Mind Machine Lab

Post on 08-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Mind Machine Lab

To get success in GRE for admission to top universities, all you

have to do is ... to join good coaching, collect a lot of course

material, work hard, be positive, and make sacrifices. Right?


 Why? Because Almost Everyone Joins Coaching

Discover below how the mind machine helps you to get

ahead of others for your success, without requiring any extra


Dear High Achiever,

I am looking for a special group of students determined to get ahead of others in their

competitions. Over the last 30 years, the numbers of students joining coaching (for some of the

tough competitions like CAT, IITJEE, IAS, AIEEE, AIPMT, UPSC, etc) has increased 100 times, but

seats have only doubled. Surprisingly most students and parents believe that "joining coaching

almost guarantees success".

So, they join coaching, work 12-14 hours a day because there is too much of course

material, and hope to get success, without realizing a big sad fact of life: unfortunately, only 1

to 5 percent of students taking coaching get success in such tough competitions, which means that

95 to 99 percent fail. I want to begin by asking you simple questions: "How sure are you you'll get

success? What else can you do to help you get ahead of others?"

Mind Machines are Becoming Popular Because They Help You Get

Ahead of Others for Success in the Competitions

Without Spending any Extra Time by


(1) Learning More in Less Time with Concentration

(2) Writing Exam Confidently without Stress or Nervousness

(3) Memorizing Vocab for CAT, GRE, GMAT, SAT, and

(4) Stress Management for ALL

Mind Machine, Who Uses It and Why

Imagine putting on glasses and headphone and sitting comfortably in a chair as below and you relax

deeply. If you use a vocab CD, then you memorize words while you continue to relax. Or, remove the glasses

and study your subjects such as Physics, English, History, etc. In this way, you learn and remember more in

less time with concentration. Distractions are reduced. Imagine you become more confident of taking exams

without stress and nervousness and get the maximum marks you deserve for your hard work and coaching.

Many people use mind machines for different purposes. The Most popular are:

For Students: Because almost everybody joins coaching, just joining coaching gives you no benefit

over others. Coaching is nowadays almost necessary, but certainly not sufficient for your success. So, mind

machines are becoming popular and students Use learning mind machine to help you (1) learn faster and

remember better for success in all kinds of exams and competitions (2) take exams confidently

without stress and nervousness so you avoid silly mistakes and get the maximum marks that you

deserve.  Use Vocab Builder mind machine to put words into your mind while you relax deeply, for

exams such as CAT, GMAT, GRE, SAT, etc.

For Executives, Business Owners, Housewives, Students, Everybody:

Use for relaxation, stress management, deep sleep and healing.

Surprising but True Students Keep It Secret

Many students keep it as a secret.

Here is recent example: I got a call from a boy in Kanpur. He said I would be getting an order

for the mind machine from his girl fiend in Delhi. I thanked him and asked how many other friends


he had told about the mind machine.

He said, "I discuss movies with friends. I go to party with friends. But, I don't tell about such a secret.

Nobody gives me their success secrets. Why should I?" Here is how the popularity of the mind machine

started increasing since 1997 after the proof from 7-year research at Govt University Dept of Psychology

came along with recommendation that it works and it is safe.

Mind Machines Sales Increasing Rapidly

(The above are sales at/via CCNow online in US$)


“The First and Most Exciting Development to Enter the Learning

State and Awaken a Little of the Genius Inside You”

What is a Mind Machine

Mind machines are electronic devices that may use CDs or Cassettes and do these 2 things:

1. Change your brain waves (to have more alpha, theta, delta or beta) specifically for

the required state such as learning, relaxation, awake and energize, etc.

2. Use the state of deep relaxation to build in your mind positive empowering beliefs


while eliminating negative limiting beliefs, thereby enabling breakthrough in performance and

achievement possible.

These two together give mind machines great utility power, which leads to many uses and

benefits. Now, let me show you how to:

"Enter the Learning State in just 7 Minutes and Awaken a little

of the Genius Inside You"

Think of it like this: When you are in a "learning state", a little of the genius inside you awakens.

Are you wondering what is the meaning of “wake up a little of the genius inside you”? It does not

mean turning everyone into an Einstein. What it means is that you perform at the best of your

hidden ability and hidden talents of such high caliber that even you are surprised and delighted with

the results and you were yourself not aware of such a possibility. And, now I want to show you 

"What really is this learning state?"

Can you recall a time or event in your life when "learning" something came very easily to you?

It could be to learn something in a book, to ride a bike, to play a game. Anything. Can you recall a

few more such times? Do you remember that, at such times, 

You know with certainty "you can do it" and "time passes

quickly" and "there is no stress"

That is being in a learning state. And, being in such a wonderful state tends to wake up a little

bit of genius inside you. OK, can you recall a time when learning anything was hard, boring,

particularly difficult and stressful and the time appeared to move very slowly? That state is the

"OPPOSITE" of the learning state.

 Do you know how to get into such learning state every time you sit down to study, so you can

focus and concentrate effortlessly for greater success? And, learn in a more relaxed way, learn

faster, remember better, without feeling sleepy, tired or bored? And feel energized by a feeling


of certainty of success in achieving your most important goals in life?

Naturally, in the learning state, it is easier to manage your time and also easier not to feel lazy

but feel confident and highly motivated to study and work smart for your success. Now, the our mind

machine provides you an easy and effective way to enter the learning state. Are you asking

yourself, "How do I enter the learning state with the mind machine?"  It is easy. It is simple. You

don't need to spend weeks or months to learn and master any new, difficult, boring or complicated

methods or techniques. And it is totally effortless. All you do is 

"Just lie down on your bed or sit comfortably in your chair, close

your eyes, and push the button"

As you enjoy the mind machine experience with two voices telling two stories and mild music

and sounds of nature, you are taken to another imagery world. That's it. Mind Machine helps you to

get maximum benefit from your hard work and expensive coaching.

How the Mind Machine Works

The Mind Machine works in three main ways:

RELAXES YOU (in the first 2-3 minutes)

First, the mind machine uses various mind technologies to slow down your brain waves quickly

to those of relaxation and learning, so your body and mind feel a certain body relaxed / mind alert

state. (Brain waves naturally slow down when people meditate.)

"In one program to ENTER THE LEARNING STATE, you hear two different magical

stories ... these relax you, change your brain waves toward the desired alpha or


-- Business & Management Chronicle

Indian's only magazine for B-School Aspirants


CHANGES YOUR STATE to LEARNING STATE (in just 6-10 minutes)

You hear a different story in each ear. These stories are very special and unique and I worked 6-month

full time to develop them. Our human mind tries to understand both the stories, but soon realizes it cannot

understand both. It still tries hard and continues to struggle to understand both the stories and at some point,

our brain gives up and in that moment the brain is not actively thinking (chasing thoughts). In some sense, it

has stopped thinking. Naturally, in this state, you feel tremendously relaxed and comfortable and free from

stress. You enter the state of body sleep / mind awake. Once in this state, for Vocab Builder, you ALSO

hear English words, with meanings and usage for effortless memory.

