Miniguide - Ground Yourself With Mother Earth-Healing

Post on 13-Apr-2015

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Transcript of Miniguide - Ground Yourself With Mother Earth-Healing


Ground yourself with Mother Earth-healing - Miniguide


Mother Earth-healing is a channeled healing technique (through Maria Bertram) in which you ground yourself in depth

through receiving and filling yourself with the female energy from Earth's inner core, in a meditation. The purpose of the

healing is to reconnect with our Sacred Great Mother, and to restore the balance between the ma le energy ("light" / yang /

expansion / high frequency / ”sky”) and the female energy ("darkness" / yin / regression / low frequency / Earth) inside of

us. Humanity in general is suffering from a huge surplus of male energy, and a huge lack of female energy. In other words,

we are extremely ungrounded. The female energy has for a very long time been weakened, denied and suppressed here on

Earth. Every person, regardless of gender, needs to have half male and half female energy in their energy body to be in

complete balance and to develop in a balanced way. When these energies are in complete balance, they create the Highest

Divine Energy of Love. This is part of an ancient and timeless wisdom of which fragments have been kept in different

cultures around the world, including different indigenous humans. Mother Earth-healing is the missing link for humanity’s

way towards a higher state of consciousness today. Our grounding base is necessary in order to reach greater heights in our

spiritual development. By giving yourself Mother Earth-healing regularly, you gradually restore your energy balance, you

gradually heal your energy blockages, accelerate your spiritual development and prepare in an optimal way for the transition

to the New Spiritual Age.


Sit down to meditate. Sit outdoors if possible. Have full contact with your rear or feet on the floor or ground. Hold your

palms cupped together as in prayer and let them rest in your lap. Turn off mobile phones and other technical equipment if

possible. Take a few deep breaths, relax the whole body, and clear your mind from distracting thoughts. Get ready mentally

to work as a channel for the Mother Earth energy, and focus your intention on channeling energy from the ground. Read the

prayer for Mother Earth, out loud or in your mind. Visualize how a channel is opened up from the center of the Earth and

how the glowing red female energy starts to come up and is flowing through your feet, buttocks and hands. Let the energy

fill your entire body and stay there. Once you have opened up the flow of energy, just focus on being present in the

moment. It is individual how the energy feels, but it works whether you feel anything or not. You can also use mantras and

affirmations simultaneously to strengthen and direct the healing. You can give yourself the Mother Earth-healing anywhere,

even for example in a tall building or on the subway. Fifteen minutes a day is a good start, and then gradually extend the time

when you feel ready for it. When you give yourself Mother Earth-healing through channeling energy directly from the Earth,

you can in addition to the low frequency female energy, also get a certain level of male energy from Earth’s energy system

automatically, if that's what you need. The purpose of Mother Earth-healing is always to restore your energy balance.

Prayer to activate Mother Earth-healing for yourself

Dear Mother Earth,

In humbleness, love and complete trust, I am asking

you, please give me strength and guidance.

Help me to channel energy from your interiour, to heal myself

completly, both my body and my soul.

Mother Earth, I am calling on you!

End the healing session by saying "Thank you". We will also publish a more extensive e-handbook on Mother Earth-

healing later. You’ll find the Mother Earth Network’s website at: