Mini Courses Are Back at Scriber April 11 through April 15, 2011 · ing tools, you will be...

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Transcript of Mini Courses Are Back at Scriber April 11 through April 15, 2011 · ing tools, you will be...

Many students have had the

opportunity to participate in mini courses, both last year and this past fall. But for students new to Scriber since second and third quarter, this will be a new experience.

What exactly is a mini course? It is an intensive one week course that delves into a learning experience, allow-ing students a unique and exciting opportunity to learn and earn credit. For stu-dents this is a credit retrieval opportunity which is unique to Scriber.

Do you need PE credit? Fit Club is a good choice for you. Is math your nemesis? Karin and Mike will have a mini course for you! Are you a history buff? The 60’s with John will be far out, man. Are you going to Washington DC for Close-Up? Get pre-pared with Peter.

Each course will be worth .17 elective credit. Each course will have spe-cific subject credit available. A credit form will be avail-able from your teacher at the completion of the course.

Refer to your Graduation Requirements to see which areas you need to earn credit.

Seniors refer to the grad plans you have from your counselors. Graduation Re-quirements may be viewed through Skyward Family Access. Family teachers can give you your login and password.

Please read each course de-scription carefully. Some mini courses will offer field trips . Field trip forms must be completed and returned by March 29th, for students to be registered into that particular mini course.

Fun Field Trips So much can be learned at the zoo!

Scriber Lake High

Mini Courses Are Back at Scriber April 11 through April 15, 2011

Spring 2011

Special points of interest:

Experiential Learning Opportunities

Fun and Fascinating Courses for Credit Retrieval

.17 credit available for full week participation and completion of course




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What is Credit Retrieval?

Perhaps in your past you did not pass a class, maybe a history or an English class. Graduation requires 22 cred-its in specifics subject areas. You need to make up credit in the areas where you have not had passing grades. Mini courses are a great way to retrieve that lost credit quickly and in a fun, non traditional way, credit re-trieval.

How do you know what you

need? Check your Skyward Family Access-Grad require-ments. Look carefully at each of the mini courses and the credit you may earn. If you need to make up Eng-lish, an Art class is not your best choice.

What if you are on track and don’t need credit retrieval? Take a class for the fun!

The 60’s with John 2

Fit Club with Kanoe and Allison 2

Yearbook with Paula 2

5 Unforgettable Movies with Marjie 3

Student Emergency Response/

Safety Team with Karin


Math Rules! With Mike 3

Small Group and Individual Sports 4

Inside this issue:

Experiencing Seattle with Sarah 4

Leadership with Peter 5

Ceramics/Pottery with Joey 5

This course will look at the 1960’s through video and film. Richard Nixon; Wood-stock; The Coun-terculture Revolu-tion; The Military industrial com-plex; President Kennedy and his assassination; LSD; Civil rights; Hippies; “The Graduate”; Lyn-don B Johnson; Kent State; Vietnam; Robert Kennedy; The Cu-ban Missile Crisis; The women’s movement; Mar-tin Luther King Jr.; Cam-

pus protests; Black Pan-thers; “Make Love, Not


Student will be able to identify major personali-

ties, in America, during the 1960’s and state how reform and dissent dur-ing the 1960’s have al-

tered America society.

.17 US History

Did you know?

Seattle was the first city in the US to play a Beatles song on the radio.

This isn’t your father’s PE class!

Members of the Edmonds Commu-nity College Hip Hop Group Konta-gious will join us to teach us not just the moves, but the four values of Hip Hop. Those interested will prepare for an end

Do you think getting fit means hours at the gym lifting weights, walking on a treadmill , or riding a stationary bike? BORING! Who says you can’t have fun while getting fit?

Zumba, Yoga, Parkour and Hip Hop your way to better health. Fit Club offers students a chance to explore unique and untraditional fitness options.

of the year performance and continue practicing weekly for an end of year performance.

.17 PE

Extra credit available for continued work with Kontagious

Yearbook with Paula

Fit Club with Kanoe and Allison, featuring Kontagious, Edmonds Community College’s Hip Hop Club

design, implement, promote,

publish, and distrib-

ute Scriber Lake

High School’s Year-

book. Not everyone

will necessarily all do

the jobs needed to

publish the Yearbook. Indi-

viduals will have the oppor-

tunity to pick areas of contri-

bution that are of particular

interest to them.

.17 CTE


Yearbook Mini Course is a

class where students

can express their

creativity and people

skills through photog-

raphy, writing, design,

interviews, and team-

work. Yearbook students will

The 60’s with John

Hip Hop For Health

Make Love Not War

We were all on this ship in

the sixties, our generation,

a ship going to discover the

New World. And the Beatles

were in the crow's nest of

that ship. John Lennon

(1940-1980) British



For this spring mini-course, we will cover “Five Unforgettable Films” – all of which cover fascinating is-

sues/stories in foreign countries. We will learn about the background of each culture, relevant history and techniques

used by the direc-tors.

On Wednesday (April 13), we will take Community

Transit down to the Film Forum on Capitol Hill where

the director, Lyall

Bush, will screen “Chungking Ex-press” for us in the theater and lecture

on the director/film. After the screening, we will go to Boom Noo-dle (next door) to eat.