"... Program called AWAKE AND ENERGIZE wakes you up and energizes you in 3 to 7

minutes... poised to be a leader in mind machines world wide for students and executives."

-- Civil Services Chronicle monthly magazine 


You hear a different story in each ear. These stories contain variety of powerful suggestions in

such artful way that the suggestions remain in indirect terms and seemingly are simply part of the

story, so they go unnoticed, and as a result, most of the empowering messages hidden within the

stories bypass the conscious mind completely, entering the unconscious mind. This is the most

powerful method of belief change because it really works and it is effortless too.

What Makes Our Mind Machine So Powerful?

Original research and experimentation by our team and our enormous practical experience with

mind technologies and mind power since 1991 are the secrets of the power of these mind

machines. You benefit from many unique/proven/patented mind technologies, which would take a

book to explain in details. But fortunately, you don't like have to understand the details of research

and the 7 mind technologies to benefit from it. Let me just list a few names so you get the idea:


1. Brainwave Sync Tonal Matrix (based on patented technology)

2. Whole Brain Learning and Memory

3. Accelerated Learning -

4. DAPSTM (Dual Auto Peripheral Suggestions) 

5. Subliminal Messages

6. Energizing Sound Patterns (patented technology)

7. Ganz field

The simple truth is that there is no other comparable learning, vocab, or relaxation/meditation

mind machine. These are the first and radically different systems in the whole world.

Many Benefits of Mind Machines

(Here is What a Famous American Book Says)

Michael Hutchison, the famous American author, was so impressed with the Mind Machines

that he started his best-selling book Mega Brain like this (by the way, I met Michael in California in

1991 to discuss design of mind machines and purchased a mind machine from him for US $329):

“You sit down in a comfortable chair, put on the electrical headgear [headphones, eye

glasses, etc.], flip a switch on the small control by your hand, close your eyes, and

sink into a state of deep relaxation. Thirty minutes later as you turn off the machine

and remove the headgear, you feel extremely alert and lucid. Your brain is now

functioning far more effectively than it was before. Your memory-your ability both to

memorize new information and to recall information you have already learned-has

increased dramatically. Your ability to think creatively, to solve problems, has

expanded. The speed with which your brain cells pass messages among themselves

has increased. In fact, many of your brain cells have actually grown-a microscopic

examination would show that the brain cells have developed more dendrites, the

branching filaments that carry messages from one cell to another, and more

synapses, the junctures between brain cells across which impulses are transmitted.

You are more intelligent than you were a half hour before.”


How Mind Machine Helps You

Get the Maximum Benefit from

Your Hard Work and Coaching

  Coaching Mind Machine

Does it offer you competitive

advantage over others for your


Almost necessary, but not

sufficient to guarantee success

because everybody joins


Helps you get ahead of others

because only a few use it

(most don't yet know about it)

Advantage & Benefits Subject matter expertiseLearn faster, take exam with


LimitationsToo much material and too little

time to learn all the material well

No subject matter

(except for vocab)

Is hard work neededRequires a lot of hard work to get

maximum benefit

No hard work needed; just use

the mind machine and it does the


Does it help you

learn fasterNo Yes

Does it help you to be

confident (not stressed /

nervous) in exams

No Yes

Price range Rs 20,000 to Rs 2,00,000 Rs 4,700 to Rs 51,500

Money back guarantee? No Yes

Takes No Extra Time, But Saves Time

One of the key problems is that you have too much study material and not enough time.

Fortunately, mind machine takes no extra time. Just play the CD/cassette with the mind machine

and benefit. That's really all you have to do. It is so easy and effortless. In fact you save time


because you learn faster and remember better.

Gives Students Unfair Advantage

The mind machines give you an unfair advantage against other students because very few

students know about them and can afford them. Imagine a race where you are in a car and others

are on foot. Sure, you win such an unfair race.

PROOF from Govt University Research

Does It Really Work and Is It Safe

First, you get 7 day 85% money back guarantee (details below) so your investment is safe.

Second, rather than praising my own mind machines, I want to tell you that the head of

Department of Psychology at a Government University strongly recommended it after 7 years of

research proved it worked and was safe:

"Highly Recommended by Head, Dept of Psychology of MLS

University (Govt of India) After 7 Years of Research by 5 Ph D

Scholars and 120 Students"

Only after the mind machine was proven effective and safe in 7 year research, here is what

the Head of the Department of Psychology says in the letter above:

"This is to certify that we have been using Raj Bapna's mind

machines and Dr Anil Bapna's Mind Power Music since 1998 for

experiment and research in our department.

I first started with guiding my research student Ms Poonam Dhaka to


study the effects of these mind machines and mind power music

involving 120 students and this research led to award of PhD in the

year 2000 and the thesis is titled: An Experimental Study of Mind

Power Techniques among Teenagers in Relation to Certain

Psychological Variables....

...Based on our use, research and experience with these mind

machines and mind power music, we highly recommend use of Raj

Bapna's mind machines and Dr Anil Bapna's Mind Power Music for

anyone including schools, colleges, coaching classes, libraries,

teachers, and individual students and executives."

-Dr Vijaya Laxmi Chouhan, MA, PhD,

Head, Dept of Psychology, Mohanlal Sukhadia University, dated 13-Feb-2006

Computerized EEG Study

Here are some computer images from an EEG study conducted by Dr Vinita Goyal, MBBS,

MD, on 23-Dec-2003 in Udaipur at Goyal Hospital with the RMS EEG computerized equipment

using the mind machine on Raj Bapna himself. 

Important Warning

The mind machines are powerful and serious tools for altering brain waves and

learning. So, persons undergoing psychiatric or psychological treatment should use

the machines only under medical supervision and not otherwise. People suffering

from photo-sensitive/ epilepsy related problems should not use the mind machines.

The mind machines are for educational purposes only and no medical claims are

being made or implied.

Special Note


for CAT / GMAT, GRE, SAT exams

 The Single Biggest Vocab Problem and Why the Coaching Institutes Fail

The single biggest problem with vocab is this: Though it is relatively easy to learn and memorize

new words at home or in coaching classes, it is extremely difficult to remember them after a few

weeks/months. Why? Because it is the nature of our mind, which is simply not capable of remembering

many uncommon and odd words just by reading word lists a few times and you know there is not a lot

of time to revise many times. Even the best coaching classes only give big word lists but fail to put

4,000 to 4,500 words in the long-term memory of your mind because they do not specialize in mind

power and mind technologies.  As you already know, Indian students tend to score high in Maths but

low in English part. The main reason for low score in Verbal is not knowing the vocab well which

makes it much harder to answer questions correctly. Most of us in India are not so good in English

vocab even if we have studied in English schools.

