Mind Mastery Techniques

Post on 24-Mar-2016

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Learn The Best Way To Master Your Future Today

Transcript of Mind Mastery Techniques

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Learn the Best Way to

Master Your Future Today

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Mind Mastery: Learn the Best Way to Master Your Future Today

Table of Contents


Chapter 1:

Acceptance – Where Are You Now?

Chapter 2:

Recognition – The Beginning of Change

Chapter 3:

Courage – What’s Holding You Back?

Chapter 4:

Honesty – Recognizing Reality & Choices You Have

Chapter 5:

Habits – Support Systems

Chapter 6:

Thought Patterns – How Are You Thinking?

Chapter 7:

What Now? – Moving Ahead with Your Best Life

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Discovery is the key to unlock doorways to success. When you discover more

about yourself, what you really want, and what areas in your life you want to

change, you're moving ahead with living your best life. To get the discovery

process rolling, most of us can use a fresh perspective.

To begin the improvement process, you can start by thinking back about the

various seasons in your life. Review your life to see where obstacles or blocks

appeared on your pathway. Think about what you did to bust through those

obstacles. Did your decisions help you handle the issues? Did your choices results

in good or bad consequences? If you made great decisions then, are there ways

you can use that same excellent decision-making process to fix current issues?

The beginning action you'll need to take to unlock doors is to be honest. When

you're honest with yourself and then others, it helps ease the emotional ups and

downs. When an individual lies to themselves, they live in denial, anger, misery,

hopelessness, and so forth, and can often drown in their own self-pity. Quit the

pity party! Hop on the road to discovering the keys that unlock your doorways to


Looking ahead is great. When you look ahead, you're visualizing your future. Be

sure not to keep your focus too much on tomorrow. Instead keep the one day you

have now in your mind and work in this day toward your goals. Accepting it one

day at a time is the key to success. You have many options to create a great life.

Yet it will take you awhile to discover the best options for you and when to focus

on each.

Focus on the choices you make today. They will become habits over

time that will build a new tomorrow for you!

Here we will show you ways to begin to better your life…

Mind Mastery Techniques:

Learn The Best Way To Master Your Future Today

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Chapter 1:

Acceptance – Where

Are You Now?

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Where Are You Now?

Ask Yourself:

Do you have the power to accept the things you are able to change

and the areas you can't change?

Do you have the power to accept that others may change things,

instead of you altering them?

Do you admit that you are who you are, no matter what other

people think?

Can you accept the many changes that come about in your life?

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How did you do?

If you replied yes to one or all of these questions then you're off to a

good start on bettering your life. If you're willing to accept, you

can even choose to laugh even when something isn't funny. For

example, if somebody pushed you, you may stand back and laugh.

The push is only a threat to your emotions, which you'll see you need

to accept and then discover a way to give yourself command over your

reactions to the situation.

When you are able to accept matters in life, including the effects of

your choices and others’, you have discovered a way to take charge.

When you're in control, it helps you to see how you are able to better

your life. When you learn to accept that you are affected by these

choices (yours & others), then you'll discover more about yourself and

your reactions and be able to find better solutions for how you live

your life on a daily basis.

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Chapter 2:

Recognition –

The Beginning of Change

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The Beginning of Change

Individualism is really a matter of personal choice. Philosophers

over-generalize this matter. Many individuals in the world believe

that when we act the same way at all times, we have demonstrated

our identity. We have a right to express ourselves whether or not we

are seen as politically correct! We have emotions, views, behaviors,

actions, and have been overrun by a world of influences both

positive and negative. Every day we'll feel something new, which

causes us to reflect on this new information.

Consequently, when you see somebody laughing one minute and

shouting the next, you're seeing a shift in emotions, which may be a

normal rule of identity for this individual. Unless the person’s views

alter, everything will stay the same about them. Behaviors will

continue to change dramatically; acquaintances will probably change

frequently, and so forth, as you're observing common behaviors.

We live in a world that desensitizes us. We're surrounded by billions

of influences on TV, in the media, on radio, in homes, government,

schools and so on. Each to their own, but everybody is judging

somebody at some time, which is something we must accept. We can't

change these people’s behaviors and way of believing, but we do have

control over ours. This is a part of discovering and accepting.

The best way to live in the world is to become your own influence

and let other influences make alone to make other peoples’ lives

miserable if they choose. Only trust in sources that prove honest with

their actions, behaviors and words. Positive reflections are the key to

living a happier and more fulfilled life.

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Once you learn to accept, you'll be eager to smile. For example, if

somebody’s actions would normally make you mad, you'll begin to see

the humor in his or her actions. You will begin to learn by the

outcomes of your actions if you make a mistake and then find

yourself getting worked up into an angry or foolish state, or swayed

too much by another’s influence.

Once you begin to discover the humor in life, you'll feel better

inside and out. We're involved in a rambunctious world filled with

greedy individuals, envious souls, lusty tigers, etc. We must learn how

to work around these individuals, accept ourselves and march on.

Once you learn to change to better yourself, others may follow.

Modeling good behavior has proven far more effective than words to

encourage other people to change.

As you grow you'll feel a fresh desire to keep improving, and that

desire will guide you to find fresh ways to become better. Eventually

as you begin to feel better, you'll see a need to work out, eat right, and

hang out with positive influences, etc. Once you feel this desire, you'll

feel inspired to work more to accomplish your goals.

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Chapter 3:

Courage –

What’s Holding You Back?

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What’s Holding You Back?

When you beef up your courage, you begin to improve your life.

Establishing courage will help you take risks to get to a sunnier future that

you may not have normally taken.

