cultivated Crops

Most of the cultivated crops were reported to be used for home consumption rather than selling

as 81 % of farmers report so. The other 10% reported to use paddy for both home consumption

and sale. Only 9% said that the crop harvested is for sale. Source of Income

Forty one percent (41%) of the farmers depend on small scale agriculture, while 35% supplement

their income through small business, and 14% reported that apart farming they are also involved

in fishing activities. 10% of the farmers are also employed either by government department or

other institution. Household Average Income Per Annum

Regarding the income of households per annum, the interviewed farmers 43% of the respondents

reported to get below TZS 500,000Tshs a year while 37% said they get between TZS 500,000

and 1,000,000ths a year. Only 19% said their annual income between TZS 1,000,000 Tshs a

year. 0.7% were able to say that their annual income is TZS 10,000,000 and above as indicated

in figure 6 below.Currently, Ole scheme is under rain fed production therefore the production is

still low hence, the harvest is mostly for own consumption. However, most of these farmers have

other plots of rice and other crops (cassava, banana, maize etc) elsewhere where they produce for

both home consumption and selling.


Source: Socio- economic Study of the affected farmers 2016

Figure 5: Household Average Income Per Annum

2.2 Potential Impacts

2.2.1 Identification of potential farmers

The socio-economic census survey team conducted interviews with 24 farmers for Ole farmers to

enumerate and collect basic information about the affected households of all farmers. This

provided an opportunity to identify potentials farmers and their information in terms of numbers,

gender, age, level of education, type of occupation, the level of vulnerability, their opinion about

the project, including alternatives to be considered among other socio-economic parameters. The

study was done in collaboration with farmer’s leaders in the project areas. Other collected data

included identification of direct and indirect impacts on the people. All farmers reported that

land does not belong to them but to the government of Zanzibar, therefore farmers are not

entitled for compensation for the land. It is through this process that eligible farmers were

identified and documented.

2.2.2 Definition of land acquisition

In the context of the ERPP project Zanzibar, land acquisition refers to “permanently” taking over

farmer’s/community land beyond the initially designed project area and include or make it part

of the project for project activities implementation. Based on this understanding on land

acquisition, in ERPP project there is no land acquisition, as there is no any piece of land

permanently taken outside the project designated area. The project works within the same

boundaries of proposed irrigation schemes. The ERPP interventions will not displace farmers,

yet it does improve the irrigation infrastructures and later the same farmers will be return into

their farms plots to continue crops cultivation.


2.2.3 Land ownership

The land proposed for irrigation development is currently owned by Revolutionary Government

of Zanzibar under the Ministry of Agriculture Natural Resources Livestock and Fisheries. The

government has allocated this land for rice seeds production and part of the farm was rented to

individual farmer at a fee of about TZS 1,000 per person per plot per season in order to assist

farmers in agricultural production. This was between 1970 and 2012. However, government

stopped this practice in 2012 and the farmers are not paying the fees anymore. After the project

development, the land will remain under the government ownership and under the same

Ministry. It has been mutually agreed that the same farmers that are currently cultivating the land

will continue to farm within the subproject area.

2.2.4 Procedure for land redistribution/reallocation

Once the scheme completed its irrigation infrastructure development and contractor handed over

to the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources, Livestock and Fisheries, the project will

organize meeting that will include all farmers, Shehia and District leaders for the process of

redistribution/reallocation of plots to eligible farmers. The project will use the existing list of

farmers to reallocate/redistribute the farm plots based on plot location as indicated on the farmer

plot map and because each farmer knows his/her plot and his/her neighbours, this approach will

ensure no eligible farmers get a plot. Project implementation unit in collaboration with the

representative of Farmer’s Association, Shehia Leaders and District Councils will be involved in

the distribution of plots to the farmers. Since farmers will be returned to their original farm plot,

they will get the same size of the plots of 0.1ha and this is the minimum size in irrigation


2.2.5 Contract between farmers and the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources,

Livestock and Fisheries

Farmers at Ole seed farm had entered contract with Department of Agriculture Seed Station to

farm in the area. However, the contracts renewal has not regularly been done such that it appears

only few of them have the contracts, especially the government employees working at the

station. Therefore through this project, all farmers that will be reallocated plots for farming will

be given new contracts. The timeframe for the contract will be two years.

2.2.6 Reallocation of land

Twenty four farmers will be allocated land within the sub-project area. The total area that

farmers are currently cultivating is about 8.3h with an average of 0.34ha per farmer. However,

overall, 4.0ha has been allocated for 24 farmers that will be divided into plots and distributed to

farmers. The smallest plot size was found to be 0.06ha and maximum was 1.1ha. After

construction of irrigation infrastructure, the minimum a plot size will be 0.1ha. In this case,

majority of farmers (16) will received this size of land. Whereas, 0.2ha will be given to farmers


who used to cultivate on plot size ranging from 0.41 to 0.49ha. Other farmers (3) who cultivate

on land ranging from 0.5ha to less than 0.7ha will be given plot size of 0.3ha each. There was

one farmer with plot size of 0.7ha who will be given a plot size of 0.4ha while one farmer with

plot size of 1.1ha will be given plot size of 05ha. After scheme development it will not be

difficult for farmers to accept smaller area than the one he/she used to cultivate before. This is

because with improved irrigation infrastructure farmers will be able to double yield and

possibility of two cropping season.

2.2.7 Eligibility determination of farmers within the seed farms

All 24 farmers who are currently producing rice and other crops on the government seed farm of

Ole are considered as affected persons (PAPs). These are considered to be PAPs since they are

going to be reallocated within the same project area. It should be noted that, they are not losing

land but they are going to cultivate in a new plots within the project area. The total area that

farmers are currently cultivating is about 8.3h with an average of 0.3ha per farmer. All affected

farmers were sensitized and understood that they that they will not lose their plots and they will

continue with farming. Farmers are asking the government to allow them to continue using the

land to earn living from the rice production, at no extra cost. Since the PAPs are also the

beneficiary they are expected to provide effective collaboration during all phases of the project.

Farmers were also informed that, they will be allocated with plot size of 0.1ha except those with

more than 0.2ha who will be given additional plots.

2.2.8 Consultation

All affected farmers were sensitized and understood that they will not lose their plots instead

they will continue with farming within the project area but will be with same plots or reallocated

in a new plots within the project scheme. Farmers were also informed that, they will be allocated

with plot size of 0.1ha except those with more than 0.2ha above that will be given additional

plots to compensate the area that previously they use to cultivate.

2.2.9 Gender Based Violence

At present there are no gender base violence incidences reporter to scheme leaders as usually,

these things are reported at the Shehia Leaders and addressed there or taken to Police. However,

as there is GRM committee, the project will address such issues once reported.

2.2.10 Construction induced impact

During the borehole drilling and construction of pump house and water tank a few crops about

0.1ha, mainly cassava, banana and citrus likely to be impacted; and therefore the Ole Seed Farm

Management will be allowed to harvest the crops (cassava) to avoid unnecessary damage.

However, if crops accidentally damaged, there will be no compensation as the crops owned by

the Seed Farm Station (i.e. government). Generally, all civil works planned to be carried out

during off-farming season to avoid impact on seasonal crops.


2.2.11 Labour

It is expected the construction of irrigation infrastructure will attract people from outside the area

who will be searching for employment opportunities. However, contractor will be required to

work with Scheme and Shehia Leaders to ensure all jobs that require no specialized skilled are

offered to the farmers cultivating in the scheme and or their family members. The contractor will

be required to work with scheme and shehia management in recruitment process. Other

mitigation measures might include orient contractors with scheme ESMP and Zanzibar Labour

Laws and conduct regular labour audit to see if the contractor complies with employment





The project will require land. However, land will not be acquired. After development, it will be

re-allocated to 24 affected farmers. All the farmers said that are not entitled for compensation

because land is not theirs but are expecting to be reallocated with land to continue with

agriculture activities to sustain their living. The civil works will be done during the off-season,

after the farmers have harvested their crop. There will be no impact on the seasonal crops not

will it lead to any physical displacement.

3.1 Definition of land acquisition

In the context of the ERPP project Zanzibar, land acquisition refers to “permanently” taking over

farmer’s/community land beyond the initially designed project area and include or make it part

of the project for project activities implementation. Based on this understanding on land

acquisition, in ERPP project there is no land acquisition, as there is no any piece of land

permanently taken outside the project designated area. The project works within the same

boundaries of proposed irrigation schemes. The ERPP interventions will not displace farmers,

yet it does improve the irrigation infrastructures and later the same farmers will be return into

their farms plots to continue crops cultivation.

3.2 Procedures for Land distribution

The area of the farmland was measured, mapped and designed to show different land uses.

Currently, Ole has total area of 11ha, however, after constructing the infrastructure, the area will

be 9.2ha and will be used to develop the scheme irrigation infrastructure. Currently, government

is using not more than 3ha of land for rice seed production, the remaining is allocated to

individual farmers but still remains under government ownership. Tentatively, it is proposed that

land will be distributed for the different uses based on the project design as follows:

Table 5: Scheme land use distribution

No Distribution of the land area Area (ha)

1 Area to be used for infrastructure (Pipe line, footpaths and

road) 2.0

2 Area allocated for seed section (ha) 2.2

3 Area allocated for Zanzibar Agriculture Research Institute

(ha) 1.0

4 Area allocated for farmers (ha) 4.0

Total 9.2


The land will be distributed after the completion of the irrigation infrastructure whereby each

farmer will be entitled to a farm plot of 0.1ha. Currently three (3) farmers who have plot size of

0.4ha that will be given plot size of 0.2ha each. Three (3) farmers who has plot size of 0.5 to

0.6ha will be given plot size of 0.3ha each. Farmers with plot size above 0.6ha to 0.8ha will be

given 0.3ha each. One farmer with plot size of 0.7ha will be given a plot size of 0.4ha while one

farmer with plot size of 1.1ha will be given plot size of 05ha. Majority of farmers (16) have plot

size ranging between 0.1 and 0.3ha and will be given plot size of 0.1ha each after construction.

Although 0.1h plot size is small, but due to irrigation improvement farmers will be able to

cultivate twice per year, will also be trained on the use of improved seeds and therefore the yield

will be increased from currently less than1ton/ha to 6ton/ha per season. The project has

developed a census database that intended to collect farmer’s information regarding various

aspects (see annex 4). All farmers were informed on the benefits of the project that helped to

build the consensus.

3.3 Process of land reallocation

The ARAP identified 24 farmers farming the seed farm, their farm areas are mapped to show

each farmer’s plot and the size he/she is cultivating (the map is in annex 3). After the completion

of the construction of the irrigation infrastructure, the project will reallocate the plots to the 24

farmers. They will be allocated a plot size of 0.1ha within the project area based on the

distribution plan and the project will make every possible to ensure farmers are given the same

plots that they were cultivating prior to project intervention. Project management in collaboration

with the representative of Farmer’s Association, Shehia Leaders and District Councils will be

involved in the distribution of plots to the farmers. In case a farmer’s plot area or part of the plot

occupied by infrastructure, he/she will be reallocated in other place but with his/her own consent.

3.4 Participation of farmers in land reallocation

Once when the construction of the irrigation infrastructure completed, farmers will be called in a

meeting and informed about the completion of the civil work. In the meeting farmers will

informed on the process that will be used to reallocate the farm plots which is the use of maps

that shows the location of each farmer’s plot – the map has a number code and each number is

name of a farmer which is listed in a separate sheet. However, those farmers that their farm plots

areas have been covered by irrigation infrastructure will be reallocated into other area with

his/her consent. During the process, scheme committee and Shehia leadership will be actively


3.5 Labour compliance – laws, labour influx

It is expected that the project will attract people from outside the area who will be searching for

employment opportunities. This may result in social cultural changes and therefore negatively

impacting the community. In order to control the side effects resulting from labor influx and the


number of people coming outside the project area, scheme leaders and Shehia leaders will be

involved in recruitment process. In addition, the contractor will be required to comply with

Zanzibar Labour Law regarding wage payment, working hours and worker protection and





The project is a under the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources, Livestock and Fisheries.

The overall seer is the Permanent Principal Secretary of this Ministry. The Director of Planning,

Policy and Research is the head of the project, as the project falls under his Department,

4.1 Organization and Responsibility

The day to day operations of the project is taken care by the implementation unit headed by the

coordinator. The coordinator is assisted by several specialist professionals, this include the


Irrigation Engineer (infrastructure)

Extension officers(in various specialization)

Procurement Specialist,

Finance Management Specialist,

Environment and Social Safeguards Specialists,

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Specialist.

Then there are trained extension officers who trained farmers on various issues regarding

farming activities. Parallel to these extension staffs, there are leaders of the farmers’

organizations, which are used by the project to communicate with farmers on administrative

issues. Under these extension officers, there are trained farmers who support the extension staff

to disseminate knowledge to farmers. The last unit is all farmers in each scheme, who are the

target group of this project.

4.2 The Project Implementation Team (IPT) will be responsible for:

Overall, the implementation of the mitigation measures will be responsible of the entire project

implementation unit. Project safeguards officer will be required to ensure the all measures

proposed are addressed timely and accordingly and community are well informed through on site

meetings. Project M&E will be responsible to ensure all measures are monitored and reported.

Project coordinator, he must ensure that funds for implementation of mitigation measures are

timely requested and available to avoid unnecessary delay




In October 2016, November 2017 and February 2018, a number of public consultation meetings

were held with all of the potential farmers in Ole of Pemba Island (see minutes in annex 5). The

farmer leaders and extension officers also attended the meeting. The objectives of the

consultations were to introduce project, explaining the need for land redistribution and

improvement of irrigation infrastructure, explaining principles to be applied as well as of

soliciting feedback from the stakeholders on the matter. The aim of the meetings held to provide

required information in order to allow for accurate analysis and realistic ARAP to be developed.

As already mentioned these consultative meetings were also conducted at the project

management level with safeguard officer of this project and coordinator. Stakeholders meetings

were held with the aim of informing them on the importance of providing required information

in order to allow for accurate analysis and realistic ARAP to be developed.

5.1 Objectives of Public consultations

During ARAP preparation, consultant held consultations with potentially affected people. The

consultation examined among other things:

Acceptable alternatives

Conditions under which the resettlement will be socially adequate

Measures required to guarantee that the affected people will enhance or at least restore

their livelihoods and living standards

Preferences regarding forms of compensation and resettlement assistance

Measures to mitigate impacts of resettlement and arrangements for addressing conflicts

that might occur during that period.

Institutional and organizational arrangements by which affected people can communicate

their concerns to project authorities and participate throughout planning, implementation

and monitoring of the ARAP.


5.2 Concerns and views of the PAPs on the Government Seed Farms

The table 1 below describes concerns of the farmers expressed during the meeting with


Table 6: Concerns of Project Affected people (Beneficiaries) Ole seed farm

SN Concern Issues Response from the consultant

1 Employment


During project infrastructure

construction farmers wanted to

get opportunities for employment

from the contractor so that their

income can improve their

standard of living.

Normally the contractor is always

advised to employ the affected

people in those employment


There will be temporary

employment for the duration of the

project therefore the farmers need

to take that opportunity to come up

with small businesses that will not

only help the project workers but

also increase the household income

of the farmers

2 The


time for the


When will the project

infrastructure construction start?

The project infrastructure

construction is not scheduled to

start soon and therefore the

farmers should continue with their

farming activities. The farmers

will be informed in advance about

the start of the civil works to allow

them to properly plan their farming

activities and to harvest their

seasonal crops.

3 The priority for

farming plots to

the present


The Government should not bring

in new farmers before the land

has been redistributed to all the

existing farmers.

The representative from the

Ministry of agriculture confirmed

that the priority will be given to

those who have farms in Ole

Government Seed Farm

4 The purpose of


PAPs in Ole wanted to know the

basis of filling the social

The questionnaires are a

Monitoring and Evaluation tool

which lets the Government assess


economic questionnaires the lives of the PAPs before and

after the project. The

questionnaires are crucial in

assessing the impact of the project.

5 Lack of farmer’s

association for


The farmers in Ole Government

Seed Farm need to have their own

Association that will handle all

the administration matters

With the Government’s guidance,

the farmers need to organize

themselves and elect leaders who

will represent all the farmers

through this association

6 Intrusion of

livestock keepers

in the farms

If it is possible, the Project

Management Team in Ole should

build a fence around the farm for

protection from various intruders.

The Project Management Team

has not allocated funds for such

activity. However, because this is a

Government farm, the Ministry

responsible for Agriculture can

undertake this activity if it is

deemed necessary.

5.3 Consultation on RAP Implementation

In the course of project activities implementation, farmers and stakeholders will be consulted

accordingly and the following table below describe activities that project envisages to

communicate with farmers and stakeholders during the implementation stage.

Activities Description

Meetings on disclosure of RAP for


Project will organise meetings with farmers and

stakeholder to disclose the RAP and request farmers

to provide comments as much as possible. To help

farmers to provide comments, the RAP will be

summarised and presented to them.

Arrangements for grievances


Project has establish GRM committee at scheme

level, it shall be the role of project to organise

meetings to inform farmers their roles and what they

are required to report regularly using designed

mechanisms. GRM committee will be encourage to

meet regularly to address the grievance and if

grievance not reported, has to write report to the


Activities Description


Irrigation infrastructures construction

Project will take necessary steps to inform farmers in

the actual dates where construction will be done

along other activities such as drilling of borehole so

that become aware of the activities. This will help

them restrict them from farming to avoid crops

damage or harvest their crops before the work

Plot redistribution to eligible farmers

One the irrigation infrastructure completed and

handed over Ministry, the project will organised

meetings with farmers to inform the completion of

the activities and the process that will be used to

redistribute the plots. The list will be updated to

understand if all farmers registered earlier still

available or shift into other Shehia or passed away





6.1 Definition and scope

For the purposes of this ESMP, a grievance redress mechanism (GRM) is a process for receiving,

evaluating, and addressing sub-project-related complaints from affected communities and other

stakeholders as a result of ERPP project activities. The GRM is a transparent approach designed

for use by sub-project beneficiaries and stakeholders to submit questions, comments, suggestions

and/or complaints, or provide any form of feedback on all sub-project-funded activities. Farmers

will be informed about the GRM so that can express their complaints or suggestions anytime

throughout the project preparation and implementation period. They will also be informed that

there will be no charge for making a complaint or conveying comments or suggestions. Under

the ERPP, an effective and efficient grievance redress mechanism is essential and will greatly

help respond to people’s queries and problems and address key issues, concerns and complaints

from time to time in the course of project implementation.

It is expected that no complaints will be submitted on land issues as the construction of irrigation

infrastructure will be done on the existing Ole scheme on off-season to avoid impact on seasonal

crops. Thus, no valuation of the affected property under this project as the land in question and

trees grown on the land is not owned by farmers but the Government of Zanzibar. Nevertheless,

construction of irrigation infrastructure will also involve installation of electricity, drilling of

borehole, construction of pump house and water tank which expected to be located at the buffer

zone where some farmers cultivate. There will be also redistribution of land parcels after scheme

development using prepared cadastral map (annex 2). In the course of undertaking all these

activities there is likelihood that some grievance or complaints may arise and need be addressed

using established project GRM. In addition, the project has established the process that are

transparent and participatory and put in place a GRM committee with the role of managing the

grievances/ complaints submitted by project affected people in order to provide required


6.2 Channels to make complaints

The following channels will be used by farmers and other stakeholders can make complaints

regarding sub-project funded activities:


S/No Channel Descriptions

1 A dedicated email address,


2 A dedicated phone line +255 777 873503

+255 777 499 161

+255 773 112 214

3 Feedback boxes At Project Office, Darajani, Sonara Building, or

At the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources,

Livestock and Fisheries, Nyangumi House,

Maruhubi Zanzibar

4 Letters To be addressed to:

ERPP Project Coordinator, Expanding Rice

Production Project, P.O. Box 159, Zanzibar

5 Verbal or written complaints

to project staff

Directly or through project meetings. If project

stakeholders provide verbal feedback/complaint,

project staff will lodge the complaint on their behalf,

and it will be processed through the same channels.

6 Project Grievance


The project will establish Project grievance

committee to receive and address complaints

7 Project meetings To be set up at the Ole irrigation scheme level to

receive complaints

NB: The project shall ensure flexibility in the channels available, make sure that different contact

points are available for a person to make a verbal complaint, and that complaints addressed to

the wrong person or entity are redirected to the GRM MANAGER, who is a Safeguards Officer

of the ERPP project.

6.3 Confidentiality and conflict of interest

Complaints may be made anonymously and confidentiality will be ensured in all instances,

including when the person making the complaint is known. For this reason, multiple channels to

make a complaint have been established and conflicts of interested will be avoided.

6.4 Descriptions on process of registering and addressing grievances

The Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources Livestock and Fisheries has established

Grievance Committee (GC) (before the disclosure of the ARAP). The committee will be

responsible for receiving, analysis and making decisions on grievances that will be submitted by

project affected persons, individually, as a group or by representatives of the PAPs. It is


proposed that the Grievance Committee at the project level will comprise of the following key


Project Coordinator (chairman)

Representative from the respective farmer’s organization(leaders)-

Representative of the PAPs

Social and Environmental Safeguard Officer (who will be the Grievance Redress

Manager (GRM)

Representative from District Council

The role of GRM include:

- Coordinate all GRM activities from all ERPP sub-projects,

- Participate in scheme GRM meetings to address GRM issues raised by farmers and


- Prepare GRM reports for ERPP project

- Secretary of GRM committee at ERPP project level

All grievances will be addressed and submitted to the Client, who in this case, Ministry

responsible for Agricultural through coordination unit though GRM Committee. These could be

verbal or written. The complainant will be given a form to fill in and thus register the kind of

grievance(s). This form can be filled and returned the same time or the complainant will be given

time to work on and submit later to the Coordination Unit for further actions.

The submitted and collected forms of grievances from different complainants will be submitted

to the Coordination unit of this project, in a summary table for hearing after seven days whereby

the complainant will be notified. All grievances will be discussed or dealt with together in a

participative process and each grievance bearer will be invited to participate during discussions.

The complainant will be asked to get out the meeting room (place) during the ruling or judgment

and then will be informed about the decision made by the committee. Wherever necessary, the

coordination Unit might be compelled to visit the site for verification and come up with decision

or provide feedback to the PAP in writing within 14 days. For the purpose of documenting the

complaints, suggestion and other information pertaining project implementation, the project has

attached to this report, the Grievance/Inquiry Record (Form A). This Form ‘A’ shall be

completed by a person submitting the inquiry or grievance and sent to the GRM Committee at

scheme level and might attach with any supporting documentation as relevant. The Grievance

Notification Form will use Form ‘B’ (annex 6) that will be used by stakeholder to report their

issues and by project to acknowledge receipt of the stakeholder issues of suggestions and

Grievance response will use Form ‘C’ (annex 7) and will be used by scheme GRM committees

when making response to the raised complaints and a farmer or stakeholder will use the same to

agree or disagree on the response against his/her grievances.


6.5 Sorting/categorization complaints or suggestion

Once compiled, the GRM MANAGER will be responsible for sorting the feedback. Below are

examples of categories of complaints and or suggestions that the project could document:

No. Classification

Category 1 Safeguards, including compensation disputes, land redistribution and delays

in compensation

Category 2 Grievances regarding violations of policies, guidelines and procedures

Category 3 Grievances regarding contract violations

Category 4 Grievances regarding the misuse of funds/lack of transparency, or other

financial management concerns

Category 5 Grievances regarding abuse of power/intervention by project or government


Category 6 Grievances regarding PIU staff performance

Category 7 Reports of force majeure

Category 8 Suggestions

Category 9 Appreciation

6.6 Grievance Handling Process

The overall process of grievance handling will be as follows:

The overall process of grievance handling will be as follows:

a) The community around the ERPP project area will be given copies of Kiswahili version of

grievance procedures as a guide on how to handle the grievances.

b) The process of grievance redress will start with registration of the grievances to be addressed

for reference, and to enable progress updates of the cases using form A as explained above

c) The grievance/inquiry forms will be submitted to Grievance Redress Manager for recoding

the complaints into grievance database. At each scheme grievance register will be available

to records all complaints raised by PAPs. Scheme In-charge will be responsible to register all

complaints from PAPs and other stakeholder for reference purpose.

d) At scheme level, Grievance Handling Committee will be responsible to address all issues

raised by PAPs and provide response to complaints as appropriate. The members will include

representative from scheme management, village leaders, Department of Irrigation, District

council, project management unit and councillors (Diwani)


e) The complainants PAPs will fill Form C (Annex 6) to agree or disagree with decision. In

case he/she not agreed with response provided at the scheme level, will refer the issues to

Project Grievance Handling Committee for discussion and resolving the issues. The

committee will be represented by scheme management, district council, Department of

Irrigation, Representative of MANRLF, villages leaders and Project Management Unit

f) Replacement of damaged utilities will be done to public utilities or individual PAP only after

a written consent of the institutions or individual. In case of for individual properties, both

husband and wife (where applicable) should be involved. Should an institution or individual

refuse the replacement suggested, an appeal to District Councils Authority could be


g) Detailed processes are provided in annex 8

6.7 Grievance Response

The PAPs complaints will be discussed by Grievance Committee at scheme level and response

will be filled in the form C part A, and the form will be submitted to the complainants for

clearance (see annex 6). The project will also have a GRM Register which will be used for

register all grievances and status of settlement. If the PAPs is unsatisfied with response will refer

his/her issues to Grievance Handling Committee at Project level for further analysis and

discussion. In case the complaints still unsatisfied with the decision, he/she may submit his

concerned to the Office of the Principal Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources,

Livestock and Fisheries for further guidance.

6.8 Descriptions on the mechanism for appeal

Participatory process is emphasized at all levels during the implementation of the project in all

stages, and this includes transparent, fairness and rights to all participating parties. It is thus

unfair to block PAP’s rights in a situation of discontent. If the complainant is unsatisfied with the

committee judgment, she/he has the right to appeal to the higher level including the Ministry of

Natural Resources, Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries. However, it is not expected that there

will be much complaints from the farmers because; the land belong to the government; therefore,

no compensation is expected.

6.9 The GRM operationalization

The scheme GRM will be operationalization through the Committee. The scheme established a

Committee to address grievances reported to it. The committee is formed by seven members –

two farmers (one female and one male), scheme in-charge, Shehia leader, Ward Councilor,

representative from Town Council, and Project staff (safeguard officer). The committee will

conduct meetings at least once after every two weeks depended on the frequency of grievances

reported. However, members have to meet to familiarize themselves and inform the farmers

about their existence and encourage farmers to report their grievances so that committee could


address them accordingly. The Committee will also prepared monthly GRM report and shared

with the project management unit and other stakeholder including Town and Shehia councils.

6.10 Budget for ARAP Implementation

The cost for the implementation of ARAP activities is embedded into general implementation of

the project activities under safeguards and M&E sections. It is estimated that, about TZS 5

million will be spent for implementation of ARAP and GRM related activities. In the course of

borehole drilling, 250 plats of Cassava were damaged and its cost of compensation was covered

by Government through Ministry of Agriculture, Zanzibar and not donor funds. Farmers will

receive no financial assistance for the preparation of farms from the ERPP project, instead they

will their own inputs which will be part of their contribution to this project. The project will only

train farmers on better farming practice using SRI technology and use of IPM in rice cultivation.




The ARAP includes an implementation schedule which covers all resettlement activities from

time of preparation to implementation. The table 4 below illustrates an arrangement for

implementation of ARAP activities in a chronological order. It also indicates responsible agency

per each activity. It should be noted that, community/farmers consultation is an ongoing

activities therefore will be carried out through the project life cycle. An effective community

engagement plan which will be developed under the ESMP will be used as one of the tool during

the community/farmers consultation

Table 7: ARAP implementation schedule

Task Months of Year 2018-2019

Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul

Finalization of draft ARAP report

Arrangements for grievances


Submission of final ARAP

ARAP disclosure and circulation

to all relevant stakeholders and the

public at large

Response to feedback to draft

ARAP and ARAP finalization

Irrigation infrastructures

construction processes and


Plot redistribution to eligible


Community/farmers consultation

and communication

Monitoring and Evaluation







PROJECT LOCATION: Pemba: Ole Rice Seed Farm, Pemba Island

SUBMITTED TO: The Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources, Livestock and Fisheries, Zanzibar

P.O.BOX 159, Zanzibar Maruhubi Nyangumi House Tel:+255-24-2233320 Fax:+255-24-2238512

MAY 2013

July 01 2010




8.1 Introduction

The Community Engagement Plan in the context of this ESMP outlines how, when and why the

following stakeholders will be involved in rehabilitation/expansion activities under the ERPP


1. Individual farmers/community members,

2. Scheme committee/Community groups/water uses association,

3. Relevant Government and non-government organisations,

4. Potential users of the irrigations infrastructures.

8.2 Level of Engagement

The level of engagement with the farmers and community members will varies depending on

nature of the activities in questions and the number of persons potentially affected by the project

activities. Nevertheless, community engagement will be done in all phases of scheme

rehabilitation and or expansion: Pre-rehabilitation/Expansion, Rehabilitation/Expansion,

Decommissioning and Implementation. Likewise, farmer’s engagement will also be made during

disclosure of the ESMPs and RAPs, awareness creation and trainings on safety and health issues,

environmental management and IPM in paddy production. To ensure there will be effective

engagement of farmers in various aspect of project activities, the farmers will be communicated

through their scheme leaders, Shehia leaders and scheme in-charges.

The aim of the community engagement plan is to achieve the following,

Create opportunities for open and honest dialogue with farmers and provide

transparency for the Project activities implementation,

Provide feedback on issues raised on previous consultation

Gather feedback and responses to the progress of the project implementation

Provide an opportunity to further develop strong community partnerships

8.3 Community engagement plan matrix

Table 8 below shows engagement plan for Ole farmers for the rehabilitation of the irrigation



Table 8: Matrix showing Community Engagement Plan for the Rehabilitation of Irrigation Infrastructures

Project Phase Level of

Engagement Purpose of engagement



Methods to be


Pre-Rehabilitation Inform and consult

The consultation will inform


- the objective and goals of the a

ERPP project and associate

designs and potential

beneficiaries of the project

- activities and services that the

project could undertake on the

subproject site

- ensure culturally and social

diverse communities

understand the project


- create sense of ownership and


- Increase level of governance

and transparency

- collection of farmers opinion

and suggestions regarding the


- All farmers farming

within scheme

- Shehia leaders

- Scheme In-charge

- District Authority

- Department of


- Department of


Meetings at the

scheme sites

Rehabilitation/Expansion Inform and consult - informing the farmers and

stakeholders about the outcome

of the first consultation and

provide response on issues


- inform progress of the project

including time frame the

rehabilitation works

- introduce the contractor who

- All farmers farming

within scheme

- Shehia leaders

- Scheme In-charge

- District Authority

- Department of


- Contractor

- Department of

Meetings at the

scheme sites

GRM committee


Field monitoring

Awareness and


will do the rehabilitations and

its roles

- inform farmers roles during the

rehabilitation works (do and


- encourage community and

district leadership for effective

participation and support

- continue building strong

farmers networks with local

stakeholders and partners

- collect any grievances from

farmers and stakeholders and

address them

- create awareness on health and

safety issues and measures to be

taken ensure farmers while

engaging in civil works

Environment training


Decommissioning Inform and consult - inform farmers and

stakeholders on the progress of

the rehabilitation/expansion


- inform farmers next steps after

the completion of the civil


- ensure all complaints raised by

farmers and stakeholders were

addressed accordingly

- ensure the sites are clean and

farmers are pleased with civil


- plan for distribution of the plots

to the farmers

- All farmers farming

within scheme

- Shehia leaders

- Scheme In-charge

- District Authority

- Department of


- Contractor

- Department of


Meetings at the

scheme sites

Sites monitoring



Inform and consult - inform farmers and stakeholder

on the process that will be used

in the distribution of the plots

- ensure farmers agreed with

process and remove all doubts

- ensure all farmers secure a plot

for paddy cultivation and signed

on the paper list

- ensure farmers get knowledge

and skills in paddy production

using SRI technology

- ensure farmers and stakeholders

take roles in protection of the

irrigation infrastructure

- continue building strong

farmers networks with local

stakeholders and partners

- create sense of ownership of the

irrigation infrastructures

- Increase level of governance

and transparency

- All farmers farming

within scheme

- Shehia leaders

- Scheme In-charge

- District Authority

- Department of


- Department of


Meetings at the

scheme sites

Awareness and



Study visits

Field Demos




9.1 Internal Monitoring

Internal monitoring is proposed and its implementation will be the responsibility of the M & E.

This M & E unit will submit monthly report to the Safeguards Officer who in turn will report to

the Manager. The M & E unit will prepare simple formats for monitoring social plans. These

formats will be duly filled every month by the Scheme Field Officers, and the resettlement

working group and the report will be collated by the M & E cell.

9.2 External Monitoring

The external monitoring which will be done as part of the overall project M&E, will look at the

following areas:

Progress in relation to targets and delivery of entitlements,

Delivery and usage of assistance and relocation entitlements,

Reported grievances and action taken,

The PIU will submit regular reports to the WB on implementation of the ARAP and operation of

the GRM. The external monitoring of ARAP will be part of overall M&E of the project.

9.3 Monitoring Indicators

Performance monitoring indicators have been developed and summarized in the table 5below.

For each indicator, data to be collected, instrument, time required for follow up and responsible

unit are also indicated.


Table 9: Monitoring Indicators for Socio-Economic Changes. During Rap and Post Project Implementation




Component Socio-Economic


Indicators Means of





Team Quantitative Indicator Qualitative Indicator

1 Land redistribution

Timely land

redistribution to all

eligible farmers

All the eligible farmers

have access to farmland in

the seedling farms

Farmers expressed

satisfaction with the

process of land

reassignment and the

land plot they have


Check the list of


The first 6 weeks

of land





2 Grievances

Effectiveness of the



number of grievances

reported to the project


Number of Reported

grievances solved

Farmers expressed

satisfaction of the

farmers on the project


Project reports on

reported and solved



throughout the

implementation of

the project


- Farmers

3 Stakeholders


Consultation and

participation of


specially farmers

Number of meetings

carried out in the project



expressed satisfaction

with the process of


Check the project

records on the

meeting minutes

Every month PIU




From the survey and the discussion with the farmers it was agreed that all the farmers were

pleased to continue farming under contract with the Government and they are not demanding

any compensation from the Government. On the other hand, the Government is ready to

improve the infrastructure of the farms at no cost to the farmers so that the farmers can

produce more and improve their standard of living. Also, the Government assured the farmers

that only existing farmers will be given plots on the land.

There will be no impact on seasonal crops. The civil works will be scheduled during the off-

season to allow farmers to harvest their crops. There will be no monetary compensation to the

PAPs and land plots will be reassigned to farmers as a result of improvement activities on the

irrigation scheme. Farmers will participate in the process of reallocation of the land plots.

It is recommended that the government should not allow other farmers to be incorporated in

these farms, only those who have plots should be given plots to continue farming. The crop to

be cultivated by farmers should be strictly paddy.




The following are the documents referred during preparation of this report.

1. Environmental and Social Management Framework (June 2014)

2. Expanding Rice Production Project (ERPP) Project Implementation Manual July 2014

3. Resettlement Framework Policy (May 2014) for the same

4. The District and Town Councils Act No.4 of 1995, Zanzibar

5. World Bank Involuntary Resettlement policy – OP 4.12

6. Zanzibar Agricultural Policy, 2002

7. Zanzibar Environmental Management Act No. 3 of 2015

8. Zanzibar HIV/AIDS policy

9. Zanzibar Land Use Policy, 2017

10. Zanzibar Water Act of 2006

11. Zanzibar Water Policy, 2004


Annex 1:Design layout map of Ole Seed Farm Irrigation Scheme, Chake-Chake, Pemba



Annex 2: Mapping of PAPs farm plots at Ole Seed Farm- Pemba


Annex 3: Proposed PAPs Census Database Data Collection Form


Name HH


Contact phone




Area of acquired land

plot (ha) before


Status of the acquired

land plot (legal/not


Area of provided land

plot (ha) after

development (ha)


provided the


Date signed

the contract

Status of vulnerability (If yes, a

payment order with information

about what and when the family

was provided with the

additional assistance granted for

vulnerable families attached)

Did affected family

member lost their

livelihood due to reduced

plot size?

Did any family

member find job

during scheme



Annex 4: Minutes of the consultative meeting with PAPs of Ole Rice Seed farm

Date: 28th October 2016


1. To update the PAPs about the Government’s plans to upgrade the farm infrastructure to enable the farmers to get better yield with less land;

2. To inform the PAPs about the Government’s plans to use 10 hectares for rice seed farming and research;

3. To find out PAPs thoughts about the project and recommendations they might have to improve the project for their benefit as well as the Government’s; and

4. To instruct the PAPs about the purpose and benefit of the social economic questionnaires they will be filling.


1. To update the PAPs about the Government’s plans to develop the farm infrastructure to enable the farmers to get better yield with less land:

a. It is understood that currently the farmers are mostly depending on rains for the production of their crops;

b. However, after the upgrading of the farm infrastructure, the farmers will be able to increase their crop production to twice or even thrice a year;

c. This will also enable the farmers to get better yield with less land at no extra cost because the cost of upgrading the farm infrastructure will be incurred by the Government with financial support from World Bank.

2. To inform the PAPs about the Government’s plans to use part of the land area for rice seed farming and research:

a. The farmers are well aware that the land they are using belongs to the Government and they expect no compensation if the Government chooses to take back their land from them;

b. However, the Government plan to use some part of land (4ha) for its own activities such as research that will be used by Ole Station and Zanzibar Agricultural Research Institute (ZARI)

c. The remaining 3 hectares will be redistributed so that each of the 24 farmers can get a plot of land to continue with their farming activities;

d. After the redistribution, the plots will be smaller, however, as the scheme will be developed with new irrigation infrastructure, the farmers will still be able to get a better crop production than they did before;

e. In addition, the farmers will be able to get technical assistance from the Ministry of Agriculture;

f. Since the project is not scheduled to start soon, the farmers were advised by the Government to continue with their farming activities until they are notified.

3. To find out PAPs thoughts about the project and recommendations they might have to improve the project for their benefit as well as the Government’s:

a. The farmers highlighted that there needs to be two water wells so as to be able to cater to the needs of the entire farm because the existing water well is not enough;

b. After the project commences, the farmers also appealed to the Government to give them priority instead of bringing in new farmers;

c. In addition, the farmers have also asked the Government to give them priority in terms of employment (permanent and/or temporary) once the project commences;

d. The farmers have insisted that the Government should prohibit livestock from entering the farms because they destroy the crops.

4. To instruct the PAPs about the purpose and benefit of the social economic questionnaires they will be filling:


a. The PAPs were told that the questionnaires are to be filled individually; b. The information collected will be accumulated and analyzed so as to give

recommendations that will benefit them and better their lives; c. The information collected will allow for a successful monitoring and evaluation to be

carried out once the project commences by comparing data from before and after the project.


After the meeting the RAP Team continued with the exercise of interviewing the PAPs to collect their

social economic and farming information for further analysis.


The RAP Team Leader then thanked the PAPs for attending the meeting and insisted that their

cooperation is highly appreciated.


S/No. Names of PAPs Question/Comment from PAPs Response from the Consultant


(Secretary of

Farmer’s Group

He requested that during project

infrastructure construction farmers

should be given priority for employment

opportunities during construction work

They were informed that the project

will discuss with contract on the need

for employing locals whenever


Some of temporary employments

include; plumbers, masonry watch

guards, casual labours.



Chairperson of the

farmer group

He wanted to know when the

construction work will start. Because it

takes too long since they were first

informed about the project.

Farmers were informed that

construction will start soon after

completion of all required procedures.

The farmers will be informed in

advance about the start of the civil

works to allow them to properly plan

their farming activities and to harvest

their seasonal crops.



Chairperson of the

farmer group

He insisted that after rehabilitation farm

plot should be allocated to the existing

and not to new ones.

Project officers assure the famers that

the plots will be given only to those

who are currently farming within the




He wanted to know the main purpose

the social economic interview

It was explained that interview is for

collection of baseline information of

the project and PAP in this particular




She complained invasion of cattle to rice

plots. And she wanted the project to


The Project Team advised to establish

committee with bylaws to take care

such issues and also any issues that can

damage infrastructures.


Annex 5: Form A - Grievance/Inquiry Record Form (Complaints Log Form)


Instructions: This form is to be filled by a person (e.g. farmer) submitting the inquiry or grievance and sent to the

GRM Committee at scheme level. He/ She might attach any supporting documentation as relevant

Name of Person Raising Grievance: (information is optional and always treated as confidential)

Name: Gender: □ Male □ Female

Address or contact information for Person Raising Grievance: (information is optional and confidential Ward/Shehia: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

District: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Contact address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Location where grievance/problem occurred [write in]


Shehia/Village Scheme

Brief Description of Grievance or Inquiry: (Provide as much detail and facts as possible)

Signature of the PAPs/Complainant:

………………………………………………… Date: …………………………………


Annex 6: Form B – Notification Form


Instructions: This form is to be completed by the [GRM MANAGER] and mailed or delivered to the complainant.

Date Grievance Received:

Tracking Number:

Grievance Received (check √):

□ District □ Shehia □ Scheme

Mode of Filing Inquiry or Grievance (check √):

□ In person □ Telephone □ E-mail □ Phone Text Message □ Website

□ Grievance/Suggestion box □ Community meeting □ Public consultation □ Other ______________

Name of Person Raising Grievance: (information is optional and always treated as confidential)

Gender: □ Male □ Female

Contact information for the Person Raising Grievance: (information is optional and confidential)




Deadline for Response from DWLI (7 calendar days from date grievance received):

Summary of Grievance Categories related to ERPP Project

Category 1 Safeguards, including compensation disputes, land allocation and delays in compensation Category 2 Grievances regarding violations of policies, guidelines and procedures Category 3 Grievances regarding contract violations Category 4 Grievances regarding the misuse of funds/lack of transparency, or other financial management concerns Category 5 Grievances regarding abuse of power/intervention by project or government officials Category 6 Grievances regarding PIU staff performance Category 7 Reports of force majeure Category 8 Suggestions Category 9 Appreciation

Annex 7: Form C: Grievance/Inquiry Response Log Form


Instructions: This form comprised of two parts: Part A is the response of the committee handing the grievance

against the complaints raised by PAPs or other stakeholders. Part B is the clearance/approval of satisfaction or

un-satisfaction of the committee response against his/her complaints


Reg. Number:

Date Opened:

Name of the Recorder:

Contact Number:


Category and classification of complaints or suggestion raised:

Comments from Grievance Handling Committee




Reasons for Referral: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Name & Signature of Officer

…………………………………………………………………………………. Date: …………………………..

NB: This form will be filled after the committee sits and discusses the complaints and agreed

on the responses/solutions


Satisfactorily Handled:


Unsatisfactorily handled

The information filled above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

Signature of Complainant:


Date: ……………………………………..

Comments from Grievance Handling Committee




Name and Signature of GHC Officer Date: ……………………...


Annex 8: Grievance Redress Process

Step Reporting of Grievance Officer / Committee Members Timeframe to Redress Grievance Redressed Grievance




Each sub-project or

scheme will have its own

local grievance

committee, the

committee will meet

whenever a grievance is

filed (once a week)

- Project Affected Person

(PAP) representatives

(1male, 1female)

- Local community leaders

(village level)

- Two Representative from the

local authority (village) land


Upon receipt of grievance, the

Grievance committee at sub

project level will meet (once a

week) and try to resolve the

grievance amicably with the

active participation of

aggrieved party within 5

working days from the date of

file of grievance.

If the grievance is

resolved and the PAP is

satisfied with the

committees’ decision, a

report of the same shall

be prepared and copy

handover to PAP and

case closed.

If the

grievance is

not resolved,

go to step 2.


If PAP is not satisfied

with step 1decision, the

case shall be forwarded

to the Grievance

Committee at Project

level. The grievance

shall be forwarded with

all the paper details of

case from the previous


- Representation of a member

from each irrigation scheme

(sub-project in question)

preferably a PAP,

- Representative from the local


- Representative from the

District authority concerned,


- ERPP Project Coordinator

- ERPP Safeguards Officer

At Project level the grievance

Committee will meet twice a

month if there are any filed

grievances that could not be

resolved at sub project level.

The hearing should be

completed within two weeks

and communicated back to the

PAP through the local

Grievance Committee

(preferably from DADO)

If the grievance is

resolved and the PAP is

satisfied with GRC

decision, a report of the

same shall be prepared

and handover to PAP

for record and copies to

be submitted to Local

communities for record,

case closed.

If the

grievance is

not resolved,

go to step 3.


Step Reporting of Grievance Officer / Committee Members Timeframe to Redress Grievance Redressed Grievance




It is assumed that all the

cases shall be solved at

GRC level and

sometimes and project

level. It may be possible,

however, that there are

cases which might still

remain unresolved at the

two levels. For such

cases, the PAP shall have

the option to refer his/her

case to Ministry of

Agriculture Zanzibar

through Principal


- PAPs

- Project GRM committee

- Representative from scheme

GRM committee

At Ministerial level, the issues

will be addressed within one

month after PAPs filed his/her