English / Verbal Has Strangely Emergence the

Crucial Subject for Success in CAT

Strange as it may seem, English has emerged as the most crucial

subject in CAT (because a lot of candidates are engineers who score very

well in Maths, but tend to be weak in English.


English is Most Crucial for Your Success in CAT

According to Times of India, the highest percent in each subject in the recent

CAT results are:

Quantitative Ability = 100 percent

Logic and Data Interpretation = 86 percent

English Usage and Comprehension = 60 percent

The main reason for low score in English Usage and Comprehension is not

knowing the vocab well which makes it much harder to answer questions

correctly. Most of us in India are not so good in English vocab even if we have

studied in English schools. Most students don't realize this. Hardly any coaching

institute emphasizes this. So, not all students take benefit of this trend. By the

way, did your coaching institute tell you about it? Most likely not. Now, you should

benefit from this knowledge. For example, if someone is currently at level of 93%

in Maths and 43% in English, what do you advise him to get maximum increase in

percentile for his hard work. The obvious answer is English because there is

much bigger scope for increase in marks in English. Now, imagine if you can


focus on English and do much better than others, how easy it would be to get a

higher percentile.


English / Verbal is Really Tough

Here is One Student's Experience of GRE

Preparation and Exam Results...

(English for CAT / GMAT / SAT are difficult in the same way)

"... Actually I had given my GRE exam 2 months back, but i scored fairly low.

My score was 860 in total. I scored 630 in Maths and only 230 in English which is

not at all a valid score in any university. I want to know that if I will retake the test

does universities consider my previous GRE score. As I'm really worried due to

such a low score I have got. I prepared hard but I don't know where I went wrong.

Kindly guide me what should I do... I will be obliged if you will guide me for the

same." Regards

Vishu Sood  (name blacked out)

Education : I'm an Architect graduated from Guru Nanak Dev University,

Amritsar... I have completed my Bachelors of Architecture degree (Five Year

Integrated Course)

Strength : My determination to achieve what I have thought of.

Problem : In my GRE exam i was not able to develop concentration. I worked

very hard in Verbal section but got only 230 and I'm shocked.

Surprisingly, The Following Old Methods Do Not Help Most

Students to Remember, Retain, and Recall Vocab for Exam


Our research has proven that for most students these methods don't help (yes, there are

a very small number of students who use these various methods and master vocab-- In all

probability, if you belong to this group, you should have already mastered all the words.):

Buying many vocab books or dictionaries will not help

Working hard without working smart will not work

Joining coaching classes will not put words in your mind

(coaching is almost necessary, but NOT sufficient for success)

Just learning prefixes, suffixes, root will not solve the problem

Trying to memorize complete usage sentences from books will not help

Trying to memorize on mobile phones via SMS will not fully work

Trying to memorize whole dictionary will surely fail

Less than 100% focused effort on your part will not work

The above OLD METHODS give you a feeling that you can memorize vocab with hard

work, but in reality most students soon forget most words or their meanings in a few days /

weeks. Why do these methods fail for most students? Because they are slow, boring, and

time consuming, requiring you to revise again and again many times, but there is not enough

time and too much to study before the exams.

Super IQ 7 is world's ONLY Mind Machine designed specifically for Exam Success

to help students and now you too can memorize English words effortlessly for your success.

How Super IQ 7 Helps You Memorize Vocab 3 to 7 Times

Super IQ 7 uses "accelerated learning" and "whole brain learning and memory" mind

technologies. The combined effect of these with "enter the learning state" is that you

memorize vocab 3 to 7 times faster in a relaxed way without going through wordlists dozens

of times. There’s a world-wide explosion of advanced techniques for accelerated learning,

supercharged remembering, and peak mental performance. The publication of the book


Super learning by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder made super learning or accelerated

learning techniques popular. These help you use your whole brain (both left brain and right

brain) for faster learning and better memory. The Vocab-Builder Mind Machine uses

advanced accelerated learning techniques along with other mind technologies to enable users

to effortlessly memorize words 3 to 7 times faster. I was member of the SALT (Society of

Accelerated Learning and Teaching, USA) that is working hard to bring the benefits of

accelerated learning to schools in USA. Many programs for schools have been supported by

the American federal or state governments. (It is really unfortunate that in India, NCERT, good

private schools and other important institutions are not open-minded enough to bring these

revolutionary discoveries from around the world to our schools and colleges. My hope is that

the situation will change in the next 10 years as India gets richer and parents start learning

about these advances on the Internet and start demanding the same from good private


For example, the Washington State Department of Health and Social Services reported

that by using Super learning techniques, Indochinese refugees learned English five times

faster. At Iowa State University students learned Spanish seven times faster. And from

Australia’s Woden TAFE College, John Wade revealed, “I have used the Super learning

technology with adult migrants learning English. The results from controlled experiment ...

show that long term memory retention increased six fold.”

My mind machines offer you optional books with CDs/Cassettes

with 5,871 words for CAT/GMAT, GRE and SAT?

5,871  words for CAT/GMAT, GRE, SAT tests. Many words are common between

CAT/GMAT, GRE and SAT and there was no need to record the same words again.


And, for CAT/GMAT, the Indian students need more words than found in GMAT books

for native Americans. Why? Because we also need to know words related to SAT exam,

which is for high school students. So, we used a very innovative way to put all the words

together in such a way that the same CDs are used but in different sequence for the 3 tests.

The big benefit is that you get the most important words for an exam followed by words that

are also needed for Indian students.

For CAT/GMAT, use the CDs in the sequence from CD #101 to CD #129. The

first 22 CDs have words specifically for CAT and then #123 to #129 have words for


For GRE, use these 19 CDs first, which have GRE words: 101,102,103,104,

105,106,107, 108,109, 113,114,118,119,120, and 121,122,123,124,125. Then use the

remaining 10 CDs which have CAT/SAT words: 110,111,112,115,116,


For SAT, these 20 CDs first, which have SAT words:

101,102,103,104,105,106,108, 109,110, 111,112,119,120,121, 122, and

123,124,127,128,129. Then use the remaining 9 CDs, which have CAT/GRE words:


Similar arrangement is for the cassettes, too.

Please note these special program CDs or cassettes are special and do not work like

ordinary music CDs and cassettes and work only with the mind machines.

How I Became Passionate about Mind Power, What is My

Training and Expertise to Help You, and How the Mind


Machine Was Developed

As a child, I used to have headache, which

was so severe that I used to miss up to half the

classes in school. I was admitted to AIIMS (Delhi).

