Minecraft junah

Post on 27-May-2015

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Minecraft Mods

Transcript of Minecraft junah


Abandon Mineshafts

Abandon mineshafts are structures In Minecraft 1.8. They are supported tunnels that are straight and have corners. They often have chests that have hard to find items like lapis , red stone , golden apples , diamond and cocoa beans. It is very dangerous there because it is home to cave spiders and little blue spiders that have poison attack. So if you are going there make sure you a prepared.


Strongholds are structures in Minecraft. They were added in the game in 1.8. They are very large and are found deep under ground. They have mobs called silver fish. They are found in the end portal room.



Villages are structures in Minecraft.They have houses and many villagers. There are five types of villagers in the game - the farmer, the librarian, the priest, the black smith, and the butcher. You can trade resources with them.

Nether Fortress

Nether fortresses are structures in Minecraft that are found in the Nether. They have very dangerous mobs, they have blaze , magma cubes , and wither skeletons. They are often in lava lakes in the Nether.

Obsidian pillars

Obsidian pillars are structures in Minecraft that are found in The End - a dark and spooky realm. They have ender crystals that heal the boss the ender dragon.


Dungeons are structures in Minecraft that have a mob spawner and up to about two chests. The mob spawner will spawn a hostile mob every so often. This can be zombies , skeletons or spiders. There is treasure in the chests.

Swamp Huts

Swamp huts are very rare structures in Minecraft that are found in swamplands and are very, very rare in other biomes. They are small houses in the water and they are the spawning place for the hostile mob the Witch. But the Witch mostly spawns at night. There isn’t a chest in the huts.

Mutant Enderman

The mutant Enderman is a mob from the Minecraft mutant creatures mod. He has four arms that can pick up any block and throw it at you. He also spawns loads of clones to hide himself tele smashes and screams at you so you sh*t your pants And when killed, he drops an item that you can use to pick up any block and throw it at any mob.

Mutant Snow Golem

The Mutant Snow Golem is a mob from the Mutant creatures mod. He has glowing eyes and he likes to freeze every water block that’s near him. He is a neutral mob and he attacks mostly monsters and attacks them using huge chunks of ice. And he can become your friend by right clicking on him and he will help you any problem you’re into.

Mutant Creeper

The Mutant Creeper is a mob from the Mutant creatures mod. He has four legs that can spawn mini creepers that can get you off your feet. He smashes a lot. When you kill him you can have your own minion creeper and he will act just like a wolf or a cat.

Mutant Zombie

The Mutant Zombie is a mob from the Mutant creatures mod. He likes to roar at you and he likes to smash and he also likes to throw you up in the air and slam you down. If you try to kill him he will fall to the ground but he is not dead yet. He will get back up and fight. But if you do kill him you will get his hulk hammer and you can do the hulk smash.

Slender manThe Slender man is the mob in the Slender man mod. They are capable of teleporting, disappearing, and making you sh*t your pants. It seem everything involves sh*ting your pants. When you come close to these guys you get static on your screen. When you are very close to them, your screen will be filled with static and that will make you blind. And they will try to kill any light source that is near him. And after they’re killed there is a rare chance of them dropping an item that you can use to make armor that reduces the chance of static.

Jeff the killer

Jeff is a mob from the creepy pasta mod. He is very fast and scary-looking like the joker. If you want his knife you have to spawn Jane the killer. If you want the knife she has to kill him. If you kill him you won’t get the knife. He also does 8 hearts of damage, and he also has 20 health. Stay away from this total madman, he will hunt you down!

Jane the killer

Jane the killer is a mob from the creepy pasta mod. Jane and Jeff will fight to the death. Jane has 20 health and if Jeff is killed Jeff will drop his knife. Jane is a passive mob but if you walk in to her you will take damage.


Strider is a mob from the Creepy Pasta mod. He is like a dog version of slender man. He is passive and has 9001 health and you can ride on him.


Slendy is a mob from the creepy pasta mod. He is the same as the Slender man but he has arms that will try and grab you. And he is very fast and he has 9000 health. He also does a slowness and blindness.

Squid Ward

Squid Ward is a mob from the creepy pasta mod. He hates his life so much that when you right click on him he dies. He is also passive.

The Rake

The Rake is a mob from the creepy pasta mod. He is a lightning fast monkey that will slice you opened and eat your flesh but not if you kill him. He also has 24 health. Also when killed he drops pork and when he sees you he will murder the sh*t out of you!

Seed Eater

Seed Eater is a mob from the creepy pasta mod. He spawns at night and will kill baby villagers.


Cryaotic is a mob from the creepy pasta mod. He is passive and drops Ghast tears when killed.