Favela Rising - Rio de Janiero

About a former drug-trafficker who turns social revolutionary in Rio de

Janeiro’s most feared slum. Through hip-hop music, the rhythms of the street, and Afro-Brazilian dance he rallies his com-munity to counteract the violent oppression enforced by teenage

drug armies and sus-tained by corrupt police. (Copied from the site) Chungking Express – Hong Kong

A cult film that centers around the back streets of the city – specifically, a noodle stand, and two pilots and their love lives. State of Mind - N. Ko-rea

Follows two 14 year-olds as they train for the Mass Games, with only Kim Jong Il as their focus. The perfection these athletes attain is unbelievable.

Like Water for Chocolate - Mexico

The youngest daughter, Tita, can-not marry the man she loves be-cause she is the one who is sup-posed to care for her mother in her old age. Therefore, her guy marries Tita’s older sister in order to be close to Tita. You can only imagine where the story goes from here…

Born into Brothels – India A photographer goes into the slums of Calcutta and puts cameras into the hands of the children there. What happens – the art they create - is amazing, and you fall in love with every one of them.

.17 English 9-12 or

World Civ 9 or 10

Student Emergency Response/Safety Team With Karin

First Aid, Emergency Preparation, Disaster Response, and skills needed to help your-self and those around you in an emergency. American Red Cross certification is also possible. You may earn 0.17 credits for

successful completion of the class, and 0.25 with the comple-tion of an out-of-class project.

.17 Health

This course is for stu-dents who wish to earn Health Credit along with learning the skills needed to respond to emergencies and to be on the Scriber Lake Stu-dent Emergency Re-sponse Team. You will learn advanced CPR and

Five Unforgettable Films with Marjie

Caption describing picture or graphic.

If you have a cardiac arrest

your chances of survival

without early intervention

are only 3%.


Small Group and Individual Sports with Michael people. From the weight

room to the field you can burn some energy and feel better all at once. You can find many different with not much equipment, to have fun, challenge yourself and do some things you have al-ways wanted to do.

.17 PE

If you like getting fit in small groups or even by yourself, then this is for you. This is an opportu-nity to find some new and different ways to get fit and healthy without the need for a large team of

1080 resolution, plus under-stand different aspect ratios.

Topics include Blu-ray play-ers, 4G cell phones, com-puters, and HDTVs. We will do lots of hands-on projects

This course will fulfill credit for Level II math. (0.17 cred-its) are available for attending all five days, plus an additional (0.08 credits) are of-fered if students com-plete an approved pro-ject outside of class. That adds up to a total of (0.25 credits)!

Math rules because it can help you out in real life. You can build things on your own and save money. You will learn the difference between 720 and

to understand geometry that you can use in everyday life. You will learn about games of chance and how to im-prove the possibility of win-ning. Plus, we will discuss tricks to help you do better in math class and estimate numbers on your own.

.17 Level II math

.08 Extra Credit Available

Math Rules! With Mike

Experiencing Seattle will take students on an explo-ration of our city’s music, fashion and design, crime and punishment, art, and small businesses. Various community representatives will candidly share per-sonal stories of overcoming challenges in order to get where they are today, while students analyze the process of going from fail-ing to thriving. Highlights of the course include expres-sion through graffiti art, logo design, and a soundtrack project as well as active par-

ticipation in thoughtful group discussions with community partners about real issues

facing people in our society. Course grade weighs heavily on student engagement, re-flection, team building, note-taking, and journal entries. .17 US/WA State History, or English 9-12.

Experiencing Seattle with Sarah

Seattle Skyline with Space Needle

The world's first gas

station opened in

1907 on East

Marginal Way,



The student will develop mental discipline, physical control, imagination, crea-tivity, the ability to conceptu-alize and solve complex problems, and ex-panded freedom of spirit by stimu-lating thinking skills while ac-quiring

the language of an art form. As a result of devel-oping these capabilities,

students may arrive at their own knowl-edge, be-liefs and values, as a part of their own humanity. Elements and princi-ples of art

are ba-sic

to the course as well as the development of skill and vocabulary. Cooperative learning, mentoring, cri-tiquing, and management are as important s creative processing.

.17 Art

Leadership with Peter

ing tools, you will be empow-ered to become a leader in school, community, and larger society. Encouraged for those

going to DC, but fun for all!

See who Peter blows up at.

.17 English 9-12 US or Senior History

.08 extra credit available through approved project or paper.

Earn English 9, 10, 11, or 12, US History, or Senior History in this wonderful opportunity to learn about the US Government, Washington DC/Close-Up trip and Fundraising. By engaging in the analysis of leadership and relationship build-

Pottery/Ceramics with Joey

Pottery Wheel

Washington DC

became the

country’s capitol in


Page 5 VOLUME 1, I SSUE 1



A Cheesy Mini Course

“I had so much fun making the cheese. It was a really fun class even though all the cheese didn’t work. The field trip to Seattle was fun, we got to walk around Pike Place Market when we were done at the cheese factory.”

Ceramics/Pottery with Joey

“Joey’s mini course is fun, if you want to get your hands dirty”


“Fit Zone makes you think twice about what you eat, and it was fun!”

The 60’s

“The 60’s was really interest-ing. I learned a lot of things I didn’t know. It was a fun class and John was nice.”

“The 60’s was enjoyable, if you like music you should go to that one.”

What students have to say about Mini Courses

Scriber Lake High School

23200 100th Ave West

Edmonds, WA 98020

Ed mond s S chool Di st ri ct

Phone: 425-431-7275

Fax: 425-431-7272


Experiencing Seattle Mini Course 2009/2010