Doctored did strange things such as they took fluid

from my spine and also gave injections into my

head (yes into the skull).

But nothing worked.

Finally, when I was in class 7, a Jain guru shri

Pundrik Sagar ji of Ahmedabad cured my

headache, with just mind power. That was my first

intro to mind power and finally became my passion

for life.

I went on to top my class from 7th class onwards and got 5th rank in Rajasthan board 

High School, did BE from BITS Pilani and M Tech from IIT Kharagpur. Then I worked in

Chennai and went to USA to work for Intel corporation in California among other companies

and also wrote to computer books one of which became bestseller in USA. At the peak of

success, I charged clients $18002 in the single month of Dec 1990, and it was at that time, I

asked myself, "Do I want to work for foreigners for rest of my life, miss my family and friends

in India, or do I want to return to India?" I was confused and uncertain and discussed this

question with many people to finally reach the conclusion with inspiration from a gazal singer

Pankaj Udhas and a mystic Osho to have the courage to take the risk of returning to India to

help students and do good for our own country. Almost for two decades now, I have been

spending most of my time developing techniques and technologies to help students achieve

more in less time and with more certainly. Let me confess this: Tough some students call me

My Brief Bio-Data

BE (BITS, Pilani), M Tech

(IIT, Kharagpur)

20 years experience in "mind

power" and "mind technologies"

Certified in "Neuro-Hypnotic

Repatterning" by Richard Bandler

Attended "Design Human

Engineering" workshop

Worked at Intel Corp in


Author of best-selling "Raj

Bapna's Mind Power Study


Developer of India's first

Super IQ Mind Machine in 1993


a genius, I was not always so good, but I kept learning more and more techniques from

various books and gurus.

For My Own GRE Exam, I Worked Hard and Made Sacrifices,

But Getting 20% in Verbal Was a Shock to Me

Let me first show you my GRE exam results, so you know that I was weak in English so

that you gain confidence that it is okay even if you are weak in some subject, you too can get

big success in life. I was sincere and hard working and desperately wanted to go to USA for

higher education, which was my biggest lifetime dream goal. Being a board topper and

topper in Pilani, I was confident of my ability to mug up and cram (memorize by the force

repetition). So, I started mugging / cramming an hour a day more than one year before the

GRE exam date. All in all, the study hours were too long and tiring. But, looking forward to my

dreams, I had no complaints with excessive work and lack of sleep. Though nobody from my

family asked me to work so hard, I felt enormous pressure from all to prove myself. I did

not want to face the humiliation of failure. To achieve my dream of success, I made

sacrifices. For example, during the year of my GRE preparation, I watched only 2 movies in

the whole year: Sharabi (Hindi) and Blue Lagoon (English).

Despite all my sacrifices and hard work for over a year, I got only 20% in Verbal, though I got

97% in Quantitative in GRE exam. The Verbal score was a shock for me, giving me feeling of

frustration and even humiliation at my life's only failure to get high marks. I myself got only 20% in

verbal, though I got 97% in quantitative

My wife, Dr Anju Bapna, who is a medical doctor, took GMAT exam in 2001 in USA for

admission to MBA. To get a good score, she took classroom coaching in California from

Kaplan, which is world's number one coaching institute for GMAT test preparation. The fee

was about $1,200 for 11 classes. The Kaplan coaching proved ineffective and totally failed to

help her improve vocab. She was lucky to get admission to MBA at DeVry University in


California. In fact, my own failure in GRE Verbal combined with this coaching experience of

my wife in USA motivated us to develop the Mind Machine on our return to India so that other

students don't have to suffer what we had to go through.

I Was Good in My Subjects, But I Was Fearful and Nervous

in the Exams Which Lead To Serious Mistakes and Missing a

Top 10 Rank in the Board Exam

I created the Super IQ 7 program "Exam Mastery" to help you master taking exams with

speed, accuracy and confidence without stress or nervousness. Why? I created it because I

understand its value through my own bad experience of nervousness in class X and I wish I

had such a program to skyrocket my success.

I used to be fearful and nervous because the exams were so important. I would ask

myself, "What if I fail? What will I do then and how bad it will be for all in the family?"

My fear and nervousness lead to mistakes in class X board exam. For example, in

English paper, I wrote an essay on "Delhi" in place of "Diwali". I got only 48% in "Social

Studies" whereas my average in Physics, Chemistry, Maths was 88%--I have no way to find

out why I got only 48% marks, but it could have been that I messed up things because of

nervousness. In my Math’s paper, I answered questions very rapidly and was left with about

20 minute to revise. As I started to revise, I was shocked to find out that I had done first 3

questions wrong (being in hurry and nervous), but fortunately I had the time to correct them.

My mistakes appear stupid and silly to you and me, but they were serious mistakes,

which cost me top 10 rank in class X (I got rank 24 which goes un rewarded and

unrecognized). I feel afraid to even imagine what I would have lost had I continued to make

similar mistakes. I eventually overcame my fear and nervousness and in the next board

exam, I got 5th rank. This experience motivated me to create the Exam Master package for

you. Even if you are very confident in your subjects, but if you feel slightly nervous, fearful or


worried about the exam results, you will benefit from Exam Mastery.

The Secret of My Deep Knowledge: My Passion, Hard Work

and Investment in Research, Development, and My Own


"Deep Knowledge" means knowing a lot and lot about something specific. It took me

more than 20 years of learning and training and R&D to develop "deep knowledge" on mind

power and how to study for success. I have read over 1000 books and have over 600 books

in my personal library on mind power and related subjects. "I have 3 American mind

machines, costing over $900 (or Rs 45,000) and over 100 success and mind power related

cassettes and CDs costing over $2,000 (about Rs 1 lac) and several video cassettes costing

over $2,000 from the famous experts in USA. I have used all these for my own training.

I developed India’s first mind machine in 1993, and since then, we have learned a lot

more and gained enormous experience in the use of mind machines and Dr Anil Bapna’s

Mind Power Music, for relaxation and learning, and now finally so many years after the first

mind machine, the Super IQ 2 and Super IQ 7 were ready.

Why did it take so many years? Because it required various scientific breakthroughs in

mind technologies that took us years of research, and no doubt, my 3-year stay in USA

between 2000 and 2003 working for a software company in California also helped. The new

mind machines use many mind technologies and are far more powerful/useful in various

ways than the original 1993 mind machine. The new mind machine is so powerful, you "feel

the results" within the first 7 minutes of use. One program is of 7 minutes only and it gives

result in as little as 3 minutes. 

"Imagine my surprise when I used the Super IQ 7, I was totally blown away. All the other

products I had used did not prepare me for the amazing relaxation that I got from 'entering

the learning state'. You have to use it to believe it because words simply cannot


communicate to you the power and excitement of the Super IQ 7."