Pewdiepie is a mob from the Creepy Pasta mod. He is passive and seed eaters will chase him.

Smile Dog

Smile Dog is a mob from the creepy pasta mod. He looks just like a normal wolf but he is not. If you look at him he will kill you with his smile. After looking at him he will put up a message saying “spread the word”. You will also get a slowness, nausea and blindness. He also has 9001 health which would take ages to kill him.


Mothman is a mob from the creepy pasta mod. He has 20 health and deals 2 hearts of damage and he loves to fly!

Eyeless Jack

Eyeless Jack is a mob from the creepy pasta mod. He has no eyes and he is very fast and I don’t recommend sleeping when this guy is around because it will teleport to your room and kill you straight away.

Weeping AngelsWeeping Angels are the only mob in the Weeping Angels mod. If you look at them they will freeze and they won’t do anything but if you look somewhere else you may lose some health and you will see them right next to you trying to kill you or teleport you. Make sure at night to keep a torch right next to you because at night they will try to kill any light source. And you can only kill them with an iron or diamond pick axe. After killed there is a rare chance that they will drop an angel statue.

Sun Spirit

The Sun Spirit is a boss mob in the aether mod. It is very hard too kill because it a cannot be hurt by any tools - it can only be hurt by the ice balls it throws. When killed it drops a gold key and sun atlar. It is also found in the gold dungeon.

Aechor Plant

Aechor plants are a mob in the aether mod. They cannot move and if you get too close they throw a poison dart at you and after you kill them they drop a petal that can tame Moas.


Creepers are hostile mobs in Minecraft. Even people that have never played Minecraft may know these mobs called the Creepers. They are famous due to exploding on the terrain near the player. They drop 0 and 2 gunpowder.


Witches are a hostile mob in Minecraft that are ranged mobs and they spawn in swamp huts. They look a lot like the villager and they have a hat and purple robes and they throw potions at you.

WitherThe Wither is a one of the two boss mobs in Minecraft. It is the only hostile mob that is made by the player. It has three heads and throws wither skulls that cause a poison-like effect called wither II that is much like poison but can kill the player. And it will attack anything In the world that is not undead like zombies, skeletons, and anything in the Nether. It is made using four soul sand blocks. Place them in a T shape then place the wither skeleton skulls on top. Then the Wither is summoned and it will flash blue and its health will fill up Then it will grow bigger, bigger , BOOM! Then it will attack. After killed it will drop a nether star that can be used to make beacons.

Sliver fish

Silver fish is a mob that lives dip under ground in strong holds they are a bug like that spawn in a block known as block 97. It looks like a stone block but it if you mine it with a pickaxe it takes longer. Wan you destroy this block 97 a silver fish will span and start to attack. There is also a sliver fish spawner in every End portal room of every strong hold.


Wolves are neutral mobs in Minecraft that spawn in forests and snow bioms. They can be tamed using some bones. After tamed a red collar will appear on them. The collars can be dyed. But If a wolf is neutral and if you attack the wolf all of them in one area will attack!


Ocelots are mobs in Minecraft. They spawn in jungles and are shy to all but chickens. They will run if you chase them but if you hold very still with a raw fish in your hand they will come slowly to you. After eating some raw fish they will become a cat.


Endermen are mobs in Minecraft. They have an ability to pick up blocks. They are passive at first but if you look at them they turn hostile and attack. They also can teleport. When you go to The End there are loads of them so take a pumpkin with you so if you put it on your head they will not attack and you can then fight the Ender dragon.

Iron Golem

Iron Golems are mobs in Minecraft that spawn around villages. Their purpose is to help the helpless and defenseless villagers from the undead zombies. Iron Golems can also be made by the player using 4 iron blocks and a pumpkin.

Snow Golem

The Snow Golem is a mob that is made by the player. It is made using two snow blocks and pumpkins but it will die in the desert , jungles And the nether bioms. They throw snow balls at monsters but it does no damage.


Godzilla is the mob from the Godzilla mod. He likes to smash villages and buildings and many more. He has 5000 health. He also does 50 hearts of damage so when he attacks you, you’re dead. There are two ways to kill him. You can use a G sword. That takes about 5 hits and he’s dead. You can also kill him with an oxygen destroyer. He drops Godzilla skull and Godzilla bones.

Sandstone Herobrine

Sand Herobrine is a mob from the more Herobrine mod. He is tan and he spawns in desert bioms, and when killed he drops sandstone.

Mushroom Herobrine

Mushroom Herobrine is a mob from the more Herobrine mod. He spawns in a rare biome called the mushroom island biome.

Ender Herobrine

Ender Herobrine is a mob from the more Herobrine mod. He spawns in The End and he also drops eyes of ender when killed.