When you show up with an attitude of courage, you put concern behind

you. Courage is the action of admitting that you have concerns, yet you're

amenable to discover a way to overcome those fears and not allow the

concerns to control you. It's ok to experience your fears at appropriate

times. For example, if a bus is aiming down on you, you’d better be fearful

so it prompts you to take quick action to avert the consequence of

remaining in the bus’s path.

There's nothing wrong with healthy concern. The point is you have to

have a healthy balance to keep fear, fear or concerns in their proper place

and kick unhealthy fears out of your life.

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Change What You Can

Once you embrace an attitude of courage, you'll learn to self-direct

your choices and emotions. You'll learn to accept penalties and

rewards graciously. A brave individual will frequently feel motivated

to accept blame and responsibility while critiquing their actions and

embracing what they learn to move ahead. Individuals of courage will

step to the front, instead of stepping back when opportunities move

their way. On the other hand, a brave individual will step back and

take a look at his or her errors graciously.

Occasionally the courageous individual is spontaneous. It's never

good to plan every moment of every day, as no one knows what that

new day will introduce.

Think about it for a minute: How many times have you planned

something and then seen it fall through the following day?

For example, let’s say you plan to go to the ball game tomorrow. Come

tomorrow a snowstorm, hurricane, twister, wind storm, or rainstorm

may change your plans. You planned, but did you plan for a

contingency for a change in the weather conditions? Did you make a

substitute plan in case your first plan bombed?

As you can see, the best laid plans don’t always work in your favor,

which is why your courage to step up to the circumstances that

come up in life can lead to a need for you to be occasionally

spontaneous and flexible in your plans.

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An individual willing to improve their life will loosen up, chill out,

and learn to roll with the flow. This individual will relax even

when plans bomb out.

Going back to our previous example, if it storms the day of your ball

game, you will learn to discover something else to do with your time,

and even feel just as happy about having this new adventure.

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Chapter 4:

Honesty –

Recognizing Reality & Choices You Have

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Recognizing Reality & Choices You Have

To achieve success and better your life you'll need to learn how to

trust yourself. When you trust yourself, you are able to trust others

also. Regrettably, we live in a world where trust is often difficult to

find, yet when you trust yourself, you can’t blame other people when

things go wrong.

Bettering your life includes utilizing your creative and decisive mind.

When you are able to come up with new ideas, you're on to the road to

success. You've got a lot of options in this world; it takes you

exploring all your resources to discover the best choices for each


Occasionally in life, we feel uncomfortable. As a matter of fact, this is

usual. Are you willing to accept your discomfort at times when things

don’t work out as you’d hoped?

Maybe during a job interview you feel at a loss for the right words to

say. Are you willing to accept this challenge or limitation you

experience and search for a way to deliver your message better to

impress the interviewer? As an alternative, ask yourself if you are

willing to let your negative energies cost you the job.

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Full Circle: Time to Take Your Temperature!

Are you accepting?

Do you accept the things you cannot change? Do you accept the

things over which you do have control? Do you accept others

irrespective of how these individuals act? Do you accept yourself for

who you are? Do you accept the detours and changes that life brings

your way?

Acceptance is your key to happiness. When you are able to learn to

accept the great with the bad, you are able to learn how to live

better and make the necessary changes to improve your life.

This ties in with being willing to be spontaneous and flexible when

things don’t go as planned. Who knows? It could work out even better

for you in the long run!

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Chapter 5:

Habits –

Creating Support Systems

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Habits – Creating Support Systems

Habits, ah those awful habits!

Habits are acquired from training, influences, observance, and

practice. We acquire many habits throughout our life, with some great

and others not so great.

Great habits we may keep, but if you want to improve your life, the

self-destructive and negative habits have to take a hike. Doing away

with bad habits however isn't easy, particularly if a dependency or

addictive habit is involved.

For this reason, we will look at a couple of steps to learn how you can

change your habits.


People roam through life creating excuses. Anytime an individual sees

something complicated, they'll frequently come up with excuses why

they can't deal with the issue. “This is simply the way I am.”

This is a basic problem in the world, which we’ve all listened to

billions of times. If you're out to better your life though, you need to

state, “This is something that blocks me from accomplishing what I

want and I have the power to change it.”

The first key to success is to quit making excuses. Determine how

to tell yourself the truth. The truth is the solitary answer that leads

you to better your life. When you learn to tell yourself the truth, you'll

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have to commit yourself to learning new behaviors and habits that

support your goals.

Decide and Commit

You are able to commit by selecting a new and different habit. For

example, let’s say you want to plan to drink more water daily. Some of

us hate drinking water, yet drinking water is a way of healthier living.

Rather than hating something that can enhance the quality of your

life overall, begin stating, “Today I'll drink 8 glasses of water.” Even if

you begin by just drinking one glass for the first couple of days, you're

moving ahead and causing changes that will better your life


Here’s another example of a habit you can say you’ll change: “Today

I'm going to quit judging other people and myself.” This is often a

primary mistake individuals make in the world. They expend time

judging other people and themselves. This gets them nowhere but in a

place of chaos and comparisons.

You have made your own choices; you have to learn to accept the

consequences of your judgments - or do something about it to

begin with, which is why you ought to alter your ways. The ultimate

judgment in life is reserved only for God.

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We cant all be Captains, we've

got to crew, there's something

for all of us here.

There's big work to do and

there's lesser to do. The task we

must do is near.

If you cant be a highway, hen

just be a trail.

If you can't be the sun, be a star;

it isn't by size that you win or you fail.


The above poem was given to me by my high school English

Language teacher – Mrs. Kerr-Allayne. The words of the poem are

posted on the wall of my home office. Each morning, before I start

my day, I ensure that I reflect on the message of the poem: BE THE


You are an extraordinary

person. The world is waiting

for you to conquer it.

Love + Success,


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Warren Roy Gordon