We created different mind machines for Bhagwan Sri Sri Sri Dr. Devang

Dattani,   Ph.D , Scientist (Artificial Intelligence), Business Entrepreneur who also takes

Spiritual retreats / programs on all sects / religions. Many people all around the world have

formed organization around him though he is not in favor of it. He has studied in topmost

universities of USA. You can get some more information about him at www.dattani.50g.com.

This will surprise you that he liked our mind machines [more than others from USA],

took to USA for research and wrote a detailed letter. I am grateful for his insights and


Please realize that our mind machine incorporates my lifetime of passion, keen interest

and deep knowledge in mind power, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Design Human

Engineering, beliefs and secrets of success.

How do I train myself? How do I learn new things?

The easiest to get new books and CDs from other experts. For example, recently in

March 2007, we spent Rs 83,000 to learn how to motivate students for more success.

I also learn from the best in the world in workshops and that costs a lot of money. For

example, long back, I attended one seminar by Richard Bandler, the genius who

developed NLP, and another by Anthony Robbins in 1990, and I had already been

learning success secrets long before that. And, in 2008, we spent Rs 7,09,007. One

training I did was I traveled to Edinburgh in Scotland UK in Nov 2008 to learn from Dr

Richard Bandler, the original genius creator of Neuro Linguistic Programming,

Design Human Engineering and Neuro-Hypnotic Repatterning. I received certificate

of successful completion in "Neuro-Hypnotic Repatterning", which teaches to use

the mind to overcome problems of all kinds, build new beliefs, learn new skills,  and

get motivated towards goals / relaxation / comfort / confidence / happiness and that I


want to use to help students get more Raj Bapna awarded Neuro-Hypnotic

Repatterning certificate by Dr Richard Bandler, John LaValle, and Kate Benson

I want you to know that my mind power course, our mind power music, and my mind

machines are creation of deep knowledge, of passion, of intense training from the best in the

world. I want you to now there are no better options. I have done all the hard work -- now you

need to just use and benefit. I ask you for just one promise: After you achieve success and

make it big in life, after you reach your dreams, remember to do good for students in India.

If you are wondering with all this expertise what is the value of my time, let me tell

you that recently, for the first time ever, I took 2 day seminars for owners of

engineering and MBA colleges in 5 star hotels (Oberoi Hotel in Bangalore, Hyatt

Regency in Delhi and Mumbai) and these experts paid me Rs 19,000 each for the

privilege to listen and learn from me. Raj Bapna’s workshop in progress

(the participants paid Rs 19,000 each)


"Helping Good Students Become Great" What an IIT Chennai

Educated Engineer from Bangalore Says...

Vinod Kumar,

Software Engineer, Bangalore

Hi Raj,

The Mind Machine is a wonderful motivator. I got it on Friday. When I first used the

cassette "enter the active learning state", I felt that I went into a relaxed state that I

usually get when I meditate for 20 mins... produces a meditation state without any


effort from my side. It is magical. After the first usage the learning effect was there

for more than 2 hours. After that I slept for the day. During those 2 hours I completed

one book "Quantum Mechanics 1: The Breakthrough" by G.Venkatraman. During

these learning period I did not feel taking 5 min break that "Daily routine technique"

recommends. During the weekend I finished 3 books. A novel by John Grisham

"Street Lawyer" and "A short history of nearly every thing...by Bill Bryson". Reading

is fun with #2 and #3 cassette. To enter the learning state put #1, To read put #2 or

#3, To enter energizing state put #6. Whenever I want to change my state I put

corresponding cassette. It is amazing invention. I also use #4 and #5 just for

experience. ...

I can't wait to complete my first one-month with the machine and meet the genius in

me. I guess I already have had a glimpse of my side. Mind Machine is priced very

low for all the amazing results I have already got. It is precious. And I won't return to

you even if you ask for double the price. ;-)

I go to Kung-Fu class thrice weekly. After cycling (6+6 km) one hour to and fro and

Kung-Fu drill I get exhausted and my energy level used to go down. But, nowadays I

feel always energized. My days go wonderfully well with full of energy and electricity.

Thanks to #1 and #6 ...

Thanking you for your wonderful gift,


Vinod Kumar, Bangalore (KA)


Special Note for Executives, Families, Housewives, ...

Stress is Emerging as a Major Problem for Many Successful


As Reported in Sunday Hindustan Times The full page

newspaper article on May 4, 2008 started like this: IT's

getting WORRISOME the flipside of India's IT boom:

depression, divorces, suicides...

NIMHANS Survey Results.

The same news is typed to be readable below:

The country's premier mental health institute, NIMHANS, has conducted the

first study of its kind focusing on the mental health of professionals in the IT and IT-

enabled service sector. The report, published in December 2007, surveyed a sample

of 100 employees working the industry's hub, Bangalore.

19% - The share of the surveyed who felt they were being 'edgy and bad-


36% - Share of the respondents NIMHANS qualified as 'probable psychiatric


Women, who made up 16% of the sample, reported somatic symptoms

like 'not feeling in good health' and 'feeling ill' much more than the men.

Some 28% of the respondents felt being constantly under strain, whereas 22%

felt they were 'unable to enjoy their daily activities'. More than on e in eight employees

lost sleep over worries

'Distress' was reported more by the married industry employees.

13% said they took longer for tasks


The survey suggests that the sociological reasons behind the

observations are to be explored further. It also underlines the need for more

health promotion activities at workplaces.

14% - Share of respondents who felt they were being 'socially dysfunctional' 

Second major problem not covered in NIMHAS survey is that we don't have much time

with the family and for the family because our career takes up too much time and at the end of

the day when we  return home almost after 12 hours being outside, we are too tired, worried,

tense to be happy, jovial, kind and nice to all those we love in our families. If you are

experiencing any stress, it is worth for you / family to work towards reducing it, so that it does

not turn into a big problem.

Super IQ 7 Mind Machine Stress Buster helps you to experience deep relaxation, get good

refreshing sleep, and overcome stress and all the benefits resulting from minimizing stress. Our mind

machine helps train you to learn to relax deeply and overcome stress, but it is not for medical treatment

(which only a doctor can give).

Signs of Stress:

Do you have them?

According to a message in Economic Times from India's Dr Batra of Super

Specialty Homeopathy fame, the signs of stress are:

Physical Mental



Rapid weight

















He further says, "Today's pressures are taking a heavy toll on your mind and

body, leading to never-before problems in domestic and professional lives."

So, it is really worth to reduce and manage stress. For our families and


Special Note on Benefits of Meditation

Changing Brainwaves to Create Meditation-Like State

Mind Machine changes your brain waves just as meditation and offers many of the

benefits of meditation (but without requiring years of training or effort). The data below is from

scientific research on effects of TM (transcendental meditation).

Studies of brainwaves during meditation show that the state of meditation is much

different from the state of sleep or drowsiness. During meditation, activation decreases, but

wakefulness increases; this indicates the state of restful alertness. We call this as state of

BODY ASLEEP / MIND AWAKE. This is exactly the opposite of what happens in drowsiness


and sleep. The brainwaves slow down during meditation towards alpha. As meditation

deepens, the brainwaves slow down more towards theta and even delta. 

The brainwaves slow down during meditation towards alpha. As meditation deepens, the

brainwaves slow down more towards theta and even delta. 

Relax and Meditate Like a Monk in 30 Minutes, Sleep Better

and Reduce Unwanted Stress

Stress-Buster is for you if you want to be able to relax better and get better sleep at night. Or,

want to just meditate. Or, want to use the power of relaxation, meditation and sleep for healing.

Reduces Anxiety

This figure below shows average Anxiety score before learning meditation and after 6

weeks of meditation. In this experiment people recovered from anxiety-causing tasks by doing

meditation (mediators) or by relaxing by closing eyes (non-mediators).

Meditation reduces anxiety [stress]

Improves Psychological Profile

This figure below shows the changes in psychological profile as a result of practicing meditation.

Note that meditation reduces negative aspects and increases positive aspects of the personality.

Meditation improves psychological profile.

Helps Fall Asleep Faster

This figure below shows people with difficulty in falling asleep were able to fall asleep

sooner when they practiced meditation. Meditation helps fall asleep faster


2 Mind Machines (CD-Based and Cassette-Based)

There are two mind machines

1. Super IQ 7 (CD-based)

2. Super IQ 2 (Cassette-based)

Each mind machine is designed to help the not just the students get success in exams, but the

whole family.

For the students, the "Accelerated Learning and Exam Mastery" package is included.

This is to help get success in all exams and competitions. Of many benefits, two most

important are: (1) Learn more in less time with concentration (2) Take exams confidently

without stress or nervousness so you get maximum marks that you deserve from your

hard work and coaching. Plus: includes program(s) for relaxation, meditation, deep sleep,

and healing, which the students can continue to use for many many years after they get

job or start business.

Optional vocabulary package (books + CD/Cassettes) for CAT/GMAT, GRE, SAT


For parents, included program offers benefits of meditation. For relaxation,

meditation, deep sleep, and healing.

Please note these special program CDs or cassettes are special and do not work like ordinary

music CDs and cassettes and work only with the mind machines.

Details of the Mind Machines

Super IQ7 Mind Machine



Super IQ 7 Mind Machine with

CD and Brain Booster Mind


Nicely packed in thermocol

for safe deliveryPacked in a beautiful box


The Super IQ 7 Mind Machine is of use for everyone in the family:

For students, the complete "Accelerated Learning and Exam Mastery" package is

included. This is to help get success in all exams and competitions. Of many benefits,

two most important are: (1) Learn more in less time with concentration (2) Take exams

confidently without stress or nervousness so you get maximum marks that you deserve

from your hard work and coaching. Plus: Stress Buster, the students can continue to use

for many years after they get job or start business.

Optional 33 CDs and 2 books for vocabulary for CAT/GMAT, GRE, SAT exams.

For parents, the complete "Stress Buster" package is included. It offers benefits of

meditation. For relaxation, meditation, deep sleep, and healing.

You get:

Super IQ 7 Mind Machine Electronic Unit with Accessories (including Headphone, 12

Pencil Cells Batteries, Cable and Brain Booster Mind Glasses)

11 CDs:

o Complete "Accelerated Learning and Exam Mastery" package:

Enter the Learning State and Start Studying


Learning State Repeat Program to Start or Continue Studies

Subconscious Programming 3: Exam Mastery to Take Exams

Confidently With Speed and Accuracy and Without Stress or

Nervousness (For Use When Going to Sleep)

Subconscious Programming 1: Entering the Learning State (For Use

When Going to Sleep)

Subconscious Programming 2: Entering the Learning State (For Use

When Going to Sleep)

o Complete "Stress Buster" package:

Stress Buster 1 with Stories

Stress Buster 2: Music and Nature

Stress Buster 3: Music and Nature

Stress Buster 4: Pure Nature

Stress Buster 5: Pure Nature

o Awake and Energize

3 Year limited warranty. Repair/replacement free in 1st month; then repair at

nominal charges

Step-by-Step User Guide

Optional 33 CDs with 2 Books for CAT/GMAT, GRE, SAT

to Memorize 5,871 Words 3 to 7 Times Faster With Effortless

Concentration Easily

Beautifully spiral-bound Vocabulary Books in 2 volumes with all words, meanings,

and memorable usage (the same words as on CDs)

Total of 33 Mind Machine CDs of which 29 are Vocab CDs and 4 are Subconscious

Programming CDs

Total of 5,871 words are covered Super IQ 7 User Guide (pdf) Click Here to Order

Super IQ 7

Super IQ2 Mind Machine


The Super IQ 2 Mind Machine is of use for everyone in the family:

For the students, the complete "Accelerated Learning and Exam Mastery" package is


included. This is to help get success in all exams and competitions. Of many benefits,

two most important are: (1) Learn more in less time with concentration (2) Take exams

confidently without stress or nervousness so you get maximum marks that you deserve

from your hard work and coaching. Plus: Alpha Program, which the students can

continue to use many years after they get job or start business.

Optional 32 Cassettes and 3 books for vocabulary (5873 words)

For parents, the cassette "Alpha Program" is

included. It offers benefits of meditation. For

relaxation, meditations, deep sleep. You get:

Super IQ 2 Mind Machine Player with

Accessories (including Headphone, 10 Pencil

Cells Batteries, Cable)

14 Cassette Package of Accelerated

Learning and Exam Mastery (2 copies each)

o Cassette #1 Enter the Active Learning State

o Cassette #2 and #3  Alpha Plus During-Learning 

o Cassette #4 Alpha-Theta Plus Before-Learning

o Cassette #5 Delta Plus After-Learning

o Exam Mastery

o Alpha Program (Relaxation, Meditation, Deep Sleep)

o Awake and Energize

3 Year limited warranty. Repair/replacement free in 1st month; then repair at

nominal charges.

Step-by-Step User Guide

Optional 32 Cassettes with 3 Books for CAT/GMAT, GRE, SAT

to Memorize 5,871 Words 3 to 7 Times Faster With Effortless

Concentration Easily

Beautifully spiral-bound Vocabulary Books in 3 volumes with all words, meanings,

and memorable usage (the same words as on Cassettes)

Super IQ 2 Mind Machine


Total of 32 Cassettes of which 28 are Vocab Cassettes and 4 are Subconscious

Programming Cassettes

Total of 5,871 words are covered Super IQ 2 User Guide (pdf) Click Here to Order

Super IQ 2

Everyone Doubts It Works Until They Try It

Almost everybody asks: “I have visited your website and I understand how the mind machine

works and how I can benefit and I want to order. But before I order I want to frankly ask you: Does

the mind machine really work?” Everyone has a little doubt. Such thinking and skepticism are

healthy and good in the modern world where it is hard to trust others, specially unknown people on


If you were my friend or friend of my relatives/friends, then I would say, "Simply get it without

hesitation or delay, and you'll thank me because of the benefits you get". “Do you realize that ours

are the only mind machine in the world that has been researched at a university (of Government of

India) by so many Ph D students and after 7 years of research the Dept of Psychology gave a

certificate recommending our mind technologies to students and others.” When my students use it,

they immediately tell: "I was unsure and doubtful, but decided to take a chance. Thank you for the

mind machine because it has really changed me". Here is what a student says...

Dear Sir

... I am using your Mind Machine ... Before ordering it, I didn't

believe it...

My mother who is a teacher had seen your advertisement in many

magazines...She came and said me about it...Even I had come across

your ads a number of times but I never took it to be something

useful...How could one improve his memory by just listening to a


cassette? I thought...

On her insistence I checked out your website... Then being a bit

convinced I along with my mother persuaded my dad to order this...

And now after I have used it for about 3 months I am able to see the

results myself...My reading speed has increased to a appreciable

count... Though I haven't got any comments from anyone but I myself

feel that now I have a better memory than before...

Thank You sir For this wonderful Machine...


Yours Student

-- Auroshis Das

Thousands of Students are Getting Many Benefits of Different


from Our Mind Machine Technology...

"Selected for MBBS ...I am [grateful] to you, my teachers and my

parents and to your mind machine..."

This to inform you that because of your help I was able to be

selected for MBBS first year course as well pass class XII with 83%.

I am [grateful] to you, my teachers and my parents and to your mind

machine. It instilled in me confidence, which I was previously

lacking. Though I was not able to get desired colleges but I would

try to get better college for postgraduate course for that I need

your help... Yours truly. Anand Gupta, MBBS Student

Agra (UP)


"My memory has increased..."

"... Your machine is doing an amazing job. Almost magically, not

only my memory has increased but it incurred [improved] several

other qualities like greater reflex, smoother fluency in English


-- Subhashis Bhadra, Kolkata (WB)

"I got 90% marks in my sessional exam. Earlier it was only

70% ... Now my further plan is to GATE and GRE... I am very

grateful to you. God bless you...”

Respected sir,

... I got 90% marks in my sessional exam. Earlier it was only 70%.

Now a days after coming from college I listen to cassette no. 6 and

feel fresh and ready for my study. In this way I am completing my

portion very fast. My friends say that you are genius and although

you spend less time in study than us you score excellent marks.

Now I feel that I should study and study and study for every time

and achieve everything in life that I want now a days I am also

feeling confident. Cassette no. 2 helps me study without any break

and I also remember everything.

... My heart is giving lakhs of blessings to you.

-- Siddharth U. Dixit, Ghaziabad

"Improved my ability to recall and I do not feel exhausted even

after working for 12 hrs in factory"

Dear sir,

I am using the mind machine since last 15 days; using Enter the

active learning state has improved my ability to recall and I do not


feel exhausted even after working for 12 hrs in factory... it is

giving the results in line with claim made by you.

Many many thanks to you.

-- Ravindra Vinayak Upare

Indore (MP)

"Feeling less tired now a days and also feeling a lot active ...

Become confident enough that I will answer GMAT in mid-

December which I was procrastinating from last year ..."

Hi Raj ji,

I have started using the mind machine from last 4 days and the

effects are tremendous. I am feeling less tired now a days and also

feeling a lot active. Earlier I used to wake up at around 8.30 and

rush to office. But now a days I wake up at 7.30 and I have also

getting a very good sleep. I have also been listening to the first

Vocab cassette and found it very helpful.

I have also become confident enough that I will answer GMAT in mid-

December which I was procrastinating from last year.

Thank you very much for helping me do all this...

Thanks and Regards,

--Aditya (Adityanarayan M Vaidya),

Mapusa, Goa

"learning words and ... permanently retain in memory..."

"I am using your mind machine ... is very helpful in learning words

and ... permanently retain in memory."

-- Bhupinder Singh Chahal, Rohtak (Haryana)

"Now I can understand every subject easily effortlessly


and systematically in very relaxed manner...”

Hi Raj Bapna,

... it's powerful machine and it really changed me.

And now I can understand ... subject easily effortlessly and

systematically in very relaxed manner. and I can recall anything

very easily



Lucknow (UP)

"great for relaxation ..."

I'm a software engineer (Technical lead) in Hyderabad. So basically

I'm a working professional and not a full time student. I leave home

by 8 AM in the morning and back to home by 9-10 PM.


There is constant learning in my profession (as you know being in

this field) and also I'm planning for some part time advanced

courses in management.

Your mind machine is great for relaxation. I have been listening

"Enter learning " for 10 days now and it's really good...

-- Sudheer. K, Software Engineer,

Hyderabad (AP)

"An old customer (now a parent) orders mind machine for

his children..."

Dear Mr. Raj Bapna,

It is nice that you have been in touch with me for a long period

even though I bought your books in 1995 and I received your good


books exactly on 02.03.1995 and again I received the new edition

ordered by me on 09.05.2005.

Your efforts are excellent and I do pray god to give you moral

support, strength and energy for your continuous research efforts.

Your books are really convincing ones and your marketing approach

and excellent intentions had made me finally order for the machine

which will definitely helpful to me in whatever good activity I

engage in and also to my son and daughter. Yes, as parents we do

wish our children to achieve the highest goals.

And your machine will undoubtedly help us achieve and realise

our dreams come true...

Thanking you.

-- K. Ram Prasad

Parent (who himself benefited)

"My body sleeps and relaxes when my mind studies...”

"How nice it is when my body sleeps and relaxes when my mind

studies! Dual Auto Peripheral Suggestions and Brain Wave Tonal

Matrix based vocab system is the first in the whole world ... My

heart [felt] thanks Bapna ji for your crown creation."

-- Prof Ashok Davda, Hypnotherapist,

Thane (MS)

"All limitations were dropped...”

"Thank you from the bottom of my heart for ... the mind machine. I

am using your mind machine for the last one month.

I have got enormous benefits. My learning spirit and state have

changed. Last Saturday while I listened to your cassette #1 and

slept, I felt as if I am flying in the sky. 3 or 4 times I felt as


if I am flying like a bird.

