Minarets English 10 and 11 for 2010-2011

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Minarets English 10 and 11 for 2010-2011

To educate means. . .

mid-15c., from L. educatus, pp. of educare "bring

up, rear, educate," which is related to educere "bring

out," from ex- "out" + ducere "to lead" (see duke).

Meaning "provide schooling" is first attested 1588 in


“This is going to be on the test…”

English/Communications is. . .

Developing a format/etiquette for class discussions/debates/presentations/bathroom behavior

Immersion journalism/nonfiction projects (native plants field guide, bike shop, trail building, elders documentary)

writing effectively or more effectively

on the pulse of current events (cross-referencing news sources)

Everythingfrom classics to comics (language artistry, cultural studies, how archetypes/themes play out in real life)

any or all subjects a student is drawn towards.

A creative outlet: poetry, fiction, story, essay composition, blogging, networking, texting, gossiping.

The “Bass Guitar” of all other subjects

Early American Fiddle Tunes

O Brother Where Art Thou?

Follows plotline of Homer’s Odyssey

Music of The Princess and the Frog


Web Sources


Short Stories

Current Events Articles



Music Videos

CD’s, Photos



Guest Performers

Clips and Feature length Movies




Writing: articles, interviews, essays (compare/contrast,

persuasive, personal narrative, expository, technical)

explore and analyze lyrics for literary elements

Performance: music, oral presentation, etc.

Class projects where creative work/information is compiled onto a web “special edition,” evening

performance or bound book.(ORIGINS)