During this experience I was happy and cheerful.... Then, I was

feeling as if I became free from all bondage ... all limitations

were dropped . "

-J. L. Jain, Assistant Commissioner of Sales Tax,

Author of the book "How to Get Super Success"

Hypnotist and Psychologist

"... Change in the state of the mind ... improvements in

learning ... My brother-in-law also liked the whole thing and he

is planning to order."

"The [program] 'Enter the active learning state' is really powerful.

It relaxes me so much like I have never relaxed in the last few

years. The alpha, theta, delta cassettes are also good. I can feel

the change in the state of the mind. I have also noticed

improvements in learning. My brother-in-law also liked the whole

thing and he is planning to order." -- Vivitsu Vashishth,

Greater Noida (UP)

"I never dreamt I would be able to relax so easily and


"I used your mind machine "Super IQ 2" for the first time yesterday.

Let me tell you "IT WAS WONDERFUL!!!" The cassette no.1 about

entering into the learning state was really effective and I never

dreamt I would be able to relax so easily and effectively. I

listened to the cassette #1 during the day and before going to sleep

at night."

-- Arnab Das,

Kolkata (WB)


Surprisingly, Many People who are Not Students Also Use Mind

Machine Because It Really Works

In addition to students, many other people from all walks of life also use our mind machines.

These include Engineers, Doctors, Professors, Scientists, IAS, IPS, Allied Services, State Admin

Service Officers, MBAs, CAs, Business Owners, other professionals, and even Members of

Parliament and housewives.

4 Famous Customers of Our Mind Machines in the Past 13 Years

Our mind machines are first and foremost designed to be greatly beneficial for students and as

a result, a huge number of students use our mind machines.

We have many customers who are not students and here are 4 of our famous customers:

Department of Psychology, M L S University, Udaipur. Since 1998, Dr Vijaya

Laxmi Chauhan, Ph.D, head of the department, has been guiding Ph.D students in use of

our mind machines for various research topics. A certificate from her is given below on this


Bhagwan Sri Sri Sri Dr. Devang Dattani, Ph.D Scientist (Artificial Intelligence),

Business Entrepreneur who also takes Spiritual retreats / programs on all sects / religions.

Many people all around the world have formed organization around him though he is not in

favor of it. He has studied in topmost universities of USA. You can read his complete letter

along with link to more information about him.

Padma Vibhushan Sri D R Mehta, IAS, former chief of SEBI (Securities Exchange

Board of India) where he instituted many progressive changes including computerized demat

trading. He is the founder and chief patron of Bhagwan Mahavir Vikalang Sahayata Samiti,

Jaipur, responsible for the success of Jaipur Foot. To fully understand the big magnitude of

the achievement of Jaipur Foot, please read the book "Fortune At the Bottom of the

Pyramid: Eradicating Poverty Through Profits by C K Prahalad", published by Wharton

School Publishing, USA. To understand how Jaipur Foot helps the poorest of the poor,

please visit www.JaipurFoot.org (they have helped over 9,60,000 disabled persons in 32


years). Sri Mehta also guides Prakrit Bharati Academy, Jaipur.

Members of Parliament. In 1996, Mr Rajendra Sharma, Secretary, Bharatiya Janta

Party in Parliament purchased our mind machine for the benefit of the party's MPs who

were 116 in Rajya Sabha and 46 in Lok Sabha at that time.

7-Day 85% Money Back Guarantee

on Stamp Paper

7-Day 85% Money Back Guarantee On Stamp Paper Because the

Mind Machine Really Works and You can "Feel the Results" Within

the First 15 Minutes of Use

You can order the Mind Machine confidently and risk-free even if you are simply curious. Use it

safely for 7 days and if for any reason you are not fully 100% satisfied, simply post the complete

package in original or good packing by Speed Post on the 7th day, and on receiving the parcel (it may

take more than 7 days and that is ok), we will send you a prompt and courteous refund DD (or At Par

Cheque) of 85% of purchase price by Speed Post. No questions asked. What could be more fair?

Why only 85% money back and not 100%

I want to spend my time and energy with only those who are really serious about their success

and willing to take small risk (you take only 15% risk; remember I take 85% risk to prove that you


Note: You can print this if needed. This guarantee is valid for payments in Indian Rupees for delivery within India only. Due to

Indian laws, no guarantee for foreign currency or foreign delivery. This stamp paper was prepared by Raj Bapna of Mind

Machine Lab, Udaipur to offer iron-clad, no-questions asked money back guarantee as above.


Ensure You Benefit


from Me

I want to make sure that you get the best benefits from mind machine and so I have created a

special Yahoo Group (it is for members only and I'll give you the link after you order the mind

machine). You along with others who purchase mind machines now will become members and all

can ask questions that other members as well as I can answer.

This personal access to me can be priceless. But if you want to put value on it ... you should

know that a few years back when I taught a 2-day workshop for the owners of MBA colleges and

Engineering colleges, each whom paid Rs 19,000. Why did they pay me so much? Because what

they got in return was much more (I also offered money back at the end of first day, but nobody

asked for it).

You and Only You Know

what your decision today will mean for your success

How much will it cost if you fail?

Face the shame / humiliation of failure, lose of self-respect in your own eyes

Tens of thousands or lakhs of rupees to spend for the extra year.

Lose one year to repeat and be left behind friends / classmates.

Miss out on salary and promotion for one year, which could be easily worth tens of

lakhs of rupees for the last year of your job / business.


You and Only You Know

You and only you know fully what you and your parents/family will gain if you get success and

only you know what you and your parents/family will lose if you don't get success. When you get the

mind machine and use it, expect to be surprised and delighted with the results on the first day itself.

So, it is up to only you to decide now to order today because the sooner you get it, the sooner you

benefit. Do not delay. Do not wait.

“I Lost a Big Chance. But You...”

I am asking you not to delay because I myself made this deadly mistake once. For my IIT

entrance, I wanted to order the best postal course to get success. The cost was only Rs 350 and

just like many students, I could pay the money. But I was not sure if the course would really give me

success. After waiting for 3 months, I ordered it. The course was very good and it helped me to get

rank 1102. But I did not get admission to Electronics Engineering in IIT and I joined BITS, Pilani.

I lost a big chance because I waited and did not order immediately. You should not lose any

chance to achieve your dream success just by delaying to order. Order today without delay because

time and opportunities wait for no one.

Think about this for a moment before you continue to read and order.


Click Below for

Discount Offers and

How to Order


Super IQ 7 (CD-Based) Mind Machine

(With Brain Booster Mind Glasses;

Requires your own CD player;

Prices Rs 7950 and above)

Super IQ 2 (Cassette-Based) Mind Machine

(Has its own player;

Prices Rs 4700 and above)